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2008-12-27 9:31 AM
in reply to: #1873302

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Sledge - 2008-12-27 8:33 AM

Good morning everyone,

I'm still in Cleveland, OH, visiting with my husband's family.  Believe it or not, it is almost 60 degrees here this morning!  They are having freaky spring-like weather, at least for today.  I'm heading out for a run in a few minutes.  I may not have time later to check back in -- we've got more family parties planned for today.  But I get home again late tomorrow, and then things should start to get back to normal.

I thought I'd start out with my "homework":

Strengths -- I'm a good runner.  I know how to train for races, I do well at races (my husband calls me his "trophy" wife), and I have a friend who is a certified coach, and he helps me with the mental stuff too.

Weaknesses -- I can't sight while swimming in the least, so I always end up swimming longer distances.   And all of the local races are open water swims in the gulf, so I need to learn how to sight for those buoys!

Inspiration -- a celebration of life!  After a catastrophic car accident nearly 5 years ago, plus watching my father battle ALS, I'm charged up to live life to its fullest.  This includes challenging myself to do bigger things and go places I've dreamed of.  This year we climbed the Grand Teton (what a rush!) and visited Egypt and Israel.  Next year it is to do the Gulf Coast HIM!


Cheri - it sounds like you embrace life and live it to the fullest, we should all take your lead, we are capable of so much more than we can imagine. Good job on all your running accomplishments, I could use some of your talent in that area.

Amy IN

2008-12-27 9:37 AM
in reply to: #1863539

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Ok, my goals for 2009, I don't want to feel like a hippo anymore so goal one is to lose 30 lbs before may 1st, second goal is to do the MuncieEnduraton (HIM) in July. I will be weighing and measuring myself today and getting started on the first goal.
Julie - how do I get the ticker for weight loss on here???? If anyone wants to join me on this journey let me know and we can help each other. When I lose 10 I will change my avatar to tiger, when I lose 20 I will change it to hawk, and when I reach my goal it will be "me"...ha
Amy IN
2008-12-27 10:03 AM
in reply to: #1863539

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
such a good idea with the avitars amy! most of you guys know my story already, but if you don't, i was creeping up on 200 lbs-and had just had my third child when i started training for my first race, in only 3 months i'd gone from a size 14 to a size 10 and i've continued to drop pounds slowly over the last 18 months, i'm now in a size 6 and in the low to mid 140's. i think ideally i'd like to drop another 5-10 pounds then it's just to maintain. i HAVE had people question my, and it's all true, i AM in the low to mid 140's i wear a 6, and sometimes i can squeeze in to a 4. (but i get muffin top-usually-not so attractive)
anyway, i hope that your weight loss goes quick and easy amy, if you stick with your plan, it should just melt off. and whatever i can do to help you or inspire you, just ask. since losing over 50 pounds, i've tried to become a cheerleader for those who are tackling the big numbers. it's hard work, but every time you buy a pair of pants in a smaller size, you're going to feel so great, and all the sacrifices you've made are so going to pay off!!!
2008-12-27 10:09 AM
in reply to: #1863539

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
it rained ALL NIGHT. i'm not certain, but i think it's STILL raining! what insane weather this year! it's psychotic!
anyway, i just had a whole wheat bagel, i'm going to finish off my coffee, then i'm getting dressed to run. i don't think i can drive to better roads, dh said the roads were AWFUL last night, so i think i'm going to have to make due with what's right here out my front door. hmmm. should be interesting.
dh said he might even have to call in today, as he's got a 40 minute commute on these roads, i guess we'll see where the day takes us.
i don't even know what day it is. LOL--my computer says it's saturday. man i'm all messed up! LOL
2008-12-27 10:53 AM
in reply to: #1873302

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Sledge - 2008-12-27 6:33 AM

Good morning everyone,

I'm still in Cleveland, OH, visiting with my husband's family.  Believe it or not, it is almost 60 degrees here this morning!  They are having freaky spring-like weather, at least for today.  I'm heading out for a run in a few minutes.  I may not have time later to check back in -- we've got more family parties planned for today.  But I get home again late tomorrow, and then things should start to get back to normal.

I thought I'd start out with my "homework":

Strengths -- I'm a good runner.  I know how to train for races, I do well at races (my husband calls me his "trophy" wife), and I have a friend who is a certified coach, and he helps me with the mental stuff too.

Weaknesses -- I can't sight while swimming in the least, so I always end up swimming longer distances.   And all of the local races are open water swims in the gulf, so I need to learn how to sight for those buoys!

Inspiration -- a celebration of life!  After a catastrophic car accident nearly 5 years ago, plus watching my father battle ALS, I'm charged up to live life to its fullest.  This includes challenging myself to do bigger things and go places I've dreamed of.  This year we climbed the Grand Teton (what a rush!) and visited Egypt and Israel.  Next year it is to do the Gulf Coast HIM!


trophy wife...that is nice.... we will do what we can to get you to site thos buoys and to get there in the most direct route. I forgot you were in that car are such a stud-ette that I forgot of any obstacles you have battled!...and never knew of your dads battles...sorry for that...will keep him in my prayers. How long did it take you to climb the G. Teton? that is amazing...but since I have realized in the past few years that I am afraid of heights...I guess I will have to do something else...on the flats! we miss you being around but glad you are with you husband and having fun...look forward to hearing all about it! Have a great weekend Cheri! you deserve this time off!

2008-12-27 11:05 AM
in reply to: #1873368

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

amy mutz - 2008-12-27 7:37 AM Ok, my goals for 2009, I don't want to feel like a hippo anymore so goal one is to lose 30 lbs before may 1st, second goal is to do the MuncieEnduraton (HIM) in July. I will be weighing and measuring myself today and getting started on the first goal. Julie - how do I get the ticker for weight loss on here???? If anyone wants to join me on this journey let me know and we can help each other. When I lose 10 I will change my avatar to tiger, when I lose 20 I will change it to hawk, and when I reach my goal it will be "me"...ha Amy IN

Hi Amy

You go to

click on the weight link...put in a pin that is what you will use to update the do not forget it. then fill in the areas you want to lets you do just weight, or weight and waste....

then go to the bottom of the page and use the ez code links...and copy the entire link to your goals area in the top line of the picture box...(the icon between the anchor and eraser) hit insert and will see you ticker appear! I just made my ticker...but for some reason it is not, til I iron out why...make sure to bookmark your ticker factory a you can update....GO AMY GO!!!! I look forward to seeing the pictures we all do! I will have to find lots of tiger fire you up with! have a great day...glad you inspired me! THANKS!


Amy, I am doing one with you...I hope to lose another 20, thanks for the inspiration...and another thing...YOU DO NOT LOOK LIKE A HIPPO! not even close! well your avatar does, but not my AMY! I do look forward to getting the "Amy" avatar back...although that hippo is pretty darn cute! hehe

Edited by Girl Passing on Left 2008-12-27 11:21 AM

2008-12-27 11:20 AM
in reply to: #1863539

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
can i jump in and do one too? i've found that being so close to my goal weight, i have not been disciplined enough to go that last 10. maybe if i'm on here doing the ticker with you guys, i'll be a little more accountable. i'd love to get down there by may.
does anyone else have a huge jump in numbers right before their cycle? no kidding, i can gain up to ten pounds right before,then i get really discouraged, and instead of having 10 pounds to go, i have 20. then when my cycle is gone, so is the 10 pounds. does ANYONE else have that? i've never had that my whole life until like the last 8 months or so. it's crap!! LOL i don't love it.
2008-12-27 11:26 AM
in reply to: #1873389

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

lyssa-gator - 2008-12-27 8:03 AM such a good idea with the avitars amy! most of you guys know my story already, but if you don't, i was creeping up on 200 lbs-and had just had my third child when i started training for my first race, in only 3 months i'd gone from a size 14 to a size 10 and i've continued to drop pounds slowly over the last 18 months, i'm now in a size 6 and in the low to mid 140's. i think ideally i'd like to drop another 5-10 pounds then it's just to maintain. i HAVE had people question my, and it's all true, i AM in the low to mid 140's i wear a 6, and sometimes i can squeeze in to a 4. (but i get muffin top-usually-not so attractive) anyway, i hope that your weight loss goes quick and easy amy, if you stick with your plan, it should just melt off. and whatever i can do to help you or inspire you, just ask. since losing over 50 pounds, i've tried to become a cheerleader for those who are tackling the big numbers. it's hard work, but every time you buy a pair of pants in a smaller size, you're going to feel so great, and all the sacrifices you've made are so going to pay off!!!

I too have lost almost 50 lbs...we (Lyssa and I) were rowing in that same boat...I was just over 200 lbs and really did not realize HOW big I was til I saw a video of the funeral...DANG! I threw away my cigarettes and the habit and started to train for triathlons...within six months I had lost 50 lbs...I gained a few lbs back over the holidays....but still feeling great and have gone down four pant sizes...from a 1x to a size 14 and some hope you all realize you can reach your goals...but you have to train and you have to eat well! I AM PROUD OF MY LYSSA-GATOR! you are so darn adorable...and even with all your cooking and baking you keep your weight off! that is a feat in itself! kiu!!!

2008-12-27 11:28 AM
in reply to: #1873397

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

lyssa-gator - 2008-12-27 8:09 AM it rained ALL NIGHT. i'm not certain, but i think it's STILL raining! what insane weather this year! it's psychotic! anyway, i just had a whole wheat bagel, i'm going to finish off my coffee, then i'm getting dressed to run. i don't think i can drive to better roads, dh said the roads were AWFUL last night, so i think i'm going to have to make due with what's right here out my front door. hmmm. should be interesting. dh said he might even have to call in today, as he's got a 40 minute commute on these roads, i guess we'll see where the day takes us. i don't even know what day it is. LOL--my computer says it's saturday. man i'm all messed up! LOL

yes it is Saturday...and sorry you are still having such terrible rain/snow careful if you do run...hoping it is not icy anywhere out there! do not want to see my cute lil size 6 gal hitting the pavement! but glad you are going out and will feel better! and hope my bagel tasted good!!! hehe

2008-12-27 11:41 AM
in reply to: #1873461

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

lyssa-gator - 2008-12-27 9:20 AM can i jump in and do one too? i've found that being so close to my goal weight, i have not been disciplined enough to go that last 10. maybe if i'm on here doing the ticker with you guys, i'll be a little more accountable. i'd love to get down there by may. does anyone else have a huge jump in numbers right before their cycle? no kidding, i can gain up to ten pounds right before,then i get really discouraged, and instead of having 10 pounds to go, i have 20. then when my cycle is gone, so is the 10 pounds. does ANYONE else have that? i've never had that my whole life until like the last 8 months or so. it's crap!! LOL i don't love it.

USED TO! thank god that cycle is no longer in my life...but now my family has to deal with the B that I have become with the Menopause stuff! I used to not understand why my dad would tell me not to go in that room...and we would ask why and he would tell us our mom was in there and that we should STAY OUT!...then we would go in and she was definitely not the mom we all knew to love and know...she was "possessed...hehe...I now see myself acting that way on occasion and I can not control it...dang...hated having Aunt Flo and now I feel like I hate being without it!?!?! what de????? have a good day...heading out to do a ride...hate to rub it in but it looks to be a beautiful day and my dh has a looooooong bike route set see what everyone else did today...get out there and run, bike and swim!

2008-12-27 3:31 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Ok group I think we have a challenge going on here...wooohooo I'm excited, this will help me in my weak times. Thanks Jules and Lyssa.

Ok on the cycle thing and I'm not talking bikes, just step away from the scale at that time, it is only fluid retention, the only thing you can do is drink more water and wait for it to pass, you will be back to normal weight in 5 days. So just remember "STEP AWAY FROM THE SCALE!)

On the menopause thing, I'm there with ya sista, havn't hard a period in 1.5 years, but has been replaced with hot flashes, mood swings, and I think weight gain, or that is my excuse. But exercise helps.

I got my ticker and I'm ready to watch it move on down to goal weight. Does anyone else want to join in????

Check in Julie said; get out there and do something, anything, swim-bike-run, etc...


2008-12-27 4:08 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
i put the ticker on my log i can't wait to move that little chick!

i didn't get out for a run today as i'd planned, the roads were just TOO bad. but i did about 20 minutes of yoga, and some pilates/core stuff, and i feel slightly more normal. tomorrow dh is off, and he said he'd drive me up to where the roads are better and do the pace booty thing for me, so i don't get eaten by a starving cougar. i can't wait.
2008-12-27 4:30 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

I got out for a run (still need two more before year's end to meet my challenge goals). I still need to get my legs back after being sick and not running for more than a week. It was not a good run at all. I'm trying to decide if I want to participate in a January challenge. I need to work on a long-term plan that will get me to 10k before an August Oly.

2008-12-27 6:23 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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2008-12-27 6:41 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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2008-12-27 7:46 PM
in reply to: #1873812

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Kurls26 - 2008-12-27 6:23 PM

Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday!  As much as I love vacationing in Florida, there is always part of me that is dying to get back home and put my life back together.  It's amazing how much can go on in just a week of being away!!  Workouts especially!  The past couple of nights I have laid in bed creating a 'master' training plan, started a budget on the gear I will need, and began to list my strengths and weaknesses. 

Strengths: my legs are often compared to the trunks of a Sequoia!  I use to hate it throughout school!  But then I woke one morning, looked in the mirror, and finally saw the beauty in my muscular legs.  I am hoping this will come in handy during the biking portion of the tri.  I also find myself to be very driven. When I get something in my head, there isn't much that can deter me from completing it.  I have quite an athletic background, and fortunately I am able to pick things up easily.  I also have an amazing support system from friends and family to bosses and co-workers.

Weakness:  running.  I loathe running on a treadmill.  I get 10 minutes into it and am completely bored.  I last a little longer outside, but not much.  I can walk forever though-which I would hate to break down and do during a tri!!  I ran track in school and mostly competed in sprint events.  So anything over 400m was 'long distance' in my eyes! I think if I begin to train my body to run farther I will have no problem.  Diet can also be a downfall of mine.  But I have been working on it.  I have gotten a lot better within the last year.  I am determined to keep on it.

Motivation: I can honestly say that this is the first time I have actually looked forward to 'extreme' training!  I am actually excited about getting into a Masters class and jumping into a pool at 5:30am!  (ask me again in a month and I might have a different response!) I am not doing this for anyone but myself.  This is the one thing that I have and no one else I know has.  I will be setting the bar for all of my peers-and that motivates me.  The thought that I will have a great conversation piece doesnt hurt either!

Monica - You are so ahead of the game when you realize that your legs are a strength and one of your many assets, you are a beautiful young lady. I believe you have the tri personality and becoming a triathlete will enrich your life, and build on your self discipline and self worth, it is a very valuable experience, and you will set a very high bar for all of your friends that have never done one.

On the bike, Julie will be better than me to give you advice, but if it is 52cm how tall are you???
Also I know the excitement of getting started takes over, but my advice is to look at a few bikes before settling on one. I would go to a local bike store and talk to a professional before buying off of ebay, or you will end up wanting something different once you start training with others. But if you decide to get this bike I have two friends that ride cannondales and they are both very good bikes!!! Fast too.

Take care and enjoy the rest of the weekend!
Amy IN

2008-12-27 7:58 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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2008-12-27 8:13 PM
in reply to: #1863539

Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
I'm 5'5" and ride a 51 or 52. If you don't really know your size then stay away from mail order or ebay until you have a better idea or if you can afford to throw away your money. Go to your local bike shop and start trying out bikes.
2008-12-27 8:20 PM
in reply to: #1873837

Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Kurls26 - 2008-12-27 4:41 PM


Should I even consider this bike?! again I have no idea what 3/4 of the stuff means!!! But it is near where I live and I could pick up......thanks for any input!!

You really need to get fitted...that will help...if you get a bike that is too big or too small and you are the least bit uncomfortable will dread it! great price and looks like it has ok will not find many road bikes cheaper, but PLEASE go get fitted first. I am leaving for an 8 or 9 hour drive early in the unless I can hop on for a bit this evening...Have a great Sunday...

good for all of you who got a run, bike or swim in! kiu!

I rode a little over 46 miles...will log it when I get to San Diego...will email you when I get there...Train well everyone....time to get busy!!!

2008-12-27 9:22 PM
in reply to: #1873389

Extreme Veteran
El Cajon, Ca
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
lyssa-gator - 2008-12-27 8:03 AM

such a good idea with the avitars amy! most of you guys know my story already, but if you don't, i was creeping up on 200 lbs-and had just had my third child when i started training for my first race, in only 3 months i'd gone from a size 14 to a size 10 and i've continued to drop pounds slowly over the last 18 months, i'm now in a size 6 and in the low to mid 140's. i think ideally i'd like to drop another 5-10 pounds then it's just to maintain. i HAVE had people question my, and it's all true, i AM in the low to mid 140's i wear a 6, and sometimes i can squeeze in to a 4. (but i get muffin top-usually-not so attractive)
anyway, i hope that your weight loss goes quick and easy amy, if you stick with your plan, it should just melt off. and whatever i can do to help you or inspire you, just ask. since losing over 50 pounds, i've tried to become a cheerleader for those who are tackling the big numbers. it's hard work, but every time you buy a pair of pants in a smaller size, you're going to feel so great, and all the sacrifices you've made are so going to pay off!!!

muffin top! that is awesome

2008-12-27 9:38 PM
in reply to: #1863539

Extreme Veteran
El Cajon, Ca
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
As for strengths, at the current time I seem to have none. This time last year I was a training fool. If I had kept it up I would have strengths. Back in May, I got some sort of food poisoning or stomach bug. After that, I have not been the same. I need to get motivated.

I too would like to lose 10 - 15 lbs. Ideally I would like to be 130, but my body seems to be happy around 135. I have put on a few pounds these past two months, so I will be setting up a ticker.

My kiddos are my inspirations. I just love hearing them while I am racing. There is nothing better than the feeling I get when I just want to fall over and quit, then I hear "Go, Mommy, Go" It is just amazing.

2008-12-28 8:55 AM
in reply to: #1863539

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

I'm trying to get from 157 to 145....... problem is I keep loosing and gaining the same pounds over and over.  I get back to 160 and then bounce down to 157....... I have not seen 150 since high school (and I am 40)!!!

I am not a small framed gal either, so lower than 145ish and I look sickly.  So I do need to drop poundage ! lol

2008-12-28 10:41 AM
in reply to: #1863539

Extreme Veteran
quebec's belly button
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

ok, got to do the homework...procrastination, one of, if not THE mother of all my weeknesses

strenghts: swim endurance (i'm not fast but i can hold a 2min/100m till the cows come home). I have bike legs and like to use em. I like training...most of the time

weeknesses: running, time management and too much bad food 

Inspiration: BT!!! : just being part of the group of special people makes me want to stay in it by training . The feeling of getting it done...crossing the line tastes good!!! and looking like this now (for me it is a big thing)

(tri drummond isa.JPG)

tri drummond isa.JPG (94KB - 20 downloads)
2008-12-28 11:28 AM
in reply to: #1874076

somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
abud7373 - 2008-12-27 7:38 PM

As for strengths, at the current time I seem to have none. This time last year I was a training fool. If I had kept it up I would have strengths. Back in May, I got some sort of food poisoning or stomach bug. After that, I have not been the same. I need to get motivated.

I too would like to lose 10 - 15 lbs. Ideally I would like to be 130, but my body seems to be happy around 135. I have put on a few pounds these past two months, so I will be setting up a ticker.

My kiddos are my inspirations. I just love hearing them while I am racing. There is nothing better than the feeling I get when I just want to fall over and quit, then I hear "Go, Mommy, Go" It is just amazing.

i LOVE "go mommy!!" i could hear my kids during the swim of my first race ever, and i almost started to cry! LOL then after, when i looked through the pics on my mom and dad's camera (they were watching my kids so i could race) my mom had taken video, and really loud i could hear my kids "GO MOMMY!!!"

a friend of mine always takes her oldest running with her (he's 8-same as my oldest) so i thought i'd take my oldest out with me ONCE-he wanted to ride his bike, and i figured it'd be good, then i could run a little faster, and he could keep up. LOL we did exactly two miles, and i ended up walking most of it, because of all the hills, by the time we got back home, i was ready to choke him, and he was crying LOL. so that was the end of THAT. LOL
then i took all my kids to the track-figuring they could run around, and i could still keep an eye on them, LOL my DD (just barely 4 at the time) ran a mile and a half without stopping, in about 13 minutes!! she totally blew me away!! i have to take some video of her running so you can see, she has perfect form, her stride is about the same length as mine, even though she's about half my height. it's totally amazing! LOL
needless to say. my oldest is very academic, and my dd is very athletic.
2008-12-28 11:30 AM
in reply to: #1874394

somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
chipit muffin - 2008-12-28 8:41 AM

ok, got to do the homework...procrastination, one of, if not THE mother of all my weeknesses

strenghts: swim endurance (i'm not fast but i can hold a 2min/100m till the cows come home). I have bike legs and like to use em. I like training...most of the time

weeknesses: running, time management and too much bad food 

Inspiration: BT!!! : just being part of the group of special people makes me want to stay in it by training . The feeling of getting it done...crossing the line tastes good!!! and looking like this now (for me it is a big thing)

isabelle! you look AWESOME!!! at first when i saw that, i hadn't read your whole post, and i thought you were posting a pic of a pro-like for inspiration!! then i saw the bib!!! right there with your name on it!! you look great!!!
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