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2009-05-27 12:10 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
Go ahead boys, keep it up.  Just remember, paybacks are hell.  I never forget.....

Roni, Happy Birthday.  I'm glad there are some grown ups in the group.  A 3 mile swim,  wow!  I hope to hear from you tomorrow too.  Good luck out there.

Edited by tahrens 2009-05-27 12:24 PM

2009-05-27 12:28 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!

Dang you guys are busy on the thread today... 

Most importantly - Happy Birthday Roni!

Shannon - sorry to hear about the foot, but at least you know now.  Be patient, don't rush it or it will take much longer than you could imagine.

Tracy - methinks you bring it on yourself somewhat.  John is just all too happy to oblige.  I think it is his calling...  That being said, I think I could find sufficient motivation to match your swim pace so that I could arrive at transition at the right time. 

Trevor - good luck on the race this weekend.  As for my upcoming weekend - no race per se, but I am going for my what should be my personal most mileage on Saturday with a 60 mile ride at the Magnolia Tour in lovely Durant, OK.   Gotta keep working up to that century later this summer. 

I also signed on for the June run challenge.  Goal for June is 10 sessions of 30 minutes apiece. 

 Well, I have to go back to work - it fuels my gear habit...

2009-05-27 12:47 PM
in reply to: #2174627

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!

KauaiShan - 2009-05-26 10:57 PM Q: What do you call an aspiring triathlete who's told not to swim or run for 2 weeks?

A: A depressed cyclist.

Finally got into the foot specialist/surgeon about lower calf pain.  Walked out with both feet taped to the hilt and orders to keep off them as much as possible, load up on ibuprofen and ice them until orthotics get done (appx 2 weeks) Can't even swim because the water will compromise the bandages.  Turns out I was running on collapsing arches and did quite a number on the tendons that tie into my arches. I think  it was Tracy who gave me almost that exact treatment advice (ice, ibruprfen) and asked abut getting orthotics - good call Tracy!

Anywhoo.... here's the blessing in this. Some of you may recall one of my very early posts about being horrible at running and hating it. Well, after getting the news today, I've been truly sad about not being able to run. Talk about a paradigm shift!  My sister said "so are you  going to try a different sport and let triathlon go?"  I looked at her and said "NOT an option".   Despite the pain, this is the best I've ever felt in my life!  Doc swears that if I let these heal up and start again with the right foot support, I should be fine. (fingers crosed)

One more question:  Does poor Team 4 have to keep me? My run time was from a run/walk during the early injury and now there's now way I can run.  Can I be cut due to injury and just play cheerleader?

Wow Shannon. Brutal diagnosis however the good thing is it will recover and you should be OK>

2009-05-27 12:51 PM
in reply to: #2174882

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!

SSMinnow - 2009-05-27 7:49 AM Karen--nice job!  You shaved off nearly :30 per mile and that is huge, especially in a 5K.  Well done.

Shannon-I'm glad you were able to get diagnosed, but I am wondering the doctor perscribed PT.  Custom orthotics are great, but often times there is are some muscle weaknesses or imbalances that should be attacked as well.  Just a thought.    As a team #4 member, I am happy to have you as a cheerleader or maybe we could just use your swim/bike time and Tony could do some fancy stuff?!? Tony?

Swim question for you all, how do you split your time between the OW and the pool during the season? my new tri coach suggested 70/30 pool to OW and we negotiated to 50/50.  His belief is endurance is built in the pool and technique is perfected in the OW.  What do you think?

Sounds like he knows what he is talking about. Having said that I have done all my training in the pool and my only OWS have been the races. I didn't have any trouble with adapting to the OWS's.

2009-05-27 12:57 PM
in reply to: #2175223

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!

TrevorC - 2009-05-27 10:17 AM

Hey Chris....because of work you can't train until Monday? I'd like to feel sorry for you and all, but hmmm golf weekend?? Cool

Shannon-- As a new orthotic wearer,  I had the same type of issues until i got mine. There were times when I would almost twist my ankle walking, mine was from bowed tibia's. But orthotics have made a world of difference in my every day life, nevermind training.

I have a long sprint out of town this weekend. 750m-26k-5k. Will be my 1st one going solo..Wife is sticking around with the kids this weekend- Oldest has soccer.
I'd love to have the luxury of the OWS/pool swim debate. For me, never swam OWS yet....June 7th is a sprint OWS I'm in. BUt the water may be too cold still up north, and it may end up as a weird Duathlon.

Quit being a wuss Trevor.  Us Canadians can swim aroun the ice bergs or just push them out of the way.

2009-05-27 1:06 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!

Roni        Happy Birthday.

Tracy. If these guys are being to hard on you let me know and I will... well... I guess join in. Where's the transition area?????? I want a gooooood seat

Gotta head back to work now. See ya'll later. Have a great day.

2009-05-27 1:37 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Oklahoma City, OK
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY RONI!!!!!  Go rock that birthday challenge.....can't imagine doing a 3 mile swim.

John - definately let me know if you come up for the Redman.  A SWBKRUN MG get together would be great!

Karen - Congrats on your PR!!  That is awesome!

2009-05-27 1:39 PM
in reply to: #2174988

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Oklahoma City, OK
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
Havin'Fun - 2009-05-27 7:57 AM Who's racing this weekend?

Who has really cool plans for the weekend?

I'm racing.  I will be doing my 2nd oly this weekend. 
2009-05-27 1:41 PM
in reply to: #2176184

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
HollyW - 2009-05-27 2:39 PM
Havin'Fun - 2009-05-27 7:57 AM Who's racing this weekend?

Who has really cool plans for the weekend?

I'm racing.  I will be doing my 2nd oly this weekend. 

Good luck.

Not much going on here this weekend, getting ready for Mooseman next week.  I think we are leaving on Wednesday of next week to drive up to NH.
2009-05-27 2:05 PM
in reply to: #2176039

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
Redknight - 2009-05-27 12:57 PM

TrevorC - 2009-05-27 10:17 AM

Hey Chris....because of work you can't train until Monday? I'd like to feel sorry for you and all, but hmmm golf weekend?? Cool

Shannon-- As a new orthotic wearer,  I had the same type of issues until i got mine. There were times when I would almost twist my ankle walking, mine was from bowed tibia's. But orthotics have made a world of difference in my every day life, nevermind training.

I have a long sprint out of town this weekend. 750m-26k-5k. Will be my 1st one going solo..Wife is sticking around with the kids this weekend- Oldest has soccer.
I'd love to have the luxury of the OWS/pool swim debate. For me, never swam OWS yet....June 7th is a sprint OWS I'm in. BUt the water may be too cold still up north, and it may end up as a weird Duathlon.

Quit being a wuss Trevor.  Us Canadians can swim aroun the ice bergs or just push them out of the way.

Oh come on!  The water in Canda cannot be that much cold than Minocqua WI.  It was in the low 50s and I survived.  Where is your MOJO Trevor?

Cool plans for the weekend? Hmmm, doing a 60K bike event on Saturday. I could have done the 100K, but that got the thumbs down.  Does that qualify?

Edited by SSMinnow 2009-05-27 2:06 PM
2009-05-27 2:10 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Auburn AL
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!


How does a bottle exchange work?  Give them your bottles for full bottles?  Fill your bottles?  Fill their bottles at the start and give them back?  I don't get it.

2009-05-27 2:18 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
Good luck Holly and Andy.  Holly, two olympics back to back, what a champion.  Andy, you are really putting those miles in on that bike.  Go get em team SWBKRUN. 

And to defend myself,  I believe the original comment was about putting the tri top on during boys have dirty minds.  I'm sure all the ladies knew exactly what I meant.  Along those lines though, there was a thread in the general forums asking about being naked in transition.  it seems someone thought nothing of dropping their swim shorts for a pair of riding shorts right in transition.  The volunteers didn't quite know what to do and it sparked an interesting debate about the USAT rules on nudity during a race.   And isn't there a rule on IRONMAN sponsored races that guys have to wear tops during the run?  Notice some sexism there?   I'm reminded of the Naked Nike running video Linda posted a while ago. 

2009-05-27 2:22 PM
in reply to: #2176276

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
Plainsman AU - 2009-05-27 3:10 PM


How does a bottle exchange work?  Give them your bottles for full bottles?  Fill your bottles?  Fill their bottles at the start and give them back?  I don't get it.

Check out the race web site for the specifics, but usually the volunteers hand you a new bottle of water (store bottles, not bike bottles) and it is up to you from there.  Most people I see are either drinking directly from the bottle or refilling their aero bottles.  I refilled my bike bottle during the race while riding but I highly advise against that. Almost wrecked.  The race orgainizers usually ask though that you dispose of whatever bottle trash you create close to the exchange site for easy clean up. 

Have fun at Mooseman. That whole setup sounds fantastic. 
2009-05-27 2:34 PM
in reply to: #2176264

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
SSMinnow - 2009-05-27 1:05 PM
Redknight - 2009-05-27 12:57 PM

TrevorC - 2009-05-27 10:17 AM

Hey Chris....because of work you can't train until Monday? I'd like to feel sorry for you and all, but hmmm golf weekend?? Cool

Shannon-- As a new orthotic wearer,  I had the same type of issues until i got mine. There were times when I would almost twist my ankle walking, mine was from bowed tibia's. But orthotics have made a world of difference in my every day life, nevermind training.

I have a long sprint out of town this weekend. 750m-26k-5k. Will be my 1st one going solo..Wife is sticking around with the kids this weekend- Oldest has soccer.
I'd love to have the luxury of the OWS/pool swim debate. For me, never swam OWS yet....June 7th is a sprint OWS I'm in. BUt the water may be too cold still up north, and it may end up as a weird Duathlon.

Quit being a wuss Trevor.  Us Canadians can swim aroun the ice bergs or just push them out of the way.

Oh come on!  The water in Canda cannot be that much cold than Minocqua WI.  It was in the low 50s and I survived.  Where is your MOJO Trevor?

Cool plans for the weekend? Hmmm, doing a 60K bike event on Saturday. I could have done the 100K, but that got the thumbs down.  Does that qualify?

I was told the ice just finally disappeared a couple weeks ago. I'd be game for it( I think), But using Tracy's thinking, I'd need a ton of pee to warm myself up!!
2009-05-27 2:49 PM
in reply to: #2176320

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
tahrens - 2009-05-27 2:22 PM
Plainsman AU - 2009-05-27 3:10 PM


How does a bottle exchange work?  Give them your bottles for full bottles?  Fill your bottles?  Fill their bottles at the start and give them back?  I don't get it.

Check out the race web site for the specifics, but usually the volunteers hand you a new bottle of water (store bottles, not bike bottles) and it is up to you from there.  Most people I see are either drinking directly from the bottle or refilling their aero bottles.  I refilled my bike bottle during the race while riding but I highly advise against that. Almost wrecked.  The race orgainizers usually ask though that you dispose of whatever bottle trash you create close to the exchange site for easy clean up. 

Have fun at Mooseman. That whole setup sounds fantastic. 

This USAT rule, Abandonment,  was strictly enforced at Lonestar.  Officials gave a lot of leeway in the fact that if the aid station was in view then you could toss your bottles.

Edited by fattyfatfat 2009-05-27 2:49 PM
2009-05-27 3:05 PM
in reply to: #2176177

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
HollyW - 2009-05-27 1:37 PM

John - definately let me know if you come up for the Redman.  A SWBKRUN MG get together would be great!

Will do.  Good luck this weekend!  Hope the water is a bit cleaner than last week.

2009-05-27 3:11 PM
in reply to: #2176308

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
tahrens - 2009-05-27 1:18 PM Good luck Holly and Andy.  Holly, two olympics back to back, what a champion.  Andy, you are really putting those miles in on that bike.  Go get em team SWBKRUN. 

And to defend myself,  I believe the original comment was about putting the tri top on during boys have dirty minds.  I'm sure all the ladies knew exactly what I meant.  Along those lines though, there was a thread in the general forums asking about being naked in transition.  it seems someone thought nothing of dropping their swim shorts for a pair of riding shorts right in transition.  The volunteers didn't quite know what to do and it sparked an interesting debate about the USAT rules on nudity during a race.   And isn't there a rule on IRONMAN sponsored races that guys have to wear tops during the run?  Notice some sexism there?   I'm reminded of the Naked Nike running video Linda posted a while ago. 

What do you mean? Is there a rule that says that women do not have to wear a shirt? You're diggin deeper Tracy, not digging out of this hole.
2009-05-27 3:18 PM
in reply to: #2176460

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
It was a joke Trevor.

As far as this weekend goes, my husband is doing an olympic called Over the Mountain.  That sounds just miserable to me so I will proudly be on the sidelines cheering him on!   

I think I'll go for my virtual 5K tonight.  I'm having a bad day and running angry really works for me.  Here's hoping for a sub-30 PR. 
2009-05-27 3:21 PM
in reply to: #2176482

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
tahrens - 2009-05-27 2:18 PM It was a joke Trevor.

As far as this weekend goes, my husband is doing an olympic called Over the Mountain.  That sounds just miserable to me so I will proudly be on the sidelines cheering him on!   

I think I'll go for my virtual 5K tonight.  I'm having a bad day and running angry really works for me.  Here's hoping for a sub-30 PR. 

Crap see...I'm not that smart. I did not recognize sarcasm when I saw it.
It reminds of the movie "The Mighty Ducks" of the kids is talking and says " Do you even know what sarcasm means?" And the other kids answers smartly., "NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOO"
Get fired up and run it in sub 30. You know you can!!
2009-05-27 3:33 PM
in reply to: #2176276

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
Plainsman AU - 2009-05-27 3:10 PM


How does a bottle exchange work?  Give them your bottles for full bottles?  Fill your bottles?  Fill their bottles at the start and give them back?  I don't get it.

The two long races I've done had volunteers handing out bottles as you rode by the aide station.  If you wanted one you stuck your hand out and they tried to run with you and hand you one.  Some folks took one and threw an empty off (close to the aid station) while others threw nothing...maybe they had room for another bottle.  Never seen a biker hand a bottle to a volunteer.   Even though the rules saw you can't discard on the course, I have been told if it was by the aide station it was ok (happens in the run too).  And by the look of the two long races I've done that was the case.  
I have only taken a bottle once on the bike, and that was a mistake.  I had what I needed with me.  Oh, and I've gotten cheap bottles before the race so if I did end up getting rid of a bottle it wasn't one of my favorites (yep, I have favorite water bottles).   
Check the race website.  They usually cover this, plus indicate what they will be handing out...may help you decide to live off the land or take your own.  Also, they may cover this in the mtg they usually hold the night before or morning of the race.
2009-05-27 3:45 PM
in reply to: #2176460

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!

Just a little bit of trivia.....if you race in Florida do not stop to take a pee anywhere other than at the appointed port-o-lets and don't plan on doing a complete wardrobe change in transition (unless there are the changing tents like at IM's).  I did a race there a few weeks ago and the race director told us Florida is very strict about nudity in public.  If they catch you, even during a race, you will be hauled off to jail for public indecency. 
Tongue out

2009-05-27 3:53 PM
in reply to: #2176441

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Oklahoma City, OK
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
fattyfatfat - 2009-05-27 3:05 PM
HollyW - 2009-05-27 1:37 PM

John - definately let me know if you come up for the Redman.  A SWBKRUN MG get together would be great!

Will do.  Good luck this weekend!  Hope the water is a bit cleaner than last week.

Thanks!  Since the news aired last night I've received all kinds of emails and texts from friends and family asking if I got sick last week.....not to mention all the smart- comments I've got about swimming in poop.  Soooo gross.

2009-05-27 4:51 PM
in reply to: #2176623

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!

HollyW - 2009-05-27 3:53 PM
fattyfatfat - 2009-05-27 3:05 PM
HollyW - 2009-05-27 1:37 PM

John - definately let me know if you come up for the Redman.  A SWBKRUN MG get together would be great!

Will do.  Good luck this weekend!  Hope the water is a bit cleaner than last week.

Thanks!  Since the news aired last night I've received all kinds of emails and texts from friends and family asking if I got sick last week.....not to mention all the smart- comments I've got about swimming in poop.  Soooo gross.

You swim in poop? No really, who thought swimming in the "Oklahoma" River would be a good idea?  Did they not look at the water that comes out of Bricktown?  It doesn't even smell right...  I would swim in Thunderbird first... needles and all!


2009-05-27 5:39 PM
in reply to: #2176623

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
HollyW - 2009-05-27 4:53 PM
fattyfatfat - 2009-05-27 3:05 PM
HollyW - 2009-05-27 1:37 PM

John - definately let me know if you come up for the Redman.  A SWBKRUN MG get together would be great!

Will do.  Good luck this weekend!  Hope the water is a bit cleaner than last week.

Thanks!  Since the news aired last night I've received all kinds of emails and texts from friends and family asking if I got sick last week.....not to mention all the smart- comments I've got about swimming in poop.  Soooo gross.

Maybe this will work better for you than a wetsuit Tongue out


(contamination suit.jpg)

contamination suit.jpg (5KB - 16 downloads)
2009-05-27 5:55 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
Hi everyone.... Hope all are doing good!  Sounds like people are in full swing, and things are looking good for all of you. 

Roni-Happy B-day to you!  Happy B-day to you!!!

Shannon- Can't you swim using a pull bouy?  This basically allows you to swim ONLY with your upper body?  (I am no doctor!!)

The water bottle exchange-  I would start w/ 2 bottles you don't care if you lose, that way if you need to exchange it you can!  During IM they have "targets (for fun)" that you can try and heave your bottle into (sort of like a bullseye) then you grab another, but I put a lot of nutrition into these bottles so I don't like to exchange.  If anything I pour the bottle (from the exchange) into an aero bottle up front then toss the bottle back!  All on the fly....

OWS vs. Pool training?!  That is a tough question.  I think there are several variable that go into this.  Location of pool vs. OW, weather, your strength/weaknesses (where do you need help?  Form or sighting?  Big difference- Form=Pool, Sighting= OW).  You also have to consider when your race is. 
            Boise is coming up in 2 or 3 weeks, and I need to get out and practice with a wetsuit on, sighting, cold water, etc... So I am going to try and make it a point to do some OW stuff when it permits. 

Hope this helps!!!  Great to be home, but it was nice being on the road!  I belong in a small town with lots of outdoor activity!  I am not a city guy but I say that everytime I am in place's like Truckee, Zion, Chelan, Whistler, etc...
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