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2010-01-16 5:21 PM
in reply to: #2559563

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Huntington Beach
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED

Eric-How long do you rest between those sprint sets?  I always feel guilty about resting, but know I should to maximize my sprint.  Shoes--I hate it when it is time to buy new ones.  I end up going to our local running shop because they will let you run in them for a week or two and then take them back if you don't like them. 

Question:  Is there any benefit to me going out for a long slow bike ride just to get in the seat time?  I need to go out and ride, but would like to try and go longer and further than normal instead of a "fast" (I am still slow when I am fast) 11 miler.


2010-01-17 1:12 AM
in reply to: #2559563

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Bath, Maine
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED
Wade, how was the marathon?

I got nothing on shoes. Love my New Balance 1200 series. In Anaheim, and loving running outside again - 5 miles today, probably more tomorrow (ak, too far from Huntington Beach, bummer!) Back to Maine Monday, and the indoor track.

Randall-loves BT.
2010-01-17 10:09 AM
in reply to: #2617620

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Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED
akrenik - 2010-01-16 6:21 PM

Eric-How long do you rest between those sprint sets?  I always feel guilty about resting, but know I should to maximize my sprint.  Shoes--I hate it when it is time to buy new ones.  I end up going to our local running shop because they will let you run in them for a week or two and then take them back if you don't like them. 

Question:  Is there any benefit to me going out for a long slow bike ride just to get in the seat time?  I need to go out and ride, but would like to try and go longer and further than normal instead of a "fast" (I am still slow when I am fast) 11 miler.


IMO, I think any time in the saddle is good time in the saddle. I have a trailer for my son attached to my mountain bike and every time I go out with him, I'm sure to log that leisurly stroll, no matter how slow it is!  However, when training for an event, I make sure to get other training rides in during the week.  Enjoy it!  Any work is better than no work!

Wade!  Thinking about you today and hope that calf is holding up, I smell PR!  Good Luck!

Just got back from my long run, not as cold as last week, I even got to take my gloves off for a while!  Enjoy the day everybody.  F-the Cowboys!

2010-01-17 12:16 PM
in reply to: #2618192

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Huntington Beach
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED


  F-the Cowboys!


2010-01-17 6:52 PM
in reply to: #2559563

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Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED

Great job on the Marathon, now you have Austin.


With the swim workouts, some plans call for the rest intervals.  For my 8 x 100m sets, I try to get them in under 1:50 and rest for 15 seconds, and then try again.  However, if I feel a little tired, I can push it to 20 or even 30 seconds.  For my 10 x 200m sets, I rest between 30 and 45 seconds, whatever it takes for me to feel a little rested but not too winded to start again.

I think the BT plans spell out what they recommend, but you know your body best.  Just rest as long as it takes for you to feel comfortable to start again, but not too comfortable.  I have seen some plans call out HR targets (100-120 bpm) before you start the next set. 

2010-01-17 7:28 PM
in reply to: #2618810

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Huntington Beach
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED
53epilot - 2010-01-17 4:52 PM Wade,

Great job on the Marathon, now you have Austin.


With the swim workouts, some plans call for the rest intervals.  For my 8 x 100m sets, I try to get them in under 1:50 and rest for 15 seconds, and then try again.  However, if I feel a little tired, I can push it to 20 or even 30 seconds.  For my 10 x 200m sets, I rest between 30 and 45 seconds, whatever it takes for me to feel a little rested but not too winded to start again.

I think the BT plans spell out what they recommend, but you know your body best.  Just rest as long as it takes for you to feel comfortable to start again, but not too comfortable.  I have seen some plans call out HR targets (100-120 bpm) before you start the next set. 

Okay.  Then I must be doing okay.  I have been doing 5x100 (give or take a set) and doing them as fast as I can to be under 2 min.  The faster I go (typically 1:35-1:40) the longer rest I have since I have to take off again in 20sec or so when it hits the 2min mark.  That knowledge that the harder I swim the longer rest I have has been great motivation to push.   

Supposed to rain here all week.    Not looking forward to drainer and dreadmill. 

2010-01-18 10:37 AM
in reply to: #2559563

Crosby, Texas
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED
Bad news on my marathon yesterday. I was doing great, about 13sec/mile ahead of my schedule through 19 miles, then out of nowhere, "POP". My right calf cratered. Very disappointing, I was on pace to beat my PR by 10 minutes. The last 6 miles was a pathetic and agonizing walk/jog to the finish. I'm not sure of the extent of the injury, but since it popped instead of just cramped (like I thought might happen), may take some time to recover. Kinda sucks, cause I've already forked out $134 for Austin 26.2 next month. Hopefully, a week or ten days rest will do the trick. I appreciate y'all looking in on my race yesterday, thanks for the support.
2010-01-19 6:43 AM
in reply to: #2619572

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West Allis, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED

Sounds like you were having an epic race...............major bummer about the injury.  get it looked and be smart with the healing and you will be back better and stronger than ever!


2010-01-19 7:49 AM
in reply to: #2559563

Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED
Do not buy the total immersion tapes. I actually went to 2 total immersion camps, I did not find them very helpful at all. If you feel the need for coaching, send me a video of you swimming, I will critique and send you a video(above water and underwater) of me swimming to explain my critiques if that makes sense. Form is much more important than speed in my opinion. You want to efficiently move through the water with the least amount of effort obviously.
2010-01-19 12:16 PM
in reply to: #2559563

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Extreme Veteran
San Luis Obispo County, CA
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED
Anyone miss me?  I've been away and really slack in my training.  But it was good for my soul and to let my hammy recover.  I think I'm going to scale back my ambitions this year, and perhaps put off the half iron for a year to focus on core, strength, and something more than dead slow.  So, I'm thinking that I will be focusing on getting better on Olympic distances before moving up in distance.

Time to get back to work.  Tonight I start the running speed and development program to get me tuned up for a 10K and a 10 miler in April.  I also getting back to basics resuming my Olympic Training program for the Columbia Olympic in May. 
2010-01-20 12:48 AM
in reply to: #2621921

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Huntington Beach
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED
hip82 - 2010-01-19 10:16 AM Anyone miss me?  I've been away and really slack in my training.  But it was good for my soul and to let my hammy recover.  I think I'm going to scale back my ambitions this year, and perhaps put off the half iron for a year to focus on core, strength, and something more than dead slow.  So, I'm thinking that I will be focusing on getting better on Olympic distances before moving up in distance.

Time to get back to work.  Tonight I start the running speed and development program to get me tuned up for a 10K and a 10 miler in April.  I also getting back to basics resuming my Olympic Training program for the Columbia Olympic in May. 

Welcome back!  Hope that you are all healed and ready to get to work!  Just don't scale back your training efforts while you scale back your ambitions.    I know what you mean about the dead slow.  That is me.    Of course, an Olympic is only a distance dream for me right now.

I am feeling extremely triumphant tonight.  I didn't want to get on my trainer tonight.  I was close to giving in to my lazy side, but I DIDN'T!  One day at a time!

2010-01-20 6:39 AM
in reply to: #2623367

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Richmond VA area
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED
akrenik - 2010-01-20 1:48 AM
I am feeling extremely triumphant tonight.  I didn't want to get on my trainer tonight.  I was close to giving in to my lazy side, but I DIDN'T!  One day at a time!

Way to go Ann-Marie! I also followed through and got a tempo run in after work before it got too dark. I am staying consistant with my workouts make the next one easier. First olympic is my goal for 2010 also.

Edited by RecTri 2010-01-20 6:40 AM
2010-01-20 7:49 AM
in reply to: #2559563

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Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED

Hey guys,

Hope that everyone is doing well.  I had a decent workout today, Run/Upper Body/Core.  Really getting into a rhythm with my workouts and my body is anticipating getting up at 5:00am.  Now if I could just get the diet under control. 

Wade - Bummer about the leg.  Great time even with the injury, I would be happy with it.  Rest that leg and get healthy.

Tom - Welcome back, I was looking through the post a couple of days ago and noticed you did not post anything for a while.  Thought you were deployed or something.

Ann-Marie - Congrats on sticking with the plan and getting a trainer workout in.  I have it on my plan to start trainer sessions this week, not looking forward to it.  My friend is going to loan me some DVD's that might help.  I am not looking forward to 30-60 minutes of trainer workouts.

2010-01-20 8:29 AM
in reply to: #2623548

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Extreme Veteran
San Luis Obispo County, CA
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED
I was only "deployed" to St Maarten to celebrate my 50th birthday.  It was rough duty, but I survived!

Thanks for your thoughts.  It's tough getting back into the swing of things.  It's so dark in the morning lately.  Got in a 5K group run, and felt pretty decent about that given it's been nearly 3 weeks since my last run....
2010-01-20 1:54 PM
in reply to: #2621163

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Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED
jshiplet - 2010-01-19 8:49 AM Do not buy the total immersion tapes. I actually went to 2 total immersion camps, I did not find them very helpful at all. If you feel the need for coaching, send me a video of you swimming, I will critique and send you a video(above water and underwater) of me swimming to explain my critiques if that makes sense. Form is much more important than speed in my opinion. You want to efficiently move through the water with the least amount of effort obviously.

That is a very generous offer!  I am going to try to take you up on it.  I agree that form and efficiency are more important and that is my concern and primary goal to fix.  Now I'll just need to drag my wife to the pool to get a few minutes of splashing that I call swimming on film and get it to you.  

2010-01-20 2:06 PM
in reply to: #2559563

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Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED
What's up all?  Welcome back Tom, glad to hear St. Marrten was good for your hammy! time to torture it again !

Wade, what is your plan for Austin now with your injury?  Have you had it checked out yet?  

Ann Marie, You live in Southern Cali, you are not allowed to complain about the weather.   

It is awesome to see everyone getting out there and putting good work in, it is definitly motivating to see everyone getting workouts in. I'm not going to let myself slack when everyone else is working. 

Last week I posted that my tempo run sucked, however this weeks was awesome.  I ran 4.1 miles at 8:12mm, really fast for me.  Speaking of fast, Dave, I was peeking in your logs and noticed you had a 7:30 or something "easy run" and it drove me mad!  Help me get fast!  Did you always run that fast or did you work on it?  I'm doing my tempo runs and speedwork, but what else should I be doing?  I want to run 7's damnit! 

On the drainer front, I ordered the damn thing on Jan 7th and it still hasn't arrived yet, apparently UPS lost the package, I'm annoyed and now it is not scheduled to arrive till next tuesday.  I've been putting in some garbage time after lifting on the spin bikes at the gym, 15 min here or there.  I miss my bike though!


2010-01-20 3:03 PM
in reply to: #2624621

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Extreme Veteran
San Luis Obispo County, CA
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED
What kind of trainer did you order?  I was lusting after the computrainer, but I spent all my money drinking rum, and need to look for a cheaper alternative.
2010-01-20 3:33 PM
in reply to: #2624779

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Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED
hip82 - 2010-01-20 4:03 PM What kind of trainer did you order?  I was lusting after the computrainer, but I spent all my money drinking rum, and need to look for a cheaper alternative.

I ordered a Captain Morgan Fluid 2, sorry, meant Cycleops fluid 2.  Guy on ebay had the 2010 new for $269 that included a DVD.  It was a great price, but I'm paying for it now.

I love me some rum!  However, I'm taking January off from drinking, just because.
2010-01-21 2:56 PM
in reply to: #2559563

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West Allis, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED

Hey gang,

Ive been terrible!!  I should be put on a timeout and sent to the corner or something.........maybe even caned!!  however, once i get done with this indoor marathon weekend I promise to be lots better!

My apologies to all!  (but all the training has been spectacular!!  GREAT job!)

*and EXCELLENT swim tips it!

2010-01-22 2:50 PM
in reply to: #2624621

Crosby, Texas
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED
Wade, what is your plan for Austin now with your injury?  Have you had it checked out yet?  

I saw an orthopedic surgeon yesterday...good news, no major damage. He prescribed anti-inflammatories and 4 weeks physical therapy. After I pushed him abit regarding Austin 26.2 in February, he actually told me to wait 8 to 10 days, then try some easy jogging. Depending on how that goes, he left the decision to race up to me. So, considering I've already forked out $130 for the race and have a hotel room booked, I guess you know the answer to that. Hell, if nothing else, I might just walk/jog the whole thing for the shirt and the bling.
2010-01-23 2:34 PM
in reply to: #2559563

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Bath, Maine
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED
Slowly getting back into the groove here in Maine after a week of late nights in California. I beat up on an elliptical machine in the hotel gym, and now I've got Wade's tender calves - although after a week, they're starting to feel okay again.

Just when I was all excited about my freestyle, turns out my lotus-kick breaststroke is still faster, and I'm way less winded. I can free 50 in 38 secs, breaststroke the same in 50 - but both free and breaststroke are just north of 11 mins for 525. If I can get tape of my stroke, I'll take you up on the offer, jshiplet - would be a huge help.

And on the St. Maarten front, good on ya, Hip. I had a delicious beach run there last year. Bad swimming accident (lower back injury on rocks) the next day made it hard to walk for a while - but I managed a half marathon a week later. Probably not the best plan, but did well. Wade, best of luck on your recovery.

2010-01-24 11:01 AM
in reply to: #2627191

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Tosa, WI
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED
djdavey - 2010-01-21 2:56 PM

Hey gang,

Ive been terrible!!  I should be put on a timeout and sent to the corner or something.........maybe even caned!!  however, once i get done with this indoor marathon weekend I promise to be lots better!

My apologies to all!  (but all the training has been spectacular!!  GREAT job!)

*and EXCELLENT swim tips it!

I would be willing to testify to your MG that your performance at the Marathon this weekend was impressive and should earn you much slack......I hope you finished your 2 segments of the relay and the full marathon as strong as you started with your half.


Waiting for Race Reports.

Edited by badgerintx 2010-01-24 11:02 AM
2010-01-25 10:22 AM
in reply to: #2627191

Iron Donkey
, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED

djdavey - 2010-01-21 2:56 PM

Hey gang,

Ive been terrible!!  I should be put on a timeout and sent to the corner or something.........maybe even caned!!  however, once i get done with this indoor marathon weekend I promise to be lots better!

My apologies to all!  (but all the training has been spectacular!!  GREAT job!)

*and EXCELLENT swim tips it!

Well, since DJ is recovering from an EEEAAAWWWesome performance, I thought that I would provide the results that he posted on his Facebook page -

"final tabs for the weekend: half marathon = 6th/190, marathon relay = 1/37, marathon = 21/95, gold medal challenge = 4/41. 46.3 miles, total time = 5:51:46........."

2010-01-26 7:58 AM
in reply to: #2559563

Crosby, Texas
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED
Now I remember why I joined this group...
I swam for the first time yesterday and man I suck. Of course I was dragging my wounded leg along, but that made little difference. I had no idea how difficult the swim portion would be before committing to my first triathlon (coming this May.) Looks like I have a lot of work to do. I'll be following y'alls discussions about swimming particularly close. My first tri is, of course, a sprint, with 500m swim, so I need alot of practice. Notice I said "practice" and not "training"! Swimming is an art that doesn't come naturally for me, so its back to the basics.
I've got 3 months to learn "how to" swim, plus build a little endurance to go 500m without drowning. I guess it's legal to flip over and backstroke if you get desperate? I can swim from here to China on my back cause oxygen is readily available, its just that first time I don't get a good breathe doing freestyle that it all falls apart.
Anyway, I look forward to all the great pointers from you swim pros.
2010-01-26 1:14 PM
in reply to: #2634766

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Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED
HereForALaugh - 2010-01-26 8:58 AM Now I remember why I joined this group...
I swam for the first time yesterday and man I suck. Of course I was dragging my wounded leg along, but that made little difference. I had no idea how difficult the swim portion would be before committing to my first triathlon (coming this May.) Looks like I have a lot of work to do. I'll be following y'alls discussions about swimming particularly close. My first tri is, of course, a sprint, with 500m swim, so I need alot of practice. Notice I said "practice" and not "training"! Swimming is an art that doesn't come naturally for me, so its back to the basics.
I've got 3 months to learn "how to" swim, plus build a little endurance to go 500m without drowning. I guess it's legal to flip over and backstroke if you get desperate? I can swim from here to China on my back cause oxygen is readily available, its just that first time I don't get a good breathe doing freestyle that it all falls apart.
Anyway, I look forward to all the great pointers from you swim pros.

Wade,   You are in the same place I was in a year ago, well at least in regards to swimming, I didn't just run a marathon and have another planned next month or anything!  Actually I was teaching myself how to swim, Bike and run at the same time.  All I can say for now is if you put your time in at the pool the swim will be no problem for your sprint.  I had (and still have) no idea what I was doing technique wise, but just decided to put the yards in 3X per week.  This year I'm comitted to learning proper swimming technique and being more efficient on the swim so I can be faster on the bike and run.

On a personal note, I broke an 8:00mm pace on a 5K run today, 7:52 to be exact.  I know it is only a training run, so I can't count it as a PR, but one of my goals for 2010 is to break 8:00 pace during a 5K, and my runs have been getting progressivly faster over the past few weeks. I'm pretty excited! 

What's up everybody? How does your week look?
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