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2010-12-23 9:02 PM
in reply to: #3259912

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Auburn AL
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
macfights - 2010-12-23 7:34 PM Ok, so now I have time to add the bio: NAME: Steve (Mac) LOCATION: Wichita Falls, Texas FAMILY: Married for 12 years and have 4 kids (15, 10, 10 and 6) RACING HISTORY: I did a couple of local 5ks and rode in the Hotter N Hell 100 WORK: MSgt (E7) in the USAF in Munitions Maintenance (2W2) OTHER HOBBIES: I coach soccer and am an avid Crossfitter. I have wrestled my whole life, I fought Muay Thai and MMA (7 years), and played rugby (18 years). STORY: My last duty assignment was Kleine Brogel AB in Belgium. It is a little NATO base in the north eastern part of Belgium. While there, I got accustomed to the social life. Well, I got a little too accustomed. I began to drink A LOT of beer and we all know what happens to your gut when you drink beer and eat fried food... I ballooned up to 291lbs. Well, the USAF finally decided to become a military service and has enacted a pretty hardcore PT program. I failed miserably. I have never been a small guy, but I looked at myself after that failure and I realized that I was dying. Slowly but surely, I was killing myself with my lifestyle. My family has a history of heart disease and diabetes and I was sure headed that way. What scared me the most was that two of my friends died last year from heart attacks at the age of 38. I didn't want to die and leave my family, so I decided to change. I took my measurements (5'8", 291, 46" waist) and proceeded to my first Crossfit class. I didn't make it through. That was in April of this year. Since then, I have lost 53lbs and took 8.5" of my waist. I have added running 3-5 times a week and cycling (both road and mtn) 2-3 times a week. I have always thought of doing triathlons, but never fulfilled it (just look at my join date). I remembered this site and started lurking again. I realized that I can do this. WHERE I COULD USE HELP: Swimming and a little motivation. I tried swimming a bit this past summer and realized that I suck at it! HAHA! I can also be lazy at times. Some days, I need that little nudge to get me moving in the right direction. Plus, my wife is an enabler and allows me to sleep in on those COLD winter days, HAHA! WHAT I BRING TO THE GROUP: I think I have a mild form of OCD. If I am focused on something, I tend to become obsessed with it. I also read a ton and research everything before I make a decision. It took me almost 8 months of research before I bought my first road bike. I am also an expert at HTFU! It was the only way to survive in my past endeavors. I look forward to sharing/learning with you guys in the future!

CAREFUL!  You don't want to say that too loud in this group because Suzy will be on you like white on rice.  She is not a proponent of HTFU ( and neither is our mentor Steve).  Just sayin...I wouldn't even use that term is a playful way around here.  WORD!

2010-12-23 9:05 PM
in reply to: #3259924

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metro west, MA
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
DougRob - 2010-12-23 8:42 PMMany new MG members have said that swimming is where they need help. If Suzy can go from fear of swimming to an IM than there is hope for everyone. With only a little bit of technique you can see a lot of improvement in swimming. In the last year I have brought my time for 100 yards down from 1:57 to 1:21. The MG can be pretty helpful in this discipline.
This is awesome. I'm still weary of OWS. Its the shadows and the fear of the unknown.So I need some guidance. My A race for 2011 is a HIM in late Aug. Now I've only ever done a sprint. I'm not worried about doing the training but thinking about what other races would be good prep for the HIM. I'm looking at two races in June, an Oly and a HIM distance aqua bike. Which race would be better prep? While I'm at it, any recommendations for HIM plans?
2010-12-23 9:10 PM
in reply to: #3259924

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
DougRob - 2010-12-23 7:42 PM Many new MG members have said that swimming is where they need help. If Suzy can go from fear of swimming to an IM than there is hope for everyone. With only a little bit of technique you can see a lot of improvement in swimming. In the last year I have brought my time for 100 yards down from 1:57 to 1:21. The MG can be pretty helpful in this discipline.

AMEN!  If I can do it, anyone can!  This group will provide a ton of advice.  There are the good swimmers with their great ideas and there are those of us that struggle with good ideas on how to get started/progress.  From my POV, the most important thing you can do is make sure your technique is moving in the right direction.  For most people that means a lesson/lessons/classes with someone that knows what the heck they are talking about when trying to train newbies.  They will find your "opportunity" areas and provide drills to get you on track.  Best investment I made.  I am in a beginning Master's class and get feedback on some flaw nearly every workout.  I'm not the fastest, but I think I look good Laughing (or at least better than when I couldnt swim 15 yards without flippers, a nose plug and a pull).
2010-12-23 9:11 PM
in reply to: #3260025

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Wichita Falls
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Plainsman AU - 2010-12-23 9:02 PM

macfights - 2010-12-23 7:34 PM Ok, so now I have time to add the bio: NAME: Steve (Mac) LOCATION: Wichita Falls, Texas FAMILY: Married for 12 years and have 4 kids (15, 10, 10 and 6) RACING HISTORY: I did a couple of local 5ks and rode in the Hotter N Hell 100 WORK: MSgt (E7) in the USAF in Munitions Maintenance (2W2) OTHER HOBBIES: I coach soccer and am an avid Crossfitter. I have wrestled my whole life, I fought Muay Thai and MMA (7 years), and played rugby (18 years). STORY: My last duty assignment was Kleine Brogel AB in Belgium. It is a little NATO base in the north eastern part of Belgium. While there, I got accustomed to the social life. Well, I got a little too accustomed. I began to drink A LOT of beer and we all know what happens to your gut when you drink beer and eat fried food... I ballooned up to 291lbs. Well, the USAF finally decided to become a military service and has enacted a pretty hardcore PT program. I failed miserably. I have never been a small guy, but I looked at myself after that failure and I realized that I was dying. Slowly but surely, I was killing myself with my lifestyle. My family has a history of heart disease and diabetes and I was sure headed that way. What scared me the most was that two of my friends died last year from heart attacks at the age of 38. I didn't want to die and leave my family, so I decided to change. I took my measurements (5'8", 291, 46" waist) and proceeded to my first Crossfit class. I didn't make it through. That was in April of this year. Since then, I have lost 53lbs and took 8.5" of my waist. I have added running 3-5 times a week and cycling (both road and mtn) 2-3 times a week. I have always thought of doing triathlons, but never fulfilled it (just look at my join date). I remembered this site and started lurking again. I realized that I can do this. WHERE I COULD USE HELP: Swimming and a little motivation. I tried swimming a bit this past summer and realized that I suck at it! HAHA! I can also be lazy at times. Some days, I need that little nudge to get me moving in the right direction. Plus, my wife is an enabler and allows me to sleep in on those COLD winter days, HAHA! WHAT I BRING TO THE GROUP: I think I have a mild form of OCD. If I am focused on something, I tend to become obsessed with it. I also read a ton and research everything before I make a decision. It took me almost 8 months of research before I bought my first road bike. I am also an expert at HTFU! It was the only way to survive in my past endeavors. I look forward to sharing/learning with you guys in the future!

CAREFUL!  You don't want to say that too loud in this group because Suzy will be on you like white on rice.  She is not a proponent of HTFU ( and neither is our mentor Steve).  Just sayin...I wouldn't even use that term is a playful way around here.  WORD!

thanks for the advice...
2010-12-23 9:26 PM
in reply to: #3256813

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
@font-face { font-family: "Cambria"; }p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal { margin: 0in 0in 0.0001pt; font-size: 12pt; font-family: "Times New Roman"; }div.Section1 { page: Section1; }

Name -  Andre Lawrence “Grape Juice”


Location – Brooklyn, NY


Story – Well I was always active as a child playing all kinds of sports. In college I put on about 50-60lbs and topped out at about 250. Lifted weights and played softball and stayed at a constant weight of 225-230. Never liked cardio because I didn’t see the point of just running to run. Joined the Army National Guard in January 2010 and got in the best shape of my life, started to enjoy running for the fact that I was good at it for my size. My last PT test I ran at a weight of 198 and did my 2-mile run in 12:05.

In July I did my 1st triathlon, the Steelhead Triathlon in Arizona, which was a sprint distance. I attempted this with no training only my Army fitness and being a self taught vacation swimmer. I felt like I almost died on the 800m swim!!! I did basically the whole thing on my back in a squid like motion and finished it in 34 mins 21 Secs!! Terrible, I was in dead last out a 150 participants coming off the swim. My legs felt like jello and I never drank so much pool water in my life but I had good sprits about me and pressed on I did pretty well on the bike and run finishing in 111th place overall with a total time of 1:46:27. I have since caught the Tri bug and will complete 3-5 races in 2011 with the NYCtri being my A race. I have signed up for swim lessons and I know that  is where most my work will be

Also I noticed and confirmed on USAT that there are few African Americans participating in this wonderful sport and one of my goals is to bring more exposure to the minority community of this sport and its health benefits


Family Status – Single 27 year old male

Current Training – Right now I am in maintenance phase. I plan on starting a custom training plan for the new years composed of 4 swim, 3 bike, 3 run, 3 strength, and 2 Pilates workouts a week

Goals – I would like to get to a race weight of 185-190 and eventually to 200-205 because I like being that size and no offense but I don’t want to be 6’1 165lbs. I plan on doing 3 -4 sprints and 1 oly this year

Also I want to encourage and motivate minorities to live a healthy lifestyle, because an insane amount of minorities are affected by things that fitness and healthy habits’ can help such as obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes

Weight Loss – 35lbs since Jan 2010 current weight 195

2010 Races:

Steel Head Sprint Tri - Sprint - 1:46:27

2 5Ks – Avg time 21:45

2 10Ks – Avg time 46:30

2011 Races:

April 10th – Tough Mudder

April 17th – Unite Half Marathon

May 1st – Bassman Triathlon - Sprint

May 29th – Ironclad Triathlon – Sprint

August 7th – NYC Tri – Olympic (tentative do to National Guard Drills)

Looking to add another race before and after the NYC tri and if I cant race the NYCtri my A race will be the Nations Tri

Why I would be a good mentee: I am like a sponge and I love learning and seeing improvement. When I have goals I attack it with full vigor and I am very competitive and want to do the best that I can



2010-12-23 9:36 PM
in reply to: #3259745

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed

Techdiver - 2010-12-23 5:51 PM
velcromom - 2010-12-23 3:47 PM  other essentials:  SF Giants; SJ Sharks; SF 49ers.  Oh, and I live in Northern California!

I am with you on the 49ers die hard fan for over 20 years. And I am Canadian.

Sorry ladies and gents but I am a die hard Raiders fan.  Have been since I was a teenager. Just a few years after dirt was invented according to my kids

2010-12-23 9:47 PM
in reply to: #3260056

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
GrapeJuice - 2010-12-23 10:26 PM

Also I noticed and confirmed on USAT that there are few African Americans participating in this wonderful sport and one of my goals is to bring more exposure to the minority community of this sport and its health benefits

very cool.   you know who david goggins is? 


2010-12-23 10:01 PM
in reply to: #3259961

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Horseheads, NY
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
TrevorC - 2010-12-23 9:15 PM ahhh let the chaos ensue.!!
Just booked a 6 day Disneyland trip for late January.
The girls are going to go crazy - Lunch with the Princesses.

LOL...I am stiill recovering from our trip in November!!  You will have a blast.

Didn't have lunch with the boys wanted to eat with other Disney characters and I thought people would look at me funny if I went to have lunch with her by myself...
2010-12-23 10:08 PM
in reply to: #3256813

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
here she is.....

Edited by TrevorC 2010-12-23 10:13 PM



IMG_1944.JPG (97KB - 16 downloads)
IMG_1945.JPG (97KB - 18 downloads)
2010-12-23 10:08 PM
in reply to: #3258641

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
tpnguyen10 - 2010-12-23 3:50 AM I have 2 days of travelling and 22hrs of flying ahead of me (god help me with my daughter!), so I picked up Born to Run by Christopher McDougall.

Thoughts? Opinions? (on the book that is!) unless you want to weigh in on how Emma will take to a 19hr direct flight?

Great book!  And I hope Emma likes sleeping.  :-)  Good luck!!!!!
2010-12-23 10:10 PM
in reply to: #3260056

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Horseheads, NY
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
GrapeJuice - 2010-12-23 10:26 PM @font-face { font-family: "Cambria"; }p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal { margin: 0in 0in 0.0001pt; font-size: 12pt; font-family: "Times New Roman"; }div.Section1 { page: Section1; }

Name -  Andre Lawrence “Grape Juice”


Location – Brooklyn, NY


Story – Well I was always active as a child playing all kinds of sports. In college I put on about 50-60lbs and topped out at about 250. Lifted weights and played softball and stayed at a constant weight of 225-230. Never liked cardio because I didn’t see the point of just running to run. Joined the Army National Guard in January 2010 and got in the best shape of my life, started to enjoy running for the fact that I was good at it for my size. My last PT test I ran at a weight of 198 and did my 2-mile run in 12:05.

In July I did my 1st triathlon, the Steelhead Triathlon in Arizona, which was a sprint distance. I attempted this with no training only my Army fitness and being a self taught vacation swimmer. I felt like I almost died on the 800m swim!!! I did basically the whole thing on my back in a squid like motion and finished it in 34 mins 21 Secs!! Terrible, I was in dead last out a 150 participants coming off the swim. My legs felt like jello and I never drank so much pool water in my life but I had good sprits about me and pressed on I did pretty well on the bike and run finishing in 111th place overall with a total time of 1:46:27. I have since caught the Tri bug and will complete 3-5 races in 2011 with the NYCtri being my A race. I have signed up for swim lessons and I know that  is where most my work will be

Also I noticed and confirmed on USAT that there are few African Americans participating in this wonderful sport and one of my goals is to bring more exposure to the minority community of this sport and its health benefits


Family Status – Single 27 year old male

Current Training – Right now I am in maintenance phase. I plan on starting a custom training plan for the new years composed of 4 swim, 3 bike, 3 run, 3 strength, and 2 Pilates workouts a week

Goals – I would like to get to a race weight of 185-190 and eventually to 200-205 because I like being that size and no offense but I don’t want to be 6’1 165lbs. I plan on doing 3 -4 sprints and 1 oly this year

Also I want to encourage and motivate minorities to live a healthy lifestyle, because an insane amount of minorities are affected by things that fitness and healthy habits’ can help such as obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes

Weight Loss – 35lbs since Jan 2010 current weight 195

2010 Races:

Steel Head Sprint Tri - Sprint - 1:46:27

2 5Ks – Avg time 21:45

2 10Ks – Avg time 46:30

2011 Races:

April 10th – Tough Mudder

April 17th – Unite Half Marathon

May 1st – Bassman Triathlon - Sprint

May 29th – Ironclad Triathlon – Sprint

August 7th – NYC Tri – Olympic (tentative do to National Guard Drills)

Looking to add another race before and after the NYC tri and if I cant race the NYCtri my A race will be the Nations Tri

Why I would be a good mentee: I am like a sponge and I love learning and seeing improvement. When I have goals I attack it with full vigor and I am very competitive and want to do the best that I can



Another NYer....nice!  Welcome!

2010-12-23 10:10 PM
in reply to: #3260071

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
fattyfatfat - 2010-12-23 9:47 PM
GrapeJuice - 2010-12-23 10:26 PM

Also I noticed and confirmed on USAT that there are few African Americans participating in this wonderful sport and one of my goals is to bring more exposure to the minority community of this sport and its health benefits

very cool.   you know who david goggins is? 


Thanks to the brilliant thing called Google I know who he is now and I think I have a man crush! Embarassed
2010-12-23 10:11 PM
in reply to: #3260087

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Horseheads, NY
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
TrevorC - 2010-12-23 11:08 PM her she is.....

Trev - sweet bike.

What's up with the naked Dora the Explorer???
2010-12-23 10:15 PM
in reply to: #3260087

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
TrevorC - 2010-12-23 11:08 PM her she is.....

i love the home depot 2x4 decor.  kinda reminds me of my shed.  

is that a potty on the other side of the front wheel?

if you turn your bike 90 degrees to the left you can watch tv without having to turn your head to the left. 

why is kyla on your tv?  oh wait, i see boobs.

awesome ride.  penticton best look the F out.
2010-12-23 10:20 PM
in reply to: #3260092

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
GrapeJuice - 2010-12-23 11:10 PM
fattyfatfat - 2010-12-23 9:47 PM
GrapeJuice - 2010-12-23 10:26 PM

Also I noticed and confirmed on USAT that there are few African Americans participating in this wonderful sport and one of my goals is to bring more exposure to the minority community of this sport and its health benefits

very cool.   you know who david goggins is? 


Thanks to the brilliant thing called Google I know who he is now and I think I have a man crush! Embarassed

yeah,  he's a badass.  huge inspiration.  and navy, not army.  ;-)  i'd think he'd help your goals whether in person or just "look at this guy" type thing. 
2010-12-23 10:30 PM
in reply to: #3256813

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
My Bio
Samantha (sdalessio)
 Did my first triathlon 4 yrs. ago to fullfill a new year's resolution.  I was hooked by the time I crossed the finish line.  Since then I have completed 3 HIMs, 2 marathons and a ton of running race and sprint/olympic tris and become an endurance sport junkie.

 Married (Tony) 16 years, 2 kids (Drew and Gabriella), and 2 cats
CURRENT TRAINING: Focusing on my running and trying to get fast enough for Boston although that plan may be blown to bits with the big annoucement in Jan. ERRRRRR!!!!!!!

THIS YEAR'S RACES: 2 HIMs which were my A races.  Great race early April at Lone Star HIM and horribly race in Sept at Patriots HIM.  Some other fun races sprinkled in and set a 5k and 1/2M PR. 

2011 RACES:  Starting the year off right and fastJan. 8-9 Disney Goofy Challenge, Mar. Shamrock Marathon and then some other tris on the calendar.  Main focus will probably be short course distances but who knows, I have the NC Triple T in the back of my mind.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: Not sure except I'm pretty active on the group except when I get super busy b/t home, family, work and training then I get a little nuts!  I read a lot about nutrition so I may be able to shed some light there.

2010-12-23 10:36 PM
in reply to: #3256813

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Horseheads, NY
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed

Bio finally...

Name:  gdale/George - 38 years old

Story:  2011 will be my third tri season.  Started doing tri's as a motivation to keep working out.  Pretty much only did running before that.  Saw several people at the YMCA where I work out training for tri's and it got me wanting to do it.  Loving it now and looking forward to another year.  This will be year 2 with this MG and they are a great group of peeps.  Been in other MG in the past and they just don't compare!

Family Status:  Approaching 13 years married to Kris.  Three boys - Jeremy (11), Tommy (8) and Cody (4).  Kris is an active runner and this year did her first multisport events - 2 triathlons and a duathlon.  Tommy also did his first kids tri in July.

Other Hobbies:  Youth wrestling coach, help to coach my kids soccer and baseball teams, skiing in the winter, charity work (sit on the BoD for Children's Craniofacial Assocaition and co-chair an annual charity golf tournament with my wife), reading when I don't have 7 pages of MG posts to catch up on!

2010 Races:  Skunk Cabbage Half Marathon (pr), Race for the Cure 5k (pr), Wilkes-Barre Duathlon, Musselman Sprint Tri, Cayuga Lake Olympic Tri, Time to Sperr 10k

2011 Plan:  Going longer this year.  2 half marathons (April and May), 1st HIM distance race (July) and 1st Marathon (October).  Another sprint or oly, possibly another du.  Other 5ks and 10ks where they fit.

What I Can Bring to the Group:  Perspective.  Family/Work/Life/Tri balance (as everyone here can provide).  An occasional bit of sarcasim (although it is hard to keep up with Fatty and Trevor) and an occasional nugget of useful information (although I am still learning more than I am giving!!)

Looking forward to getting to know all of the new members and continuing to get harrassed by the used members!!


2010-12-23 10:40 PM
in reply to: #3256813

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
I don't know if i can keep up with all of these posts!!! Is this the normal volume or is it bc the group just started up again?

Also, I owe you all my bio... soon I promise.
2010-12-23 10:58 PM
in reply to: #3260092

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
GrapeJuice - 2010-12-23 8:10 PM
fattyfatfat - 2010-12-23 9:47 PM
GrapeJuice - 2010-12-23 10:26 PM

Also I noticed and confirmed on USAT that there are few African Americans participating in this wonderful sport and one of my goals is to bring more exposure to the minority community of this sport and its health benefits

very cool.   you know who david goggins is? 


Thanks to the brilliant thing called Google I know who he is now and I think I have a man crush! Embarassed

Awesome!! Ha!

Loved your bio, btw. Still wrapping my head around you running a 12:05 2-miler. Dayum!!!! Love your attitude too.

It's gonna be so fun to get to know everyone!!!! I'm feeling good energy from everyone, LOVE IT!
2010-12-23 11:00 PM
in reply to: #3260097

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
fattyfatfat - 2010-12-23 8:15 PM
TrevorC - 2010-12-23 11:08 PM her she is.....

i love the home depot 2x4 decor.  kinda reminds me of my shed.  

is that a potty on the other side of the front wheel?

if you turn your bike 90 degrees to the left you can watch tv without having to turn your head to the left. 

why is kyla on your tv?  oh wait, i see boobs.

awesome ride.  penticton best look the F out.

Ummmmm.... Bite me??
2010-12-23 11:03 PM
in reply to: #3260107

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
sdalessio - 2010-12-23 8:30 PM My Bio
Samantha (sdalessio)
 Did my first triathlon 4 yrs. ago to fullfill a new year's resolution.  I was hooked by the time I crossed the finish line.  Since then I have completed 3 HIMs, 2 marathons and a ton of running race and sprint/olympic tris and become an endurance sport junkie.

 Married (Tony) 16 years, 2 kids (Drew and Gabriella), and 2 cats
CURRENT TRAINING: Focusing on my running and trying to get fast enough for Boston although that plan may be blown to bits with the big annoucement in Jan. ERRRRRR!!!!!!!

THIS YEAR'S RACES: 2 HIMs which were my A races.  Great race early April at Lone Star HIM and horribly race in Sept at Patriots HIM.  Some other fun races sprinkled in and set a 5k and 1/2M PR. 

2011 RACES:  Starting the year off right and fastJan. 8-9 Disney Goofy Challenge, Mar. Shamrock Marathon and then some other tris on the calendar.  Main focus will probably be short course distances but who knows, I have the NC Triple T in the back of my mind.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: Not sure except I'm pretty active on the group except when I get super busy b/t home, family, work and training then I get a little nuts!  I read a lot about nutrition so I may be able to shed some light there.

Ummmmmm yeah... can we talk about that here? What is UP?! How do you think they will change Q times? Are there any age groups that are overly populated? I'm really curious what will happen. The article Suzy posted on FB (was it an editorial? I don't remember?) talked about them limiting the charity/non-Q runners before they go adjusting Q times. It will be interesting to see how it all plays out. Turning 45 is looking better and better...

2010-12-23 11:07 PM
in reply to: #3260115

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Memarshall80 - 2010-12-23 8:40 PM I don't know if i can keep up with all of these posts!!! Is this the normal volume or is it bc the group just started up again?

Also, I owe you all my bio... soon I promise.


Just do what you can. I think, at times, this MG is the 5th discipline (nutrition being the 4th behind swim/bike/run)!!
2010-12-23 11:08 PM
in reply to: #3260134

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
kkcbelle - 2010-12-23 11:03 PM
sdalessio - 2010-12-23 8:30 PM My Bio
Samantha (sdalessio)
 Did my first triathlon 4 yrs. ago to fullfill a new year's resolution.  I was hooked by the time I crossed the finish line.  Since then I have completed 3 HIMs, 2 marathons and a ton of running race and sprint/olympic tris and become an endurance sport junkie.

 Married (Tony) 16 years, 2 kids (Drew and Gabriella), and 2 cats
CURRENT TRAINING: Focusing on my running and trying to get fast enough for Boston although that plan may be blown to bits with the big annoucement in Jan. ERRRRRR!!!!!!!

THIS YEAR'S RACES: 2 HIMs which were my A races.  Great race early April at Lone Star HIM and horribly race in Sept at Patriots HIM.  Some other fun races sprinkled in and set a 5k and 1/2M PR. 

2011 RACES:  Starting the year off right and fastJan. 8-9 Disney Goofy Challenge, Mar. Shamrock Marathon and then some other tris on the calendar.  Main focus will probably be short course distances but who knows, I have the NC Triple T in the back of my mind.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: Not sure except I'm pretty active on the group except when I get super busy b/t home, family, work and training then I get a little nuts!  I read a lot about nutrition so I may be able to shed some light there.

Ummmmmm yeah... can we talk about that here? What is UP?! How do you think they will change Q times? Are there any age groups that are overly populated? I'm really curious what will happen. The article Suzy posted on FB (was it an editorial? I don't remember?) talked about them limiting the charity/non-Q runners before they go adjusting Q times. It will be interesting to see how it all plays out. Turning 45 is looking better and better...

What I saw was a PR from the Boston Assn.  Basically 3 things: 1) 0-10min decrease in all AG qualifying times.  So some groups no change and up to 10min for others.  I have a feeling the women 40 and under are going to get screwed.  2) up to 3000 (I think) more spots open 3) shorter qualifying period - one year instead of 18 months.  Basically having the period good for one Boston not two.  Oh well - it is what it is and we will have to wait and see in Jan.
2010-12-23 11:16 PM
in reply to: #3260063

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Almaden Valley, San Jose, California
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Redknight - 2010-12-23 7:36 PM

Techdiver - 2010-12-23 5:51 PM
velcromom - 2010-12-23 3:47 PM  other essentials:  SF Giants; SJ Sharks; SF 49ers.  Oh, and I live in Northern California!

I am with you on the 49ers die hard fan for over 20 years. And I am Canadian.

Sorry ladies and gents but I am a die hard Raiders fan.  Have been since I was a teenager. Just a few years after dirt was invented according to my kids

Damn.  I live with TWO of them.  It's ugly with the black hole and all.
2010-12-23 11:22 PM
in reply to: #3260138

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Almaden Valley, San Jose, California
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
sdalessio - 2010-12-23 9:08 PM
kkcbelle - 2010-12-23 11:03 PM
sdalessio - 2010-12-23 8:30 PM My Bio
Samantha (sdalessio)
 Did my first triathlon 4 yrs. ago to fullfill a new year's resolution.  I was hooked by the time I crossed the finish line.  Since then I have completed 3 HIMs, 2 marathons and a ton of running race and sprint/olympic tris and become an endurance sport junkie.

 Married (Tony) 16 years, 2 kids (Drew and Gabriella), and 2 cats
CURRENT TRAINING: Focusing on my running and trying to get fast enough for Boston although that plan may be blown to bits with the big annoucement in Jan. ERRRRRR!!!!!!!

THIS YEAR'S RACES: 2 HIMs which were my A races.  Great race early April at Lone Star HIM and horribly race in Sept at Patriots HIM.  Some other fun races sprinkled in and set a 5k and 1/2M PR. 

2011 RACES:  Starting the year off right and fastJan. 8-9 Disney Goofy Challenge, Mar. Shamrock Marathon and then some other tris on the calendar.  Main focus will probably be short course distances but who knows, I have the NC Triple T in the back of my mind.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: Not sure except I'm pretty active on the group except when I get super busy b/t home, family, work and training then I get a little nuts!  I read a lot about nutrition so I may be able to shed some light there.

Ummmmmm yeah... can we talk about that here? What is UP?! How do you think they will change Q times? Are there any age groups that are overly populated? I'm really curious what will happen. The article Suzy posted on FB (was it an editorial? I don't remember?) talked about them limiting the charity/non-Q runners before they go adjusting Q times. It will be interesting to see how it all plays out. Turning 45 is looking better and better...

What I saw was a PR from the Boston Assn.  Basically 3 things: 1) 0-10min decrease in all AG qualifying times.  So some groups no change and up to 10min for others.  I have a feeling the women 40 and under are going to get screwed.  2) up to 3000 (I think) more spots open 3) shorter qualifying period - one year instead of 18 months.  Basically having the period good for one Boston not two.  Oh well - it is what it is and we will have to wait and see in Jan.

Okay, I really want to rant on this.  I raced a race to QUALIFY.  I DID.  BAA told me to race a sub-4:00, and I did.  They told me that was a 2012 qualifier.  If they don't let me in now, they're really gonna see cranky.  47 year old mom of teens?  It's gonna get ugly.

rant off.

Merry Christmas Eve Eve.

p.s.  nice potty seat, Trevor.
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