BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Yanti & Salty RidiculoSnarky Almost Intelligent-Charming Manatees PART 4 - Full Rss Feed  
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2012-08-27 5:00 PM
in reply to: #4383014

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty RidiculoSnarky Almost Intelligent-Charming Manatees PART 4 - Full
amd723 - 2012-08-27 3:56 PM
rrrunner - 2012-08-27 4:44 PM

Well I went to an OWS with the Tri Coach from my Masters group and her Tri group.  It was good.  They all wore sleeveless wetsuits and because I don't have a sleeveless I went sans wetsuit.  I was the slowest one there (no surprise) but the 2 coaches each gave me feedback (kind of odd in the middle of a lake).  One told me to get my elbows up and the other (Coach Andie) told me to slow down and "glide". Well I took the glide comment as slow down to make sure I'm getting the full benefit of each stroke and the high elbow comment, well I appreciated the reminder.

Then this morning was masters and I hit some good times! At one point I even caught up to the girl in front of me!!!!!!!!! (Maybe she had a cramp or something Undecided). Anyway I am enjoying masters and am seeing improvements! We did A LOT of pull today but it gave me a chance to work on correct pull form and to translate that once we took the paddles off.

The OWS got me wondering if I should get a sleeveless wetsuit for warmer water.  I was fine without the wetsuit but sure could have used the buoyancy!Laughing

i just looked at your logs and it seems you went from about 2:47/100 to 1:42/100 in a couple days time!  I'd say those tips really paid off   Way to go.

I think the 1:42 is due to a lot of 25's and some laps with the paddles.  But I can definitely see an improvement like a 2:14 100 and a 3:27 150 after doing all the pull practice!

2012-08-27 5:07 PM
in reply to: #4332724

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty RidiculoSnarky Almost Intelligent-Charming Manatees PART 4 - Full

I need some advise on structuring or restructuring my upcoming bike workouts.  THe next 3 sunday workouts call for 3:30, 4:00 and 3:00 rides.  I will be out of town and will not be able to do the 4:00 ride.  I may be able to do an hour or so on the trainer wHen i get back into town late sunday, but knowing me, that is a long shot.

I know missing a workout is not the end of the world, but wonder if I should change up the rides around the 4:00 one.  In other words, should I make the 3:30 a 4 and the 3:00 a 3:30 or both of them a 4 or just keep things the way the are?


2012-08-27 5:15 PM
in reply to: #4382975

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Overland Park, KS
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty RidiculoSnarky Almost Intelligent-Charming Manatees PART 4 - Full
rrrunner - 2012-08-27 4:37 PM
reecealan - 2012-08-27 7:57 AM

Drive by posting as I've got a meeting in 10 minutes.  It was RAINING for yesterday's sprint tri so I went slow on the bike (we know what happened last time I rode in the rain).  But I had a great swim and run.  It was a small field for the "long" course tri, only 27 men, I cam in 4th and as Bob Uecker would say "just a bit outside" the podium.  It's a small fundraiser race but lots of run, great volunteers and great Lake community.   Was my best swim pace and best run pace in any tri thus far.  I got "teenaged" on the run by a H.S. XC boy that was running the relay.

The race is not on BT, can I log the race into BT or do I need to be the RD to do that?  I know the RD and he wouldn't mind me entering it in on his behalf, but I don't know how to do that?

I think I saw a RR for the S.W.A.T. race...

That was for the short course which was a 400 yard swim.  Thanks to the extensive Manatee knowledge bank I've completed most of the RR and the race is now created (the long swim version).

2012-08-27 5:57 PM
in reply to: #4382995

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty RidiculoSnarky Almost Intelligent-Charming Manatees PART 4 - Full
rrrunner - 2012-08-27 4:44 PM

Well I went to an OWS with the Tri Coach from my Masters group and her Tri group.  It was good.  They all wore sleeveless wetsuits and because I don't have a sleeveless I went sans wetsuit.  I was the slowest one there (no surprise) but the 2 coaches each gave me feedback (kind of odd in the middle of a lake).  One told me to get my elbows up and the other (Coach Andie) told me to slow down and "glide". Well I took the glide comment as slow down to make sure I'm getting the full benefit of each stroke and the high elbow comment, well I appreciated the reminder.

Then this morning was masters and I hit some good times! At one point I even caught up to the girl in front of me!!!!!!!!! (Maybe she had a cramp or something Undecided). Anyway I am enjoying masters and am seeing improvements! We did A LOT of pull today but it gave me a chance to work on correct pull form and to translate that once we took the paddles off.

The OWS got me wondering if I should get a sleeveless wetsuit for warmer water.  I was fine without the wetsuit but sure could have used the buoyancy!Laughing

I have both a full actually 3 of these and one sleeveless wettie.  I have found for every swim in a full wetsuit I feel constricted and have to fight to get a deep pull with the arms.  When I wear the sleeveless I've got the buoyancy in the legs and body but feel like i can swim normally with my arms.  For my HIM I had to wear the full because of jellyfish and it wasn't enjoyable.  Go the sleeveless!

2012-08-27 6:06 PM
in reply to: #4332724

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty RidiculoSnarky Almost Intelligent-Charming Manatees PART 4 - Full
That is a really good point about the lack of arm restriction. A lot of my races are in cold water so I need the full. But it would be nice to have the sleeveless when I can use it.
2012-08-27 8:17 PM
in reply to: #4332724

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty RidiculoSnarky Almost Intelligent-Charming Manatees PART 4 - Full
I got another coritsone shot it my wrist today.  It hurts so bad right now.

2012-08-27 8:52 PM
in reply to: #4381659

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty RidiculoSnarky Almost Intelligent-Charming Manatees PART 4 - Full
amd723 - 2012-08-27 4:04 AM
bcraht - 2012-08-26 5:03 PM
TriAya - 2012-08-26 3:02 PM

bcraht - 2012-08-27 5:26 AM Having a blast watching IMC--on the side of the highway about 20 km from the bike finish.  Home for lunch now, then heading into the finish to watch until my volunteer shift starts at 9pm.  Have done a nice run along the Kettle Valley Railway trail along Skaha lake as well as a couple shortish OWS.  Staying at friends 5 acre home with horses to help with and chickens to collect eggs from and fruit to jam.  I am in heaven.  

OMIGOSH that guy I call Spiglet who comes and lurks about in here is doing IMC -- his bib number is 656 in case you check this before you go! His name is Mark Spadoni.

I will look for him on the run. 

I saw that Sister Madonna finished in about 16:30.  I can't imagine doing an ironman at any age and she's doing them at 82!  How amazing.  Did you see her?

Yes, saw her come across the finish line.  Saw her in Calgary as well, unfortunately she didn't make the cutoff there.  I can't imagine doing 140.6 at that age either--she got a world record!  Just amazing.

2012-08-27 8:54 PM
in reply to: #4382476

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty RidiculoSnarky Almost Intelligent-Charming Manatees PART 4 - Full
melbo55 - 2012-08-27 11:36 AM
Asalzwed - 2012-08-27 2:20 PM

I survived my crazy weekend.

I went from Seattle to Mt. Hood to Seattle to Arlington to Seaside and  back to Seattle. That's like, 800 miles in 2.5 days or something!!! I was balancing working the Hood to Coast Relay with PowerBar and attending a really good friend's wedding.  

I managed to get in some running on the trails at Mt. Hood which was BEAUTIFUL BTW, drink lots of great micro-brew and make some amazing contacts. At one point I was driving the Race announcers car (he gave me the keys, no questions asked. Shame on him Wink) and then I got roped into doing a flexed arm hang competition at the Marines booth.

Here I am climbing the announcers tower returning the keys hahaha


Annnnd my big flexed arm hang win


Sounds like a fun weekend, Salty!!  And the trail runs, yay!!  Luvs me some trail running!  Nice 'gumdrops' (calf muscles) in the first pic, and way to kick arse on the flexed arm hang, you beast!!

First thing I noticed too...mighta had a glimpse at some other bits...

2012-08-27 8:59 PM
in reply to: #4383317

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty RidiculoSnarky Almost Intelligent-Charming Manatees PART 4 - Full

Artemis - 2012-08-27 6:17 PM I got another coritsone shot it my wrist today.  It hurts so bad right now.

Ouch.  Sorry.  Does it help though?

2012-08-27 9:01 PM
in reply to: #4382806

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty RidiculoSnarky Almost Intelligent-Charming Manatees PART 4 - Full
Asalzwed - 2012-08-27 1:26 PM

In other jacked up news, a race official got killed by a Javelin to the neck! YIKES!

One time I was sitting on the edge of the vaulting mats minding my own business (probably doing something I wasn't supposed to) when someone yelled "LOOK OUT" just as a hammer (from hammer throw) hit the ground right next to the mat I was sitting on. 

Cry  Terrible.  Hope the young man gets through it.  I carelessly threw a javelin at HS practice once.  Came VERY close to hitting a friend in the chest.  Thankfully no harm done. 

2012-08-27 9:07 PM
in reply to: #4332724

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty RidiculoSnarky Almost Intelligent-Charming Manatees PART 4 - Full

Back from Penticton.  What a great time.  Really enjoyed cheering on the athletes and my finish line volunteer shift.  Lots of amazingly inspirational people.  One woman came in with one whole arm and leg bandaged up--bike wreck.  Another guy had to ride the last 73km on a borrowed bike after his derailler sh@t the bed.  My favorite was a woman who was bawling her eyes out--asked if this was her first--"No, my second, but I had a rough day--she came in about 16:45--and I didn't really want to be cutting it so close"  I asked what had happened--she said a woman had a bike wreck right in front of her and so she waited with the downed, very bloody woman until help came--it really set her back.  (Have no idea if it was the woman I saw earlier).  I just grabbed this woman's hand, and thanked her so much for staying with the injured cyclist.  I said that made her finish all the more impressive and she was amazing.  And we both cried .  Pretty cool stuff.

Got a couple of runs in along the Kettle Valley Railway with my friend, had a great time visiting.  Hate being home and have to go to work tomorrow!!  Ah, well, back to the grind. 

2012-08-27 9:32 PM
in reply to: #4382572

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Overland Park, KS
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty RidiculoSnarky Almost Intelligent-Charming Manatees PART 4 - Full
TriAya - 2012-08-27 2:00 PM
Asalzwed - 2012-08-28 2:20 AM

I survived my crazy weekend.

I went from Seattle to Mt. Hood to Seattle to Arlington to Seaside and  back to Seattle. That's like, 800 miles in 2.5 days or something!!! I was balancing working the Hood to Coast Relay with PowerBar and attending a really good friend's wedding.  

I managed to get in some running on the trails at Mt. Hood which was BEAUTIFUL BTW, drink lots of great micro-brew and make some amazing contacts. At one point I was driving the Race announcers car (he gave me the keys, no questions asked. Shame on him Wink) and then I got roped into doing a flexed arm hang competition at the Marines booth.

Here I am climbing the announcers tower returning the keys hahaha


Annnnd my big flexed arm hang win


I want to chew on your calves.

Yep, I was thinking the same thing.  I'll bet there were a few fans after those feats of strength, a mini FESTIVUS!

2012-08-27 10:28 PM
in reply to: #4332724

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Overland Park, KS
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty RidiculoSnarky Almost Intelligent-Charming Manatees PART 4 - Full
2012-08-27 11:34 PM
in reply to: #4383414

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty RidiculoSnarky Almost Intelligent-Charming Manatees PART 4 - Full
reecealan - 2012-08-27 9:32 PM
TriAya - 2012-08-27 2:00 PM
Asalzwed - 2012-08-28 2:20 AM

I survived my crazy weekend.

I went from Seattle to Mt. Hood to Seattle to Arlington to Seaside and  back to Seattle. That's like, 800 miles in 2.5 days or something!!! I was balancing working the Hood to Coast Relay with PowerBar and attending a really good friend's wedding.  

I managed to get in some running on the trails at Mt. Hood which was BEAUTIFUL BTW, drink lots of great micro-brew and make some amazing contacts. At one point I was driving the Race announcers car (he gave me the keys, no questions asked. Shame on him Wink) and then I got roped into doing a flexed arm hang competition at the Marines booth.

Here I am climbing the announcers tower returning the keys hahaha


Annnnd my big flexed arm hang win


I want to chew on your calves.

Yep, I was thinking the same thing.  I'll bet there were a few fans after those feats of strength, a mini FESTIVUS!

haha festivus!! You know what my reward was for my "feats of strength"? Freaking ringworm! That's right, I got ringworm. Ick. I've never had it before. I'll betcha it came from that nasty marine's pull up bar. Grrrrrr!So I have a feeling the calf chewing comments have been retracted
2012-08-27 11:38 PM
in reply to: #4383317

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty RidiculoSnarky Almost Intelligent-Charming Manatees PART 4 - Full
Artemis - 2012-08-27 8:17 PMI got another coritsone shot it my wrist today.  It hurts so bad right now.
oh no! Sorry to hear that. I hope it helps
2012-08-27 11:42 PM
in reply to: #4383373

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty RidiculoSnarky Almost Intelligent-Charming Manatees PART 4 - Full
bcraht - 2012-08-27 8:54 PM
melbo55 - 2012-08-27 11:36 AM
Asalzwed - 2012-08-27 2:20 PM

I survived my crazy weekend.

I went from Seattle to Mt. Hood to Seattle to Arlington to Seaside and  back to Seattle. That's like, 800 miles in 2.5 days or something!!! I was balancing working the Hood to Coast Relay with PowerBar and attending a really good friend's wedding.  

I managed to get in some running on the trails at Mt. Hood which was BEAUTIFUL BTW, drink lots of great micro-brew and make some amazing contacts. At one point I was driving the Race announcers car (he gave me the keys, no questions asked. Shame on him Wink) and then I got roped into doing a flexed arm hang competition at the Marines booth.

Here I am climbing the announcers tower returning the keys hahaha


Annnnd my big flexed arm hang win


Sounds like a fun weekend, Salty!!  And the trail runs, yay!!  Luvs me some trail running!  Nice 'gumdrops' (calf muscles) in the first pic, and way to kick arse on the flexed arm hang, you beast!!

First thing I noticed too...mighta had a glimpse at some other bits...

the ringworm bits

2012-08-27 11:43 PM
in reply to: #4383537

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty RidiculoSnarky Almost Intelligent-Charming Manatees PART 4 - Full
Asalzwed - 2012-08-27 11:34 PM
reecealan - 2012-08-27 9:32 PM
TriAya - 2012-08-27 2:00 PM
Asalzwed - 2012-08-28 2:20 AM

I survived my crazy weekend.

I went from Seattle to Mt. Hood to Seattle to Arlington to Seaside and  back to Seattle. That's like, 800 miles in 2.5 days or something!!! I was balancing working the Hood to Coast Relay with PowerBar and attending a really good friend's wedding.  

I managed to get in some running on the trails at Mt. Hood which was BEAUTIFUL BTW, drink lots of great micro-brew and make some amazing contacts. At one point I was driving the Race announcers car (he gave me the keys, no questions asked. Shame on him Wink) and then I got roped into doing a flexed arm hang competition at the Marines booth.

Here I am climbing the announcers tower returning the keys hahaha


Annnnd my big flexed arm hang win


I want to chew on your calves.

Yep, I was thinking the same thing.  I'll bet there were a few fans after those feats of strength, a mini FESTIVUS!

haha festivus!! You know what my reward was for my "feats of strength"? Freaking ringworm! That's right, I got ringworm. Ick. I've never had it before. I'll betcha it came from that nasty marine's pull up bar. Grrrrrr!So I have a feeling the calf chewing comments have been retracted

I got ringworm a few times when I lived on a greek island - me and my friend kept adopting stray cats!

2012-08-27 11:54 PM
in reply to: #4383543

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty RidiculoSnarky Almost Intelligent-Charming Manatees PART 4 - Full
Asalzwed - 2012-08-27 9:42 PM
bcraht - 2012-08-27 8:54 PM
melbo55 - 2012-08-27 11:36 AM
Asalzwed - 2012-08-27 2:20 PM

I survived my crazy weekend.

I went from Seattle to Mt. Hood to Seattle to Arlington to Seaside and  back to Seattle. That's like, 800 miles in 2.5 days or something!!! I was balancing working the Hood to Coast Relay with PowerBar and attending a really good friend's wedding.  

I managed to get in some running on the trails at Mt. Hood which was BEAUTIFUL BTW, drink lots of great micro-brew and make some amazing contacts. At one point I was driving the Race announcers car (he gave me the keys, no questions asked. Shame on him Wink) and then I got roped into doing a flexed arm hang competition at the Marines booth.

Here I am climbing the announcers tower returning the keys hahaha


Annnnd my big flexed arm hang win


Sounds like a fun weekend, Salty!!  And the trail runs, yay!!  Luvs me some trail running!  Nice 'gumdrops' (calf muscles) in the first pic, and way to kick arse on the flexed arm hang, you beast!!

First thing I noticed too...mighta had a glimpse at some other bits...

the ringworm bits

You have ringworm on your tushie? Wink

Interesting that you have it--I have a suspicious spot on my leg that I need to get checked.  Never had it, despite 10 years in vet med...

Went out for a run today, stretching in the grass by the lake while waiting for a ride.  Stopped at the market on the way home--bites all over my legs.  Totally itchy, welts, it was awful.  My friend was stretching same place, no problems.  No idea what bit me.  Scratching was what made me notice the other, possibly ringworm, lesion.

2012-08-28 12:00 AM
in reply to: #4332724

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Citrus Heights, CA
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty RidiculoSnarky Almost Intelligent-Charming Manatees PART 4 - Full

Hey, just checking in...After an amazing race, a few days of GREAT workouts, reality came crashing in. I still don't know my status for school, and I found out today, that the school had received the last bit of documentation that I had been required to send on the 8th of August--and they promptly sent it to the wrong dept. so I now have to wait for 10-15 MORE business days before I have a decision....And I only know cause I went to the office to check as to if they had received it. What fantastic service. Also, I went back to work only to find out that 3 animals in the reptile section had passed away while I was off, and 2 more were quite ill; thankfully the two seem to be stable, and/or recovering. Basically, everything went steeply downhill in a quick fashion. 

Nonetheless, I returned to school today, and I will have a decent workout tomorrow as well. Life goes on, and I (hopefully) will survive.

Thanks for letting me vent for a back to the regular manatee shenanigans.

2012-08-28 12:06 AM
in reply to: #4383556

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty RidiculoSnarky Almost Intelligent-Charming Manatees PART 4 - Full
kgore - 2012-08-27 10:00 PM

Hey, just checking in...After an amazing race, a few days of GREAT workouts, reality came crashing in. I still don't know my status for school, and I found out today, that the school had received the last bit of documentation that I had been required to send on the 8th of August--and they promptly sent it to the wrong dept. so I now have to wait for 10-15 MORE business days before I have a decision....And I only know cause I went to the office to check as to if they had received it. What fantastic service. Also, I went back to work only to find out that 3 animals in the reptile section had passed away while I was off, and 2 more were quite ill; thankfully the two seem to be stable, and/or recovering. Basically, everything went steeply downhill in a quick fashion. 

Nonetheless, I returned to school today, and I will have a decent workout tomorrow as well. Life goes on, and I (hopefully) will survive.

Thanks for letting me vent for a back to the regular manatee shenanigans.

Sorry Kate .  That sucks.  Hopefully it will all work out in the end.  Sorry about the critters too; I'm sure you get attached to any to whom you are their primary.  I can get attached to my patients in hospital in about 3 & 1/2 seconds...  Hang in there, at least Monday is over!!

2012-08-28 12:22 AM
in reply to: #4383556

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty RidiculoSnarky Almost Intelligent-Charming Manatees PART 4 - Full
kgore - 2012-08-28 12:00 AM

Hey, just checking in...After an amazing race, a few days of GREAT workouts, reality came crashing in. I still don't know my status for school, and I found out today, that the school had received the last bit of documentation that I had been required to send on the 8th of August--and they promptly sent it to the wrong dept. so I now have to wait for 10-15 MORE business days before I have a decision....And I only know cause I went to the office to check as to if they had received it. What fantastic service. Also, I went back to work only to find out that 3 animals in the reptile section had passed away while I was off, and 2 more were quite ill; thankfully the two seem to be stable, and/or recovering. Basically, everything went steeply downhill in a quick fashion. 

Nonetheless, I returned to school today, and I will have a decent workout tomorrow as well. Life goes on, and I (hopefully) will survive.

Thanks for letting me vent for a back to the regular manatee shenanigans.

2012-08-28 12:22 AM
in reply to: #4383556

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty RidiculoSnarky Almost Intelligent-Charming Manatees PART 4 - Full
kgore - 2012-08-28 12:00 AM

Hey, just checking in...After an amazing race, a few days of GREAT workouts, reality came crashing in. I still don't know my status for school, and I found out today, that the school had received the last bit of documentation that I had been required to send on the 8th of August--and they promptly sent it to the wrong dept. so I now have to wait for 10-15 MORE business days before I have a decision....And I only know cause I went to the office to check as to if they had received it. What fantastic service. Also, I went back to work only to find out that 3 animals in the reptile section had passed away while I was off, and 2 more were quite ill; thankfully the two seem to be stable, and/or recovering. Basically, everything went steeply downhill in a quick fashion. 

Nonetheless, I returned to school today, and I will have a decent workout tomorrow as well. Life goes on, and I (hopefully) will survive.

Thanks for letting me vent for a back to the regular manatee shenanigans.

Big manatee hugs to you.

I got nothing like that going on yet i'm on a bit of a downer.  DH sent me a message to say he loves me.  Now that is a mighty fine piglet.

Edited by jobaxas 2012-08-28 12:40 AM
2012-08-28 5:57 AM
in reply to: #4382897

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty RidiculoSnarky Almost Intelligent-Charming Manatees PART 4 - Full
Asalzwed - 2012-08-27 5:02 PM

cdban66 - 2012-08-27 3:56 PM
Asalzwed - 2012-08-27 4:17 PM
TriAya - 2012-08-27 3:14 PM
Asalzwed - 2012-08-28 4:11 AM

Ummm well, maybe I need to find someone else to make decisions for me. Someone who isn't eating jerky at 3 am Wink

I'm just trying to figure out how to prioritize XC and road racing. Also, sponsorship stuff. Pros and cons and whatnot. Ahhh I hate deciding this stuff. I'm bad at it.  

Worse yet, it isn't even my jerky. But it is in a resealable pouch.

Hm. Ask Scout. He knows everything. Except how to spell "all right" in the most all right fashion.

Ohh man, where has he been btw? Um ok, I am also ashamed to say this but what is his username again so I can message him? I think I deleted all our old correspondence. 


Agh! Thanks Embarassed Don't rat me out Wink

Are you back from vacation? 

Yeah, no ratting out from me. I only know his name because I was looking through someone's log and saw it on their friend list. It reminded me that I need to reread his running philosphy blog, which is on my home computer.

And in answer to your question, I am back from vacation. Work sucked yesterday, which is normal for day one of a return. Today isn't shaping up any better. We have a contractor coming to the house to install hurricane resistant sliding doors. This is a long story, but suffice it to say it has been 3 years of fighting to get our windows finished. So, I'll be out of here early today, which is not good for day 2. And I have at least 2 meetings scheduled for the morning. Yippie! But, the doors will be done, and that is a huge plus, especially since we just dodged Isaac.
2012-08-28 6:02 AM
in reply to: #4383034

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty RidiculoSnarky Almost Intelligent-Charming Manatees PART 4 - Full
amd723 - 2012-08-27 6:07 PM

I need some advise on structuring or restructuring my upcoming bike workouts.  THe next 3 sunday workouts call for 3:30, 4:00 and 3:00 rides.  I will be out of town and will not be able to do the 4:00 ride.  I may be able to do an hour or so on the trainer wHen i get back into town late sunday, but knowing me, that is a long shot.

I know missing a workout is not the end of the world, but wonder if I should change up the rides around the 4:00 one.  In other words, should I make the 3:30 a 4 and the 3:00 a 3:30 or both of them a 4 or just keep things the way the are?


Ann-Marie, I am not a follower of programs at this point, so take this with a grain of salt. I think I'd rather switch them around then miss one completely, which it sounds like will happen. Could you get in a 3 hour ride during the week? If so, jumble the three rides around so that the 3.5 and 4 happen on the weekends that you are home and a 3 (or whatever you have time for) gets done the week of the trip outta town.
2012-08-28 6:04 AM
in reply to: #4383317

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty RidiculoSnarky Almost Intelligent-Charming Manatees PART 4 - Full
Artemis - 2012-08-27 9:17 PM

I got another coritsone shot it my wrist today.  It hurts so bad right now.

Owww, I hope it helps. I've heard the shot itself is quite painful. I hope all is OK for you. Did I miss something happening to you?
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