Other Resources Challenge Me! » Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3 Rss Feed  
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2009-10-25 8:39 AM
in reply to: #2478138

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
skrtrnr - 2009-10-25 8:33 AM ok.  two things i did...to make myself feel safer....

i deleted all my photos out of my album. i just left the 'headshot' that i use for my profile.

this way no peepin' on my UBER attractive self.  the photos were 'harmless' i thought -i actually dont think of myself 'that way' or that other people/guys see me that way.  too many years being the FAT girl/picked last/passed over for school dances et al.

but  maybe i should start.....at least being more 'aware'

i think perhaps it was the picture of me with my superfly MR. W.GRAVES TOTALLY HOOKED ME UP bike that put him over the edge.

and i 'hid' all my meetup groups.  perhaps too late, this 'creep' probably knows what groups i participate in (turns out he belongs to the NOW/Eckhart Tolle group.  i peeked at his groups) but at least no one else can know/find out.

ill just make certain that Tom the NOW group leader nows whats up...im sure he, or one of the other non-creepy fellows will be more than happy to walk me to and from my car on the meet up nights.

i dont know what to think/to do. 

ive not been in this situation before.  i guess im just not sure how 'seriously' to take it.  maybe its harmless, but then again....

kept me up last night.

NEAL, TOM, BILL any chance you guys come and teach this guy a 'lesson'


You did good. I was stalked once and lived in terror. Actually slept behind the couch at night till they caught the guy. Keeping really personal things of the web is good and letting a pal know what is going on is good. Also, don't freak. It probably is a computer geek but taking a little caution is also good. Now...... it is Sunday...... take a breath and have a great non-freak out day.

2009-10-25 8:40 AM
in reply to: #2468979

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
Happy Sunday Ghoulies.
2009-10-25 8:41 AM
in reply to: #2468979

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
Going to do some yard work today. It turned into fall yesterday with a vengance.
2009-10-25 8:42 AM
in reply to: #2468979

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
Hope everyone has fun days.
2009-10-25 9:50 AM
in reply to: #2468979

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Sacramento, California
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
Morning Ghoulies!  Sorry I wasn't around yesterday...We had Katie and DH day here...Cooked together, hung out watched a couple movies...It was a good time.
2009-10-25 9:51 AM
in reply to: #2468979

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Sacramento, California
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
This morning I got up and went for a run... 4 more miles in the books...I am right about 90% right now!!

2009-10-25 9:52 AM
in reply to: #2468979

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Sacramento, California
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
Now its time to get cleaned up and get ready to go have our pictures taken!
2009-10-25 9:53 AM
in reply to: #2468979

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Sacramento, California
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
Hope everyone has a great SUNDAY!
2009-10-25 9:53 AM
in reply to: #2468979

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Sacramento, California
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
Keep Running Ghoulies!!!!
2009-10-25 9:54 AM
in reply to: #2468979

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Sacramento, California
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
Any of my yoga doing ghoulies have any recommendations for good yoga DVDs?

Edited by kromanowski 2009-10-25 9:55 AM
2009-10-25 9:56 AM
in reply to: #2468979

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Sacramento, California
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
Alright everyone I am really leaving this time!

Time to go TopPage!

Edited by kromanowski 2009-10-25 9:56 AM

2009-10-25 10:47 AM
in reply to: #2468979

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Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
I'm finally on top of Tom, AND THE VIEW IS GOOOOOOD!!!!!!

2009-10-25 10:48 AM
in reply to: #2468979

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Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
5.58 miles this morning Ghoulies!!! That puts me at a hair over 89% and my longest run EVER!!!


Now, off for a quick shower then taking the kiddos into the Halloween parade.

Have a great day team!!!
2009-10-25 12:08 PM
in reply to: #2478135

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Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
skrtrnr - 2009-10-25 5:12 AM
iowagander - 2009-10-24 6:07 PM Good afternoon Ghoulies. I spent the day helping some Boy Scouts earn their weather merit badges, and then I snuck in 3.5 miles. Not too bad. Now to figure out dinner...

what a good Scout/Parent you are Tom!

did you ever make EAGLE?

my sons participated in a GREAT cubscout program.

the boyscout wasnt so much, unfortunately.

thanks for doin' your part to raise up our young men WELL.


Ha, I never even made Webelo! My son actually was a late starter in Scouts but he earned his Webelos badge in the one year he was eligible for Cub Scouts, and now he's having a blast with the Boy Scout troop. We're hoping he can earn Second or First Class by the end of this year.
2009-10-25 12:08 PM
in reply to: #2478081

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2009-10-25 12:12 PM
in reply to: #2478259

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2009-10-25 12:13 PM
in reply to: #2468979

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2009-10-25 12:17 PM
in reply to: #2478138

Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
skrtrnr - 2009-10-25 5:33 AM

NEAL, TOM, BILL any chance you guys come and teach this guy a 'lesson'


I was thinking the same thing. I'm sorry you're having to deal with a creep like this, but it sounds like you're handling it very intelligently. With people walking you to and from your car you should be plenty safe, and hopefully this guy will wise up and just leave you alone. Will this meetup site be able to banish this guy from their site, or is it public like BT?
2009-10-25 12:42 PM
in reply to: #2478296

washington state
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
wgraves7582 - 2009-10-25 10:08 AM

Girl Passing on Left - 2009-10-25 2:54 AM

wgraves7582 - 2009-10-23 5:09 PM

Howdy everyone - just got back from an emergency visit to the YMCA and it was great.

My DD is competing tonight and the wife and M-I-L took her so it was my son and I.  He gets home from school, the phone rings, and he is invited to go rock climbing (indoor), so I pack my gym bag, eat some dinner with him, drop him off, and hit the Y - great times!


dd is competing in what tonight?

There was a Scholarship Performing Arts Competition at a school she would like to attend when she gets of age.

She finished tied for 1st in her group and has $500 for scholarship there if she attends in 4 years.

Nice start and hopefully more to come over the years


Edited by deehtz 2009-10-25 12:42 PM
2009-10-25 12:49 PM
in reply to: #2478138

washington state
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
skrtrnr - 2009-10-25 5:33 AM ok.  two things i did...to make myself feel safer....

i deleted all my photos out of my album. i just left the 'headshot' that i use for my profile.

but  maybe i should start.....at least being more 'aware'

and i 'hid' all my meetup groups.  perhaps too late, this 'creep' probably knows what groups i participate in (turns out he belongs to the NOW/Eckhart Tolle group.  i peeked at his groups) but at least no one else can know/find out.

ill just make certain that Tom the NOW group leader nows whats up...im sure he, or one of the other non-creepy fellows will be more than happy to walk me to and from my car on the meet up nights.


What a cruddy situation.  Hopefully this will be the end of it.

Sounds like some wise moves to me.  Especially letting the Group leader know the situation.

Being more alert and aware is good.  You don't want to live in fear and let it rule you.  But it is good to be in the habit of taking precautions.

2009-10-25 1:23 PM
in reply to: #2468979

washington state
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3

Quick Summary...

Mid August 2009 -  "mid life crisis reaction"   Surprised   led me to commit to a sprint triathlon in 2010
  even "knowing" that I would have to walk the run portion since I had never been able to run even a whole minute as an adult without feeling sick and "pukey"

One week later - heard and tried some wise advise about running.  LBS fellow (and also a triathlete) said to slow waaay down... even slower than my walk.  I tried it and glory be!  it worked.  I could now jog, though very slowly.  My goal became to jog a complete 5k by the end of December.

Mid September - jogging going so well that I moved up my goal to jog a complete 5K by Thanksgiving.

Beginning of October - goal is not only Thanksgiving but to jog the distance at least as fast as I could walk it ...  avg 15 min/mile for the whole distance

October 24th -  JOGGED 3.55 MILES THE WHOLE WAY.  Avg 13 min 48 sec  per mile.  There are markers every .5 mile so I know that my pace was very consistent thru out.

I REACHED MY GOAL A WHOLE MONTH EARLY.   I finally put both the distance and the pace together.  I am SO PUMPED!!     yeahhhh me!!!    LaughingLaughingLaughing

2009-10-25 1:24 PM
in reply to: #2468979

washington state
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
Goal Reached.....   So now what?

I have my first "official" event, a 5k on Thanksgiving.   It is just under 5 weeks away. 

I have been loosely following Higdons 5K Novice.  I am thinking about just maintaining my distance and pace this week ... a sort of recovery week.  Then following the first four weeks of Higdon's 5K Intermediate plan which says it is for improving your 5k time.  The plan has a "test" 5k at the end of week 4 which would time it well for Thanksgiving.  The plan includes one day a week of speed work and three other days of running.  This will be a step up for me.

I am feeling good.  Knees are slightly stiff today but not at all bad.  I felt good at the end of yesterday's run.  Tired but certainly not wiped.

I like working toward a goal.  And I don't worry too much about pushing too hard because I am NOT one to "push until I puke"  Frown   I also really do listen to my body and I do a lot of stretching.

So what do you think?  Should I up my days/week and add in the tempo runs and pace work?   Or is it too soon?  Will four weeks of that make much difference?

2009-10-25 2:05 PM
in reply to: #2478334

Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
deehtz - 2009-10-25 11:23 AM MILESTONE SATURDAY !!   for me

Quick Summary...

Mid August 2009 -  "mid life crisis reaction"   Surprised   led me to commit to a sprint triathlon in 2010
  even "knowing" that I would have to walk the run portion since I had never been able to run even a whole minute as an adult without feeling sick and "pukey"

One week later - heard and tried some wise advise about running.  LBS fellow (and also a triathlete) said to slow waaay down... even slower than my walk.  I tried it and glory be!  it worked.  I could now jog, though very slowly.  My goal became to jog a complete 5k by the end of December.

Mid September - jogging going so well that I moved up my goal to jog a complete 5K by Thanksgiving.

Beginning of October - goal is not only Thanksgiving but to jog the distance at least as fast as I could walk it ...  avg 15 min/mile for the whole distance

October 24th -  JOGGED 3.55 MILES THE WHOLE WAY.  Avg 13 min 48 sec  per mile.  There are markers every .5 mile so I know that my pace was very consistent thru out.

I REACHED MY GOAL A WHOLE MONTH EARLY.   I finally put both the distance and the pace together.  I am SO PUMPED!!     yeahhhh me!!!    LaughingLaughingLaughing

Great job Dee! Now instead of worrying about reaching your milestone atthe Thanksgiving 5k, you get to go in and have a blast knowing that you've accomplished a lot this fall. Way to go!
2009-10-25 2:32 PM
in reply to: #2468979

Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
Hey Ghoulies. I got a nice hilly run of about 6.4 today, putting me over 98%. The team is at 80.5% so keep logging those miles and sessions and let's close this month out strong!

Ann -  Sorry your view from the top was short lived, but I'm taking tomorrow off if you want to try to wrestle your way back up there
2009-10-25 3:35 PM
in reply to: #2478334

Sacramento, California
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
deehtz - 2009-10-25 1:23 PM MILESTONE SATURDAY !!   for me

Quick Summary...

Mid August 2009 -  "mid life crisis reaction"   Surprised   led me to commit to a sprint triathlon in 2010
  even "knowing" that I would have to walk the run portion since I had never been able to run even a whole minute as an adult without feeling sick and "pukey"

One week later - heard and tried some wise advise about running.  LBS fellow (and also a triathlete) said to slow waaay down... even slower than my walk.  I tried it and glory be!  it worked.  I could now jog, though very slowly.  My goal became to jog a complete 5k by the end of December.

Mid September - jogging going so well that I moved up my goal to jog a complete 5K by Thanksgiving.

Beginning of October - goal is not only Thanksgiving but to jog the distance at least as fast as I could walk it ...  avg 15 min/mile for the whole distance

October 24th -  JOGGED 3.55 MILES THE WHOLE WAY.  Avg 13 min 48 sec  per mile.  There are markers every .5 mile so I know that my pace was very consistent thru out.

I REACHED MY GOAL A WHOLE MONTH EARLY.   I finally put both the distance and the pace together.  I am SO PUMPED!!     yeahhhh me!!!    LaughingLaughingLaughing

CONGRATS!!!! That is a great feeling isn't it!
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