BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2012-03-17 4:40 PM
in reply to: #3942879

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED

I'm still here, just been busy.  I've joined Blake Becker's team and I'm being coached by distance.  I bought Jillian O'Malley's hot pink tri bike.  She's a poster here and has a blog.  I've moved my training log to TP, so I'm not logging here.

As far as crotch numbness, I've been through a couple different saddles recently and have found the Selle SMP Glider to be the best.  I almost bought the Adamo, which looked like it could work, too.

When I get the new wheels, I'll post a pic.  Lynne

2012-03-18 1:56 AM
in reply to: #3942879

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED

yeah, lots of people around. I likey.

I guess, in the words of John Denver, Yanti's 'Leaving on a jet plane' bout now, or maybe she's already landed and is trying to explain to border control that she is not a professional lube smuggler, she's just just a nice friendly girl out for a little exercise. Thinking of you Yanti. Let us know if we have to post bail.

2012-03-18 2:33 AM
in reply to: #3942879

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED

On a lighter note, i went for my 'long' run yesterday. After 500m i had to pull up as a sharp pain ripped into my left calf and i walked all the way back swearing with each step as it's my 10k next week. Now this pain is quite low down in my calf and hurts even when just walking. I have previously had the exact same issue twice with my right calf. The first time was about 6 weeks ago when it kicked in whilst on the jogging machine at the gym. I had been on it for 8-10 mins when i thought i had cramp. The pain came on suddenly and i had to knock the speed off the machine quickly. I rarely suffer from cramp (1-2 times per year) but if i get it, it is really severe and leaves me limping for two days. After two days this pain was not going away and i had to really cut down the training. I kept giving the muscle a bit of a rub (i'm still talking about my calf) and it slowly improved so that i could begin training again after about eight days.  About two weeks later whilst out on a run, i had done about a mile when this thing kicked in again in exactly the same place. I immediately backed off but continued to jog slowly in an attempt to run it off. I got back but my calf was still in pain. I spoke to my son who told me to keep massaging it. This did help and i was able to resume training after 6-7 days.

Since then i have had no problems until yesterday, when i was crossing a road and my other calf went stiff. I came straight home and began rubbing it and had a bath to soak it. I woke up this morning and it is a lot better but a bit sore. I can't figure out what i am doing wrong or how to stop it happening again, whether it is cramp or a muscle pull etc. Does anyone have any ideas cos it's winding me up and is messing with my training. By the way (and please don't roll your eyes) i don't really stretch before i go for a run cos my runs are pretty gentle affairs that some would consider a warm up before real exercise. Could it be something so obvious. I hope not cos i would feel a bit silly.

2012-03-18 10:00 AM
in reply to: #4101184

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
ukweeble - 2012-03-18 2:56 PM

yeah, lots of people around. I likey.

I guess, in the words of John Denver, Yanti's 'Leaving on a jet plane' bout now, or maybe she's already landed and is trying to explain to border control that she is not a professional lube smuggler, she's just just a nice friendly girl out for a little exercise. Thinking of you Yanti. Let us know if we have to post bail.

Hahaha! Actually, I leave in 1.5 days. Have I started packing yet? Seriously, with all the lube, spandex, tools, rubber, and that shiny black wetsuit ... they're going to think I'm a hooker. Might need that bail money ...

2012-03-18 10:05 AM
in reply to: #4101188

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
ukweeble - 2012-03-18 3:33 PM

On a lighter note, i went for my 'long' run yesterday. After 500m i had to pull up as a sharp pain ripped into my left calf and i walked all the way back swearing with each step as it's my 10k next week. Now this pain is quite low down in my calf and hurts even when just walking. I have previously had the exact same issue twice with my right calf. The first time was about 6 weeks ago when it kicked in whilst on the jogging machine at the gym. I had been on it for 8-10 mins when i thought i had cramp. The pain came on suddenly and i had to knock the speed off the machine quickly. I rarely suffer from cramp (1-2 times per year) but if i get it, it is really severe and leaves me limping for two days. After two days this pain was not going away and i had to really cut down the training. I kept giving the muscle a bit of a rub (i'm still talking about my calf) and it slowly improved so that i could begin training again after about eight days.  About two weeks later whilst out on a run, i had done about a mile when this thing kicked in again in exactly the same place. I immediately backed off but continued to jog slowly in an attempt to run it off. I got back but my calf was still in pain. I spoke to my son who told me to keep massaging it. This did help and i was able to resume training after 6-7 days.

Since then i have had no problems until yesterday, when i was crossing a road and my other calf went stiff. I came straight home and began rubbing it and had a bath to soak it. I woke up this morning and it is a lot better but a bit sore. I can't figure out what i am doing wrong or how to stop it happening again, whether it is cramp or a muscle pull etc. Does anyone have any ideas cos it's winding me up and is messing with my training. By the way (and please don't roll your eyes) i don't really stretch before i go for a run cos my runs are pretty gentle affairs that some would consider a warm up before real exercise. Could it be something so obvious. I hope not cos i would feel a bit silly.

SLOW DOWN!!! Really. Slow down. And yes, if that means taking walk breaks, take them. Take it easy during the 10K, and after, scale back on the volume too. Better also to spread the same distance out over more days than clump it together. You do not want to mess with calf stuff, because it could also be Achilles.

Can you get foam rollers in UK? Foam rolling better than rubbing. If you're going to soak it, better with salts in lukewarm/warm water than a hot bath. Ice never hurts, either.

Don't worry about the stretching. It shouldn't be before a run anyway.

2012-03-18 3:34 PM
in reply to: #3942879

Hoosier heartland
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED

I'm here! I'm here!  I've been logging my training, but haven't had a chance to sit and chat on BT.  I'm so exited for your IM Yanti!  Can't believe it's almost here.  I'm sure we will all be watching your progress on athlete tracker on the ironman website.  

My biking and running are going fine.  Swimming has been a struggle lately.  I've been having ear issues and am going to have ear tubes put in my ears this Thursday.  I feel like a little kid having this done but even adults get ear tubes, LOL.  

I've had ear problems my whole life.  I was born with a cleft palate and even though it was repaired when I was a baby, I still got constant ear and sinus problem during my childhood.  Typical of kids with a history of cleft palate.  My hearing has also gotten worse over the years and it looks like I'll be getting hearing aids as well.  I'm looking forward to this as the quality of my life has diminished because everyone sounds like the teacher on Charlie Brown.  Sooo, I'm very exited to be able to hear my kids and co-workers again...but then again....


2012-03-19 3:03 AM
in reply to: #3942879

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
Great to hear from you, Claire! Hope the tubing goes well. I think you'll be very happy once you get hearing aids ... be warned, though, it can be a real shock when you hear clearly and it's been fuzzy for ever!

Edited by TriAya 2012-03-19 3:07 AM
2012-03-19 3:26 AM
in reply to: #3942879

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED

And yes, wow, I leave for Melbourne TOMORROW!!! AAAAAAAAAAARGH! I'm starting to crap my pants right about now ...

Ask me if I've started packing yet

2012-03-19 3:56 AM
in reply to: #4102274

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
TriAya - 2012-03-19 3:26 AM

And yes, wow, I leave for Melbourne TOMORROW!!! AAAAAAAAAAARGH! I'm starting to crap my pants right about now ...

Ask me if I've started packing yet

Yanti, I'm so excited for you!  Sure to be a memorable experience!!

2012-03-19 6:37 AM
in reply to: #4102274

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
TriAya - 2012-03-19 3:26 AM

And yes, wow, I leave for Melbourne TOMORROW!!! AAAAAAAAAAARGH! I'm starting to crap my pants right about now ...

Ask me if I've started packing yet

I was going to tell you to have fun, but no one has to tell you that  

2012-03-19 6:53 AM
in reply to: #4102271

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED

Can't tell you how excited I am for IM YANTI!!!  Have you started packing yet?  Don't forget your bike. 

I had a fairly good run on Saturday and feel like I am coming back after the pneumonia.  There was lots of walking after 12 miles but I got my 16 running miles in and 20 total.  Felt so empowered yesterday that I was a spending madwoman.  I have told my husband before to take my credit cards away if I come home and am happy after a long run.  I'm dangerous.  He didn't listen.  This is how I got in to Big Sur, registering while on a long run runner's high.  So glad I did and so glad I am going through with this. Anyway, I spent money on a 4 bottle fuel belt, accelerade (really liked that during my long run), $$$ at Zappos (how did I not know this existed), and a package at the local spin studio for my upcoming spin sessions per coach.     Good long runs are expensive but so worth it!!! 

2012-03-19 7:39 AM
in reply to: #4102329

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
jogo - 2012-03-19 6:53 AM

Can't tell you how excited I am for IM YANTI!!!  Have you started packing yet?  Don't forget your bike. 

I had a fairly good run on Saturday and feel like I am coming back after the pneumonia.  There was lots of walking after 12 miles but I got my 16 running miles in and 20 total.  Felt so empowered yesterday that I was a spending madwoman.  I have told my husband before to take my credit cards away if I come home and am happy after a long run.  I'm dangerous.  He didn't listen.  This is how I got in to Big Sur, registering while on a long run runner's high.  So glad I did and so glad I am going through with this. Anyway, I spent money on a 4 bottle fuel belt, accelerade (really liked that during my long run), $$$ at Zappos (how did I not know this existed), and a package at the local spin studio for my upcoming spin sessions per coach.     Good long runs are expensive but so worth it!!! 

Glad you're feeling better and are back at it.  I've never signed up for a race after a runner's high, my crazy sign up moments usually occur late at night after a few adult beverages

2012-03-19 8:59 AM
in reply to: #4102274

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
TriAya - 2012-03-19 4:26 AM

And yes, wow, I leave for Melbourne TOMORROW!!! AAAAAAAAAAARGH! I'm starting to crap my pants right about now ...

Ask me if I've started packing yet


Just remember not to do it on the bike...

I know you are going to have a blast Yanti!!

I thought you already had everything packed and repacked by your thread on tritalk a few weeks ago.  Riding the cooper river bridge today to get some hill work down.  Was bored while sitting at city hall during my work week and mapped out the ride for the Police Unity Tour, first day is almost all climbing almost 400 ft over 90 miles.  I know not much for some of yall but I live on a pancake.  My plan has been to ride a couple of parking garages while at work, actually a fairly good tactic to find people enjoying 'alternative herbs' and riding the bridge a couple of times a week any other thoghts on how best to train for hills?


Edited because I can't spell or type.

Edited by Tripopo 2012-03-19 9:03 AM
2012-03-19 10:19 AM
in reply to: #3942879

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED


Be safe, travel well and race your tushie off -- Melbourne will never be the same after your visit. Pinch some piglets for me and know I'll we'll be watching you on IM TV! I just have to figure out the time difference.

Gigantic presses and Manatee group hug {{{{{{{[}}}}}}}}}



2012-03-19 10:39 AM
in reply to: #3942879

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED

Big Congrats to Janyne -- on her 1/2 Marathon PR yesterday!!! Nice job out there in some less than perfect conditions!!


2012-03-19 11:35 AM
in reply to: #4102769

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
lmscozz - 2012-03-19 10:19 AM


Be safe, travel well and race your tushie off -- Melbourne will never be the same after your visit. Pinch some piglets for me and know I'll we'll be watching you on IM TV! I just have to figure out the time difference.

Gigantic presses and Manatee group hug {{{{{{{[}}}}}}}}}



I am super excited for you, Yanti and really, the image that Lynn posted about sums it up!

2012-03-19 1:09 PM
in reply to: #4102271

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED

TriAya - 2012-03-19 4:03 AM Great to hear from you, Claire! Hope the tubing goes well. I think you'll be very happy once you get hearing aids!

I was going to something similar -- I hope the surgery goes well, yada yada yada -- but this is much better.  I hope the tubing goes well!

2012-03-19 1:11 PM
in reply to: #4102274

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
TriAya - 2012-03-19 4:26 AM

And yes, wow, I leave for Melbourne TOMORROW!!! AAAAAAAAAAARGH! I'm starting to crap my pants right about now ...

Ask me if I've started packing yet

You will have such a good time.  Just remember -- focus on the piglets after the race!

And remember, we want pictures!

Seriously, have a blast!  You'll rock it.

2012-03-19 1:14 PM
in reply to: #4102817

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
lmscozz - 2012-03-19 11:39 AM

Big Congrats to Janyne -- on her 1/2 Marathon PR yesterday!!! Nice job out there in some less than perfect conditions!!


Thanks Lynn!  I'm just glad that we took Emma to the beach on Saturday.  Yesterday was definitely not beach weather.

2012-03-19 2:16 PM
in reply to: #4102817

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
lmscozz - 2012-03-19 11:39 AM

Big Congrats to Janyne -- on her 1/2 Marathon PR yesterday!!! Nice job out there in some less than perfect conditions!!



That's awesome congrats!!!

2012-03-19 3:30 PM
in reply to: #4102817

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
lmscozz - 2012-03-19 10:39 AM

Big Congrats to Janyne -- on her 1/2 Marathon PR yesterday!!! Nice job out there in some less than perfect conditions!!


Saaaaaa-weeeeeeeet! PR! Very impressive! Nice, nice work!

2012-03-19 3:40 PM
in reply to: #3942879

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED

I am back from Tex-azz by the way! I didn't exactly get a lot of R&R (we were on our feet watching bands or walking pretty much 16 hours a day) but I did do some "cross training"

Dancing (the robot): 

Throwing Knives: 


I think I am prepared for marathon training now!

2012-03-19 10:59 PM
in reply to: #4103537

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North Bend, WA
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
Asalzwed - 2012-03-19 1:30 PM
lmscozz - 2012-03-19 10:39 AM

Big Congrats to Janyne -- on her 1/2 Marathon PR yesterday!!! Nice job out there in some less than perfect conditions!!


Saaaaaa-weeeeeeeet! PR! Very impressive! Nice, nice work!

Yippeee!!! Congrats on a pr!!! Makes all the work even more worthwhile!
2012-03-20 1:53 AM
in reply to: #4104069

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
stampinann - 2012-03-20 4:59 AM
Asalzwed - 2012-03-19 1:30 PM
lmscozz - 2012-03-19 10:39 AM

Big Congrats to Janyne -- on her 1/2 Marathon PR yesterday!!! Nice job out there in some less than perfect conditions!!


Saaaaaa-weeeeeeeet! PR! Very impressive! Nice, nice work!

Yippeee!!! Congrats on a pr!!! Makes all the work even more worthwhile!

Ditto on the above. Grrrrreat run girl.

2012-03-20 10:04 AM
in reply to: #3942879

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED

So the bridge ride was humbling, barely able to keep double digit speeds by my last go around, but fun so I plan to do it weekly if possible, plus all the running pigettes, is that correct form Yanti?  Here is a view from the top on the great day we had

NM work computer isn't playing nice

Edited by Tripopo 2012-03-20 10:07 AM
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