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2008-12-29 5:28 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
Time for my new weekly plan.

I am going to run mon-wed, fri and a long run on Sunday.

I am going to bike a little every day, with an hour ride on Saturday.

I am not going to get loaded on Wednesday night.

Karate on Sunday, haaaaaa yaaaaa.

Maybe do some snowshoeing but they are forcasting -25C here so I don't know.

2008-12-29 6:11 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
I just wanted to say that AQUAGIRL TOOK THE DAY OFF!!!!!!! I know, I will do me good......    
2008-12-29 6:23 PM
in reply to: #1875915

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
LeahDD - 2008-12-29 11:44 AM

I like the idea of the Ironman challenge, but realistically I will get in the swim and run distance in the first week and then struggle to get in the bike miles the entire month.  However, since I really do want to get in the bike miles, I am in for the challenge.  It will be tough to do, but that is the whole point of a challenge, isn't it?

As for the other challenges, I am in for another month of peaches.  Boy, I tell you that challenge really made me do something every single day.  I can't say that I ever did 31 straight days of some sort of exercise before. 

I am also going to do the swim challenge and aim to get my 100 meter swim time down to 2:30.  It is pretty close to 3 minutes now.  Don't know if that is a doable challenge or not.  I have the TriSwimCoach DVD that I haven't watched yet (I understand that it will be more helpful if I actually watch it) plus I am thinking about signing up for the adult intermediate level swimming lessons, which are supposed to be geared toward improving techniques and teaching the strokes that you don't know, such as butterfly for me. 

Anyway, I have mostly been without internet access the last couple days, but am now home, back to work, back to the regular routine.  I have started CrossFit and they assure me, promise me, guarantee me that my running and biking times will decrease.  We will see. 

Have a good day all.


Triswimcoach is good.  I use his material whenever I swim without the coach cause his workouts are well written and organized.  I like his philosophy too--kicki is important but not critical in triathlon and he says that too. 

Balanced program coming up for me.,  I have a couple weeks left on my bike focused plan and need to build my run back post injury--some days it's better than others. 

I wil probably do the winter swim challenge to focus on getting my 500 times down, I'd like to focus on a longer distance but I think my coach will say 500's...

2008-12-29 9:31 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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East Side of the Bay
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

Hi All,  I will continue the schedule I have been using (or hoping to use) since joining BT in September.  Run 3 days, swim 2 days and teach spin 2 nights.  At this point I will not be doing 2 sports in 1 day except trying to add in strength training twice a week probably on a swim day. Once the weather is warmer I will try to add a longer outside bike to a swim day.  I am really trying to improve my running first and swimming second and feel that I learn better if I am not too tired by doing too much in one day.  I will be gradually increasing both my swimming and running time with the Hyannis half my running goal on 2/22.  Avoiding injury and slowly building my muscle and cardiovascular fitness are my main goals.  I will probably not do a tri until July or even August so I have lots of time.  I am looking forward to working with you all.


2008-12-30 6:05 AM
in reply to: #1857705

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Almaden Valley, San Jose, California
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

My plan is swim Monday, short run Tues, short bike Weds, swim Thurs, ?? Friday, Long bike Sat; Long run Sunday.  At some point, probably soon, I'll need to add double days.  I may today, to make up for my lack of swim yesterday (6 teeth pulled!  Zach needed his mom more than I needed to swim!)

Having said all this, we're going skiing Fri-Sun, so that messes it all up!   Kids are back to school Monday, that should ease things up a bit!

Happy New Year, all!!


2008-12-30 7:36 AM
in reply to: #1857705

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
I have no plan which is one of the reasons I thought the mentor group would help. Around Oct. there were big plans to make my running the focus of off season, with a goal of having a 9 min. pace feel comfortable instead of 10 mins mile. Then I saw Jorge's cycling group and went along with that for a while but that fell by the wayside also. For right now, Im on the trainer about an hour 3 or 4x a week, do a few 3-4 mile runs and hopefully a longer one of 5 or 6 miles every now and again just to make sure I can. Then there's swimming. I haven't gone. Since I do better with a schedule, it's time to make one up. Tues. and Thurs. would be good for swimming while the 3 yr. old is in pre-school. It won't take long so I don't feel badly about leaving my 2yr. old in babysitting for a long time when I should (in my eyes) be spending time with just her. In the back of my head, Im thinking that my A race, IM Florida is in Nov. and I don't want to burn out. Is that dumb?
It's Tues. time to hit the pool for the 2nd time this month. Have a wonderful day everyone!

2008-12-30 10:20 AM
in reply to: #1857705

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED


Key now your A race is far away so good to have quality family time now. You are a good swimmer could take 2-4 months off swimming which suck up a lot of time driving to and from and changing and focus on easier to accomplish workouts like run/bike. A group of folks from Endurance Nation about 84 folks doing IM last year didn't swim for 4 months at all some did it 1-2x a month and found that when they went back to it they got it back within a month. Biggest gains in IM is strong bike and run. I'll see if I can find their article about the concept. I'm working on swimming as my technique needs improving and now is the time to work on it and I have free time.

I wouldn't feel bad not swimming and spending time with your younger child while other one is in preschool. Special alone time is hard to come by.


2008-12-30 11:32 AM
in reply to: #1877702

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
KathyG - 2008-12-30 11:20 AM


Key now your A race is far away so good to have quality family time now. You are a good swimmer could take 2-4 months off swimming which suck up a lot of time driving to and from and changing and focus on easier to accomplish workouts like run/bike. A group of folks from Endurance Nation about 84 folks doing IM last year didn't swim for 4 months at all some did it 1-2x a month and found that when they went back to it they got it back within a month. Biggest gains in IM is strong bike and run. I'll see if I can find their article about the concept. I'm working on swimming as my technique needs improving and now is the time to work on it and I have free time.

I wouldn't feel bad not swimming and spending time with your younger child while other one is in preschool. Special alone time is hard to come by.


Thanks for the advice - I swam today and felt fine doing 1300 yds. and avg'ed about 1:55/100 which is fine for me. If there's a logical reason to take some time off for swimming and not have it hurt my racing, I'd be up for it! The Y pool is about 20 mins. away + an extra 20 mins. getting kids into/out of babysitting - the closer Y is a mile from home and is much less crowded and easier to get treadmill time. Running outdoors in the colder months is not happening too much except on weekends when my husband is home. I feel bad for the girls being in the stroller in such cold weather and they're getting super heavy to push up the hills!
2008-12-30 11:53 AM
in reply to: #1857705

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
Good morning.....

Hope everyone has a good day, only two more training days in 2008, I have decided to do my best to make them count.
2008-12-30 12:31 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

We are off to a great start!

Just some ideas of how to get the most out of our mentor group. Many of these things are already happening like the Ironman January challenge, but it is always good to review the basics. Those of you newer to BT may not know all the features available to you.

The biggest problem that I see with new and sometimes not so new triathletes is motivation and focus. Hopefully that is what this group can provide you. Here are some of the things I would like to try to keep this going.

  1. Use this thread daily (or close to it).
    The worst thing that can happen for motivation is being away from training or sometimes being away from other triathletes. So I don't want you guys disappearing for days at a time. Even if you check in just to say "Hi", that should be enough for you to stay connected with the group.
  2. Pick a race and register for it.
    After you register for the race, print out your confirmation sheet and post it on the fridge (or somewhere you will see it daily)
    If you are anything like me, you will suffer through a tri just so you won't waste the money you spent on it If your first race is months and months away consider signing up for a running race 2-3 months from now.
  3. Check in and say what you plan to do for the day, then if possible, come back and say what you did and how you felt doing it.
    Being held accountable really helps with your motivation. You are not expected to workout every day, so your daily goal could be something as simple as "Eat healthy all day".
  4. Use your training logs.
    The training log button is located at the top of the screen, next to forum button. This is a great way to track your workouts for the year. There are a bunch of options in the logs, so everything you could possibly do is in there.
  5. Inspire each other.
    The "Inspire Me" button is located in the training log section. You can view other people's workouts, so you can drop in a say something about their workout. If someone leaves you a message and you want to return a message, you reply to their blog using the "blog" button in the "Inspire Me" area.
  6. Add the members of the group to your friends list (On the left side of your training log)
    This makes it easy to check on your friends and other mentees. On the top left part of the screen, you will see a button labeled "Control panel" If you click this, you can change your training log settings. Somewhere along the top, near the middle, is a button labled "friends". If you click that, you can add people (I think up to 50). You need to type in their screen name (correctly) or you can click the "..." button and type in something close, and it will give you the closest names possible. Then find who you want and add them. 
  7. Try to come up with goals for the group. I would like to have daily, weekly or monthly challenges to keep us busy during this winter season. The problem is, I am not very creative. So, if you can think of something, let us know. We want this to be fun and challenging.
  8. Topics of interest.
    I don't even pretend to know everything about this sport, but from time to time, I will try and post something I have learned about this sport, including race day and training nutrition, equipment and workouts. If you are interested in a topic, let me know and we can discuss this. If I am not familiar with this subject, I know lots of people that can help, so please throw out ideas.
  9. Ask questions!!!
    This is probably the most important thing and one thing people are afraid to do. If it could be done wrong, I have either seen it or done it. So please, please please, don't be hesitant to ask. Even if you don't want to ask publicly, you can "PM" me and ask.

I think that is everything. I want this group to stay active and for us to all have fun. If there is anything you want to add, please do.

Have fun!

2008-12-30 12:32 PM
in reply to: #1876518

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

IdealMuse who is Debb is going to join our group!

Welcome Debb!!!

2008-12-30 12:36 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

Good call Kathy.

 I'm still battling the crud. Number one goal for the day "Get Healthy." If I feel up to it I have a trainer ride and a run this evening. Plan is to keep effort level in Zone 2 since I haven't been feeling great. Lots of water and tea to wash out the bad.


2008-12-30 1:42 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

Thanks for the great 9 commandments

I have to say that yesterdays 1 line post from QueenZipp saying "hope everyone is training today" was just the little nudge i needed.  i made a date with a friend for after-work and wanted to skip the gym SO BAD but i didn't - THANKS ( i did have to skip the planned swim - due to no swim suit (silly NO NUDITY RULE) but i really cranked up the treadmill! 

I have a question for those that workout in the AM....  i'm not usually STARVING when i wake up so i just take a spoon full of peanut butter out of the jar (sometimes i drop some honey on it, too) and i'm out the door with my H20 bottle.  My bf however hates working out in the am because he is ALWAYS STARVING.... how can i help him (and myself if you think i'm nuts with the PB+honey).



2008-12-30 2:24 PM
in reply to: #1877870

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Cambridge, MA
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

BigDH - 2008-12-30 12:53 PM Good morning..... Hope everyone has a good day, only two more training days in 2008, I have decided to do my best to make them count.

Wow, this year blew by!  For the last two days of the year:

Today: longer bike (long for me is anything over 30 min!) and then maybe some strength training or abs.  Edit- Additional goal=no drinking tonight!  Saving for moderate celebration tomorrow night!

Tomorrow: My plan's 3mi run + a short warm up and cool down.  Missed yesterday's planned run, but my schedule doesn't have me doing any consecutive days running, so I think I'll stick to that this early into it rather than trying to make up a day.

Edited by running4beer 2008-12-30 2:36 PM
2008-12-30 2:39 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
Today I went to Zumba with my 14 year old Emily (when my kids want to do something athletic I try and say yes); ran 3 miles with short yoga stretching afterwards and have my last bike of the year...hoping to ride long enough to hit 4500 miles.
2008-12-30 3:01 PM
in reply to: #1878194

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
KathyG - 2008-12-30 1:39 PM

Today I went to Zumba with my 14 year old Emily (when my kids want to do something athletic I try and say yes); ran 3 miles with short yoga stretching afterwards and have my last bike of the year...hoping to ride long enough to hit 4500 miles.

That is crazy, 4500 miles, wow, awesome

2008-12-30 3:03 PM
in reply to: #1878165

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
running4beer - 2008-12-30 1:24 PM

BigDH - 2008-12-30 12:53 PM Good morning..... Hope everyone has a good day, only two more training days in 2008, I have decided to do my best to make them count.

Wow, this year blew by!  For the last two days of the year:

Today: longer bike (long for me is anything over 30 min!) and then maybe some strength training or abs.  Edit- Additional goal=no drinking tonight!  Saving for moderate celebration tomorrow night!

Tomorrow: My plan's 3mi run + a short warm up and cool down.  Missed yesterday's planned run, but my schedule doesn't have me doing any consecutive days running, so I think I'll stick to that this early into it rather than trying to make up a day.

Ha, yes, beer=bad. I probably drank at least 20 over the last 10 days or so. Eeek.

Have a good bike ride.

2008-12-30 3:35 PM
in reply to: #1878080

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
RedSoxChick - 2008-12-30 12:42 PM

Thanks for the great 9 commandments

I have to say that yesterdays 1 line post from QueenZipp saying "hope everyone is training today" was just the little nudge i needed.  i made a date with a friend for after-work and wanted to skip the gym SO BAD but i didn't - THANKS ( i did have to skip the planned swim - due to no swim suit (silly NO NUDITY RULE) but i really cranked up the treadmill! 

I have a question for those that workout in the AM....  i'm not usually STARVING when i wake up so i just take a spoon full of peanut butter out of the jar (sometimes i drop some honey on it, too) and i'm out the door with my H20 bottle.  My bf however hates working out in the am because he is ALWAYS STARVING.... how can i help him (and myself if you think i'm nuts with the PB+honey).



What I do, because sometimes need to eat right when I get up, I mean need to. I mean I can go for a quick spin on my bike for like 20 minutes without eating but that is it.

So what I do when I have a long run planned on Sunday, which is the only time I really do any real excercise in the morning, is when I have to get up to use the washroom, which I do, every morning at 5:00 a.m., I wolf down a banana a peanut butter sandwhich a bunch of water.

7:00 a.m. rolls around, I fall out of bed, put on the shoes and am out the door.
2008-12-30 5:17 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

I don't think he peanutbutter & honey are crazy.  Great source of protein, fat and carbs all rolled into one! 

Your BF may want to either try that or eat light such as a banana or granola bar and refuel ASAP post workout.  I usually don't eat before my early workouts but they're also short.  My morning runs are 2-4 miles maximum and swim set does take a bit out of me but eating before swimming = puke on the deck.  Keep a gatoraid to sip on instead of water for the calories and sugar.  I do hit Starbucks (across the street from the gym) for breakfast as soon as I get showered and dressed though. I have a 40 minute commute to work and that's way too long to wait to eat breakast.

Kathy, great thoughts on the ways to keep motivated and connected.  Personally, I find the inspire me button a great way to keep in touch and get to know people.  It really is one of the best features here   If I don't hit the inspire me button it means I got caught up in work suckage and will hit it later  


2008-12-30 6:36 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
Good Day! I did not train in the gym today, I got to shovel loads of snow and climb up steep hills in order to fly to the bottom on a flying saucer!! I am old, so climbing up was more fun than going down. I am looking for a good run/bike/weights training program. I looked on the site, but everything includes swim. If all else fails, I can convert the swim to something else.
2008-12-30 6:46 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED


 oops - it's me - RedSoxChick, on Friend of Harpoons lap top.... its still valid though because he and aquagirl are my team mates







Edited by Friend-of-Harpoon 2008-12-30 6:48 PM

2008-12-30 7:53 PM
in reply to: #1878559

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

ilucy2 - 2008-12-30 6:36 PM Good Day! I did not train in the gym today, I got to shovel loads of snow and climb up steep hills in order to fly to the bottom on a flying saucer!! I am old, so climbing up was more fun than going down. I am looking for a good run/bike/weights training program. I looked on the site, but everything includes swim. If all else fails, I can convert the swim to something else.

I missed something, not meaning to imply negativity...what  prevents the swimming?  Yes, if you are unable to swim use the time for another form of cross training but if there's no physical reason keeping you out of the pool start gently and swim

2008-12-30 7:56 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
My swim coach is good with my doing the swim challenge as posted in Challenge Forum. (Jan-March) I'm going to work on my 1500 pace.  Tomorrow I plan on going in and doing that distance as a staight set to get a baseline time then I ned to figure out what kind of race pace I need to work towards as a goal.
2008-12-30 7:57 PM
in reply to: #1878583

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
Friend-of-Harpoon - 2008-12-30 6:46 PM


 oops - it's me - RedSoxChick, on Friend of Harpoons lap top.... its still valid though because he and aquagirl are my team mates


OMG your relay team name is FUNNY

Glad you're doing that relay





2008-12-30 8:32 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

So I just shared a recipe in the challenge foum that I thought you all might enjoy.  Sharing healthy food ideas is also welcome since weight issues seems to be a common theme.

Emeil Lagasse's Lentil and Brown Rice Soup:

5 C chicken both

1 1/2 C lentils , rinsed

1 C brown rice

32-35 oz can tomatos , reserve liquid to use in this

3 carrots peeled and chopped

1 onion peeled and chopped

stalk celery chopped

3 cloves garlic minced

1/2 tsp basil and oregano, 1/4 tsp thyme

1 bay leaf

1/2 fesh parsley, chopped

2 T cider vinegar

Add all ingrediens through the bay leaf to a pot with 3 cups water. Simmer, covered 1 hr.  Add in parsley and vinegar, season with salt and pepper to taste.  Discard bay leaf.  Soup wil be thick and thickens as it stands.  It can be diluted with chicken both if needed.


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