BT Development Mentor Program Archives » triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED! Rss Feed  
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2010-01-06 4:29 PM
in reply to: #2563913

Little Rock, Arkansas
Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
scott- how old are you?

2010-01-06 8:06 PM
in reply to: #2598756

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth, TX
Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
mcassat - 2010-01-06 4:29 PM scott- how old are you?

I am 37.
2010-01-06 8:17 PM
in reply to: #2563913

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Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
Hey guys,

Some of you seem to be mildly fascinated with the food I eat, and one of my favorite recipe blogs posted a good round-up of her favorite recipes. Read on for some hippy dippy goodness....

I've made a few of these- the carmelized tofu is RIDICULOUS. If you've never made anything with tofu, that's a good one to start with. There are some other very simple, healthy recipes, all of which are vegetarian (I think). Ooooh I can't wait to cook this weekend! It's been a while.

THE paper is almost done. It will be out of my hands on Friday! I have been sitting at a desk for so many hours in the past few weeks that my back hurts and my knees feel weird when I walk. Gross. School starts again on Monday and I can get on an actual training/studying/sleeping schedule. Never thought I'd say this, but I can't wait for the semester to start!
2010-01-07 7:27 AM
in reply to: #2598259

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Extreme Veteran
The Woodlands/Magnolia, TX.
Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
smeador - 2010-01-06 1:43 PM Just completed my 2010 bike Lactate Threshold Test. Kicked my arse. Is interesting the my HR zones actually decreased over last year. For example last year Z1 was 108-131, this year it is 104-127. Is this a good indication or have a I lost something?

i don't usually train by HR, but i would think your zones going down in HR would be an indication that you're more fit today than you were the prior year, in which case....GOOD JOB!.  same effort (zone) with a lower heart rate equals fitter to me.
2010-01-07 8:57 AM
in reply to: #2563913

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Extreme Veteran
The Woodlands/Magnolia, TX.
Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!

question for those with more experience on a bike trainer....and by more experience, i mean anyone that's spent more than 3 sessions on one.

understanding that the common consensus is that MPH and Miles aren't very accurate on a trainer, how do you log your training when using a bike trainer?  so far i've just been entering the stats as i see them on my bike computer so i'm feeling like a complete wus when i'm logging 14mph for 45min and feeling like i just did double that.

i thought about just logging time and effort level, but that doesn't really help much for tracking a weekly/monthly/annual log.

how are you guys logging your trainer data?


2010-01-07 9:24 PM
in reply to: #2563913

Little Rock, Arkansas
Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
About the hr data... Couple of other questions... Did your max drop this year too? That can affect your zones as well and is just related to aging... 1% per year is pretty normal regardless of fitness... Did your resting drop? The best measure of fitness with that data is how much work you can perform in a particular zone without going to the next

2010-01-08 9:10 AM
in reply to: #2601934

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Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
mcassat - 2010-01-07 9:24 PMAbout the hr data... Couple of other questions... Did your max drop this year too? That can affect your zones as well and is just related to aging... 1% per year is pretty normal regardless of fitness... Did your resting drop? The best measure of fitness with that data is how much work you can perform in a particular zone without going to the next
good points! The main point is to get faster or cover more distance in the same amount of time or however you did your test. If you did that then you improve. The bike trainer question, just log your time and do the workout. Resistance levels on the trainer can vary.
2010-01-08 3:21 PM
in reply to: #2601934

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth, TX
Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!

Over the past three years my resting has gone from 75 to 68/69 now. My max did go up for this LTT. I spoke with my coach and she said that it is an indication that I can do morr with less effort!

2010-01-08 8:58 PM
in reply to: #2599925

Montgomery, Tx
Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
antlimon166 - 2010-01-07 8:57 AM

question for those with more experience on a bike trainer....and by more experience, i mean anyone that's spent more than 3 sessions on one.

understanding that the common consensus is that MPH and Miles aren't very accurate on a trainer, how do you log your training when using a bike trainer?  so far i've just been entering the stats as i see them on my bike computer so i'm feeling like a complete wus when i'm logging 14mph for 45min and feeling like i just did double that.

i thought about just logging time and effort level, but that doesn't really help much for tracking a weekly/monthly/annual log.

how are you guys logging your trainer data?


Just log it as you see it.  I always put Trainer ride when I did them so when I look back over the logs I would know.  If you want to get real anal, you could have all trainer ride sessions end with the same 2 numbers all the time.  14.66 or 16.66 or 1.66  I do not think it is off to matter much.  Just think about when you ride around town.  Some rides are easier than others.  I sure know of some down hill routes that are much easier than doing all the elevation changes "Conroe area Hills".  I guess the point is that I do not know what I am talking about and I am stone cold sober.
2010-01-10 2:04 PM
in reply to: #2563913

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Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!

How is everyone's week going? I am back in the Lone Star and time to get back on the grind as soon as I eat the last peanut log and finish off ...well nvm.

I had a good time sight seeing in southern New Mexico and a lot of Arizona. I'll post pics soon.

2010-01-10 8:37 PM
in reply to: #2563913

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Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
Yay I can re-join the world again!! Finished off my paper at a grand total of 140 pages. I hope to never ever write a paper like that again. I am actually so relieved that the semester starts tomorrow! It'll be easier to get back into the swing of things since I never actually left....

So I got in a nice 30-min. spin session and 30 min. of yoga today. It felt so good. I don't know if my neck/back is messed up, but I've been dizzy all week and my entire body was extremely tight from both stress and inactivity, so the yoga felt great. Has any ever had recurring dizziness like that? From what I read on the internet, it sounds like cervical vertigo- fleeting sensations of spinning whenever I turn my head. It's nonexistent in the morning, but then will just pop up at some point in the afternoon. So strange. Luckily it's not too bad.

So quick question for y'all- I hope to have my pro friend write me a training plan this week. She said she'd do it for free, but I want to pay because she's underemployed right now. Anyone know what a reasonable offer would be?

2010-01-12 9:17 PM
in reply to: #2606658

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Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
eca712 - 2010-01-10 8:37 PM Yay I can re-join the world again!! Finished off my paper at a grand total of 140 pages. I hope to never ever write a paper like that again. I am actually so relieved that the semester starts tomorrow! It'll be easier to get back into the swing of things since I never actually left....

So I got in a nice 30-min. spin session and 30 min. of yoga today. It felt so good. I don't know if my neck/back is messed up, but I've been dizzy all week and my entire body was extremely tight from both stress and inactivity, so the yoga felt great. Has any ever had recurring dizziness like that? From what I read on the internet, it sounds like cervical vertigo- fleeting sensations of spinning whenever I turn my head. It's nonexistent in the morning, but then will just pop up at some point in the afternoon. So strange. Luckily it's not too bad.

Congrats on finishing that paper. I hope you did well. I start school next week. 

Dizziness can depend on a variety of things like fatigue, (de)hydration, pushing too hard, blood pressure and could be vertigo. if it's still going check with your local doctor. 

So quick question for y'all- I hope to have my pro friend write me a training plan this week. She said she'd do it for free, but I want to pay because she's underemployed right now. Anyone know what a reasonable offer would be?
2010-01-13 6:17 AM
in reply to: #2563913

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Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
Due to a personal invitation (Thanks to "smilford" aka Stephen with his connection with race directors), I am also in the inviational wave at the Gateway to Bay triathlon in Kemah, Texas...then two weeks later will be Lone Star 70.3. It's going to be a wild year.

Edited by triritter 2010-01-13 6:24 AM
2010-01-13 10:19 AM
in reply to: #2611089

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Houston, TX
Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
triritter - 2010-01-13 6:17 AM

Due to a personal invitation (Thanks to "smilford" aka Stephen with his connection with race directors), I am also in the inviational wave at the Gateway to Bay triathlon in Kemah, Texas...then two weeks later will be Lone Star 70.3. It's going to be a wild year.

I am pretty awesome! My only chance for beating you is in an Olympic, so I had to hook you up. Heres to hoping the swim is long!

Then it's BSLT! Our agegroup should be pretty stacked. What will you do if you get the Kona slot?

Edited by smilford 2010-01-13 10:20 AM
2010-01-13 1:44 PM
in reply to: #2563913

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth, TX
Subject: Side Stitch During Intervals
Does anyone else experience minor "side stitches" when doing run intervals or long tempo runs? If so, what have you found to be the best method to alleviate them?

I sometimes experience issues on the right side. To alleviate I turn my head to the left and breath more deeply.

2010-01-13 10:36 PM
in reply to: #2612137

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Subject: RE: Side Stitch During Intervals
smeador - 2010-01-13 2:44 PM Does anyone else experience minor "side stitches" when doing run intervals or long tempo runs? If so, what have you found to be the best method to alleviate them?

I sometimes experience issues on the right side. To alleviate I turn my head to the left and breath more deeply.

I've heard that "stitches" are due to a lack of oxygen and that the best relief is to breathe deeply to get oxygen to the muscle, so it seems like you're doing the right thing. Who knows if that's true, but it seems to work. I used to also raise the arm on the side that the stitch was on, but I don't think that's as effective- and if it is, it's probably just because it slows you down! :)

2010-01-13 10:52 PM
in reply to: #2563913

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Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
All right people, I need some motivation. It's my first week of school and it's already been insane, and I'm getting a little worried that I won't be able to stick to a training schedule. I mean, I know it's possible- I just need to convince myself I can. Morning workouts are kind of out of the question- as it is, I'm getting up at 6 to get myself and the dog out of bed, fed, ready for the day, and on a train to school by 7:45 (and yes, I know that's a long time to get out of the house in the morning, but there's nothing I hate more than having to rush in the morning). So I'll be working out at night, which I've never been a big fan of. Does anyone prefer to work out at night and want to tell me why it's great? :)

Other than that, I had my friend's mom's funeral on Monday night, which was obviously unavoidable. But then a friend who I rarely to get to see invited me to dinner last night, which knocked out that night's workout since I went there straight from school. Any advice on how to balance social life and tri life? As it is, I need to be more social- my friends usually get the short shrift from me and I'm such a homebody that I'm always tempted to blow off plans, which isn't good for me or my friendships. Have you guys found that it's easier to pick two set nights a week to devote to friends, or to have two floating off nights for when invitations pop up?

Otherwise, dragged myself through a terrible swim tonight. I was a little anxious about it because I haven't been in a while and feel out of shape in general, and then I was swimming in front of two lifeguards who were my age, which made me feel nerdy and embarrassed and tense. Oh and the lap lane was 3 ft on one end and 8 ft on the other, so when I was swimming in that direction and could see the bottom of the floor moving away from me, I felt kind of panicky. I ended up closing my eyes so I wasn't looking at the floor, which did help. But wtf! Once again- any advice on how not to feel nerdy and embarrassed and tense when beginning?

Thanks everyone! How are your lives?
2010-01-13 11:05 PM
in reply to: #2563913

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Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
Oh one more bizarre thing- my shins have been super achy this week. I haven't run in at least two weeks! Could it just be from going from paper writing/sitting all day for two weeks straight to being back to school and on my feet and running around all day? If that's the case, I don't know how I'm ever going to start actually RUNNING again shin-splint-free. It's a little discouraging.

Man, I am such a Debbie Downer today. Sorry guys!
2010-01-14 6:12 AM
in reply to: #2612137

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Subject: RE: Side Stitch During Intervals
smeador - 2010-01-13 1:44 PM Does anyone else experience minor "side stitches" when doing run intervals or long tempo runs? If so, what have you found to be the best method to alleviate them?

I sometimes experience issues on the right side. To alleviate I turn my head to the left and breath more deeply.

No one really knows for sure but a few things. You have ligaments holding stuff together and when you run (most likely when your having them) the ligaments are pulling down, when you are boucning up. Also it could be from exertion which will improve over time with fitness and you still might even get them. Also it could be the foods you eat. everyone is different so hard to say what to eat and what not to eat except the obvious. I find it effective to relieve it some to breathe out when the opposite food lands. I also would reccomend spending 2-3x a week strengthing the core.
2010-01-14 6:15 AM
in reply to: #2611579

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Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
smilford - 2010-01-13 10:19 AM
triritter - 2010-01-13 6:17 AM Due to a personal invitation (Thanks to "smilford" aka Stephen with his connection with race directors), I am also in the inviational wave at the Gateway to Bay triathlon in Kemah, Texas...then two weeks later will be Lone Star 70.3. It's going to be a wild year.
I am pretty awesome! My only chance for beating you is in an Olympic, so I had to hook you up. Heres to hoping the swim is long! Then it's BSLT! Our agegroup should be pretty stacked. What will you do if you get the Kona slot?

I hope the swim is short and you must have alzheimers, what about Wool Capt last year?

2010-01-14 6:22 AM
in reply to: #2613049

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Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
eca712 - 2010-01-13 10:52 PM All right people, I need some motivation. It's my first week of school and it's already been insane, and I'm getting a little worried that I won't be able to stick to a training schedule. I mean, I know it's possible- I just need to convince myself I can. Morning workouts are kind of out of the question- as it is, I'm getting up at 6 to get myself and the dog out of bed, fed, ready for the day, and on a train to school by 7:45 (and yes, I know that's a long time to get out of the house in the morning, but there's nothing I hate more than having to rush in the morning). So I'll be working out at night, which I've never been a big fan of. Does anyone prefer to work out at night and want to tell me why it's great?

Other than that, I had my friend's mom's funeral on Monday night, which was obviously unavoidable. But then a friend who I rarely to get to see invited me to dinner last night, which knocked out that night's workout since I went there straight from school. Any advice on how to balance social life and tri life? As it is, I need to be more social- my friends usually get the short shrift from me and I'm such a homebody that I'm always tempted to blow off plans, which isn't good for me or my friendships. Have you guys found that it's easier to pick two set nights a week to devote to friends, or to have two floating off nights for when invitations pop up?

Otherwise, dragged myself through a terrible swim tonight. I was a little anxious about it because I haven't been in a while and feel out of shape in general, and then I was swimming in front of two lifeguards who were my age, which made me feel nerdy and embarrassed and tense. Oh and the lap lane was 3 ft on one end and 8 ft on the other, so when I was swimming in that direction and could see the bottom of the floor moving away from me, I felt kind of panicky. I ended up closing my eyes so I wasn't looking at the floor, which did help. But wtf! Once again- any advice on how not to feel nerdy and embarrassed and tense when beginning?

Thanks everyone! How are your lives?

4AM Doesn't work for you? You could do some of your runs then (make sure you where lights). Try to knock  you workouts ASAP like right after school. Eat meals in between your classes. As for your shins if there still achy walking /"running" around after 2 weeks of not running you should consider seeing a podiatrist in your area who is hopefully a runner or some other type of athlete.

2010-01-14 7:06 AM
in reply to: #2613049

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Extreme Veteran
The Woodlands/Magnolia, TX.
Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!

eca712 - 2010-01-13 10:52 PM   But wtf! Once again- any advice on how not to feel nerdy and embarrassed and tense when beginning?

just remember, no matter how dorky you think you are...those lifeguards see people everyday that are about 100x dorkier than you.  oh yeah, and don't forget.....they're life guards and you're about to be a lawyer.

2010-01-14 7:24 AM
in reply to: #2563913

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Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
I used to be a life guard...and sorta I still am
2010-01-14 8:24 AM
in reply to: #2613158

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Houston, TX
Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
triritter - 2010-01-14 6:15 AM

smilford - 2010-01-13 10:19 AM
triritter - 2010-01-13 6:17 AM Due to a personal invitation (Thanks to "smilford" aka Stephen with his connection with race directors), I am also in the inviational wave at the Gateway to Bay triathlon in Kemah, Texas...then two weeks later will be Lone Star 70.3. It's going to be a wild year.
I am pretty awesome! My only chance for beating you is in an Olympic, so I had to hook you up. Heres to hoping the swim is long! Then it's BSLT! Our agegroup should be pretty stacked. What will you do if you get the Kona slot?

I hope the swim is short and you must have alzheimers, what about Wool Capt last year?

I said my best chance, not that I WILL. Though I'll be looking to swim 3minutes faster than I did at Wool Capital and ride and run faster as well of course!

Edited by smilford 2010-01-14 8:25 AM
2010-01-14 10:30 AM
in reply to: #2563913

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Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
you have homefield advantage this time. you need to come do the athens sprint in march it's 30 min away from my house.
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