BT Development Mentor Program Archives » bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays! Rss Feed  
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2008-12-16 3:19 PM

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Subject: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!
NAME: bhoover10001 - Brian

STORY: In college, I started biking and doing biathlons (yes... that's what they were called back in the dark ages). Unfortunatly, a severe accident, marrage and work then got in the way for about 15 years. Fast forward to turning 40. There was a local sprint triathlon, and my daughter decided to register. I decided I was going to help her get ready, and discovered that I couldn't even bike 10 miles on a simple course. She won her age group, and I decided it was time to get off my butt. That was April 2007. I started running after that, and in Dec 2007 started training for triathlons. By November of this year, I was ready for the IronMan Arizona, which I completed while covered in the worse case of road rash ever.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with 2 girls

CURRENT TRAINING: I'm pretty casual about training. That's probably the wrong answer, but I'll put in the hours, just not do too much thinking about speed work or intervals or so on.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: 2008 - Napa Marathon, East Bay Triple Crown (31 miles of trail races in 6 weeks), Half Vineman, Santa Cruz Half Marathon, Disneyland Half Marathon, US Half Marathon, IronMan Arizona.

2009 RACES: So far, San Francisco Marathon and IronMan Arizona

WEIGHTLOSS: Over the last year and a half, I've lost 80 lbs, and am now working on making sure I don't lose any more. That's a change.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: My daughter signed up for Ironman Arizona in 2009. I'm going to be mentoring her, trying to make sure that she meets her training goals I look forward to giving back to the site, and want to help out as I can.

Edited by bhoover10001 2008-12-20 8:33 AM

2008-12-18 11:00 AM
in reply to: #1857160

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Woodridge, IL
Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Open

Hi Brian - I'd like to join your group if you don't mind! - Samantha

STORY: I have wanted to do a triathlon for as long as I can remember.  I never did one, mostly because I was too chicken.  Last year, I did the chicago Bike the Drive - the 15 mile leg, and loved it.  So, I was excited and my friend was still giving me lip about never doing a tri and always talking about it.  I'm not sure if it was the exercise endorphins from the bike that morning or what, but I signed up for a sprint and haven't looked back!  Overall, I require organization to keep me functional.  When I start to get off a schedule, I kind of spaz a little.  I was constantly traveling as a consultant, and couldn't nail down any sort of consistency. So, I found myself a local full-time job and have been able to fit my job into my life rather than the other way around.

FAMILY STATUS: Married w. 2 Jack Russell Terriers (we're clearly crazy, haha)

CURRENT TRAINING: I am decidedly dormant for the rest of 2008.  I start at our YMCA in January.  Mondays (start 1/4) I will have a Fundamentals for the Endurance Athlete class at 5:30 am that I will be attending and am considering joining the DuPage Ducks Masters swim team (but I'm hesitant).  I have found a HIM training plan on this site (beginner tri) that I love and think I will be sticking to for my training.

THIS YEAR'S PAST RACES (2008): Naperville Sprint Triathlon, Bucktown 5K, Naperville Turkey Trot (5K)

2009 RACES: Cincinatti Flying Pig Half-Marathon, Capitol View Triathlon <Oly dist./ Madison, WI>, Naperville Sprint Tri, Chicago Triathlon <Oly distance>

WEIGHTLOSS: Yes, please!  Staying away from beer and too much meat tends to make weight fall off of me.  That said, I have a good amount of weight to lose that I know will go away with consistent training/exercise and attention to my diet.  But, I love cookies, beer, red meat, and fish.  I hate eating chicken and am mostly vegetarian through my week with a couple days of meat/fish eating.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I listen to advice.  I like to improve constantly so will try suggestions.  I am always willing to help others when I can!  Also, I have a dream of a HIM in Spring of 2010 to keep me on track.

2008-12-18 11:06 AM
in reply to: #1861072

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Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Open
SKDickey - 2008-12-18 9:00 AM

Hi Brian - I'd like to join your group if you don't mind! - Samantha

You're in! Did I mention that I grew up and went to college in Champaign, and lived in Cincinnati for a while? It looks like you've got some fun races scheduled. What HIM are you looking at?

Edited by bhoover10001 2008-12-18 11:06 AM
2008-12-18 11:27 AM
in reply to: #1857160

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Woodridge, IL
Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Open

So, I'm thinking the Florida HIM (Orlando) or the New Orleans HIM in 2010.  NO is new in 2009 and either would be a fun trip.  Florida is flat, which sounds good to me - hills are my enemy!  I'm already assembling my entourage to travel with us, lol.  I think that should be enough to motivate me to keep moving!

I see that you did Half-Vineman which is one I'd love to do too actually.  What was that like?

I'm in awe of your IM status, too.  I had never considered it until I picked up the "I am an Ironman" book when we were in Kona in late Sept.  We saw a lot of people training and that I think did it for me... maybe 2011!

2008-12-18 11:54 AM
in reply to: #1857160

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Woodridge, IL
Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Open

I totally missed the rest of your post - I'm clearly overly hyper today, haha.

I am guessing you went to UIUC then, are you from IL originally? 

My siste lives in Cincy, she was in Hyde Park and has since moved to an awesome loft, heck if I know the name of the neighborhood tho.  We're doing the 1/2 Marathon together.  Initially we were going to do the full, but I backed us off.  I have never run more than 6 miles eve, figured the 1/2 er was a good start.

Have you ever done the Flying Pig?

2008-12-18 12:25 PM
in reply to: #1857160

Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Open


I'm very interested in this group, especially tapping into your IM experience.

Quick about me:  A ran for a long time, then some knee and ankle surgeries which launched me into a few years of doing absolutely nothing.  Last year I was finally able to run again (I was told it might never happen), and I vowed to get back in shape, which I did, running a marathon just a few weeks ago.  I did my first triathlon last September and loved it.  I've got a mix of races in my sights for next year, leading up to IMKY in August, which (obviously) will be my first IM.


2008-12-18 12:35 PM
in reply to: #1861312

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Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Open
mdickson68 - 2008-12-18 10:25 AM


I'm very interested in this group, especially tapping into your IM experience.

Quick about me:  A ran for a long time, then some knee and ankle surgeries which launched me into a few years of doing absolutely nothing.  Last year I was finally able to run again (I was told it might never happen), and I vowed to get back in shape, which I did, running a marathon just a few weeks ago.  I did my first triathlon last September and loved it.  I've got a mix of races in my sights for next year, leading up to IMKY in August, which (obviously) will be my first IM.


Welcome to the group! When you talk about getting back in shape, you really mean it. 14 seconds off a BQ pace? I'm in awe. I may need to tap into some of your ideas for getting faster.
2008-12-18 12:36 PM
in reply to: #1861223

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Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Open
SKDickey - 2008-12-18 9:54 AM

I totally missed the rest of your post - I'm clearly overly hyper today, haha.

I am guessing you went to UIUC then, are you from IL originally? 

My siste lives in Cincy, she was in Hyde Park and has since moved to an awesome loft, heck if I know the name of the neighborhood tho.  We're doing the 1/2 Marathon together.  Initially we were going to do the full, but I backed us off.  I have never run more than 6 miles eve, figured the 1/2 er was a good start.

Have you ever done the Flying Pig?

I lived in IL until I was 12 and then went back for school. My parents moved to Cincy when I graduated from high school. It's an interesting town, and any race titled the Flying Pig has got to be good. I've never done it, since I wasn't much of a runner in college.
2008-12-18 12:38 PM
in reply to: #1861143

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Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Open
SKDickey - 2008-12-18 9:27 AM

I see that you did Half-Vineman which is one I'd love to do too actually.  What was that like?

Half-Vineman is a lot of fun. The run is not as flat as they say, and it can get hot, but this year, the weather was absolutly perfect. The bike and swim are very very beautiful.
2008-12-18 12:44 PM
in reply to: #1861343

Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Open
bhoover10001 - 2008-12-18 1:35 PM
mdickson68 - 2008-12-18 10:25 AM


I'm very interested in this group, especially tapping into your IM experience.

Quick about me:  A ran for a long time, then some knee and ankle surgeries which launched me into a few years of doing absolutely nothing.  Last year I was finally able to run again (I was told it might never happen), and I vowed to get back in shape, which I did, running a marathon just a few weeks ago.  I did my first triathlon last September and loved it.  I've got a mix of races in my sights for next year, leading up to IMKY in August, which (obviously) will be my first IM.


Michael, Welcome to the group! When you talk about getting back in shape, you really mean it. 14 seconds off a BQ pace? I'm in awe. I may need to tap into some of your ideas for getting faster.

Thanks!  yeah, that's actually a funny story -- after around mile 20, I was calculating what I needed to do to BQ (leaving little room for error!) and forgot that I had accidentally turned my watch off for a minute instead of lapping.  Embarassed  But it was all for fun anyway.  My PR is much faster, so I've got a long ways to go before I'll say "I'm back".

2008-12-18 1:55 PM
in reply to: #1857160

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Toronto, Ontario
Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Open

Hello Brian! I would like to join this group and I hope there still is room!

Me: 46 years young, married 2 kids, 8 and 10. We have lived in Toronto, Ontario for the last 6 years but my homeland is Norway.

My story: Woke up one day when I was 42 and realized that, ! I am old and fat and will probably die way to early if I dont change some of my bad habits. So done. Never done any serious exercise before except for taking my bike to work and some xcountry skiing. In fall of 2004 I did 2 marathons and in April this year I finally did Boston Marthon after several attempts to qualify. What do you do after Boston, well I guess I have to do an ironman!!!

So this summer I did one sprint and one Half Iron distance and I have just been accepted into probably the toughest full irondistance in the world. The Norseman. (

This fall I found the BT website and I am about to set out on first 12 weeks of "no fluff" wintertraining, then 20 weeks of irondistance training. Right now I am off any organized programs. I finished a Marathon just 2 weeks ago so now I am going to enjoy food, drink and xmas. Training starts Dec 28.  I hope to get motivation and help from this group and I hope I can give some too. I know we all will have days when snow, rain, kids, work, lack of sleep tries to keep us in bed instead of getting out there. This will be one of several ways to keep us going!!



ps will try get some pix going when I figure out this site!

2008-12-18 2:58 PM
in reply to: #1861653

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Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Open
arnenes - 2008-12-18 11:55 AM

Hello Brian! I would like to join this group and I hope there still is room!

Welcome to the group. I'm doing things the other way. Now that I've done my Ironman, I need to get some more speed to BQ.... probably not this year though.

I WAS going to say that triathlons like Silverman or Auburn might dispute the Norseman's claim to be the toughest, but then I looked through 2008's pictures. Wow. That is one hard looking course, but it looks really beautiful.

Edited by bhoover10001 2008-12-18 3:10 PM
2008-12-18 3:50 PM
in reply to: #1857160

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West Grove, PA
Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Open
Hi Brian,
I would love to join your group. 2008 was my first year of doing triathlons (or any endurance sport for that matter). A little about me...

I'm 42 years old and live in West Grove, Pennsylvania, which is about 1 hour NW of Philadelphia. I'm married with 3 beautiful daughters, ages 5, 8 and 11. My 11-year-old has Cerebral Palsy, so her special needs can sometimes eat into my training schedule. I am usually able to get 2 workouts in each weekday (45 min in the morning and 1 hour at lunch), but weekends have typically been difficult for workouts.

In 2008, I completed 4 triathlons (all sprint distance). I was able to lose 30+ pounds and got into the best shape of my life. My events were as follows:
May - Tri For Our Veterans - Sea Isle City, NJ
June - Philly Tri - Philadelphia, PA
August - Lums Pond Triathlon, Bear, DE
October - Jennersville YMCA Triathlon - Jennersville, PA

So far, I've signed up for 2 triathlons in 2009, Tri For Our Veterans 2 (sprint) in May and The Philly Tri (Olympic) in June. My goal is to continue increasing my distances each year and eventually work up to an IM, if I can find the time to get in the amount of training I'll need. I've pretty much shut things down for the remainder of 2008, but am getting anxious to start training hard in January.

With my first Olympic distance in June, I want to make sure I'm completely ready and put up a good time. I'm a bit of a "nervous" open water swimmer and my technique is probably pretty sloppy, so that's an area I really need to improve.

Thank you for taking the time out of your life to mentor us beginner triathletes!

Edited by billsorg 2008-12-18 3:52 PM
2008-12-18 3:59 PM
in reply to: #1861939

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Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Open
billsorg - 2008-12-18 1:50 PM

Hi Brian,
I would love to join your group. 2008 was my first year of doing triathlons (or any endurance sport for that matter). A little about me...

Welcome to the group Bill!! Originally, say October 2007, I was going to do the same plan about moving year by year up from Sprint to IM. Then IMAZ opened up in November, and it was all downhill from there.

My swimming is HORRIBLE. But I know a lot about swimming from watching my kids swim for year round teams.
2008-12-19 9:37 AM
in reply to: #1857160


Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Open
Started training for this year's Vineman the past month.I am following the 1/2 ironman program on this site. I have not done a tri before but I haven't missed a session and dropped 14 pounds. i am 10 punds from goal weight. I have done all my training at 24 hour fitness and am decent at all three disciplines. I am doing 13.1 mile run with my 46 yr. old sister tomorrow to celebrate my 13 yrs. of sobriety. I am doing thisto raise funds and awareness for my homeless world cup soccer team in Sacramento. I can explain later. I need a mentor for this challenge. I am a mentor in other areas and i have a mentor who has seen my progress but I need one specifically to get feedback from. Let me know if this is possible.
2008-12-19 9:40 AM
in reply to: #1863157

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Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Open
manjo - 2008-12-19 7:37 AM

Started training for this year's Vineman the past month.I am following the 1/2 ironman program on this site.

Welcome to the group! Vineman is a lot of fun, and you've got pleanty of time to prepare. What race are you doing tomorrow?

2008-12-19 2:52 PM
in reply to: #1857160

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Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Open

I'd like to join your group.

NAME: ballyard – John S.

STORY: I am 24 years old.  I ran cross country and track in high school.  Went to college and got my engineering degree.  I ran on and off during college.  After college I picked running up again for another year and got tired of just running 6 days a week.  So I decided to get a bike and try triathlons.  This will be my 3rd season doing triathlons.  I have been biking now for about 2 years.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with a 5 month old daughter and 3 dogs.

CURRENT TRAINING: Well I was marathon training this fall and hurt my foot.  Still not sure what is wrong, but I’m going to the Dr. next week to make sure it’s not a stress fracture or broken bone.  So my running volume will be low.  I’m just now starting to get back into the swing of things.  The weather has been so bad lately that I haven’t done a ton of anything.  But I’m starting back up now.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: 2008 – Hills of Hell mountain bike race, IMCalifornia 70.3, Spring Fever sprint triathlon, OKC ½ marathon (1:37), Tulsa Tough 100k ride, IMKansas 70.3, YMCA sprint triathlon, Hotter than Hell Hundred (4:59) tried hard to break the 5 hour mark, Redman 70.3, Double shot duathlon (mountain bike and trail run duathlon), Tulsa Run 15k and Route 66 ½ marathon (1:30 PR).

2009 RACES: IMNewOrleans 70.3 (Maybe), OKC Full Marathon (if my foot heals up), IMKansas 70.3, IMLouisville and Redman 70.3.  I’ll probably do a few XTERRA tri’s this year as well.

WEIGHTLOSS: I’ve lost about 20 pounds since I started tri’s.  Although with all the reduced workouts the past few months I’ve gained about 10 pounds lol.


Edited by ballyard7 2008-12-19 3:10 PM
2008-12-19 3:15 PM
in reply to: #1857160

Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Open
Hi there:
I would be VERY interested in joining your group, if there is still space.

Edited by arny 2009-01-15 3:37 PM
2008-12-19 5:07 PM
in reply to: #1857160

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Woodridge, IL
Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Open

Good question, Ann... I am having the same decision-making problem.  

 I was thinking gold for 6 months then downgrade to silver.  Anyone have a recommendation?

2008-12-19 6:24 PM
in reply to: #1863914

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Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Open
ballyard7 - 2008-12-19 12:52 PM

I'd like to join your group.

NAME: ballyard – John S.

Welcome to the group! Sounds like you've got some really impressive races lined up. New Orleans looks like it would be a lot of fun, especially since I lived there for a couple of years right out of school. I've always wanted to do the Hotter than Hell 100, but wasn't in shape when I lived in Texas.
2008-12-19 6:28 PM
in reply to: #1863950

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Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Open
arny - 2008-12-19 1:15 PM

Hi there:
I would be VERY interested in joining your group, if there is still space.

Welcome to the group! We still have a couple more spaces available. Congrats on doing the Ironman. My kids swim year round, and they don't so much coach me as laugh at my times. I don't see anything wrong with 3:00 100's. That gives me a whole 20 minutes before the swim cut off of a IM... who needs more than that?

2008-12-19 6:40 PM
in reply to: #1857160

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Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Open
Well... it looks like we've got a pretty full group. I think we might have another spot or two.

So far we have:

Brian - IMAZ - November
Samantha - Olympic Triathlons this year, HIM next year!
Michael - Almost BQs on his first Mary after getting back in shape... IMKY in August
Arne - BQed last year. This year... The Norseman... just looking at the site makes me shiver
Bill - Olympic Triathlons this year, HIM next year (bill... meet samantha... samantha... this is bill)
Manjo - Half Vineman in July... very fun race!
John - Lot's o HIMs and an IM this year - HIM New Orleans, HIM Kansas, IM Louisville, Redman 70.3. Oh... and for fun, throw in a few XTERRA Tri's. Why not?
Amy - IM Canada
2008-12-19 6:44 PM
in reply to: #1857160

Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Open

Ann, Samantha,

The most significant difference between silver and gold membership is that gold gives you access to Q&A about the plan, about your training, etc.  It's a bit like having an online coach, but with stock plans (i.e., not plans that were drawn up specifically for you).  I've heard very good things about from people, but have not tried it myself, as I tend to be very much into self-coaching.  (Yes, there are big pitfalls there!)  Anyway, if online advice about the plans (from real coaches) is what you're looking for, the price is definitely right.



2008-12-19 9:01 PM
in reply to: #1864232

Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Open
Thank you very much for the info...that helped me make my mind up

Edited by arny 2008-12-19 9:02 PM
2008-12-19 9:04 PM
in reply to: #1864227

Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Open
Hi there
I am just wanting to clarify that I am "in" as far as the group goes?
My login name is Arny, but my real name is Ann.
I think I am listed as "Amy" , but that is due to the login confusion.
I look forward to all ...
Thank you!

Edited by arny 2008-12-20 1:18 AM
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