General Discussion Iron Distance Race Groups » Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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2013-01-30 5:37 PM
in reply to: #4320991

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Extreme Veteran
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas : Official Thread

i thought about running a disc last year and i was talked out of it by my coach and cyclists who are way more experienced than me...

all the feedback i got for what to run on race day came down to most people saying run a 40 in the front and a 60 in the back..

the reasoning i was told was that the dish i more weight to have to push for that distance and is not as forgiving in the crosswinds (obviously)...

i am no expert by any means...just passing along what i have learned by asking questions..

i ran Mavic Cosmic 60's front and rear and i feel that it was an all around good choice.

good luck!


2013-02-01 4:22 PM
in reply to: #4320991

Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas : Official Thread

Thought I'd post my January numbers. Little behind where I'd like to be due to work and family but hopefully work should be easing up just a bit this month.

Swim 7:53 - 26,800 yds

Run 11:42 - 87.1 miles

Bike 13:34 - 277.5 miles

Hope everyone's training is going good.

2013-02-03 10:21 AM
in reply to: #4320991

New user
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas : Official Thread

I feel a little behind myself but here are my numbers for January:

Swim- 10,700 (includes a 2.4 mile swim and a 2 mile swim-getting to a pool is difficult)

Bike - 626 miles  (to include a 5.5 hour indoor trainer ride doing a training video)

Run -66  (includes one 2.5 hour run)

2013-02-03 4:35 PM
in reply to: #4320991


Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas : Official Thread

Hey guys,

Thought I'd jump in here. Doing my first IM, and roughly 15 min from where I grew up (lucky me!) Mostly just trying to finish respectably with the home crowd Smile.

For those of you coming from out of town, respect the humidity!



2013-02-03 5:10 PM
in reply to: #4320991

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Middle Georgia
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas : Official Thread

Guess I'm ahead & behind. 

Swim - obviously my least favorite, 9260 yds (easing in to it, 3 weeks, 2x week, will increase to 3x week this month)

Bike - 497 (includes 3x Saturday long rides 100 mile rides)  Hoping to move to 150-175 mile weeks as days lengthen.

Run - 156 (includes3x  Sunday long runs of 14, 16, & 17 milers),  been creeping to 50 mile weeks.

2013-02-04 11:59 AM
in reply to: #4320991

New user
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas : Official Thread
I did my first marathon (1987) in the Woodlands.  This is like coming full circle: first IM attempt. 

2013-02-04 2:32 PM
in reply to: #4320991

Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas : Official Thread
For all of the first timers. As long as you put in the training hours, do your research about the course, know your nutritional needs, and have will do great. I went from not knowing how to swim a lap in the pool, not owning a bike (or having ridden a road bike), and nothing over 5 miles straight for a run to completing the IMTX race in 13:52 in less than 11 months. Probably could have been in the 13:30 range if not for stopping for goggles filling with water twice and my 15 minute transitions. Positive mental imagery can go a long way.
2013-02-04 7:28 PM
in reply to: #4320991

Montgomery, Tx
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas : Official Thread
Hello all. After racing the last 2 years I have decided to captain aide station 3 on the run. If anyone wants to join the station I will be more than happy to pass along our sign up link.I made a rookie mistake and I wanted to pass it on. In 2011 I had a 5:12 bike compared to a 5:24 last year. I felt I was in much better condition on the bike due to my rigorous workouts I did on the trainer using trainer road. To me the killer was NOT riding with my helmet on. My neck was very sore at mile 80 and it really hurt me. Do not be me...
2013-02-05 2:10 PM
in reply to: #4320991

New user
San Francisco
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas : Official Thread

Well behind!

Thanks to everyone for the lodging suggestions!

2013-02-06 10:00 AM
in reply to: #4320991

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The Woodlands, TX
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas : Official Thread
So far, this winter in The Woodlands has been one of the warmest on record. With that in mind, I'm assuming that this year's IM swim will be no wetsuits for anyone. I wore a suit the last 2 years and will wear one again if they're allowed, but I'm prepping for the race with the assumption that lake temps will be above the upper cutoff and we'll all be suitless and starting together.
2013-02-07 10:25 PM
in reply to: #4320991

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas : Official Thread
i'm looking at getting a speed suit, but no wetsuit this year.. i'll cook in the thing in warm temps..

2013-02-08 7:33 AM
in reply to: #4610979

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Extreme Veteran
Cypress, TX
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas : Official Thread

g_shotts - 2013-02-06 10:00 AM So far, this winter in The Woodlands has been one of the warmest on record. With that in mind, I'm assuming that this year's IM swim will be no wetsuits for anyone. I wore a suit the last 2 years and will wear one again if they're allowed, but I'm prepping for the race with the assumption that lake temps will be above the upper cutoff and we'll all be suitless and starting together.


I wouldn't worry about the upper limit of 84 degrees.  That would be absurdly warm water temps for Lake Woodlands in May.  That's mid-summertime type temps.

2013-02-08 9:32 AM
in reply to: #4597527

New user
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas : Official Thread

How was the vehicle traffic on the course when you rode?



2013-02-08 9:49 PM
in reply to: #4320991

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Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas : Official Thread
I'm officially out on Texas.  Best of luck to all of you over the next 90 days and on race day.  I qualified for Vegas last week and will spend the next 6 months doing another 70.3 in May and focusing on more speed at the HIM distance so I can have a solid race in Sept.  Maybe Texas next year.     
2013-02-09 2:28 PM
in reply to: #4320991

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Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas : Official Thread
3aims-congrats on 70.3 championship. Good luck w training.
2013-02-10 7:28 PM
in reply to: #4615790

Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas : Official Thread
How was everyone's weekend? 10 mi long run and 3.5 hours on the trainer.

2013-02-10 8:07 PM
in reply to: #4320991

New user
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas : Official Thread

Looking at the bike elevation chart, it kind of looks a little downhill from about 70 miles to the end.  Sometime these charts can fool you.  What seems to be the hardest part of the ride for those that have raced it before?

2013-02-11 7:54 AM
in reply to: #4616711

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Extreme Veteran
Cypress, TX
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas : Official Thread
Wesley12 - 2013-02-10 8:07 PM

Looking at the bike elevation chart, it kind of looks a little downhill from about 70 miles to the end.  Sometime these charts can fool you.  What seems to be the hardest part of the ride for those that have raced it before?

It is downhill back to The Woodlands but two things help equalize that:

1. Winds usually come from the south so it will be into a headwind.

2. Temps will be creeping towards 90 degrees by the end of the bike ride.

2013-02-11 8:04 AM
in reply to: #4617098

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Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas : Official Thread
GMAN 19030 - 2013-02-11 7:54 AM
Wesley12 - 2013-02-10 8:07 PM

Looking at the bike elevation chart, it kind of looks a little downhill from about 70 miles to the end.  Sometime these charts can fool you.  What seems to be the hardest part of the ride for those that have raced it before?

It is downhill back to The Woodlands but two things help equalize that:

1. Winds usually come from the south so it will be into a headwind.

2. Temps will be creeping towards 90 degrees by the end of the bike ride.

This is spot on.  Wind is at your back headed out and in your face coming back for the most part.  And yes it will be hot.

2013-02-11 12:45 PM
in reply to: #4320991

New user
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas : Official Thread
Had a fair week last week...21 miles running with a 10 miler in there.  50 mile bike and 2 mile brick.  Transition week...ready to go again.
2013-02-11 9:53 PM
in reply to: #4320991

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Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas : Official Thread
Running isnt going as well as I could hope for, but I got a speedy 5 hr ride its hard to complain when you can finish a week with that.

2013-02-12 6:31 AM
in reply to: #4320991

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The Woodlands, Tx
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas : Official Thread
Weekend was nice.  Got in 70-miles on the saddle Saturday, 10 mile run on Sunday.
2013-02-13 4:36 PM
in reply to: #4320991

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Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas : Official Thread

hey all. i have been a motorcycle/bike course marshal the last two years and will be again, and i cannot stress enough that you pay attention to your hydration. there were a number of folks sitting under the supply trailers at the aid stations trying to grab some shade. get your nutrition and hydration plan nailed down.

Have a great race, everybody! see you on the course.

2013-02-21 9:45 AM
in reply to: #4320991

Montgomery, Tx
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas : Official Thread
If you are riding the course Saturday be aware Montgomery little league is holding a parade on 149 from Montgomery to the Ball park.  It is only a few miles, but traffic will be heavy.
2013-02-21 2:19 PM
in reply to: #4320991

New user

Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas : Official Thread

rookie question:  banquet is included for participants - wife's ticket is for sale and 2 year old son is no charge?

training is average at best ... but feeling cautiously optimistic at this point. 

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