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2011-04-29 10:26 AM
in reply to: #3472513

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Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
peteacher - 2011-04-28 8:41 PM

How is everyone's week going so far?  Are you sticking to your goals?  Weather here still has not broke but trying to stay optimistic!!  So far got two swims and one run in with run/bikes in the next three days!!

What's got ya motivated this week??!!

So far, so goodSmile.  Granted, I had to shuffle a couple of things this week, but I should still manage to get everything done, even the swims.  We've gotten a break from the bad weather for a couple of days so I hit the gym this morning for a swim.  Now I'm sitting at work, ready for a napLaughing - swimming always makes me sleepy, lol!  It looks like the weather will hold out long enough for me to ride my bike to the bike tune-up class I'm going to tomorrow morning also.  The only iffy day will be Sunday - cold, wet, rainy.  Not a good day for a long run.  I'm really hoping I'll be able to get outside long enough for that - 7 miles on a TM is not funFrown.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

2011-04-29 10:27 AM
in reply to: #3472890

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Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
agrant3 - 2011-04-29 7:54 AM

Well I had a great workout this morning.  BUT I have slacked Big time this week and missed my workouts on both Wednesday and Thursday.  I'm not sure if I had a great workout this morning because of resting (slacking) the past two days or because I was feeling so guilty about slacking that I needed to get my butt moving!!

Anyways I'll be taking my planned day off tomorrow and I have a 42 Mile Bike ride on Sunday!  Its this TD Bank 5 Boro bike tour.  They basically block a lot of streets off from traffic in NYC and you get a chance to ride through all 5 boros traffic free!  Should be a nice easy ride, but I'm sure I'll be able to get in some decent miles in there too.

Have a great weekend everyone!!

Enjoy your bike ride Sunday!  Sounds like fun!

2011-04-29 11:28 AM
in reply to: #3472513

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Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
peteacher - 2011-04-28 8:41 PM

How is everyone's week going so far?  Are you sticking to your goals?  Weather here still has not broke but trying to stay optimistic!!  So far got two swims and one run in with run/bikes in the next three days!!

What's got ya motivated this week??!!

I've missed 2 workouts that I was hoping to catch up on today.  But I woke up and my heel is more sore than it has been in a couple of weeks.  I am hoping it's going to feel better so I can do my predictor 5k today as a part of my half mary training.  I go back to the doc next Wednesday to see what he says.

Anyone had cortisone shots?  What were your results, good or bad?
2011-04-29 4:07 PM
in reply to: #3473446

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Welllington, NZ
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

The only iffy day will be Sunday - cold, wet, rainy. Not a good day for a long run. I'm really hoping I'll be able to get outside long enough for that - 7 miles on a TM is not fun.

I quite enjoy running in the rain actually. As long as you wrap up properly you may find it refreshing? Just make sure you give yourself the option to get out of it if you want to (for example a loop circuit passing your home). Try it, you may be suprised!

Talking of which, there were questions about hardening up earlier in the thread. Well, i'm the same, if i look out of the window and it's not nice i think "Err, i don't think i will today" but if i start and it's not raining, but then it starts when i'm out i don't mind as "I'm already out now". It's just a mental thing and if you can't work with it then you might have some decent workouts in inclement weather! However, you do of course need to know when not to go out if it's too bad - a week or 2 off with a cold for example will do nothing for your training!

I've missed 2 workouts that I was hoping to catch up on today.  But I woke up and my heel is more sore than it has been in a couple of weeks. 

Well, don't do too much - there's a lot of advice here on the forums about not catching up on missed sessions. Replacing a certain session with a missed one seems to be ok to a point, but not stacking them...


Edited by lbishop 2011-04-29 4:07 PM
2011-04-29 5:59 PM
in reply to: #3282419

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

First why do them - Varying the stress on your body is very important. Variety makes the body more able to adapt and also develops different muscle groups (slow and fast twitch in particular) Also they help the body to learn to be faster in short spurts so that eventually you can be faster for longer periods of time. I also think that everyone can benefit from intervals.

Second - How to do them. What I would do first is establish your "race pace" For instance I run 10 minute per mile average. So for an interval I am going to go out for a run, do a 10 minute warm up, run for 30 seconds above my race pace, 1:30 just below my race pace. I would probably do 8-12 of these then cool down for ten minutes to end the workout.

For biking I would do the exact same thing except for pedaling instead of running. For swimming I would something close as well. For a 1600m workout I would do a 400m warm up, do 400m worth of technique drills do the next 400 as 50m fast, 30 second break, 50m fast, 30 sec break, 50m fast 15 sec break (vary the stress) 50m fast, 15 sec break, 200 at race pace, 400 cool down.

For follow up workouts you just need to vary the time and distance. Sometimes When I run I go out for a 10 min warm up, 20 minutes faster than race pace and 10 minutes cool down. No matter what your pace is you will not get faster unless you teach your body to go faster.

One last thought on intervals. Doing them will increase your comfort level during a race because the stress caused on your body will not be new but something your body is already prepped to handle. So even if you don't go faster you will have a much easier time finishing with a smile.

Hopefully this helps. Let me know if something is unclear or if you want clarification etc etc.
2011-04-29 6:01 PM
in reply to: #3473446

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Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
tricupcake - 2011-04-29 9:28 AM

peteacher - 2011-04-28 8:41 PM

How is everyone's week going so far?  Are you sticking to your goals?  Weather here still has not broke but trying to stay optimistic!!  So far got two swims and one run in with run/bikes in the next three days!!

What's got ya motivated this week??!!

I've missed 2 workouts that I was hoping to catch up on today.  But I woke up and my heel is more sore than it has been in a couple of weeks.  I am hoping it's going to feel better so I can do my predictor 5k today as a part of my half mary training.  I go back to the doc next Wednesday to see what he says.

Anyone had cortisone shots?  What were your results, good or bad?

I have never had cortisone shots but I would definately say do what it takes to get healthy for the long haul. There is always another race but your body doesn't have any extra parts.

2011-04-29 6:02 PM
in reply to: #3473276

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Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
soccermom15 - 2011-04-29 8:26 AM

peteacher - 2011-04-28 8:41 PM

How is everyone's week going so far?  Are you sticking to your goals?  Weather here still has not broke but trying to stay optimistic!!  So far got two swims and one run in with run/bikes in the next three days!!

What's got ya motivated this week??!!

So far, so goodSmile.  Granted, I had to shuffle a couple of things this week, but I should still manage to get everything done, even the swims.  We've gotten a break from the bad weather for a couple of days so I hit the gym this morning for a swim.  Now I'm sitting at work, ready for a napLaughing - swimming always makes me sleepy, lol!  It looks like the weather will hold out long enough for me to ride my bike to the bike tune-up class I'm going to tomorrow morning also.  The only iffy day will be Sunday - cold, wet, rainy.  Not a good day for a long run.  I'm really hoping I'll be able to get outside long enough for that - 7 miles on a TM is not funFrown.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

NIce work! Its tough to get workouts in around life sometimes. You should feel proud of yourself.
2011-04-29 6:04 PM
in reply to: #3467618

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Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Wesley12 - 2011-04-26 4:04 PM

Got signed up with a swim coach today.  Hopefully this will help improve my swim time.  My bike seems to be getting better.  My runs have taken a turn for the worse this week but that may be related to over-eating on Easter. 

Improvements take a while coming.Glad you can recognize them. They can be very motivating. Keep it up.
2011-04-29 10:04 PM
in reply to: #3474161

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

Scott, when would you recommend a beginner start intervals for running?  As soon as they're comfortable with the race distance?  How often do you do interval workouts?

Anyone had cortisone shots?  What were your results, good or bad?

I wish I could tell you it was good.  I had an injection for PF and it was incredibly painful.  It seemed to help some, but not much and I'd rather give birth than do that again.  But ask your doc - it's entirely possible the location of your injury won't make it as painful.  For PF what helped was ice, lots of stretching and rolling a golf ball under my foot.  (The limping and moaning were good for sympathy too.

I also missed two workouts this week, a bike and swim, and am going to miss my swim on Sun.  Bottom line is my swim stuff is at the office and I blew off work today, so there went today's plan and Sunday's too.  But I got in the others, and weather permitting I can put in some extra bike/run time over the weekend.  The YMCA tri club is meeting for a bike handling skills/run workout tomorrow, which should be fun.

Anyone use Road ID or a similar ID bracelet when you're running/biking?  There was a thread about it in the general forum and I ordered one.  Got it today.  It's nice.  Hopefully no one will ever need to read it. 

2011-04-30 10:05 AM
in reply to: #3474407

New user
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

Anyone use Road ID or a similar ID bracelet when you're running/biking?  There was a thread about it in the general forum and I ordered one.  Got it today.  It's nice.  Hopefully no one will ever need to read it. 


What is the bracelet and where would one find it?  I am super curious, do share!!


2011-04-30 3:39 PM
in reply to: #3474700

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Welllington, NZ
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
peteacher - 2011-05-01 5:05 AM

Anyone use Road ID or a similar ID bracelet when you're running/biking?  There was a thread about it in the general forum and I ordered one.  Got it today.  It's nice.  Hopefully no one will ever need to read it. 

Yes i use a similar product (outdoorid), have done for about 4 years now. Mine is just a laser engraved dog tag but it gives my wife peace of mind when i'm out. Also, i'm a rare blood group and have a low RHR so have those 2 things engraved on there - it sure can't hurt and i'm very happy that it's never been needed.

Since i got my dogtag they've come out with small and permanent id's that form a great range and to be honest i'd be more inclined to get one of these now as they're on display - with my dogtag, i'm pretty reliant on someone actually looking for it.


Edited by lbishop 2011-04-30 3:40 PM

2011-04-30 10:10 PM
in reply to: #3474700

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
peteacher - 2011-04-30 10:05 AM What is the bracelet and where would one find it?  I am super curious, do share!!


It's a cloth bracelet with an engraved metal tag.  It lets you specify 6 lines of text.  In my case I have

Name and birthdate / City, state / Friend's number / Doctor's number / NKDA (no known drug allergies) and blood type / "It's only a flesh wound" (a lot of people put something inspirational or whatever on the last line - a guy on the other thread had "how's my bike?" Laughing ).

It comes in a number of colors and closes with Velcro, so it's one size fits all.  I thought it was pretty good for $20.

2011-05-02 4:35 PM
in reply to: #3282419

New user
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Has anyone else looked at some of the totals that have been posted for April.  There are some crazy numbers being posted.  I'm a very busy man.  I own a restaurant and an accounting practice.  But i dont see how some of these numbers are possible unless they don't have to work.  I have a little more time now that tax season is over but I still don't see how some folks get all that training done.  I hope everyone's traing is going well and i hope for a good tri this weekend for sdejan.  Good Luck!
2011-05-03 10:34 PM
in reply to: #3282419

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

Yeah, those are some crazy numbers!  Mine are a touch more modest... Laughing

Thanks for the good wishes!  Actually it's a week from Sun, so I'm still training "hard" this week - looking forward to the taper next week!

2011-05-03 11:12 PM
in reply to: #3474407

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
sdejan - 2011-04-29 8:04 PM

Scott, when would you recommend a beginner start intervals for running?  As soon as they're comfortable with the race distance?  How often do you do interval workouts?

Anyone had cortisone shots?  What were your results, good or bad?

I wish I could tell you it was good.  I had an injection for PF and it was incredibly painful.  It seemed to help some, but not much and I'd rather give birth than do that again.  But ask your doc - it's entirely possible the location of your injury won't make it as painful.  For PF what helped was ice, lots of stretching and rolling a golf ball under my foot.  (The limping and moaning were good for sympathy too.

I also missed two workouts this week, a bike and swim, and am going to miss my swim on Sun.  Bottom line is my swim stuff is at the office and I blew off work today, so there went today's plan and Sunday's too.  But I got in the others, and weather permitting I can put in some extra bike/run time over the weekend.  The YMCA tri club is meeting for a bike handling skills/run workout tomorrow, which should be fun.

Anyone use Road ID or a similar ID bracelet when you're running/biking?  There was a thread about it in the general forum and I ordered one.  Got it today.  It's nice.  Hopefully no one will ever need to read it. 

I recommend starting intervals as soon as you can. I would only do them once or twice a week though as the long slow distance has its place as well.

Don't worry about getting to the place where you can say "now I am in shape and can do ....." you will never be there. I have never been to a place in my life where I could say I was in shape enough. Go for it. Be who you want to be now.

I have a friend who is working up to a mile without walking. He is doing intervals. He works on the track and he runs one straight piece of track and walks the rest. That is an interval. Hope that helps.

2011-05-03 11:14 PM
in reply to: #3474700

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
peteacher - 2011-04-30 8:05 AM

Anyone use Road ID or a similar ID bracelet when you're running/biking?  There was a thread about it in the general forum and I ordered one.  Got it today.  It's nice.  Hopefully no one will ever need to read it. 


What is the bracelet and where would one find it?  I am super curious, do share!!


I honestly don't have one but I should get one. I think they are a great idea and you can never be too careful.

2011-05-03 11:17 PM
in reply to: #3282419

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
SO last week we talked about transition a little and shared some ideas. What about going from bike to run. Are there things we can do as we ride that help us prep for the run so we don't have that very funny feeling as our legs make the transition from one exercise to the next.

The one I use is for the last mile I put my heels down as much as possible and shift down to get my cadence up a little. I have used it a bit and it seems to help.

Any one else????

How is training going? Has anyone tried incorporating intervals?


P.S. I am at a police academy all month so I will probably just be on once a day in the evenings. Today I started at 0700 and finished at 7:30pm. Now I am doing homework. I'll be glad when this month is over.
2011-05-04 9:50 AM
in reply to: #3282419

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Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

Hey guys!  I've been MIA for a couple of days.  After a good start to my workouts last week, things kind of fell apart.  I got most of my workouts in but missed a short run during the week and my long run on Sunday.  I'm not overly worried about it though since I'm not training for a long distance race at this point - just trying to keep my base up. 

I also wimped out on riding my bike to the bike maintenance class I went to on Saturday morning (it was cold that morningEmbarassed - but I did get out for a ride later!).  I loved the class - best $25 I've spent in a long time.  Some of it was pretty basic (what all the parts of the bike are called), but he also showed us how to adjust the brakes and the derailluers, the best way to clean a chain, and even how to maintain and change out cables for brakes and shifters.  And of course, I learned how to change a tire and also how to not change a tire Laughing - my first attempt caused my tube to pop when I was reinflating the tire.  Luckily I had a spare tube and he showed me what had happened the first time (the tube got pinched between the tire and rim) and how to prevent it.  So now if I have a flat, I should be able to fix it myself. 

I've only set one goal for myself for this week - I want to do well in my 5k on Saturday.  It's not a race I had planned to do, but my DD asked me to run it with her (well, not exactly with her - she'll be waiting for me at the finish after she's done).  I did this race 2 years ago and finished just under 31 minutes.  This year my goal is a sub-30.  If I can do that, or at least come close, it'll be a good week for me.


2011-05-04 4:23 PM
in reply to: #3481488

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Welllington, NZ
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
soccermom15 - 2011-05-05 4:50 AM

I've only set one goal for myself for this week - I want to do well in my 5k on Saturday.  It's not a race I had planned to do, but my DD asked me to run it with her (well, not exactly with her - she'll be waiting for me at the finish after she's done).  I did this race 2 years ago and finished just under 31 minutes.  This year my goal is a sub-30.  If I can do that, or at least come close, it'll be a good week for me.

Good luck with your run - let us know how it goes!

I too had a class this week - the 1st of a 4 week swim course designed to take those who thought they could swim and show them they can't! Embarassed No i'm only kidding, obviously it's designed to improve technique. The 1st and last class include video analysis and i'm just amazed at seeing just how i'm doing things wrong on the screen.

Certainly going from a thought of "i'm not too bad, just need to tidy up a bit" to "whoa, what is that?" is eye opening. From just seeing it i would advise anyone to try and get a video analysisit done to see your stroke...


2011-05-04 9:09 PM
in reply to: #3482344

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Fort Myers, FL
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

Hi all. I too have been MIA for a bit. Things have been rough on the home front. But, last week I did get released to run again!!! YAY! And I'm finally in a place where I want to start training actively again. I found out that my 10 year HS reunion is probably going to be sometime in the fall, so I'm starting to watch what I eat and get my exercise up! Hoping I look half as good as i did in HS!

Anyway, I have a dilemma. There is a race this weekend that is pretty cheap, near my parents house (which is ~2 hour drive) and I can even get reimbursed $25 of my entry fee. The thing is, I just started running again and I don't feel like my base is where I want to be. So basically my dilemma is this: should I sign up to do it knowing that it won't be a great finish, but may be a great motivator....OR just not even waste my money. Opinions, please!

2011-05-04 10:53 PM
in reply to: #3482770

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
morrisel - 2011-05-04 7:09 PM

Hi all. I too have been MIA for a bit. Things have been rough on the home front. But, last week I did get released to run again!!! YAY! And I'm finally in a place where I want to start training actively again. I found out that my 10 year HS reunion is probably going to be sometime in the fall, so I'm starting to watch what I eat and get my exercise up! Hoping I look half as good as i did in HS!

Anyway, I have a dilemma. There is a race this weekend that is pretty cheap, near my parents house (which is ~2 hour drive) and I can even get reimbursed $25 of my entry fee. The thing is, I just started running again and I don't feel like my base is where I want to be. So basically my dilemma is this: should I sign up to do it knowing that it won't be a great finish, but may be a great motivator....OR just not even waste my money. Opinions, please!

How long is the race? How far can you comfortably go now? If the two are close then I say go for it. None of us are here to break land speed records or anything like that. Go and have fun! Let us know how it goes.

2011-05-05 8:02 AM
in reply to: #3480967

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Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
holt1997 - 2011-05-03 11:17 PM SO last week we talked about transition a little and shared some ideas. What about going from bike to run. Are there things we can do as we ride that help us prep for the run so we don't have that very funny feeling as our legs make the transition from one exercise to the next. The one I use is for the last mile I put my heels down as much as possible and shift down to get my cadence up a little. I have used it a bit and it seems to help. Any one else???? How is training going? Has anyone tried incorporating intervals? Scott P.S. I am at a police academy all month so I will probably just be on once a day in the evenings. Today I started at 0700 and finished at 7:30pm. Now I am doing homework. I'll be glad when this month is over.

Training for me is 'meh' this week.  I am still struggling with my plantar faciitis injury and I think it is starting to wear on me mentally.  It's frustrating to not have your body allow you to do what you want to do.  So, at the beginning of the week, I kind of gave up for a while.  I got back on track yesterday though with a 700 yard swim.  I was having problems with not being able to breathe correctly, but nose plugs have mostly fixed that problem.  Now I'm working on relaxing in the water which is also helping.

I went to the podiatrist yesterday and we both decided that after my tri in June, if I'm not completely better, we're going to start cortisone shots.  That means that there will not be a half marathon for me this year.  At least not the one that I wanted to do.  It was kind of a downer to have to make that decision and it's one I've been struggling with for a couple of weeks now but I know it was the right decision to make.  I think that this might be my only race for the year so I will have to find some motivation to keep at my workouts since I have made such good progress this year.
2011-05-05 9:31 AM
in reply to: #3282419

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

Well I had a disappointing workout yesterday.  I'd targeted a 40-min run, maybe with some intervals worked in.  Instead I took a walk break at 15:30, and it was all over from there.  As soon as I'd stopped once, it seemed I couldn't get going again.  The body was complaining but not much; it was a mind thing more than anything else.  I must have walked at least as much as I ran on the way back to the car.  I logged 25 mins as a best guess at what I actually ran.

I'm 10 days away from my race - I don't need bad workouts now!  Laughing

2011-05-05 9:37 AM
in reply to: #3282419

New user
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
You're not alone.  My runs have been struggling the last couple of weeks.  Swim and bike rides have been ok but I think the run has become as much in my head as anything else. 
2011-05-05 12:33 PM
in reply to: #3282419

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

Hello 'Groupies',

Been MIA for a couple weeks; survived the hurricanes of Arkansas, then my GF had eye surgery on Monday so I've been playing nurse for her.  I did manage to get some good workouts in while in Little Rock, but since I've been back in Boise-not so much.

Motivation seems to be improving along with the warmer weather here in Idaho, plan to go out for 30-40 miles tonight on the bike.  Forcast is in the 70's. 

Hope everyone is doing well.  Happy Cino de Mayo!

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