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2009-07-21 9:58 PM
in reply to: #2300144

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
swmrgrl - 2009-07-21 8:12 PM I hope it doesn't rain! I tried to ride tonight and I was drenched and uphappy after 30 minutes.
I don't know how I managed to avoid training rides in the rain.

For those of you who've done races or even training in the rain, do you wear a rain jacket or do you just suck it up?

Suck it up You'll get too warm in a jacket unless it's super light and breathable or it's cool outside. I'm guessing if it rains it will still be warm. You may be uncomfortable at first but you'll settle in and get warmer. Just ride carefully. Avoid all metal grates/manholes and the painted lines, which tend to be slick. I've done a large volume of long rides in the rain this year and after a few times, it's not so bad.

2009-07-21 9:59 PM
in reply to: #2299160

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
ericolaf - 2009-07-21 2:27 PM Ugh, there's also sewage runoff issues if it rains heavily on Saturday...  Fingers crossed!!!

2009-07-21 9:59 PM
in reply to: #2299427

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
ericolaf - 2009-07-21 3:38 PM
drcherrybomb21 - 2009-07-21 2:57 PM Saturday is forcast to be nice.  Fingers crossed indeed.  Is there gonna be a BT meetup at the underwear run?

I'm not doing the underwear run, but will be out and about on Saturday dropping off bike, etc.  but I'm happy to do a meetup!  E.

I'm planning bike drop later on Saturday. What's everyone else's plan?
2009-07-21 10:04 PM
in reply to: #2300524

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Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
LazyMarathoner - 2009-07-21 9:59 PM
ericolaf - 2009-07-21 3:38 PM
drcherrybomb21 - 2009-07-21 2:57 PM Saturday is forcast to be nice.  Fingers crossed indeed.  Is there gonna be a BT meetup at the underwear run?

I'm not doing the underwear run, but will be out and about on Saturday dropping off bike, etc.  but I'm happy to do a meetup!  E.

I'm planning bike drop later on Saturday. What's everyone else's plan?

I am planning on a bike drop on Sat afternoon too.  I am hitting the frying pan at 25th and the hudson at 7.  It's my cousin's bday and people are gathering there.  Anyone is welcome to join. 

About the rain...I am out if it rains.  It is not worth it to me to fall.  I fall enough when it's dry.  If I break anything, I can't work, and that is not okay right now.
2009-07-22 6:33 AM
in reply to: #2289711

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New York, New York
Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread

A lot of you are talking about the wearing and not wearing of shoes in the swim--> bike transition.  I have plantar fasciaitis so I have always put out shoes in the transition area.  I do not want to hinder run in any way (my current injuries are bad enough thank you.)  Do they really sweep the shoes? Sigh.

By the way, (okay please do not make fun of me - I have been really depressed/out of it the past few months), how do I find out what transition I am in?  Is it online? I saw the wave times by age group in the athlete guide, but am still lost. Sigh. I have a friend who has memorized the map in her head and I have barely looked at it!  I better get my butt in gear!  It is just that for a while I seriously pondered deferring due to injury and depression so I just didn't want to look at it!  (Plus, I am a little afraid of this tri. I did Wildflower Olympic in California in May and a Sprint in Sleepy Hollow in June, but this one is one of the three largest olympic tris in the country and is supposed to be very intense with people and activities.  I am not a native New Yorker and I am intimidated by day to day New York intense-ness.  This tri's intenseness has me - well - frightened!)

yours truly,


Edited by dbw27 2009-07-22 6:34 AM
2009-07-22 6:45 AM
in reply to: #2115456

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Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
This is my biggest race to date, although I am a native.  Of course that doesn't mean I have done a swim in the Hudson, or rode a bike on the henry hudson pkway, so I am quite intimidated too.  I will tell you that there are some intense people in this race, but I plan on staying away from them.  I did my first "intense" race at St. Anthony's and found it reasonably easy to not get emotionally blown away by the energy.  The majority of people are not there to get on the podium and just want to either 1. finish, or 2. do a little better than last race. 

About the shoes...I was going to plan to have some, but this forum has talked me out of it, but I dont have PF.  I don't think you can wear them in the water, and putting them out under a bench is no guarantee they will be there when you get out.  The only way I thought I would do it, would be to put some water shoes in the back of my wetsuit, and swim with them in there.  When you get the wetsuit unzipped, they would fall out.  Obviously this will cost some time, but who cares if it protects from injury.  That's why I take the time to put on gloves when I bike too. 

This is the first time I am doing this race, but I was there last year, and it's a big part of why I was inspired to take on this crazy sport.  There are lots of people along the route to cheer you on.  Emotionally, I think you will find it uplifting and not intense in a bad way.

2009-07-22 7:46 AM
in reply to: #2300144

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New York, NY
Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
I agree with LazyMarathoner.....suck it up.  I've done a fair amount of training and a couple races in the rain.  It's really not that bad once you get going.  I'd think you'd be pretty likely to overheat wearing a jacket.  And if it happens to rain just be more cautious when you're riding.

swmrgrl - 2009-07-21 8:12 PM I hope it doesn't rain! I tried to ride tonight and I was drenched and uphappy after 30 minutes.
I don't know how I managed to avoid training rides in the rain.

For those of you who've done races or even training in the rain, do you wear a rain jacket or do you just suck it up?
2009-07-22 7:47 AM
in reply to: #2300524

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New York, NY
Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
I'm thinking I'll probably head over late morning/early afternoon.

LazyMarathoner - 2009-07-21 10:59 PM
ericolaf - 2009-07-21 3:38 PM
drcherrybomb21 - 2009-07-21 2:57 PM Saturday is forcast to be nice.  Fingers crossed indeed.  Is there gonna be a BT meetup at the underwear run?

I'm not doing the underwear run, but will be out and about on Saturday dropping off bike, etc.  but I'm happy to do a meetup!  E.

I'm planning bike drop later on Saturday. What's everyone else's plan?
2009-07-22 8:00 AM
in reply to: #2300780

Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
dbw27 - 2009-07-22 6:33 AM Hi:

A lot of you are talking about the wearing and not wearing of shoes in the swim--> bike transition.  I have plantar fasciaitis so I have always put out shoes in the transition area.  I do not want to hinder run in any way (my current injuries are bad enough thank you.)  Do they really sweep the shoes? Sigh.

By the way, (okay please do not make fun of me - I have been really depressed/out of it the past few months), how do I find out what transition I am in?  Is it online? I saw the wave times by age group in the athlete guide, but am still lost. Sigh. I have a friend who has memorized the map in her head and I have barely looked at it!  I better get my butt in gear!  It is just that for a while I seriously pondered deferring due to injury and depression so I just didn't want to look at it!  (Plus, I am a little afraid of this tri. I did Wildflower Olympic in California in May and a Sprint in Sleepy Hollow in June, but this one is one of the three largest olympic tris in the country and is supposed to be very intense with people and activities.  I am not a native New Yorker and I am intimidated by day to day New York intense-ness.  This tri's intenseness has me - well - frightened!)

yours truly,


DBW- I completely understand your anxiety about NYC intensity. I was terrified of this place before I moved here. Just relax, NYC is just like anywhere else, just a few more people. You don't have to rush around like everyone else. Also the race is going to be SO early, you won't even notice you're in a big city, everyone besides us fruitcakes will be sleeping!
To find your transition group, look at the NYC athelete guide that is posted on the site, the last page has your transistion group and start time.

2009-07-22 9:02 AM
in reply to: #2300780

Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
dbw27 - 2009-07-22 6:33 AM Hi:

A lot of you are talking about the wearing and not wearing of shoes in the swim--> bike transition.  I have plantar fasciaitis so I have always put out shoes in the transition area.  I do not want to hinder run in any way (my current injuries are bad enough thank you.)  Do they really sweep the shoes? Sigh.

By the way, (okay please do not make fun of me - I have been really depressed/out of it the past few months), how do I find out what transition I am in?  Is it online? I saw the wave times by age group in the athlete guide, but am still lost. Sigh. I have a friend who has memorized the map in her head and I have barely looked at it!  I better get my butt in gear!  It is just that for a while I seriously pondered deferring due to injury and depression so I just didn't want to look at it!  (Plus, I am a little afraid of this tri. I did Wildflower Olympic in California in May and a Sprint in Sleepy Hollow in June, but this one is one of the three largest olympic tris in the country and is supposed to be very intense with people and activities.  I am not a native New Yorker and I am intimidated by day to day New York intense-ness.  This tri's intenseness has me - well - frightened!)

yours truly,


dbw - don't be intimidated by NYC.  It's much more friendly and easy to get around than most people would think.  This is my very first tri and I'm pretty nervous about the race.  I wish I had one or two under my belt!
2009-07-22 9:06 AM
in reply to: #2300947

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Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
swmrgrl - 2009-07-22 9:00 AM
dbw27 - 2009-07-22 6:33 AM Hi:

A lot of you are talking about the wearing and not wearing of shoes in the swim--> bike transition.  I have plantar fasciaitis so I have always put out shoes in the transition area.  I do not want to hinder run in any way (my current injuries are bad enough thank you.)  Do they really sweep the shoes? Sigh.

By the way, (okay please do not make fun of me - I have been really depressed/out of it the past few months), how do I find out what transition I am in?  Is it online? I saw the wave times by age group in the athlete guide, but am still lost. Sigh. I have a friend who has memorized the map in her head and I have barely looked at it!  I better get my butt in gear!  It is just that for a while I seriously pondered deferring due to injury and depression so I just didn't want to look at it!  (Plus, I am a little afraid of this tri. I did Wildflower Olympic in California in May and a Sprint in Sleepy Hollow in June, but this one is one of the three largest olympic tris in the country and is supposed to be very intense with people and activities.  I am not a native New Yorker and I am intimidated by day to day New York intense-ness.  This tri's intenseness has me - well - frightened!)

yours truly,


DBW- I completely understand your anxiety about NYC intensity. I was terrified of this place before I moved here. Just relax, NYC is just like anywhere else, just a few more people. You don't have to rush around like everyone else. Also the race is going to be SO early, you won't even notice you're in a big city, everyone besides us fruitcakes will be sleeping!
To find your transition group, look at the NYC athelete guide that is posted on the site, the last page has your transistion group and start time.

DBW -- a lot of people are confused w/ the athlete guide on  Go to the last page (Appendix B), find your age group/sex division, and you'll see in the first column at the very left the "Transition Color" -- yellow or red.  On saturday, when you drop off your bike, attend one of the RCN transition zone tours (see your guide for times).  They'll walk you through the whole thing, so you'll be prepared!  You can also ask them any questions you still have.

This is my first time for this race.  I'm anxious and nervous, but in a good way.  I've done several other tri's, and I have never felt anything but friendly encouragement from everyone.  One of my best tri stories happened right here in NYC area -- I was on the last leg of a race, and starting to slow down (dehydration).  A guy who had been more or less racing at my same pace caught up to me, and saw that I was starting to fade.  With about 300 yards left to go, he gave me a big push/slap on the back, and said, "let's go!  Let's finish this together!"  He raced ahead a bit, and I dug up the energy to run after him.  He yelled encouragements all the way to the finish line!  Nice guy -- never saw him again, but will always be grateful for what he did.  I'd say, just race your own race, let the other fast people go by, and soak up the atmosphere.  It'll be fun!

2009-07-22 9:08 AM
in reply to: #2115456

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Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
dbw27 - this race is exactly what you need to lift the depression. Don't be your own race. Last year, I entered it with the "I'm only here to compete and complete" attitude. I wasn't there to win the event. Trust me, when you see some of the folks on the course, you'll realize that they are probably intimidated by YOU!
The spectators are will feel like a ROCKSTAR.
Get out there, put the blinders on and run your own race...good luck.

2009-07-22 9:16 AM
in reply to: #2300524

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Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
LazyMarathoner - 2009-07-21 10:59 PM
ericolaf - 2009-07-21 3:38 PM
drcherrybomb21 - 2009-07-21 2:57 PM Saturday is forcast to be nice.  Fingers crossed indeed.  Is there gonna be a BT meetup at the underwear run?

I'm not doing the underwear run, but will be out and about on Saturday dropping off bike, etc.  but I'm happy to do a meetup!  E.

I'm planning bike drop later on Saturday. What's everyone else's plan?

I am planning to split up the pre-race hooplah in 2.  On Friday, I will try to attend the briefing, maybe around 3-4p (taking a half day!), and maybe check out the Expo.

On Sat., I will check-in the bike on the early side (starts at 2p, so prob around then), and attend one of the transition zone tours.  Depending on time, I might lolligag around the expo some more.

If anyone would like to meet up briefly, how about 4p on Saturday at Riverside Park and 79th St.?  At the corner of 79th and the park.  I will wear a nasty bright green shirt that says "Ithaca is Gorges!"  (btw, just throwing that time out there, but I'm personally flexible.)

2009-07-22 9:21 AM
in reply to: #2287356

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Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
jmk-brooklyn - 2009-07-15 2:27 PM In case anyone's interested, I got my schedule for the transition tours. I'll be doing tours of the RED transition area on Saturday the 25th from about 3:30 until 5:30 or so. If you happen to be in my group, be sure and say hi! I'll also be on the run course on race day on my black cannondale MTB.

Actually, given that JMK's tours are 3:30-5:30, perhaps it's better if we meet on the earlier side, say, 3p?  We could then all attend his tour!  (at least, those of us doing the Red transition zone--the rest can drop in and say hi to JMK).

JMK, these tours are just walk-in, right?  Also, are you the only one doing the red transition zone tour at that time?  If not, how do we find you?
2009-07-22 9:24 AM
in reply to: #2115456

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
Yep, I'll be doing my RED transition tours beginning around 3:30. You may identify me by my black MTB shorts (since I'll have just ridden over from scouting my race marshal gig at the park) and my brand new shiny white IM70.3 Rhode Island "finisher" cap. I'll probably be wearing a black t-shirt unless they make me wear some kinda volunteer shirt or whatever. I won't be the only one doing the tours and yes, you can just drop in.

Feel free to say hi, and, even if you're in the yellow transition area, I'm happy to answer questions or give suggestions.

Don't be nervous about this race. Despite it's size and the logistics involved, it's a very laid-back and fun event, in my opionon. Lots of people choose this as their first-ever tri and so much of the way it's organized is geared towards that.

Edited by jmk-brooklyn 2009-07-22 9:25 AM
2009-07-22 9:40 AM
in reply to: #2115456

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Norwalk, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
Anyone know if the Sheraton has bike and gear storage until check in time?? I plan on using one of the parking garges in the area and need to know if i need to leave my bike in the car till i go through the Racers briefing or if i can empty the car till the briefing and hotel checkin??

thanx everyone, we should have a nice weekend!!!!

i will hope to check my bike around 2-3pm i am getting into NY at around 11-11:30!!

hope to see some of you there!!1


2009-07-22 10:01 AM
in reply to: #2301241

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
jmk-brooklyn - 2009-07-22 10:24 AM Yep, I'll be doing my RED transition tours beginning around 3:30. You may identify me by my black MTB shorts (since I'll have just ridden over from scouting my race marshal gig at the park) and my brand new shiny white IM70.3 Rhode Island "finisher" cap. I'll probably be wearing a black t-shirt unless they make me wear some kinda volunteer shirt or whatever. I won't be the only one doing the tours and yes, you can just drop in. Feel free to say hi, and, even if you're in the yellow transition area, I'm happy to answer questions or give suggestions. Don't be nervous about this race. Despite it's size and the logistics involved, it's a very laid-back and fun event, in my opionon. Lots of people choose this as their first-ever tri and so much of the way it's organized is geared towards that.

So uncharacteristic of you

I echo what Jonah says, don't be intimidated by this race. In fact, because it is one of the biggest in the country it will likely be one of the most buttoned up events you will ever participate in which makes it so much more stress free. It was my first big race as well and I felt the first-timer field was huge. It's a rare experience to be racing a tri in the middle of NYC so be sure to take it all in and have fun!
2009-07-22 10:08 AM
in reply to: #2300780

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Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
dbw27 - 2009-07-22 7:33 AM Hi:

A lot of you are talking about the wearing and not wearing of shoes in the swim--> bike transition.  I have plantar fasciaitis so I have always put out shoes in the transition area.  I do not want to hinder run in any way (my current injuries are bad enough thank you.)  Do they really sweep the shoes? Sigh. 

On the Plantar Fasciitis bit -- I don't know how serious your case is, but I have a mild to moderate case on my left foot -- it's been on and off for several years.  To be honest, I don't think the 300 yard run barefoot will be a problem--it's more of a cumulative overuse problem, especially with shoes that don't give proper arch support, apparently (in the long run, I'd see a podiatrist about this--they can fit you with orthotics that can help). 

In fact, some phys therapists recommend some barefoot running (albeit on grass) as part of their rehab program, to help stretch the arch.  You might also get online and see about some commercial tapes that can help (just make sure they'll stick in the water--I don't think you'll need to worry about race-legal issues).  In general, just give your foot a good stretch every day from now until race morning, ice it, and massage it by rolling a golf ball or something similar underneath your foot for a few minutes.  You'll be fine! 

Good luck!  E.
2009-07-22 10:23 AM
in reply to: #2301379

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
ericolaf - 2009-07-22 11:08 AM
dbw27 - 2009-07-22 7:33 AM Hi:

A lot of you are talking about the wearing and not wearing of shoes in the swim--> bike transition.  I have plantar fasciaitis so I have always put out shoes in the transition area.  I do not want to hinder run in any way (my current injuries are bad enough thank you.)  Do they really sweep the shoes? Sigh. 

On the Plantar Fasciitis bit -- I don't know how serious your case is, but I have a mild to moderate case on my left foot -- it's been on and off for several years.  To be honest, I don't think the 300 yard run barefoot will be a problem--it's more of a cumulative overuse problem, especially with shoes that don't give proper arch support, apparently (in the long run, I'd see a podiatrist about this--they can fit you with orthotics that can help). 

In fact, some phys therapists recommend some barefoot running (albeit on grass) as part of their rehab program, to help stretch the arch.  You might also get online and see about some commercial tapes that can help (just make sure they'll stick in the water--I don't think you'll need to worry about race-legal issues).  In general, just give your foot a good stretch every day from now until race morning, ice it, and massage it by rolling a golf ball or something similar underneath your foot for a few minutes.  You'll be fine! 

Good luck!  E.

I also have persistent PF, it was acute in my left foot last year and sidelined me for 4 months, and it's moderate in my right foot now. There are some PF specific stretches that do wonders, plus I stretch my calves a few times a day and it helps tremendously. I agree the short run will not do damage and you can always jog it slow or walk, many people do since it's such a long transition.

I'm sure most people set up transition on a towel anyway, but it's nice to quickly wipe your feet on as well before getting into your shoes.

Lastly, I couldn't fit anything inside my wetsuit so I'm not sure how even flip flops would fit in there and I'd be afraid it would restrict motion in swimming. I highly recommend anyone thinking of doing that test it out thoroughly because the last thing you want it to be panicking while in the Hudson with hundreds of swimmers.
2009-07-23 12:55 PM
in reply to: #2115456

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Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
Sooo...I decided to go for a run yesterday morning. Aimed for 5 miles. At mile 3 - I lost it, felt like I had no energy. Walked .25 then ran another .25 and walked the rest.
Was it nutrition? I only had half of a Gu and some gatorade/water before the run. I usually run later in the day but figured I'd have more energy in the am??

Last friday a 6.5 mile run in the blistering sun was not a problem.
Saturday ride/run brick was not a problem.

WTF? I plan on a swim tonight, short run tomorrow, light/slow ride on Saturday to bike drop-off.

2009-07-23 1:15 PM
in reply to: #2304126

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
jackxter - 2009-07-23 1:55 PM Sooo...I decided to go for a run yesterday morning. Aimed for 5 miles. At mile 3 - I lost it, felt like I had no energy. Walked .25 then ran another .25 and walked the rest. Was it nutrition? I only had half of a Gu and some gatorade/water before the run. I usually run later in the day but figured I'd have more energy in the am?? Last friday a 6.5 mile run in the blistering sun was not a problem. Saturday ride/run brick was not a problem. WTF? I plan on a swim tonight, short run tomorrow, light/slow ride on Saturday to bike drop-off.

I hate it when that happens. If you're not a morning runner it could just be that your body isn't used to it and the lower nutrition/hydration you naturally go in with could have made it worse. You wake up in a state of dehydration so I find that running is hard in the a.m. so I do my biking and swimming early, then run at night whenever possible. I am not a morning person at all but IM training and work have forced me to get well acquainted with 5/5:30 a.m. and I have never found myself to be energetic in the morning. It's just unfortunately what i have to do. Also, how long you had the gu prior to running could have an effect. You need 15-30 minutes to absorb it. And what you ate the night before matters too.

Sounds like you have a good plan for the next few days and I'm sure you'll feel better on race day!

2009-07-23 1:16 PM
in reply to: #2304126

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Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
jackxter - 2009-07-23 1:55 PM Sooo...I decided to go for a run yesterday morning. Aimed for 5 miles. At mile 3 - I lost it, felt like I had no energy. Walked .25 then ran another .25 and walked the rest. Was it nutrition? I only had half of a Gu and some gatorade/water before the run. I usually run later in the day but figured I'd have more energy in the am?? Last friday a 6.5 mile run in the blistering sun was not a problem. Saturday ride/run brick was not a problem. WTF? I plan on a swim tonight, short run tomorrow, light/slow ride on Saturday to bike drop-off.

Same here!  I ran on Monday -- quick 3 miles in Central Park--low mileage, but wanted to keep race pace.  Felt like I was going to throw up after 1 mile.  I think it's pre-race jitters.  All mental.  Must get over it.  Quick two loops on the bike today, and maybe a light 15-min swim tonight, and that'll do it for me.  Friday and Saturday I'll just do some stretching and stuff.  Man, I just hope the weather cooperates on Sunday.  Actually will have a crowd cheering me and a friend on, wouldn't want them to get too wet either!

A propos of nothing, I got a new toy today:

I'm going to use it to get some surfing action footage for a vacay I'm taking to California next week, and also for a trip out to Asia later this autumn, but I was thinking that next year, I might decide to film the entire NYC Tri, then edit it so I speed it up into a 5 or 10 minute film.  Would be fun!

2009-07-23 1:31 PM
in reply to: #2304126

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Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
jackxter - 2009-07-23 1:55 PM Sooo...I decided to go for a run yesterday morning. Aimed for 5 miles. At mile 3 - I lost it, felt like I had no energy. Walked .25 then ran another .25 and walked the rest. Was it nutrition? I only had half of a Gu and some gatorade/water before the run. I usually run later in the day but figured I'd have more energy in the am?? Last friday a 6.5 mile run in the blistering sun was not a problem. Saturday ride/run brick was not a problem. WTF? I plan on a swim tonight, short run tomorrow, light/slow ride on Saturday to bike drop-off.

You are not alone.  My coach had us run a 2.5 mile run with 30 second pick-ups at the end (which I did yesterday morning) and while I completed it, it felt hard!  I'm telling myself that my body will be warmed up sufficiently from the swim and bike which should, theoretically make the run that much easier (that is what I am telling myself, again and again).
2009-07-23 2:02 PM
in reply to: #2304228

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Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
I completely bonked after 3.8 miles on monday.  It may have been the sweet tarts I ate before the run.  I have not been training at all the last 2 weeks.  There is a small part of me that is hoping for rain so I have an excuse to pull out since I will not risk riding in the rain.  Fingers crossed.
2009-07-23 2:39 PM
in reply to: #2115456

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Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
Ok, I feel better now. It's good to know that you're not the only one.
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