BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2012-01-14 9:52 AM
in reply to: #3970291

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED
sdanaher - 2012-01-04 10:21 AM
mikar_68 - 2012-01-02 12:04 PM

For just training days, it is just the general eating advice that most people get.  Eat big early and slow down throughout the day.  I'm usually finished 70% of my food by 5pm.  If not more.  


Note: Not trying to provide weightloss advice there.

I was kind of wary when I first read this a few days ago. I didn't want to front load my day's calories and then find myself really hungry in the evenings which would lead to more eating and going over my calories for the day. However, I have been trying this for the last few days, and it has worked really well. I eat a lot of calories early in the day (and my workouts are early, early am) and draw back as the day goes on. Dinners are very small now, with very few carbs at night. I'm not as hungry during the day and I feel so much better. Thanks for this one.

2012-01-14 3:39 PM
in reply to: #3942885

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Tempe, AZ
Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED
I'll be doing my first marathon tomorrow (Sunday)... shooting for 4 hours or less.  Wish me luck =)
2012-01-14 3:48 PM
in reply to: #3990438

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED
Absolutely good luck, Sean!  Just getting to the start line (having done all the training) is a huge accomplishment.  Let us know how it goes.
2012-01-14 4:09 PM
in reply to: #3990438

Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED
good luck Sean. I am sure you will do great. Let us know how you do.
2012-01-15 10:31 AM
in reply to: #3990085

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Extreme Veteran
Carrollton, Virginia
Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED
johnnyfulltime - 2012-01-14 9:52 AM
sdanaher - 2012-01-04 10:21 AM
mikar_68 - 2012-01-02 12:04 PM

For just training days, it is just the general eating advice that most people get.  Eat big early and slow down throughout the day.  I'm usually finished 70% of my food by 5pm.  If not more.  


Note: Not trying to provide weightloss advice there.

I was kind of wary when I first read this a few days ago. I didn't want to front load my day's calories and then find myself really hungry in the evenings which would lead to more eating and going over my calories for the day. However, I have been trying this for the last few days, and it has worked really well. I eat a lot of calories early in the day (and my workouts are early, early am) and draw back as the day goes on. Dinners are very small now, with very few carbs at night. I'm not as hungry during the day and I feel so much better. Thanks for this one.

Yeah, this has worked well for me as well. I eat better whenever I eat a HEALTHY big breakfast. Steel cut oats seem to be one of the better options for me.
2012-01-15 10:32 AM
in reply to: #3990438

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Extreme Veteran
Carrollton, Virginia
Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED
seankanary - 2012-01-14 3:39 PMI'll be doing my first marathon tomorrow (Sunday)... shooting for 4 hours or less.  Wish me luck =)
Can't wait to hear results!

2012-01-15 6:28 PM
in reply to: #3942885

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

Gatorade Sprint Triathlon done!  Random spontaneous decision on the weekend.  I have put the race report on the Race Report Forum - have no idea how to get it on here so if you want to read feel free!

In summary - should have dived into the throng in the swim, was cowardly!  6 in my age group, i came 4th in swim and 5th in bike and run.  Am happy with it all.  Obvious criticisms are on the report!  I'm just glad to have another sprint under my belt!

Sean how was the marathon?

2012-01-15 6:36 PM
in reply to: #3942885

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Tempe, AZ
Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

So, all in all it was good. I am tired as to be expected.  Here are the stats:


START00:00:008:01:38 am--
10K00:53:228:55:00 am08:36
13.1M01:56:349:58:11 am09:11
16M02:30:0310:31:41 am11:33
20M03:19:1011:20:47 am12:17
FINISH04:39:4712:41:24 pm12:58
  Avg. Pace


 Looking forward to another event once I'm not sore as heck lol.  Much to learn... I need to figure out how to make my legs do what I want them to do come mile marker 18 again.  I really really started to struggle after 18.

2012-01-15 6:55 PM
in reply to: #3991857

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Extreme Veteran
Carrollton, Virginia
Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED
seankanary - 2012-01-15 6:36 PM

So, all in all it was good. I am tired as to be expected.  Here are the stats:


START00:00:008:01:38 am--
10K00:53:228:55:00 am08:36
13.1M01:56:349:58:11 am09:11
16M02:30:0310:31:41 am11:33
20M03:19:1011:20:47 am12:17
FINISH04:39:4712:41:24 pm12:58
  Avg. Pace


 Looking forward to another event once I'm not sore as heck lol.  Much to learn... I need to figure out how to make my legs do what I want them to do come mile marker 18 again.  I really really started to struggle after 18.

Definitely looks like you went out strong. What was your strategy pre-race?
2012-01-15 7:30 PM
in reply to: #3942885

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

Sean - well done!  Go sit in a spa somewhere - I've found that hot chips (fries) and a glass of chilled white wine are the perfect recovery post race!  hehe!Embarassed

2012-01-15 7:40 PM
in reply to: #3991857

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED
seankanary - 2012-01-15 4:36 PM

So, all in all it was good. I am tired as to be expected.  Here are the stats:


START00:00:008:01:38 am--
10K00:53:228:55:00 am08:36
13.1M01:56:349:58:11 am09:11
16M02:30:0310:31:41 am11:33
20M03:19:1011:20:47 am12:17
FINISH04:39:4712:41:24 pm12:58
  Avg. Pace


 Looking forward to another event once I'm not sore as heck lol.  Much to learn... I need to figure out how to make my legs do what I want them to do come mile marker 18 again.  I really really started to struggle after 18.

I was going down stairs on my butt for 2 days after my marathon, I hear you!  Eat and hydrate well over the next few days.  Congratulations on your first marathon!

2012-01-15 7:59 PM
in reply to: #3942885

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED
Congratulations Sean. This is a huge accomplishment and you should be proud.
2012-01-15 8:07 PM
in reply to: #3991961

Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED
great job Sean. This is a very respectable time.
2012-01-15 8:30 PM
in reply to: #3942885

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Tempe, AZ
Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

Thanks all. To be quite honest, signing up for this was pretty spur of the moment.  Half mary was the same price as full, and if i was to spend that kind of coin, I might as well have tried a full.  My prep was nothing structured... I run about every day and try to get a couple longer days in each week, but my goal was to just finish (without injury). I'm not looking for a podium, just a time to try and beat next time =)


Thanks again for the feedback! feels good to be apart of the 26.2 clubCool

Recovery meal: Gyro/Baba Ghanooj and 3 IPA's

2012-01-15 8:59 PM
in reply to: #3942885

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Bartlett, IL
Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

Way to go Sean!  Congratulations on your first marathon.  Like the recovery meal as well!

2012-01-16 5:42 AM
in reply to: #3942885

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED
I got my bike computer and ANT+ stick all setup with TrainerRoad finally (had a few issues with my bike computer and sensor) and had planned to do an FTP test this morning coming off a rest day yesterday. This was my first time ever using anything besides HR or RPE as a metric, and I did have trouble finding the right efforts for the test. After a warm-up and some quick 30s-60s all outs there was an 8 minute TT effort, followed by 10 minutes of rest, followed by another 8 minute TT. I was supposed to hold steady power and not go too hard on the first effort, which I held at around a measly 133w. I don't do very well when told to hold back, as I often overdo it. The second 8 minute TT I held steady at around 158w, and TrainerRoad came back with an FTP of 133w. As the default in TrainerRoad is 200, I can't help but feel a bit embarrassed and discouraged. I know it's just a number and I'm in the beginning of training this year, so I can really only go up from here. Are there any thoughts on how much stock to put into FTP tests? I know power seems to be the yardstick most people serious about triathlon and biking use, so I guess I should take it pretty seriously. Also, TrainerRoad has another test that has a similar warm-up, but uses a 20 minute "all out" effort to assess FTP. Any opinions on which test I probably want to use?

2012-01-16 9:42 AM
in reply to: #3942885

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED
Finally going to get on my planned training for 2012.  Actually pretty excited about the plan, training for 1/2 mary in May, then a couple of sprint/OLY's throughout the summer.....Time to get to work :-)
2012-01-16 4:32 PM
in reply to: #3942885

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

All that talk of time trials and FTP etc, I really don't understand any of it!  I'm sure I will get into all of that in time as well

Swim squad Monday night...????nice to be back in the pool, didn't realise how tired my legs were from Sunday's race.  Struggled with the kick drills but all good - training was as below

Fins for warm up (5x200m as follows)

1. 50 breathing Left, 50 breathing Right, repeat

2. 50 backstroke, 50 breast stroke dolphin kick, repeat

3. 50 front scull, 50 otter, repeat

4. 50 left arm only, right arm in front, breathing every third stroke, then swap arms.  Repeat.

5. 200m catch up, least strokes longest distance per stroke.


18 x 100m freestyle.  Kickboard for number, 6, 12 and 18.

200m cooldown


2012-01-16 7:21 PM
in reply to: #3993578

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED
If it makes you feel better, about the only thing I understood about your swim workout was the freestlye part Tongue out
2012-01-16 8:29 PM
in reply to: #3993846

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED
He he, made me LOL at work, love it!  All those drills are just to distract our minds from the fact we have to swim 3km. 
2012-01-16 10:49 PM
in reply to: #3942885

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED
Tuesday is my running day - usually at lunchtime but today it's 35degrees C (95F) so I don't think so!  I shall save it for tonight around 8-830pm.  Head down to the beach and back which is a nice 10km with the coming back being uphill....awesome!

2012-01-17 3:26 AM
in reply to: #3942885

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Extreme Veteran
Carrollton, Virginia
Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED
Up well before 4am to fit a trainer session in. Ugh.
2012-01-17 6:47 AM
in reply to: #3994249

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

sdanaher - 2012-01-17 4:26 AM Up well before 4am to fit a trainer session in. Ugh.

And I thought I was hard core for getting up at 4:30 am every morning. That's really impressive. Way to stay dedicated.

Edited by johnnyfulltime 2012-01-17 6:51 AM
2012-01-17 11:22 AM
in reply to: #3942885

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED
Finally got in a run after starting off the year with a chest cold and getting a little bloated from all the holiday "cheer" Funny how a little phlem can stop you from running around the block, but not to the desert table again....LOL  Felt good to be back out on the road and mother nature dished up a pleasant 5C albeit drizzley day for it.  Not bad timing considering its been a couple of months since I was last out.  Managed 5K in 26:17:11.  I was on the trainer last night for 45 min rode 1 min as hard as I could go and then 4 min at around 28 km/h for the entire time...Just happy to be back on the horse, not sure when I'm going to get back in the pool, but I'm not going to panic about that just yet....
2012-01-18 4:43 PM
in reply to: #3942885

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

so yesterday evening was OWS session - appalling.  the sea felt worse than last week - the sea was angry!  But from the shore looked quite innocent!

The squad was really busy over 60 people.  We have two kayakers as lifeguards but I felt very unsettled and uncomfortable.

Our warm up lap is a swim out to a big yellow stick and back (the better swimmers also get to swim around the shipwreck first!).  Stick and back is 960m.  I did alright on the way over there but on the way back got into a bit of panic mode to be honest.  We're only 200m from the shore and the surf pushes you that way so if in trouble it's a 2 minute paddle to safety, but nothing I told myself could reassure me. Adrenalin was pumping along with my heart. 

I wasn't slowest by any means so that is good! 

Regroup and the coach says we're doing the same again - race to the stick, regroup and race back.  I started but decided at the firsty buoy that I just couldn't do it and swam to shore.  It certainly didn't help when he said watch out for the puffer fish that had spiked him on the way over.....YIKES!!!

I got back into the water and swam between the two buoys a few times.

I'm disappointed with myself, conditions last week were way worse but I didn't seem to mind so much.

Every day is different I suppose, we have good days and bad days.  I imagine I'm still a bit tired from Sunday's triathlon and Monday swim squad.  Get back on the horse and try again next week!

I have a friend who is a kinesiologist and he specialises in settling nerves in athletes.  Will give him a go.  I would hate to freak out like that on race day.

Yours disappointedly



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