BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED! Rss Feed  
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2011-04-07 1:18 PM
in reply to: #3256949

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Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!

I was hoping that I would be feeling more rested by now in my taper but I just don't. I hope I can feel better in the next couple of days.

By the way, I guess Spring/Summer groups are open now. Thanks Fred for all your guidance and wisdom this season.

2011-04-07 1:56 PM
in reply to: #3434565

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Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!
Brings up a question - Fred what are your plans for the group?  Will it continue, do you close it down, are you opening a new one? 
2011-04-07 4:29 PM
in reply to: #3434671

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Edited by Fred Doucette 2011-04-07 4:32 PM
2011-04-07 4:30 PM
in reply to: #3434671

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Edited by Fred Doucette 2011-04-07 4:32 PM
2011-04-07 4:30 PM
in reply to: #3434671

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Edited by Fred Doucette 2011-04-07 4:33 PM
2011-04-07 4:30 PM
in reply to: #3434671

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Edited by Fred Doucette 2011-04-07 4:33 PM

2011-04-07 4:30 PM
in reply to: #3256949

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2011-04-07 4:34 PM
in reply to: #3434565

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2011-04-07 4:47 PM
in reply to: #3256949

Lexington, KY
Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!

Thanks for the group Fred.  It was fun to get to know a few more BTers.

Guess I'll have to start reading the IMWI group again.

Good luck to everyone with their races.

2011-04-07 6:16 PM
in reply to: #3256949

Lexington, KY
Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!

Good stuff on the VDOT thing, proper swim/bike training/pacing.  One more thing comes to mind based on my own experience (sorry if this was brought up above and I missed it):

Going into an IM, few of us are properly run-trained to even pull off the open marathon pace that our VDOT predicts (VDOT is necessarily taken from a shorter event or a marathon that is run early in the season after a run focus).  IME, lots of biking+swimming doesn't make up for the reduced run volume most of us have to make-do with in an IM build.

2011-04-07 6:43 PM
in reply to: #3435123

South Alabama
Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!
Wow, hate that the group is coming to an end.  I will continue to check in and see if anyone is posting.  Fred-thanks so much.  You did a great job with the group.  Always raising interesting issues and moderating our ramblings. I appreciate all of the time you invested and the advice you and everyone in the group provided.  I hope folks will keep my as a "friend" so I can check in with you periodically.  Always fun to see how folks are doing during race season.  Looking forward to lots of great race reports! 

THANKS to all for the support and encouragement!!


2011-04-08 6:47 AM
in reply to: #3256949

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2011-04-08 6:50 AM
in reply to: #3435157

Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!

slornow - 2011-04-07 7:43 PM Wow, hate that the group is coming to an end.  I will continue to check in and see if anyone is posting.  Fred-thanks so much.  You did a great job with the group.  Always raising interesting issues and moderating our ramblings. I appreciate all of the time you invested and the advice you and everyone in the group provided.  I hope folks will keep my as a "friend" so I can check in with you periodically.  Always fun to see how folks are doing during race season.  Looking forward to lots of great race reports! 

THANKS to all for the support and encouragement!!


I hate to say it so simply, but I'd like to echo everything Randy said.  There were some really great discussions in this group and I learned a lot from some very talented members.  Fred, you were indespensible as our fearless leader, cultivating an environment of discussion instead of simple "yes", "no", "do it this way" or "I'm right, you're wrong" answers to our questions.  Triathlete's have a stigma of arrogant, self-absorbed attitudes (and rightly so in many cases I'm sorry to say) but you so eschew that attitude it's incredible.  The same goes for everyone in the group, everyone was here in a very friendly, supportive and positive way.  Sure we didn't always agree, but that leads to the best and most interesting debates and discussions, which I was very glad to be apart of.  I'm probably going to start a group of this session too, I really like the environment here so we'll see how it goes.

Thanks everyone and good luck with your training and races!

I'll leave everyone in my friends list and continue to check in (7-7:30 AM is a slow time at work ) when I can.  And if those dang Republicans Democrats "leaders" of our country have there way, I'll have plenty of free, unpaid time after midnight to check in with you guys. 

2011-04-08 7:39 AM
in reply to: #3256949

Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!

Not sure what else to add on top of Randy and Joe's comments.  I've been part of a number of different groups over time, but this has been far and away the best experience of all of them.  I appreciate all of your contributions and explanantions.

Joe - I hope your last comment didn't mean you were about to find yourself unemployed.  Surprised

Edited by GoFaster 2011-04-08 7:40 AM
2011-04-08 8:22 AM
in reply to: #3435698

Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!
GoFaster - 2011-04-08 8:39 AM

Not sure what else to add on top of Randy and Joe's comments.  I've been part of a number of different groups over time, but this has been far and away the best experience of all of them.  I appreciate all of your contributions and explanantions.

Joe - I hope your last comment didn't mean you were about to find yourself unemployed.  Surprised

No, not unemployed, but if Congress doesn't pass some sort of budget and the Federal gov't shuts down tonight, I'm one of the "non-essetial" employees who will be furloughed.

2011-04-08 9:28 PM
in reply to: #3256949

2000500100100100100 home in The ATL
Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!

Just got in from work travels - a little bummed to hear that t is time for the group to wind down. All I can do is echo Joe and Randy - I too have really, really appreciated everyone's input, enthusiasm, and encouragement. Fred - you have been awesome in every way in shepherding this group through the tough winter months. Now that my training has really become focused on IMLP, I am going to jump over to the Lake Placid group - I know I will still see a handful of you there as the weeks and months go on. Like Randy, if you will allow I would enjoy the opportunity to still be allowed to check in to logs on occasion to see how you are all doing. I find the consistency of everyone here to be really inspiring.

All the best to everyone, especially to you Kathy in coping with both your own injuries and the difficult time with your father's health.

And Todd - good luck this weekend - don't worry too much about not feeling great during your taper - stick with it - you will be amazed how it pays off on race day, once you get going. Please post back here to let us all know how the day goes - you know you have a whole crowd rooting for you!

See you all around the BT boards!

2011-04-09 5:47 AM
in reply to: #3437126

Subject: ...
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Edited by Fred Doucette 2011-04-09 5:55 AM
2011-04-09 11:03 AM
in reply to: #3256949

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2011-04-09 1:01 PM
in reply to: #3256949

Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!
Thanks again Fred!I'm still subscribed to this thread so if people post, I'll still be seeing it. I also started my own mentor group, if anyone want to help me lead it, I'd love to have the support of anyone from this group, let me know!
2011-04-09 1:48 PM
in reply to: #3256949

Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!
So I just found out about an hour ago that the HIM that I've been training for has canceled the swim portion due to e-coli in the water. It has been raining her for the last day and I guess there is runoff that could pour e-coli into the lake so they have canceled the swim. There are now doing the race as a duathlon. 5K run-56 mile bike-13.2 mile run. I know this sucks but I'm going to push through it. The run has been my weak point and because of my knee injury, I haven't trained much on it for the past two months. I really hope for a good day tomorrow. Why does this keep happening to me? They canceled the HIM I had planned on doing last fall because the dam at Tempe Town Lake burst and the lake drained out. This is the same lake that they use for IMAZ.
2011-04-09 2:00 PM
in reply to: #3256949

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2011-04-09 5:04 PM
in reply to: #3256949

Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!

It has been great getting to know all of you and Fred as always, a great job in mentoring. I read the whole tread but have no knowledge on watts, power and all that so added where I could. I will keep checking in to see how people are doing.

I have a half marathon tomorrow. It is supposed to rain and be in the 50s. Not what I was hoping for but really my only goal for this race is to not get sick during or after it (a problem that plagues me during half marathons). If I meet that goal I will be happy and however I get to the finish line (provided that it is on my own to feet) is fine with me.

Best of luck to everyone racing tomorrow.

2011-04-09 6:43 PM
in reply to: #3437871

Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!
Kath2163 - 2011-04-09 4:04 PM

It has been great getting to know all of you and Fred as always, a great job in mentoring. I read the whole tread but have no knowledge on watts, power and all that so added where I could. I will keep checking in to see how people are doing.

I have a half marathon tomorrow. It is supposed to rain and be in the 50s. Not what I was hoping for but really my only goal for this race is to not get sick during or after it (a problem that plagues me during half marathons). If I meet that goal I will be happy and however I get to the finish line (provided that it is on my own to feet) is fine with me.

Best of luck to everyone racing tomorrow.


I guess you'll finally get that chance to use your super fast rain slicker. I hope the weather holds off for you Kathleen. It has been cold and rainy here all day. I dropped my bike off earlier at transition and al the bikes were covered to keep them out of the elements. Have a great 1/2 mary tomorrow.

2011-04-09 7:27 PM
in reply to: #3437626

Lexington, KY
Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!

jsiegs - 2011-04-09 2:01 PM Thanks again Fred!I'm still subscribed to this thread so if people post, I'll still be seeing it. I also started my own mentor group, if anyone want to help me lead it, I'd love to have the support of anyone from this group, let me know!

Good luck with it Joe, and with your season.  Hope it (your season) works out as well as your logs seem to predict!

Edited by wiky 2011-04-09 7:27 PM
2011-04-09 7:33 PM
in reply to: #3256949

Lexington, KY
Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!

And good luck to everyone racing tomorrow morning.  It looks like a busy day:

- Todd @ Marquee Triathlon 70.3

- Rene @ IM Texas 70.3

- Kathleeen @ Platte River Half Marathon 

Safe racing to all three of you.  I'll think of you while I'm sipping my coffee and trying to motivate myself to get on the trainer in the basement!

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