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2011-04-04 10:30 AM
in reply to: #3006331

, California
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

As someone who has argued (with controversy) in this thread that, unless you really stink at swimming, there is more bang for your buck in bike/run training than pool time, this study makes me happy.

I agree for every distance except Olympic, which the article didn't test.

2011-04-04 11:48 AM
in reply to: #3428689

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Millersville, MD
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
spudone - 2011-04-04 11:30 AM

As someone who has argued (with controversy) in this thread that, unless you really stink at swimming, there is more bang for your buck in bike/run training than pool time, this study makes me happy.

I agree for every distance except Olympic, which the article didn't test.

I understand what you are saying - that the swim in an oly comprises a greater portion of the overall race than in any other distance... so oly-specific training should be more swim focused.  I agree to an extent, in that it is smart to train with your race in mind.  In fact, for people who are just starting out with tri training (they say they stink equally in all 3 sports), I often recommend splitting their SBR training up into proportions that are the same as the race they are doing (by time).  For a sprint that might mean 20 minute swim, 60 minute bike, 30 minute run (110 minutes total)... so in training spend ~18% of time swimming, 55% of time biking, and 27% of time running.

That said, even in an oly the swim is still the shortest leg of a tri by far.  Couple that with the fact that it generally takes a lot of work to get a little bit faster in the pool, and the same amount of work would get you MUCH faster on the run and bike, and I still side with the ROI folks who de-emphasize swimming.*

I'm sure you're familiar with the argument, but I'll just give an example here for those reading the thread.  Take 20 seconds (a huge increase it swim fitness requiring tons of pool time) off your 100y time in the pool, and that translates to 5.75 minutes in an oly.  I contend that if you had maintained the swim fitness at 5 minutes slower, but spent that huge amount of time biking and running, you will finish far more than 5.75 minutes faster overall.

On the flip side, you'll find folks who believe in the importance of swimming a ton so that you don't come out of the water wasted and digging yourself out of a hole.  Since I believe that's more about pacing that fitness, I won't advocate for that camp... but will note that many folks I respect hold to this view.

* unless you truly stink and swimming and there is worry about safety or not making the cutoff.

2011-04-04 12:16 PM
in reply to: #3006331

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Roswell, GA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
I guess I will offer a simple and different perspective on the swimming debate. I have been focusing heavily on the swim not becasue I cant do it or I am worried about cutoff times. It is just a goal I have. Not only has it translated into faster swim times (100m down by 15-20 seconds) but also in faster bike run times. When I get out of the water now, even after going faster, my HR does not spike like it used to. Increased swimming lead me to have a better overall fitness level.

I absolutely agree with the "bang for your buck" mentality with balancing the 3 sports, and that the bike should be the primary focus, but in working on a weakness of mine I have in fact made an all over improvement. Of course I do not have data to really back this up, but just my 2 cents.
2011-04-04 12:16 PM
in reply to: #3428892

, California
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

* unless you truly stink and swimming and there is worry about safety or not making the cutoff.

I think people kind of fall into 3 groups as far as swimming goes:

1. new swimmers
2. people who have done a fair amount of swimming as adults
3. swimmers who grew up swimming / joined competitve programs as kids

I'd argue that #1 and #2 can make big gains with relatively modest time spent IF they get coached and learn proper technique.  And you see where I was going with Olympic distance.  The swim time might be 1/2 of your bike time.  Compare that to an Ironman where it's 1/6.

And then of course the rare draft-legal race is in a category of its own.

Edit: you'll probably note from my logs that I fall into category #3 and I pretty much ignore swim training for Ironman distance, so I'm not disagreeing with you, Josh

Edited by spudone 2011-04-04 12:18 PM
2011-04-04 1:19 PM
in reply to: #3428957

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
I wish I could flat out agree with you Daniel, but I don't. Like you, I have no data to support my conclusion but I do not believe my swimming more does anything of substance for my run or bike. I wonder if others agree with you.
2011-04-04 1:31 PM
in reply to: #3429102

, California
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

When I get out of the water now, even after going faster, my HR does not spike like it used to.

This made me think about another aspect.  When you OWS with a lot of people, it is very easy to spike your HR in the washing machine.  And even later on when the pack stretches out, if you try to stay on someone's feet and they are above your level, it's easy to get winded.

So I would never dispute anyone's decision to put time in on swim training.  For me, my running is weak and that's what I'm working on the most right now.

2011-04-04 2:14 PM
in reply to: #3429102

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Roswell, GA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
phatknot - 2011-04-04 2:19 PM

I wish I could flat out agree with you Daniel, but I don't. Like you, I have no data to support my conclusion but I do not believe my swimming more does anything of substance for my run or bike. I wonder if others agree with you.

Probably not haha

Like I said, no data to support it, but I feel better about my racing since my swimming has improved. I get out of T1 ready to race hard instead of taking a moment to catch my breath from pushing in the water. Now let me elaborate by saying that I am not swimming 5 days a week, but rather 3 around 3500 a session. I am not breaking the time bank by swimming 3 hours a week at 5:30 am, it is not like I am creeping into valuable run/bike time. I just get concerned when I see people post things that sound like " I have the ability to finish under 2.5 hours, so screw swimming". For me, knowing I was just good enough to get by in a swim was not setting up a good race day, so I decided to fix it.

2011-04-04 4:19 PM
in reply to: #3006331

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Cave Creek, Az
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Maybe I'll be the first to agree with you - even if only for the mental aspect of the game.  If swimming more makes you feel stronger and like you are racing better then it is the right thing to do for you.  Only you know your body, your strengths and weaknesses and what you need to keep a positive head.  If you come out of the swim feeling on top of the world then I believe that will help you (as long as you've done your time on the bike as well).

For me it's nailing the bike.  I'm a runner (not fast mind you, but consistent), so when I get to run I know what my body can do - even when broken or in pain - so I just want to get there.

Whatever your training plan - go after it with 100% and have fun!

2011-04-04 4:37 PM
in reply to: #3006331

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New user
Cave Creek, Az
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

More numbers... Keeping my running volume down due to injury/back issues.  Was really impressed by some of the bike times people posted!  Great job BT'ers!

S:  24600.00 Meters
B:  30h 57m
R:  69.50 Mi 
Str:  5h 05m

April will be about hitting more hills and volume on the bike and getting used to my darn wetsuit before it is too hot to put on anymore (Arizona).  Happy that I'm staying on track and not dropping weight like last time since my energy level paid for it.  Marque HIM this weekend  - pretty flat course but for me it will be about getting some OWS and defensive swimming practice in.

2011-04-04 4:52 PM
in reply to: #3429217

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Millersville, MD
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

15step - 2011-04-04 3:14 PM I just get concerned when I see people post things that sound like " I have the ability to finish under 2.5 hours, so screw swimming". For me, knowing I was just good enough to get by in a swim was not setting up a good race day, so I decided to fix it.

I totally agree with you.  For all my ROI-anti-swim talk, I think 2x wk is probably a minimum one should be swimming.  I come from that camp who had some swim background as a small child (my Dad swam for Purdue and taught us well from VERY young)... so coming back to it as an adult I can swim 2-3 times a week to finish the IM swim in about 70 minutes.

I suspect that for me to get to 60 minutes would probably require tripling my pool time... add commuting to the pool and it would require me to borrow from run/bike time to get it all in with my time limited schedule.

But for someone closer to 2 hours than 1, I think there is some merit to some swim focus.  At that point there are some form/technique issues that can get some rapid time increases (much faster than you could get a fitness increase) with good instruction.

2011-04-04 6:43 PM
in reply to: #3429479

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
JoshKaptur - 2011-04-04 2:52 PM

15step - 2011-04-04 3:14 PM I just get concerned when I see people post things that sound like " I have the ability to finish under 2.5 hours, so screw swimming". For me, knowing I was just good enough to get by in a swim was not setting up a good race day, so I decided to fix it.

I totally agree with you.  For all my ROI-anti-swim talk, I think 2x wk is probably a minimum one should be swimming.  I come from that camp who had some swim background as a small child (my Dad swam for Purdue and taught us well from VERY young)... so coming back to it as an adult I can swim 2-3 times a week to finish the IM swim in about 70 minutes.

I suspect that for me to get to 60 minutes would probably require tripling my pool time... add commuting to the pool and it would require me to borrow from run/bike time to get it all in with my time limited schedule.

But for someone closer to 2 hours than 1, I think there is some merit to some swim focus.  At that point there are some form/technique issues that can get some rapid time increases (much faster than you could get a fitness increase) with good instruction.

Agreed! I'm one of those people. Swam from an early age, swam varsity in HS and for a year in college then got fat and slow then thinner and did IM. I always swam alone (in the pool) and did both my IM swims in 1:41 and 1:43 on 2 swims a week. This year I finally got myself into 2x a week group swims with my tri club and 1x a week alone for distance and my times are looking like a 10+ minute improvement maybe more I'm a believer in making the swims count now.

2011-04-05 8:09 AM
in reply to: #3006331

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Roswell, GA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Jesus, I had my first IM panic dream last night. Is 3 months out too early???

Basically I was late to the swim, and just barely made the cutoff. I got out last thinking what is the point in continuing. Then said HTFU and got on the bike. Only by now, all the cones and signs were gone, and the racers were already well into the bike. I got lost on the bike riding aimlessly around the city, and then woke up....never made it to the run
2011-04-05 9:40 AM
in reply to: #3006331

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

I'm just curious what times everyone is shooting for.  I started a poll thread here:

Bop on over and choose your expected finish time...

2011-04-05 10:32 AM
in reply to: #3006331

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

OK I'm confused... according to this...

2nd lap of bike must be completed by 4PM

Bike course closes 5:30PM

Most IM races give you 10h:30m from the start to complete the bike (which would be 5:30PM).  So what's with the 4PM cutoff?

2011-04-05 10:50 AM
in reply to: #3430553

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Liberty Lake, WA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
TriRSquared - 2011-04-05 9:32 AM

OK I'm confused... according to this...

2nd lap of bike must be completed by 4PM

Bike course closes 5:30PM

Most IM races give you 10h:30m from the start to complete the bike (which would be 5:30PM).  So what's with the 4PM cutoff?

My bet is that it is a poorly done cut and paste job from another IM schedule.  Maybe Arizona or another course with 3 loops.  My guess is that the 4PM cutoff will disappear before race day.

2011-04-05 11:38 AM
in reply to: #3430603

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Salt Lake City, UT
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
T in Liberty Lake - 2011-04-05 9:50 AM
TriRSquared - 2011-04-05 9:32 AM

OK I'm confused... according to this...

2nd lap of bike must be completed by 4PM

Bike course closes 5:30PM

Most IM races give you 10h:30m from the start to complete the bike (which would be 5:30PM).  So what's with the 4PM cutoff?

My bet is that it is a poorly done cut and paste job from another IM schedule.  Maybe Arizona or another course with 3 loops.  My guess is that the 4PM cutoff will disappear before race day.

I sent an email to WTC letting them know about this error.  I needed to update my name for the bibs anyway. It looks like WTC has a new "trouble ticket" system.  I got a confirmation email back immediately saying my issue had been logged.  Service with a smile for every 140.6 miles...and $575

2011-04-05 11:47 AM
in reply to: #3430179

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Salt Lake City, UT
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

15step - 2011-04-05 7:09 AM Jesus, I had my first IM panic dream last night. Is 3 months out too early??? Basically I was late to the swim, and just barely made the cutoff. I got out last thinking what is the point in continuing. Then said HTFU and got on the bike. Only by now, all the cones and signs were gone, and the racers were already well into the bike. I got lost on the bike riding aimlessly around the city, and then woke up....never made it to the run

right on schedule

that's a pretty nasty dream.  i've had similar.  the worst are right a the beginning of taper for me. my stress level went up a bit this last weekend from following IMCA 70.3.  it helps me to remind myself of my goals and stop measuring myself against anyone elses performance or expectations.  if you are a list maker/planner, its not too soon to start working on packing lists, race week schedules, and a race plan.  i like to use the race plan and do visualization to see myself in control and having fun on race day.

i think i'll do this for my 70.3 coming up on 4/16 (Rage Long Course...anyone else going to be there?).

2011-04-05 12:35 PM
in reply to: #3430728

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
kiki_zen - 2011-04-05 9:47 AM

15step - 2011-04-05 7:09 AM Jesus, I had my first IM panic dream last night. Is 3 months out too early??? Basically I was late to the swim, and just barely made the cutoff. I got out last thinking what is the point in continuing. Then said HTFU and got on the bike. Only by now, all the cones and signs were gone, and the racers were already well into the bike. I got lost on the bike riding aimlessly around the city, and then woke up....never made it to the run

right on schedule

that's a pretty nasty dream.  i've had similar.  the worst are right a the beginning of taper for me. my stress level went up a bit this last weekend from following IMCA 70.3.  it helps me to remind myself of my goals and stop measuring myself against anyone elses performance or expectations.  if you are a list maker/planner, its not too soon to start working on packing lists, race week schedules, and a race plan.  i like to use the race plan and do visualization to see myself in control and having fun on race day.

i think i'll do this for my 70.3 coming up on 4/16 (Rage Long Course...anyone else going to be there?).

Your stress went up from following IMCA 70.3 from following it, and mine went up by doing it! Haha! Okay, not really stress go up on it...but the race went "okay" and probably on par with where I felt like I might be (minus the swim---but I've been told the later waves had some decent tides to deal with, eh, whatever) on things with some lesson's learned and all for CdA.  I'm definitely not ready to predict any kind of time for CdA yet.  Too much still seems unknown to me this time around. 

2011-04-05 12:56 PM
in reply to: #3006331

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

I was having those nightmares in January haha.  That  is rotten but none lately.

As to race times, for me, its never a good idea to put down a time goal. My pat goal is always to give the best effort I can on the day given the conditions. So much can go right/wrong during an IM that it seems wise to hedge your bets and be ok with not hitting your ill-conceived time goals. Take a bit of pressure off yourself if you can.

2011-04-05 1:01 PM
in reply to: #3430815

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Salt Lake City, UT
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
TexasMPGal - 2011-04-05 11:35 AM
kiki_zen - 2011-04-05 9:47 AM

15step - 2011-04-05 7:09 AM Jesus, I had my first IM panic dream last night. Is 3 months out too early??? Basically I was late to the swim, and just barely made the cutoff. I got out last thinking what is the point in continuing. Then said HTFU and got on the bike. Only by now, all the cones and signs were gone, and the racers were already well into the bike. I got lost on the bike riding aimlessly around the city, and then woke up....never made it to the run

right on schedule

that's a pretty nasty dream.  i've had similar.  the worst are right a the beginning of taper for me. my stress level went up a bit this last weekend from following IMCA 70.3.  it helps me to remind myself of my goals and stop measuring myself against anyone elses performance or expectations.  if you are a list maker/planner, its not too soon to start working on packing lists, race week schedules, and a race plan.  i like to use the race plan and do visualization to see myself in control and having fun on race day.

i think i'll do this for my 70.3 coming up on 4/16 (Rage Long Course...anyone else going to be there?).

Your stress went up from following IMCA 70.3 from following it, and mine went up by doing it! Haha! Okay, not really stress go up on it...but the race went "okay" and probably on par with where I felt like I might be (minus the swim---but I've been told the later waves had some decent tides to deal with, eh, whatever) on things with some lesson's learned and all for CdA.  I'm definitely not ready to predict any kind of time for CdA yet.  Too much still seems unknown to me this time around. 

Good job on your IMCA 70.3 finish Brittany! 

I think we all need some self affirmation lessons.  Here is my favorite one from youtube: Jessica's Daily Affirmation 

(first link was wrong)

Edited by kiki_zen 2011-04-05 1:05 PM
2011-04-05 4:48 PM
in reply to: #3430728

New user
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

i think i'll do this for my 70.3 coming up on 4/16 (Rage Long Course...anyone else going to be there?).


I will be there.  Driving in from SLC.....  Not too much flat on the run or the bike so should be good preparation for CDA...

2011-04-05 8:16 PM
in reply to: #3430871

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
that was pretty good affirmations Kiki_zen!
2011-04-05 9:10 PM
in reply to: #3430553

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
TriRSquared - 2011-04-05 11:32 AM

OK I'm confused... according to this...

2nd lap of bike must be completed by 4PM

Bike course closes 5:30PM

Most IM races give you 10h:30m from the start to complete the bike (which would be 5:30PM).  So what's with the 4PM cutoff?

A new move by WTC in IM races the last ~12 months is to have intermidate cut offs on bike (plus on the swim and run too) that can hurt slower folks if they have mechanical issues early on the bike.

I think at IMFL they had two bike cut offs before the bike into T2 time. Run they had a loop 1 cut off time and then another one at the turn around on second loop.

2011-04-05 10:02 PM
in reply to: #3431641

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
KathyG - 2011-04-05 7:10 PM

TriRSquared - 2011-04-05 11:32 AM

OK I'm confused... according to this...

2nd lap of bike must be completed by 4PM

Bike course closes 5:30PM

Most IM races give you 10h:30m from the start to complete the bike (which would be 5:30PM).  So what's with the 4PM cutoff?

A new move by WTC in IM races the last ~12 months is to have intermidate cut offs on bike (plus on the swim and run too) that can hurt slower folks if they have mechanical issues early on the bike.

I think at IMFL they had two bike cut offs before the bike into T2 time. Run they had a loop 1 cut off time and then another one at the turn around on second loop.

This is so weird.... what qualifies as the 2nd loop? Perhaps they're thinking of Garwood? Since technically the 2nd loop ends at T2. I do think this is really bogus. If you can make it to T2 by 5:30 you should be okay. Period.
2011-04-05 10:53 PM
in reply to: #3006331

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Extreme Veteran
Pacific NW
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Wha???  The bike cutoff thing is weird.  And scary!  As the event schedule stands now, if you're pusing the cutoff on lap 1, you then need to average 22.4 mph in order to make the final cutoff.  Hah!  No problem!  As previously mentioned, they also have 5pm listed as the time that the bike course closes, so the 4pm thing doesn't make sense.  Here's hoping they change it!  Even without mechanical issues, I won't be finishing that course by 4pm...

WTC is so awesome and informative!

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