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2008-05-09 7:56 AM
in reply to: #1356403

Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!
Okay the weather for my race includes rain showers. Question I have not been on my bike in the rain. Is there anything I should know. Is it harder to ride or slippery.What can I expect ?
any feed back would be great. Thanks Tania

2008-05-09 10:55 AM
in reply to: #1356403

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!
awww... that's a bummer. Hopefully the rain will hold off for you and you won't have to contend with wet roads...

Wet roads can get a little slippery. The main thing you want to be concerned about with riding wet roads is cornering and stopping. You want to try to avoid applying your brakes while you're turning -- so, anticipate the turn, slow down as you approach it, then lay off the brakes as you're actually going around the turn. Give yourself a little extra time/distance to slow down when come to the end of the bike leg and approach the bike dismount. The only other thing you might want to watch out for is paint lines... sometimes the paint lines can be a little slipperier than the road surface itself, so keep an eye out for that.

Good luck, crossing my fingers for good weather for you!!!
2008-05-09 6:44 PM
in reply to: #1356403

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!
GO TANIA!!! Good luck in your duathlon tomorrow, girl! Knock 'em dead! I'm doing the anti-rain dance here in PA... is it working??

Edited by jsnowash 2008-05-09 6:44 PM
2008-05-09 8:15 PM
in reply to: #1393401

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!
I second that -- GO TANIA !!  Have a blast!
2008-05-10 5:39 PM
in reply to: #1356403

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!
Tania, How did your race go???
2008-05-10 7:23 PM
in reply to: #1356403

New user
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!

Well, after doing a 30 mile bike ride today (already done a 2200m swim and 12 mile run), I'm thinking I should start out doing a half ironman instead of the olympic distance. I've still got 20 weeks till the race so plenty of time I think.


2008-05-10 7:35 PM
in reply to: #1356403

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!
I'd say if you can cover those distance comfortably now, you could easily manage an HIM in 20 weeks! Is there an HIM distance race you have in mind? I do think you might want to consider a different bike (you have a hybrid, if I remember correctly?) if you're going to do an HIM.

I have to say that I have really enjoyed my HIM training. I can't believe it's going to be time to taper soon!

I say GO FOR IT!!
2008-05-10 7:55 PM
in reply to: #1356403

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Glendale, California
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!
Wow women, I'm blown away by the 5 new pages of achievements since I last looked at the forum. Reading all of the posts made me laugh in recognition and inspired me.

This week I completely ignored my training plan . . . didn't even look at it . . . a first since I started in March. Focused on getting swimming strength rebuilt at the beginning of the week, one evening bike ride, and one longer run today. Lots of work sandwiched in between.

3 weeks to go to my first sprint of the season. From Jenny's post on Black Bear, sounds like I should do a pass through maybe next weekend to acquaint myself with those lovely hills. In the past when I've raced in areas that I've actually trained at, it's really increased my confidence. At a minimum, do a drive through, with mental notes on where the landmarks are.

Despite battling allergies, overall feeling upbeat from all the enery in this group! I'm traveling 2 days next week (Wash DC and CT), so haven't decided my goals for the week yet. Guess I'll start by opening my training plan
2008-05-10 8:05 PM
in reply to: #1356403

New user
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!
The HIM would be for the same race that I was going to do for the Olympic -- they have both distances. The Las Vegas Triathlon on Sept 28. I'm hoping I can find someone's road bike or tri bike that I can borrow for the race and some of the training -- I'll just have to suffer through some of the training on my hybrid. Did pretty well on it today though, almost a 16 mph for 30 miles. I don't think I can convince my husband that I need to spend all that money on a bike.
2008-05-11 5:16 AM
in reply to: #1356403

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!
If you think at all that you might want to stick with triathlons, or even if you think you'd like to have a decent bike for road riding, I think you should try to talk him into it! It also depends on what your race goals are... do you just want to finish, or do you want to be competetive? If you just want to finish, ride what you've got. I'm sure you'll do fine. If you want to be competetive (now or sometime down the road), you'll eventually need a different bike. It really is best to train on the same bike you'll race on as much as possible. You might do okay borrowing a bike for your race, but since it will fit you differently than your hybrid, you'll use your muscles a little differently, etc. It might be fine, but it might cause you some unexpected muscle strain on race day....

You can often find good deals on decent used road bikes on CraigsList, Ebay, etc. (you just have to watch out for scammers, unfortunately!) You might even still be able to find some good deals out there on new 2007 bikes that dealers are trying to get rid of. Most bike manufacturers have an entry level road bike that will be < $1000. I know Trek & Specialized have women's specific road bike frames.

Check out this thread for details on a phenomenal sale Javelin is having on their bikes:

I think I read in this thread that the road bikes are all gone, but I think they may still have some tri bikes. If a tri bike is what you want, it's hard to beat those prices!

Something to think about, anyway.....
2008-05-11 11:34 AM
in reply to: #1356403

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!

Hello and Happy Mother's Day to all the moms. I just read this story and wanted to link it here. Thought it was a great way to view our sport or any for that matter:

Looks like you may have to cut and paste.

Race reports from yesterday anyone?? 

2008-05-11 2:32 PM
in reply to: #1394627

New user
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!
My first goal is to finish but I also would like to be competitive -- but if I must do it in my hybrid, I'm prepared for a not super fast time. I don't think I can convince my husband to let me buy a bike this year because we're spending 2 weeks in Europe this summer and that is going to deplete our funds pretty well. Maybe next year it would be an option, but it's not a huge priority right now.
2008-05-11 5:37 PM
in reply to: #1356403

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Glendale, California
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!
I went through the same discussion with my husband the second year I tried a triathlon. At that point I was only doing one event/year and barely ever riding outdoors. We comprised and I bought a terrific carbon bike (regular road) used on eBay. It was an investment, but still compared to $2400 new, it felt like a steal at $900. Now I do 3 events/year and live where it's easy to go out my front door and ride.
2008-05-11 7:39 PM
in reply to: #1356403

Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!
Happy Mother's Day all you moms. Off week for me here. Energy was slipping away and I was starting to fill those empty training logs with discouraging thoughts. Turns out, it was strept throat to blame. So, hope to be training again in a day or two. Stay well out there!
2008-05-12 5:33 AM
in reply to: #1356403

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!
Happy Monday, group! I hope you all had a great weekend, and that all of the Mommies in our group had an enjoyable Mother's Day!

Lynn - thanks for the article, a good reminder of why we "race".

Erin - hey, if a new bike is not in the cards for you this year, so be it... Ride what you've got and enjoy yourself! If you think your hybrid is likely what you'll be using in competitions this year, I would suggest you work up to some longer rides and make sure it's a) comfortable for you for longer distances and b) your legs are not too sapped to run afterward. Then you can decide if you want to do the HIM distance race or not. I have no doubt you could do it. My only reservation for you is the long bike leg on a hybrid. But if you get some long training rides in and it's not a problem for you - then absolutely go for it!

Arden - Sorry to hear you have strep throat!! But glad you know what it is now so you can get to feeling better! Take care of yourself, make sure you're really well before you jump back into training too hard!


So, how did we all do with our goals last week? I did well on my workout goals.... My junk food goal --- well, not so much.... I wasn't too bad, but I did fall of the junk food wagon once or twice during the week. For some reason, I always have the hardest time staying away from junk food on my rest days! Go figure!

This is my last big volume week leading up to my HIM, then I'll begin my taper. I'll have some pretty heavy volume, and will also be trying to increase my speed work to build some speed for my race. So, my goals for this week are:

Swim - 6,000 - 7,000 yards; 1 - 2 speedwork sessions
Bike - 125 - 130 miles; 1 speedwork session
Run - 20 - 24 miles; 1 interval run, 1 tempo run, 1 LSD run

If the weather cooperates, I hope to ride the Black Bear bike course again this week with a friend who is also doing the race.

Have a great week, everyone!
2008-05-12 5:51 AM
in reply to: #1356403

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Middle Tennessee
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!

I rode a nice organized ride this weekend.  A 64 mile hilly (hense the name "Big Hill Challenge" ) supported tour.  This ride was the first organized ride I did when I started riding last year.  I did the 10 mile family loop then and was pretty much hooked!

This ride was the longest so far this year.  The hills sapped a little out of me, my average MPH was only 12.4, but was great for endurance training.

My goals for the coming week:
Monday - ride 20 plus mile if the weather allows, spin class and a 3 mile run on the track if not.
Tuesday - Step class plus 1500 yds swimming
Wednesday - rest day
Thursday - ride 20 plus miles and a 3 mile run through the park if the weather allows, 6 mile run on the track if not.
Friday - 3 mile run plus 1500 yds swimming
Saturday - long ride
Sunday - long ride 

Edited by pole_dancer 2008-05-12 11:22 AM

2008-05-12 9:27 AM
in reply to: #1356403

New user
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!
Here's my workout plan for the week, which is my goal in addition to avoiding snacking (did a decent job last week).
Monday: Off
Tuesday: Swim 45 min, Run 4 mi
Wednesday: Bike 60 min
Thursday: Run: 5 mi Fartlek (starting on the speedwork!)
Friday: Swim: 45 min
Saturday: Long Bike: 120 mins
Sunday:  Long Run: 10 mi? (maybe more, we'll see)
2008-05-12 11:19 AM
in reply to: #1356403

Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!
Jenny,I think your anti rain dance worked! Rain held off untill I was done with second run. Thanks everyone for the encouragment. I just got back from my long weekend from race and spending time with my mother. I report race details later, gotta pick up kiddo
2008-05-12 11:20 AM
in reply to: #1356403

Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!
Jenny,I think your anti rain dance worked! Rain held off untill I was done with second run. Thanks everyone for the encouragment. I just got back from my long weekend from race and spending time with my mother. I"ll report race details later, gotta pick up kiddo
2008-05-12 3:41 PM
in reply to: #1356403

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Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!
Hi all. I did accomplish my goal last week of getting in the open water. In fact, I did 3 times! Each time it improved 100%. Saturday the water was 57 though and we didn't stay in too long but mentally it was good to get in and deal with it! I have my first sprint tri this sunday and I am feeling prepared.

Goal for this week:

1 OWS, ride the mount gretna course.

Can anyone give me suggestions on how much to do this week??? I had been following a program from but I found it to be to easy and really haven't been following so I don't really know what to do this week. One thing I do know is that i am starting to get a shin splint on the left and don't really think I should run much at all this week. Today I did a 45 minute spin class and ran for 20 mins. Tomorrow is OWS day. I may even get a swim in tonight. I was thinking I may try some yoga this week because I am pretty tight.

2008-05-12 3:47 PM
in reply to: #1356403

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Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!
OK, well here are my goals for the week (i cannot comment on last week, b/c i didn't make any goals..oops)..
Monday: run 20-30min, lift
Tuesday: bike ~25mi, lift
Wednesday: bike (or run), depending on weather
Thursday-Monday: going to Mexico (woohoo) for vacation, so no more goals for the week.
However, I do plan on swimming in the ocean (as much as possible), so I will definately try to work on distance swimming and sighting (i have a hard time running in a straight line, so it might be even more interesting in the water).

2008-05-12 4:17 PM
in reply to: #1397463

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!

I think I met my goals for last week. :-0) This week -- My weeks start on Sunday -- so yesterday did an easy bike ride -- 17 miles. done

Monday -- already did my run 45 minutes 4.4 miles-- some strength/core work

Tuesday - Swim 45 minutes     

Wed - strength/core and run 45-60 minutes

Thursday - bike/run brick

Fri -- yoga, then choice -- swim maybe bike too

Sat. run long run. increasing by 10% each week

Eat my protein everyday and hydrate/hydrate. Do foam roller every night and stretch. 

I think this is a decrease week for me. On a plan where I increase by about 10% for a couple weeks then back off for one, then ramp up again.


2008-05-12 7:16 PM
in reply to: #1356403

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Glendale, California
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!
Weekly Goals:
Monday: day off
Tuesday: run/swim brick, hopefully get swim up to 2000 yd
Wednesday: travel to DC and back in one piece
Thursday: travel to CT and meet my boss's boss's boss -- my mantra will be "I love doing triathlons, so I don't scare easy".
Friday: wow, I'm glad Jenny made us write down some goals, my local bike club has a Friday evening paces ride (that I completely forgot about) -- so as long as I hustle out of my all day meeting, change clothes at the Burger King, and unrack my bike before 6pm, I'm there!
2008-05-12 9:46 PM
in reply to: #1356403

Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!
Hello all my race went pretty good. I did pretty average. I was 65 out of 153 females. I pretty much suck at the bike leg but I can't expect much. I have only been outside on my bike about 8 rides and 2 were at the 2 duatholns. I just got my road bike and don't really know how to use my gears . I haven't really rode bike other then when I was a kid. So I don't really expect much. I can avg on a flat surface 17-18mph but with hills it really cut my average down. I can't get over the hills! ! I am passed by everyone around and I wish I could get off and run it up the hills, not kidding I am so slow over the hills. I could almost tip over. The good part is I have lots of room for improvement. The du was 5 k run ,bike 12, 5 k run . My first run pace was 7:40 trans 1:16, bike no laughing 51:43 15.7mph trans 1:30 2nd run 7:30 pace. I am pretty happy even with my crappy bike time for it was minnesota hilly and I"ll take whatever time I can get. I really just want to do this race to learn what it feels like to do one sport after another and learn what works and what doesn't and how to get through my trans quickly. My tri is not untill July and when I add the swim, well that will be a whole new issue( I am not a swimmer). So I walk away happy with what I have done for that race and look forward to the next.

My goals for this week start to taper 2 week till marathon day
Mon bike 10
Tues swim 35-40 min run 4
Wed run 5
Thurs swim 30 run 4
fri bike 6 run 4
sat off
sun run 10

I will really try to eat healthy and get to bed early this week.
2008-05-13 4:34 AM
in reply to: #1356403

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Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!

Hey gang! Finally made it back to the thread. Have a lot of catching up to do. Work and illness kicked me last week. Goal this week? Stay healthy!

Hey, any of ya'll doing yoga? Do you like it? Why? And what part of tri do you think it improves the most?


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