Subject: RE: Game of Thrones Season Four (TV Show Only-- no book spoilers, please!) Originally posted by Hook'em
I thought it was a decent season finale, but my wife was not too impressed. King's Landing isn't left with much at this point - incestual siblings and their false king.
That's true. Questions that I think it raises are, does this mean that Cersei has more power now, or less? She was so dead-set on preventing Tommen's wedding to Margery, I wonder if this makes it easier or harder for her to prevent it.
And who becomes the new Hand of the King? It would have to be someone Cersei approved of, and there aren't many of those. Jamie?
Sorry to see the end of the Hound. He was going to go eventually, but I was just starting to like him. I'm a little surprised that they never figured out that Sansa was at the Aerie. They just showed up, learned the Aunt was dead, and left? Where were they headed? I suppose Brienne makes it to the Aerie and tells Sansa that Arya's alive. Too bad Brienne didn't remember to mention Hot Pie to Arya-- that might have led Arya to trust her.
Is the Mountain going to survive? The line about him "being changed" sounds ominous.
Stannis and the Wildlings is an interesting alliance. Curious to see where that goes. Was there anything to foreshadow that? It came out of nowhere for me.
For Dany's dragons, surely there's a happy medium between a ) allowing them to roam free, barbecuing sheep and small children at will and b ) chaining them up in a dark catacomb? |