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2014-05-31 4:08 PM
in reply to: tkatzhyman

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: Friday Again....Already!
Way to go Tsvi! That's a great accomplishment. Your swimming is killer.


2014-05-31 4:09 PM
in reply to: Beach_Gurlz

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Masters Focus Triathlete Forum--OPEN!
Originally posted by Beach_Gurlz


I go by Beach though some folks call me BG or BeachGurlz, whatever works.

Ok. BG it is! Welcome again to the forum.
2014-05-31 4:13 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: It's Friday! What's your plan?

Originally posted by k9car363

Originally posted by JREDFLY Hi Guys, This is jredlfy (James), I PM'd Steve last week to let him know I am in. I couldn't find the old thread to post the grid to but I think we all know who the winner of the coveted black dog mug will be.

Yep!  Unless someone lost 100+ pounds and worked out 1,000+ minutes since the last update!

Congrats Judi.  You certainly raised the bar on workout time!

Welcome back James!

Thanks, Scott!

The perks of working from home mean none is around to complain if I am stinky post run or whatever else I fit into my lunch break.  Sometimes that is the only reason I keep my present job.

2014-05-31 4:13 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: It's Friday! What's your plan?

Originally posted by k9car363

Originally posted by JREDFLY Hi Guys, This is jredlfy (James), I PM'd Steve last week to let him know I am in. I couldn't find the old thread to post the grid to but I think we all know who the winner of the coveted black dog mug will be.

Yep!  Unless someone lost 100+ pounds and worked out 1,000+ minutes since the last update!

Congrats Judi.  You certainly raised the bar on workout time!

Welcome back James!

Thanks, Scott!

The perks of working from home mean none is around to complain if I am stinky post run or whatever else I fit into my lunch break.  Sometimes that is the only reason I keep my present job.

2014-06-01 6:33 AM
in reply to: QueenZipp

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: It's Friday! What's your plan?

Hi,  Are you still open for one more?  If so, I would love to join.



2014-06-01 8:43 PM
in reply to: dcon

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: Welcome to the Group
Sure, post up your background so we can get to know you!

Welcome to the forum.


2014-06-01 8:44 PM
in reply to: dcon

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Farmington, Connecticut
Subject: tri completed
I'm happy to say that I finished my first sprint tri event today. I really enjoyed it. Short version of my race report is: weak swim, bike ok despite chain coming off at start, ok run. I didn't finish last.

For those who care to read a bit more:

I had some pre race insomnia Sat night, but not too bad. Woke up before the alarm at 4am. Ate breakfast, loaded up and made the hour drive to the race site arriving just before 6am for a 7am start. It was a beautiful weather day and a well run event. I set up my gear, did some stretching, then on with the wetsuit for a warmup swim. Air was cool at 53, but the water was nice. There were 5 waves, I was in wave 3.

Swim: A couple practice swims this week helped a bit. I started near the back and outside the pack, and ground out the swim very slowly in 20:53. Had some trouble with goggles fogging and some orientation challenges causing me to go into breaststroke to re-align myself. I clearly need more OWS practice.

T1: I felt smooth with wetsuit removal, but took too long getting dressed Time was merely ok at 3:21

Bike: I had trouble at the start. Trotted out of transition feeling pretty good, jumped on the bike and promptly knocked the chain off the sprocket. Spent 3-4 minutes fixing it cause I just couldn't get the d**n thing back on. Arrrggghh! Finally got it re-attached and up the hill I went. I felt pretty strong on the bike, but in hindsight, this may have cost me. I tried to make up too much time lost due to the chain incident. On a hilly course, this probably took more out of my legs than I should have allowed. Time 43:22

T2: I felt good here, completing in 1:09

Run: I paid the price for being too aggressive on the bike. Not enough legs left on the hilly run. Slogged out a 27:55, a 9:01pace. This was below my expectations.

Overall: My goal was to complete my first event to see how much I would enjoy a sprint tri. I also hoped to finish before at least 20% of finishers. I loved the experience and was able to finish at #209 out of 308, so those goals were met.

A good reference point for me is that I was #11 of 15 in my age group (55-59), so I clearly have LOTS of work to do if I want to be successful in this sport.

In summary, I had fun and learned a lot today. I have a couple simple next steps mapped out. They are open water swim races at my local tri club on Tuesday nights to make me more comfortable as opposed to just surviving the swim. Secondly, I'll need to do more bike/run work to improve my ability to regain running form and increase speed on the final segment. No huge surprises, but plenty of work to do.

Back to training tomorrow.


2014-06-02 6:03 AM
in reply to: DJP_19

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Subject: RE: tri completed
Hey, sorry I have been out for a little while, normally I'm active on here. We'll wife and i just got back from our 20 year anniversary trip and yes I even got some running and lifting in...inspite of lots of heavy, heavy, HEAVY drinking every night.

I'll post a bio soon..

I'm in class this week but will try ot get one up soon.

Hope everyone had a good strong weekend and if you raced, I hope it went well.
2014-06-02 6:55 AM
in reply to: lutzman

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Spencer, New York
Subject: RE: Friday Again....Already!
Thanks for the good wishes! I'm pretty happy with the 5k. The weather was a perfect 62 degrees, low humidity & sunny. I rode my bike to the race, 3.75 miles, high cadence low HR. Really, nothing makes me happier than cycling, especially when the weather is fine.
At the site: checked in, did some running warm-up about 12 minutes; had intended to do 4 strides but my legs started feeling shaky so cut them short at 2; still had 1/2 hour, walked around, ate a gel, did my Chi Running joint looseners.
My goal was just to equal last year's time of 28:12, a pace of 9:06. My strategy was to run a little slower than that for miles 1 & 2, then pick it up. The course is pretty flat.
It's funny how at the race start everyone's adrenaline is high & you can be carried along, but I kept my eye on my pace, willing myself to slow down; it took about a minute to get down to my goal pace. I really felt great running; none of the ankle or knee problems were plaguing me; it didn't feel like work like some workouts often do. In mile 3 I tried to kick it up but couldn't. I was tired. I passed some people walking and thought " I could do that" but quickly banished the thought. I did have a little in the tank for the last tenth mile. Here are the splits:
9:10 HR average Zone 3
9:07 HR average Zone 5a
9:14 HR average Zone 5b
(for the fraction) pace 8:14 Zone 5c
Total time 28:25, which is 13 seconds off my goal, but I don't think I could have found those 13 anywhere! Maybe if I had willed myself to run 1 & 2 even slower I could have blasted 3.
First & only in my age group; 34th of 68 in the race. Ate 1/2 Hammer Recoverite bar & a banana; drank some Fizz & more water; rode my bike home, high cadence low HR; ate lunch & stretched. Spent most of the afternoon lying on an inner tube in the pond, listening to the munchkins laughing in the water... oops! the only thing really that makes me happier than cycling!
2014-06-02 7:51 AM
in reply to: ok2try

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Subject: RE: Friday Again....Already!
Originally posted by ok2try

Thanks for the good wishes! I'm pretty happy with the 5k. The weather was a perfect 62 degrees, low humidity & sunny. I rode my bike to the race, 3.75 miles, high cadence low HR. Really, nothing makes me happier than cycling, especially when the weather is fine.
At the site: checked in, did some running warm-up about 12 minutes; had intended to do 4 strides but my legs started feeling shaky so cut them short at 2; still had 1/2 hour, walked around, ate a gel, did my Chi Running joint looseners.
My goal was just to equal last year's time of 28:12, a pace of 9:06. My strategy was to run a little slower than that for miles 1 & 2, then pick it up. The course is pretty flat.
It's funny how at the race start everyone's adrenaline is high & you can be carried along, but I kept my eye on my pace, willing myself to slow down; it took about a minute to get down to my goal pace. I really felt great running; none of the ankle or knee problems were plaguing me; it didn't feel like work like some workouts often do. In mile 3 I tried to kick it up but couldn't. I was tired. I passed some people walking and thought " I could do that" but quickly banished the thought. I did have a little in the tank for the last tenth mile. Here are the splits:
9:10 HR average Zone 3
9:07 HR average Zone 5a
9:14 HR average Zone 5b
(for the fraction) pace 8:14 Zone 5c
Total time 28:25, which is 13 seconds off my goal, but I don't think I could have found those 13 anywhere! Maybe if I had willed myself to run 1 & 2 even slower I could have blasted 3.
First & only in my age group; 34th of 68 in the race. Ate 1/2 Hammer Recoverite bar & a banana; drank some Fizz & more water; rode my bike home, high cadence low HR; ate lunch & stretched. Spent most of the afternoon lying on an inner tube in the pond, listening to the munchkins laughing in the water... oops! the only thing really that makes me happier than cycling!

Congratulations on a nice race and first is first!!!
2014-06-02 10:52 AM
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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: Hmmm . . . HR Zones Correct?

Originally posted by ok2try

. . . I did have a little in the tank for the last tenth mile. Here are the splits:

9:10 HR average Zone 3

9:07 HR average Zone 5a

9:14 HR average Zone 5b

(for the fraction) pace 8:14 Zone 5c 

Hi Deborah,

Good race!

I have an observation and a question. 

My observation is that your HR zones are set too low.  18+ minutes in Zone 5 - by definition, that's virtually impossible, at the very least your legs should have been in knots, or in EXTREME discomfort/pain.  The temperatures were cool enough that I am not sure cardiac drift could have accounted for HR up in to high zone 5.

I am wondering what your HR zones are, how did you arrive at the specific numbers for the ranges, and finally, when was the last time you did a field lactate threshold test, or have you done a field LT test?

Here is an excellent article (found right here on BT) that runs through the process to perform a proper LT field test.  The article goes through how to determine LT for both run and bike.

I apologize if you have already seen the article.  Just seems your HR zones are not set correctly.  If your HR zones are too low (which it appears to me they are), you may think you are on a zone 2/3 long training run and in actuality be on a long recovery run - which would have the net effect of . . . not a whole lot.

Just my humble two cents.

Edited by k9car363 2014-06-02 10:53 AM

2014-06-02 11:53 AM
in reply to: DJP_19

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Kennebunkport, Qatar
Subject: RE: tri completed
Originally posted by DJP_19

I'm happy to say that I finished my first sprint tri event today. I really enjoyed it. Short version of my race report is: weak swim, bike ok despite chain coming off at start, ok run. I didn't finish last.


Great Job Dave! Most important part was you had fun, but nice results also.
2014-06-02 11:57 AM
in reply to: lutzman


Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Masters Focus Triathlete Forum--OPEN!
I would love to join this group if not too late. Just signed up for my first sprint tri in September. Can swim but not a swimmer. Would love the accountability and insights of the group.
2014-06-02 12:01 PM
in reply to: ok2try

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Kennebunkport, Qatar
Subject: RE: Friday Again,....Already!
Great job Deborah sounds like perfect running weather and a great way to recover!
2014-06-02 1:07 PM
in reply to: Mountaindan

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Subject: RE: Friday Again,....Already!
NAME: KWDreamun /Karl (This comes from the love of KeyWest)

STORY: I beat to a different drum than most people, I’m a Parrothead, Hasher (H3). I have a dry sick sense of humor. When I was 49, I saw IM Kona on TV and said I want to do that, I can’t swim, didn’t own a bike and when I tried to run I was always injured due to shin splints or IT band problems. ( I have never done an IM and probably won’t due to the swim).
My weakness is the swim. (I hate even going to the pool) so I don’t go a lot. I love riding, and am getting faster on the run, but that is still relative.
I run/bike naked, no electronics. I train by feel as electronics just mess me up.
I come from a competitive bass fishing style and I love lifting weights.
I also love to read educational sports books such at Finding Ultra, The China Study etc

FAMILY STATUS: Married late in life, but she was worth the wait. She is PinkSocks on BT. Have a 16 year old son who was very instrumental in getting us running. We also have a wirehaired dachshund.

CURRENT TRAINING: I need to get back to swimming but the pool is so crowded. I’m running more and am considering a marathon. Most of my training is running and lifting as of now. I’m hoping to get back in the pool but that has to come from within.

THIS YEAR'S PLANNED RACES: I live in FL so most of our road races are close to over, I have signed up for 4 off road races that are going to be HOT. I may even want to do an Ultra sometime. I’ve done several ½ marathons and thinking about a full.

WEIGHTLOSS: I’ve always been to skinny, I need to gain muscle, thus the love of lifting.
WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I’m fun, like to encourage others and like hearing others advice.
WAKE UP!!! I know that put ya’ll to sleep!!!!!!!!!!
2014-06-02 1:30 PM
in reply to: lutzman

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Upstate, New York
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Masters Focus Triathlete Forum--OPEN!
Hoping I can join this group. I'm 57 with 1 Sprint under my belt last year and getting ready for round 2 later this month. Typical story of mostly running as a "grown up" but have been inspired by some tri-friends. Since I am much older than them though this age specific forum is much appreciated!

2014-06-02 1:41 PM
in reply to: lutzman

New user
Wooster, Ohio
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Masters Focus Triathlete Forum--OPEN!
This sounds like I might belong here but maybe not..... let me know. I am soon to be 59 with a swimming background. I am way out of shape and overweight. I want to be an ironman in 2016. I have a swimming background and thought I was pretty good until I swam today. I run like Egore (Frankenstine). and I own a bike but am terrible at that. Please help me if you can. or guide me to where I should go. Thanks for your help!
2014-06-02 3:00 PM
in reply to: dogwoman

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Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Masters Focus Triathlete Forum--OPEN!

Hey guys!  Looks like I've got some catching up to do.  I'll try to do that tonight.  I've been trying to be consistent with the workouts and succeeding for the most part, although I've been slacking on the strength training.  I try to get it in 2x a week during my lunch hour - need to get back to it.

I woke up this morning feeling like I'd been hit by a truck - my whole body hurt and felt like I couldn't stay awake.  I'm feeling better now but I really hope I'm not coming down with something.  I'm nervous enough about my biathlon in 2 weeks - don't need an illness on top of it! 


2014-06-02 4:12 PM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Friday Again,....Already!
Welcome Karl! I think I know PinkSocks from a previous mentor group - cool - great to have a couple that trains together. Tell her JuneApple says hi. Every now and then I get to South Florida as my Mom lives in Ft. Myers. After last winter, I may try to get down there more often ;-)

Also welcome Dan, DogWoman, MKNoonan, and GolfGirl - wow, last minute rush - did Steve put the group on sale or something?

Janet, I know what you mean about waking up feeling like you've been hit by a truck. Friday, we drove 12 hours up to Providence. Saturday, we moved our daughter to a 3rd floor apartment. Sunday drove back 12 hours. Definitely was feeling old this morning. The swim helped though :-)

Congrats on your race, Deborah! WTG!

Hoping for a solid week this week... about time :-)


2014-06-02 7:06 PM
in reply to: DJP_19

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: tri completed
Originally posted by DJP_19

I'm happy to say that I finished my first sprint tri event today. I really enjoyed it. Short version of my race report is: weak swim, bike ok despite chain coming off at start, ok run. I didn't finish last.

For those who care to read a bit more:

I had some pre race insomnia Sat night, but not too bad. Woke up before the alarm at 4am. Ate breakfast, loaded up and made the hour drive to the race site arriving just before 6am for a 7am start. It was a beautiful weather day and a well run event. I set up my gear, did some stretching, then on with the wetsuit for a warmup swim. Air was cool at 53, but the water was nice. There were 5 waves, I was in wave 3.

Swim: A couple practice swims this week helped a bit. I started near the back and outside the pack, and ground out the swim very slowly in 20:53. Had some trouble with goggles fogging and some orientation challenges causing me to go into breaststroke to re-align myself. I clearly need more OWS practice.

T1: I felt smooth with wetsuit removal, but took too long getting dressed Time was merely ok at 3:21

Bike: I had trouble at the start. Trotted out of transition feeling pretty good, jumped on the bike and promptly knocked the chain off the sprocket. Spent 3-4 minutes fixing it cause I just couldn't get the d**n thing back on. Arrrggghh! Finally got it re-attached and up the hill I went. I felt pretty strong on the bike, but in hindsight, this may have cost me. I tried to make up too much time lost due to the chain incident. On a hilly course, this probably took more out of my legs than I should have allowed. Time 43:22

T2: I felt good here, completing in 1:09

Run: I paid the price for being too aggressive on the bike. Not enough legs left on the hilly run. Slogged out a 27:55, a 9:01pace. This was below my expectations.

Overall: My goal was to complete my first event to see how much I would enjoy a sprint tri. I also hoped to finish before at least 20% of finishers. I loved the experience and was able to finish at #209 out of 308, so those goals were met.

A good reference point for me is that I was #11 of 15 in my age group (55-59), so I clearly have LOTS of work to do if I want to be successful in this sport.

In summary, I had fun and learned a lot today. I have a couple simple next steps mapped out. They are open water swim races at my local tri club on Tuesday nights to make me more comfortable as opposed to just surviving the swim. Secondly, I'll need to do more bike/run work to improve my ability to regain running form and increase speed on the final segment. No huge surprises, but plenty of work to do.

Back to training tomorrow.


Way to go, Dave. Congrats on a strong first Triathlon.

The open water race experience is definitely different than the pool. The combination of adrenaline, splashing bodies, no pool lines and just the feel of the water makes a race a much different experience than training. I have trouble with fogging goggles as well. I've bought "no fog" goggles, spit in my goggles and used the various drops and sprays. For me, the drops work pretty good to keep my vision clear. Most online outlets and swim shops sell them.

You're certainly now a veteran having dropped a chain. I had a race last year where I threw my chain, got off and put it back on, started riding and threw it again. The problem was I had my front derailleur mis-positioned to the inside and it would have thrown it every time but fortunately I noticed it and got it adjusted. So, for me I'm more comfortable starting my race on the big ring up front with a mid to small ring on the rear cassette, figuring that I want to keep the chain tighter to prevent it from bouncing off while I'm running through transition. And then shifting a couple times while my bike is set up in transition just to do a little pre-check to make sure everything is ready to rock.

After the bike, everyone pays a price. It definitely takes some adjustment and practice to get used to the feeling of running off the bike. I don't know how many bike/run workouts you've done, but those really help in getting you ready for that nasty feeling when the run starts.

Glad you had a great time. We'll look forward to hearing how your next race goes for you.

2014-06-02 7:17 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: Hmmm . . . HR Zones Correct?
Originally posted by k9car363

Originally posted by ok2try

. . . I did have a little in the tank for the last tenth mile. Here are the splits:

9:10 HR average Zone 3

9:07 HR average Zone 5a

9:14 HR average Zone 5b

(for the fraction) pace 8:14 Zone 5c 

Hi Deborah,

Good race!

I have an observation and a question. 

My observation is that your HR zones are set too low.  18+ minutes in Zone 5 - by definition, that's virtually impossible, at the very least your legs should have been in knots, or in EXTREME discomfort/pain.  The temperatures were cool enough that I am not sure cardiac drift could have accounted for HR up in to high zone 5.

I am wondering what your HR zones are, how did you arrive at the specific numbers for the ranges, and finally, when was the last time you did a field lactate threshold test, or have you done a field LT test?

Here is an excellent article (found right here on BT) that runs through the process to perform a proper LT field test.  The article goes through how to determine LT for both run and bike.

I apologize if you have already seen the article.  Just seems your HR zones are not set correctly.  If your HR zones are too low (which it appears to me they are), you may think you are on a zone 2/3 long training run and in actuality be on a long recovery run - which would have the net effect of . . . not a whole lot.

Just my humble two cents.

Hi Deborah:

Congrats on your race. Thanks for posting the race report.

I had the same reaction as Scott and was wondering about your HR. I can manage a LOW zone 5 race effort in a 5K,but certainly not the high end of zone 5. For me, I'm at the low end of zone 5 at about 150 bpm. Anything over about 157 and it's just a matter of time before I'm cooked. I would probably save the 157 for the last 200 yards. But the time variance in pacing between zone 3 and zone 5 for me is at least one minute per mile. In your case, you're time actually dropped as your HR increased. It's certainly possible that you were getting fatigued even in zone 3 and just the effort level pushed your HR up until the same pace required significantly greater effort. I think It would be worth the effort to re-confirming your HR levels.

But all in all you should be pleased. You placed in the top 50% and were first place in your age group! That's a good day in my book!



2014-06-02 7:19 PM
in reply to: golfgirl88

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Masters Focus Triathlete Forum--OPEN!
Originally posted by golfgirl88

I would love to join this group if not too late. Just signed up for my first sprint tri in September. Can swim but not a swimmer. Would love the accountability and insights of the group.

Sure, we're glad to have you in our group. I sent you a private message, so check your inbox. Welcome to the forum!

2014-06-02 7:21 PM
in reply to: mknoonan06

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Masters Focus Triathlete Forum--OPEN!
Originally posted by mknoonan06

Hoping I can join this group. I'm 57 with 1 Sprint under my belt last year and getting ready for round 2 later this month. Typical story of mostly running as a "grown up" but have been inspired by some tri-friends. Since I am much older than them though this age specific forum is much appreciated!

Hi Mary:

Glad to have you in our group. Most of us are much older than'll fit right in!

2014-06-02 7:26 PM
in reply to: dogwoman

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Masters Focus Triathlete Forum--OPEN!
Originally posted by dogwoman

This sounds like I might belong here but maybe not..... let me know. I am soon to be 59 with a swimming background. I am way out of shape and overweight. I want to be an ironman in 2016. I have a swimming background and thought I was pretty good until I swam today. I run like Egore (Frankenstine). and I own a bike but am terrible at that. Please help me if you can. or guide me to where I should go. Thanks for your help!

Hi Linda:

Glad to have you in our group. We can never have too many swimmers to coach us up. You and Scott can keep us on track.

Welcome to the group.

2014-06-02 8:03 PM
in reply to: ok2try

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Farmington, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Friday Again....Already!
Originally posted by ok2try

First & only in my age group; 34th of 68 in the race. ........

Spent most of the afternoon lying on an inner tube in the pond, listening to the munchkins laughing in the water... oops! the only thing really that makes me happier than cycling!

Congrats on a great race, Deborah. Reading your post, it sounds to me as if your day couldn't have gone much better! BTW: I'm envious of your personal training and lounging pond.

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