BT Development Mentor Program Archives » bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays! Rss Feed  
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2009-01-14 1:16 PM
in reply to: #1857160

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West Grove, PA
Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!
Brian (and team)...

My workout partner (and colleague) called out sick today and I'm now fighting the same sinus infection he has. Over the years, I've heard many opposing views on training when your sick... School of thought #1 - rest, get better, live to fight another day. School of thought #2 - sweat it out, don't be a wimp, fight through it. School of thought #3 - Fever? Don't exercise. No fever? exercise.

I'd like to get your thoughts...

2009-01-14 1:25 PM
in reply to: #1857160

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Woodridge, IL
Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!

The rule of thumb I heard was above the neck, OK to exercise.  Below the neck (bronchitis, flu, etc), take time off.  But, only you know how you feel and if exerting yourself is a good option. 

That said, if you are going to the gym, I would recommend you don't take your illness to the gym and get other people sick.

2009-01-14 6:00 PM
in reply to: #1907413

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Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!
billsorg - 2009-01-14 11:16 AM

Brian (and team)...

My workout partner (and colleague) called out sick today and I'm now fighting the same sinus infection he has. Over the years, I've heard many opposing views on training when your sick... School of thought #1 - rest, get better, live to fight another day. School of thought #2 - sweat it out, don't be a wimp, fight through it. School of thought #3 - Fever? Don't exercise. No fever? exercise.

I'd like to get your thoughts...

Me? I'm a wimp. I don't train through pain, sickness, or under 50 degree weather

If I wasn't in the middle of training for anything, personally, I would rest, but that's just me.
2009-01-14 6:01 PM
in reply to: #1907023

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Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!
SKDickey - 2009-01-14 8:55 AM

Double posted accidentally

We need more posts!!!!
2009-01-14 6:11 PM
in reply to: #1908286

Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!
I feel badly when I am posting so often, in case someone thinks I am trying to take over...
2009-01-14 7:21 PM
in reply to: #1857160

Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!

Hey, don't feel bad about posting 'too much'!  This is a conversation -- talk is good!

Training while sick:  I usually do when it's a head cold of some sort, but not if it is flu, or in my stomach, and never if I think that I'm sick BECAUSE of over-training.  If I can rearrange my plan a bit (without wrecking it) to keep it easier while I'm sick and do the harder workouts while not, then I do.  If I train once while sick and it gets worse, I stop until I'm mostly recovered.

But I haven't been sick very often, so I don't have a lot of experience here.  It certainly won't hurt you to take a couple of days off then get back to it when you are recovered.  I think that a lot of people train through sickness because they are addicted to training, not because it helps them very much.  I'm afraid I'm in that category....

2009-01-14 7:27 PM
in reply to: #1906624

Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!
ballyard7 - 2009-01-14 9:38 AM

Yeah i basically started tri training in April of 07 and did my first half ironman in September of 07.  Right after that one i signed up for IMCali which was in March of 08 so i didn't have any off time there.

This made my day.  I've had so many people tell me that I'm stupid for similarly ramping up to IM that I've started to doubt my ability to do it.  I'm so glad to see that someone else succeeded in this way.  Now, if I can just avoid burnout -- we'll see.   Maybe the one thing I have going is that I don't swim at 5:30am??

Anyway, that is a pretty awe-inspiring schedule you had there, doing another IM etc., etc., after your first.  It's hardly surprising that you burned out!  Glad to see that you're back on track now.

2009-01-14 7:32 PM
in reply to: #1906748

Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!
SKDickey - 2009-01-14 10:30 AM

I took my friend to one for the first time last Saturday and she liked it but wasn't sore the next day (after being pretty much sedentary).  I told her that it was bc she didn't work hard enough. Laughing  While you don't necessarily have to be sore the next day (though if you're not bike ready you may get butt bruising, haha), you want to push yourself as much as you're comfortable to get the benfits of the class.

Question is:  how did she feel TWO days later.  Often that's when the soreness hits, especially for first-timers.

I don't have the opportunity to do spin classes, but I spend a decent amount of time on the trainer.  It helps to have a training video to motivate me -- much like that instructor in the spin class, I imagine.  Outdoors, I don't need motivation; usually I go too hard rather than too easy.

2009-01-14 11:29 PM
in reply to: #1908395

Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!
Random comment re: training while sick
*the talk I have heard and the reading/research uses the basic rule that if the illness goes below the neck, you are off.
*so , if you have a head cold and feel okay...go for it
*if you are fevered, etc or have symptoms that involve are OFF
As a nurse/mom, I get exposed to nasty bugs, so I do get sick..and this rule seems to work.
Happy Training!
PS I'll keep posting, then, since folks don't mind
2009-01-15 12:24 AM
in reply to: #1857160

Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!
Trying to import a pic...just wondering if it worked...

Edited by arny 2009-01-15 12:25 AM
2009-01-15 9:13 AM
in reply to: #1857160

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Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!
I don't train if i'm throwing up or have a high fever, but anything else i do.  I actually feel like i get over my sickness faster if i workout.  I don't go super hard, but i do workout.

2009-01-15 9:16 AM
in reply to: #1908286

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Woodridge, IL
Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!
bhoover10001 - 2009-01-14 6:01 PM
SKDickey - 2009-01-14 8:55 AM

Double posted accidentally

We need more posts!!!!


HAHAHAHAHAH I will have to keep "accidentally" double posting then, lol!

2009-01-15 9:17 AM
in reply to: #1908408

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Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!
mdickson68 - 2009-01-14 7:27 PM
ballyard7 - 2009-01-14 9:38 AM

Yeah i basically started tri training in April of 07 and did my first half ironman in September of 07.  Right after that one i signed up for IMCali which was in March of 08 so i didn't have any off time there.

This made my day.  I've had so many people tell me that I'm stupid for similarly ramping up to IM that I've started to doubt my ability to do it.  I'm so glad to see that someone else succeeded in this way.  Now, if I can just avoid burnout -- we'll see.   Maybe the one thing I have going is that I don't swim at 5:30am??

Anyway, that is a pretty awe-inspiring schedule you had there, doing another IM etc., etc., after your first.  It's hardly surprising that you burned out!  Glad to see that you're back on track now.

Sorry guys just now getting caught up on the posts.  Sorry to disappoint, but IMCali and IMKansas were both 70.3 races.  I did ramp up from an olympic to a 70.3 in 6 weeks with only a run background.  Never swam or biked before april of that year.  So don't worry about all those "doubters".  They can be a real drag.  If you want to do it then thats all that matters.  I think many people can ramp up to the IM in a full year.  I mean you can do about anything in a year right?  Especially if you already ran a marathon.  Don't fret, i know many people who's first tri was an ironman and trained less time than you have.

Edited by ballyard7 2009-01-15 9:20 AM
2009-01-15 9:22 AM
in reply to: #1908416

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Woodridge, IL
Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!
mdickson68 - 2009-01-14 7:32 PM

Question is:  how did she feel TWO days later.  Often that's when the soreness hits, especially for first-timers.

I don't have the opportunity to do spin classes, but I spend a decent amount of time on the trainer.  It helps to have a training video to motivate me -- much like that instructor in the spin class, I imagine.  Outdoors, I don't need motivation; usually I go too hard rather than too easy.

Yeah, she didn't hurt at all.  I think she was just getting used to the class and all.  We'll see next time. We were supposed to go again last night, but we had a train derailment.  By the time I got anywhere near the suburbs, it was too late.  So I went to Pub trivia night with my husband and some friends.  We lost big time but the beer was delicious!

Last spin chance at 5:30 Am tomorrow.  I will miss my Saturday class because I have Lactate Threshold testing - EEEEk!!



2009-01-15 9:25 AM
in reply to: #1908416

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Woodridge, IL
Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!
mdickson68 - 2009-01-14 7:32 PM [

I don't have the opportunity to do spin classes, but I spend a decent amount of time on the trainer. 

I am trying to "win" one on ebay, I hope I get it!  Then all I need is a bike, other than my mountain bike... haha

2009-01-15 3:13 PM
in reply to: #1857160

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West Grove, PA
Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!
I did a little light lifting and treadmill workout today and feel like it almost knocked the cold out of my system. All better, so now let's talk about real training stuff...

A couple of you talked about a bike trainer... isn't that the contraption that you hook your bike up to so you're working out on your bike, only indoors? I've seen a bunch on the market and may take the plunge and get one. Do you get the feel of actual bike riding (for example, does the resistance vary such that you need to change gears)? Since I won't be able to get my bike out on the road for a few more months (unless I want frostbite), it may be a good option for me.

Oh, and as for those "early season blues"... they are a thing of the past. Some of the recent conversation has me thinking I may want to really push myself and try a 1/2 IM by the end of this season.

2009-01-15 3:35 PM
in reply to: #1910435

Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!
Re bike trainers:For indoor(I use my trainer in the back yard too!), you have the choice of rollers or bike trainer...or Lemond spin cycle bike(awesome but expensive). The indoor trainers do give you a good workout on your own bike and are a great alternative to road when you just can't get out(childcare or illness or weather, etc).

Goggle TACX bike trainers as they have great products...but there are many on the market and you CAN get them used(ours was used, but still in the box...never assembled).

Happy Training!!

2009-01-15 4:47 PM
in reply to: #1857160

Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!
I really want some rollers, but right now I have the usual resistance trainer.  Yes, it is great for getting a good workout at home -- I can do it when I have to be home to watch the kids, or when I don't get home from work until late, or whatever.  I've taken to watching action flicks while on the trainer --it keeps me 'in the mood' to pedal hard I guess.
2009-01-16 2:38 PM
in reply to: #1857160

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Woodridge, IL
Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!

Rescuing us from the abyss of page TWO again!!  What does everyone have planned for the weekend? 

I have lactate threshold testing on Saturday morning at 8 am.  I am s-c-a-r-e-d.  Well, maybe moreso anxious than just scared.  Then, my normal crazy run training on Sunday (where I promise to try to track speedwork in totals).  I also have a 3 day weekend bc of President’s Day!!

2009-01-16 3:47 PM
in reply to: #1912791

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Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!
SKDickey - 2009-01-16 12:38 PM

Rescuing us from the abyss of page TWO again!!  What does everyone have planned for the weekend? 

I have lactate threshold testing on Saturday morning at 8 am.  I am s-c-a-r-e-d.  Well, maybe moreso anxious than just scared.  Then, my normal crazy run training on Sunday (where I promise to try to track speedwork in totals).  I also have a 3 day weekend bc of President’s Day!!

Let us know how the LT goes. It sounds like something interesting.

I've got to get off my butt Hopefully the weather stays nice and I get some biking/running in. My youngest has a swim meet this weekend, all three days.
2009-01-16 9:49 PM
in reply to: #1857160

Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!

Weekend:  'Long' run Saturday morning, followed by a mind-numbingly boring all day meeting.  Sunday I'm going to try swimming again.  I took a few days off because of some incipient shoulder pain, but that seems fine now, so swimming resumes on Sunday.

Good luck on the LT test. Remember to go all out. If you puke at the end you got it about right. Smile

2009-01-18 8:24 PM
in reply to: #1857160

Subject: My new toy!

Hey everyone, I got my new bike yesterday!  Today I put it together and went for a 'test spin' on the trainer (outside it is freezing rain...)  It was originally going to be a P2SL, in a trade, but that fell through by mutual agreement -- I just didn't like how it fit me, and he didn't really want to trade, I think.  Instead I ended up bartering for this Orbea, which I already love.  The first time I sat on it, I knew it was the right choice.  A few minor adjustments still need doing, but I already feel like a little boy whose new shoes make him 'jump higher'.

My new bike!

Edited by mdickson68 2009-01-18 8:25 PM
2009-01-18 9:44 PM
in reply to: #1915469

Subject: RE: My new toy!

Congratulations big time!!
2009-01-19 4:05 PM
in reply to: #1915469

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Subject: RE: My new toy!
mdickson68 - 2009-01-18 6:24 PM

Hey everyone, I got my new bike yesterday!  Today I put it together and went for a 'test spin' on the trainer (outside it is freezing rain...)  It was originally going to be a P2SL, in a trade, but that fell through by mutual agreement -- I just didn't like how it fit me, and he didn't really want to trade, I think.  Instead I ended up bartering for this Orbea, which I already love.  The first time I sat on it, I knew it was the right choice.  A few minor adjustments still need doing, but I already feel like a little boy whose new shoes make him 'jump higher'.

My new bike!

Very very pretty!!
2009-01-19 5:48 PM
in reply to: #1857160

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Woodridge, IL
Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!

The bike is awesome!


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