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2015-01-05 8:56 AM
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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business

I guess I should formalize this...

 NAME: Thor


LOCATION: Edmonton, AB, CAN.

STORY: In 2010, I decided to start  a weight loss challenge within my family...6 weeks winner take all. I was around 300lbs(6' tall). I wear my weight well but was wearing 40/42 pants...after winning the 6 week challenge, I decided to keep going. 2011, I decided to try a triathlon in order to stay on program...was hooked.  I have been as low as 195 which is light for my frame and where I would like to end up again. My weight has been up and down usually with the tri season. Was injured in 2013 and didn't race. Having trouble putting on my 34 pants(I slather on the bacon grease to get them on). As of today I am back on program to lose lose lose! I am all about the Sprints and Olys.

FAMILY STATUS: I am married and have a son(12) and daughter(7). Our whole family is involved in triathlons. They also both play hockey and lacrosse which I coach. Very busy family
CURRENT TRAINING: Just trying to get consistent. The gym I go to now opens at 5am so I can fit in a run and a swim before I go to work. 

2014 RACES:Heart of the Rockies, first podium...3rd place in sprint!!

RACES PLANNED FOR 15: Not completely sure but will be doing  Heart of the Rockies for sure.

BEER PREFERENCE: I will drink just about anything but my favorite styles are IPA's. I will even drink David's favourite beer, Molson Canadian.  

WEIGHT LOSS: Bit of a train wreck of late... need to drop some pounds...okay lots of pounds.... 


Edited by thor67 2015-01-05 9:01 AM

2015-01-05 10:49 AM
in reply to: thor67

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Timmins, ON. Canada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Hey Thor!

hows it going!

how bout them Oilers…...
2015-01-05 10:52 AM
in reply to: justinfss

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Timmins, ON. Canada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by justinfss

Hey Thor!

hows it going!

how bout them Oilers…...

Missed that last post, Hawks are pretty good, Kane is lighting it up for me in my pool this year!
2015-01-05 10:53 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Timmins, ON. Canada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by Qua17

Originally posted by justinfss

So I have been avoiding the warm coors light penalty on a technicality and I should probably have chugged a couple by now…

I don't have any training plan, planned run/swim/bikes…..etc

That is my goal this week. A Plan!

and to lose at least two pounds.

Morning Justin - let's work on avoiding those CLP's (Coors Lite Penalties) together. I'm using this as my plan to get back into it. Want to join me?

Good luck on the weight loss!

I am in! Do you have a specific plan going right now?
2015-01-05 3:27 PM
in reply to: justinfss

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
I am in on the weight loss plan too.

I had pneumonia last month and put on a few pounds...but then they just kept coming! I swear, last week after I posted my intro, the scale just kept adding a pound a day!!!! I'm now at a weight I haven't been since a couple of months after starting running and am NOT happy with that....I kept this weight off last winter, but failed this year. Really...if I gain one more pound, I'm at the weight I....**insert gasp of horror**...don't allow myself to drink beer at.

So I am seriously back at it. Making more meals than eating out and most importantly, putting in 40-60 minutes of cardio a day. For me it's really critical that I make my own breakfasts & lunches and avoid extra calories that's really how they tend to sneak into my day....and I HAVE to exercise hard a minimum of 5 days a week, preferably 6. Those are my beer calories. :-)

Do we want to focus on a weight loss challenge, or on activity challenges?

2015-01-05 4:01 PM
in reply to: 0

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Lincoln, Nebraska
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by sandishr

I am in on the weight loss plan too.

I had pneumonia last month and put on a few pounds...but then they just kept coming! I swear, last week after I posted my intro, the scale just kept adding a pound a day!!!! I'm now at a weight I haven't been since a couple of months after starting running and am NOT happy with that....I kept this weight off last winter, but failed this year. Really...if I gain one more pound, I'm at the weight I....**insert gasp of horror**...don't allow myself to drink beer at.

So I am seriously back at it. Making more meals than eating out and most importantly, putting in 40-60 minutes of cardio a day. For me it's really critical that I make my own breakfasts & lunches and avoid extra calories that's really how they tend to sneak into my day....and I HAVE to exercise hard a minimum of 5 days a week, preferably 6. Those are my beer calories. :-)

Do we want to focus on a weight loss challenge, or on activity challenges?


I think you are in a better position than most people! Don't get discouraged about the scale readings. You know exactly what you want to/have to do to loose the weight, and are ready to do that. GOOD FOR YOU!!! I put on holiday weight as well, and recorded my highest weight just a few days ago. New Years Eve and Day, I had a little too much fun letting go of the idea that I was trying to be more healthy. LOL!!! I'm back to being good as of today.

I'm in for a weight loss challenge.
Pretty sure my brother-in-law and I are going to have a private challenge as well.

Time to hitch a ride on the PAIN TRAIN!
(Apparently I have no idea how to post an image on BT???)

Edited by fifthcircle 2015-01-05 4:04 PM

2015-01-05 4:05 PM
in reply to: fifthcircle

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Ok i cut and pasted this from another group but thought y'all might get a laugh out of it. It happen to me today on what I think may be my last lake run.

So does this kinda stuff happen to anyone else?

I went for a long run at lake Johnson. When I do this I bring a nalgene and leave it on the bench so I can get water every 3 miles or so. It was there for my first 3 laps. I had passed the same homeless guy on every lap who was enjoying the lake and moving slowly toward the entrance (where my water bottle is). On my last lap I passed him about 200 yards from the entrance walking toward it. When I get back my nalgene is gone. I stage it about 100 feet from a water fountain. I get angry and hop in my truck to circle the lake and see if I happen to see anyone walking with it. While I don't know for sure the homeless guy took it, it is a good bet. I don't see him or the bottle but decide to go back and check one last time to see if I missed it. It was not there. As I pulled out of the lot I see it on the ground empty in a cut from the lake to the road. Glad I found it, but also pissed someone felt the need to drink my water when there was a fountain right there and then not have the decency to leave my bottle empty for me but to drop it a good distance away. I call the better half to see what she wants for dinner. chicken and pasta with vodka sauce, so off to the ABC store I go. When I get there a guy approaches and says "can I talk to you for a sec" now there is a 90% chance he is going to try to rob me or ask for money. I don't really listen to his story because they are almost always a version of the same thing. I fell on hard times but tomorrow someone is coming I just need money for tonight. He did say he wanted a blanket since it was going to be cold. I told him I didn't have one in the truck, and that I would not give him money. I said if you wait here I will give you a ride to goodwill and buy you a blanket. He waits so I put him in the tailgate of the truck and drive him a mile down the road. When I get out I have put on my gun but since I am still in running shorts I have the string tied so tight that it is cutting off circulation to support the weight of the gun and my shirt kinda sorta covers it. We go in salvation army and find a coat and a blanket. the coat is a nice one and is priced at $25. While we are in line to pay this guy starts arguing with the manager to get the price lowered. I tell the manager that I am paying and will gladly pay the $25. They ring up the coat and the blanket for $15. I walk out feeling like I owe the guy $10.
2015-01-05 6:03 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by Qua17

Originally posted by Syndiethea

Well my vaca did not go as planned. Spent most of the time with the flu or recovering from the flu. Then I remodeled our bedroom. It took me two and half days to prep for painting and then painting since my husband got my flu and was too sick to paint. He did manage to recover before going back to work and laid the laminate flooring for me. There is still a lot to be done in the room but that will be done on payday weekends!

Speaking of Mr. Wonderful, he gave me a Forerunner 220 and an Edge 510 for cool but I haven't used ether yet. My goal today is to get out for a short brick to try both. Tips hints and advice on training with a heart rate monitor?

Hi Cynthia - I'm sorry to hear that you were ailing over your vacation. Nothing is more frustrating than being tied to the couch when you could be out using all the electronic Mr. Wonderful gave you. I am glad to hear that you remodling is going well. I've been watching via facebook and it looks good.

As for training with a heart rate monitor - I'm kind of a newbie myself. What I will say is I was amazed to find how hard I was working when I finally got plugged in. The nice part of wearing a HRM was being able to see numbers that let me know I was working hard enough. Enjoy!

Aw thanks buddy, it IS good to see how hard I was working because I never feel I am working THAT hard!
2015-01-05 6:08 PM
in reply to: b2b14

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by b2b14

Ok i cut and pasted this from another group but thought y'all might get a laugh out of it. It happen to me today on what I think may be my last lake run.

So does this kinda stuff happen to anyone else?

I went for a long run at lake Johnson. When I do this I bring a nalgene and leave it on the bench so I can get water every 3 miles or so. It was there for my first 3 laps. I had passed the same homeless guy on every lap who was enjoying the lake and moving slowly toward the entrance (where my water bottle is). On my last lap I passed him about 200 yards from the entrance walking toward it. When I get back my nalgene is gone. I stage it about 100 feet from a water fountain. I get angry and hop in my truck to circle the lake and see if I happen to see anyone walking with it. While I don't know for sure the homeless guy took it, it is a good bet. I don't see him or the bottle but decide to go back and check one last time to see if I missed it. It was not there. As I pulled out of the lot I see it on the ground empty in a cut from the lake to the road. Glad I found it, but also pissed someone felt the need to drink my water when there was a fountain right there and then not have the decency to leave my bottle empty for me but to drop it a good distance away. I call the better half to see what she wants for dinner. chicken and pasta with vodka sauce, so off to the ABC store I go. When I get there a guy approaches and says "can I talk to you for a sec" now there is a 90% chance he is going to try to rob me or ask for money. I don't really listen to his story because they are almost always a version of the same thing. I fell on hard times but tomorrow someone is coming I just need money for tonight. He did say he wanted a blanket since it was going to be cold. I told him I didn't have one in the truck, and that I would not give him money. I said if you wait here I will give you a ride to goodwill and buy you a blanket. He waits so I put him in the tailgate of the truck and drive him a mile down the road. When I get out I have put on my gun but since I am still in running shorts I have the string tied so tight that it is cutting off circulation to support the weight of the gun and my shirt kinda sorta covers it. We go in salvation army and find a coat and a blanket. the coat is a nice one and is priced at $25. While we are in line to pay this guy starts arguing with the manager to get the price lowered. I tell the manager that I am paying and will gladly pay the $25. They ring up the coat and the blanket for $15. I walk out feeling like I owe the guy $10.

Homeless always want my leftovers that I am saving for my next meal; but hey I figure I know where my next meal is coming from so they may as well have it. My husband says I need to get some gun training and my CCW because we live out in the middle of no where. Currently my only self defense is "Really, you are going to mug, rape kill you know what kind of day I have had? Really?" Haven't had to use it yet so I am not too sure how that will work. My other protection is the German Shepard, for the most part she is more of a deterrent.
2015-01-05 6:12 PM
in reply to: sandishr

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by sandishr

I am in on the weight loss plan too.

I had pneumonia last month and put on a few pounds...but then they just kept coming! I swear, last week after I posted my intro, the scale just kept adding a pound a day!!!! I'm now at a weight I haven't been since a couple of months after starting running and am NOT happy with that....I kept this weight off last winter, but failed this year. Really...if I gain one more pound, I'm at the weight I....**insert gasp of horror**...don't allow myself to drink beer at.

So I am seriously back at it. Making more meals than eating out and most importantly, putting in 40-60 minutes of cardio a day. For me it's really critical that I make my own breakfasts & lunches and avoid extra calories that's really how they tend to sneak into my day....and I HAVE to exercise hard a minimum of 5 days a week, preferably 6. Those are my beer calories. :-)

Do we want to focus on a weight loss challenge, or on activity challenges?


That pneumonia is a kicker! Had it bad last year and I lost 10lbs, all muscle. I didn't gain any weight but it was worst, I was squishy like a Twinkie after a month of illness. For me it was slow going coming back from that and I hope you fair a bit better. You sound like you are taking the right steps to get back on track to a healthier you.

Yes, to your question, weight loss and activity!
2015-01-05 8:16 PM
in reply to: Syndiethea

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Feel better, Sandi!! That is no fun, especially over the holidays.
I got my husband's cold and I'm praying it's quick.

Okay, like Thor, I guess I have to make this official. I don't even know if I ever did one last year!

Name: Jenn

Age: 44.5 (yup, I bump to that next age group by summer!)

Location: Vermont

Story: I've run most of my life but to play other sports or stay in shape - soccer, basketball, & softball (played softball in college - pitcher); rock climbed significantly in the late 90's/early 2000's, but never really "ran" a race until a 5k back in the summer of 2002. From there I just ran for fitness. After my 1st child in 2005 I started to train for a sprint triathlon that I never ran because I started a new job and was driving to training the day of the race (just as well as it was a downpour, freezing cold, and miserable - aka March in VT). I finally ran 3 HM over the course of a year in 2011/12 and another in fall of 2013 - always struggling with a cranky knee. Last year I finally got a road bike (always wanted one, husband hates I do it - afraid I'll get hit by a car) and did a couple of races. I love it.

Family Status: Married 12.5 years and have two crazy boys (7) & (9). They're awesome and keep me busy. Youngest is currently playing basketball. We coach my older one in soccer and I coach my younger son's baseball team.

2014 races: Lake Dunmore Sun Triathlon Series Sprint Tri (3rd in AG) & the Lake George Triathlon Festival Olympic Tri (which i never actually trained for and signed up for two weeks in advance because I thought it would be fun to just give it a go) - did okay I guess considering the lack of training finishing just under 3 hours on a hilly course. Hahaha. My husband said I was crazy then said he was proud of me and wants to try one too.

2015 races: Hoping for a HM in April - knee pending; Colchester Sprint Tri (was cancelled last year) at the end of June, Lake Dunmore Oly race this time and this all leads up to my "A" race: the Lake George "Big George" HIM. I am scared to's pretty hilly....

Beer preferences: I'm in love with Switchback Brewing Company here in Burlington, VT. I like many beers - dark and smokey, hefeweissen, pale ales, amber ales, etc. I'm not into fruity beers but I will say I like Blueberry Ale out of Bar Harbor, ME.

Weight loss: I'm looking to maintain right now. Cynthia had mentioned being ill for a long time made her soft - that's how I'm feeling with this knee. Frustrated. It's my own fault, I could certainly have been doing much more weight training on the upper body and core while waiting for the knee. Discipline and consistency is what I'm looking to focus on.

2015-01-05 9:08 PM
in reply to: justinfss

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by justinfss

Originally posted by Qua17

Originally posted by justinfss

So I have been avoiding the warm coors light penalty on a technicality and I should probably have chugged a couple by now…

I don't have any training plan, planned run/swim/bikes…..etc

That is my goal this week. A Plan!

and to lose at least two pounds.

Morning Justin - let's work on avoiding those CLP's (Coors Lite Penalties) together. I'm using this as my plan to get back into it. Want to join me?

Good luck on the weight loss!

I am in! Do you have a specific plan going right now?

Damn - I hate it when I forget to cut and paste. Here is the plan:

I'm on Week 1. I'm gonna see if I can do a little more than 200 yards in the pool tomorrow... and I will let you know how it goes.
2015-01-05 9:09 PM
in reply to: b2b14

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by b2b14

Ok i cut and pasted this from another group but thought y'all might get a laugh out of it. It happen to me today on what I think may be my last lake run.

So does this kinda stuff happen to anyone else?

I went for a long run at lake Johnson. When I do this I bring a nalgene and leave it on the bench so I can get water every 3 miles or so. It was there for my first 3 laps. I had passed the same homeless guy on every lap who was enjoying the lake and moving slowly toward the entrance (where my water bottle is). On my last lap I passed him about 200 yards from the entrance walking toward it. When I get back my nalgene is gone. I stage it about 100 feet from a water fountain. I get angry and hop in my truck to circle the lake and see if I happen to see anyone walking with it. While I don't know for sure the homeless guy took it, it is a good bet. I don't see him or the bottle but decide to go back and check one last time to see if I missed it. It was not there. As I pulled out of the lot I see it on the ground empty in a cut from the lake to the road. Glad I found it, but also pissed someone felt the need to drink my water when there was a fountain right there and then not have the decency to leave my bottle empty for me but to drop it a good distance away. I call the better half to see what she wants for dinner. chicken and pasta with vodka sauce, so off to the ABC store I go. When I get there a guy approaches and says "can I talk to you for a sec" now there is a 90% chance he is going to try to rob me or ask for money. I don't really listen to his story because they are almost always a version of the same thing. I fell on hard times but tomorrow someone is coming I just need money for tonight. He did say he wanted a blanket since it was going to be cold. I told him I didn't have one in the truck, and that I would not give him money. I said if you wait here I will give you a ride to goodwill and buy you a blanket. He waits so I put him in the tailgate of the truck and drive him a mile down the road. When I get out I have put on my gun but since I am still in running shorts I have the string tied so tight that it is cutting off circulation to support the weight of the gun and my shirt kinda sorta covers it. We go in salvation army and find a coat and a blanket. the coat is a nice one and is priced at $25. While we are in line to pay this guy starts arguing with the manager to get the price lowered. I tell the manager that I am paying and will gladly pay the $25. They ring up the coat and the blanket for $15. I walk out feeling like I owe the guy $10.

You're a good man Charlie Brown. Its stories like yours people need to be hearing more of these days.
2015-01-05 9:23 PM
in reply to: sandishr

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by sandishr

So I am seriously back at it. Making more meals than eating out and most importantly, putting in 40-60 minutes of cardio a day. For me it's really critical that I make my own breakfasts & lunches and avoid extra calories that's really how they tend to sneak into my day....and I HAVE to exercise hard a minimum of 5 days a week, preferably 6. Those are my beer calories. :-)

Do we want to focus on a weight loss challenge, or on activity challenges?



I just got back from my PT appointment. This guy, who I respect more than I can express moved heaven and earth to help me to get to the start line of IMMT last year. He really pushed me tonight about my weight gain and about my activity levels and drive. They were hard words and I needed to hear them... My body has regressed back to the point it was 14 months ago before I stated working with him. He told me that I couldn't run again until I dropped 15 pounds and to make that happen he challenged me to work out for 21 days straight. I can aqua jog, swim, or bike. So starting tomorrow, I'll be getting up early to head to the pool.

Coors Lite Penalty if I fail.

Who's with me?
2015-01-05 10:32 PM
in reply to: 0

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
I would love to regroup and come back in. A few BDASes ago I was extremely active but it died off on the last go. I've still been training just nothing hard core. Hurt my knee on my last race in Sept but I think it's nearly 100% and it's time to start building the base miles again.

I need to get my a$$ in gear since I dropped the cash on 2 big races for '15. I'm doing Florida 70.3 in April and IMFL in November. Would sure rest my mind some if my run was longer than 3 miles I would have to say my overall fitness is still OK but my run fitness is at the bottom of the toilet.

Thanks David for the poke to get back in the group...I needed that.

Edited by Burd 2015-01-05 10:33 PM
2015-01-06 12:37 AM
in reply to: Burd

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Let's do this!

2015-01-06 12:37 AM
in reply to: 0

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
So epic, it needed to be posted twice!

Edited by kevinbe 2015-01-06 12:38 AM
2015-01-06 9:22 AM
in reply to: Burd

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by Burd

I would love to regroup and come back in. A few BDASes ago I was extremely active but it died off on the last go. I've still been training just nothing hard core. Hurt my knee on my last race in Sept but I think it's nearly 100% and it's time to start building the base miles again.

I need to get my a$$ in gear since I dropped the cash on 2 big races for '15. I'm doing Florida 70.3 in April and IMFL in November. Would sure rest my mind some if my run was longer than 3 miles I would have to say my overall fitness is still OK but my run fitness is at the bottom of the toilet.

Thanks David for the poke to get back in the group...I needed that.

Alex - No worries, I'm thrilled you're back. Just so you know, based upon the numbers on my scale - we both could use a poke! Onward!

When you have a bit - would you please post your bio so those that are new can get to know you better.

2015-01-06 9:25 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
The alarm went off at 5 and was in the pool by 5:30. 250 yards... Day 1 of the 21 day workout challenge - Done!

2015-01-06 9:28 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business

Originally posted by Qua17 The alarm went off at 5 and was in the pool by 5:30. 250 yards... Day 1 of the 21 day workout challenge - Done!

Alarm went off at 4:30am(frig!). On the track for a 2.5mile run followed by on the bike for 30 minutes. DONE!

2015-01-06 12:41 PM
in reply to: thor67

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Bradenton, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Between early risers and IPA drinkers, this might be the wrong group for me! I'm an evening/night workout kinda guy who likes dark or fruity beer.

As for the direction of the group, I think we could combine the two, have weekly activity challenges and a bimonthly or monthly weight loss challenge.

2015-01-06 12:45 PM
in reply to: Burd

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Bradenton, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by Burd

I would love to regroup and come back in. A few BDASes ago I was extremely active but it died off on the last go. I've still been training just nothing hard core. Hurt my knee on my last race in Sept but I think it's nearly 100% and it's time to start building the base miles again.

I need to get my a$$ in gear since I dropped the cash on 2 big races for '15. I'm doing Florida 70.3 in April and IMFL in November. Would sure rest my mind some if my run was longer than 3 miles I would have to say my overall fitness is still OK but my run fitness is at the bottom of the toilet.

Thanks David for the poke to get back in the group...I needed that.

Glad to see another Florida face in the group. I was thinking about getting a countdown to pitchers and catchers going to counterbalance all of the hockey talk.

2015-01-06 2:19 PM
in reply to: cwpeters

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New user
Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Hi I would like to come back if you all will have me.

NAME: Jeff

STORY: Played all kinds of team sports as a kid and right through university up until our first child… 7 years ago. I have struggled with weight all my life but the sports kept it in check. Without sports not so much. Started training for Tri’s in Jan of last year and completed a ½ sprint intro to triathlon and a sprint triathlon. Really enjoyed the training and experience. I started 2014 at 265 lb and managed to get to 240 lb by mid-summer. Then in the fall I fell of the wagon and all around me was good food and great beer. So I am starting 2015 at 254 lb. At least some progress year over year. Motivating factors for me and triathlons are: weight loss, health improvement (no issues currently but I can’t stay at this weight and not expect issues), and the fun, excitement, and sportsmanship of the races. I have battled with plantar fasciitis and can attest to going slow in the beginning and avoiding the injury to start is the way to go. Also PT and great suggestions from this group help too!

FAMILY STATUS: I am happily married to a fellow triathlete (who is the one who encouraged me to give it a shot in the first place) with 3 children, 1 girl who is 7 and 2 boys 6 & 3. The older 2 competed in their first kids of steel last summer and are excited to do it again!

CURRENT TRAINING: Winters in Calgary are not very favorable to outdoor training (right now it is -15C and snowing) so I am often relegated indoors. I am doing a mix of running (indoor track at the YMCA), cycling at home on the trainer either watching TV (Go Canada Juniors! Great Game last night), or doing Spinerval videos (Troy you are a bastard!), trying to swim at least once a week at the Y. I am also doing some strength training, primarily my core and the occasional Insanity video. If you are not familiar with Insanity videos, my wife calls it Aerobics for Men, LOL. It is mostly cardio but with enough strength training mixed in that you should be sore the next day .

2014 RACES: 1 Mini Sprint, 1 Sprint.

RACES PLANNED FOR 15: Goal of 3 sprints this year. Already signed up for one in May and considering the early season Mount Royal Sprint Tri in April. Last year the Mount Royal tri had the bike section cancelled due to heavy snow so it became a Swim-Run event. (FYI these are both pool swims).

BEER PREFERENCE: IPA’s and porters. Part of my weight loss plan is to reduce the quantity of beer I drink . So I figure I will increase the quality . Skip all the cheap stuff and really enjoy what I do drink. I guess I better stick with it to avoid the Coors Light Penalties!

WEIGHT LOSS: Big plans this year. Goal weight is 190 lb. This is my doctor recommended weight. I am apparently one of those people for whom BMI is not a great standard as at 190 lb and 5 ft 9in my BMI still isn’t in the normal range but when I get there my doctor and I can re-evaluate. I am very broad across the shoulders and apparently have a high bone density (I guess this is a good thing).

Here is to a new year and a great season to come!
2015-01-06 2:58 PM
in reply to: thor67

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Central Coast, CA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business

Originally posted by thor67

Originally posted by Qua17 The alarm went off at 5 and was in the pool by 5:30. 250 yards... Day 1 of the 21 day workout challenge - Done!

Alarm went off at 4:30am(frig!). On the track for a 2.5mile run followed by on the bike for 30 minutes. DONE!

Nice start, both of you!

Yesterday I only managed 500 yards in the pool, my shoulder was nagging me and I didn't want to push it too much. Today I went for an easy pace 4 mile run.

2015-01-06 4:31 PM
in reply to: MOlsen

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business

You are a better man then me... I have not been in the pool since....a long time. Made it to the hot tub today though...

Originally posted by MOlsen

Originally posted by thor67

Originally posted by Qua17 The alarm went off at 5 and was in the pool by 5:30. 250 yards... Day 1 of the 21 day workout challenge - Done!

Alarm went off at 4:30am(frig!). On the track for a 2.5mile run followed by on the bike for 30 minutes. DONE!

Nice start, both of you!

Yesterday I only managed 500 yards in the pool, my shoulder was nagging me and I didn't want to push it too much. Today I went for an easy pace 4 mile run.

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