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2011-05-05 8:14 AM
in reply to: #3434844

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: jmk-brooklyn's group-- FULL
Agreed. I think you've got the base fitness to get through it. It might not be pretty, but you'll get to the finish line for sure!

2011-05-05 11:28 AM
in reply to: #3476553

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Subject: RE: jmk-brooklyn's group-- FULL

I am currently flying the C-5.

I have had a pretty solid training week so far. I did some great swim drills on Monday which I desperately needed. I did a bike/run brick on Tuesday, and now I am on a mission... so my plan has kind of been derailed.

Although I just swam 1000m on a base in Spain after being awake for over 24hrs, so that has got to count for something right?

I am looking forward to the Memphis In May Sprint Tri on the 21st!

2011-05-05 4:22 PM
in reply to: #3434844

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: jmk-brooklyn's group-- FULL
I would have a hard time being upright, much less swimming at all after being awake for 24h. Very impressive.

C-5's are the HUGE cargo planes, right? Are you based out of Dover AFB in DE, by any chance? We go to the beach in DE every summer and pass that base. Sometimes we see those planes taking off or landing; they're awesome--it's amazing to see something that big up in the sky.
2011-05-06 9:43 AM
in reply to: #3434844

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: jmk-brooklyn's group-- FULL
I’m trying to balance my training for my half-marathon in three weeks with training for this very short, very fast duathlon this weekend.
On Wednesday, I ran 10.1 miles. It’s only the second time I’ve been able to run more than 10 miles since my half-ironman a couple of years ago. Last night I did a short, fast trainer ride, followed by a short, fast 2-mile run. Bike ride was at about 19mph for 30 minutes and the run was 2 miles at about an 8:30 minute mile. If I could hold anything close to those paces at the race on Sunday without throwing up all over myself and my shiny bike, I’ll be very pleased with myself.

How is everyone’s training going? It’s a little quiet around here lately, just sayin’…

2011-05-06 1:35 PM
in reply to: #3434844

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Houston, TX
Subject: RE: jmk-brooklyn's group-- FULL
I have been busy training for my sprint tri (tomorrow!) & my half marathon in 1 month. I started stressing a lot this week about the open water swim, but have calmed down now. It'll be a chilly swim, but I can do it! I will get out there & do my best!

I've tried to enjoy the last 2 days without training & took my bike in for small adjustment & just to have it checked over. I'll br packing my bag & re-reading over the packet later today.

2011-05-06 1:56 PM
in reply to: #3434844

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: jmk-brooklyn's group-- FULL
So exciting! I wish I was doing a tri. I actually kind of look forward to the swim. Not because I'm that great a swimmer, but because, to me, the swim is what makes the triathlon "special" and kind of outside the limits of what most people would be willing or able to do. Most people can get their head around biking and running, but not too many people know what it's like to jump into a lake or the ocean with hundreds of other people and race to a finish line.

How are you working your half-mary training around your tri training? I've been focusing on making the running the priority, and I'll ramp up the swim and bike once the half-mary's over.

One suggestion about the swim, esp if it'll be cold. Take a minute before the race and get in the water, swim around a little. You don’t have to do any drills or go fast or anything—just get in the water and paddle around and, in particular, make sure you get your face and head in the water. This will accomplish two things: first it will get water inside your wetsuit (if you’re wearing one). The water inside your suit will warm up and keep the cold water out once the race starts. Getting your head and face acclimated to the cold water will also help to lessen the shock of jumping into cold water. I think most people who freak out at the beginning of an OWS do so right at the beginning when the cold water first hits them.

2011-05-06 3:10 PM
in reply to: #3485770

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Houston, TX
Subject: RE: jmk-brooklyn's group-- FULL
jmk-brooklyn - 2011-05-06 1:56 PM

So exciting! I wish I was doing a tri. I actually kind of look forward to the swim. Not because I'm that great a swimmer, but because, to me, the swim is what makes the triathlon "special" and kind of outside the limits of what most people would be willing or able to do. Most people can get their head around biking and running, but not too many people know what it's like to jump into a lake or the ocean with hundreds of other people and race to a finish line.

How are you working your half-mary training around your tri training? I've been focusing on making the running the priority, and I'll ramp up the swim and bike once the half-mary's over.

One suggestion about the swim, esp if it'll be cold. Take a minute before the race and get in the water, swim around a little. You don’t have to do any drills or go fast or anything—just get in the water and paddle around and, in particular, make sure you get your face and head in the water. This will accomplish two things: first it will get water inside your wetsuit (if you’re wearing one). The water inside your suit will warm up and keep the cold water out once the race starts. Getting your head and face acclimated to the cold water will also help to lessen the shock of jumping into cold water. I think most people who freak out at the beginning of an OWS do so right at the beginning when the cold water first hits them.

Ok...question regarding getting in beforehand. First of all, I'm not wearing a wetsuit. I did an OWS clinic there last week, & found out about the 'panic' when I got my face wet! It will be cooler, though.

Outdoor temp should be about 64 when I start (warming o upper 80's during the day) & the water about 73 or 74 (it was 75/76 last weekend). The race starts at 7 am, but my wave is at 7:33. I am unsure about getting wet & then waiting all of that time in the cool morning for my start. Also, we do start IN the water, though I thought from the clinic that we were starting on the shore. Should I just wade in & get my face wet while waiting for my wave?

As far as training for tri & HM, well, it is just my 2nd of each. So, I basically have been trying to get in 2 swims, 2 rides, & 3 runs a week. My priority has been my long run. It's a little more complicated as my HM was supposed to happen last month, but did tri #1 instead & then just signed up for the HM recently. I had already built up my miles, then let it drop, & am now rebuilding!

Thanks, also, for the reminder that the swim is what makes tris unique & special! I really have been stressed about the swim this week & thinking about quitting this whole tri business. We'll see how tomorrow goes, but now I'm looking at another sprint with an outdoor pool swim for July & a 4th sprint in August in another lake. I know I'll continue to learn & get better with each event! I might even do a 5th in September, & that will be the end of my first season. After that, it's probably back to running!
2011-05-06 3:49 PM
in reply to: #3434844

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: jmk-brooklyn's group-- FULL
If you’re worried about the cold, I think you’d be fine to wade in, maybe dunk yourself in the water, and swim a little—get your face and head wet, a few minutes before the start. It might even be good if you cool off a little while you wait, since it’ll make the water seem warmer by comparison when you get in, kind of like taking a cold shower before you get in the pool. You certainly won’t get hypothermic or anything if the weather’s in the 60’s.

I know it may be hard to justify, considering how warm it gets down there, but if swimming makes you nervous, a wetsuit will go a LONG way towards making you feel more comfortable in the water. For one thing, it’s warmer, and it really adds a lot of buoyancy which not only makes you faster, but also can be very reassuring.

For your next OWS race, maybe you could consider renting one, just to see how it feels? It’ll be warm enough in Houston that you won’t need one soon, but maybe for your next tri season (yeah, that’s right—I said NEXT season. ) You saw my story about my friend, who almost quit before her first sprint because she was so worried about the swim and who is now training for her fourth IM in three years.

Your plan sounds good. I’ve been basically doing the same thing, focusing on the long run and the speedwork and trading the shorter tempo runs for bike or swim workouts. Honestly, considering the injuries that I’ve had in the past, less running is probably not a bad thing, as long as I’m maintaining my fitness and getting the long runs in.
2011-05-06 4:15 PM
in reply to: #3434844

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Houston, TX
Subject: RE: jmk-brooklyn's group-- FULL
Thanks for your advice! I had so many people telling me either TO get a wetsuit or NOT TO... it was a hard decision! Now, I wish I would have as it has been a lot cooler this weekend. But, it is too late & I'll make the best of it! I probably will try one NEXT season, though.

Oh, and I've been online looking at sprint tris in the area... I might actually get one in July, August, AND September! That'd be 5 for season number 1. We'll see, though! Haven't scheduled family vacation, etc, yet!

I've also been looking at running events for the fall/winter! It's so exciting to see all of the posibilities! And, as I'll be hitting my 1st anniversary of 'racing' in September, it'll be fun to go back and do some of these events for the 2nd time!!!

My first race was a 5K last September... I did it in 46:30! I hope to be down near 34 or so this time. Maybe even faster??? So, it'll be a HUGE improvement! One of the blessings of starting out slow!
2011-05-06 4:54 PM
in reply to: #3434844

Subject: RE: jmk-brooklyn's group-- FULL
I would definitely recommend getting a wetsuit. The buoyancy they provide really does help a lot. I've read in several places that it can take about 10-15 seconds off of your time for every 100 meters you swim. It also saves a lot of energy since you don't have to work at keeping afloat. Keeping warm is a factor in colder water and it is hugely helpful. However, swimming in water that is in the mid 70's might actually cause you to overheat so you might want to factor that into your consideration. I know USAT prohibits wetsuits in water with a temperature over 78 degrees for that reason. If you're thinking of buying one I would check out X-terra wetsuits, that's the brand I got and I'm very happy with it. If you google "X-terra coupons" or something of the sort you can find a code that gets you half off and free shipping, which is a really great deal. I know that I used the code R-MONT, you can check to see if that one is still work. All the best, and good luck!
2011-05-06 10:19 PM
in reply to: #3434844

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: jmk-brooklyn's group-- FULL
Just to clarify-- the USAT doesn't prohibit wetsuits if the water temp is over 78, it just makes the wearer ineligible for age-group awards. Overheating is a concern in water that's 80+, although I wouldn't be concerned unless it was at least an Oly-distance swim. In a sprint, I don't think you'll be in the water long enough. Just don't put on your suit before you leave your house to drive to the race.

2011-05-06 10:29 PM
in reply to: #3434844

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: jmk-brooklyn's group-- FULL

Edited by jmk-brooklyn 2011-05-06 10:30 PM
2011-05-07 12:11 AM
in reply to: #3434844

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: jmk-brooklyn's group-- FULL

Good luck with your tri Dana

After taking off this week, I'm ready to start training again. Looking to do do some rides tomorrow & Sunday. Tomorrow will be Red Rock & Sunday will be Lake Mead/ Boulder City. Both will be around 35-40 miles. Going into the summer, I want to be more structured with my workouts. I'm going to write out a specific plan and have weekly goals for training volumes in each sport. It's 100 times easier when I'm not working outside the house. Looking to get started at the beginning of June and get in as much training as I can until the end of August. At that point, I hope to feel more confident about doing the HIM.

2011-05-07 2:31 PM
in reply to: #3434844

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Houston, TX
Subject: RE: jmk-brooklyn's group-- FULL
I did it! Sprint tri #2 with my 1st open water swim was a success! I had a goal time of under 2 hours & did it in 1:56:04...and PR'd my 5k! Much more to tell, but I'm really tired right now.

Thanks again for helping me through this!
2011-05-07 5:20 PM
in reply to: #3434844

Subject: RE: jmk-brooklyn's group-- FULL
That's awesome! Congratulations!
2011-05-07 7:43 PM
in reply to: #3434844

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: jmk-brooklyn's group-- FULL
Great job!! Can't wait to hear all the details!

2011-05-07 9:05 PM
in reply to: #3487160

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Houston, TX
Subject: RE: jmk-brooklyn's group-- FULL
jmk-brooklyn - 2011-05-07 7:43 PM

Great job!! Can't wait to hear all the details!

Thanks! I'll give you all the 'shorter' version.

First of all, again, I did not wear a wetsuit. But, the water temp ended up being nice for me, and those wearing them! It was 77.9 degrees! Nice!

The swim... was HARD!!! I was crawled over by my wave. Then, later on, I was crawled over by the other wave. Besides that, though, I didn't have the 'gasping' feeling I did last week. The cold wasn't 'shocking'. And, I sighted well. I did the 500 meters in 17:01. That's about what I expected.

The bike...HURT! I have hip problems off & on while running. And I've experienced a little while riding. But from miles 7-11 (out of 15) I was HURTING! I was making faces. My hips, especially my left, were crying out. At mile 11, I finally decided to just pick up speed. It helped! Anyway, any suggestions regarding hip pain while biking are greatly appreciated! And, I plan on going clipless now. Maybe even goingo to shop tomorrow. Anything I need to know when choosing shoes &/or pedals?

The run..was almost IMPOSSIBLE! I walked about 1/3 of the time. I just had nothing left. My socks & shoes were really wet (next time I will dry off a little???). It wasn't that, though, I just couldn't push myself. I even had 3 of my age groupers in sight during the last 1/2 mile, and I just couldn't PUSH! However, I set a PR!!! My last 5K (besides the 1st tri) was back in October & it was 37:48. Today I did it in 36:45! I hate to say it, but I'm wondering if it wasn't really 5K. Or maybe I'm really that much faster!? I really did walk a LOT and felt like I was barely creeping along. Oh, and I had trouble catching my breath!

That's about it! I was worried about coming in last in my age group. Well, I came in 39 of 41. Oh, and they LOST MY CHIP!!! So, they reassigned me another number. (So, I'm marked with one number but results are under another.) The lady promised she'd go officially change me. Well, she didn't! My 'new" number is listed as "unknown participant" and it is 36 minutes too long in the swim as they started that chip with the elites. I'm going to try and get it fixed Monday.

By the way, this race wasn't nearly as much fun. In fact, I can't say I enjoyed any part of it (except part of the bike) except for the feeling of accomplishment. That's sad! It was TOUGH! I honestly don't know if I'll do another now. And, while last month's tri was so friendly and everyone was encouraging when passing or being passed, this was a very unfriendly race.

I think it would be more fun if I wasn't worried about being last. Also, it'd probably be fun if I were actually catching up to people and passing them. But, I wasn't. I was always the one being passed. (Well, I passed a few during the entire race...only one of them that was in my AG and she ended up beating me by about 45 seconds). That just isn't fun!

So, I'll think about it for awhile. I'm kind of dreading doing another one and I'm not sure if this is just pace race blues or reality. We'll see as time goes on! Maybe if I could just get faster....not be in danger of being last... I could enjoy these more.

2011-05-07 11:32 PM
in reply to: #3434844

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: jmk-brooklyn's group-- FULL

Dana- Sorry your race was not as fun as you hoped it would be. But focus on the positive. You PRed your run and finished under your goal time 

I know what it's like to get passed by everyone on the bike. That was me last year. But just keep at it and that will change. I averaged 13mph on Iron girl last year. I averaged almost 16mph this year & passed people. It was cool.

During my Oly tri last year (Pumpkinman), I finished BOP. I had to walk big sections of the run too. So I know what that's like. But that changed too. My 5ks have gone from 36 mins to 27 mins in my first year. It's just improved fitness from somewhat consistant training ( which BTW you are way more consistant than me). 

Think of how much better shape you are in now than a year ago. You will be even more fit next year. Just keep at it. And def talk to your Dr. about the hip pain.

PS: You don't have to make any future decisions about races today. Remember we aren't pros. This is for fun & fitness. If a tri isn't exciting for you or motivating you to train, maybe a century or half marathon could?

2011-05-07 11:51 PM
in reply to: #3434844

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Subject: RE: jmk-brooklyn's group-- FULL

Dana well done on Finishing sounds like you really had to dig deep but you did and beat it, setting new PR for yourself.

As far as the future holds maybe just don't do the same race next year. I hope that after rest and reflection things look brighter but once again well done

2011-05-08 6:56 AM
in reply to: #3434844

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Houston, TX
Subject: RE: jmk-brooklyn's group-- FULL
Jackie & BlindDave, Thank you both for your encouraging words! I tend to go through the 'blues' after all of my big races. I know that is part of it, but I think there is more to it. I will wait a little while to make a decision.

And, in the meantime, I do have a half marathon in 4 weeks! I'm more excited about the venue (San Diego...Rock n Roll) than I am about my race & what I think I can accomplish. But, maybe I'll surprise myself! I have done it before!

I'm feeling surprisingly well today & thought about going for a run this morning. But, I think I'll take this Mother's Day off.

Happy Mother's Day to all of the other moms! And I hope you all have a wonderful day, whatever you have planned.
2011-05-08 9:04 AM
in reply to: #3434844

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Subject: RE: jmk-brooklyn's group-- FULL
well it was messy but i finished. 1.32.13

2011-05-08 10:59 AM
in reply to: #3474454

Subject: RE: jmk-brooklyn's group-- OPEN!

Welcome  Kelly!

With Dana's good time in the bike and also Jacki's comments on pedals, thought of sharing my experience with the new bike!

Since I couldn't afford a brand new bike, I got one fixed using good parts through a bike seller. Anyway, that too cost a lot for me.

Issue was with the pedal clips. I couldn't get the right shoe released from pedal and I was all the time relying on the left foot which I was able to get released reasonably fast. The day came - last Monday - where the bike started leaning to right  when I was about to stop it after a ride of 1.5 hrs. I knew I was falling, but couldn't do anything since the right foot was locked. It was a horrible feeling!.. and as expected got my right shoulder and hip hit on the ground very badly. Head was saved somehow though I was not wearing a helmet. ... I could not move the right hand properly for 5 days. Had to go on physio therapy and pain killers. It was really hear breaking to miss the training work outs I used to do regularly.  Had to start slowly with running, then bikes and then swim kicks and tomorrow only I am planning to put my hands in to work after 6 days.

Somehow, I practiced slowly this morning and got the trick of releasing the right foot. Anyway, I am 100% with Jackie for beginners trying with clip less pedals for sometime. It's too much of a risk otherwise.

I am also having issues with the new bike I got fixed. It appears that some of the parts they have used are not up to the standard.

Can anybody give me a tip on ordering a good bike from US or Canada? I have relatives in both countries and will be able to get it sent to Sri Lanka through somebody. I am OK with a good used bike.






2011-05-08 11:25 AM
in reply to: #3487498

Subject: RE: jmk-brooklyn's group-- FULL

Oops! I replied to a much earlier thread, without reading all.

Well done Dana on your Sprint Tri... You finished it and you achieved your target. Now.. good luck with the next one!

BTW...Could somebody brief me what " Swim Golf" is? This is in my swim work out schedule.

They say...

30m , 1500

WU: 300 easy. Then " Swim Golf" = 6x50 on 15" rest & count strokes.






2011-05-08 1:04 PM
in reply to: #3434844

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Houston, TX
Subject: RE: jmk-brooklyn's group-- FULL
Thanks, Sujith! And, I have no idea what swim golf is... sounds interesting!
2011-05-08 7:21 PM
in reply to: #3434844

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Subject: RE: jmk-brooklyn's group-- FULL

Congrats Dana!

I can't wait to get my first sprint under way. It is less than two weeks away now, and I am starting to get nervous about the swim as well. I am tempted to go ahead and reserve a wet suit to rent as the water temp. may still be cold. I am hesitant b/c I have already dropped so much $ on tri so far.

JMK- I am based in Memphis, TN but get to frequent Dover quite a bit.

I am presently "on the road" and have not really accomplished much training since swimming on Thursday. I ran a 10K this morning in 47:48 which is a bit slower than my "race pace" but the elevation of the base we are on really got to me. I have never cramped as badly as I did this morning. I don't think I will have a chance to swim anytime soon, but am going to try to strength train and work in a stationary bike/ run brick if I can before returning home. 

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