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2015-03-24 8:54 PM
in reply to: #5075170

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Re topics to consider, since the mobile site doesn't let me quote!

1. Stones. I think the public at large would say the Beatles. They were certainly more popular. Way more. But they never rocked. Revolution was as close as they got. The Stones started off in that same British invasion pop mentality but then chucked it for guitars drums and rocking out.

2. I always did whey isolate in coconut milk after weight training to help repair and build muscles but never thought of it for other times. So tonight after my triple workout I had a protein shake with dinner.

2015-03-24 8:59 PM
in reply to: #5103240

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Geaux - sounds like the get well plan is working. And totally jealous of the gear acquisitions! In the guitar world we have a thing called 'GAS' - gear acquisition syndrome. Where there's so much great stuff and you always want more. I think cycling is right up there with the GAS. Akin to the discussion of 'how many more bikes do I need'?
2015-03-24 9:01 PM
in reply to: #5103241

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Ok last of the day I promise - Workouts. Tuesday is Boot Camp day. One time previously I decided to run before Boot Camp and vowed after that it was a terrible idea. Well I had the time today so I put my bad idea jeans on and went for it. Figured I'd keep it slow and in zone 2. Well all the treadmills were full. So I did 5 miles on the expresso bike. Then a treadmill was open so I did a brick 1.75 mile zone 2 run). Then I did Boot Camp.

This Breakfast Stout is well deserved!
2015-03-24 9:02 PM
in reply to: firebert

Colorado Springs, Colorado
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Lol I believe G.A.S exists in every hobby..I still frequent he military simulation/airsoft scene, and it's absolutely ridiculous the amount of gear I have..lets just say if I sold off my gear, I could most likely fund a solid new TT bike purchase..however, I did recently sell off a decent piece of gear to fund some Tri that says a lot about my drive for this sport.
2015-03-24 9:08 PM
in reply to: firebert

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business

Since everyone seems to be into post-workout protein now might be a good time to talk about protein; it's benefits; timing; frequency; varieties. 

My philosophy to protein is based primarily on training load and weight loss. Anytime you run a caloric deficit to lose weight, up to 50% of that weight loss is muscle, which can mean loss in performance. Studies have shown that doubling the recommended daily intake can reduce this muscle loss by up to 80%. 

I use two different types of proteins:

A whey isolate

A combination protein (mostly casein)


Each has their uses. Isolates (particularly whey) are absorbed by the body quickly, other proteins, namely casein, are absorbed slowly. There are some studies that claim that the 'window' for protein right after the workout is bullish!t but I do it anyway, well, because it can't hurt. I am also a big fan of having three 'doses' of casein protein per day. When you are training frequently, basically anytime you are not doing a workout your body is rebuilding. Since the body doesn't store protein it needs a ready supply of muscle building material. That's why I do the 'slow release' protein three times per day. When I first get up; mid afternoon; right before bed. 

How do you protein? What kind do you use? How often?


2015-03-24 9:11 PM
in reply to: GeauxHard

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business

Originally posted by GeauxHard Lol I believe G.A.S exists in every hobby..I still frequent he military simulation/airsoft scene, and it's absolutely ridiculous the amount of gear I have..lets just say if I sold off my gear, I could most likely fund a solid new TT bike purchase..however, I did recently sell off a decent piece of gear to fund some Tri that says a lot about my drive for this sport.

It's always a tough decision. I use to be a bass player (still am I suppose) and I had some really nice equipment. My pride and joy was a vintage 1973 Traynor YBA-1 which I ran through a Yorkville 4x10 cab. It thundered like Zeus on Olympus. I held on to that amp for years carting it from apartment to apartment. I only recently sold it so I could afford a power meter. It was a worthwhile purchase but I shed a few tears over it. 

2015-03-24 9:24 PM
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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Cheers all!! So much action to catch up on!
First, housekeeping:

Dave O. - If you think you're going to do tris for awhile - Garmin 920xt. It will count your laps and drill sets, it will measure your open water swim, it has a tri function for your races (way cool), it has Bluetooth/WiFi - no ANT+ stick, you can see who's texting/emailing you (to see if it's a worthwhile break in your workout LOL), it will do everything except my laundry. It not only counts your steps when you run but color-codes it so you know when your feet are on the ground for a long period of time. It counts my strokes per length and you can let it know if you're doing free, back, breast, or butterfly.

Also, I agree the Beatles are better singers and the Stones are better performers. Seriously I think RUSH has the most talent bar-none but not everyone "gets" their music. They are a "thinking man's band." My brother-in-law jokes that they are the three most talented artists making up a mediocre band. I disagree.

John - I've frozen at the 2 minute plank for similar reasons. While I like the idea of the challenge, I think sometimes it ramps up too quickly. (and I've done this one before). It's the same with my squat challenge.

Nicole - glad to hear the shoulder is getting better!!! You'll be back in the pool before you know it! Nice times on the runs!

Gretchen - safe travels over there! Please post some pictures when you get back! What you do is so interesting!!

Mike O - love that you're out on your paddleboard! Our lakes and ponds are still completely frozen over here!!

Dave Q - recovery nutrition - I am a protein person too like Alan. When I first come in after a workout I grab a handful of walnuts or almonds and then try to get a smoothie in with unsweetened almond milk, a banana, and pea protein. Sometimes whey doesn't work for people so for those in that category, check out "Pea Protein" by Pure Vegan. There are five ingredients in it and I can pronounce all of them! A good friend who is into Cross-Fit is also into the Paleo diet (not strictly) and recommended it to me. I like it. I think I ordered it online from . I also put some in a morning smoothie with lots of veggies, fruit, and a little water. I hadn't thought of it at night though. I found last summer I would get fatigued and cranky and lose weight and after I upped my protein intake, this helped a decent amount.

Finally - had a nice 2,500 yard swim yesterday and a scheduled 1 hour on the trainer in the small gear today. MY SPEED AND CADENCE SENSORS CAME!!! So excited. I can see how far I go and how fast now on my trainer! Sadly, Alan, my techie gear is Bluetooth/WiFi and I can't use that on Zwift Island, I need an ANT+ stick. Once they figure that one out, I'll join you!
It was 2 degrees yesterday morning and 3 this morning but hopefully things will be warmer in the next two days!

Edited by aviatrix802 2015-03-24 9:31 PM

(Pea Protein.jpg)

Pea Protein.jpg (51KB - 3 downloads)
2015-03-24 9:32 PM
in reply to: adempsey10

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by adempsey10

Originally posted by GeauxHard Lol I believe G.A.S exists in every hobby..I still frequent he military simulation/airsoft scene, and it's absolutely ridiculous the amount of gear I have..lets just say if I sold off my gear, I could most likely fund a solid new TT bike purchase..however, I did recently sell off a decent piece of gear to fund some Tri that says a lot about my drive for this sport.

It's always a tough decision. I use to be a bass player (still am I suppose) and I had some really nice equipment. My pride and joy was a vintage 1973 Traynor YBA-1 which I ran through a Yorkville 4x10 cab. It thundered like Zeus on Olympus. I held on to that amp for years carting it from apartment to apartment. I only recently sold it so I could afford a power meter. It was a worthwhile purchase but I shed a few tears over it. 

Did you play like Geddy? LOL
2015-03-24 9:39 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business

Originally posted by aviatrix802
Originally posted by adempsey10

Originally posted by GeauxHard Lol I believe G.A.S exists in every hobby..I still frequent he military simulation/airsoft scene, and it's absolutely ridiculous the amount of gear I have..lets just say if I sold off my gear, I could most likely fund a solid new TT bike purchase..however, I did recently sell off a decent piece of gear to fund some Tri that says a lot about my drive for this sport.

It's always a tough decision. I use to be a bass player (still am I suppose) and I had some really nice equipment. My pride and joy was a vintage 1973 Traynor YBA-1 which I ran through a Yorkville 4x10 cab. It thundered like Zeus on Olympus. I held on to that amp for years carting it from apartment to apartment. I only recently sold it so I could afford a power meter. It was a worthwhile purchase but I shed a few tears over it. 

Did you play like Geddy? LOL

I certainly tried to. La Villa Strangiato was one of my favourite songs to jam to.

2015-03-24 9:44 PM
in reply to: adempsey10

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by adempsey10

Originally posted by aviatrix802
Originally posted by adempsey10

Originally posted by GeauxHard Lol I believe G.A.S exists in every hobby..I still frequent he military simulation/airsoft scene, and it's absolutely ridiculous the amount of gear I have..lets just say if I sold off my gear, I could most likely fund a solid new TT bike purchase..however, I did recently sell off a decent piece of gear to fund some Tri that says a lot about my drive for this sport.

It's always a tough decision. I use to be a bass player (still am I suppose) and I had some really nice equipment. My pride and joy was a vintage 1973 Traynor YBA-1 which I ran through a Yorkville 4x10 cab. It thundered like Zeus on Olympus. I held on to that amp for years carting it from apartment to apartment. I only recently sold it so I could afford a power meter. It was a worthwhile purchase but I shed a few tears over it. 

Did you play like Geddy? LOL

I certainly tried to. La Villa Strangiato was one of my favourite songs to jam to.

Fantastic song!!! I saw them on Palladia playing that in Brazil and it was amazing. You don't hear them do that song live too often! Their last tour is this year! Neil drums in pain now in each concert. He is a god. I. Must. Get. Tickets.
2015-03-24 9:48 PM
in reply to: #5075170

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
In answer to the how do I protein- I'm a very big believer in listening to my body's cravings (except that doesn't work during workouts for me- I will always bonk if I'm not proactive). But, my body craves what it needs. Usually if I want a big cheeseburger with a side of broccoli I need iron etc. I Try and use whole foods as much as possible. I'm a huge fan of the basic nature's valley granola bars mid bike ride.

2015-03-24 9:50 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business

Originally posted by aviatrix802
Originally posted by adempsey10

Originally posted by aviatrix802
Originally posted by adempsey10

Originally posted by GeauxHard Lol I believe G.A.S exists in every hobby..I still frequent he military simulation/airsoft scene, and it's absolutely ridiculous the amount of gear I have..lets just say if I sold off my gear, I could most likely fund a solid new TT bike purchase..however, I did recently sell off a decent piece of gear to fund some Tri that says a lot about my drive for this sport.

It's always a tough decision. I use to be a bass player (still am I suppose) and I had some really nice equipment. My pride and joy was a vintage 1973 Traynor YBA-1 which I ran through a Yorkville 4x10 cab. It thundered like Zeus on Olympus. I held on to that amp for years carting it from apartment to apartment. I only recently sold it so I could afford a power meter. It was a worthwhile purchase but I shed a few tears over it. 

Did you play like Geddy? LOL

I certainly tried to. La Villa Strangiato was one of my favourite songs to jam to.

Fantastic song!!! I saw them on Palladia playing that in Brazil and it was amazing. You don't hear them do that song live too often! Their last tour is this year! Neil drums in pain now in each concert. He is a god. I. Must. Get. Tickets.

I will probably never get to see them live sadly. I did see Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson perform YYZ with Taylor Hawkins on drums at a Foo Fighters concert once. That was pretty cool. I'd love to see Neil though. That guy has been through so much and is so amazing. I've read both his books. He really is a god.

2015-03-24 9:50 PM
in reply to: #5103268

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Oh for me no question Beatles beat the Stones hands down. ( but I like country- so my judgement may not be that good).

First group run with my training group tonight. I think I'm really going to like it and learn a lot.
2015-03-24 9:59 PM
in reply to: Moonrocket

Colorado Springs, Colorado
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
I know the Garmin 910 and 920xt gets a lot of praise, and for good reason I'm sure, what about the Timex GPS one+? I personally think the ability to leave my phone at home, but be able to still have an emergency line and communication abilities on my wrist a cool feature. Not to mention the touch screen and ability to store 4GB of music on it, and connect to all the other sensors and other jazz that's on the market..only real disadvantage I see compared to the garmin is swim tracking..which I'm sure the Timex does, just maybe not as advanced?
2015-03-25 8:06 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Have a great trip, Gretchen! Definitely take some cool pics that you can share when you come back! Safe travels!
2015-03-25 8:09 AM
in reply to: MOlsen

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by MOlsen

Safe travels!

I finally have a moment and at least catch up with the last page of the thread. Wow this is an active group this year! Great discussions on gear and nutrition.

The last few weekends I've made it out on my new SUP (Stand Up Paddleboard) as cross-training and acting as "paddle support" for the local open water swimming group. The first trip on the water had perfect conditions, smooth as glass. Second trip on the water there was a little bit of wind and chop on the water, giving me an extra workout trying to keep my balance.

I absolutely LOVE SUP! We can't really do it in our harbor here in Baltimore (if you fell in you would surely get diseases), so I am super envious! Such a great workout :-)

2015-03-25 8:32 AM
in reply to: Moonrocket

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business

Like both the stones and beatles but for my money I like the Stones better as they have more rock to their music.

As for Jenn...RUSH?? Arrgh, go to your room! What next? You like the Cleveland Browns and fruit beer???

Kate as long as you like Johnny Cash, country is okay!

I am in weight loss mode right now. As per previous post by Adam(Alan), I have tried to up my protein which is not really a problem for me!

Have a great day everyone!


2015-03-25 8:36 AM
in reply to: Moonrocket

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
On the protein topic, I don't really do anything but have always thought about it and probably should. I may try some of this pea protein that Jenn suggested. I like the idea of knowing exactly what is in it. I've also been considering using Perfect Fit Protein. I am part of a program called Tone It Up, which is basically a program focused on women and encourages an all around healthy lifestyle ( They have their own protein line, which also has a simple combination of known ingredients.
2015-03-25 8:52 AM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Oh one more thing! I am on untappd as nicole14e (same as on here). I had a little post it with all your names on it but lost it somewhere between work and my house! If you are on there and have a minute, please friend me so I don't have to look back through the millions of posts !
2015-03-25 8:53 AM
in reply to: adempsey10

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by adempsey10

My pride and joy was a vintage 1973 Traynor YBA-1 which I ran through a Yorkville 4x10 cab. It thundered like Zeus on Olympus. I held on to that amp for years carting it from apartment to apartment. I only recently sold it so I could afford a power meter. It was a worthwhile purchase but I shed a few tears over it. 

LOVE the Bassmaster! What a great amp. Marshall took the design for the tweed era Fender Bassman, and modified it and came up with the sound of rock n' roll. Then Pete Traynor took that and made it back into what it was originally intended for, a bass amp. Except it absolutely rocks as a guitar amp still.

BTW I have the sister to that amp, the YSR-1 (Custom Reverb). Great amp, but it's not running 100% and I need to get it to a tech to figure out why...
2015-03-25 9:03 AM
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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by aviatrix802

Fantastic song!!! I saw them on Palladia playing that in Brazil and it was amazing. You don't hear them do that song live too often! Their last tour is this year! Neil drums in pain now in each concert. He is a god. I. Must. Get. Tickets.

Just wanted to throw some more love for Rush in the mix. Possibly my favorite band, definitely top 2. I had the chance to get tickets for this tour, and let them go. The seats were miserable and the first time I saw Rush was the same area of the same arena. All I could hear was the rear fill, and echo from the stage. Combine that with not knowing who would go with me and it wasn't worth it to me to see Rush for the last time live on a bad note. I've seen them previously indoors and outdoors (including seeing La Villa Strangiato live) and the shows were just incredible. i'm sure this tour will be as well!

Edit - btw Alan Neil has 6 books also means I need to catch up, I haven't read 'Far and Near' or 'The Masked Rider'.

And Thor - there's nothing wrong with Rush!!!!

Edited by firebert 2015-03-25 9:12 AM

2015-03-25 9:09 AM
in reply to: firebert

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business

Back when I first started training for Ironman --just over a year ago-- I was doing 'progress' pics fairly regularly. I stopped doing it after awhile for whatever reason. Anyway, this morning I was looking back through them and was shocked at the change I've had over the last year. I don't even recognize the 'old' me. I know it's not a super inspirational 200b weight loss or anything like that but I'm really proud of myself nonetheless. I snapped a pic of me this morning to use as comparison (in the mirror, which is why my tat is reversed) and so I could share the my 'transformation' with everyone here. I was 82.5kg (182lbs) in the left picture and this morning I was 75.1kg (165.5lbs). My goal is 72kg (158.7lbs). 


progressw.jpg (64KB - 4 downloads)
2015-03-25 9:16 AM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Dave O- I would say if you are going to stay in tri then the 920 is the way to go. I LOVE this watch it is able to do everything I need, and there is way more it can do that I don't even use yet. The DC rainmaker review has a way more in depth review and I would not even begin to do it justice. I particularly like the live track feature. If you have people watching you at the race it is nice for them to be able to know where you are so they can go do other things while you are on the bike for 3-6 hours, but be back at t2 to cheer you on. In addition HR training really is the way to go for endurance. Once you have built that up if you want to go for sprint distance for speed then it may not be so important as raw strength with the endurance base, but for starting out endurance is key.

Dave- hard to pick between the stones and Beatles. The stones were still around and preforming while I was alive and old enough to remember so I tend to go with them.

Thor-m Johnny Cash is great. My 6yo has been singing his songs for years and actually ask me to play them.

Nutrition/ protein. I think it was mentioned already but keeping your protein intake high is going to be key for muscle building while losing weight. You are at a calorie deficient to lose weight but what you don't want is to lose muscle or break it down without the ability to rebuild or that 2hr run will be less productive than it could have been. I had a sports nutrition specialist work with my team at work they were big on whey protein directly after a workout. They were also fans of it during strength training. I have found that by mixing about half a scoop of protein in my water bottles for the bike when I get off I tend to feel better than when I use only carb mix. I avoid artificial sweetness when possible so I use

I also use the same stuff but casein instead of whey. The main difference is how quickly they digest. Whey will be fast and get to your muscles fast. casein is slower to digest but will make you feel fuller for longer. I use casein before bed every night, and as a snack to keep me full during the day while cutting weight. For my post workout I love to use chocolate protein, banana, and peanut butter (natural or p2b) in a magic bullet with water. its filling and has sugars protein and a little fat.

Workout- I missed a 30/15 brick yesterday. today I woke up at 0230 and could not fall back asleep. I was suppose to swim and bike so I got up and set the trainer up did my 45 bike workout and the 15 run from yesterday. By the time I was done I caught up on walking dead (on trainer then after run)I still had time to wait for the pool to open. I decided to sit out the swim today and make it up tomorrow after my 1hr run. So I will only be down a 30 miin bike ride.

Beer- haven't had one in a few days. My Imperial Belgian IPA is gone, but I have a little of the Bourbon Barrel aged version so I'll reward myself tonight with one of them, maybe 2

2015-03-25 9:19 AM
in reply to: b2b14

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Alan well done on the weight lose. That is very inspirational. I have some before pictures but I will have to figure out how to crop them to put them on here, that and I need to get to the after pictures.
2015-03-25 10:11 AM
in reply to: Qua17

Colorado Springs, Colorado
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
So besides a protein supplement, does anyone else take anything else in the supplement department? Creatine, BCAA's, beta alanine? I personally have cycled off my creatine and BCAA's for the time being, but may reintroduce them to my training regimen soon, still taking a GOOD multivitamin pack though.

Seems as though it's hard to find supplement info that multisport athletes use..
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