BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL! Rss Feed  
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2010-12-26 8:51 AM
in reply to: #3256274

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North edge of nowhere
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
food hasn't been a problem for me; I haven't changed eating patterns significantly, so I don't worry about it. I'm one of those oddballs who doesn't get pleasure from the act of eating. I eat because I have to in order to live. My GF thinks I'm nuts. She's having to exercise a lot of restraint because she just came off the HCG diet and really wants to eat cake, cookies, turkey, roast, etc. I have a little of each, then stop when I know I'm full. She looks at me like I grew a third arm out of my face.

I've not done ANYTHING in two or three weeks: I'm having problems with a tendon in my left calf that flares up when I get on the bike, and I have a problem where sinus infections can sometimes make my teeth hurt when I walk, drive, bike, anything. I'm sick of not being able to run or bike, so I'm going to a doctor for the sinuses and a massage therapist for the calf tomorrow. My GF got me a high-density foam roller for my back and legs; I'm hoping it helps with the calf. I'm not worried about either though; I've had similar problems in the past and they've always cleared up. I know that I could finish the tri I have in mind at my current fittness level, but I want to do more than just finish my first tri. I don't expect to place in any class, but I'd like to at least be a MOP'er.

2010-12-26 9:22 AM
in reply to: #3256274

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
I hope everyone had a good Christmas!

Training has gone out the window the last couple days for me.  Christmas eve, I was hosting dinner.  I planned to escape the preparations for a swim, but messed up the lane swim times and arrived just as it ended.  Then I got food poisoning that night.  (Dummy, I left the turkey out for hours after carving it and had some as a snack before bed.)  So, yesterday I didn't feel like much.  It was a great Christmas though, and the kids loved their toys.

Today was supposed to be my long run, but I think I'm going to just do a short one as I'm still  not feeling 100%.  My husband is off work this week, so I can push the long run till tomorrow.

On the plus side, I'm heading out for boxing day shopping.  (We have big sales the day after Christmas here.)  I'm hoping to get my bike shoes and pedals.
2010-12-26 10:20 AM
in reply to: #3261752

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
good luck getting back to the training!

I'm watching it belt down snow (weather says it sunny and clear). SHould be heading home today but we'll see if that happens.
2010-12-26 11:43 AM
in reply to: #3256274

Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
Haven't been on in a few days.  2 young children make it pretty chaotic this time of year.  My parents are divorced so between that and my wife's family, we seem to run non stop for a couple days.  Planning to get back into training mode tomorrow and work off these Christmas cookies.

Hope everyone had a great holiday.

On a positive note, Santa treated me well.  I got a lot of toys I was lacking last year as I was basically rolling with a bike, tri shorts and running shoes.

For Christmas, tri related I scored a wet suit, a set of aero bars, a $100 gift card for the LBS, an iromnan watch to keep splits, and a stick of body glide.
2010-12-26 12:20 PM
in reply to: #3261839

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
6" of snow fell in Raleigh overnight (very unusual for us!).  That meant my long run became a treadmill run.  Mental toughness training?  I called the gym and they were opened so I headed on over there.  After about 30 minutes, their TVs went out.  It was still snowing and I think their dish(es) were covered.  That meant that the only thing on was their MTV-like internal channel.  I had on my own music and I half watched the videos for something to do.  Apparently that is a one hour loop since I had the opportunity to view many of them twice.

Overall, the run went well.  I did not scratch my eyes out due to boredom but I did mange to snag the emergency magnet a few times when I went to wipe sweat off my face.  Yes, I'm a klutz.

Have any of you tried YakTrax?  I was thinking of getting a pair for just in case.  Thanks!

I hope everyone else is doing well.
2010-12-26 12:39 PM
in reply to: #3256274

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Syracuse, NY
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
I haven't been training for 2 full weeks because of a awful bout of sinusitis and Bronchitis.  Doc thought it could be pneumonia but x-rays ruled that out.   I am starting to get better but as recently as yesterday I was coughing so much I actually caused muscle spasms in my neck.  Ouch!!

I was hoping to get back on track starting tomorrow but likely will hold off at least a couple more days.  

This being the case I was given a Cycle Op Fluid trainer for x-mas and can't wait to put it to use.  In Syracuse, NY we have already recieved 72 inches of snow in December alone, so alot of my cycle time has been on a spin bike at the Y.  

Hope everybody (who celebrates) had a great Christmas, Mine was great.  Looking forward to New Years next.

2010-12-26 5:20 PM
in reply to: #3256274

Albany, NY
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
Haven't trained for 3 days after 12 days in a row.  Between Xmas eve, Xmas (3 kids, family over, etc..) and the food coma hangover from Xmas today, I have been too beat to get out and do anything yet.  Also 12 days in a row left me abit spent.  To top it off there is a foot of snow coming to Albany and my spin call tomorrow at 5:30 AM was cancelled.  I will probably either grind it out on the Y's stationary bike for any 1 or so and then swim OR try and get to spin at 9 AM for an hour....  Gotta love the impact the holidays have on training!..  B-day is in a week and I am hoping to get an indoor trainer (any suggestions on which one is best??...) so I am not beholden to Y spin classes so much...
2010-12-26 5:27 PM
in reply to: #3256274

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
Thread hijack warning

All of you should hang on for the Spring mentor group with David.  Be ready to copy and paste and save docs.  I have been in 2 mentor session with David and learned more than I am capable of using.  I thought I should allow others to get something from his knowledge and not hog all the info that will be available to you.

Good luck this season everyone!

Hijack is over.........continue your training.

Edited by DirkP 2010-12-26 5:28 PM
2010-12-27 2:09 AM
in reply to: #3256274

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
Had a long day today.

My dad and I helped my cousin paint her new apartment.  Took us about 9 hours, but we finished.  But since we took so long, I got dragged to my Dad's coworker's birthday party.  He was supposed to drop me off first, but he figured he would only stay for an hour.  Wrong...stayed for 5 hours...LOL.  But I shouldn't complain I suppose.  Seeing a lot of my dad's coworkers (construction workers) made me remember how hard my dad has worked (he's retired now) over the years.  Many years working 7 days a week...all year.
2010-12-27 7:11 AM
in reply to: #3262138

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
msrevi - 2010-12-26 6:20 PM B-day is in a week and I am hoping to get an indoor trainer (any suggestions on which one is best??...) so I am not beholden to Y spin classes so much...

I have a Cycleops Fluid 2 and like it.  I have heard the Magneto is good too.  I have also heard good things about the Kinetic Fluid.  Placed like REI carry all three models and I'm sure that your LBS does as well.

It's nice to be able to use the trainer when I have a ride on the schedule and it's raining out or too cold (too cold being relative, I only have clothing to ride to about freezing).

We had that snow yesterday.  I hope it's still the fluffy kind when it gets to Albany.  We had 6-7 inches total and we swept off the driveway!
2010-12-27 7:13 AM
in reply to: #3261839

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
ClydeNewb - 2010-12-26 12:43 PM
For Christmas, tri related I scored a wet suit, a set of aero bars, a $100 gift card for the LBS, an iromnan watch to keep splits, and a stick of body glide.

Excellent!  Tri Santa die well! 

2010-12-27 8:24 AM
in reply to: #3262491

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Hugo, MN
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
jmkizer - 2010-12-27 7:11 AM B-day is in a week and I am hoping to get an indoor trainer (any suggestions on which one is best??...) so I am not beholden to Y spin classes so much...

I have had a Kurt Kinetic for 3 years now and put 500-1000 miles on it every winter.  Love it.  Their customer service is very good and they stand behind their product.  I originally purchased it because of the design - it won't leak fluid if something goes wrong.

2010-12-27 3:04 PM
in reply to: #3261144

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Hugo, MN
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
newbz - 2010-12-25 10:08 AM can you explain quickly what that part of the workout is? (i might have missed if you did), could give a bit more info with that. Have a merry christmas/holiday of choice all!


The workout purpose is a simulated set of hill climbs.  During the video they show some sweet TdF footage and you (the cyclist) are pretending to try and hang with the likes of Schlek and Contador.  The workout begins with a 6 minute warm up, easy efforts with some brief increases in effort (like Spinervals 30s on/off warmup).  Then the 2nd set is a 10 minute set of over/under intervals (1 min over, then 1 minute under, repeat, no rest).  On this portion for the over interval you are shown footage of a lone rider trying to maintain a lead at a road race, for the under you're shown footage of a chase group trying to reel the lone rider back.  This makes sense b/c you'd use less wattage in the group with drafting.

You get a short rest and then start a 3x8 minute set of simulated climbs. During these climbs there are "attacks" by riders and you try to keep up.  All in all, it's more of a road cyclist's workout, but the 3x8min set can be used as a steady state set.  Regardless, it hurt and I'm going to do it again soon.

I know the Carmichael system uses the over under a lot, and for 2-3 minute intervals that's fine.  I don't know what wattages (or %'s) to choose when performing an continuous over/under at 1min intervals for 10 minutes.  The video only tells you on RPE.  The 5% over/under FTP was tough.  I had to fight for it the last set, but I am thinking 10% will really fit the bill here.  

Hopefully it's more clear now?  

Edited by silentcs42 2010-12-27 3:05 PM
2010-12-27 3:33 PM
in reply to: #3256274

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North edge of nowhere
Subject: That time of year...
I got a 19.45 mile ride in yesterday. Not much, but something. I'm having tendonitis problems with my left knee. It'll go away, but in the meantime I'm going to get grouchy 'cause I can't train the way I want to.

Santa got me a little LED light that's supposed to mount on handlebars. I put it on my aerobars and every time I hit a sharp bump, it turns off. Not very useful.
2010-12-27 5:52 PM
in reply to: #3256274

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
So, one of the nice things about being deployed is it's an opportunity for us to make a little extra $$.  I've been looking at a power meter and I think I've decided to go with the SRM, as it will allow me to keep the "race day wheels" for race day only, and not worry about trashing them on a training ride. 

Question is this: I run a DA 7900 set up aside from the front crank, which is an Ultegra 6700.  Should I stick with a DA SRM crank vice the FSA?  Also, should I look at getting a compact crankset versus the 53/39?  The races I'll be doing earlier this year involve plenty of hills (Pine Mountain Sprint, Knoxville and Quassy Oly REV3), then flattening out later on when I get out to Texas.  (IRP Wool Capitol Oly, Austin Triathlon). 

If I go with the Standard Crankset, can I switch out the rings later on to a compact crank?  Or will than not jive with the SRM package...
2010-12-27 6:11 PM
in reply to: #3256274

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Oklahoma City, OK
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!

Looks like most everyone has been keeping up with workouts pretty well over the holiday.....wish I could say the same.  Ate way to much food and had way to little activity.  I did manage to get in 1 trainer ride (and discovered that Ninja Assassins is a pretty good "trainer" movie) and a swim in this afternoon.  Have a great week!!

2010-12-27 7:52 PM
in reply to: #3256274

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Fall River, WI
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
Time to get back to reality for this guy.  The last 4 days have been filled with prime rib, pizzas, pancakes, homemade mac and cheese, twice baked potatoes, cookies, ect ect and enough beer and wine to kill a horse.  Needless to say I gained about 6 pounds. 

I'm looking forward to working out this week and eating better.  The last 4 days were fun but it really takes a toll on the body and the mind.  It will also be nice to sleep in my own bed. 

Hope everyone had a good holiday weekend.
2010-12-27 9:15 PM
in reply to: #3263580

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
All, i'm around for good now, travel this week was a nightmare. the drive back from ohio today that should have taken 7-8 hours took a stunning 14. Not a fun day at all. The east coast snow was also a fun surprise to get back to! Those of you in NJ, so very sorry.

Ok, on to answering questions:

On the yakTrax, i've never personally used them, i jsut slip and slide around, but i've heard nothing but good things from those that do use them.

On the trainer, you've been given a lot of good recs, anything by cycleops is good, but depending on your price range its really hard to go horribly wrong. Some of hte cheaper ones sometimes make more noise/dont offer as much resistance, but they all get the job done for the most part.

On the over/under for the itervals, on something like that it might take a bit of playing around to get used to what you can handle.

For 10 min though 5% should be hard but doable. If you can finish it start with that, if you start struggling adjust down a bit. But the gap should be large enough you can tell the dif, otherwise its simply a steady 10min interval.

For the SRM, i'd personally go compact unless you are FAST. with the same rear cassette you'll only lose i think one gear (if that), and it will allow you to get a tighter rear spacing with the same gears if you'd like. most people out there are wildly over geared and would be well served by a compact.
2010-12-28 12:16 AM
in reply to: #3263695

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North edge of nowhere
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!

newbz - 2010-12-27 8:15 PM  For the SRM, i'd personally go compact unless you are FAST. with the same rear cassette you'll only lose i think one gear (if that), and it will allow you to get a tighter rear spacing with the same gears if you'd like. most people out there are wildly over geared and would be well served by a compact.

I'd come to understand that a compact crankset was more for mountains and wasn't as practical in flats or low, rolling hills. I was tempted to switch to a compact when I was riding nothing but mountains, but I switched cassettes to a 11-27 instead. I'm finding it difficult to wrap my head around the idea that losing those 4 teeth isn't a big deal. (with the qualification that it wouldn't be significant for ME at this point, but in a theoretical future in which I can average over 20mph...)

2010-12-28 12:50 AM
in reply to: #3263846

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
RBesecke - 2010-12-27 7:16 PM

newbz - 2010-12-27 8:15 PM  For the SRM, i'd personally go compact unless you are FAST. with the same rear cassette you'll only lose i think one gear (if that), and it will allow you to get a tighter rear spacing with the same gears if you'd like. most people out there are wildly over geared and would be well served by a compact.

I'd come to understand that a compact crankset was more for mountains and wasn't as practical in flats or low, rolling hills. I was tempted to switch to a compact when I was riding nothing but mountains, but I switched cassettes to a 11-27 instead. I'm finding it difficult to wrap my head around the idea that losing those 4 teeth isn't a big deal. (with the qualification that it wouldn't be significant for ME at this point, but in a theoretical future in which I can average over 20mph...)

Think of it like a car.  If you have a ferrari...sure, you want your transmission (gearing) to allow you to go 160 mph in the top gear...because a ferrari has the engine to make use of it.  Pro riders are like ferraris who ride 53/39 chain rings...or sometimes bigger on flat stages...or compact on hilly stages...because they have the "engines" to make use of them.

Now, if you have a ford don't want to throw in the same transmission as you would a ferrari.  It doesn't have the horespower to turn the gears...and you would go much faster with smaller gearing.  Most of us mere mortals are more like a ford taurus.  And I know some very good amateur riders that actually use something like a 48/38/28 triple chain ring crank for mountain climb races.  So yes...most of us should be on compact...and possibly less than compact for extremely hilly races.

Edited by tri808 2010-12-28 12:57 AM
2010-12-28 7:28 AM
in reply to: #3263846

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Hugo, MN
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!

A useful read on compact versus standard road setups.

FWIW, my buddy rocks a compact and I run a standard setup (54/42).  He has no problems keeping up at high speeds (22+).

I think the bolt pattern spacing is different on a compact though.  110mm vs 130mm on a standard crank.  If that's the case, then they are not switchable, but I don't see a loss here at all by using a compact and an 11/23.

2010-12-28 7:31 AM
in reply to: #3256274

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Woodbridge , Virginia
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
I hope everyone had a good christmas.. lots of family time and food..

i guess its back to churning and buring!!

whats on your training plan for today?

2010-12-28 8:34 AM
in reply to: #3256274

Albany, NY
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!

Got back to it yesterday.  1 hour on the stationary bike (~equivalent to 18 or 19 mi) and a quick 5K brick on the treadmill (aka - dreadmill..).  Felt good to get back to training.  Keeps the stress in check. 

I have a not so quick question for everyone...  I am planning on doing a HIM and century ride early in the 2011 season (June time frame..).  I have never done either distance.  Most on the bike is ~35 miles and I did an Oly tri this past sept.  I am having a hard time determining how hard I should train over the winter (Jan to March or there abouts..) so I am ready to push myself come late March or early April when I can go back outside to train.  Albany, NY weather is not condusive to year round tri training...  Right now, I do 7 to 10 total hours a week with 1:30 to 2 hrs of swimming / 3 to 5 hours spinning-biking / 2:30 to 3:00 hrs of running.  I know some of this depends on strenghts vs weaknesses, etc... (I am a good runner, an okay cyclist, a poor swimmer), but any advice, past experience, etc..,. would help.....  Thanks!

2010-12-28 9:17 AM
in reply to: #3264076

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
msrevi - 2010-12-28 3:34 AM

Got back to it yesterday.  1 hour on the stationary bike (~equivalent to 18 or 19 mi) and a quick 5K brick on the treadmill (aka - dreadmill..).  Felt good to get back to training.  Keeps the stress in check. 

I have a not so quick question for everyone...  I am planning on doing a HIM and century ride early in the 2011 season (June time frame..).  I have never done either distance.  Most on the bike is ~35 miles and I did an Oly tri this past sept.  I am having a hard time determining how hard I should train over the winter (Jan to March or there abouts..) so I am ready to push myself come late March or early April when I can go back outside to train.  Albany, NY weather is not condusive to year round tri training...  Right now, I do 7 to 10 total hours a week with 1:30 to 2 hrs of swimming / 3 to 5 hours spinning-biking / 2:30 to 3:00 hrs of running.  I know some of this depends on strenghts vs weaknesses, etc... (I am a good runner, an okay cyclist, a poor swimmer), but any advice, past experience, etc..,. would help.....  Thanks!

Simplest way is to look at your target race, then take a look at a training plan for that race.  If it's say a 20 week HIM plan, then go back 20 weeks from the race date and see where that ends up...let's say February for example.  So between now and February, you have to train in a manner that allows you to ease right into the HIM program.  If in the first couple weeks they have you doing 40 mile long rides, and 7 mile long runs...then you should be able to do that without feeling like you may miss your next workouts.  Also take a look at say weeks 10-14...where the volume gets really high.  You'll need to be able to build up to that.

Good luck.
2010-12-28 9:45 AM
in reply to: #3264169

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
jason hit the main points, find the race, work backwards to where you are/have time to build from, say 14-20 weeks, and then go from there.

The nice part about indoor training (more with the bike than anything), is it allows you to get in some very serious quality workouts without spending a ton of time of them.
In other words you can accomplish a lot in 50-70 min on the trainer/spin bike if you are smart about it, and then just space out a longer ride every 7-10 days (i would work up to something at least a bit longer with the century coming up. You'll be able to get more of that in once it warms up but i'd still try and get some mid long stuff in (say 2 hours or there abouts) now. If you have the power gained from the shorter workouts, it'll be much easier to add the longer stuff in as most of that will simply be getting used to being on your bike.
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