Other Resources Challenge Me! » Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour. Rss Feed  
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2013-10-10 10:04 AM
in reply to: kns57

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washington state
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.
Morning Ghoulies!  Another busy week here in the NW.  But I am feeling pretty good about the 10k this weekend.  Getting excited!

2013-10-10 10:05 AM
in reply to: kns57

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washington state
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.
Originally posted by kns57

Okay ghoulies,

I am getting into the swing of things.  I have joined a walking challenge at work which starts next Monday and runs for 5 weeks.  You need to get in 150+ minutes of activity during each week.  I can do that!  I also found out a weight watchers group meets every Monday at 12:30 two buildings away.  I am considering joining that since it would not eat into my evening or weekend schedules.  Plus, it will give me a nice little walk every Monday at lunchtime.  Woot!

That all sounds great!

2013-10-10 10:06 AM
in reply to: ironannekidd

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washington state
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.
Originally posted by ironannekidd
Originally posted by kns57
Originally posted by ironannekidd

Good morning Ghoulies!

I had a rough night last night. I am on call this week. Was working from 10-12 last night, then had periodic calls the rest of the night to give me status updates. I am wfh today as there is no way I would have been able to drag my tired butt into the office. We are still having issues but I have some guys who are more knowledgeable helping me now. I foresee a nap in my future.

You deserve a wfh day after a night like that.  I never understand why any place would expect someone to come in after being up and down all night long.  Crazy. 

I could have gone in late, but why? I can do everything I need to do from here. I'm tired. It's rainy. My head is throbbing. Not conditions I like to drive in.

Hope you are getting your nap and are feeling better!

2013-10-10 10:59 AM
in reply to: deehtz

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.

Morning Ghoulies.

It is good to see some "pep in your step" again, Kenra.

Ann, go take a nap, I am off to do that right now.

Dee, you are going to smoke this 10 k this weekend. I hope the weather is beautiful for you.

I have another sinus infection. This is only 4 for the year and 3 since getting the allergy shots lined up. Much improved from last year, I am looking forward to beating that record tomorrow. Got the antibiotics. I am going to nap.

Oh, foot surgery scheduled for 11/15. I was hoping for earlier but I'll teke it. I need to get it done so I can get back to running sooner.

2013-10-11 5:30 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.

Good morning Ghoulies!

We have had 4 inches of rain since yesterday. Lots of flooding. I am in the office but only until around 11 this morning. I was going to WFH but we were having internet issues at the house this morning, quite possibly from all the rain.


2013-10-11 6:05 AM
in reply to: deehtz

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Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.

Originally posted by deehtz Morning Ghoulies!  Another busy week here in the NW.  But I am feeling pretty good about the 10k this weekend.  Getting excited!




2013-10-11 6:21 AM
in reply to: ironannekidd

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Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.
When I have down time at work I like to read up on diffferent things. This week has been solar technology. I think I am going to try and build my own solar charger for my USB devices at home. In 'the command center' at our house we have chargers for the ipods, iphones, kindles, nooks, and what have you. I am looking into a way to use solar power for the charging. We have a bow window right there, and bright sunlight. I do believe I shall do some tinkering.
2013-10-11 10:04 AM
in reply to: ironannekidd

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.


That is what I feel like today.

I will be better by tomorrow. I have things to do!!!!

2013-10-13 5:40 PM
in reply to: ceilidh

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washington state
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.

Race went really well.  Weather was so nice.  A little chilly but that was okay.  It was dry and not windy.  It was a bit foggy. Top of the bridge was foggy for the whole race.  It was actually pretty neat.  My step-daughter had a good time.  This was her first 10k.  She did better than she expected since she hadn't really trained for the extra distance.  She wants to do another one!

I didn't quite hit my goal time, but I am still very pleased with my time.  Especially with the big hill over the top of the bridge.  I posted a couple of pictures of the bridge on my race report.

Stepdaughter is doing a 5k color run in a couple of weeks and wants to do the local 5k Turkey Trot and then try another 10 k after the first of the year.  Yeah!!   I am not doing the color run but I will do the Turkey Trot.

2013-10-14 6:31 AM
in reply to: deehtz

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.

Morning Ghoulies


2013-10-14 6:32 AM
in reply to: deehtz

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Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.

Dee, sounds like the 10K was a success and it is great that you have an activity that you can do with your stepdaughter.  Friends have done the color runs and had fun, i have not as of yet.

Ann, the solar powered recharging station sounds neat.  Let me know how that works out.  I would not mind having something like that myself.  Only we are usually charging at night so the solar power would need to be collected during the day and be able to last throughout the night for the charging.  Of course, I usually charge the ipad at work since that is their device, but we have a nook, several phones, etc that all need charging at home.

Robin, sorry to hear about the sinus infection.  I used to get them in the spring and fall, all related to allergies until I figured out a protocol for myself that works.  Hope that antibiotics kick it out and you are feeling better in no time.

Busy weekend for me too.  The theatre on Friday night was not to our liking.  They mentioned that they did this play to attract the 30 something crowd.  Well, if this is what they are interested in then I feel sorry for that crowd.  Four 30 somethings planning a heist at a toy company that has star wars collectibles because they "deserve" to have the money they will bring.  Of course, it all goes wrong, and the one "smart guy" among them ends up with a job offer from a crime lord at the end.  Not a play that we enjoyed at all.  Neither did the people around us.  You could tell the actors really tried to bring the parts to life, but just not a good play.

Drove to NC on Saturday to check on my sister and dad.  She has been really stressed out with having him there, issues with dampness in the basement due to all the rain this summer and a faulty gutter.  He is very demanding when he is awake, etc.  Anyway, she seemed more relaxed when we left yesterday, so hopefully we did some good.  I think part of her stress was also financial which no one had discussed prior to him being moved in.  She brought it up via email last Thursday and I responded that I fell her request was very reasonable since having him there is making it hard for both her and her husband to work, etc.  So the fact that there will be some financial relief I think helped her frame of mind a bit.

We are going to Hilton Head at the end of the month and she and her hubby will come and join us for a few days at the end of the week.  We have someone to stay with dad for that time, so it will be a good break for the two of them.

Drive home was uneventful, some traffic but that is to be expected on a Sunday afternoon.  University is on fall break today and tomorrow, so the library should be on the quiet side.  

2013-10-14 7:39 AM
in reply to: kns57

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Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.

Good morning Ghoulies!

Had to switch browsers to get this to work.

2013-10-14 7:47 AM
in reply to: ironannekidd

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Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.

Kendra, sorry to hear about the problems with your dad.


I like to tinker with things. We use a lot of electronics at home. So I thought a good winter project would be to come up with a better way to charge our electronics. I am planning on using a rechargeable battery system, not 100% green, but better than what we're doing now. If I can make something I'm happy with I'll send you one. Caleb and I were at Target yesterday afternoon buying up solar lights for the yard for $1 a piece. We are going to tear them apart and play with the pieces. I am such a geek.

2013-10-14 7:48 AM
in reply to: ironannekidd

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.

Originally posted by ironannekidd

Good morning Ghoulies!

Had to switch browsers to get this to work.

Morning Ann.

Morning Kendra.

Dee, the race sounds great. I'll check the race report in a bit.  Heck Ann, sounds like there will be some good white water kayaking in your area with all that rain.

Kendra, sounds like you got some stuff arranged with your sister. I am glad she let you know about the financial burden. Sometimes people sit on that kind of thing and let it fester. Hilton Head will be a good vacation for all of you.

There are some funky things going on in BT world. the fonts and right click options are different. Spell check is missing (OH NO!!!!!).

I am moving slow today. I spent the weekend sick and am still puny. We have house guests and I burned my right hand with steam from the teapot.

I guess it is Monday indeed.

2013-10-14 7:49 AM
in reply to: ironannekidd

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.

Originally posted by ironannekidd

Kendra, sorry to hear about the problems with your dad.


I like to tinker with things. We use a lot of electronics at home. So I thought a good winter project would be to come up with a better way to charge our electronics. I am planning on using a rechargeable battery system, not 100% green, but better than what we're doing now. If I can make something I'm happy with I'll send you one. Caleb and I were at Target yesterday afternoon buying up solar lights for the yard for $1 a piece. We are going to tear them apart and play with the pieces. I am such a geek.

LOVE it! Let us know about your success.

Geeks rule.

2013-10-14 8:03 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.


2013-10-14 8:49 AM
in reply to: ironannekidd

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.

Originally posted by ironannekidd



2013-10-14 2:58 PM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.


2013-10-15 6:20 AM
in reply to: kns57

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Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.

Good morning Ghoulies!

I have a week+ of workouts to add to my log and I just haven't done it yet. :-/

I was SOOOO tired last night. I went to bed ridiculously early, and then I couldn't get up this morning. I only have to work until noon today which is good.

2013-10-15 6:21 AM
in reply to: kns57

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.

Morning Ghoulies!

2013-10-15 7:40 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.



Wherefore art thou Robin?



2013-10-15 8:08 AM
in reply to: ironannekidd

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Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.

Nothing screws up your Friday more than realizing it is only Tuesday.

2013-10-15 8:43 AM
in reply to: ironannekidd

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washington state
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.

Good Morning Ghoulies!!    Thank you for the Birthday Wishes!  I had a really nice day, in fact a nice weekend.

2013-10-15 8:44 AM
in reply to: deehtz

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washington state
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.

This new BT  font stuff is weird and a little irritating. 

2013-10-15 8:45 AM
in reply to: ironannekidd

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washington state
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.

Originally posted by ironannekidd

Nothing screws up your Friday more than realizing it is only Tuesday.


Ooooh Yeah!

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