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2012-10-19 1:56 PM
in reply to: #4460841

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Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
stevebradley - 2012-10-19 7:46 AM


I wish I could converse knowingly with you about stand-alone bike races, but I have never done one.  I have thought about it lots, as cycling is one of my two strengths (hint: the swim is NOT), but mostly I try to "save" myself for multisport stuff.  I also nowadays generally try to only races that matter to me, and I just can't justify stand-alone bike or swim races.....and haven't done a s-a running race in two years.  So sad!

No doubt, though, you'll just continue to get stronger as a cyclist with each race you do that involves your wheels.  So, i'm sure you're on the right path with emphasizing cycling, especially sinde it is pretty clear that it's Love #1.

Best of luck with those time goals!  I'd like to think that, in the right conditions, I could go sub-hour for a 40kmTT, but as for cracking 5 for a half-iron..........that won't happen unless significant parts of a course are mismeasured!  My best two have been around 5:10, one in '04 and one in '07, and I just can't see how to reduce enough time to make sub-5 happen.  That's a reality that took a while to sink in........but I think I can be a big boy and accept it.CryCryCryCry (Or not.)

"The Rock"  As in Newfoundland???

5 hours for my HIM is a VERY AGGRESSIVE goal for me.  It will require I lose about 15 pounds to help my run, a crap load of time in the pool to improve my poor swim, and sort of just let my bike fitness carry me through.  I went 5:17 last year in some extremely windy conditions at Honu, and while sub 5:05-10 is a more realistic goal, I figure this far out I may as well swing for the fences.  Come April, I'll likely reassess where I am.

As for the 40k...I missed it by 30 seconds this year.  I didn't feel that great during the race (it was the week after my HIM), but mentally I gave up at about mile 16-17 as I saw my watts slipping.  Didn't get myself to dig deep into the pain cave...not sure why as it was a big goal for me.


2012-10-19 2:00 PM
in reply to: #4458300

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Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
Not really racing this weekend, but doing a Komen 5k run/walk.  A friend of ours just got through breast cancer, so a whole bunch of us are doing it.  I don't know if it's even timed, but it's supposedly an official USATF measured course according to the website.  I've never truely raced a 5k.  I'm scared to hurt that much.  Either way, I'm planning to run about 6 miles prior, so maybe it'll just be a nice tempo 5k finish.
2012-10-19 2:13 PM
in reply to: #4458300

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Tacoma, Washington
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
Mostly a shout out to Jason, but also to any one with questions related to bike racing -- I have many years of USAC bike racing (under the USCF, the national governing body before it became USAC) under my belt, and was a "pretty good" cat 3 for several years. So I can field any questions regarding that stuff... Jason, I didn't see your specific questions, so maybe you can repost them?
2012-10-19 2:14 PM
in reply to: #4460014

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Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL


Ha!  I went into your races to see where and why you had a bad oly run, and the first one I checked was CdA.  I saw your eally fine finishing time, and then scrolled down the stats on the right and saw the 44 for the run.  I thought "This can't be the one", as a 44 10km off the bike (and especially an impresssive bike time) is a to-die-for time for most people, but then I went over to your comments ---- and it all became clear.  Let's just say I will bow and scrape and grovel at your feet, oh speedy one who has run 38 OFF THE BIKE!!!!   As I live and breather, you do indeed have some natural-born speed in your running arsenal.  A "fast-twitch" group is very apt for you!

I see you are a Black Pearl guy!  I have been a slave to DeSoto stuff ever since I started, and got my first DS two-piece in '03, right about when they made their debut.  I have gone the slightly more pricey route, with first T1 models and more recently First Wave -- even though my swimming abilities don't hold with a top-of-the-line wetsuit.  I ahve taken turns switching parts out, menaing that one year i will get a new top, next year a new bottom.  (I swim about 70-80 OWS each summer, so i go through wetsuits faster than 99.999999% of the tri population.)  This past late August, while putting on the bibjohn, it split from stem to stern -- think of gutting a fish.  I was floored.  My next tri was a week away, and all I could think of was aclling deSoto on Monday morning and having them speed-mail a new one to me here in Canada -- at huge expense.  That was mega-depressing, but after about 20 minutes of wailing and gnashing my teeth, I decided to hustle over to Bushtukah, a store in ottawa that carries wetsuits, in the hopes that with tri sweason up here just about over, there might be some discounted models -- not DeSoto (which they don't carry), but I was open to ANYTHING at that stage.

Long story short (um, it's already long), I was very, very fortuante that they had a Zoot 3.0 there, it fit perfectly, and lo and behold --- it was faster in the water AND in removing than the DeSoto.  I was soooo lucky frist to find it, andsecond to get it at 20% off.  But now I have TWO DeSoto tops, and no bopttom to go with i gues si ought to oder a bootom and maybe use that system for training.  I have to admit, though, to feeling like a real traitor in dumping DeSoto for Zoot.  Such heavy guilt!!

You're doing great at fitting in very decent training, by the way, and also by the way ---- your weight loss is staggering.  looking at your photo, I can't picture you 62 pounds heavier.  Mercy!

Getting back to running, I gotta ask ----- what is your running history??  Your 10km oly time is just about as staggering as that weight loss!

2012-10-19 2:19 PM
in reply to: #4461004

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Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL

Closing the gap??

By my reckoning, I am getting close to the end of comprehensive comments on everyone's bios.  I think the ramining ones are:

  • Shana
  • Samantha
  • Darrell
  • Don
  • Tiffany

Anyone else?  (I will figure that out myself, I guess, once I check back through who has posted a bio and who I've responded to....but if you know you've been missed and aren't one of the five above, lemme know!)


2012-10-19 2:23 PM
in reply to: #4461014

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Livonia, MI
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
stevebradley - 2012-10-19 3:19 PM

Closing the gap??

By my reckoning, I am getting close to the end of comprehensive comments on everyone's bios.  I think the ramining ones are:

  • Shana
  • Samantha
  • Darrell
  • Don
  • Tiffany

Anyone else?  (I will figure that out myself, I guess, once I check back through who has posted a bio and who I've responded to....but if you know you've been missed and aren't one of the five above, lemme know!)


Steve, you're the man!

2012-10-19 2:30 PM
in reply to: #4458300

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Livonia, MI
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
Hey Shana, shout out to a fellow spin instructor!!  What type of bike does your club use?  Do you have pretty structured formats or are you free to come up with them on your own?  Our bikes don't have bike computers but one of the clubs nearby does.  I rode there a few months ago and those computers make a huge difference!  There's so much more accountability with adding load when you can actually quantify how much load!
2012-10-19 2:42 PM
in reply to: #4460803

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
briderdt - 2012-10-19 12:22 PM
itritoo - 2012-10-19 9:14 AM
quincyf - 2012-10-19 7:39 AM

Who is racing this weekend? I have a ridiculous is a costume race and the only race of the year where I am guaranteed that my husband will stay with me because...well...he has to.

I'll explain and post pix on Sunday.

No time goals. Just a brunch goal afterwards. Fun!

There is a local 5K that I am thinking about doing tomorrow.  My last one was in early 2011.  I'm just trying to decide if I really feel like suffering that much tomorrow or not.  5K's hurt...alot.  I've never done a costume race.  Sounds fun. 

How do you know when you're at the right 5K race pace? Easy! You can taste it...

See, that's how I know I have more in the can at the end of a 5k or a sprint tri...I have never thrown obviously I'm not pushing it hard enough...

2012-10-19 2:43 PM
in reply to: #4461022

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
noelle1230 - 2012-10-19 2:23 PM
stevebradley - 2012-10-19 3:19 PM

Closing the gap??

By my reckoning, I am getting close to the end of comprehensive comments on everyone's bios.  I think the ramining ones are:

  • Shana
  • Samantha
  • Darrell
  • Don
  • Tiffany

Anyone else?  (I will figure that out myself, I guess, once I check back through who has posted a bio and who I've responded to....but if you know you've been missed and aren't one of the five above, lemme know!)


Steve, you're the man!

I know, I told him it's a good thing he's organized 'cause I'm all over the place.

2012-10-19 2:55 PM
in reply to: #4461003

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Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL

briderdt - 2012-10-19 9:13 AM Mostly a shout out to Jason, but also to any one with questions related to bike racing -- I have many years of USAC bike racing (under the USCF, the national governing body before it became USAC) under my belt, and was a "pretty good" cat 3 for several years. So I can field any questions regarding that stuff... Jason, I didn't see your specific questions, so maybe you can repost them?

I didn't actually post a question yet...but since you're offering...I have a question about peaking on the bike (in regards to a bike focus for bike racing).  In your experience, how long does your peak last, and how far from your most important race do you try to peak as far as training stress/load.  Do you have any tips on trying to extend your peak fitness?

From the past 2 seasons, I usually build up my mileage over the course of 8 weeks (going from tri training to pure bike training), then I usually take a few days vacation and ride the crap out of my bike (usually in the 330-400 mile range with 25-30k feet of climbing).  I found that when I do this, I hit a really good peak about 3-4 weeks later, and it lasts about 2.5 weeks.

Granted, we know that bike racing is not like tris in that there is usually a few races we are trying to target...not just one.  Just wanted your thoughts on how you approach training if there are say 4 races you are trying to peak for over the course of 6 weeks.  Is it possible to peak for all of them?  Do you just focus on a couple and know the others you won't be in top shape?

2012-10-19 2:58 PM
in reply to: #4460898

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
m2tx - 2012-10-19 1:20 PM

Continuing the discussion on power and bike workouts...

My main goal during Dec-Mar is to dramatically improve my bike splits. My best bike split ever was set over a year ago (22.9mph over 19 miles) and I was consistently slower in all of my races this year than last year (2011).

I am well aware of the "ride more" advise that I see frequently but I don't want to add more training time to what I already do.  I will only plan on riding once a week on the road (probably about 50-60 miles) and do 2-3 trainer workouts during the week.

Besides Jorge's Winter Plan - anyone have any advice on workouts to improve?  As an alternative, I was thinking of doing the following schedule:

Sat- long ride (50-60 miles)

Mon - Time Trial Workout (at FTP or slightly more for each interval - 4x15' or something similar)

Wed - Sweet Spot Intervals (2x20' or 3x15')

Fri - Big Gear/Strength workout

FTP (from 20' Spinervals 27.0 Test) is right around 216W and I'd like to be around 260W come April. I think that improvement should translate to that 1mph improvement I wanted to see at next year's races.


I am convinced that it's not just time spent in the saddle, but ensuring you are working very hard almost all of the time.

I think it is the EN guys who say bike volume is totally overrated, but that when you are riding, you should be riding HARD.

With the exception of your long ride, your plan looks pretty intense. It's definitely the kind of bike training I'm looking at doing. I have a hard time with long intervals on the bike (>15') so sometimes I'll break them up into smaller long as I'm doing the same total time I figure it's ok.

Last year one of my favorite trainer rides was basically an hour with intervals of 8' 10' 12' 8', stuff like was brutal...

What are sweet spot intervals?



2012-10-19 3:01 PM
in reply to: #4460863

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL

pugpenny - 2012-10-19 12:59 PM My son-in-law and I are doing a 6.5 mile nighttime trail run tomorrow night called the Ghouls and Fools in Reading, PA. I did it 2 years ago with my sister and LOVED it - she HATED it and said never again!!! It is so neat to run in the dark lit only by your own head lamp - just such a cool experience. I don't really "race" it per se, I just look at it as a glorified hike up a mountain. The neon-lit pagoda at the top of the mountain is surreal. Can you tell I just love this race? Patti

Patti that race sounds amazing. I love all of the different things we get to do in our lives with bodies that can move and work hard...such a reward for training and sacrifice. THAT is what it is all about!

2012-10-19 3:04 PM
in reply to: #4460475

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
noelle1230 - 2012-10-19 9:14 AM

Samantha, I'm guessing if you have a half marathon this weekend and you are also from Michigan that it's the Freep?  I'm in for the half too.  Weather looks like it will be awesome!

I saw that you made it to sprint championships this year also, good job!  Did they tell you what it took to qualify?  Somehow I can never find myself on the ranking page despite doing at least three USAT races.  That website boggles my mind a bit Smile

I'd love to hear more about it too. Less race report stuff and more "dish." What was it like? Were there tri gods everywhere? Amazing bikes? Was it super competitive and aggressive? Or was it just another race? Do again?

Oh and finding yourself in the rankings is an endurance event in and of itself. Humbling though, especially after I kind of thought, hey I'm not so bad at this stuff. Then I see the gazillion billion 40 year old women who kick my butt all over the place. Still interesting to look now and then...

2012-10-19 3:06 PM
in reply to: #4460630

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
noelle1230 - 2012-10-19 10:25 AM
quincyf - 2012-10-19 10:39 AM

Who is racing this weekend? I have a ridiculous is a costume race and the only race of the year where I am guaranteed that my husband will stay with me because...well...he has to.

I'll explain and post pix on Sunday.

No time goals. Just a brunch goal afterwards. Fun!

I also have a half mary on Sunday but I am trying for a PR.  I don't know if I'll hit as my injured old legs haven't been performing at their best but I'm still trying!

Quincy, enjoy your fun run with the hubby and yes, post pics!


what's your plan? Pacing wise? Or is it just a go out and throw it all out there? That's kind of how I raced my PR HM...I think that's about the longest distance you can get away with that.Cool

2012-10-19 3:13 PM
in reply to: #4461079

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
quincyf - 2012-10-19 3:58 PM

I am convinced that it's not just time spent in the saddle, but ensuring you are working very hard almost all of the time.

I think it is the EN guys who say bike volume is totally overrated, but that when you are riding, you should be riding HARD.

With the exception of your long ride, your plan looks pretty intense. It's definitely the kind of bike training I'm looking at doing. I have a hard time with long intervals on the bike (>15') so sometimes I'll break them up into smaller long as I'm doing the same total time I figure it's ok.

Last year one of my favorite trainer rides was basically an hour with intervals of 8' 10' 12' 8', stuff like was brutal...

What are sweet spot intervals?



Sweet spot intervals are about 83-92% of FTP/LTHR.  You should be able to do them for pretty long intervals, otherwise you're probably more into the threshold area.  In terms of zones, probably the zone 3/zone 4 crossover.  Or if you're doing Sufferfest videos, they call that "recovery".  Smile

For instance, my FTP measured on my KK Road Machine with Trainer Road is 274 (probably a little higher than that now, but that's what we'll use).  I did the "Crag" workout (one of Jorge's), which focuses on intervals just above threshold.  According to my TR file, I spend less than two minutes in my sweet spot (230 - 260) over the hour, and that's probably just transitioning from above threshold to recovery and back.  Other workouts are designed to spend almost the whole hour in the sweet spot. 



2012-10-19 3:14 PM
in reply to: #4460802

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
noelle1230 - 2012-10-19 12:22 PM

Moonrocket - 2012-10-19 11:32 AM I have a strange question. I just scheduled a vacation for Sanibel Island. For those of you that live near the ocean, do you just jump in and swim? I'm thinking it would be good OWS practice, but I'm not really an ocean person. What's the likelihood something will bite me? What else should I think about?

I would definitely call the hotel or check online to see if you can find a bureau of tourism that could answer that for you.  Ocean swims can be very different depending on locale.  Is it choppy?  What sea life lurks nearby?  Are there any incidents of shark attack in the area?

If it does seem swimmer friendly, stick close to shore and have a family member watch you from the shore to be safe.  It's definitely different than swimming in a lake!

I would post in the florida forum...chances are there is a BTer or 5 who could tell you exactly where to swim or if it's safe. There is a lot of snorkeling and diving in that area...lots of manmade reefs, but close to the beach I would be extremely worried about getting hit by boats and jetskis. Many resorts have a roped off swim area that you could almost use as a pool, back and forth in the deeper part and still be safe, but it's not "true" OWS. Frankly though if you were going to attempt "real" OWS you should have a partner in a kayak with you for safety and visibility.

Can you tell I am a mother?

2012-10-19 3:14 PM
in reply to: #4461090

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Livonia, MI
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
quincyf - 2012-10-19 4:06 PM
noelle1230 - 2012-10-19 10:25 AM
quincyf - 2012-10-19 10:39 AM

Who is racing this weekend? I have a ridiculous is a costume race and the only race of the year where I am guaranteed that my husband will stay with me because...well...he has to.

I'll explain and post pix on Sunday.

No time goals. Just a brunch goal afterwards. Fun!

I also have a half mary on Sunday but I am trying for a PR.  I don't know if I'll hit as my injured old legs haven't been performing at their best but I'm still trying!

Quincy, enjoy your fun run with the hubby and yes, post pics!


what's your plan? Pacing wise? Or is it just a go out and throw it all out there? That's kind of how I raced my PR HM...I think that's about the longest distance you can get away with that.Cool

I do have a plan!  I know myself well enough to know that at this point it takes me a good mile to warm up.  If I try to start with my goal pace, it feels like I'm fighting gravity.  I'll start off about 30 seconds/mile slower then work up to my race pace gradually during mile 2-3 depending on how I feel.  Then I'll amp up the last several miles to make up for the slower first few.  I'll know by mid race if I can really maintain the pace needed for the PR.  If not, it's all about just getting in the zone and doing the best I can!

I'm one to rely heavily on my Garmin Smile  Interestingly enough, this race, the Detroit Free Press is international.  We get to cross the bridge into Ontario, then cross the tunnel back to Michigan during the race.  So I know Garmin will die during that mile long tunnel trip.  I have my splits memorized so I'll still know if I'm on track or not.

2012-10-19 3:18 PM
in reply to: #4460898

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Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
m2tx - 2012-10-19 8:20 AM

Continuing the discussion on power and bike workouts...

My main goal during Dec-Mar is to dramatically improve my bike splits. My best bike split ever was set over a year ago (22.9mph over 19 miles) and I was consistently slower in all of my races this year than last year (2011).

I am well aware of the "ride more" advise that I see frequently but I don't want to add more training time to what I already do.  I will only plan on riding once a week on the road (probably about 50-60 miles) and do 2-3 trainer workouts during the week.

Besides Jorge's Winter Plan - anyone have any advice on workouts to improve?  As an alternative, I was thinking of doing the following schedule:

Sat- long ride (50-60 miles)

Mon - Time Trial Workout (at FTP or slightly more for each interval - 4x15' or something similar)

Wed - Sweet Spot Intervals (2x20' or 3x15')

Fri - Big Gear/Strength workout

FTP (from 20' Spinervals 27.0 Test) is right around 216W and I'd like to be around 260W come April. I think that improvement should translate to that 1mph improvement I wanted to see at next year's races.


4x15's at FTP or higher is likely not realistic.  That's 60 minutes of FTP or higher.  Maybe 2x20's @ 95-100% FTP, or 3x15 @ 95-98% FTP.  If you can hold 4x15 @ FTP or higher you probably need to retest.

I'd also make the Friday workout an optional easy spin if your legs are getting wasted...especially if you're still running while doing this program.  The type of schedule you are proposing will work, but it's bloody murder...and likely assumes you are only cycling.

2012-10-19 3:19 PM
in reply to: #4460636

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
joestop74 - 2012-10-19 10:29 AM
stevebradley - 2012-10-18 7:15 PM


Your family reminds me of what I saw at Skinnyman Triathlon (Skaneateles, NY) last month:

A guy doing the race was hanging out with his family post-race, and along with what I assumed was his wife were four kids, probably all under the age of six.  They each had identical red t-shirts, except for what was on the front of each, shop-printed in a circle:  Thing 1, Thing 2, Thing 3, Thing4.  I thought that was very clever, and when I said so to the guy, he was very blaise about it, leading me to think that those kids have been out in public a few times in those t-shirts, and to great acclaim!

Nice progression planned, with the 5k, then the 10k, then the sprint.  Sensible, sensible, sensible, and leading nicelt into next season's tri plans.  Especially with a marathon behind you, I can't see any reason why you couldn't handle the oly later in the year.  Do you have any history with overuse-type injuries, or are you one of those rare and fortunate bionic creatures?  

The 16-week sprint plan is an excellent path to follow.  Did you manage to pick it up right at week one?  If so....are you at about week 9 or 10 right now?

And, what plan are you fixing to follow for Phoenix Marathon?  I will check in a while to see when it is, and also give me a few days to get my feet on the ground here, and I will look at your logs.   Log-stalking is good vicarious fun!

Ha!  I like that - thing 1, etc.  We thought about having four kids and stop but #4 was twins so, oh well.  

Yes, I'm actually on week 11 next week of sprint tri plan.  I've been a little inconsistent in my biking but everything else has been good, according to the plan at least.

Injuries, etc - none, thankfully.  About 4 years ago I tried running and pushed it way too hard, didn't know what I was doing and got serious IT band pain - got really discouraged and quit.  Now, I've done Couch to 5k, and been fairly slow in my progression and have had no pain, other than normal workout pain.

I was thinking/hoping 5k/10k and sprint in that order would work for me.  After my 10k I will ramp up my mileage in prep for the marathon.  From 10k to marathon would be 18 weeks (3-2-13).  Is that enough time?  I was going to do this plan.  And start it on week 3.  My longest run was today and was 7 miles.  I do the 10k next Saturday.  Any help/advice would be great.  I haven't registered for the marathon yet, so if it is too soon for me, its no problem.  But I'd really like to try.

Then I'm looking at a local sprint here in April and then considering Oly later in the year.

I swear I am starting to think that marathons are the banes of triathletes existence. They are really too much training to do when you're also trying to do IM in the same year, and they are absolutely the wrong kind of training if you are trying to also train for short course. 

Buuut, I am as guilty as the next guy of wanting to do it all, so if you are bent on doing it, there is time and your plan seems fairly reasonable. Just be forewarned. You will not enhance your performance for your sprint. you. will. lose. speed. (my opinion only...others may not agree)

If you're ok with that, and that's totally cool, then go for it. We'll cheer for you all the way.

2012-10-19 3:28 PM
in reply to: #4461105

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
noelle1230 - 2012-10-19 3:14 PM
quincyf - 2012-10-19 4:06 PM
noelle1230 - 2012-10-19 10:25 AM
quincyf - 2012-10-19 10:39 AM

Who is racing this weekend? I have a ridiculous is a costume race and the only race of the year where I am guaranteed that my husband will stay with me because...well...he has to.

I'll explain and post pix on Sunday.

No time goals. Just a brunch goal afterwards. Fun!

I also have a half mary on Sunday but I am trying for a PR.  I don't know if I'll hit as my injured old legs haven't been performing at their best but I'm still trying!

Quincy, enjoy your fun run with the hubby and yes, post pics!


what's your plan? Pacing wise? Or is it just a go out and throw it all out there? That's kind of how I raced my PR HM...I think that's about the longest distance you can get away with that.Cool

I do have a plan!  I know myself well enough to know that at this point it takes me a good mile to warm up.  If I try to start with my goal pace, it feels like I'm fighting gravity.  I'll start off about 30 seconds/mile slower then work up to my race pace gradually during mile 2-3 depending on how I feel.  Then I'll amp up the last several miles to make up for the slower first few.  I'll know by mid race if I can really maintain the pace needed for the PR.  If not, it's all about just getting in the zone and doing the best I can!

I'm one to rely heavily on my Garmin Smile  Interestingly enough, this race, the Detroit Free Press is international.  We get to cross the bridge into Ontario, then cross the tunnel back to Michigan during the race.  So I know Garmin will die during that mile long tunnel trip.  I have my splits memorized so I'll still know if I'm on track or not.

My husband and I put instant pace and lap pace on our Garmins to cross check for the Chicago Marathon. There is a tunnel at the beginning too. He used his. I just ended up running with a pace group which was fantastic. Made me wonder if that virtual partner function might actually be useful. I've never used it. 

2012-10-19 3:35 PM
in reply to: #4461101

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
jmhpsu93 - 2012-10-19 3:13 PM
quincyf - 2012-10-19 3:58 PM

I am convinced that it's not just time spent in the saddle, but ensuring you are working very hard almost all of the time.

I think it is the EN guys who say bike volume is totally overrated, but that when you are riding, you should be riding HARD.

With the exception of your long ride, your plan looks pretty intense. It's definitely the kind of bike training I'm looking at doing. I have a hard time with long intervals on the bike (>15') so sometimes I'll break them up into smaller long as I'm doing the same total time I figure it's ok.

Last year one of my favorite trainer rides was basically an hour with intervals of 8' 10' 12' 8', stuff like was brutal...

What are sweet spot intervals?



Sweet spot intervals are about 83-92% of FTP/LTHR.  You should be able to do them for pretty long intervals, otherwise you're probably more into the threshold area.  In terms of zones, probably the zone 3/zone 4 crossover.  Or if you're doing Sufferfest videos, they call that "recovery".  Smile

For instance, my FTP measured on my KK Road Machine with Trainer Road is 274 (probably a little higher than that now, but that's what we'll use).  I did the "Crag" workout (one of Jorge's), which focuses on intervals just above threshold.  According to my TR file, I spend less than two minutes in my sweet spot (230 - 260) over the hour, and that's probably just transitioning from above threshold to recovery and back.  Other workouts are designed to spend almost the whole hour in the sweet spot. 



Aha, fantastic. I am going to learn a lot in this group!

2012-10-19 3:40 PM
in reply to: #4461119

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Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL

quincyf - 2012-10-19 10:19 AM
joestop74 - 2012-10-19 10:29 AM

Ha!  I like that - thing 1, etc.  We thought about having four kids and stop but #4 was twins so, oh well.  

Yes, I'm actually on week 11 next week of sprint tri plan.  I've been a little inconsistent in my biking but everything else has been good, according to the plan at least.

Injuries, etc - none, thankfully.  About 4 years ago I tried running and pushed it way too hard, didn't know what I was doing and got serious IT band pain - got really discouraged and quit.  Now, I've done Couch to 5k, and been fairly slow in my progression and have had no pain, other than normal workout pain.

I was thinking/hoping 5k/10k and sprint in that order would work for me.  After my 10k I will ramp up my mileage in prep for the marathon.  From 10k to marathon would be 18 weeks (3-2-13).  Is that enough time?  I was going to do this plan.  And start it on week 3.  My longest run was today and was 7 miles.  I do the 10k next Saturday.  Any help/advice would be great.  I haven't registered for the marathon yet, so if it is too soon for me, its no problem.  But I'd really like to try.

Then I'm looking at a local sprint here in April and then considering Oly later in the year.

I swear I am starting to think that marathons are the banes of triathletes existence. They are really too much training to do when you're also trying to do IM in the same year, and they are absolutely the wrong kind of training if you are trying to also train for short course. 

Buuut, I am as guilty as the next guy of wanting to do it all, so if you are bent on doing it, there is time and your plan seems fairly reasonable. Just be forewarned. You will not enhance your performance for your sprint. you. will. lose. speed. (my opinion only...others may not agree)

If you're ok with that, and that's totally cool, then go for it. We'll cheer for you all the way.

Marathon training has actually helped my run tremendously during the off season.  But I'm not sure that picking up a marathon plan with 7 miles being your longest run ever is such a good idea.  Maybe go for a half marathon.

Keep in mind though that anytime you do a single sport focus, you likely need to give yourself 4-8 weeks afterwards to reacclimate to the other sports.  So if you have a 3/2 marathon or half marathon, I wouldn't schedule an A race tri until June or later.  And I agree that I would not do a marathon in the same year as training for an IM.

I usually do an early December marathon (likely won't do it this year...but maybe).  But my A race tris are usually not till May/June.  So I usually take Dec/Jan to rebuild my swim and bike, then do normal tri training from Feb-May. 

2012-10-19 3:50 PM
in reply to: #4460475

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Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
noelle1230 - 2012-10-19 10:14 AM

Samantha, I'm guessing if you have a half marathon this weekend and you are also from Michigan that it's the Freep?  I'm in for the half too.  Weather looks like it will be awesome!

I saw that you made it to sprint championships this year also, good job!  Did they tell you what it took to qualify?  Somehow I can never find myself on the ranking page despite doing at least three USAT races.  That website boggles my mind a bit Smile

Hey Amy... Indeed it is the Detroit half I'm doing.  I'm getting quite excited about it since I discovered a couple days ago a friend is also doing it (the first leg of a relay).  Plus with the tigers just making it to the world series (insanity....) I'm thinking it should just add to the weekend marathon festivities!

In terms of nationals, for sprint nationals, it actually doesn't require qualification... but for my own justification purposes, I did qualify for the Olympic distance nationals (and it seemed like most people in my AG qualified as well)... which all you do is place in the top 10% in your age group in any USAT sanctioned race.  You don't need to do any number of races to qualify, as I received an e-mail I qualified after I had done just one race for the season.  I don't pay attention to the rankings page.

Have you seen this page?  It lists the qualification standards.

2012-10-19 4:00 PM
in reply to: #4460077

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Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL

SHANA again (last night's being a brief one) -

I went to your race reports, and you had a very nice and compact season of races.  You are fortunate to have decent races so close to you, or at least that you manage to get to easily enough.

I saw your comment, on one RR, to the effect that "My running sucks", and I guess i'd like to know what you see as your main problem as a runner.  (FWIW, I didn't think your running times were at all way off for someone who is pretty new at this stuff.)  You don't mention anything about injuries, so I'm guessing it's something else.  Any thoughts?

I will also get around to looking at your 5km and 10km stand-alone runs; maybe something will seem more obvious there.  But, geez -- you are to be commended for working hard at running, as most people who get frustrated by it steer way wide of stand-alone running races.  With continued dedication to improving your running, which you seem to have plenty of, I am sure you will break off the current plateau sooner rather than later. 

Is the one you've signed up for next season a repeat of one of this year's?  That a grerat thing to do, especially as one works though their first few seasons, as the comparisons are very telling about one's progress.  hopefully, you will be able to do repeats of one or two other of your '12 (or '11) races.  Maybe?

2012-10-19 4:18 PM
in reply to: #4461149

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
tri808 - 2012-10-19 3:40 PM

quincyf - 2012-10-19 10:19 AM
joestop74 - 2012-10-19 10:29 AM

Ha!  I like that - thing 1, etc.  We thought about having four kids and stop but #4 was twins so, oh well.  

Yes, I'm actually on week 11 next week of sprint tri plan.  I've been a little inconsistent in my biking but everything else has been good, according to the plan at least.

Injuries, etc - none, thankfully.  About 4 years ago I tried running and pushed it way too hard, didn't know what I was doing and got serious IT band pain - got really discouraged and quit.  Now, I've done Couch to 5k, and been fairly slow in my progression and have had no pain, other than normal workout pain.

I was thinking/hoping 5k/10k and sprint in that order would work for me.  After my 10k I will ramp up my mileage in prep for the marathon.  From 10k to marathon would be 18 weeks (3-2-13).  Is that enough time?  I was going to do this plan.  And start it on week 3.  My longest run was today and was 7 miles.  I do the 10k next Saturday.  Any help/advice would be great.  I haven't registered for the marathon yet, so if it is too soon for me, its no problem.  But I'd really like to try.

Then I'm looking at a local sprint here in April and then considering Oly later in the year.

I swear I am starting to think that marathons are the banes of triathletes existence. They are really too much training to do when you're also trying to do IM in the same year, and they are absolutely the wrong kind of training if you are trying to also train for short course. 

Buuut, I am as guilty as the next guy of wanting to do it all, so if you are bent on doing it, there is time and your plan seems fairly reasonable. Just be forewarned. You will not enhance your performance for your sprint. you. will. lose. speed. (my opinion only...others may not agree)

If you're ok with that, and that's totally cool, then go for it. We'll cheer for you all the way.

Marathon training has actually helped my run tremendously during the off season.  But I'm not sure that picking up a marathon plan with 7 miles being your longest run ever is such a good idea.  Maybe go for a half marathon.

Keep in mind though that anytime you do a single sport focus, you likely need to give yourself 4-8 weeks afterwards to reacclimate to the other sports.  So if you have a 3/2 marathon or half marathon, I wouldn't schedule an A race tri until June or later.  And I agree that I would not do a marathon in the same year as training for an IM.

I usually do an early December marathon (likely won't do it this year...but maybe).  But my A race tris are usually not till May/June.  So I usually take Dec/Jan to rebuild my swim and bike, then do normal tri training from Feb-May. 

I haven't had that same effect. Or more specifically, I've gotten better at marathons, worse at shorter distances. Both stand alone and tri. It's come back some this year as I got away from a large volume of slow running and went back to less running with more intensity. But that's not to say that an appropriately timed marathon in one's season can't be beneficial. 

And my experience is a sample size of 1, everyone's mileage will vary. Literally. Smile

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