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2008-12-01 10:30 AM
in reply to: #1831836

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

Bike part shopping is fun, just picked up

Ultegra cranks and BB 50 bucks

Ultegra brakeset 40 bucks

Dura-Ace Bar end shifters 25 bucks.

+ 10 shipping

All off a brand new bike.

2008-12-01 10:52 AM
in reply to: #1369643

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Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

Hang in there Tracy, things will settle again soon.

I doubt I'll get much training in this week.  My wife and I leave for DC tomorrow morning.  I did throw my running gear in the suitcase, but who knows if I'll have time or energy (time zones - ugh) to get a run in.


2008-12-01 11:02 AM
in reply to: #1832296

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
cadmus - 2008-12-01 11:52 AM

Hang in there Tracy, things will settle again soon.

I doubt I'll get much training in this week.  My wife and I leave for DC tomorrow morning.  I did throw my running gear in the suitcase, but who knows if I'll have time or energy (time zones - ugh) to get a run in.

Don't forget to send me your info.  Weather should actually be 1/2 way decent this week.

If you are here on Saturday going ice skating and then drinking with a bunch of DC area BT'ers.

Where are you staying?

2008-12-01 11:12 AM
in reply to: #1832328

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Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

We won't be there Saturday.  We talked about staying the weekend, but since this is the first time leaving the little one we didn't want to push it.  We get in around 5 tomorrow and leave Friday afternoon.


2008-12-01 11:25 AM
in reply to: #1369643

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

Hang in there Sista'..... That is what the holidays are about!  Running around all over the place, no time for yourself.  The holidays are about family, friends, poor health, and bad eating habits.... It has always been that way, and will always be that way.   Being a husband, and knowing that if you ARE NOT asking for help from Mr. Hubby, or asking him to go work out.... He will get distracted and you will never get to do anything.  He needs your guidance. 


Tell him that you would like to go for a run tonight, or Saturday morning..... He just needs to hear it from you.  We are not smart enough to pick up "clues" to your feelings !!! 

2008-12-01 2:19 PM
in reply to: #1831836

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
tahrens - 2008-12-01 8:55 AM

Hello all and I hope everyone had a peaceful turkey day holiday. I just got back into town last night. Was out visiting the inlaws.  Now I am home with a sick child.  I have been slack on my training and these interuptions aren't helping.  I am thinking about trying to follow the 20 week 1/2 iron plan for my race in May, but that means today is day one of training.  Maybe I can get on the trainer or get to the gym when daddy comes home.  I don't know where the time goes during the day but I always seem to run out of it. It seems like everyone's schedule gets busier and I am the one making it all fit together.  Plus you throw in the holidays and aagggggghhhh!!!!  Please tell me you guys are good husbands and you help with the christmas shopping, house decorations, mailing of presents, writing the christmas letter, coordinate family travel plans, take care of the sick kids, etc.....    Don't mean to imply the hubby doesn't help, but I always seem so da*! busy!!   Sorry about the rant.  I hear a sick kid coughing so I have to go. I'll check back in later.

Of course we are all good husbands. In fact I think I remember something about Steve staying out of his wife'w way when he was struck down by a viscious nose zit. He didn't want to make things harder for her.

2008-12-01 2:36 PM
in reply to: #1369643

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
Actually I do have a question for all you avid runners. Can shin splints be caused by worn out shoes. I have started to get these lately and I'm not sure if its because the distances are increasing or some other factor. I know I need new shoes as I can see the treads wearing off the ones I have now but they are not too bad yet. These started when I started doing long hard climbs on the tread mill.
2008-12-01 5:01 PM
in reply to: #1832785

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

Redknight - 2008-12-01 12:36 PM Actually I do have a question for all you avid runners. Can shin splints be caused by worn out shoes. I have started to get these lately and I'm not sure if its because the distances are increasing or some other factor. I know I need new shoes as I can see the treads wearing off the ones I have now but they are not too bad yet. These started when I started doing long hard climbs on the tread mill.


I think this is one of the MAJOR FACTORS that leads to SHIN SPLINTS!! At the 1st sign of shin/knee pain, I am putting on new shoes.... I don't like to risk it!

2008-12-01 5:32 PM
in reply to: #1833113

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
yep, worn shoes can do it, also just increasing mileage can do it also.  I used to get them all the time when I first started running.  I read up on it and they talk about shoes and increasing miles by too much can do it also.
2008-12-02 7:23 AM
in reply to: #1369643

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
Ok Thanks guys. It's off to the running works to see about new shoes and maybe slow down the longer distance work for a while.( I doubt I'll slow down to much on the running )

Edited by Redknight 2008-12-02 7:24 AM
2008-12-02 10:35 AM
in reply to: #1369643

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

From my workout long this morning:

Kim, Kona and I left from the house up towards Lakemont Park.... We did a few loops at the park, and to our wondering eyes, Strong headlamp, and a barking dog we noticed a "FELINE" of sorts.... Either a Cougar, or Bobcat laying in the field... Kona started barking at the field, I shined the Mammut SPOT that direction and saw a cat of sorts... The cat just turned and looked right at us... Didn't run, just sort of tensed up and faced us. We didn't stick around long enough to really get a GOOD look at it. Having the dog off leash, and a wife that was pulling at me, we continued our run around the park only to PONDER, WHAT THE HELL THAT WAS!

2008-12-02 7:27 PM
in reply to: #1369643

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL


2008-12-02 7:34 PM
in reply to: #1835411

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

Its tough working on my 2009 calendar trying to fit everything in. 

Can't decide if I really like the int'l/olympic distance yet.  I have a great time at sprints,  I think mainly I am just not a big fan of the swim.  I have a lesson on Sunday so will see if anything comes of that.  I want to set up lessons every 2 weeks or so.  I think if I get the swimming down I won't mind doing a 1/2 at all, 56 miles and 13 miles not a big deal at all but not sure I can do the 2000M swim.

For whatever reason I just get really tired out swimming, coming up on 100,000M swam this year I figured I should be alot better but just not getting it for some reason.

2008-12-03 6:02 AM
in reply to: #1835435

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Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

I'm having different issues with the 2009 calendar.  I'm hesitant to schedule anything with the unknown of a newborn in the house.


2008-12-03 9:54 AM
in reply to: #1369643

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

Most of my 2009 races aren't open for registration until 2009, so I am in planning mode.  Will repeat the fun sprints, the hubby wants to challenge his time on SavageMan so I guess I'll be repeating that Olympic, and a young buck at work has been challenged by his brother to do a 1/2 Ironman and is begging me to help him. He has never done a triathlon and thinks he'll survive a 1/2.  I said I wanted to do a 1/2 this season anyway so I think I'll join him.  It is a beautiful course, flat with crystal clear water.  Besides, he really has no idea what he is getting into so hopefully I can help and it's fun to have a partner to train with.    It's sad that I am considered the "old lady" to this group of 20 somethings at work. At least when I was teaching being called old didn't matter when they were 14, but when they are working with you it is very depressing. Guess I'll just have to spank him in the race to show him how "old people" do it Cool


By the way, I actually swam last night!  Fist time in at least a month. Didn't break any speed records, was mainly doing drills and working on form and technique.  I went back to my old gym and the water wasn't as nasty as I remembered. Must have been a summer salty thing.   Better be careful, I might enjoy this again.

2008-12-03 11:09 AM
in reply to: #1369643

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

GOOD GOOGLIE MOOGLIE..... 2009 Planning Already?!!!  Scary.  I think for me next year my schedule is going to consist of 1 Marathon, 1 Ultramarathon (maybe?), Boise 70.3, Lake Steven's 70.3, and the Chelanman 1/2 Ironman....

2008-12-03 6:11 PM
in reply to: #1369643

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
The only race I have registered for is the HIM in Sept. I am going to do my race planning in detail after the holiday season. Had a good bike swim session today. I can understand why they do the swim portion first. I was pretty tired by then end of only 750 m in the pool.
2008-12-04 10:34 AM
in reply to: #1835435

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
dalessit - 2008-12-02 8:34 PM

Its tough working on my 2009 calendar trying to fit everything in. 

Can't decide if I really like the int'l/olympic distance yet.  I have a great time at sprints,  I think mainly I am just not a big fan of the swim.  I have a lesson on Sunday so will see if anything comes of that.  I want to set up lessons every 2 weeks or so.  I think if I get the swimming down I won't mind doing a 1/2 at all, 56 miles and 13 miles not a big deal at all but not sure I can do the 2000M swim.

For whatever reason I just get really tired out swimming, coming up on 100,000M swam this year I figured I should be alot better but just not getting it for some reason.

I know what you mean about the swimming. When I started earlier this year I was having trouble even going 100m never mind the 400 I needed even for a super sprint. I took about 5 weeks of lessons and have never looked back. Best $150.00 I have spent in a long time. I recently finished 2500 m in under and hour. Swimming is all about technique. Even more so than biking and running. Good technique will give you better times, farther distance and all without making you really tired. I found that the sprints are what really gave me the added kick to get farther distance without tiring too badly. The sprints I do are generally 6/8 X 25m full out with a time limit of 30 - 40 seconds per lenght. You get to rest in between laps for the amount of time you have left. E.G. you have a 40 second limit. If you do the length in 20 seconds you get to rest for 20 seconds. Sounds pretty easy but once you get to the 5th to 6th lap at first you will be flailing wilding in the water and having the life guardds wondering if you are OK. Another are which might help is to tread water. I will do a 10 - 20 miunutes stint once every couple of eweks. This strengthens the arms and legs without straining yourself too much. If you want to make it harder tread using only your arms or only your legs.
2008-12-04 10:35 AM
in reply to: #1369643

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
Red, I had some shin splints last spring. I totaly agree on the shoes. My last pair of shoes died during a 20 mile run. I knew they were getting older, but then about 10 miles into the run I started having pain in both my arches. I actually changed into the new shoes at mile 10 and was able to finish the run. No arche problems at all in the new shoes.

As for getting over shin splints with longer runs I started taking ice bathes for 9 + mile runs and I have a Marthon stick or The Stick or whatever to roll across my shins when they get sore. The combination helps alot. I hit 150 miles ran for the first time last month and 425 ish on the bike yay!.

Then I got sick over Thanksgivng and am still recovering from that, and going from sealevel back up to 4500 feet. The elevation change always makes workouts suck for about 10 days. The combination of sick, not sleeping well and altitude made lastnight's 20 miler um not pretty. I ended up having to walk a couple half miles stints towards the end.

Only 6 weeks till my first Full Mary... k not time to start freeking out yet, but almost. I hope my next 20 miler goes a bit smoother.

2008-12-04 6:23 PM
in reply to: #1369643

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
How many 20+ mile runs are you going to do for your marathon??? Seems like 1 should be plenty?!
2008-12-05 9:26 AM
in reply to: #1369643

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
I didn't feel like swimming last night so I lifted weights at the gym instead.  Felt good at the time but OUCH TODAY!!!   I share an office with a pregnant woman and I don't know who is moving more awkward today!

2008-12-05 10:14 AM
in reply to: #1369643

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
I think I have a total of 4 runs 20 20 21 22 prior to the mary which is on 1/18/09 and have two 20s out of the way in the past 3 weeks so I have the 21 and 22 left in the next 6 weeks.

I am new to the whole training for a marathon thing, so am open to feedback. I am currently running around 45 mpw that goes something like this:

M off
T Bike 20 Run 6-7
W Long run 20 (this week)
Th Bike 30 Run 3 (brick)
Fri Run 6
Sat Bike 60 Run 3 (brick)
Sun Run 8

Total Run 46
Total Biked 110
Swim --- no where to swim yet. Seriously considering going after the contractor for lack of work on the project 8(.

Do you think just upping the shorter runs would be more benefitial than getting in more 20 + s?

2008-12-05 11:29 AM
in reply to: #1369643

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

To me it is all about QUALITY.... NOT QUANTITY!!!  If you are not recovering after your long runs!??  Then your next work outs are not as beneficial!  I would say take your rest day after your long runs...  Here is a good article that I read recently:

I'm a huge fan of long workouts. An hour run, a 90-minute bike ride, or a three-hour snowshoe walk in the woods are a few of my faves. There's something about moving your body for an extended period of time that feels so gratifying. You don't want to overdo it though, and you definitely don't want to compromise your form just for the sake of saying you worked out for a certain amount of time. When it comes to exercise, think of quality — not quantity. Pushing yourself to run a 10K is commendable, but not if you end up with blisters, shin splints, and are too sore to work out for the next week.

Whatever you do, you want to be able to move with strength, energy, and control. This goes for weights in strength training as well as distances in running. Remember that a workout doesn't have to be long in order for it to be good.

2008-12-05 1:00 PM
in reply to: #1369643

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

So does anyone have anything fun planned for the weekend?  I'll be finishing up the christmas shopping and putting up the decorations.  The hubby is home sick (caught it from the youngest one this week) so I'll also be on nurse duty.  You boys are such babies when you get sick.Cry  Good thing my gym has a daycare facility or I wouldn't get any workouts in this weekend.  Hopefully we'll get some snow soon. 


Last year I entered the New York City Marathon. The race started and immediately I was the last of the runners. It was embarrassing. The guy who was in front of me, second to last, was making fun of me. He said, "Hey buddy, how does it feel to be last?" I replied: "Do you want to know?" and I dropped out.

2008-12-05 1:31 PM
in reply to: #1369643

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

TONIGHT IS OUR ANNUAL UGLY SWEATER XMAS PARTY... LOT'S OF BOOZE, LAUGHS, and POINT FINGERS AT UGLY SWEATERS (picture below was the start of last years party)!!!!!  The rest of the weekend... Uhh... Recovering?!?!

Edited by swbkrun 2008-12-05 1:34 PM


SWEATER PARTY.JPG (62KB - 14 downloads)
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