BT Development Mentor Program Archives » bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays! Rss Feed  
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2009-01-13 9:18 AM
in reply to: #1903616

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Woodridge, IL
Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!


That is amazing, great job!!


mdickson68 - 2009-01-12 9:35 PM

Hal Higdon has gotten loads of people through their first 1/2M and first M.  The plans work.  They won't make you super quick, but presumably that's not the point on your first ones.

One quick addendum to the 10% rule (which I endorse -- every time I violate it significantly I'm sorry... Embarassed):  You can increase your long run by up to 20%, so long as your TOTAL distance for the week is increased no more than 10%.  And don't increase every week.  Let the new distance 'settle in' sometimes.

OK, now I have to say this:  I swam 2000m straight today!  Yeeha!  This makes me extremely excited, and not nearly so nervous about my 1/2IM next May.  Previous longest distance swum as 1200yd, so that was quite a jump for me.  (I'm still nervous about the IM in August, but one thing at a time...)

2009-01-13 9:25 AM
in reply to: #1857160

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Woodridge, IL
Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!

Question Time!

6 x 400 5-K pace
Does that mean 400 meters six times at my 5 K pace?  Do I rest in-between?  Run/Swim workouts still confuse me... Frown
2009-01-13 10:04 AM
in reply to: #1904237

Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!
Yup, I get confused with the whole lingo re: swim and run workouts, too.

6 means repeat it 6 times.
400 is the distance.
5k pace means the speed which will be different for each person(and each fitness level).

I struggled with this lingo for quite a while, but now I find myself thinking this it WILL come...starts to make sense after a time, as with all things, I find.
Good job!
You really are an early bird...I am usually on my way to sleep when your postings come through
2009-01-13 10:06 AM
in reply to: #1857160

Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!
Hey Micheal...
2000 continuous...EXCELLENT!!
Well done
How are the arms this morning??
2009-01-13 10:12 AM
in reply to: #1857160

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Woodridge, IL
Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!

Note: This is not to brag, just to complain. 

I would like to say I am very sore from lunges yesterday.   Lunges are evil and must be stopped!

2009-01-13 10:44 AM
in reply to: #1857160

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Woodridge, IL
Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!

Found this on BT, from a past chat... I am an avid Hillary Biscay fan and she started as a swimmer.  So, I think this will give all of us 'weaker' swimmers some perspective:

[Birkierunner] For a marathoner turned Ironman with a crappy 1:12 swim split (3x week training), what weekly frequency and weekly yardage would you recommend to someone with a 60 minute goal?

[ Hillary Biscay ] I am a swimmer and I CANNOT maintain my swim level on 3x per week. So I think to try to progress on 3x per wk is hard. I would aim for 4x/wk, and 5 is better. If you were my athlete, I would have you doing at least 4 swims with weekly total yardage of at least 14000.

The yardage isn't what is important here, but that she comes from a strong swim background and still has to train at swimming more than 3x per week.

2009-01-13 12:08 PM
in reply to: #1857160

Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!
Hey Samantha
Sorry about the legs...these are the days to have the oil-can by the bed in the morning. I feel like the tinman in Wizard of Oz some days...but hey, triathlon is so worth it all!
Train like someone slow is chasing you -- have fun!
2009-01-13 2:15 PM
in reply to: #1857160

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West Grove, PA
Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!
They say in professional sports there is the "sophomore jinx" in which rookies that have great 1st seasons usually don't perform up to the same level in year 2. I'm having a similar issue with starting to train for my 2nd triathlon season.

Last year, I think I was driven mostly by fear... Train super hard so I don't, a) drown in the swim portion, or b) have a major coronary at some other time during the race. I was religious about training.

This year, I'm feeling a bit of the "blahs" and having a hard time getting into the same type of training regimin/rhythm as last year.

I'm still getting to the gym (6 hours of cardio last week), but I'm very easily swayed by some of my workout partners to play racquetball or lift weights rather than get into the pool or hit the track.

Have any of you folks experienced this? I know one of my problems is I don't have a specific training plan that I am following; it's just swim, bike or run as the mood hits me. Any suggestions?
2009-01-13 2:28 PM
in reply to: #1905025

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Woodridge, IL
Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!

Well, for whatever my newbie 2 cents are worth, I think as long as you are moving, active, working on cardio in some format and being healthy, you're OK.  If you had said "I feel like a lazy butt and I sit on my couch weating potato chips and cookies all day", then I'd be worried.

I would wager to guess that maybe you have the winter blah and that when your events get closer, you'll get back on track.

Maybe you could join a tem or get a coach though, if  you are worried about it affecting your season performance.  We definitely don't want you drowning or having a heart attack!!

2009-01-13 3:55 PM
in reply to: #1857160

Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!
Hey Bill
I agree with Samantha re the winter blah's. But...I have to say, that as I watched to bike trainer miles go down, and the lb's go up all during December(even with shovelling tons of snow)...I got that frustration, too...YES.

This is year 2 for me as well, but I am still definitely a newbie overall.

For me( and it was only a solution that worked for me)...the trick was to pick a very small daily goal and a finite period of time. I looked at the number of days left till the race, and told myself that since we were 224 days out, I would do the bike trainer on super easy for 30 min a day and the rowing machine for 10 minutes a day for the next 24 days and then reevaluate. All super easy in hr zone 1 with distractions(in my case, movies that no one else in the family likes). I find after only a few days of this, it is getting easier and I look forward to watching 30 minutes of that movie I enjoy so much. I can face 30 min even if I am between 12 hour night shifts. I am off my duff and into the training rather than spending all day trying to tell myself that I needed to go and train. Now, even when the mandatory 30/10 min workouts are done, I am motivated to fit in other ones, so I have gotten back to the pool and to spin class. Still, going with friends is vital, too!...

From this newbie's perspective... it might be totally different next year, but for this day and this month and this year...this has worked. Looking at the plan was just too overwhelming initially...but now I can look at it and be the body could not tolerate 35 min in the pool...but 30 is way better than none

Hang in is just a temporary glitch in the transmission if you WILL find your way back to the pool/bike/trail ! We'll make sure of it

2009-01-13 4:15 PM
in reply to: #1857160

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Woodridge, IL
Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!
You know what does not help in getting me motivated to hit the pool for laps and drills tonight?  Freezing winds and a blizzard warning, lol!

Edited by SKDickey 2009-01-13 4:15 PM

2009-01-13 4:54 PM
in reply to: #1857160

Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!
I absolutely hear you and the postchristmas cleanup and bills sure don't help.
Ah, but we struggle through and help each other...
Hang in there!
2009-01-13 5:56 PM
in reply to: #1905025

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Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!
billsorg - 2009-01-13 12:15 PM

They say in professional sports there is the "sophomore jinx" in which rookies that have great 1st seasons usually don't perform up to the same level in year 2. I'm having a similar issue with starting to train for my 2nd triathlon season.

It's ONLY January.... Relax.. have fun! It's the off season, as long as you are at least staying moving, anything is helpful.

If you are still planning on doing your first sprint in May, you don't have to get serious for another month or so.

2009-01-13 10:42 PM
in reply to: #1857160

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Woodridge, IL
Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!

I bought a "fit ball" today!  Most of you may know it as a Bender Ball, Michael was wondering what it was so I figured I'd share here.  It's about a 9 inch ball, you use it for core work, I tuck it behind the small of my back.  It engages your core totally, feels completely different than just crunches.

The fit ball I bought on Amazon is what they have in the gym and it cost a mere $4.50.  If you have them at your gym, definitely try one out.  I was pleasantly surprised, it's totally bananas!

2009-01-13 10:57 PM
in reply to: #1904237

Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!
SKDickey - 2009-01-13 10:25 AM

Question Time!

6 x 400 5-K pace
Does that mean 400 meters six times at my 5 K pace?  Do I rest in-between?  Run/Swim workouts still confuse me... Frown

This was already answered (yes, rest between!).  It's important that you really do these at your 5K pace.  Lots of people are tempted to run them all out.  I hear this all the time -- "I can do them faster than my 5K pace, so isn't that better?".  No, it isn't.  Of COURSE you can do them faster than your 5K pace!  It's 400m, not 5K.

Anyway, I'm not accusing you of doing this, of course, but it is a very common mistake made by over-zealous new (and many experienced) runners.  Second-guessing the author of the plan is generally a bad idea, unless you know as much as he or she does.

Oh, and "5K pace" means race pace -- the fastest you can run 5K, not how fast you run it while training.  If you don't know what that is, it wouldn't be a bad idea to do a time trial (or better yet, a real race) to find out.

Thanks for the info about the bender ball.  I hadn't heard of that before, though I've seen similar items (bit of foam, etc.) used for the same purpose.


2009-01-13 11:02 PM
in reply to: #1905025

Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!

billsorg - 2009-01-13 3:15 PM They say in professional sports there is the "sophomore jinx" in which rookies that have great 1st seasons usually don't perform up to the same level in year 2. I'm having a similar issue with starting to train for my 2nd triathlon season. Last year, I think I was driven mostly by fear... Train super hard so I don't, a) drown in the swim portion, or b) have a major coronary at some other time during the race. I was religious about training. This year, I'm feeling a bit of the "blahs" and having a hard time getting into the same type of training regimin/rhythm as last year. I'm still getting to the gym (6 hours of cardio last week), but I'm very easily swayed by some of my workout partners to play racquetball or lift weights rather than get into the pool or hit the track. Have any of you folks experienced this? I know one of my problems is I don't have a specific training plan that I am following; it's just swim, bike or run as the mood hits me. Any suggestions?

This used to happen to me a lot when I was a pure runner.  I loved running, but I would often bag it and play soccer or ultimate instead.  It took very little to convince me to do that...  My solution was pretty much imposed on me -- I had several knee surgeries a few years ago and now I can't cut or stop quickly, so soccer and ultimate and most of the other temptations are now off limits.

But swimming -- yeah, I do that out of fear.Smile

ETA:  Oh, but I don't recommend knee surgeries to keep you from those temptations.  And as others said, right now, what does it matter?  Until you have a goal race and a plan, why not just do stuff, whatever comes to mind?  Call it 'cross training' if it makes you feel better!

Edited by mdickson68 2009-01-13 11:03 PM

2009-01-14 8:38 AM
in reply to: #1905025

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Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!

billsorg - 2009-01-13 2:15 PM They say in professional sports there is the "sophomore jinx" in which rookies that have great 1st seasons usually don't perform up to the same level in year 2. I'm having a similar issue with starting to train for my 2nd triathlon season. Last year, I think I was driven mostly by fear... Train super hard so I don't, a) drown in the swim portion, or b) have a major coronary at some other time during the race. I was religious about training. This year, I'm feeling a bit of the "blahs" and having a hard time getting into the same type of training regimin/rhythm as last year. I'm still getting to the gym (6 hours of cardio last week), but I'm very easily swayed by some of my workout partners to play racquetball or lift weights rather than get into the pool or hit the track. Have any of you folks experienced this? I know one of my problems is I don't have a specific training plan that I am following; it's just swim, bike or run as the mood hits me. Any suggestions?

Yeah i basically started tri training in April of 07 and did my first half ironman in September of 07.  Right after that one i signed up for IMCali which was in March of 08 so i didn't have any off time there.  After IMCali i had IMKansas in June....So no time for resting in between.  Finished up with Redman 70.3 in september. Went straight into marathon training until November.....So from november till a few weeks ago i was totally burned out. I was so sick of 5:30am pool swims that i totally stopped swimming.  I have only swam a few times since then.  So i totally know what the burnout/winter blahs/unmotivation blues are.  

What i did to get over them was find something new to focus on until IM training starts. Thats why i signed up for an adventure race.  Something new with different types of training.  I am starting to run with a 15 pound pack to get ready for it.  Sunday i'm going to ride mountain bikes and trail run for 3 hours.  I've been lifting weights and working more on my core.  It's just a nice change before the hours and hours of road riding etc.

2009-01-14 8:39 AM
in reply to: #1857160

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West Grove, PA
Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!
Thanks everyone for the pep talk! It was just what I needed. I braved the 0 degree windchill at 5:30 this morning, got over to the Y and had a great swim workout... 54 laps - 1,350 yards, no breaks. I think sometimes it just takes a real strong workout to get you out of a funk.

Much better spirits, but after lifting weights yesterday for the first time in who-knows-how-long, I'm SOOOOOORE today. Lunges and lifting... BOTH EVIL!

I'm thinking of signing up for a spin class at the Y a couple days a week. I've never done one before... Any thoughts?
2009-01-14 8:44 AM
in reply to: #1906624

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West Grove, PA
Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!
Wow, John... so your first triathlon was a 1/2 IM on only 4 months training and then a full IM a couple months later?!?! I'm in awe!
2009-01-14 9:30 AM
in reply to: #1906629

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Woodridge, IL
Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!

billsorg - 2009-01-14 8:39 AM Thanks everyone for the pep talk! It was just what I needed. I braved the 0 degree windchill at 5:30 this morning, got over to the Y and had a great swim workout... 54 laps - 1,350 yards, no breaks. I think sometimes it just takes a real strong workout to get you out of a funk. Much better spirits, but after lifting weights yesterday for the first time in who-knows-how-long, I'm SOOOOOORE today. Lunges and lifting... BOTH EVIL! I'm thinking of signing up for a spin class at the Y a couple days a week. I've never done one before... Any thoughts?

Bill - Nice to have a fellow member of the lunges are evil club :-)

SPIN CLASSES!!  I love them.  L O V E.  They are complete torture for some people, for me they are totally therapeutic.  Everyone has a different opinion, it's kind of like Bikram Yoga in that respect.  Anyway, basically you're on a spin bike in a class, facing the instructor.  The instructor leads you through a course they have designed and it's usually always different.  My instructors have music with tempos that indicate about where your cadence should be.  Y ou control your own tension but the insturctor tells you to increase/decrease based on the "course".  Sometimes you are in the saddle, sometimes youstand up to mash away at the pedals.  You can work as easy or hard as you'd like. 

I took my friend to one for the first time last Saturday and she liked it but wasn't sore the next day (after being pretty much sedentary).  I told her that it was bc she didn't work hard enough. Laughing  While you don't necessarily have to be sore the next day (though if you're not bike ready you may get butt bruising, haha), you want to push yourself as much as you're comfortable to get the benfits of the class.

What are the benefits?  Glad you asked!  You can burn between 400 - 600 calories per hour.  For me, the class is like what I mimagine crack would be like - I do the class and I have energy for HOURS.  It can be fun and brutal at the same time (a friend of mine is an instructor and a girl threw up in his class last week). 

All in all, I highly recommend it!  LMK what you think afterwards!


2009-01-14 10:30 AM
in reply to: #1857160

Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!
Good job Bill...**
It was just a little glitch...transmission is running better now? Excellent and downs inevitable. Oh, most Half Ironman programs are 12 or 20 weeks in length from start of training to race if you count backwards, you know when your transmission HAS to be in gear Before looks like a pretty major cardio!

Random comment: re spin classes...if you train for long distance, it is important to watch the heart rate during class as it is really easy drive up to your max . I have heard alot of talk about spin classes being counter-productive to Ironman training, with people saying that those miles should be done on the road(in the snow?).I beg to differ!! My legs were super strong after doing back to back spin classes 1 or 2 times per week last year (as well as road miles)and since I really enjoy them , they keep me motivated. It depends on the instructor, too. I think spins are GREAT, and I modify to suit my needs(ie do one leg vs cranking at 80% which is SO hard on the knees). I'm with Samantha

Random: bender balls---awesome workout! Great price, too...wooohoo...

Happy training everyone...

Edited by arny 2009-01-14 10:37 AM

2009-01-14 10:55 AM
in reply to: #1857160

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Woodridge, IL
Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!

Winter spinning is good, I think.  I had asked Mike Ricci, the guy that owns D3 training, and he said a spin was acceptable in the winter as it's too dangerous to ride your real bike around these parts in the cold and ice!  There are probably people out there with conflicting opinions though.

2009-01-14 10:55 AM
in reply to: #1857160

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Woodridge, IL
Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!

Double posted accidentally

Edited by SKDickey 2009-01-14 10:56 AM
2009-01-14 11:26 AM
in reply to: #1907022

Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!
I totally agree with danger vs benefit...which is why I get to as many spins as I can...I see only benefits!

Edited by arny 2009-01-14 11:26 AM
2009-01-14 12:47 PM
in reply to: #1907086

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Woodridge, IL
Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!

arny - 2009-01-14 11:26 AM I totally agree with danger vs benefit...which is why I get to as many spins as I can...I see only benefits!

If anyone wants to start another 10 page 300 post thread, I bet Spin or No Spin in the Winter would be a GREAT topic, haha.

Ann & I say get spinng Bill :-)  I'm all worked up for my class tonight now!

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