BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED! Rss Feed  
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2011-03-28 6:09 PM
in reply to: #3418664

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2000500100100100100 home in The ATL
Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!
Fred Doucette - 2011-03-28 6:21 PM
GoFaster - 2011-03-28 4:04 PM

Okay, my next long run is scheduled for this weekend.  So we'll see if I can hold back a little and run in a Z1 pace, and let it end in Z2 at most.  For runs that are in a more rolling terrain, will you apply the same principals so that you're going really slow on steeper uphill sections, or will you allow your HR to drift a bit on the uphills?

Also - I'd asked about rides, do you apply the same logic to riding, or are higher intensities fine since it's lower impact?

Rides are fine for higher intensity.

I think it's ok to drift up un the hills within reason.

I also think people know when they are pushing too hard and sort of cheating.

I admit that I am a somewhat recent convert to this whole Z1/Z2 running thing myself. I too hated it at first. After about 3 months of it back in October-December, I found that I was not running any faster, but that I was running the same pace as three months prior with much less effort. In other words, my Z3 pace had become my Z2 pace. What I mostly attribute it to is not a change in fitness, but rather a change in running efficiency - during these long Z1/Z2 runs I was simultaneously working on getting my running cadence higher: up to 180 spm. This was dictated by my coach, and no - during these runs I was NOT allowed to let my HR creep up on hills. If I got out of zone at all, I had to walk until my HR had dropped at least 5 bpm below the max for the zone. Absolutely miserable. But I did find myself over that three months finding it easier and easier to just "float" up the hills with ever-increasing efficiency. I think that simply by throttling the power back I had to find other ways to run fast. What goes of course with this kind of running is your LT, which now I am working on again - and while it is too early to make any definitive assessments - I do feel much more efficient and have even found it necessary to experiment with various different kinds of shoes that work better with my "new" mechanics.

2011-03-28 6:12 PM
in reply to: #3418679

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Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!
Fred Doucette - 2011-03-28 6:26 PM

jsiegs - 2011-03-28 4:13 PM So my accoplishment for the day was ordering $110 worth of evergy.  All in all, I got 20,240 calories (half a cent per calorie!), so I should be good for awhile.  I just wanted some of the Powerbar perform since they're using it on my 70.3 and because I think I'm one of the few who like it, but then they they had a deal of buy a box of gels, get a box of bars (also POwerbar/gel) for free, so I got a little carried away with all the "savings"!

Ha I just had a massive 50 lb bag of malto shipped to my house. It's HUGE.

Do you have containers to put it in?  Now you have enough malto to last about 2-3 years of IM training for under $60!

Jseigs will you put up the link to the buy one get one free Powerbar gels? For those of us training for a WTC IM or 70.3 great training fuel.

2011-03-28 6:15 PM
in reply to: #3418735

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2011-03-28 7:06 PM
in reply to: #3418417

2000500100100100100 home in The ATL
Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!

jsiegs - 2011-03-28 4:13 PM So my accoplishment for the day was ordering $110 worth of evergy.  All in all, I got 20,240 calories (half a cent per calorie!), so I should be good for awhile.  I just wanted some of the Powerbar perform since they're using it on my 70.3 and because I think I'm one of the few who like it, but then they they had a deal of buy a box of gels, get a box of bars (also POwerbar/gel) for free, so I got a little carried away with all the "savings"!

Hey Joe - that is a great deal. I switched over to powerbar brand nutrition when I signed up for IMLP, just because I wanted to get used to living off the land during the race. I was running low this weekend, so when I went out to purchase a new supply , I found that they have (apparently) rebranded their "Endurance" line of powder with the "Perform" label, matching their liquid drink. Anybody know of any significant difference between the two? They seem mostly the same; the powder version has 4% magnesium, while the liquid has 2%. The only real ingredient difference is the liquid contains "salt" the powder does not list it - I sure would rather use the powder than the bottled version for training...

2011-03-28 7:43 PM
in reply to: #3256949

Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!

I am really glad you had safe travels, Randy, and good times with your son.

Hope your Dad is hanging in there, Kathy.

Good luck with HIM Todd!

Interesting on the run zone discussion...all i know is after reading stuff here, I keep trying to slow down on runs in general , but I don't really like it.... I try to keep telling myself the goal is just not to get injured and that I won't be running *any* fast miles in IM so no need to practice fast (in fact nice to get that fast walking in gear Smile)...I am enjoying this journey but I will say I do also look a tiny bit forward to the "after" plan when (after recovered of course, and God willing I survive the IM) I can start doing 6 something minute mile repeats again, etc. I know my body and I know this is *not* something I can be doing right now.

2011-03-29 6:26 AM
in reply to: #3418735

Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!
KathyG - 2011-03-28 7:12 PM
Fred Doucette - 2011-03-28 6:26 PM

jsiegs - 2011-03-28 4:13 PM So my accoplishment for the day was ordering $110 worth of evergy.  All in all, I got 20,240 calories (half a cent per calorie!), so I should be good for awhile.  I just wanted some of the Powerbar perform since they're using it on my 70.3 and because I think I'm one of the few who like it, but then they they had a deal of buy a box of gels, get a box of bars (also POwerbar/gel) for free, so I got a little carried away with all the "savings"!

Ha I just had a massive 50 lb bag of malto shipped to my house. It's HUGE.

Do you have containers to put it in?  Now you have enough malto to last about 2-3 years of IM training for under $60!

Jseigs will you put up the link to the buy one get one free Powerbar gels? For those of us training for a WTC IM or 70.3 great training fuel.


Fred - did you mention this before and I missed it?  If not, where'd you get it, how are you using it, etc?  Do you just mix it with water or eat it pixie stick style?  Sounds like you got 10x the calories for half the cost.

2011-03-29 7:12 AM
in reply to: #3256949

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!
Hey all! Last post from me for a few weeks as I'm off on holiday with the GF where workouts will consist of surfing, swimming, possibly some running but a lot of sun and sangria to balance it all out.

In the mean time - have a great time training and keep up the good work!

Now where did I leave my beach shorts .........
2011-03-29 8:00 AM
in reply to: #3256949

Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!

Here is some information on nutrition using maltodextrin.


Check out this blog and it explains it pretty well.

I do 22 grams every 20' on the bike and 15 grams every 20' on the run.

I make 7 dose bottles with 154 grams including maltodextrin and flavoring I use strawberry lemonade by country time as I tried a bunch and I like it I aim at 144 grams malt and then add ~10 grams of lemonade mix. I add 3 Lava Salts for electrolytes...and use a 28 oz bottle. I probably need to make it 6 dose bottles so not as concentrated.

Run I use fuel belt flasks and add 29 grams of malt and 3 grams of flavoring with 1 Lava salt.

The amount of malt various more on height than weight....I backed off a little to the 22/15 amounts after using it for a few months based on advice I got from my coach at the time.

This is the place where I buy it

2011-03-29 11:11 AM
in reply to: #3419320

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2011-03-29 11:52 AM
in reply to: #3256949

Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!

I had a pretty good swim today on top of nearly 20 miles of running the past 2 days.  I hope I have something left for a ride. 
Trying to keep my long runs at an easier pace but will build the pace towards the end.  I been doing this awhile and while I should be running even slower I think It’s working for me.   
How’s everybody training come about?



2011-03-29 1:23 PM
in reply to: #3418729

Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!
TankBoy - 2011-03-28 7:09 PM
Fred Doucette - 2011-03-28 6:21 PM
GoFaster - 2011-03-28 4:04 PM

Okay, my next long run is scheduled for this weekend.  So we'll see if I can hold back a little and run in a Z1 pace, and let it end in Z2 at most.  For runs that are in a more rolling terrain, will you apply the same principals so that you're going really slow on steeper uphill sections, or will you allow your HR to drift a bit on the uphills?

Also - I'd asked about rides, do you apply the same logic to riding, or are higher intensities fine since it's lower impact?

Rides are fine for higher intensity.

I think it's ok to drift up un the hills within reason.

I also think people know when they are pushing too hard and sort of cheating.

I admit that I am a somewhat recent convert to this whole Z1/Z2 running thing myself. I too hated it at first. After about 3 months of it back in October-December, I found that I was not running any faster, but that I was running the same pace as three months prior with much less effort. In other words, my Z3 pace had become my Z2 pace. What I mostly attribute it to is not a change in fitness, but rather a change in running efficiency - during these long Z1/Z2 runs I was simultaneously working on getting my running cadence higher: up to 180 spm. This was dictated by my coach, and no - during these runs I was NOT allowed to let my HR creep up on hills. If I got out of zone at all, I had to walk until my HR had dropped at least 5 bpm below the max for the zone. Absolutely miserable. But I did find myself over that three months finding it easier and easier to just "float" up the hills with ever-increasing efficiency. I think that simply by throttling the power back I had to find other ways to run fast. What goes of course with this kind of running is your LT, which now I am working on again - and while it is too early to make any definitive assessments - I do feel much more efficient and have even found it necessary to experiment with various different kinds of shoes that work better with my "new" mechanics.

Rusty - good points, and I've read this type of experience in the past.  The whole "run slower to get faster" mantra.  Like you said, it can feel miserable to run so slowly sometimes, and I have done it in the past.  I guess I just picked a different model for the upcoming HM since I only had 18 weeks to prepare.  But based on the suggestions from the group, I'm going to see how I feel running slower this coming weekend.

Question - was it a case of only doing Z1/2 runs Oct to Dec, or was that just for the long run?

2011-03-29 4:09 PM
in reply to: #3256949

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2011-03-29 5:23 PM
in reply to: #3420026

2000500100100100100 home in The ATL
Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!
GoFaster - 2011-03-29 2:23 PM

Question - was it a case of only doing Z1/2 runs Oct to Dec, or was that just for the long run?

No - only the long runs (1:45~2:00 runs)

We also incorporated shorter runs that mixed the pace, something like:

20 minutes warming up through base
3 minutes in Tempo
7 in base
5 in Tempo
10-20 minute cooldown in base.

And intervals  after a couple of months, (ex: 6x400 at 5k pace) once per week.

After a build of that, we began LT progression runs in January - In about 4 weeks or so I think we are going back to more LSD - I actually should be out right now for 1:45....

2011-03-30 8:31 AM
in reply to: #3256949

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2011-03-30 8:44 AM
in reply to: #3416571

Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!
KathyG - 2011-03-27 2:54 PM

Interesting thread on ST about power and how to ride the IMWI bike course.

Rene it may be helpful for you to read as well in regards to how to keep power even and riding hills.

Kathy - I finally got around to reading this thread, and it was very informative.  I may only be riding a 70.3 this year, but a lot of what they said about IMWI seems to translate well for the Muskoka course. 

I found a website that maps out all the 70.3 courses and I can load the file into my trainer to ride against.  I'm hoping this will be really helpful as I get ready to ride the course again this year.

According to the site, the climbing at Muskoka nets out at over 1100 meters, making it the 2nd most of the 70.3's listed.  The catch is that similar to the description of IMWI, it is constant rollers, and ups and downs and you need to be smart about your gearing choices - especially the last 30km which punichses you a bit.  There are a lot of slow runs at Muskoka.  Here's a profile pic if anyone is interested:



Muskoka.JPG (46KB - 5 downloads)
2011-03-30 9:03 AM
in reply to: #3421132

Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!
Fred Doucette - 2011-03-30 9:31 AM

Getting some new tri goodies soon.

1. New race tires (Specialized Mondo open tubular, actually a clincher)
2. Garmin 405 (Great deal going on for $179 if interested)
3. Giro Advantage 2 Helmet (Broke my LG)
4. Nathan bottles for long runs.

Anyone else getting some fun new stuff?

New tri shoes...I thought I bought my current pair in '05 but actually they are from '04 when I bought my first bike after my first tri. I wore out a pair of road shoes since then but since my knee injury tri shoes seem more comfortable and they have some missing parts on the sole and worn out. After dropping my husband off at Logan in Boston will swing by big tri store Fastsplits to check out shoes and talk tri.

So far this year...

310xt replaced by Garmin
New Giro Ionos helmet
Look Keo Max pedals
New tri shoes
Joule end of last year

Considering getting new tires

Oh yah there is that new Orbea Ordu frame I'm getting not by choice



Edited by KathyG 2011-03-30 9:06 AM

2011-03-30 9:30 AM
in reply to: #3421132

Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!
Fred Doucette - 2011-03-30 9:31 AM

Getting some new tri goodies soon.

1. New race tires (Specialized Mondo open tubular, actually a clincher)
2. Garmin 405 (Great deal going on for $179 if interested)
3. Giro Advantage 2 Helmet (Broke my LG)
4. Nathan bottles for long runs.

Anyone else getting some fun new stuff?

Just got a brand new 310 as a replacement, thinking about selling it and getting the new one their supposed to be releasing soon. Probably not though. I am lusting for a feeler front than my old 404. Of and my new Bont's are pretty amazing. Fred - I feel like you, I'm at a conference this week that doesn't require me to be in too early so I got some trainer time in this AM. Very nice to have it out of the way so early!
2011-03-30 12:30 PM
in reply to: #3256949

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2011-03-30 1:35 PM
in reply to: #3421744

Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!
Fred Doucette - 2011-03-30 1:30 PM

Congrats Joe, you are 'Young Fred'

I got the elusive 'triple' workout in today

Haha, that's a lot to live up to!
2011-03-30 5:03 PM
in reply to: #3256949

Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!

So I'm down to a few workouts before my taper for the Marquee HIM in Tempe, AZ. If anyone's interested, here's the course info. Just click on the course tab on the left side of the page to pull up pictures.

I have a 1 hr run tonight, a 24 mile ride and 20 min run tomorrow, a 1 hr spin and 45 min swim on Friday & a 28 mile ride and 6.55 mile run on Saturday at the course.

My body is at about it's limit right now and every workout seems tiring. My nutrition and hydration is worked out as long as I stick to it on race day. My knee will make it the 13.1 miles but it will be slow.

This month will be my biggest volume month ever and biggest bike and swim volume month ever. At this point, I'm just ready to get this going but I'm still a bit nervous. I'm expecting to finish the month with over 400 miles of biking and just shy of 20,000 yds of swimming. The running has been very low but it is what it is.

I can't wait to set new goals after this race event is over.

Edited by phxphotog 2011-03-30 5:04 PM
2011-03-30 7:36 PM
in reply to: #3421132

Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!
Fred Doucette - 2011-03-30 7:31 AM

Getting some new tri goodies soon.

1. New race tires (Specialized Mondo open tubular, actually a clincher)
2. Garmin 405 (Great deal going on for $179 if interested)
3. Giro Advantage 2 Helmet (Broke my LG)
4. Nathan bottles for long runs.

Anyone else getting some fun new stuff?


I now have the shoes and will get the peddles next week after I do a peddle analysis with the bike fitter at the lbs. I have worked with him before so I think he will lead me in the right direction.

(DSC01669 (2).jpg)

Emailing (22KB - 9 downloads)
DSC01669 (2).jpg (22KB - 5 downloads)

2011-03-30 9:30 PM
in reply to: #3422529

Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!

Pretty shoes Kathleen... I need some of those.

My story of the day is "How to do three hours on the bike when you have no bike":

I was supposed to do at least a 3 hour ride today.  I had left my bike at the bike shop to have some stuff done and it was supposed to be ready yesterday.  Well when I went to get it, you guessed it, it wasn't ready.  I remember reading a post on BT a while ago by another triathlete mom whose famous words were "if you miss a workout , it's GONE!" ... so true, there is just no place in my tight schedule to *reschedule* anything.  Well I was bound and determined.  This am I went to the gym 45 minutes before a spin class to ride and then took the 45 minute spin class.  My gym's next spin class wasn't till night when I am working, so I got on subway went all the way downtown to another branch of my gym that has spin class earlier, again went 45 minutes early to ride and then took that 45 minute class.  Phew! I am really glad I could make it work.  Really makes me appreciate the convenience of the trainer. 

Hope you all have a good night 

2011-03-30 9:33 PM
in reply to: #3422667

Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!
kr140.6 - 2011-03-30 8:30 PM

Pretty shoes Kathleen... I need some of those.

My story of the day is "How to do three hours on the bike when you have no bike":

I was supposed to do at least a 3 hour ride today.  I had left my bike at the bike shop to have some stuff done and it was supposed to be ready yesterday.  Well when I went to get it, you guessed it, it wasn't ready.  I remember reading a post on BT a while ago by another triathlete mom whose famous words were "if you miss a workout , it's GONE!" ... so true, there is just no place in my tight schedule to *reschedule* anything.  Well I was bound and determined.  This am I went to the gym 45 minutes before a spin class to ride and then took the 45 minute spin class.  My gym's next spin class wasn't till night when I am working, so I got on subway went all the way downtown to another branch of my gym that has spin class earlier, again went 45 minutes early to ride and then took that 45 minute class.  Phew! I am really glad I could make it work.  Really makes me appreciate the convenience of the trainer. 

Hope you all have a good night 

Now that is determination! Did you take the subway?  Good for you!

2011-03-31 6:05 AM
in reply to: #3256949

Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!

Kathleen..nice looking shoes!

Tri store I went to yesterday had 3 brands but two wouldn't work for me. I wish one store would have more choices. My right foot goes to sleep and then numb if it is above 90 degrees and I ride more than 4.5 to 5 hours. Discussed with fitter could it be swelling and to small toe box or idea floated on tri talk thread more likely shoes to big. Since it only occurs for me when hot and long ride it's swelling. Getting shoes with nice wide toe box is key.

That's dedication to go to two gyms and do two classes plus extra time to get your 3 hour bike in


2011-03-31 6:15 AM
in reply to: #3422667

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