BT Development Mentor Program Archives » kaburns1214 and UHCoog's Mentor Group-Closed Rss Feed  
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2013-08-05 4:58 PM
in reply to: ccmpsyd

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 and UHCoog's Mentor Group-Closed
Originally posted by ccmpsyd

Originally posted by jarvy01

Originally posted by ccmpsyd

Scott - I can empathize with your real estate plight. I moved in with my S.O several years ago and have rented my condo to a couple of friends from time to time but finally put it on the market a year ago. Still on the market and have, in essence, 2 mortgages going. Sucks.

Matt - Nice to hear that you had a good experience with your tri. The swim portion sounds frustrating though. Congratulations.

I did 45:42 for my 10K for a PR. Was really happy with the effort and how strong I felt throughout the race, especially the last portions which are uphill. I was really happy also because it is a big home town race. The tribute they gave to the Boston marathon survivors and victims was moving and the whole atmosphere from the 7thousand racers to the spectators to the scenery was awesome. It was also cool to shake hands with Joan Benoit Samuelson when I crossed the finish.

I guess training works.

Dude! That is a smashing time for the 10k! Yes, training does work Looks like you're all set for your HIM. Excited for you!

Will you swim for me...?

Only if you run for me

2013-08-06 9:03 AM
in reply to: jarvy01

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Haymarket, VA
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 and UHCoog's Mentor Group-Closed
Got a fun surprise this morning.  I happened to check the results of the mini sprint I did over the weekend and it turns out I placed 3rd in my age group.  The fastest in my age group was the fastest overall, so with him no longer counting in our age group standings I got bumped up to 3rd.
2013-08-06 9:22 AM
in reply to: mleech77

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Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 and UHCoog's Mentor Group-Closed
That was a nice surprise.
2013-08-06 10:21 AM
in reply to: mleech77

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 and UHCoog's Mentor Group-Closed
Originally posted by mleech77

Got a fun surprise this morning.  I happened to check the results of the mini sprint I did over the weekend and it turns out I placed 3rd in my age group.  The fastest in my age group was the fastest overall, so with him no longer counting in our age group standings I got bumped up to 3rd.

That's awesome congrats.
2013-08-06 10:23 AM
in reply to: uhcoog

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 and UHCoog's Mentor Group-Closed
Originally posted by uhcoog

10ish lbs around my midsection.

Me and you both. I'm falling back into base training nicely but my diet has sucked since Williamsburg and even just before that really and I'm having the hardest time reeling myself in.
2013-08-06 11:08 AM
in reply to: mleech77

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 and UHCoog's Mentor Group-Closed
Awesome! Congrats!

2013-08-06 11:12 AM
in reply to: kidtri33

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 and UHCoog's Mentor Group-Closed
So I started training officially for MCM yesterday. Last week was the first week I finally felt normal again for training. I had hill repeats yesterday and easy 45 min run that I need to do later. I had to do some running around this morning for my son to be officially eligible to run Cross Country. They require in person concussion training for all athletes going into middle school and high school. So all that paperwork is taken care of and he got to do his first practice today and he loved it! I am so happy for him and think this will help give him and "identity" going into high school and build some friendships.
2013-08-06 11:54 AM
in reply to: mleech77

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 and UHCoog's Mentor Group-Closed

Originally posted by mleech77 Got a fun surprise this morning.  I happened to check the results of the mini sprint I did over the weekend and it turns out I placed 3rd in my age group.  The fastest in my age group was the fastest overall, so with him no longer counting in our age group standings I got bumped up to 3rd.

That IS a happy surprise.  Congratulations! 

2013-08-06 11:59 AM
in reply to: Kuma

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 and UHCoog's Mentor Group-Closed
20 minutes core, followed by a 30-minute run this morning.  My kids gave me a sports MP3 player for Father's Day, and that has made a huge difference in my running.  I've been using mixes I found on Podrunner that keep a 165 beat per minute tempo consistently.  I have to be careful not to use it every time since I don't want to get too dependent on it, but it has been enormously helpful to train myself to have a higher run cadence.  165 bpm is up 5 bpm from my natural cadence of about 160.  Once I get completely comfortable with that, I plan to work up even higher than that.  Do you run experts out there use music to set your cadence?  Have you found it to be helpful long-term? 
2013-08-06 12:35 PM
in reply to: Kuma

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Extreme Veteran
NW Georgia
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 and UHCoog's Mentor Group-Closed
Good for your son, Larkin. I hope he does well. Who knows, it might even help pay for college. I didn't run XC until college, but I loved it.

I finally got back in the water last night. I had planned on making a push with swimming the last 10-11 weeks, but I found out yesterday the pool will be closed for renovations from mid Sept until December. Now I gotta find a new place to swim. #firstworldproblems

I also registered for an Oly over Labor Day weekend. Yay me! Easy hour run this morning with another chlorine bath coming this afternoon, then sushi with my wife! Happy Tuesday everyone!

2013-08-07 7:42 AM
in reply to: tdl1972

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 and UHCoog's Mentor Group-Closed
Hill repeats on the run and tabata on the bike today.  New wheels are supposed to be delivered too

2013-08-07 9:17 AM
in reply to: uhcoog

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 and UHCoog's Mentor Group-Closed
Swim all out stuff & over/unders on the bike this morning. Feeling good. All of my fears about this IM have gone away and have been replaced with excitement Super jazzed. Physically I'm ready to go & mentally I'm there too. Once I get to MT, the key for me is to stay away from the Ironman village crap. I'll do what I need to do to check in and get out of there. My family is my safe place. It just makes me nervous being around all the hoopla and I'm not one to get all geeked out over race paraphernalia, pasta dinners, etc.

We have tons of fun activities planned for the kids (our oldest wants to do paintball....sigh). Luge, Trampoline park, kayaks, etc. It's going to be the bomb! I have everything ready for school starts, which happen 36 hours after we get home from Canada. Now I have to pack up 6 people for an 8 day trip and plan meals for the week because I can't eat out there. I did find a pasta place in MT that specifically says it serves gluten free pasta. Score!!!
2013-08-07 9:25 AM
in reply to: jarvy01

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Haymarket, VA
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 and UHCoog's Mentor Group-Closed

Originally posted by jarvy01 Swim all out stuff & over/unders on the bike this morning. Feeling good. All of my fears about this IM have gone away and have been replaced with excitement Super jazzed. Physically I'm ready to go & mentally I'm there too. Once I get to MT, the key for me is to stay away from the Ironman village crap. I'll do what I need to do to check in and get out of there. My family is my safe place. It just makes me nervous being around all the hoopla and I'm not one to get all geeked out over race paraphernalia, pasta dinners, etc. We have tons of fun activities planned for the kids (our oldest wants to do paintball....sigh). Luge, Trampoline park, kayaks, etc. It's going to be the bomb! I have everything ready for school starts, which happen 36 hours after we get home from Canada. Now I have to pack up 6 people for an 8 day trip and plan meals for the week because I can't eat out there. I did find a pasta place in MT that specifically says it serves gluten free pasta. Score!!!

Woohoo, you're going to do great.  

2013-08-07 10:07 AM
in reply to: jarvy01

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 and UHCoog's Mentor Group-Closed

Originally posted by jarvy01 Swim all out stuff & over/unders on the bike this morning. Feeling good. All of my fears about this IM have gone away and have been replaced with excitement Super jazzed. Physically I'm ready to go & mentally I'm there too. Once I get to MT, the key for me is to stay away from the Ironman village crap. I'll do what I need to do to check in and get out of there. My family is my safe place. It just makes me nervous being around all the hoopla and I'm not one to get all geeked out over race paraphernalia, pasta dinners, etc. We have tons of fun activities planned for the kids (our oldest wants to do paintball....sigh). Luge, Trampoline park, kayaks, etc. It's going to be the bomb! I have everything ready for school starts, which happen 36 hours after we get home from Canada. Now I have to pack up 6 people for an 8 day trip and plan meals for the week because I can't eat out there. I did find a pasta place in MT that specifically says it serves gluten free pasta. Score!!!


Yeah I didn't see much use in the village prerace.  Finisher's gear is good stuff though.  Make sure you get there close to opening.

2013-08-07 10:22 AM
in reply to: jarvy01

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 and UHCoog's Mentor Group-Closed
Good for you. That is awesome to hear how ready you feel. Enjoy the experience Jen. You only have your first Ironman.
2013-08-07 10:25 AM
in reply to: jarvy01

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 and UHCoog's Mentor Group-Closed
Originally posted by jarvy01

Swim all out stuff & over/unders on the bike this morning. Feeling good. All of my fears about this IM have gone away and have been replaced with excitement Super jazzed. Physically I'm ready to go & mentally I'm there too. Once I get to MT, the key for me is to stay away from the Ironman village crap. I'll do what I need to do to check in and get out of there. My family is my safe place. It just makes me nervous being around all the hoopla and I'm not one to get all geeked out over race paraphernalia, pasta dinners, etc.

We have tons of fun activities planned for the kids (our oldest wants to do paintball....sigh). Luge, Trampoline park, kayaks, etc. It's going to be the bomb! I have everything ready for school starts, which happen 36 hours after we get home from Canada. Now I have to pack up 6 people for an 8 day trip and plan meals for the week because I can't eat out there. I did find a pasta place in MT that specifically says it serves gluten free pasta. Score!!!

Great attitude Jen!!!!

2013-08-07 10:26 AM
in reply to: mleech77

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 and UHCoog's Mentor Group-Closed
Originally posted by mleech77

Got a fun surprise this morning.  I happened to check the results of the mini sprint I did over the weekend and it turns out I placed 3rd in my age group.  The fastest in my age group was the fastest overall, so with him no longer counting in our age group standings I got bumped up to 3rd.

Awesome surprise!!
2013-08-07 12:51 PM
in reply to: DDVMM

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 and UHCoog's Mentor Group-Closed
Jen that is totally awesome! I am sure you will have a blast!! Just always remember to have fun!
2013-08-07 3:22 PM
in reply to: kidtri33

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 and UHCoog's Mentor Group-Closed
45 min run yesterday for me with tabatas. I need to get back in the habit of uploading my workouts :/ Rest day today, then more running. Kind helps motivate me seeing Wes run Cross Country. BTW any advice on the type of shoe he should be training in for cross country? I plan on taking him to get fitted again and speak to those guys but just wanted to see what you guys think as well?

Also they don't have the correct link up for the race I did so I will get something posted soon.
2013-08-07 3:38 PM
in reply to: kidtri33

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 and UHCoog's Mentor Group-Closed

Originally posted by kidtri33 45 min run yesterday for me with tabatas. I need to get back in the habit of uploading my workouts :/ Rest day today, then more running. Kind helps motivate me seeing Wes run Cross Country. BTW any advice on the type of shoe he should be training in for cross country? I plan on taking him to get fitted again and speak to those guys but just wanted to see what you guys think as well? Also they don't have the correct link up for the race I did so I will get something posted soon. has a XC section.  Might want to take a peek.  I'm not even going to venture an uneducated guess.

2013-08-08 10:12 AM
in reply to: uhcoog

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 and UHCoog's Mentor Group-Closed
You're going to do great Jen.

Woke up to my front tire being flat yesterday. In my haste to get it on I popped the first tube I put in as well. Second one was fine as was my ride.

Swim and run this morning.

2013-08-08 11:03 AM
in reply to: everlong

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 and UHCoog's Mentor Group-Closed
Rough day today.  Apparently I didn't set my alarm.  Quinn woke us up at 5 so I still got my swim in.  Got on the bike to ride and there is a loud creak coming on the left down stroke, so I took it to the shop.  Earliest I'm getting it back is Monday, so no long ride this weekend.  Grrrrr.
2013-08-08 1:26 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 and UHCoog's Mentor Group-Closed
Matt that is very nice. Actually that is awesome.

Edited by ccmpsyd 2013-08-08 1:27 PM
2013-08-08 1:33 PM
in reply to: ccmpsyd

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 and UHCoog's Mentor Group-Closed
LArkin - you may want to also check out roadrunner sports....if you sign up for their VIP membership (which is kind of inexpensive) you get pretty good deals. They have a great return policy and have good customer support.

Jen - in case I can't post tomorrow and if you are already gone, knock em dead. I will be tracking you. Very excited for you.

I am scheduled to go on vacation with Elsa - leave Sunday - for two weeks. Am camping in Acadia for the first week and will have to bring my trainer to ride in the AM while Elsa is sleeping. I have had so much stuff to get done for work before I leave coupled with high volume training - I am beat. Had tabatas this AM and swim tonight....4 hour ride, brick run and over under swims on Sat with a birthday party for a 6 y/o in between. Good times.
2013-08-08 1:36 PM
in reply to: uhcoog

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Haymarket, VA
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 and UHCoog's Mentor Group-Closed

Originally posted by uhcoog Rough day today.  Apparently I didn't set my alarm.  Quinn woke us up at 5 so I still got my swim in.  Got on the bike to ride and there is a loud creak coming on the left down stroke, so I took it to the shop.  Earliest I'm getting it back is Monday, so no long ride this weekend.  Grrrrr.

Now what is going to make use of those new wheels????  Life is definitely cruel.

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