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2012-08-28 6:33 AM
in reply to: #4332724

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty RidiculoSnarky Almost Intelligent-Charming Manatees PART 4 - Full
OK, I am back from vacation and hope to be in the pool tonight. It will be a time challenge though, we have construction and parents and kid stuff and church stuff going on, so this whole week is going to be tough. I did get some running and biking in while in Alaska, so I haven't fallen completely off the wagon, but I'm not where I'd like to be. Then again, who is?

Oh yeah, I finished two books while on the cruise. Thanks again TJ for book. It gave me a nudge in the right direction spiritually, which I needed. And I read "Iron War", which was interesting. I never fully trust info from one source, but it gave me a good feel for where this sport came from, primarily long course and Kona. It was interesting to read about the early competitors, where they came from and what made them who they are. Also, seeing the mental and emotional tolls that this can take at that level were an eye opener. Funny how something so physical is actually mostly mental.

2012-08-28 9:41 AM
in reply to: #4382532

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty RidiculoSnarky Almost Intelligent-Charming Manatees PART 4 - Full
Asalzwed - 2012-08-27 2:49 PM
melbo55 - 2012-08-27 1:36 PM
Asalzwed - 2012-08-27 2:20 PM

I survived my crazy weekend.

I went from Seattle to Mt. Hood to Seattle to Arlington to Seaside and  back to Seattle. That's like, 800 miles in 2.5 days or something!!! I was balancing working the Hood to Coast Relay with PowerBar and attending a really good friend's wedding.  

I managed to get in some running on the trails at Mt. Hood which was BEAUTIFUL BTW, drink lots of great micro-brew and make some amazing contacts. At one point I was driving the Race announcers car (he gave me the keys, no questions asked. Shame on him Wink) and then I got roped into doing a flexed arm hang competition at the Marines booth.

Here I am climbing the announcers tower returning the keys hahaha


Annnnd my big flexed arm hang win


Sounds like a fun weekend, Salty!!  And the trail runs, yay!!  Luvs me some trail running!  Nice 'gumdrops' (calf muscles) in the first pic, and way to kick arse on the flexed arm hang, you beast!!

Gumdrops! LOL that's a new one! 

It's a code word my friend and I came up with when we did the 5 Boros ride and wanted to alert each other to fine calf specimens around us without outright saying, "Hey, check out those luscious calf muscles on that guy/girl!"  So it has become part of my vocabulary, and now possibly yours!

2012-08-28 9:44 AM
in reply to: #4382785

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty RidiculoSnarky Almost Intelligent-Charming Manatees PART 4 - Full
jobaxas - 2012-08-27 4:18 PM

Still basking in the glory of my 3.4km swim.  Today I get to sprint interval run at lunchtime and tonight 1 hour hill climbing on the drainer.  Love it. - Yeah, girl!!  3.4 km swim is friggin' awesome!  Bask away!

In a bit of a better mood - a friend in California posted this on FB "time to get up and make it happen" I like that.  That's what life is about - you want something you gotta try and make it happen. - That is so very, very true.

Feeling good - it's 6.20am not a bad start!

2012-08-28 9:47 AM
in reply to: #4382905

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty RidiculoSnarky Almost Intelligent-Charming Manatees PART 4 - Full
ArielLIlB - 2012-08-27 5:07 PM
reecealan - 2012-08-27 4:49 PM
Asalzwed - 2012-08-27 3:39 PM

ArielLIlB - 2012-08-27 3:32 PM So that was my last triathlon of the season   The ocean swim one I was going to do Sept. 23 has been replaced by a horse show - fun!  The next item on my race calendar is a half mary Nov. 4.  I'd really like to improve my PR (2:12:10) and I think one of the best ways to do that is stay up on my bike training, because it feels like it really improves my leg strength, endurance and speed.  I'd love to make a 3 sport HM plan up, since they don't have that on BT - if I currently run only 2x per week max, any suggestions for balancing workouts?  I'd like to be running 3x a week - regular run, track workout with my running club, and long run - and then a bike and a swim, if not 2 of each.  Is that too much? Or should I be running more?  How should you balance the 2 other sports when you are training for run?

Well, you have 2 months to work on your run for the HM in November. That is a lot of time to improve! The best way to do that is to steadily increase your running frequency and distance. Biking helps to a certain extent but doesn't even compare to simply running more. In terms of a 3 sport HM plan? Look at my past month, haha. (The bike distance was lacking but frequency was good) I think since running is your priority right now, I would start with structuring workouts around that and then add in the bike and swim where you can. Just try not to stress out over the swim and bike and really put your emphasis on the run. 

I like what you stated about the 3x a week in terms of having variety in your workouts (track, group, long) but I guarantee you will see more significant improvement if you can bump that up to 4 or 5 times a week. Keep in mind, those additional running workouts can be done verrrrry easy. It's more about just getting out there frequently. 

Agree 100% here.  If you focus will be a 13.1 mile run in November, you need to run, mostly easy somethimes hard....where have I heard that before?  It really works.  I like variety so I like mixing in bike and swim etc.  On days where you need only run 3 miles or 30 minutes etc. just put that run at the end of a bike ride for a nice brick workout.  I think from now until then, you will see a great run happening if you run 4-5 times a week.  If you only run 3x a week you might still PR, but maybe not.  So how bad to you want to PR that run?????

Thanks! Good to know (although yes, this advice seems so familiar for some reason...).  I would really like to PR and have the confidence, strength and endurance to psuh harder than I usually do throughout the 13.1.  It's hard for me to get motivated sometimes (I'll refer you to my earlier post where I swam 2 times in 5 weeks before this most recent tri) but I think this pod can provide the encouragement I need.  And honestly, there's basically no other sport that is easier to squeeze when time is short, or throw in when a window of time opens, than running. NO EXCUSES Laughing

That's the spirit!  You can do it if you put your mind to it.  And if you have 10+ manatees keeping you honest and in line with your workouts!

2012-08-28 9:48 AM
in reply to: #4382995

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty RidiculoSnarky Almost Intelligent-Charming Manatees PART 4 - Full
rrrunner - 2012-08-27 5:44 PM

Well I went to an OWS with the Tri Coach from my Masters group and her Tri group.  It was good.  They all wore sleeveless wetsuits and because I don't have a sleeveless I went sans wetsuit.  I was the slowest one there (no surprise) but the 2 coaches each gave me feedback (kind of odd in the middle of a lake).  One told me to get my elbows up and the other (Coach Andie) told me to slow down and "glide". Well I took the glide comment as slow down to make sure I'm getting the full benefit of each stroke and the high elbow comment, well I appreciated the reminder.

Then this morning was masters and I hit some good times! At one point I even caught up to the girl in front of me!!!!!!!!! (Maybe she had a cramp or something Undecided). Anyway I am enjoying masters and am seeing improvements! We did A LOT of pull today but it gave me a chance to work on correct pull form and to translate that once we took the paddles off.

The OWS got me wondering if I should get a sleeveless wetsuit for warmer water.  I was fine without the wetsuit but sure could have used the buoyancy!Laughing

Good stuff!!  Seeing improvement from hard work and effort is fun!

2012-08-28 9:50 AM
in reply to: #4383317

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty RidiculoSnarky Almost Intelligent-Charming Manatees PART 4 - Full

Artemis - 2012-08-27 9:17 PM I got another coritsone shot it my wrist today.  It hurts so bad right now.

  Hope the pain part goes away quickly and the helpful part starts soon!

2012-08-28 10:16 AM
in reply to: #4383389

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty RidiculoSnarky Almost Intelligent-Charming Manatees PART 4 - Full
bcraht - 2012-08-27 10:07 PM

Back from Penticton.  What a great time.  Really enjoyed cheering on the athletes and my finish line volunteer shift.  Lots of amazingly inspirational people.  One woman came in with one whole arm and leg bandaged up--bike wreck.  Another guy had to ride the last 73km on a borrowed bike after his derailler sh@t the bed.  My favorite was a woman who was bawling her eyes out--asked if this was her first--"No, my second, but I had a rough day--she came in about 16:45--and I didn't really want to be cutting it so close"  I asked what had happened--she said a woman had a bike wreck right in front of her and so she waited with the downed, very bloody woman until help came--it really set her back.  (Have no idea if it was the woman I saw earlier).  I just grabbed this woman's hand, and thanked her so much for staying with the injured cyclist.  I said that made her finish all the more impressive and she was amazing.  And we both cried .  Pretty cool stuff.

Got a couple of runs in along the Kettle Valley Railway with my friend, had a great time visiting.  Hate being home and have to go to work tomorrow!!  Ah, well, back to the grind. 

Wow, good stuff, Kirsten!  The magic of Ironman, the people you meet and cheer on, the stories that you witness are so very moving.  I've spectated and occassionally volunteered IMLP for the past 4 years and it moves me to tears every time, multiple times a day.  So did you sign up for 2013?

Edited by melbo55 2012-08-28 10:22 AM
2012-08-28 11:22 AM
in reply to: #4383034

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty RidiculoSnarky Almost Intelligent-Charming Manatees PART 4 - Full
amd723 - 2012-08-27 5:07 PM

I need some advise on structuring or restructuring my upcoming bike workouts.  THe next 3 sunday workouts call for 3:30, 4:00 and 3:00 rides.  I will be out of town and will not be able to do the 4:00 ride.  I may be able to do an hour or so on the trainer wHen i get back into town late sunday, but knowing me, that is a long shot.

I know missing a workout is not the end of the world, but wonder if I should change up the rides around the 4:00 one.  In other words, should I make the 3:30 a 4 and the 3:00 a 3:30 or both of them a 4 or just keep things the way the are?


So I have been thinking about this...

I am just curious, where are you at in your training plan and what is the longest ride they have you do?

From what I have gathered, T.I.T.S. is where it's at when it comes to improving on the bike. Unlike running, cycling doesn't seem to put the same stress on your body so you are able to do more of it (See TDF.) I am thinking because you are not an inexperienced cyclist, you can probably go ahead and do more on those other two rides (maybe feel it out but shoot for 4:00?) and then just do what you can on the trainer when you get back.

I'm guessing you can't really rearrange the 4:00 bike ride because it's just too hard to get that much done on a week day with work. Is that correct?

Disclaimer: I'm a runner. The bike shop had to call me to tell me I have nothing left in terms of break pads and I just about ruined my rims.

Edited by Asalzwed 2012-08-28 11:28 AM
2012-08-28 11:26 AM
in reply to: #4384224

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty RidiculoSnarky Almost Intelligent-Charming Manatees PART 4 - Full
Asalzwed - 2012-08-29 12:22 AM
amd723 - 2012-08-27 5:07 PM

I need some advise on structuring or restructuring my upcoming bike workouts.  THe next 3 sunday workouts call for 3:30, 4:00 and 3:00 rides.  I will be out of town and will not be able to do the 4:00 ride.  I may be able to do an hour or so on the trainer wHen i get back into town late sunday, but knowing me, that is a long shot.

I know missing a workout is not the end of the world, but wonder if I should change up the rides around the 4:00 one.  In other words, should I make the 3:30 a 4 and the 3:00 a 3:30 or both of them a 4 or just keep things the way the are?


So I have been thinking about this...

I am just curious, where are you at in your training plan and what is the longest ride they have you do.

From what I have gathered, T.I.T.S. is where it's at when it comes to improving on the bike. Unlike running, cycling doesn't seem to put the same stress on your body so you are able to do more of it (See TDF.) I am thinking because you are not an inexperienced cyclist, you can probably go ahead and do more on those other two rides (maybe feel it out but shoot for 4:00?) and then just do what you can on the trainer when you get back.

I'm guessing you can't really rearrange the 4:00 bike ride because it's just too hard to get that much done on a week day with work. Is that correct?


Another alternative is to do somewhat more than 4:00 broken up (like, 5:00 broken up into 5 1-hours or 3 1.5 hours, etc) ... but to do them REALLY UNCOMFORTABLY hard.

You probably won't die if you skip it altogether either, provided you're doing most of the rest of your workouts in the long-term.

2012-08-28 11:29 AM
in reply to: #4384231

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty RidiculoSnarky Almost Intelligent-Charming Manatees PART 4 - Full
TriAya - 2012-08-28 11:26 AM
Asalzwed - 2012-08-29 12:22 AM
amd723 - 2012-08-27 5:07 PM

I need some advise on structuring or restructuring my upcoming bike workouts.  THe next 3 sunday workouts call for 3:30, 4:00 and 3:00 rides.  I will be out of town and will not be able to do the 4:00 ride.  I may be able to do an hour or so on the trainer wHen i get back into town late sunday, but knowing me, that is a long shot.

I know missing a workout is not the end of the world, but wonder if I should change up the rides around the 4:00 one.  In other words, should I make the 3:30 a 4 and the 3:00 a 3:30 or both of them a 4 or just keep things the way the are?


So I have been thinking about this...

I am just curious, where are you at in your training plan and what is the longest ride they have you do.

From what I have gathered, T.I.T.S. is where it's at when it comes to improving on the bike. Unlike running, cycling doesn't seem to put the same stress on your body so you are able to do more of it (See TDF.) I am thinking because you are not an inexperienced cyclist, you can probably go ahead and do more on those other two rides (maybe feel it out but shoot for 4:00?) and then just do what you can on the trainer when you get back.

I'm guessing you can't really rearrange the 4:00 bike ride because it's just too hard to get that much done on a week day with work. Is that correct?


Another alternative is to do somewhat more than 4:00 broken up (like, 5:00 broken up into 5 1-hours or 3 1.5 hours, etc) ... but to do them REALLY UNCOMFORTABLY hard.

You probably won't die if you skip it altogether either, provided you're doing most of the rest of your workouts in the long-term.

Yeah...I didn't know if I should mention it but I did a 200 mile ride with VERY limited training. I turned out alright. Right? RIGHT?

2012-08-28 11:35 AM
in reply to: #4384240

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty RidiculoSnarky Almost Intelligent-Charming Manatees PART 4 - Full
Asalzwed - 2012-08-29 12:29 AM
TriAya - 2012-08-28 11:26 AM
Asalzwed - 2012-08-29 12:22 AM
amd723 - 2012-08-27 5:07 PM

I need some advise on structuring or restructuring my upcoming bike workouts.  THe next 3 sunday workouts call for 3:30, 4:00 and 3:00 rides.  I will be out of town and will not be able to do the 4:00 ride.  I may be able to do an hour or so on the trainer wHen i get back into town late sunday, but knowing me, that is a long shot.

I know missing a workout is not the end of the world, but wonder if I should change up the rides around the 4:00 one.  In other words, should I make the 3:30 a 4 and the 3:00 a 3:30 or both of them a 4 or just keep things the way the are?


So I have been thinking about this...

I am just curious, where are you at in your training plan and what is the longest ride they have you do.

From what I have gathered, T.I.T.S. is where it's at when it comes to improving on the bike. Unlike running, cycling doesn't seem to put the same stress on your body so you are able to do more of it (See TDF.) I am thinking because you are not an inexperienced cyclist, you can probably go ahead and do more on those other two rides (maybe feel it out but shoot for 4:00?) and then just do what you can on the trainer when you get back.

I'm guessing you can't really rearrange the 4:00 bike ride because it's just too hard to get that much done on a week day with work. Is that correct?


Another alternative is to do somewhat more than 4:00 broken up (like, 5:00 broken up into 5 1-hours or 3 1.5 hours, etc) ... but to do them REALLY UNCOMFORTABLY hard.

You probably won't die if you skip it altogether either, provided you're doing most of the rest of your workouts in the long-term.

Yeah...I didn't know if I should mention it but I did a 200 mile ride with VERY limited training. I turned out alright. Right? RIGHT?

Well ... yeah. Sorta. I wonder sometimes, poxy arm-hanger that you are, but what does that have to do with the bike?

*ducking and running*

2012-08-28 11:39 AM
in reply to: #4384240

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty RidiculoSnarky Almost Intelligent-Charming Manatees PART 4 - Full
Asalzwed - 2012-08-28 12:29 PM

TriAya - 2012-08-28 11:26 AM
Asalzwed - 2012-08-29 12:22 AM
amd723 - 2012-08-27 5:07 PM

I need some advise on structuring or restructuring my upcoming bike workouts.  THe next 3 sunday workouts call for 3:30, 4:00 and 3:00 rides.  I will be out of town and will not be able to do the 4:00 ride.  I may be able to do an hour or so on the trainer wHen i get back into town late sunday, but knowing me, that is a long shot.

I know missing a workout is not the end of the world, but wonder if I should change up the rides around the 4:00 one.  In other words, should I make the 3:30 a 4 and the 3:00 a 3:30 or both of them a 4 or just keep things the way the are?


So I have been thinking about this...

I am just curious, where are you at in your training plan and what is the longest ride they have you do.

From what I have gathered, T.I.T.S. is where it's at when it comes to improving on the bike. Unlike running, cycling doesn't seem to put the same stress on your body so you are able to do more of it (See TDF.) I am thinking because you are not an inexperienced cyclist, you can probably go ahead and do more on those other two rides (maybe feel it out but shoot for 4:00?) and then just do what you can on the trainer when you get back.

I'm guessing you can't really rearrange the 4:00 bike ride because it's just too hard to get that much done on a week day with work. Is that correct?


Another alternative is to do somewhat more than 4:00 broken up (like, 5:00 broken up into 5 1-hours or 3 1.5 hours, etc) ... but to do them REALLY UNCOMFORTABLY hard.

You probably won't die if you skip it altogether either, provided you're doing most of the rest of your workouts in the long-term.

Yeah...I didn't know if I should mention it but I did a 200 mile ride with VERY limited training. I turned out alright. Right? RIGHT?

Yeah, you're all right (alright).
2012-08-28 11:40 AM
in reply to: #4383379

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty RidiculoSnarky Almost Intelligent-Charming Manatees PART 4 - Full
bcraht - 2012-08-27 9:59 PM

Artemis - 2012-08-27 6:17 PM I got another coritsone shot it my wrist today.  It hurts so bad right now.

Ouch.  Sorry.  Does it help though?

No idea yet.  It was mixed with lidocaine.  The lidocaine helped until it wore off last night, although all the extra fluid was weird in the wrist.  The fluid seems to have dispersed today, but still tons of pain.  It usually takes 48 hours or so for the pain to wear off.  Should be about a week before we notice if it works.  Then it's a question of how long it lasts.  The last one only helped for about 2 months.  If that's the case again, I am having wrist surgery.  This is the last chance at a conservative treatment.

2012-08-28 11:40 AM
in reply to: #4332724

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty RidiculoSnarky Almost Intelligent-Charming Manatees PART 4 - Full
2012-08-28 11:41 AM
in reply to: #4384282

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty RidiculoSnarky Almost Intelligent-Charming Manatees PART 4 - Full
Artemis - 2012-08-29 12:40 AM
bcraht - 2012-08-27 9:59 PM

Artemis - 2012-08-27 6:17 PM I got another coritsone shot it my wrist today.  It hurts so bad right now.

Ouch.  Sorry.  Does it help though?

No idea yet.  It was mixed with lidocaine.  The lidocaine helped until it wore off last night, although all the extra fluid was weird in the wrist.  The fluid seems to have dispersed today, but still tons of pain.  It usually takes 48 hours or so for the pain to wear off.  Should be about a week before we notice if it works.  Then it's a question of how long it lasts.  The last one only helped for about 2 months.  If that's the case again, I am having wrist surgery.  This is the last chance at a conservative treatment.


You poor thing

Fingers crossed and loving prayers for your wrist. Here, you can press it into the melons if it would make it better ... and a nice big Moose kiss from me.

2012-08-28 11:42 AM
in reply to: #4383633

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty RidiculoSnarky Almost Intelligent-Charming Manatees PART 4 - Full

cdban66 - 2012-08-28 7:04 AM
Artemis - 2012-08-27 9:17 PM I got another coritsone shot it my wrist today.  It hurts so bad right now.
Owww, I hope it helps. I've heard the shot itself is quite painful. I hope all is OK for you. Did I miss something happening to you?

I've had wrist problems for years, but they got worse while I was pregnant. They were suspecting TFCC (cartilage) tear, but the MRI looked ok.  I also have arthritis in my hand that was contributing.  The arthritis is better.  Did therapy for the wrist; still having wrist pain. Got one more shot before I get scheduled for a wrist scope.  I'm guessing that I end up having to schedule surgery.

2012-08-28 11:43 AM
in reply to: #4384286

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty RidiculoSnarky Almost Intelligent-Charming Manatees PART 4 - Full
TriAya - 2012-08-28 12:41 PM
Artemis - 2012-08-29 12:40 AM
bcraht - 2012-08-27 9:59 PM

Artemis - 2012-08-27 6:17 PM I got another coritsone shot it my wrist today.  It hurts so bad right now.

Ouch.  Sorry.  Does it help though?

No idea yet.  It was mixed with lidocaine.  The lidocaine helped until it wore off last night, although all the extra fluid was weird in the wrist.  The fluid seems to have dispersed today, but still tons of pain.  It usually takes 48 hours or so for the pain to wear off.  Should be about a week before we notice if it works.  Then it's a question of how long it lasts.  The last one only helped for about 2 months.  If that's the case again, I am having wrist surgery.  This is the last chance at a conservative treatment.


You poor thing

Fingers crossed and loving prayers for your wrist. Here, you can press it into the melons if it would make it better ... and a nice big Moose kiss from me.


It sucks.  At least I'll still be able to run tonight.  Otherwise I'd be going crazy.

2012-08-28 11:43 AM
in reply to: #4384264

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty RidiculoSnarky Almost Intelligent-Charming Manatees PART 4 - Full
TriAya - 2012-08-28 11:35 AM
Asalzwed - 2012-08-29 12:29 AM
TriAya - 2012-08-28 11:26 AM
Asalzwed - 2012-08-29 12:22 AM
amd723 - 2012-08-27 5:07 PM

I need some advise on structuring or restructuring my upcoming bike workouts.  THe next 3 sunday workouts call for 3:30, 4:00 and 3:00 rides.  I will be out of town and will not be able to do the 4:00 ride.  I may be able to do an hour or so on the trainer wHen i get back into town late sunday, but knowing me, that is a long shot.

I know missing a workout is not the end of the world, but wonder if I should change up the rides around the 4:00 one.  In other words, should I make the 3:30 a 4 and the 3:00 a 3:30 or both of them a 4 or just keep things the way the are?


So I have been thinking about this...

I am just curious, where are you at in your training plan and what is the longest ride they have you do.

From what I have gathered, T.I.T.S. is where it's at when it comes to improving on the bike. Unlike running, cycling doesn't seem to put the same stress on your body so you are able to do more of it (See TDF.) I am thinking because you are not an inexperienced cyclist, you can probably go ahead and do more on those other two rides (maybe feel it out but shoot for 4:00?) and then just do what you can on the trainer when you get back.

I'm guessing you can't really rearrange the 4:00 bike ride because it's just too hard to get that much done on a week day with work. Is that correct?


Another alternative is to do somewhat more than 4:00 broken up (like, 5:00 broken up into 5 1-hours or 3 1.5 hours, etc) ... but to do them REALLY UNCOMFORTABLY hard.

You probably won't die if you skip it altogether either, provided you're doing most of the rest of your workouts in the long-term.

Yeah...I didn't know if I should mention it but I did a 200 mile ride with VERY limited training. I turned out alright. Right? RIGHT?

Well ... yeah. Sorta. I wonder sometimes, poxy arm-hanger that you are, but what does that have to do with the bike?

*ducking and running*

You're lucky my back feels like it's on fire (location of said pox) or your azz would be mine. 

2012-08-28 11:46 AM
in reply to: #4384283

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty RidiculoSnarky Almost Intelligent-Charming Manatees PART 4 - Full

cdban66 - 2012-08-28 11:40 AM Janyne asked, so here are some pics from Alaska:

Holy crap! Awesome. Those are beautiful pictures!! That suspension bridge is really cool. I am a little terrified of heights but I love those things. There is a cool one up in Vancouver. Right Kirstin? 

Also, I have google+ but have never used it, so, thank you for that, too Smile

2012-08-28 11:49 AM
in reply to: #4384297

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty RidiculoSnarky Almost Intelligent-Charming Manatees PART 4 - Full
Asalzwed - 2012-08-29 12:43 AM
TriAya - 2012-08-28 11:35 AM
Asalzwed - 2012-08-29 12:29 AM
TriAya - 2012-08-28 11:26 AM
Asalzwed - 2012-08-29 12:22 AM
amd723 - 2012-08-27 5:07 PM

I need some advise on structuring or restructuring my upcoming bike workouts.  THe next 3 sunday workouts call for 3:30, 4:00 and 3:00 rides.  I will be out of town and will not be able to do the 4:00 ride.  I may be able to do an hour or so on the trainer wHen i get back into town late sunday, but knowing me, that is a long shot.

I know missing a workout is not the end of the world, but wonder if I should change up the rides around the 4:00 one.  In other words, should I make the 3:30 a 4 and the 3:00 a 3:30 or both of them a 4 or just keep things the way the are?


So I have been thinking about this...

I am just curious, where are you at in your training plan and what is the longest ride they have you do.

From what I have gathered, T.I.T.S. is where it's at when it comes to improving on the bike. Unlike running, cycling doesn't seem to put the same stress on your body so you are able to do more of it (See TDF.) I am thinking because you are not an inexperienced cyclist, you can probably go ahead and do more on those other two rides (maybe feel it out but shoot for 4:00?) and then just do what you can on the trainer when you get back.

I'm guessing you can't really rearrange the 4:00 bike ride because it's just too hard to get that much done on a week day with work. Is that correct?


Another alternative is to do somewhat more than 4:00 broken up (like, 5:00 broken up into 5 1-hours or 3 1.5 hours, etc) ... but to do them REALLY UNCOMFORTABLY hard.

You probably won't die if you skip it altogether either, provided you're doing most of the rest of your workouts in the long-term.

Yeah...I didn't know if I should mention it but I did a 200 mile ride with VERY limited training. I turned out alright. Right? RIGHT?

Well ... yeah. Sorta. I wonder sometimes, poxy arm-hanger that you are, but what does that have to do with the bike?

*ducking and running*

You're lucky my back feels like it's on fire (location of said pox) or your azz would be mine. 

I'm really okay with that.

Any other body parts you want? I'm kind of a diseased ho myself, as you know, but hey.

BTW, I am terrified of heights that are attached to the ground.

2012-08-28 11:49 AM
in reply to: #4384290

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty RidiculoSnarky Almost Intelligent-Charming Manatees PART 4 - Full
Artemis - 2012-08-28 12:42 PM

cdban66 - 2012-08-28 7:04 AM
Artemis - 2012-08-27 9:17 PM I got another coritsone shot it my wrist today.  It hurts so bad right now.
Owww, I hope it helps. I've heard the shot itself is quite painful. I hope all is OK for you. Did I miss something happening to you?

I've had wrist problems for years, but they got worse while I was pregnant. They were suspecting TFCC (cartilage) tear, but the MRI looked ok.  I also have arthritis in my hand that was contributing.  The arthritis is better.  Did therapy for the wrist; still having wrist pain. Got one more shot before I get scheduled for a wrist scope.  I'm guessing that I end up having to schedule surgery.

I thought I remembered something about that, I was just hoping something else didn't happen to you. All I have heard is that the shot itself is really painful. I'm sorry you are going through that.

2012-08-28 11:56 AM
in reply to: #4384307

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty RidiculoSnarky Almost Intelligent-Charming Manatees PART 4 - Full
TriAya - 2012-08-28 11:49 AM
Asalzwed - 2012-08-29 12:43 AM
TriAya - 2012-08-28 11:35 AM
Asalzwed - 2012-08-29 12:29 AM
TriAya - 2012-08-28 11:26 AM
Asalzwed - 2012-08-29 12:22 AM
amd723 - 2012-08-27 5:07 PM

I need some advise on structuring or restructuring my upcoming bike workouts.  THe next 3 sunday workouts call for 3:30, 4:00 and 3:00 rides.  I will be out of town and will not be able to do the 4:00 ride.  I may be able to do an hour or so on the trainer wHen i get back into town late sunday, but knowing me, that is a long shot.

I know missing a workout is not the end of the world, but wonder if I should change up the rides around the 4:00 one.  In other words, should I make the 3:30 a 4 and the 3:00 a 3:30 or both of them a 4 or just keep things the way the are?


So I have been thinking about this...

I am just curious, where are you at in your training plan and what is the longest ride they have you do.

From what I have gathered, T.I.T.S. is where it's at when it comes to improving on the bike. Unlike running, cycling doesn't seem to put the same stress on your body so you are able to do more of it (See TDF.) I am thinking because you are not an inexperienced cyclist, you can probably go ahead and do more on those other two rides (maybe feel it out but shoot for 4:00?) and then just do what you can on the trainer when you get back.

I'm guessing you can't really rearrange the 4:00 bike ride because it's just too hard to get that much done on a week day with work. Is that correct?


Another alternative is to do somewhat more than 4:00 broken up (like, 5:00 broken up into 5 1-hours or 3 1.5 hours, etc) ... but to do them REALLY UNCOMFORTABLY hard.

You probably won't die if you skip it altogether either, provided you're doing most of the rest of your workouts in the long-term.

Yeah...I didn't know if I should mention it but I did a 200 mile ride with VERY limited training. I turned out alright. Right? RIGHT?

Well ... yeah. Sorta. I wonder sometimes, poxy arm-hanger that you are, but what does that have to do with the bike?

*ducking and running*

You're lucky my back feels like it's on fire (location of said pox) or your azz would be mine. 

I'm really okay with that.

Any other body parts you want? I'm kind of a diseased ho myself, as you know, but hey.

BTW, I am terrified of heights that are attached to the ground.

Do you want to touch my ringworm? Wink

J has been calling me R-Dub and said, "For the love of god put your shirt on. I don't want that thing touching me."

It's hawt. 

2012-08-28 11:58 AM
in reply to: #4384300

User image

Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty RidiculoSnarky Almost Intelligent-Charming Manatees PART 4 - Full
Asalzwed - 2012-08-28 12:46 PM

cdban66 - 2012-08-28 11:40 AM Janyne asked, so here are some pics from Alaska:

Holy crap! Awesome. Those are beautiful pictures!! That suspension bridge is really cool. I am a little terrified of heights but I love those things. There is a cool one up in Vancouver. Right Kirstin? 

Also, I have google+ but have never used it, so, thank you for that, too Smile

Google+ would be really cool if it worked in Google Chrome. I can't get anything to open properly, but it may be my settings.
2012-08-28 11:58 AM
in reply to: #4384224

User image

Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty RidiculoSnarky Almost Intelligent-Charming Manatees PART 4 - Full


Asalzwed - 2012-08-28 12:22 PM
amd723 - 2012-08-27 5:07 PM

I need some advise on structuring or restructuring my upcoming bike workouts.  THe next 3 sunday workouts call for 3:30, 4:00 and 3:00 rides.  I will be out of town and will not be able to do the 4:00 ride.  I may be able to do an hour or so on the trainer wHen i get back into town late sunday, but knowing me, that is a long shot.

I know missing a workout is not the end of the world, but wonder if I should change up the rides around the 4:00 one.  In other words, should I make the 3:30 a 4 and the 3:00 a 3:30 or both of them a 4 or just keep things the way the are?


So I have been thinking about this...

I am just curious, where are you at in your training plan and what is the longest ride they have you do?

From what I have gathered, T.I.T.S. is where it's at when it comes to improving on the bike. Unlike running, cycling doesn't seem to put the same stress on your body so you are able to do more of it

You can recover faster from the bike than the run.

I wouldn't miss the ride myself.  I've been giving it some thought since you posted.  I just feel that you cannot make up the long ride or long run.  If possible, I'd move my long run to a weekday and get the ride in.  I don't think that you necessarily accomplish the same thing when you break up long rides.

What are your goals for this race? 

Edited by jmkizer 2012-08-28 12:02 PM
2012-08-28 12:07 PM
in reply to: #4384340

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty RidiculoSnarky Almost Intelligent-Charming Manatees PART 4 - Full
cdban66 - 2012-08-28 11:58 AM
Asalzwed - 2012-08-28 12:46 PM

cdban66 - 2012-08-28 11:40 AM Janyne asked, so here are some pics from Alaska:

Holy crap! Awesome. Those are beautiful pictures!! That suspension bridge is really cool. I am a little terrified of heights but I love those things. There is a cool one up in Vancouver. Right Kirstin? 

Also, I have google+ but have never used it, so, thank you for that, too Smile

Google+ would be really cool if it worked in Google Chrome. I can't get anything to open properly, but it may be my settings.

and if more people used it. Silly that it doesn't work on Chrome. That is very Microsoft of them 

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