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2012-09-25 2:45 PM
in reply to: #3950313

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Subject: RE: Ironman Cozumel : Official Thread
Did the Escape to Miami Olympic this weekend. Nice chance to check my fitness. Once of my best Oly races to date. Now, just have to get in those longer rides and runs....

2012-09-25 5:41 PM
in reply to: #3950313

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Subject: RE: Ironman Cozumel : Official Thread

Nice work Elias, It always nice when you have a good race like that.

Yes Golfpro...Matrix    going to have to find something new for this weekend, weather not looking so good right now. swimming hasn`t gone to well this year as I really dont like swimming (except on race morning). I did however shave 5 minutes off my 3km swim this morning over last week so I should be in good shape for where I want to be by race day.

My biking and running are spot on for where I want it to be, Ive been averaging 70 miles over the last month or so on my bike rides and the next rides I will be increasing them by approx 10 miles each ride so I hit Coz at my peak. I`m doing the same with my running....doing 17 mile tomorrow then only 13 the week after then bump it up to 2 weeks of 19 miles then 1 week back at 13 then back up to 20 and 21 miles, That should put me close to tappering.

Been tired and more tired, and my pants don`t fit properly anymore


2012-09-26 2:24 PM
in reply to: #3950313

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Subject: RE: Ironman Cozumel : Official Thread

YES, I can't wait for some heat!! It was in the low 60's for my long ride Sunday, which was mostly shaded, and I FROZE, even with tights and a long sleeve compression shirt. I was so miserable. I will run in snow and ice and I love it, but I can't stand biking when it's even remotely cold.

Hoping to meet up with some friends tonight if the thunderstorms go away. We've been regularly biking after work on Wednesday nights but tonight will be our last ride until next year. Daylight's getting shorter around here, BOO. I may be doing all my weekday rides on the trainer soon, even though it wakes the husband up in the morning.

I will return to master swim next week, so that will kick my butt until Coz as far as the swim goes. I really don't have any swim goals beyond making the cutoff, anyway. I did my HIM swim in :48 so I should be fine. Yes, I'm slow, and the water was really choppy, which made me slower. It took me a good 1/3 of the swim before I could get a decent rhythm going. They had a sprint tri the day before and cancelled the swim due to unsafe water conditions. I've mentioned it before - nowhere to practice for chop in Cincinnati!

Less than two months now, ya'll!!

Edited by runk8run 2012-09-26 2:24 PM
2012-09-27 11:21 AM
in reply to: #3950313

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Subject: RE: Ironman Cozumel : Official Thread

So, I am away this weekend until Wednesday next week.

Unless I find a bike shop that rents or a spin bike at the hotel on Sat or Sunday, I am going to be short a long ride or two.

I figured I would add an extra ride tomorrow and then run both Sat and Sun.

What do you think?

2012-09-27 4:06 PM
in reply to: #4428925

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: Ironman Cozumel : Official Thread
runk8run - 2012-09-26 3:24 PM

YES, I can't wait for some heat!! 

Less than two months now, ya'll!!

Hard to believe is just around the corner!

My wife is just as excited but I am pretty sure is because of beaches/warm weather, I am too...

Does any one have an excel spreadsheet of the items needed for trip/race ?

I found a couple in the net... any one else have one?




p.s - I had a cheat sheet I used for the last couple of years but for the life of me, I cannot find it!

2012-09-27 4:16 PM
in reply to: #3950313

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Subject: RE: Ironman Cozumel : Official Thread

@ Golfpro...they have one on this site in your training log section (race checklist) which I find is one of the best out there, you can also add items that may not be on their list and it will print it out nicly for you.

@Eli...Missing one long ride wont hurt you, but if you can get it in before you go all the better.

2012-09-27 4:32 PM
in reply to: #4430981

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: Ironman Cozumel : Official Thread

Thanks Nate.

@Eli - ditto with what Nate said.

2012-09-27 11:08 PM
in reply to: #4409673

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, Florida
Subject: RE: Ironman Cozumel : Official Thread
Hi Leapdog. I am in St Paul and grateful it will be in the upper 70's this weekend. I have a 4 hour ride planned. Looking for suggestions on routes. Any ideas?
2012-09-28 4:26 AM
in reply to: #4431399

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Ironman Cozumel : Official Thread

Doing 6 hr brick (4/2) on Saturday leaving early from White Bear Lake if you're interested.  Temps look favorable so should be on the road by 7am.  PM me for further detail if interested. 


djblair - 2012-09-27 11:08 PM Hi Leapdog. I am in St Paul and grateful it will be in the upper 70's this weekend. I have a 4 hour ride planned. Looking for suggestions on routes. Any ideas?

2012-09-28 9:19 AM
in reply to: #3950313

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Subject: RE: Ironman Cozumel : Official Thread

I am proud of myself. I worked overtime this week and didn't miss TOO much workout time. I could've gotten one in this morning, but I have been tired all week - my run yesterday was a suckfest - and I have work to catch up on. I skipped one short brick and a swim that, in all honesty, I really didn't think I was going to do anyway, haha.

Hoping my work schedule for the next month is a bit more manageable.

We finished our group ride the other night right before the thunderstorms hit and it was epic. We averaged over 20 mph for 25 miles, which is crazy fast for me but it felt amazing! On my $600 roadie, I was keeping up with the guys on their shiny new carbon tri bikes!

That may explain yesterday's suckfest run. Oh well, I really did need an extra rest day.

Ya'll, cross your fingers for both my work schedule and my health. I work with germ-magnet kids and everyone's been sick lately. I'm stocking up on vitamins!!!

2012-09-28 10:11 AM
in reply to: #3950313

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Subject: RE: Ironman Cozumel : Official Thread

Way to go on the ride!

As others have said, don't worry about missing a workout here or there, as long as you are consistent, and don't miss too many long ones, you should be OK.

2012-09-29 1:17 PM
in reply to: #3950313

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: Ironman Cozumel : Official Thread

Hope everyone is doing well and having a great weekend.. of training.

Yesterday I had my longest run so far since February. Today no knee issues or anything. I am really glad about that! I am hoping to be in the low teens by the end of next week.



2012-09-30 8:23 AM
in reply to: #3950313

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Subject: RE: Ironman Cozumel : Official Thread

Oh, this is the weekend of bad decisions.

That trail half marathon yesterday? Beautiful but a really really bad idea. I love trail running but I'm not super experienced at it. I thought it would be ok if I took it easy, maybe even better than road running because of the soft terrain. Nope. I aggravated some kind of tendon issue in my foot that I THOUGHT would be ok.  It didn't help that I kept stubbing my toe and catching it on roots. Then I fell and gave myself one heck of a swollen, bruised and skinned knee, and today I'm aching in leg muscles that I didn't know existed. The race felt great at the time (aside from falling and a little twinge in my foot), but I'm barely able to walk this morning. Ugh.

Then I was out late last night for a friend's birthday and didn't sleep well.

Time to bust out a long ride. I may have to go about 12 mph. Groan.

2012-10-01 8:58 AM
in reply to: #3950313

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Subject: RE: Ironman Cozumel : Official Thread

Hey folks.  I figured I had better jump on the bandwagon here.  With only about 8 weeks to go I am bound to need some outside support to get thru the big push Smile

My wife and six kids will be travelling to the race with me and we will stay for the week following to vacation.  This will be my first full IM distance event, so I'm a 50/50 mix of excited and scared to death.

The weekend workouts went well.  I did a 75/6 brick on Saturday and 18 mile long run Sunday morning. 



2012-10-02 1:02 PM
in reply to: #4434648

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: Ironman Cozumel : Official Thread
vbellino - 2012-10-01 9:58 AM

Hey folks.  I figured I had better jump on the bandwagon here.  With only about 8 weeks to go I am bound to need some outside support to get thru the big push Smile

My wife and six kids will be travelling to the race with me and we will stay for the week following to vacation.  This will be my first full IM distance event, so I'm a 50/50 mix of excited and scared to death.

The weekend workouts went well.  I did a 75/6 brick on Saturday and 18 mile long run Sunday morning. 




Keep it up!!!! 

Edited by golfpro 2012-10-02 1:02 PM
2012-10-02 1:04 PM
in reply to: #4433709

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: Ironman Cozumel : Official Thread
runk8run - 2012-09-30 9:23 AM

Oh, this is the weekend of bad decisions.

That trail half marathon yesterday? Beautiful but a really really bad idea. I love trail running but I'm not super experienced at it. I thought it would be ok if I took it easy, maybe even better than road running because of the soft terrain. Nope. I aggravated some kind of tendon issue in my foot that I THOUGHT would be ok.  It didn't help that I kept stubbing my toe and catching it on roots. Then I fell and gave myself one heck of a swollen, bruised and skinned knee, and today I'm aching in leg muscles that I didn't know existed. The race felt great at the time (aside from falling and a little twinge in my foot), but I'm barely able to walk this morning. Ugh.

Then I was out late last night for a friend's birthday and didn't sleep well.

Time to bust out a long ride. I may have to go about 12 mph. Groan.


I hope you are feeling better! and BE CAREFUL! 

1 month 22 day 16 hrs 55 mins to go!!!!!!!

Edited by golfpro 2012-10-02 1:04 PM

2012-10-02 6:25 PM
in reply to: #3950313

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Subject: RE: Ironman Cozumel : Official Thread

another long bike ride last Saturday---inside again---4.5 hrs on the trainer then ran outside, we did 2/3 of the Iron distance on the bike and 1/3 of the run, was very happy with the pace of the run after that bike ride. Just doing a 3 - 3.5 hr bike ride this weekend so i hope it will not rain.

We watched one movie then switched to Ironman youtube clips.

 Swimming is going ok, really not my focus for this Ironman, hope to get thought it in 1:30 hrs, Im sure if I had put more focus on it I can get it down to 1:10 ish but I just dont like swimming much.


2012-10-03 9:47 AM
in reply to: #3950313

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Subject: RE: Ironman Cozumel : Official Thread

Rough travel week so not much training for me so far. However, I am looking forward to getting some good bike time in this weekend.

Getting excited to be on the home stretch!

2012-10-03 2:37 PM
in reply to: #3950313

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Subject: RE: Ironman Cozumel : Official Thread

I need some help from someone who gets it. The weather has changed here. It's gray and dreary most days, I'm working overtime and under a lot more stress at work, and I'm tired all the time. I don't want to train anymore. I'm wondering why the he!! I thought I had any business signing up for an IM. I want to drop out of life and cry and sleep.

I was going to do an organized century on Saturday, then I decided to do the 75 mile option, but it's only supposed to be in the 30's at start time and it's supposed to rain all day so I think I'm going to bail....but then what? 5 hours on a trainer? Ugh, kill me. I've got other commitments on Sunday so I think Sunday's out for a long ride.

PS - I don't tolerate cold well, particularly not when biking. Lately I've been wearing tights and arm warmers for group rides while my friends still show up in shorts and sleeveless jerseys.

My foot still hurts and I hope to God it's not a stress fracture. I mean, I have a number of reasons to believe it's not, and it's improved a LOT since this weekend (fully weight-bearing, not really painful to walk on, just more annoying than anything) and I'm ridiculously mad at myself for overdoing it. I'm not too concerned about losing run fitness at this point, it's just frustrating waiting out an injury.

The irony is that masters started up again last night and I LOVED it. It's SO much better than swimming solo. Time flew by and I pushed myself way harder than I ever do alone. So I'm pretty motivated to swim with the masters group.

Can anyone help me work through all this crap? I keep telling myself one more month, one more month, then taper time....just get through the next month.

2012-10-03 7:17 PM
in reply to: #3950313

Subject: RE: Ironman Cozumel : Official Thread

where is everyone staying? has anyone tried a villa and cook your own food vs all inclusive? i want to sign up for 2013!



2012-10-04 8:09 AM
in reply to: #4439790

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Subject: RE: Ironman Cozumel : Official Thread
ahhchon - 2012-10-03 7:17 PM

where is everyone staying? has anyone tried a villa and cook your own food vs all inclusive? i want to sign up for 2013!



In 2010 I stayed at the Cozumel Palace. It was all inclusive and a great vacation/race with nothing to worry about. However, it was  pricey.

This time we are staying at a smaller hotel/condo type place with kitchens. I am looking forward to it as I like to cook and will also give me an excuse to explore the local food scene more.

2012-10-04 8:17 AM
in reply to: #4439304

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Subject: RE: Ironman Cozumel : Official Thread
runk8run - 2012-10-03 2:37 PM

 I want to drop out of life and cry and sleep.

 I'm not too concerned about losing run fitness at this point, it's just frustrating waiting out an injury.

So I'm pretty motivated to swim with the masters group.

Can anyone help me work through all this crap? I keep telling myself one more month, one more month, then taper time....just get through the next month.

OK, number 1...take a deep breath. 

Let the breath out.


Now, training fatigue is a real problem. The mental effort to get geared up and ready for lots of training can be exhausting. 

For the weather, I can't help you. Biking in crappy weather can suck. anything on the trainer over about 2 hours is brutal. However, you can always try to mix it up a bit. See if someone else wants to come ride a trainer next to you for an hour or so to give you some company. Break up your long ride into a 2 a day to make each ride easier. Or, ride harder for a little less time.

As far as training fatigue...How much time are you putting in right now? You can always take a week (or even more) at reduced volume and do some unstructured training. Play around a little, do shorter, faster stuff, sleep in, etc.

If you take two days off, you will be itching to do something.

If you just do 30-40 minutes steady for 2 or 3 days, just to keep your body in the game without the mental effort of "TRAINING FOR AN IM" it can help reset. You need to sleep and recover. Missing a few workouts isn't going to keep you from finishing, and re-finding your motivation will be worth it.

Good luck!!!!

2012-10-04 10:04 AM
in reply to: #4439790

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Ironman Cozumel : Official Thread

Staying in a condo on the run course.

This is a pretty decent option if you don't mind shopping and doing some of your own cooking.

ahhchon - 2012-10-03 7:17 PM

where is everyone staying? has anyone tried a villa and cook your own food vs all inclusive? i want to sign up for 2013!



2012-10-04 4:14 PM
in reply to: #4439304

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Subject: RE: Ironman Cozumel : Official Thread
runk8run - 2012-10-03 2:37 PM

Can anyone help me work through all this crap? I keep telling myself one more month, one more month, then taper time....just get through the next month.

Keep doing what you are doing and try not to burn out. Consider Cozumel being a great vacation destination first and race second. When the crowd cheers and roars all day, you will know that all of the hard work put in was worth it for you and others. Don't stress about it.
2012-10-05 7:28 AM
in reply to: #3950313

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Subject: RE: Ironman Cozumel : Official Thread

Thanks guys. It's not so much training fatigue as life fatigue at this point. My job is mentally draining which leaves me with little mental energy to want to get out and train, although physically I'm fine. Well, besides my foot right now. That's improving though. My work schedule is inconsistent so I haven't been able to get into as much of a training groove as I suspect others have. My schedule can even change within 24 hours notice. Pretty much, if I had a less stressful job right now, my training would probably be better. I'll be honest, it's been a long while since I've had a week where I hit everything on my training plan or even only skipped one workout in a week. I don't feel ok about that, although I'm doing my best with what I've got right now.

I haven't found anyone yet that wants to ride alongside me on a trainer! Nobody else I know is training for a tri right now, either, so they're not motivated to get on the trainer. Heck, I wouldn't be either. I'm thinking I may do a spin class or two as part of my "long ride" this weekend if the weather's not cooperative. I know it's not exactly the same but it would be much, much better than doing the trainer for the whole ride.

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