BT Development Mentor Program Archives » bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays! Rss Feed  
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2009-01-19 7:30 PM
in reply to: #1857160

Subject: Ironman anxieties

OK, IM vets, here's the sort of thing that keeps me up at night....  (I've got a million of these, but I'll spread them out!)

Suppose I wanted to do both of these things:

1. Race belt, preloaded with GU, is waiting for me in T2.  (I.e., I don't wear it on the bike).

2.  Change from bike jersey to running top in T2.

Can I accomplish both of these?  If so, how would I handle my race number?  Transferring it from the bike jersey to the race belt is not a very attractive option.  Is that the only way?

2009-01-19 10:40 PM
in reply to: #1917165

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Subject: RE: Ironman anxieties
mdickson68 - 2009-01-19 5:30 PM

OK, IM vets, here's the sort of thing that keeps me up at night....  (I've got a million of these, but I'll spread them out!)

Suppose I wanted to do both of these things:

1. Race belt, preloaded with GU, is waiting for me in T2.  (I.e., I don't wear it on the bike).

2.  Change from bike jersey to running top in T2.

Can I accomplish both of these?  If so, how would I handle my race number?  Transferring it from the bike jersey to the race belt is not a very attractive option.  Is that the only way?

Um... have two race belts? One for the number and one for the gu? Not going to make a fashion statement, but it would speed things up

Now... if you had two foxes and three hens and you had to get them all across a river in a small boat....
2009-01-20 1:07 AM
in reply to: #1917444

Subject: RE: Ironman anxieties
I can only speak for IM Canada....but you have 2 numbers. Two race belts makes a whole lot of sense, too. But, having the two numbers gives you alot of flexibility ... so ask around... not worth loosing sleep over this

Ann the Turtle

Edited by arny 2009-01-20 1:08 AM
2009-01-20 10:00 AM
in reply to: #1857160

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West Grove, PA
Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!
Happy Tuesday everyone! I hope you all had a great weekend. In PA, we got hit with an unexpected snow storm that lasted all day yesterday. The kids were very excited to do some sledding. I managed to get in a workout on Saturday, but then got a case of couch-potato-itis after watching my beloved Eagles lose to the Cardinals on Sunday afternoon.

Oh well, back in the saddle today! Ran 3.5 miles this morning (inside on the treadmill, of course) and doing some core training at lunchtime.

Last night, I attended a meeting for Team in Training. They provide triathlon/marathon training in exchange for fundraising efforts. It sounds like a great program... Do any of you have any experience with this?

2009-01-20 12:09 PM
in reply to: #1857160

Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!
Congratulations to all of you in the United States! Your new president did a great job this morning...I have to say that I was glued to the screen during the proceedings this morning. I am presently watching Mr. Obama signing. A great morning...

RE: Ironman numbers...I am novice but did spend alot of time planning transitions...I found it fine just wearing my race number on the elastic belt through both the cycle and the run...I also wore a hydration belt for the run, but it was not a problem having both on . Just my 2 cents

Happy Training all...did the new bike get out yet????


Edited by arny 2009-01-20 12:10 PM
2009-01-20 7:50 PM
in reply to: #1857160

Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!

Two race numbers -- that would be great.  I'll check on that.  Thanks for your answers everyone. I'll try out another of my silly anxieties on you all some other time...

Weather here has not been bike-conducive yet.  We got a very rare (for us) smattering of snow today.  I'm sure those of you up north will get a kick out of this:  last night the weather prediction was a 50% chance of light snow (no accumulation), and the schools all immediately closed, at 6pm last night.  I grew up in northern Wisconsin and walked to school in snow drifts as tall as me (up hill both ways!), so I find this whole thing amusing when I'm in a good mood, and annoying when I'm in a bad mood.  In fairness, I think they just wanted to stay home and watch the inauguration.

The annoying side to this is that the pool was closed today for the second day straight.  Yell

2009-01-20 11:33 PM
in reply to: #1919186

Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!
Yes, the weather...just got off the phone with a dear friend and randonneur cyclist...she went down on black ice this am and fractured tib..spiral. BE careful out there...indoor training and spin classes even better.

RE: closing schools....I am pretty sure it had to do with the inauguration!! I was wondering that as I it was that so many hundreds of thousands of workers were "off sick"!! History in the making...even Canadians were tuned in But our schools stayed open...

Happy SAFE training!
2009-01-21 8:46 AM
in reply to: #1918221

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Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!

arny - 2009-01-20 12:09 PM Congratulations to all of you in the United States! Your new president did a great job this morning...I have to say that I was glued to the screen during the proceedings this morning. I am presently watching Mr. Obama signing. A great morning... RE: Ironman numbers...I am novice but did spend alot of time planning transitions...I found it fine just wearing my race number on the elastic belt through both the cycle and the run...I also wore a hydration belt for the run, but it was not a problem having both on . Just my 2 cents Happy Training all...did the new bike get out yet???? Ann

I'm sorry, but i had no desire to watch the inauguration.  I'm am sooooo sick of all the presidential crap.  Here in the states its been almost a full year of media coverage from the nominations to the election.  I would be happy if i never had to hear about another election in my entire life! Blah!!!

2009-01-21 9:08 AM
in reply to: #1919799

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Woodridge, IL
Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!

Yesterday was an exciting day in American history.  Rarely do we get to be in a point in time where people openly recognize it as historical - so it was pretty cool

So all, question time - I think once Bill got rid of his ennui, he passed it on to me.  I don't think it's burn out, but I just cannot get into my training this week.  I am good paying attention to my nutrition, etc but I just cannot get motivated to do anything this week.  I did my run training on Monday instead of Sunday and I was slower than usual. 

Part of it could be that I was disappointed in my paces for my LT test, which is dumb since I'm still new and building, and it's not that it discouraged me, but I thought that would have gone better. 

Maybe I'm just a whiner this week :-)  I'm going to keep forging ahead and sign up for a swim clinic and head to spin class tonight... but any ideas on how to mentally motivate myself?


2009-01-21 9:18 AM
in reply to: #1857160

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West Grove, PA
Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!
I grew up in Syracuse, NY, so 100+ inches of snow per winter was the norm. Now that I'm further south in PA, I find it amusing that everything shuts down when we get a dusting of snow.

If I may, I'd like to start a discussion regarding nutrition during races and during training. It's somethign that was a complete mystery to me last year, which was my first full year of traiathlons. I guess during a sprint race, "nutritional planning" is not that overly important... just drink lots of water, "carb-up" before hand and you should be good to go.

Now that I'm training for an Olympic distance, and hopefully a 1/2 IM in the near future, I need to be educated on how to properly hydrate myself and get the proper amount of nutrition. I was reading my triathlon magazine last night and they talked about how some athletes OVER-hydrate and that can lead to problems as well.

One problem I ran into last year was my feet would cramp up during the swim. It very rarely happened when I trained, but in the Philly Tri, my feet were completely cramped up the entire 1/2 mile swim. As soon as I got out of the water, they were fine.

Right now, before I work out, I just make sure I have a lot of water and that's about it. I'd love to get some thoughts on this from everyone.
2009-01-21 9:48 AM
in reply to: #1919893

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Woodridge, IL
Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!

Hey Bill -


You're probably pointing your toes involuntarily during race situations which are more tense.  Stretch your plantar facsis and pay attention to make sure your legs stay as relaxed as possible during your swims. 

I have the same prob when I snorkel with fins bc my feet insist on pushing the fins instead of relaxing.

Either way, it's muscle tension causing it.

As far as nutrition, I have the same curiosities.  I know hammer nutrition has an Olympic starter pack with stuff we might need.  But, I've never used it.  Link to short course fueling kit --->,10047&AMI=10082



2009-01-21 10:00 AM
in reply to: #1857160

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West Grove, PA
Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!
Thanks for the info, Sam. Now a really stupid question to show my "newby-ness". Are you supposed to eat/drink ALL of that in one race??? I think I'd be more full than if I ate Thanksgiving dinner before/during the race!

Hammer Gel Raspberry Jug
8 Hammer Gel single serving packets, one of each flavor (not including Raspberry)
3 Strawberry HEED single serving packets
3 Mild Melon HEED single serving packets
3 Mandarin Orange HEED single serving packets
2 Lemon-Lime HEED single serving packets
1 Plain HEED single serving packet
2 Strawberry Recoverite single serving packets
1 Citrus Recoverite single serving packet

2009-01-21 10:23 AM
in reply to: #1857160

Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!
Hi all...home with ill child so have time to chat....
Re: inauguration...I was just happy to see that it went smoothly. I will tell my grandkids about watching it...I am not involved in the politics at all, so I just watched the proceedings and enjoyed the moments that made history.

Re: nutrition....1. there is the 30-45 post-workout window for nutrition...getting the proper nutrients in here makes ALL the difference in recovery for your NEXT workout...I use Powerbar Recovery bars which are expensive but worth every penny.
2. hydration...none of us drink enough...and don't drink only water...lytes are crucial.
3. for workouts longer than 1.5 hours... important to provide the bod with calories and electrolytes during the workout.
4. for hard workouts where you feel you might bonk (ie: 2 hours of spin class), try Ensure products...I use the choc. Ensure High Protein and mix with water for use during energy never does dip and the fatigue doesn't happen when I use this. Does not taste great, but I notice the energy is more even and the lack of general fatigue and/or muscle fatigue so it is truly worth it!

Race day:no experience with olympic/sprint

The nutrition combo I use is Ensure HP, Eload electrolyte powder and Recovery Bars ( for afterwards).

Powerbar website has awesome and free info re: sport nutrition.

Samantha: You don't want good results from the LT test want them to be borderline now and then AMAZING after all your hard training .... just kidding... you had a busy time over the past weeks getting swimming rolling, can't be up all the time...busy/hard training days are often followed by low energy/gloomy days for me as my body works to recover. Just my own 2 cents worth Hang in there
2009-01-21 10:27 AM
in reply to: #1920038

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Woodridge, IL
Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!

billsorg - 2009-01-21 10:00 AM Thanks for the info, Sam. Now a really stupid question to show my "newby-ness". Are you supposed to eat/drink ALL of that in one race??? I think I'd be more full than if I ate Thanksgiving dinner before/during the race! Hammer Gel Raspberry Jug 8 Hammer Gel single serving packets, one of each flavor (not including Raspberry) 3 Strawberry HEED single serving packets 3 Mild Melon HEED single serving packets 3 Mandarin Orange HEED single serving packets 2 Lemon-Lime HEED single serving packets 1 Plain HEED single serving packet 2 Strawberry Recoverite single serving packets 1 Citrus Recoverite single serving packet

HAHA I have no idea, I didn't really think about it!  I figured it was enough for a whole season of short races (I have 3 this summer).  I can't see anyone would need to intake that much during any short course, so I'm gonna go with no. 

OH, the website has an awesom book on racing nutrition, it's a pdf:

They have some other things, like product usage manuals in their library I haven't gotten through yet either.

2009-01-21 10:28 AM
in reply to: #1920089

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Woodridge, IL
Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!

arny - 2009-01-21 10:23 AM Samantha: You don't want good results from the LT test want them to be borderline now and then AMAZING after all your hard training .... just kidding... you had a busy time over the past weeks getting swimming rolling, can't be up all the time...busy/hard training days are often followed by low energy/gloomy days for me as my body works to recover. Just my own 2 cents worth Hang in there

Thanks, Ann! :-D

2009-01-21 12:27 PM
in reply to: #1920106

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West Grove, PA
Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!
Thanks for the link... that is just what I was looking for!

2009-01-21 12:34 PM
in reply to: #1857160

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West Grove, PA
Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!
And Ann... thanks for your feedback as well! When my feet kept cramping up at the Philly Tri, I tried to counteract it by eating several (yes, several) bananas before my next triathlon. It helped on the swim, but left me feeling a little woozy throughout the run.

What does it mean when you "bonk"? I haven't heard that term before, but I assume it means when your energy crashes because of improper nutrition and/or hydration. Is that right?
2009-01-21 12:50 PM
in reply to: #1920428

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Woodridge, IL
Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!

billsorg - 2009-01-21 12:34 PM What does it mean when you "bonk"? I haven't heard that term before, but I assume it means when your energy crashes because of improper nutrition and/or hydration. Is that right?

When you truly bonk you have basically used up all of your glycogen stores available to your body.  Most often times, this prohibits you from finishing your race.  It's also called "hitting the wall". 

It's a bad thing.  Avoidance of bonking is why race and training nutrition are so important (like how I brought that full circle, haha).


2009-01-21 4:23 PM
in reply to: #1857160

Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!
Hey Bill
Re: foot cramps ... I have found that cold water also causes wonderful cramps. The importance of getting into the water before an event can't be stresssed enough. Get in, get wet, put the face IN, check the gogg's seal, teach the body that THIS is what we are doing...period!

Re: foot cramps and banan's...Eating multiple bananas...gag, splutter... I personally can't digest banana's so I stay far away from them and use things like Jelly Belly Sport Beans(available at many running shops or online--little pouches perfect for hydration belts ... approx $1.80) for lytes instead. Potassium IS hard to digest at the best of times, so try things out when you are at work, at home, just hanging out. THEN try them on a training day. If all that works, then they might be fine on race day.

Re: Bonking...sorry, I did not mean to use "lingo". Yah..bonking is a bad thing. Just like Samantha said...she explained it perfectly. It is both mental and physical...exhaustion and it is often sudden onset ...not a good thing at all

Bonking is that feeling that often comes on very suddenly, that you just "can't do this anymore". You no longer have physical energy, but more importantly, you no longer have mental energy to talk yourself through and keep going. No more glycogen and no more will.I use high protein Ensure(lots of folks use boost, but they don't have the high protein mix) and it absolutely keeps that feeling of intense muscle fatigue/"I can't DO this" away(even when I am on the bike trainer at home if I am struggling). On Ironman, I swallowed a fair bit of the lake, and the tummy was a little off at the start of the bike. I knew I HAD to get in at least 2 cans of Ensure HP(570 cals) before the first significant climb or I would be totally calorie depleted. By sipping at the Ensure... I got the calories in. I did a super slow time on the bike, but I had ridden only one century in training---so I was pleased. Nutrition is everything

Happy training....


Edited by arny 2009-01-21 4:37 PM
2009-01-21 4:26 PM
in reply to: #1920981

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Woodridge, IL
Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!


LOVE sport beans and also the Clif Shot Blocks! 


2009-01-21 7:36 PM
in reply to: #1857160

Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!

Nutrition is tricky, as is hydration.

First, there are a lot of myths out there about the relationship between nutrition and cramping.  The current 'wisdom' amongs sports scientists is that there is little if any causal connection between them, and that cramping is caused simply by overworking a muscle that isn't used to it.  A pretty accessible discussion of this can be found here:

For some reason that I don't understand, this is a pretty emotional topic for many people.  They get very worked up when they are told that bananas, or sports drinks, or whatever, do not prevent cramping.  But the studies that have been done sure seem to point in that direction pretty strongly.  I'm not going to preach about it here, but if you're interested, read the stuff at that link, then follow up by reading the actual studies, pro and con, and make up your own mind.

So much for cramping.

Yes, it is very possible to overhydrate.  And you understate what can happen -- people die (not to put too fine a point on it...).

So how do you determine how much to drink, and how much to eat?  Even harder, how do you determine WHAT to eat?

The drink part is not too difficult. You can determine your sweat rate under various conditions (heat matters a lot, as does the intensity of your effort.  So you'll want to do this test under various likely scenarios).  Measure your weight as God made you, then go for a 1 hour run (or bike, or swim).  Don't take in anything while you're doing it.  Then measure again.  Your sweat weighs approximately 1kg per liter.  (If you feel that you absolutely must take in some liquids during the test, weigh the water bottle before and after and subtract the difference.)

Now you know how much you sweat, but it does NOT follow that you need to replace all of that.  In fact, current 'wisdom' is that it is perfectly fine to END the race in a more or less dehydrated state.  Your performance isn't normally impaired until you've lost around 2-4% of your body weight in liquid.  Moreover, it is just not possible for most people to absorb the amount of liquid that they lose in sweat during intense exercise.  Exactly how much fluid your stomach empties into your small intestine, and how quickly it is absorbed from there, is a fairly complex issue, as these rates are affected by the presence of carbohydrates, osmolality of the liquid, the intensity of your exercise, genetics, and so on.  A decent rule of thumb is to take in at least as much as you need to avoid going over that 2% mark.  If you can, and want, to take in more, then fine, but it probably isn't necessary.

So much for drinking.  The science of sports guys also have a series of articles on this, here:

There's a ton of literature on it too.  They reference a lot of it.  Google scholar will turn up hundreds of articles.

Now for nutrition (by which I mean, everything except water -- but these issues are connected because your ability to absorb water depends in part on what else is in your gut with it).  It is easy enough to estimate how many calories you will burn in a race or during a training session.  There are a zillion calorie calculators out there, but rough estimates are probably good enough.  For example, the estimate of 100 calories per mile is not too far off for most people -- it is more if you are heavier or less efficient, less if you are lighter or more efficient.  Pace has very little effect.  It's the distance that counts.  This is a little less true in swimming and cycling, just because it is so much easier to be less efficient in those disciplines.

So, for a marathon (which is really all I'm familiar with), you'd estimate around 2600 calories needed.  Throw in a few extra as a cushion, and say you'll burn 3000 calories from start to finish.  You already have approximately 2000 stored as glycogen.  (You can increase that a bit with proper carbo-loading, which does NOT mean eating a huge pasta meal the night before!)  In addition, your body will use some fat stores for energy.  A typical ratio for a well trained runner running at marathon pace is something like 80/20 or 85/15 (glycogen to fat), with protein being an insignificant source of energy in this context (and in general, unless you are starving in the desert).  This high percentage of glycogen use is a GOOD thing, because it is a far superior form of energy.  Once you use up your glycogen, you are burning more fat, and as someone said, that's when you hit the wall.

So, you are going to fall short of your energy needs from glycogen by around 500 calories or so.  And in reality, you don't want to use up everything, because as glycogen gets low, the body begins to scavenge more fat for fuel ('the wall' is really more like a really steep hill...).  So to be on the safe side, you'd like to take in around 800 calories on the run.  Your standard Gu has 100 calories, so if you take one in every 4 miles, plus drink some sports drink along the way, you are more than fine.

That discussion was really just meant to be a sketch of how I would think about nutrition, as a starting point.  But it is crucial to experiment with these things.  So, theorize your way to a starting along these lines, then experiment, experiment, experiment.  And have a back-up plan in case things get ugly during the race.  I.e., what will you do if you just absolutely cannot take one more Gu and you still have 10 miles to go int he marathon? Practice that too.  Find out what else might work if plan A goes down the tubes (nasty allusion intended).


2009-01-21 8:02 PM
in reply to: #1857160

Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!
^^^^^ Wow that was long.  Sorry!  I guess I was bored...
2009-01-22 8:53 AM
in reply to: #1857160

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Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!
The best way to figure out your nutrition is to practice.  Try things on your long rides and runs and see how it works.  Some things will work on the bike that won't work on the run. You need to experiment way before race day and get all the kinks worked out.  I would recommend after a longish ride to hit the run after as well just because what you ate on the bike might affect how you feel on the run.  Also temperature is a big issue.  You might be able to handle some stuff in the cooler temperatures, but not in the heat.  Just try it out before race day.
2009-01-22 8:57 AM
in reply to: #1917165

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Subject: RE: Ironman questions

By the way, some people are in the 20's on the number of pages lol.  So i have a question or two for Ironman people.

  1. What training plan are you going to use to train for the ironman?
  2. Are you going to do a HR plan?

I'm about 31 weeks out from the ironman and want to follow at 20 week training plan.  But i also want a plan to follow for the next 10 weeks to ramp up into the training.  Any suggestions?

2009-01-22 9:09 AM
in reply to: #1921398

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Woodridge, IL
Subject: RE: bhoover10001's Group - Closed for the holidays!

mdickson68 - 2009-01-21 8:02 PM ^^^^^ Wow that was long.  Sorry!  I guess I was bored...

HHAHAH, yes it was!  But good information - well, from what I got through.  I have a short attention span so have to read in chunks :-)

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