General Discussion Triathlon Talk » BEfore & after photos Rss Feed  
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2005-03-13 1:05 AM
in reply to: #128208

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Extreme Veteran
Western Massachusetts
Subject: RE: BEfore & after photos
AdventureBear - 2005-03-10 9:23 PM

I wouldn't say I hated myself in my before photo, but I sure wasn't thrilled about having that picture of me in my wetsuit published in the health system newsletter received by a few thousand employees!

You know what? I think you do more good showing an imperfect body competing than you do if you show a perfect one. Of COURSE a perfect body can do triathlons. But for somone who is just an ordinary Jane to get out there and splash, mash and dash really makes it seem possible to the people reading the company newsletter.

I showed myself in my underwear because I know that you're not sitting there judging me, you're sitting there thinking, "wow, if she can do it then so can I". The point is to inspire. I think it really helps to realize that hardly anyone is judging you, they're mostly just thinking about how this new information affects them. I mean, who (besides you) CARES if you had a paunch? They just care how THEY look.

Another little trick I have is to give myself huge points just for showing up. Last January (a year ago) I signed up for my first 5K, a winter romp through my local park. Well, no. It turned out to be a four mile road race populated only by fanatics all on roads. It was 14 degrees out that morning and no one came out to cheer but the race volunteers. I came in resoundingly in last place, being beaten on the sprint by a 70 year old just coming back from ankle surgery.

I get very philosphical about this. First of all, it really made that 70 year old's day to beat me. Heck, who knows, maybe I was the angel that inspired him to keep running instead of hanging up his sneakers. You just never know when you're a piece of a bigger cog.

The other thing I think is that there are 15,000 people in this town race and only about 150 showed up to run that morning which means that I beat 14,850 of them. Showing up is good enough sometimes.

Don't wait to live until you have a perfect body. Live now, let your body catch up. :-)


2005-03-13 2:47 AM
in reply to: #80980

Extreme Veteran
Seoul Expat Community
Subject: RE: BEfore & after photos
I can't find a 'before' on this computer, but was up to 240 pounds not long ago. I think I was at about 200 in this picture........five months I am battling my way back down from 215. Why I ever let myself plump up again, after all the work I'll never know!! Anyway, that first effort was for a sprint tri. I did it, then stopped training. I now feel like this is something I want to sustain and make into a 24/7 lifestyle.


Untitled-2.jpg (19KB - 54 downloads)
2005-03-13 2:51 AM
in reply to: #80980

Extreme Veteran
Seoul Expat Community
Subject: RE: BEfore & after photos
La Rakusillian, congrats!! Your photo has had 14 downloads already!!
2005-03-13 9:28 AM
in reply to: #129101

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Resident Matriarch
N 43° 32.927 W 071° 24.431
Subject: RE: BEfore & after photos
Krakatoa - 2005-03-13 2:47 AMI can't find a 'before' on this computer, but was up to 240 pounds not long ago. I think I was at about 200 in this picture........five months I am battling my way back down from 215. Why I ever let myself plump up again, after all the work I'll never know!! Anyway, that first effort was for a sprint tri. I did it, then stopped training. I now feel like this is something I want to sustain and make into a 24/7 lifestyle.

I hear ya Robert.  I've done the same thing, up & down, up & down.  I've got more sets of before/after pics than anyone has a right to.  Hopefully I can stay healthy for a while and have some more "after" times.

Thanks all for sharing.  This thread is good for some major motivation, of which I need a lot of right now.
2005-03-13 9:46 AM
in reply to: #80980

Subject: RE: BEfore & after photos
OK, I put a couple of photos on page 1...but to keep this thread going, which is certainly an inspiration to everyone (and to help out TriMom ), here's another "before" & "after":



Before.jpg (79KB - 56 downloads)
After.jpg (83KB - 53 downloads)
2005-03-13 4:33 PM
in reply to: #80980

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Rochester Hills, Michigan
Gold member
Subject: RE: BEfore & after photos

Holy shrinking bike guy, Max.  That's more than awesome. 

And I'm sooo impressed with everyone...AdventureBear, Scuba, Wookie, LaR, everyone else.   I'm more than impressed and amazed.

Edited by rkreuser 2005-03-13 4:34 PM

2005-03-13 5:45 PM
in reply to: #80980

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Extreme Veteran
Delray Beach, FL
Subject: RE: BEfore & after photos
You guys rock! Your messages truly inspire! Everyone has a story to tell. I cannot believe I am doing this but If I went clipless on the pedals, heck, why not!
I lost overall about 20lbs since my "before" picture back in 99. The body tells one story, but my life changed dramatically beyond the 2 dress sizes. My after picture was back in January. I've lost 4 lbs since then.


before_after.jpg (11KB - 91 downloads)
2005-03-13 8:07 PM
in reply to: #129264

Subject: RE: BEfore & after photos
Way to go Mary...looking good from here! Not only have you lost the weight, but I bet you feel better about life in general. Seems like it takes a little exercise to wake us up to what's most important in our lives!

2005-03-13 8:38 PM
in reply to: #80980

Subject: RE: BEfore & after photos
here is an after of me i was 258 before and in this picture about 187... i was down to 168 but it was to light
2005-03-13 8:41 PM
in reply to: #80980

Subject: RE: BEfore & after photos
sorry here is the pics before. in the after i'm the guy behind the 3 girls
2005-03-13 10:45 PM
in reply to: #80980

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Southwest Chicago 'burbs
Bronze member
Subject: RE: BEfore & after photos
Okay ... everyone else's story is pretty inspirational... so I started looking at pictures of me when I broke my arm not quite two years ago -- for me, the starting point of all this getting in shape stuff. Before that, I had been an athlete (softball, racquetball... other sports like that), but kind of made it through without ever working at it too much. After I broke my arm, I looked for other things to do, since I was out of action for almost a year... took up running, then took up triathlons. Got me into the best shape that I've been in since high school when I was playing 3 sports. The before pic is right out of 3 days in the hospital (where I had already lost the first 5 pounds).... the second pic is my first tri last year where I'm down another 15 pounds from the first pic.  Not a whole lot of weight loss (I'm trying for another 15!), but it was an entire change in attitude and lifestyle, realizing how much happier I was when I was in shape.



brokenarm_2003.JPG (35KB - 57 downloads)
danskintri_2004.JPG (25KB - 50 downloads)

2005-03-14 1:04 AM
in reply to: #80980

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Kodiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: BEfore & after photos
So many great before and after pics!! Here is a little of my story...
I began running less than a year ago…participating in my first triathlon in April 04, my first 1/2 marathon in June 04, an EcoChallenge in July 04, my second triathlon in September 04, my first marathon in October 04, and my last 1/2 marathon in Nov 04. I feel GREAT. My cholesterol has dropped significantly, my weight loss total is about 80 pounds (from 261 to 183), my body fat has dropped from over 35% to 21%, and I have energy to do what ever I want. Often I will do 2-3 physical things a day with 2-3 friends who are fairly active but would never do what I do. My friend Laura says it takes both her husband (who I lift weights with) and her (who I hike and swim with) to keep up with just 1 of me.



before.JPG (22KB - 43 downloads)
after.JPG (22KB - 39 downloads)
2005-03-14 1:28 AM
in reply to: #129401

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Stairway to Seven
Subject: RE: BEfore & after photos
Wow, jeubank, you have accomplished a TON in just a year! You're accomplishments make mine seem pale. I am so proud of you and hope I can do as much!
2005-03-14 1:44 AM
in reply to: #80980

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Kodiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: BEfore & after photos
YIKES! I think my message made it seem like I did all of the weightloss in 1 sorry, changing my body took almost 2 years...I started in Jan 03...Weight Watchers and weight lifting...then in Oct 03 took up swimming...then in March 04 started the running...then the rest is better outlined...

Triathlon seems like such a natural way to be all around healthy! Plus, I like telling people I will be a triathlete when I grow up...

I admire all who try to make healthy's dang hard...but nothing is so hard as changing how you think of yourself...I like the earlier message about body image and going and doing and letting the body catch up...What really motivates me is feeling my hip bones--it is always the first place my hands go in the morning...I never felt them when I was heavier, now they are right there!
2005-03-14 2:33 PM
in reply to: #129401

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Extreme Veteran
Delray Beach, FL
Subject: RE: BEfore & after photos
Wow jeubank... you go girl! I agree that the energy levels go to the roof when you start working out.... I was a spitfire when I was in my early 20's, then I was numb... I didn't want to do anything, I became this horrible boring person. I lost people I loved, turned them down... Oh well, I just hope I don't go back to that awful place
2005-03-14 6:22 PM
in reply to: #80980

Littleton, NH
Subject: RE: BEfore & after photos
Great job to everyone. I tried to post pics, but mine are too big.

Edited by NomadicDawn 2005-03-14 6:30 PM

2005-03-14 7:42 PM
in reply to: #80980

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Subject: RE: BEfore & after photos
Screwed up

Edited by sjhamblin 2005-03-14 7:52 PM
2005-03-14 7:44 PM
in reply to: #80980

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Subject: RE: BEfore & after photos
screwed up again - but persistent

Edited by sjhamblin 2005-03-14 7:52 PM
2005-03-14 7:47 PM
in reply to: #80980

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Subject: RE: BEfore & after photos
Me and my horse (the horse is the one on the left) and 15 months later finishing Pikes Peak Ascent


bt1.jpg (72KB - 39 downloads)
2005-03-15 12:53 PM
in reply to: #80980

Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: BEfore & after photos
These are my before and after pics, but I am still a work in progress

The first 2 pics are from 2003 and the last picture was from August 2004.

Edited by FitMama 2005-03-15 12:56 PM
2005-03-15 1:31 PM
in reply to: #80980

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BEfore & after photos
Wow Fitmama! Looking good! This is such an awesome thread, and really motivates! Good call adventurebear.

2005-03-15 1:39 PM
in reply to: #129101

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: BEfore & after photos

Krakatoa - 2005-03-12 11:47 PM I can't find a 'before' on this computer, but was up to 240 pounds not long ago. I think I was at about 200 in this picture........five months I am battling my way back down from 215. Why I ever let myself plump up again, after all the work I'll never know!! Anyway, that first effort was for a sprint tri. I did it, then stopped training. I now feel like this is something I want to sustain and make into a 24/7 lifestyle.

I did the same thing..  I keep asking why??

Looking goood..

2005-08-31 7:47 PM
in reply to: #80980

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Stairway to Seven
Subject: Calling Will, Welshy & Infosteward...
It's time to resurrect this awesome, inspiring post! If you havn't read it, start from page 1 and look at all the fantastic changes that people are making.

I've noticed some hot new avatars, notably waskelton (will) and InfoSteward...please post some before and after shots for us! And Welshy...we need a front side view!

I'll try to get one of my own up soon, after about one year of tri training. Weight has been stead for about 9 months, but I continue to get stronger and build some muscle, particularly those bikign legs!
2005-08-31 8:05 PM
in reply to: #80980

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: BEfore & after photos
2005-08-31 8:12 PM
in reply to: #80980

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molto veloce mama
Subject: RE: BEfore & after photos
okay, here i am! last is the before-tri picture of me when fi (fEE, short for fiona) was just a few months old. i had gained so much during pregnancy. managed to loose a lot of it before getting pregnant with fi, but that was through dieting only, so it came right back on and then some when i got pregnant again. decided to start running and get myself back into shape. second picture is at my first tri, about 6 months later. third picture is one year later at the same race. last picture is me holding a much bigger fi (my little baby is getting so big!) at my most recent tri (getting my award for 2nd in my age group!).

Edited by autumn 2005-08-31 8:21 PM





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before.jpg (39KB - 35 downloads)
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General Discussion Triathlon Talk » BEfore & after photos Rss Feed  
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