BT Development Mentor Program Archives » SPRINT & OLY FOCUS - closed Rss Feed  
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2015-01-28 11:28 AM
in reply to: SenatorClayDavis

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Great White North
Subject: RE: SPRINT & OLY FOCUS - Open
As you get faster people start jumping out of the way. Sometimes you adjust a little here and there but most folks see how fast I am going and don't push in front of me if I am about to go. The worst are the ones that ask when I am going and refuse to wait 5 to 15 seconds and push off in front and get passed 10 metres up the pool.

Once you are ready for 100s I strongly recommend the Tempo Trainer Pro. You can set it and at each 25 it beeps at your goal pace. I can see you getting down to 1.35 to 1.40/100 for 10x100 in the medium term (by June or July). If you can up the frequency it will come sooner.

You may hit a glass ceiling after that depending on technique and training volume/frequency.

Paddles with wrist straps are a waste of time. Finger straps only. That way you are forced to keep a high elbow/EVF.

2015-01-31 7:23 AM
in reply to: simpsonbo

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Ottawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: SPRINT & OLY FOCUS - Open
Alright, 1:35 is my goal then.

I was hoping to get some saturday swims in but my oldest daughter is now enrolled in ballet classes during pool time so that's out until later in the spring. Once it's warm enough I'll start adding in some open water swims too.

At this point I feel like I'm getting enough of a workout without paddles, but maybe I'll work them in later on. Two of the dudes at my pool don't actually use paddles, they use gloves with webbed fingers. They all basically do the same 1500m non-stop routine though.
2015-01-31 11:23 PM
in reply to: SenatorClayDavis

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Subject: RE: SPRINT & OLY FOCUS - Open
Goal achieved for this week.....Nutrition!

Have managed to increase my intake of calories, protein and carbs. Feeling happier and have more energy!

Goals for next week....

Going for my first post - night-shift swim Monday morning to see how I get on! ( I actually managed to swim 1000m for the first time ( with a structured workout)) on Thursday!

Need to work on my running technique. My legs feel so slow and heavy!

Also beginning to make / Bake my own flapjack, for snacking on at work prior to exercise

( 5.22 am here at present! I should be working!)

Enjoy your weekend folks
2015-02-01 12:48 PM
in reply to: simpsonbo

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Ottawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: SPRINT & OLY FOCUS - Open
Some interesting notes on swim training for triathlon from Ontario triathlete Cody Beals as he trains with Magnolia Masters:

Nothing really surprising but does reinforce a lot of what I've been learning over the last little while.
2015-02-01 11:37 PM
in reply to: SenatorClayDavis

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Great White North
Subject: RE: SPRINT & OLY FOCUS - Open
Cody has been working with that group for a bit now and is seeing improvements. I have posted back and forth on ST with him.
2015-02-02 8:59 AM
in reply to: SenatorClayDavis

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Great White North
Subject: RE: SPRINT & OLY FOCUS - Open
Mini me ran a good 1200... not 1st but faster despite it being an extra lap. 6.02 for 60.3/lap vs last meet's 1000 in 5.13. Better pacing this time out.

Next meet in a month and the 600 is the long race.

2015-02-02 2:09 PM
in reply to: #5087100

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Subject: RE: SPRINT & OLY FOCUS - closed

Managed 700 m swim this morning after a 10hr nightshift. Surprisingly I really enjoyed it although felt depleted somewhat.

4hrs sleep and then out for a 10 k run. Didn't intend to make it that long, I was concentrating on my technique and surprised myself with a good time considering!

Legs are dead now especially as the wife dragged me out for a walk (her exercise for the day) in sub-zero temperatures!
2015-02-02 9:15 PM
in reply to: Gilch49

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Great White North
Subject: RE: SPRINT & OLY FOCUS - closed
-20 tonight... indoor training on the menu. Ran 11 k Saturday in fresh snow (-10) during track practice with another parent from Lachlan's club.
2015-02-05 8:45 PM
in reply to: Gilch49

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Great White North
Subject: RE: SPRINT & OLY FOCUS - closed
How is the week going??

Goals made ? Missed ? Lessons learned??
2015-02-05 9:14 PM
in reply to: simpsonbo

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Ottawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: SPRINT & OLY FOCUS - closed
Times are still coming down.

Last week average 49s and 51s for my two 10x50 sets.

This week is was 47s and 49s.

Felt good at the end of session and ripped off a couple 100s at 1:49 and 1:46.

I'm feeling more confident and consistent with my form in the water too. I think I'm using my core more, got a faster pull, and have settled into what may be a little weird but feels the most natural and powerful to me, a 3-beat kick.

Running is feeling good too. No signs of injury so far. Haven't yet run with my heart rate monitor since I'm really just working up to running for 30 minutes straight, but I feel like I'm probably in upper Zone 3. Seems like the thing to do is spend most of your running in Zone 2 with a relatively smaller amount of speedwork, but I'll get to that once I'm a full time runner.
2015-02-06 1:02 PM
in reply to: SenatorClayDavis

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Great White North
Subject: RE: SPRINT & OLY FOCUS - closed
Good improvements. No big plateaus so far.

2015-02-06 4:18 PM
in reply to: #5089814

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Subject: RE: SPRINT & OLY FOCUS - closed
Goals met this week:
Diet has vastly improved. More energy and not so grumpy.
Work on my run technique has moved forward. Pace seems better and more efficient.
Swimming is difficult as I feel tired after a nightshift then hitting the pool. Decided short swim is for after a nightshift and long swim pre- nightshift.

All in all a good week, injury free, still motivated and now to recover
2015-02-08 8:08 AM
in reply to: simpsonbo

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Ottawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: SPRINT & OLY FOCUS - closed
Bo can you comment on periodization and what you do at different points in the season, specifically on the bike?

I've just left my Base 1 phase, where I focused on building aerobic capacity via upper Zone 2 riding (basically staying as close to 145bpm as possible) 2 days a week and then an interval session (mostly 8 minute intervals @ about zone 4.5).

In Base 2 my plan is to focus more on increasing my threshold, keeping one Zone 2 ride but focusing my remaining two sessions on shorter intervals (:30-1:30) that will be zone 5 efforts.

Once I get into the Build phase I'll lengthen the intervals again, from 5-8 min, 10-15, increasing the time gradually to where I'll eventually be doing 40k TTs (which is essentially all I did last year)

Does this plan make sense? Is there always a place for the short hard efforts or does where I'm putting them in my plan make sense?
2015-02-08 5:48 PM
in reply to: SenatorClayDavis

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Great White North
Subject: RE: SPRINT & OLY FOCUS - closed
Fall (after Labour Day)

Mostly outdoor rides either road or mtb 90 min to 2 hrs. No serious structure just have fun. That continues through October and early November dependant on weather. If I ride indoors at that point its a movie or video on the weekend or a structured workout during the week. I try to race local XC run races around this time as well.

As it gets colder the rides get more focused except on the days I get outside its 60 to 90 min and no serious structure and just try to ride steady.

This season in December I was getting 3 rides /week one at 90 min, 2 at 45-60 min. All are structured but one is usually a tad easier with shorter reps and more z2 riding. The long ride has some longer z2 segments but still plenty of hard stuff. January was 2-3 x / week (mostly 2) 1 longer (90) & 1 shorter 45 to 60. Working a run focus at the moment.

Swim and run are my priority for now.
2015-02-08 7:37 PM
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Great White North
Subject: RE: SPRINT & OLY FOCUS - closed
Come March and April outdoor riding starts and I get more specific on my outdoor rides with intervals and climbing.

Not probably the answer you are looking for but in a nutshell my riding goes like this...

Think of it as a theme chart. Its based on lifestyle and maximizing my training and recovery opportunities.

Base endurance. SEPT / OCT
Strength and Power. NOV-JAN
S&P/Threshold FEB
Climbing/Endurance MAR-APR
Race Pace and Maintenance MAY-AUG

Edited by simpsonbo 2015-02-08 7:44 PM
2015-02-09 3:50 PM
in reply to: simpsonbo

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Ottawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: SPRINT & OLY FOCUS - closed
That makes sense. Similar idea to what I'm doing, if a slightly different focus.

2015-02-10 9:32 PM
in reply to: simpsonbo

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Ottawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: SPRINT & OLY FOCUS - closed
I was sick this weekend so took saturday and sunday off from training (converted training time into napping time), and just did an easy Zone 2 ride on monday instead of my usual intervals... but back in the pool tonight as usual. Figured my times wouldn't be great as I'm still recovering, and I did end up being slightly slower (my 10x50s averaged 49s and 50s) but not bad considering.

Two small victories:
1) my second 10x50 set was ridiculously consistent (basically all within 1s)
2) I went under 1:30 for 100m (ended my warmup with a 100 "strong effort" that ended up being 1:28)

So feeling good about next week when I should be back to 100%. To be honest I'm really pleased to hit that 1:30 milestone 6 weeks into swim training, and it really fired me up to reach my goal of averaging 1:35 for 10x100. I'm not going to jump the gun and start doing sets of 100 anytime soon, but it's nice to have that confidence for when I do get there.
2015-02-14 7:47 AM
in reply to: SenatorClayDavis

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Great White North
Subject: RE: SPRINT & OLY FOCUS - closed
Weekend on deck.
2015-02-15 3:25 PM
in reply to: #5078401

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Subject: RE: SPRINT & OLY FOCUS - closed
Hi all,
I'm looking for some advice on Stretching / using a foam roller.
My hamstrings and glutes are so tight at present and I'm struggling to get them the rest they need for recovery!
I read a few articles on running / cycling suggesting a quick stretch after exercise with a longer stretch session later in the day! I've been following this advice, but now wonder if because of my age (49) I should be stretching and Rolling immediately after exercise?

I went for a ride today approx 34 miles ( normally I'd class that as easy) today and I got back and could hardly walk as my legs were aching so much. Yesterday was a rest day although I did an 8 mile walk with my partner. Haven't stretched yet from my ride as at the time I felt too sore to do it.

When do you stretch/roll ?
2015-02-15 7:11 PM
in reply to: Gilch49

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Ottawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: SPRINT & OLY FOCUS - closed
My understanding, from reading and talking with my massage therapist, is that you don't want to stretch cold muscles. So you get maximum benefit from stretching immediately after a workout, and if you want to have another stretch session later in the day, you should warm up the muscles with a heat pack first. Stretching is ideally static, and should be between 10-30s long.

Can't comment on the foam roller as I've never used one. But I always stretch out thoroughly after every run or bike session - calves, hamstrings, quads/IT band, and hips, 3x30s each.

Check out this video at the 17 minute mark for some notes on hamstring stretching:
2015-02-15 7:43 PM
in reply to: SenatorClayDavis

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Great White North
Subject: RE: SPRINT & OLY FOCUS - closed
I foam roll a fair bit mostly after training. I would heat the muscles up for a stand alone session.

2015-02-18 3:44 PM
in reply to: #5093486

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Subject: RE: SPRINT & OLY FOCUS - closed
Thanks for the advice,
However, during my swim session today I was on my swim down with 3 lengths to go and my calf popped! Arrrgghh! Severe cramp! It did ease and I finished my session.

Could this be related to my previously mentioned " tight " legs or dehydration ( haven't got to drinking whilst swimming yet)?

I have been using a cooling gel on my hamstrings and IT band which has helped immensely. I will be taking a few ice baths in future and now understand the importance of recovery.

Btw! Swimming has been the worrying discipline for me, until now! Things are really slotting into place and I'm enjoying my sessions more and more! Not only am I swimming further each session but my 25 s are getting quicker!

2015-02-18 9:20 PM
in reply to: el penguino

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Great White North
Subject: RE: SPRINT & OLY FOCUS - Open
Mid Week Check In...

How is everyone making out? I know its been snowing lots in the east. We are the opposite and Ski Resorts are closing down or reducing operations.

Anyone come up with new multi tasking/scheduling to improve their training / family balance?
2015-02-18 9:22 PM
in reply to: Gilch49

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Great White North
Subject: RE: SPRINT & OLY FOCUS - closed
Good to hear about the results. Calf or foot cramps in triathletes and adult onset swimmers is a common thing...
2015-02-19 9:40 AM
in reply to: simpsonbo

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Subject: RE: SPRINT & OLY FOCUS - closed
The temperature here in the UK has picked up this week, almost into double figures! I even managed to get out of the garage on my bike twice!

My diet is improving all the time! I have more energy and managing to keep the weight loss to a minimum each week

Running is becoming enjoyable. I make the runs hard at the beginning of the week and tail off towards the weekend.

Cycling has always been my thang.... but now my rides are structured rather than leisure rides.

Swimming is improving all the time as previously stated, still cant commit to more than two sessions a week at present due to work / social commitments.

There is a local Duathlon taking place close to me on Saturday, so I will pop along to either spectate or volunteer!

Have a good weekend folks
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