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2010-09-27 9:06 PM
in reply to: #3120654

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
80 mile ride and 6 mile run on Saturday went great.  Took off Sunday.  This weekend calls for 100/bike and 6/run on Saturday and 16 mile run on Sunday.  Thank goodness for the cool front!

Edited by LSUfan4444 2010-09-27 9:07 PM

2010-09-27 9:08 PM
in reply to: #2512129

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

What's everyone wearing for the swim? Somehow over the past few years my wetsuit has been misplaced. I am thinking about a speedsuit since I have IMCOZ 3 weeks after IMFL, which is not wetsuit legal. I'd rather get max use out of what I purchase. Thoughts?

2010-09-27 9:13 PM
in reply to: #3120790

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
thegomer - 2010-09-27 10:08 PM

What's everyone wearing for the swim? Somehow over the past few years my wetsuit has been misplaced. I am thinking about a speedsuit since I have IMCOZ 3 weeks after IMFL, which is not wetsuit legal. I'd rather get max use out of what I purchase. Thoughts?

Many speedsuits are not allowed anymore at WTC. I don't recall the date of the new rules and which are allowed or not but before I'd invest in one, I'd check into the details.
2010-09-27 10:15 PM
in reply to: #2512129

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Extreme Veteran
Cypress, TX
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
I did the Syracuse 70.3 last Sunday and did a 100 mile ride on Thursday and a two hour run on Friday. No time for recovery. Cool
2010-09-28 8:22 AM
in reply to: #2512129

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Extreme Veteran
New Boston
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

Collar bone is recovered. Did the Rev 3 HIM two weeks ago. 5:45,  New Pr

I'll take that.  20 mile run Saturday with 78 mile ride Sunday morning.

last night was a 3500 open water swim in lake erie, 62 deg.  Last one for the year.

Not where I want to be but still have time to push this last month

 Great job everyone

2010-09-28 10:58 AM
in reply to: #2512129

Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

Hey all!  Everyone's training is looking pretty good.  Lots of big numbers out there for the bike and run!

I did my first half ironman at Redman on Saturday and had a GREAT race.  I was a teeny slower than I thought I would be, but I had SO MUCH FUN!  So, I'm calling it a great success.  I was hardly sore the next day, or even 2 days after, so I think that bodes well and means I didn't push hard enough.  I wasn't really planning on trying to as I was more or less just using it for a big training day.  I was really surprised though at just how much fun it was.  I think the last 3 miles of the run were some of my happiest and most fun miles!

Lots of confidence was gained from the half.  This weekend has me doing a 112 mile bike ride!  woo hooo!!  This will be solo, so could be boring, but hopefully fun and a good training day.  Weather is finally turning here to be much more cool and nice out, so it should be a good day.  Have a 45 min brick afterwards.  Long runs will resume next week.  Long swim this weekend too, maybe open water.


2010-09-28 1:18 PM
in reply to: #3120790

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
I am swimming with tri shorts (no tri top) under a full sleeved wetsuit.  In T1 I am putting cycling shorts over my tri shorts (extra cushion) and I haven't decided if I am going to wear my favorite cycling jersey or a tri jersey.  Then, in T2 I will pull off cycling shorts, put on calf sleeves and if I'm nto wearing my tri jersey, I'll put that on, AND change from my polar HR monitor to my garmin. 
2010-09-28 4:34 PM
in reply to: #2512129

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Liverpool, England
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
I've just spent a week training out in Southern California with dkrrt. Currently sat in LAX waiting to fly home to the wet and cold of England!

We got in some great rides while I was here along with some really hot weather training (108 yesterday!). Did a total of 250 miles with over 13,000 ft of climbing. Know Florida is flat but out here it isn't, but it will all help. As will the puncture practice Got 4 altogether, so hopefully that's me done for a bit!! Also did a 10k race and came 2nd in my age group and also had a mile swim in the ocean. Really pleased with where my training is at, especially the bike. Just need to do a bit more work on the run and I should be ready for Florida in 6 weeks time. Boy is it going fast!
2010-09-28 5:41 PM
in reply to: #2512129

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Santa Fe, New Mexico
Silver member
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
wow, it looks like the Iron Training is really kicking in.  You-all are looking pretty tough!

This Saturday I did a 65 mile ride (with ~5000 ft of climbing) in 4:30 then ran 6 miles.  Followed that on Sunday with a 12 mile run, and later in the day did a 4800 yd OWS.   16 miles of running in a weekend is pretty good for me.

I was real pleased because 12 miles is the farthest I've run and it was fairly easy.  AND the knees held up fine.   That run ramps up by 15 minutes each weekend for the next four weeks before taper.  run is my weak link.  I could go do the swim and bike tomorrow -- and that's a confidence builder.

I really enjoy this being this fit.

2010-09-28 6:14 PM
in reply to: #2512129

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Santa Fe, New Mexico
Silver member
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
A very cool thing happened to me on my OWS this weekend.  --- Actually three cool things.

Sunday I got to swim at my favorite lake, Bottomless Lakes New Mexico.  It's beautiful, clear water springs, cool but not cold, 1/2 the lake is surrounded on three sides by red and white rock cliffs, and the sun is usually shining in clear blue skies.

I was running late, which set up the timing for the three cool things:
First, I had stopped for a second in the shallow water on the far side of the lake under the cliffs to admire the view (I wasn't resting - really).   I heard a fairly big splash to my right and quickly turned to look.  There I saw the white breast of a bird of prey coming up out of the water.  The bird must have dived off the cliffs.  He hit the water right by the shore then flew up and off across the lake.  How cool it was to be there at that instant and see the big bird fishing.  Without my glasses I couldn't tell for sure what kind of bird it was but I think it was a small hawk.

Second, after three laps ~ 2400yds, I got out on the beach to grab a gel and some water.  As I was heading over to the shower to get some water an older couple approached me.  The lady said, "What's your story?  You're such a great swimmer, back and forth and back and forth, so fast and without stopping to rest."  While I was flattered, I know I'm not a great swimmer.  We chatted a while and I told them I was training for a triathlon.  Basically I downplayed my swimming ability, because compared to a competitive swimmer I'm not a great swimmer.

Here's the cool part, after we parted I grabbed my gel and a little water from the shower (the lake water is a bit too salty to drink) and headed out for the last two laps.  I felt really strong swimming across the lake, and I got to thinking, I am a good swimmer.  I'm strong and fit and can swim for a long way with confidence.  It's the iron man training that's done it, but perhaps I shouldn't sell myself short.  I really enjoyed and appreciated my fitness, at least in part, because of her comments.

Third,  Because I was a little late, the sun was starting to set on my supposed-to-be-last lap.  The setting sun lit up the cliffs turning them deep blood red.  The water in the lake is so blue anyway, but as the sun got lower it got even darker blue.  The lake itself became almost dead calm and reflected everything around it.  As I was swimming, when I turned my head to breath I could see my own wake in the silvery lake.  When I turned my head to breath, I could see the deep blue of the water out of the corner of my eye and the red cliffs reflected in the calm lake.  When I turned to breath on the other side I could see the setting sun and the sky turning colors.  All that and the dark trees reflected in the lake greeted me with each breath.  Of course as the sun set the colors just became more and more vivid.

It was so beautiful, I swam back out after my 'last' lap just to enjoy the scenery.  I ended up swimming another 800 yard lap just to enjoy the view.  Each side was so pretty I couldn't make up my mind which side to breath on.  I wish I could write well enough to describe it so you could see the picture, but  it was very cool, and I thought I'd share.

2010-09-28 8:05 PM
in reply to: #2512129

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Memphis, TN
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
So far I've only gotten orders for 8 shirts.  Our pricing is based on around 50.  Screen printing charges are fixed and spread out over the cost of all the shirts.  We've got 4 screens so the cost is really high for only a few shirts.  If you are planning on getting one please get your orders in quickly.

2010-09-28 10:10 PM
in reply to: #3122852

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

jccbulldog - 2010-09-28 9:05 PM So far I've only gotten orders for 8 shirts.  Our pricing is based on around 50.  Screen printing charges are fixed and spread out over the cost of all the shirts.  We've got 4 screens so the cost is really high for only a few shirts.  If you are planning on getting one please get your orders in quickly.

FYI, I sent a check today (via snail mail) for 2 shirts, one of each.  Thanks again for organizing this!

2010-09-29 12:50 AM
in reply to: #3120654

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Baltimore, MD
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
ironeric2010 - 2010-09-27 9:02 PM I hear you on the rain delay, especially on the bike. In a sad way it makes me feel better that I'm not the only one not sticking to the training plan. I know that you'll do just fine and so I guess it makes me feel like I'll do fine too I guess.d

Hah!  I guess misery loves company.  Seriously though, I hope you're right.  My anxiety is rapidly increasing as we are getting closer.  Everytime I go out for a bike or long run, I'm thinking "Just don't get injured, just don't get injured".  Seems like there's a finite probability that injury will occur and then my brain starts wondering "Is the potential fitness dividend worth the risk of injury?".  Bizzarre.

Good news though...bought some awesome aerobar pads from Cushy.  Those things are like butter on the elbows. laying down on a pillowtop mattress.  No elbow bursitis issues after the 80 mile ride.  Yay! 

Oh well I wasn't worried about getting hurt until now, thanks ;-
2010-09-29 12:51 AM
in reply to: #3122852

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Baltimore, MD
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
jccbulldog - 2010-09-28 9:05 PM So far I've only gotten orders for 8 shirts.  Our pricing is based on around 50.  Screen printing charges are fixed and spread out over the cost of all the shirts.  We've got 4 screens so the cost is really high for only a few shirts.  If you are planning on getting one please get your orders in quickly.

Maybe if you list who you have orders from that might help people who are wondering you they are being counted (like me).  I also sent out an email to my fam and friends to try to drum up to buyers. 

2010-09-29 9:15 AM
in reply to: #3122852

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
jccbulldog - 2010-09-28 8:05 PM So far I've only gotten orders for 8 shirts.  Our pricing is based on around 50.  Screen printing charges are fixed and spread out over the cost of all the shirts.  We've got 4 screens so the cost is really high for only a few shirts.  If you are planning on getting one please get your orders in quickly.

This is the info I had, and in the spreadsheet I sent...
BT nameQtySize 
triplebypat1XLsupport T 
Chris Kelly 1M 
socks2Lsupport Ts 
Eric O'Neal 1XL 
F1Longhorn1XLsupport Ts 
F1Longhorn1Lsupport Ts 
F1Longhorn1XSsupport Ts 

Is there a way to know whether you have received payment, or are still waiting?

@jashac - that is an AWESOME swim experience! I have said on some of my century rides that the scenery is so beautiful you almost forget you are supposed to be pedaling, so I can relate.
And I would have to say that ANY of you training for the IM are impressive swimmers!
Looking forward to watching ALL of you cross that finish line - best of luck and be safe in your training.
2010-09-29 10:35 AM
in reply to: #3123548

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Extreme Veteran
St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

@ jccbulldog & triplebypat

paypal'd funds to [email protected] for 1 medium athlete drifit shirt. thanks all.

Managed an unpleasant 21.6 mile run last night, wheels came off about mile 17 - not the wall, heartrate had been good, think i messed up on hydration, calves & hamstrings were complaining loudly. These long runs seem to alternate with 1 good run & 1 not so good - so hoping the next will be a winner.

Up @ 2 am tomorrow for 4 plus hr ride - hoping for an 70 miler - but duration and distance will be dictated by traffic conditions - feels like I become a legal target after about 6.30am (

2010-09-29 12:51 PM
in reply to: #3123815

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Santa Fe, New Mexico
Silver member
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
millarg - 2010-09-29 10:35 AM

Managed an unpleasant 21.6 mile run last night, wheels came off about mile 17 - not the wall, heartrate had been good, think i messed up on hydration, calves & hamstrings were complaining loudly. These long runs seem to alternate with 1 good run & 1 not so good - so hoping the next will be a winner.

Suggest you skip every other run - then you'll have all good ones.
2010-09-29 5:17 PM
in reply to: #2512129

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Took the day off from work.  Did 4000 meter swim (8x 500's) and was a bit dizzy/disoriented for 5-10  mins afterwards.  Went home and ate lunch and then pounded out 18 miles.  Took an icebath and took a nap.  Pretty good training day!
2010-09-29 6:08 PM
in reply to: #3124786

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Madison, AL
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Took the day off from work.  Did 4000 meter swim (8x 500's) and was a bit dizzy/disoriented for 5-10  mins afterwards.  Went home and ate lunch and then pounded out 18 miles.  Took an icebath and took a nap.  Pretty good training day!

How fast were you're 500's?

I ran to work (11 miles).  Succesfully used heart rate monitor on the run.  Held 85% of MHR for the 11, but it ended up averaging out at 9:30 pace which was a little disappointing because I felt sooo good on the run.  But, it was pretty hilly.  But, my initial take on the HRM pacing, was it was pretty nice.   I think I will continue to explore that.
Biked home on the reverse course.  11 miles in traffic with hills in ~40 minutes.
2010-09-29 7:03 PM
in reply to: #2512129

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
My IM AquaVelo went well this past weekend. I was pleased with my bike and negative split by 10' second 56 miles. It was in the mid 90s and lots of folks had some major issues with heat and nutrition. Last IM I did it was also really hot I threw up on the bike for about 4 hours and bonked pretty bad. I has some of the same issues early in on the bike and I adjusted my nutrition on the fly but it worked well and I finished up feeling really good. Not one person passed me on the bike after about 75 minutes and I passed lots and lots of folks. Ride time was just under 6:30 but I did stop quickly a few times so my official time was 6:31.

I have practiced 4 different nutrition plans for IM bike so adjusting to all gels went okay but doing the math while riding was a little tricky making sure I got the right amount of calories and sodium each hour. I didn't bring a watch with me which helps with nutrition on strange time every 25'.

Swim I felt calm and stayed on course. Thankfully no time clock was showing when I got out of the water as it was my slowest IM distance race swim by 6' but ocean with current and waves I swim slower. I did get stung by something on my head and finger and it hurt but went away so the fear of being stung is gone.

All in all the aquavelo was a positive experience for me and will be helpful for IMFL.

I had a good long ride today and I think it was my best long ride avg power since I had surgery in June.
2010-09-29 7:09 PM
in reply to: #3124842

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
ironeric2010 - 2010-09-29 6:08 PM Took the day off from work.  Did 4000 meter swim (8x 500's) and was a bit dizzy/disoriented for 5-10  mins afterwards.  Went home and ate lunch and then pounded out 18 miles.  Took an icebath and took a nap.  Pretty good training day!

How fast were you're 500's?

I ran to work (11 miles).  Succesfully used heart rate monitor on the run.  Held 85% of MHR for the 11, but it ended up averaging out at 9:30 pace which was a little disappointing because I felt sooo good on the run.  But, it was pretty hilly.  But, my initial take on the HRM pacing, was it was pretty nice.   I think I will continue to explore that.
Biked home on the reverse course.  11 miles in traffic with hills in ~40 minutes.

Slightly faster than IM pace with about 30 secs rest between each set.  Yea I was a little worried about the way I felt afterwards but the feeling subsided after that 5-10 mins.

2010-09-29 7:22 PM
in reply to: #3124921

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Madison, AL
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

Odd....just chalk it up to bad nutrition???

One thing that I've done that helped with post-swim disorientation was a hard swim-run brick.  Swim for 30 minutes at HIM pace, followed by a fast 1-2 miles.  We normally think of the bike-run brick followed by the swim-bike brick as the two brick types, but if you think about it, how many times do you get out of the tri swim and hop directly on the bike? 

Probably not too important for IM distance, but certainly more important in the lesser distances.

Edited by ironeric2010 2010-09-29 7:23 PM
2010-09-29 7:25 PM
in reply to: #3124941

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
ironeric2010 - 2010-09-29 7:22 PM

Odd....just chalk it up to bad nutrition???

One thing that I've done that helped with post-swim disorientation was a hard swim-run brick.  Swim for 30 minutes at HIM pace, followed by a fast 1-2 miles.  We normally think of the bike-run brick followed by the swim-bike brick as the two brick types, but if you think about it, how many times do you get out of the tri swim and hop directly on the bike? 

Probably not too important for IM distance, but certainly more important in the lesser distances.

Good point...i may try that this week.  I did a HIM this last weekend and felt great out of the water but then again I swam double the distance today.  I think Ill be OK though...just stay away from me on the bike for the first few miles as I might not be holding a straight line haha
2010-09-30 12:01 PM
in reply to: #3120654

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Milwaukee WI
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
I could not agree with you more. I feel the same way. I hurt my Achillis tendon 5 weeks or so before Ironman SG, and was a major factor in causing my first dnf ever. I was crushed. I am trying again with this race on a much better course. I am terrified about getting hurt. I just did my 2nd 100 mile ride and I almost had a horrific crash due to the manhole size potholes in Milwaukee. I have to be careful because I don't want to get hurt again and mess up my chances this time.
2010-09-30 12:42 PM
in reply to: #2512129

Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

sub par training for the last week for me,  not the best timing.  spent last week in Europe for work again,  three days in the UK, and three in Germany.  Got some decent "hotel" training in the UK but very little in Germany.  Sat. was a travel day,  Sunday was a jetlagged 140k ride,  no run.  This week, is catchup at work.  I did manage a nice long swim last night and today i should get an hour run in.  Saturday and Sunday are large,  200/15 k brick planned for Saturday, 3hr run Sunday.

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