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2011-10-06 3:10 PM
in reply to: #3714042

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Extreme Veteran
Sault Ste (Siberia) Marie
Subject: RE: slow runners pity party
fitmomma2010 - 2011-10-06 4:25 PM

tuwood - 2011-10-04 8:10 AM Just remember, your slow is somebody else's fast.  My wife gets excited when she breaks 14 minute miles and would do anything to be able to run at a 10 minute mile pace.


x2 on this. I'm thrilled when I hit a 12:30 mile. 10 min mile would be lightning quick for me.



I'm with you, a 10 min mile would be amazing. I can do it for 1 mile, but anything longer and I am at 13:00/mi, all day long.

2011-10-06 3:22 PM
in reply to: #3710349

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Crab Cake City
Subject: RE: slow runners pity party
I am also slow and keep working on it. What I would give to do a sub 30min 5k lol. I just like to think of it as I get more time to sight see while racing, makes it more enjoyable.
2011-10-06 3:39 PM
in reply to: #3714018

Subject: RE: slow runners pity party

What about that guy is built to run??  I would say you are more built to run.  You have better posture, you most certainly weigh less, your hips and knees appear to track better.  What I see is a guy that appears to be suffering a hell of lot more than you.

9:20 is a very respectable pace, mind if I ask how much you are running per week?  You can PM so as not to take away from the pity party! Smile

Edited by saltman95 2011-10-06 3:44 PM
2011-10-06 3:46 PM
in reply to: #3714001

Subject: RE: slow runners pity party
blueyedbikergirl - 2011-10-06 1:53 PM

I am now officially jealous.

Jealous of everyone here that has posted a race photo (or has one as their avatar) and you're running in the pic!  Every single race pic that's been taken on the 'run' (whether taken by the course photographers, or by friends) not ONE of the 'run' pics actually looks like I'm running!  Death march, shuffle, walk, whatever you want to call it - but there's no way you could ever call it running as at no time are both of my feet actually off the ground at the same time! 

I think your avatar photo is perfectly fine as is.

2011-10-06 4:14 PM
in reply to: #3713233

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Subject: RE: slow runners pity party
csikes - 2011-10-06 4:15 AM

I try not to pity my slowness too much, but here it goes. Started off August 2010 with running and not being able to make it one block without my chest being on fire. I was ecstatic that my first 5k was around 12 mm in Nov 2010. After a year of running, I'm finally starting to be able to run without fearing a cramp and almost broke the 30 min 5k barrier a few weeks ago. Hopefully my next 5k in 2 weeks, I'll be able to push myself enough to finish sub 30.

Currently training for a marathon with an estimated pace time of 11-11:30 mm. Plan says I should run 90 secs slower than the goal pace for long runs. Little does the plan know, I would basically be walking if this was the case which I don't think will prep me for "running" a marathon.

I'm happy with the strides I've made, but slow is still slow. It's especially sucky when I can't even point the finger at any factor. I'm young, not overweight, and completely injury free. My only excuse is I'm slow (and of course I probably haven't ever put in the miles to really become faster). What's worse is my husband is carrying at least 25 lbs of extra fat on him and runs anywhere from sub 7mm to 8mm depending on the race distance. I'm convinced some people are runners naturally while the rest of us can only try. 

My 5k PR is 29:51. I did my first marathon a few weeks ago in 4:53:18 (11:12 pace). I did my long runs at close to that; my 20 mile training run was something like a 11:45 average pace, but I got super bored and it was a hot day so I 4/1 gallowalked the last hour.

Anyway, your pace goal for the marathon is totally reasonable!!

2011-10-06 4:18 PM
in reply to: #3714201

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Subject: RE: slow runners pity party

This is me in my first triathlon. They also had a 5k race (same as the tri race course) that started about the same time that I happened to be starting the run leg of the race. I'm near the finish line (pardon the goofy expression on my face) and I am keeping pace with a middle-aged gentleman in a knee brace....and he's walking. (To be fair, I hadn't ran in two months due to injury and this was less than a month after I'd been cleared to run again....)


2011-10-06 4:21 PM
in reply to: #3714001

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Subject: RE: slow runners pity party
blueyedbikergirl - 2011-10-06 2:53 PM

I am now officially jealous.

Jealous of everyone here that has posted a race photo (or has one as their avatar) and you're running in the pic!  Every single race pic that's been taken on the 'run' (whether taken by the course photographers, or by friends) not ONE of the 'run' pics actually looks like I'm running!  Death march, shuffle, walk, whatever you want to call it - but there's no way you could ever call it running as at no time are both of my feet actually off the ground at the same time! 

It'll happen. I finally got one of my own. Not sure how I managed to be airborne as this was 23 or 24 miles into my first marathon....but I'm flying!!

2011-10-06 4:23 PM
in reply to: #3714173

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: slow runners pity party
saltman95 - 2011-10-06 3:46 PM
blueyedbikergirl - 2011-10-06 1:53 PM

I am now officially jealous.

Jealous of everyone here that has posted a race photo (or has one as their avatar) and you're running in the pic!  Every single race pic that's been taken on the 'run' (whether taken by the course photographers, or by friends) not ONE of the 'run' pics actually looks like I'm running!  Death march, shuffle, walk, whatever you want to call it - but there's no way you could ever call it running as at no time are both of my feet actually off the ground at the same time! 

I think your avatar photo is perfectly fine as is.

Thank you!  But it still doesn't take away from the fact that I don't have a single race pic of me actually 'running'... or at least my version of running. 

2011-10-06 4:26 PM
in reply to: #3714209

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: slow runners pity party
runk8run - 2011-10-06 4:21 PM
blueyedbikergirl - 2011-10-06 2:53 PM

I am now officially jealous.

Jealous of everyone here that has posted a race photo (or has one as their avatar) and you're running in the pic!  Every single race pic that's been taken on the 'run' (whether taken by the course photographers, or by friends) not ONE of the 'run' pics actually looks like I'm running!  Death march, shuffle, walk, whatever you want to call it - but there's no way you could ever call it running as at no time are both of my feet actually off the ground at the same time! 

It'll happen. I finally got one of my own. Not sure how I managed to be airborne as this was 23 or 24 miles into my first marathon....but I'm flying!!

Nice!  I actually just went to take a look at any race photos... and I've got plenty on the bike, and a few finishers poses, but absolutely NONE on the run.  Probably because people took pity on me and decided that it would be too painful to share the evidence of my non-run ability! 

2011-10-06 5:31 PM
in reply to: #3710349

Extreme Veteran
Israel / NJ
Subject: RE: slow runners pity party
Here is a pic of one of my races.  It one of my favorite pics..........


running.jpg (71KB - 31 downloads)
2011-10-06 9:53 PM
in reply to: #3714032

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: slow runners pity party
Lesandtj - 2011-10-06 2:21 PM

Hey Bikergrrrl,  

At least he had had an excuse for losing to you, you know with his bum knee and all. 

Seriously though, nice work.

And he's like a foot taller than you! You look cute. I love the shoes.

2011-10-06 10:24 PM
in reply to: #3710349

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Columbus, OH
Subject: RE: slow runners pity party
Worst thing about racing and being so slow, 90% of the time, by the time I finish, I am in pain usually from cramps. As a result, I usually have this lovely expression of pain on my face by the end, and I can basically see the confusion on people's faces of how I could be in so much pain from pushing while being so slow. 
2011-10-06 11:31 PM
in reply to: #3710349

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Subject: RE: slow runners pity party

Oh, I love a good pity party.  Nice to know I'm not the only slow runner out there, because it sure feels like I am!  During all of our tri training classes, I'm always the last to finish our runs.  By the time I'm done, most people are gone and the coaches are packing up to leave.  Recently, when running on a track, there was a nice family out there running with their kids, and I even got passed by their little 3 year old.  Sigh.  BUT, I am a very new runner (started 4 months ago).  As a kid, I could NEVER run a mile.  EVER.  Well, I just ran my first solid mile a couple of weeks ago (11:15), and I'm freaking 39 years old, so that to me is exciting!!  Today, I ran 3 miles on a treadmill, and wanted to see how fast I could do it because about a month ago I couldn't get below 40 minutes.  Today I did it in 37:04.  So I'm hovering around a 12mm now, which is amazing to me.  Maybe next year I'll be averaging a 10mm and throw a serious party! 

I'm happy to be running at all, considering I was in chemotherapy a year ago and told I wasn't likely to make it.  Not only did I make it, but I'm running now.  Ya can't beat that!!  Oh, I guess I'm a bit too cheery to be very good at this pity party stuff, huh?

2011-10-07 1:14 AM
in reply to: #3710550

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Victoria, British Columbia
Subject: RE: slow runners pity party

As long as I'm moving forward, I'm happy.

^That!!!  Nice to find "my people"  Laughing

Edited by LollyR 2011-10-07 1:16 AM
2011-10-07 1:34 AM
in reply to: #3711400

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Victoria, British Columbia
Subject: RE: slow runners pity party

KansasMom - 2011-10-04 5:48 PM I love you, claaaw. Seriously. You are awesome.

X2 Smile

2011-10-07 2:08 AM
in reply to: #3713940

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Victoria, British Columbia
Subject: RE: slow runners pity party
abake - 2011-10-06 2:19 PM

This thread is awesome, I feel like I have come home. Thank you TurtleGirl for starting this.

I PR'd a half marathon two weeks ago. My time was 2:38 (12:05 pace).  I was and still am ecstatic! And while I say I would love to get faster, the bottom line is that I don't put in anywhere near enough miles to make it happen.

I prefer to think of myself not as slow, but merely "less fast".


I think of myself as a tank...Slow steady and pretty tough, at that speed!  Tongue out

2011-10-07 11:40 AM
in reply to: #3710349

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Subject: RE: slow runners pity party
   You could always try taking it a little easier on the bike and maybe you would do better on the run with fresher legs.  My first ever triathlon I was passing people left and right (actually only left) on the bike but could hardly finish the run.  I have since then learned to pace (which for me is holding back on the swim and bike and letting it all go half-way through the run!  Try it in training a few times, it can't hurt.
2011-10-07 5:12 PM
in reply to: #3715166

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Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: slow runners pity party
Kermat89 - 2011-10-07 12:40 PM    You could always try taking it a little easier on the bike and maybe you would do better on the run with fresher legs.  My first ever triathlon I was passing people left and right (actually only left) on the bike but could hardly finish the run.  I have since then learned to pace (which for me is holding back on the swim and bike and letting it all go half-way through the run!  Try it in training a few times, it can't hurt.
I could go 10MPH on the bike and my run would still suck.  My stand alone 1/2 mary PR is a blistering 2:17
2011-10-07 5:49 PM
in reply to: #3710349

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Subject: RE: slow runners pity party

Here are a couple of 'run' photos....I really am running but looks like I'm walking. The real bad ones I"m not posting...



This one is pretty good as I saw photographer so I smiled....5 miles into IM run after being sick on bike for hours.

2011-10-07 7:53 PM
in reply to: #3715726

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Sunbury, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: slow runners pity party

Socks - 2011-10-07 6:12 PM
Kermat89 - 2011-10-07 12:40 PM    You could always try taking it a little easier on the bike and maybe you would do better on the run with fresher legs.  My first ever triathlon I was passing people left and right (actually only left) on the bike but could hardly finish the run.  I have since then learned to pace (which for me is holding back on the swim and bike and letting it all go half-way through the run!  Try it in training a few times, it can't hurt.
I could go 10MPH on the bike and my run would still suck.  My stand alone 1/2 mary PR is a blistering 2:17

Dude, you can go 10 mph on the bike? And you call it slow? Do I have to start a new thread on slow biking?

Actually, my first tri had a beast of one hill on a 12 mile course. I averaged 9.2 mph since I walked the bike up the hill and hit 27.5 on the downhill. I went out today to try to redo the course so I could pedal the whole thing instead of walking it. I got partway up the hill and the road was closed for a bridge out that would have required a Dukes of Hazzard move to get over, so I turned around and came back. Felt like I had a good ride. Avg mph - 13. Getting there.

2011-10-07 11:32 PM
in reply to: #3710349

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Subject: RE: slow runners pity party
I remember my first time running a cross country practice. I have no idea what my time was, but I thought I was going to die. I had side stitches so bad in the last 2 miles I wanted to drop to the ground, curl up, and not even breathe anymore. Fortunately the coach ran alongside me and knew that I needed some sort of motivation to finish, so he basically told me how bad it would look to everyone if I quit (he knew me so well back then). I finished the run. I swore I would never run like that again.

Yet, I was at practice the very next day.

I've finished in the bottom 10% of a race, and the top 10% of a race. They feel exactly the same, because I know I gave my best effort on each of those days.

"slow" and "fast" are the worst words a runner can have in his or her vocabulary, because they are labels with no meaning behind them other than negativity. As Lisa said earlier, go out and do your best and be proud of doing your best; no one can ever ask any more of you than that.

Right now, I know I'm probably only able to run a pace that is slower than most people have posted, because I haven't done any actual running in well over a year. I'm ok with whatever pace I can run right now, and you should be proud of it, too.

2011-10-08 12:08 AM
in reply to: #3710349

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: slow runners pity party

Thank you run zen master.

I gave it my all today.  My all happened to be 9 somethings with a walk break.  I'm cool with that.

2011-10-08 7:01 AM
in reply to: #3715968

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Marco Island
Subject: RE: slow runners pity party

Scout7 - 2011-10-08 12:32 AM "slow" and "fast" are the worst words a runner can have in his or her vocabulary, because they are labels with no meaning behind them other than negativity. As Lisa said earlier, go out and do your best and be proud of doing your best; no one can ever ask any more of you than that.

^^^^This is great!^^^.  I have taken Scout's advice and am running more frequently, mostly at an easy pace. I went out the other day and was able to do 3 miles at a 12m pace while keeping my HR in zone 2.  This is a huge accomplishment for me.  I literally felt like I was flying and had this big smile on my face the entire time.  You'd think I just qualified for Boston or somethingLaughing  I am more than OK with this pace, I'm elated!

2011-10-08 8:03 AM
in reply to: #3715726

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Subject: RE: slow runners pity party

Socks - 2011-10-07 6:12 PM
Kermat89 - 2011-10-07 12:40 PM    You could always try taking it a little easier on the bike and maybe you would do better on the run with fresher legs.  My first ever triathlon I was passing people left and right (actually only left) on the bike but could hardly finish the run.  I have since then learned to pace (which for me is holding back on the swim and bike and letting it all go half-way through the run!  Try it in training a few times, it can't hurt.
I could go 10MPH on the bike and my run would still suck.  My stand alone 1/2 mary PR is a blistering 2:17

See....this is why this kind of talk is so non-productive. My stand alone 1/2 mary PR is 2:18:59. (Actually, I hit 2:17 and change at the half mark of my 26.2, so I consider that to be my PR.) I was super proud of that time. I know it wasn't the intention, but it does sting a little to think, "Yay! 2:17!" and then see someone else pooh-poohing that time.

This is why I'm not a fan of self-deprecating humor...because the thing you deprecate may be the same thing that someone else is incredibly proud to achieve!!

2011-10-08 8:34 AM
in reply to: #3710349

Subject: RE: slow runners pity party
Ooh, I have to add myself to the list.  It is so good to see I am not alone.  Despite training for a 1.5 years, I am still slow.  The best I have ever run was a 11 minute mile, but I average around 12:30.  My best leg is the bike.  When I get frustrated I have to keep telling myself that this is for fun and fitness.  I will never place in my AG, but I am okay with it.  I just keep on trucking.
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