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2010-01-13 9:36 PM
in reply to: #2591018


NE Texas
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
Looks like everyone is working hard... half way through the week and so far so good. Today was a hour in the bike trainer and a 30 in run, which went pretty well. Tomorrow is core/strength a short swim. I can't wait for warmer weather to get in a larger pool. This little one makes me dizzy doing laps, but there is nowhere else around unless i drive 1.5 hours. Anyone know a range for what a 300m swim should be for middle of pack. I signed up for my first tri and I really don't have a clue what i could swim that distance in so i guessed at what I thought was reasonable; however, i don't want to mess up the starts of others.James

Edited by Shinka 2010-01-13 9:36 PM

2010-01-14 9:05 AM
in reply to: #2591018

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Long Beach, CA
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
I'm on day 3 of a bad migraine. Although I did swim yesterday morning, I missed last night's run. There's a good chance I will have to miss today's ride too. <Sigh> Hopefully I'll be training again tomorrow. Need to get this migraine under control first!
2010-01-14 10:32 AM
in reply to: #2613505

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Port Kent, NY
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
sealiongirl - 2010-01-14 9:05 AM I'm on day 3 of a bad migraine. Although I did swim yesterday morning, I missed last night's run. There's a good chance I will have to miss today's ride too. Hopefully I'll be training again tomorrow. Need to get this migraine under control first!

I hope that you feel better Jocelyn!!

I got my hour run in yesterday, YEAH!! and so far today I've gotten a 50 minute spin wanted to go 60 but Brodie started crying and that was the end of that.... Hopefully running outside later this afternoon.

2010-01-14 10:35 AM
in reply to: #2591018

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
Well at the Athens Triathlon last year there were 215 people, the median time was 6:32ish wish gives you a 2:10/100 pace = almost exact MOP.  So if you are much slower than that move back, if much faster move forward.  I am not allowed to see your logs 8( locked out and you don't have any race reports so I do not know how fast you swim.  I also don't know what age group you are competing in.  Hope that is helpfull.

How big is your pool?  I swam in a hotel pool once that was 10 yards long.  Talk about dizzy.  The 13 yard one by my home is much better, you can get that adittional stroke on per lap.  Of course the one I swim in now a days is only 14 feet long.... but I never get to the other end somehow 8). 

70's ... anything over 35 is decent shorts weather... it just depends on if it is raining or snowing and you have to throw on a jersey or not 8).   

Sorry about the migraine... those are just nasty.  I only had one bout of them, but they can make one rearainge one's priorities.  Nope don't need food, drink, maybe air....what I need is dark, the softest bed, pillow sheets I can find, did I say dark... and quiet.. and I will just rub this side of my temple for a few days, perhaps drill a hole through the skull to see if releaving the preasure will help, what you are going to shoot me, that's fine, whatever just do it quietly. 

So what is the longest, hottest workout you have ever done and how much water did you go through?  My best is a 116 mile bike ride in 100 F temps and I had roughly 190 oz of water with me including refills at the half way point (140 + 50 in refills) , but probably only went through about 155 oz of it.  The same ride in 50F temps would be like 80 oz of water so roughly double for the hot weather.  I did the Boise HIM on very little water as it was cold and rainy.     
2010-01-14 7:06 PM
in reply to: #2591018

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Fort Worth
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
Life's been getting in the way recently.  I had to miss yesterday, so I just shifted my workouts a day.  Today was super busy but I made it to the gym.  All I could find is a recumbent bike.  I never can get into a comfortable rhythm on those.  Anyway, tomorrow is a new day and I'm getting up bright and early for a swim.  Let's hope I'm up for an evening run, too! 
2010-01-15 7:46 AM
in reply to: #2608777

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York, PA
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
christina322 - 2010-01-11 9:31 PM I started Week 2 of the Couch to 5K.  I made is through the first run and it wasn't terrible.  It's great to see small progress!   I have also been doing the core workout that Donto linked in earlier and it's pretty challenging for me.  I really like it though and going to stick with it.

I got fitted for real running shoes this weekend.  Who knew that I have high arches and tend to over-pronate while running?  Not me!  So along with the shoes, I got some great inserts.  I definitely noticed a difference with the run today.   I should have done that a long time ago!


Where did you go for a shoe fitting, just a regular Dickssporting goods or sports store?

2010-01-15 8:08 AM
in reply to: #2591018

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Port Kent, NY
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
Well my day has been started off on the wrong foot, I woke up late so I was late dropping Brodie off at daycare which means I was late for work.  Also I shut my pointer figure in my truck door this morning. The nail is know black and there is pressure, YEAH!!!

I am exausted, I hope that means a good thing.... I swim tonight and can't wait.  I think I'm going to try and remember my recorder so that my husband can tape me so I can see what I look like in the water.  Just going to swim laps got to build up my endurance!!

Hope that everyone is having a better start to their day than ME... (my figure is hurting)!!! 

2010-01-15 8:36 AM
in reply to: #2591018

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Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
Good morning!

Robin--I went to a running store called Road Runner.  I'm not sure if it is a national chain or not but there are a few stores in the Chicagoland area.  I thought the sales associate was knowlegable and helpful.  I ran on the treadmill and stepped on a sensored mat to help determine my arches.  So far, my new shoes seem to be working out.  I did take out my inserts and am trying the shoes out without them. 

I had a scheduled day off yesterday and I really enjoyed my rest!  I am finishing up the last day of week 2 for the Couch to 5K training.  Woohoo!!!

Have a great day everyone!

2010-01-15 7:01 PM
in reply to: #2591018

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Fort Worth
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
I reached a milestone!  I know it's not huge but it still feels great!  Today I ran a mile without stopping for the first time since I left the military about 15 years!  I wasn't actually supposed to run that much today but I was feeling energetic and just decided to go for it.  I was a little worried because I'd read so many things telling me to ease into the workouts and to be careful to not overdo it.  I wasn't really sucking wind until that last 200 yards.  Anyway, w00t for me!  I just thought I'd share.

2010-01-15 8:21 PM
in reply to: #2616697

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Port Kent, NY
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
FWSquatch - 2010-01-15 7:01 PM I reached a milestone!  I know it's not huge but it still feels great!  Today I ran a mile without stopping for the first time since I left the military about 15 years!  I wasn't actually supposed to run that much today but I was feeling energetic and just decided to go for it.  I was a little worried because I'd read so many things telling me to ease into the workouts and to be careful to not overdo it.  I wasn't really sucking wind until that last 200 yards.  Anyway, w00t for me!  I just thought I'd share.


That's Great Josh, good for you.  Keep up the good work!!
2010-01-15 11:03 PM
in reply to: #2616697

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Long Beach, CA
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
FWSquatch - 2010-01-15 5:01 PM I reached a milestone!  I know it's not huge but it still feels great!  Today I ran a mile without stopping for the first time since I left the military about 15 years!  I wasn't actually supposed to run that much today but I was feeling energetic and just decided to go for it.  I was a little worried because I'd read so many things telling me to ease into the workouts and to be careful to not overdo it.  I wasn't really sucking wind until that last 200 yards.  Anyway, w00t for me!  I just thought I'd share.


WOO HOO! Congratulations!!!

2010-01-16 8:21 AM
in reply to: #2591018

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Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
Congratulations Josh!  That is great!  I hope to be achieving that soon too!
2010-01-16 10:53 AM
in reply to: #2591018

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
Way to go Josh.  Sometimes we push things a bit.  It is the consistent pushing it too hard or way overshooting the mark that leads to either injury or difficulty recovering.  Like if you decided 1 mile was great so tomorrow you are going to do 5 miles.... that would probably not end so well 8). 

Oh well lite run this morning and then pack up the kids and head down to Redding for my mary... in the rain.. in the 30's to low 40's... tomorrow.  Wish me luck, I am shooting for a 1:04 per mile pace improvement over last year.  That should put me at a HR about 2 beats below (173 ish) LT for the entire race, maybe higher at the end if I don't go boom. 
2010-01-16 11:16 AM
in reply to: #2617244

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Fort Worth
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
Good luck Baowolf!  Bundle up and kick butt!
2010-01-16 12:37 PM
in reply to: #2591018

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Port Kent, NY
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
Good Luck Baowolf!!! Think warm and kick some butt Wink
2010-01-17 11:43 AM
in reply to: #2591018

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Fort Worth
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
A cycling buddy of mine just gave me his old trainer that has been collecting dust in his attic for a while.  I got my bike on it and it works just fine.  It sure felt weird riding on it, though.  I didn't realize how much I had to concentrate on balanced pedaling.  I guess my normal riding style is about as straight as a snake.  Today is a bike day for me and the weather is really nice so I'm going to hit the open road!  It's the first time I've ridden outside since the Fall.  Hopefully I can squeeze some football watching in somewhere.  

2010-01-17 11:57 AM
in reply to: #2591018

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Long Beach, CA
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
That's cool! I really want to get a trainer. It would be a great alternative on days where I get home and it is already dark.

I am hoping to get out and train today. These migraines are getting very frustrating! Yesterday I never had a full blown migraine, but had some pressure in my head and feared it would turn into one. Today I'm going to try training. I feel like I missed too much the last few days. Plan is a run and if I feel up to it, a short ride as well.
2010-01-17 12:15 PM
in reply to: #2617280

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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
Josh, nice job on the run.  I remember my "first" run for the getting back into shape deal on superbowl Sunday 2002.  1.6 miles and I was exhausted!

Jocelyn, trainers are nice.  I got mine on Craigslist for pretty cheap, a nice fluidKurt Kinetics unit.  Take a look on Craigslist when you are in teh market to get one.  Locally there was a nice Magnetic one for $50 a few weeks back that was "barely used" per the post.

Steve, best of luck on today's Marathon.

Had my longest run in a month yesterday since the calf injury.  Had to redo my son's science experiment run because my run HR numbers that I used from a 4 miler weren't good enough and were screwing up the results.  So I went out and did a 1.5 mile hard run then followed it up with a 5 mile easy run.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend, see you all on the flip side (Monday)!
2010-01-17 3:09 PM
in reply to: #2591018

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Port Kent, NY
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
Joclyn I got my trainer on I can't remember how much I paid for mine but I LOVE it and up here in the North country its too cold and to much snow... Sometimes I take my Mtn Bike out in the snow and do a couple of miles on that.    Are you drinking enough water?  That could cause a headache maybe even a migrain.  I hope that you feel better soon!!!
2010-01-17 6:34 PM
in reply to: #2591018

Philadelphia, Pa
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
My computer has been getting fixed the past week so I had no way of posting, frustrating!!!!! I'm also getting over bronchitis, so my workouts for the week will probably depend on how I feel the for the first few days of the week. But it looks like everyone is off to a good start, good luck and keep up the good work!!!!
2010-01-17 6:44 PM
in reply to: #2618792

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Fort Worth
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
I just got through the core workout that Donto posted earlier in this thread.  HOLY COW!  That thing kicked my butt.  I drug my wife through it with me and she said some words I haven't heard out of her mouth in a long time.    Earlier, I rode 10 miles on my road bike and the weather was amazing!  Lots of fun.  A weird thing happened to me during my ride.  I came across a motorcycle accident and a couple of guys hurriedly throwing the motorcycle into the back of a truck while the rider was dazed and bleeding (but not too bad) sitting on the curb.  The truck ended up driving away from the approaching sirens at a high rate of speed.  I'm still confused about what really happened.  Anyway, I got the license plate and maybe the cops can sort it out.  **end random story**

2010-01-17 7:13 PM
in reply to: #2591018

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Long Beach, CA
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
I got out in the rain and did a short ride and long run. I ran about 2.5 miles, which is the longest since last spring. I've been plagued with several injuries since. Feels good because now I know I'll be ready for my 5k in three weeks! I hope everyone else got in some good training today!
2010-01-17 7:14 PM
in reply to: #2591018

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
Oh my gosh what a day!  So ya the storm did move in so it was raining all day and 40 F.  I went with just running in my tri suit.  That was the hardest race I have ever run.  I will get a RR up once they post times and such.  

I had a 3:30 minute PR on the first 5k of the race (20:00).
A 6 minute PR on the first 10k (41:50). 
A 7 minute PR on the first half mary of the race (1:35:00).
and a 30 ish minute PR on the full distance Mary, which got me to a Boston Qualifying time by 37 seconds (3:19:23).  Phew.  

3500 ish feet of elevation gain in this marathon.  When I got to mile 20 I had to run the next 6.2 at under an 8:00 pace or not BQ.  This is a really hard time to not lose time.  Even at mile 26 I wasn't sure I was going to make it.  But I sucked it up burned my HR up to 174 at 9+ mph runnig across a wet bridge made of glass to finish just under the limit... and finish 3rd in my AG.  Oh my.  I then staggered to a place to sit down for a bit.  My temp dropped soo fast that I became a little hypothermic shaking very badly as I baby-stepped to the car to try to get dry and warm before things got um worse.  My wife was looking at me with a great deal of concern until I got my temp up high enough to stop shaking uncontrollably.  

All in all Quite a day.  Dropping 30 minutes on a hard course in the rain = harder than the first IM.   Ready for a nap now 8).   
2010-01-17 7:24 PM
in reply to: #2618839

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Fort Worth
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
Wow!  That sounds like quite a day, Baowolf.  I'm glad I'm living in a warmer climate!  Congrats on the qualifying for Boston and of course on the big PR's. 
2010-01-18 10:29 AM
in reply to: #2618839

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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
Awesome job Baowolf, awesome!
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