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2012-02-02 5:55 PM
in reply to: #4024745

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Colorful Colorado
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread
I've done 4 IMs -- I usually get about 6 hours of light sleep the night before.   I also try to keep the evening prior very low key...lights out early, some light reading, etc.  When the alarm goes off, there's no sleepiness at all.

2012-02-03 2:43 PM
in reply to: #3550461

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White Plains NY
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread

I will be riding the Mont Tremblant ERG Video tomorrow on the CompuTrainer. Anyone done this yet?

Hoping its WAY harder on the CT than it is in real life. Or, hopefully by May when I can get up there for the first time I will be in WAY better shape for the course in real life.

Will let you know how it goes!

2012-02-03 3:06 PM
in reply to: #4028147

Subject: ...
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2012-02-03 3:18 PM
in reply to: #4028214

White Plains NY
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread
Fred D - 2012-02-03 4:06 PM
wstchstrTriathlete - 2012-02-03 3:43 PM

I will be riding the Mont Tremblant ERG Video tomorrow on the CompuTrainer. Anyone done this yet?

Hoping its WAY harder on the CT than it is in real life. Or, hopefully by May when I can get up there for the first time I will be in WAY better shape for the course in real life.

Will let you know how it goes!

Well I have ridden it, but how 'hard' it is is simply based on what you enter for a FTP, so kind of depends.

good to know! let's see how far I get with 600.....

2012-02-03 3:23 PM
in reply to: #3550461

Subject: ...
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2012-02-04 7:38 PM
in reply to: #4028265

White Plains NY
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread

Fred D - 2012-02-03 4:23 PM Btw there are some library updates you can do where you can ride certain parts of the course. You can also ride it at 90% from the library update. Or you can just turn down the FTP.

I did the first 1:15 of the course and realized something after I climbed the first big climb on the way back on that main highway: Its kind of an easy(er)/fast(er) course on the way OUT, and I can see how someone might feel like it is "easy" and go way too hard and by the time they get back into town before they head up to the Lake out and back portion (where the steeper hills are) they could have already cooked their legs with 2/3 of the entire bike portion left. I think the first loop, especially the first out section is going to be needed to be ridden with a LOT of restraint. People are going to by flying because that's what happens in the beginning of the bike portion of an IM and its going to take a lot to not get caught up in it. Its going to be interesting to see how people will be doing on the 2nd loop on the 2nd section (Lake out and back). It seems to be the hardest portion and I can already imagine a lot of fractured souls!

2012-02-05 10:48 AM
in reply to: #4029782

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2012-02-05 3:23 PM
in reply to: #3550461

Subject: RE: Ironman Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread

Hey guys, where could I get the ERG Video of Tremblants bike course?   I'm not going to get up there before the race so this would be very helpful. 


never mind...found it it...thanks anyway

Edited by zaugfear 2012-02-05 3:24 PM
2012-02-09 11:01 AM
in reply to: #3550461

Biddeford, Maine
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread
I am planning on volunteering this year.  Does anyone know of campgrounds nearby where the family can stay in our small trailer?  I will cheer loudest on race day for the person with the best recommendation. Laughing (My plan is to race IM#2 here in 2013)
2012-02-12 7:41 PM
in reply to: #3550461


Subject: RE: Ironman Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread

I am following the 30-week intermediate training plan in Be Iron Fit. With 3 weeks down, I came to realize that is 10% and I am truly on my way. One step at a time and all that but at this rate, MT is going to be here before we know it. Hang on for the ride.

Family and other things did get in the way a bit this past week but I'll roll with the punches and stay on track the best I can. The plan has weekly training hours of 6,7,8,7 for the first three weeks and with my own set back this past week, I've already modified my plan to follow the 8 hour week for this upcoming 4'th week.

I'm having a hard time establishing Heart Rate Zones since they are all percentages of your max HR. Everything starts with an estimate of 220 minus your age. EVERYBODY writing or speaking on the subject starts there, and EVERYBODY I know says that's a bunch of bunk for them. We all have higher max heart rates than that would lead one to believe.

Complicating this for me is questioning the reading I see from my Garmin Forerunner, it bounces around occasionally and I have a hard time checking my own HR when I'm panting and all out of breath. Top this with we fit people have impressive HR recovery times so capturing this Max is allusive.

Is it common for HR to shooting up in the first 1 -1.5 miles and then calm down to a stable state?

MT's gonna be great!!!

2012-02-13 6:13 AM
in reply to: #3550461

Subject: RE: Ironman Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread

On week 4 of finks be iron fits 30 week plan.  I'm liking the heart rate training.  It forces me to go easy and it makes my runs way more enjoyable.  Normally, I would get almost 8 miles in a 60 minute run but staying in HR zone 2, I run closer to 7 miles.  Not a bid deal I guess.  The big deal is that i'm not sore the next day and I feel good for my next workouts.  One bike a week, I don't were a HR monitor because I like to just go out and bike by feel.  I really enjoy biking and sometimes I just like to go fast!

The base building period is the same for the intermediate and competitive.  At this point, i'm still not sure which one I will be doing.  I want to stick with the competitive plan as long as I can but i'm not sure I'll have the time.  I was thinking of doing the competitive weekends and the intermediate weekdays.  Has anyone done this before? Any other suggestions? 

Train safe fellow triathletes and see you at Mont Tremblant!

2012-02-13 8:55 PM
in reply to: #4043908


Subject: RE: Ironman Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread
I'm right there with you with Fink's Be Iron Fit plans. It dawned on me this weekend being 3 weeks down is 10% and that is a countable chunk indeed.
2012-02-18 11:33 AM
in reply to: #3550461


Subject: Week Four

Yea!!! Week Four is all but wrapped up. I'm really liking the Fink plan with the time in zone approach.

It's hard to imagine getting much faster, I'm mainly thinking this is working on endurance. Three years ago I was introduced to Total Immersion swimming and that helped me tremendously but I don't know where that next speed bump will come from.

I do see I am running about 40 sec per mile faster at the same heart rate I recall running a couple of years ago. That's encouraging.

2012-03-01 4:22 PM
in reply to: #3550461

White Plains NY
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread

How did everyone's February go?

This mild winter we have been having in my area (Metro NYC) has REALLY helped with running outside full time. I think I have NOT worn shorts maybe 3 times all winter?

2012-03-01 4:33 PM
in reply to: #4075932

PEI, Canada
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread
wstchstrTriathlete - 2012-03-01 6:22 PM

How did everyone's February go?

This mild winter we have been having in my area (Metro NYC) has REALLY helped with running outside full time. I think I have NOT worn shorts maybe 3 times all winter?

Ha, while our winter has been mild (relatively speaking), I've been really happy that I could run outside in shorts a total of 3 times! 

February was good for me overall, I'm finally getting some consistency with my run frequency after some knee problems.  Now just need to get the volume up some and things will be good!

2012-03-01 4:59 PM
in reply to: #4075932

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread
wstchstrTriathlete - 2012-03-01 5:22 PM

How did everyone's February go?

I'm pretty happy with mine, although it would've been nice if I was more hard core about biking outside.  I'm getting some pretty long swims in for the Chesapeake Bay Swim, my running is getting better, and depending on what I want to believe, may have lost 10 pounds already.  I've settled into a nice routine.  It's just that we have 6 months of this routine left to go. :-)

2012-03-02 8:27 AM
in reply to: #4075969

White Plains NY
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread
kalalau - 2012-03-01 5:59 PM
wstchstrTriathlete - 2012-03-01 5:22 PM

How did everyone's February go?

I'm pretty happy with mine, although it would've been nice if I was more hard core about biking outside.  I'm getting some pretty long swims in for the Chesapeake Bay Swim, my running is getting better, and depending on what I want to believe, may have lost 10 pounds already.  I've settled into a nice routine.  It's just that we have 6 months of this routine left to go. :-)

Awesome job on the weight loss!!

2012-03-02 9:51 AM
in reply to: #4076719

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread
wstchstrTriathlete - 2012-03-02 9:27 AM
kalalau - 2012-03-01 5:59 PM
wstchstrTriathlete - 2012-03-01 5:22 PM

How did everyone's February go?

I'm pretty happy with mine, although it would've been nice if I was more hard core about biking outside.  I'm getting some pretty long swims in for the Chesapeake Bay Swim, my running is getting better, and depending on what I want to believe, may have lost 10 pounds already.  I've settled into a nice routine.  It's just that we have 6 months of this routine left to go. :-)

Awesome job on the weight loss!!

Thanks!  About 10 more to go to get to my "normal" IM weight, with plenty of time.  I hope I can do it. The last IM season I had, I "knew I could do the distance" and didn't nearly put the work in that I did for previous years.  It is so easy so slack off once you've done a couple.

2012-03-02 10:05 AM
in reply to: #3550461

Bronze member
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread

I start my training plan on Monday!!! February was a bit of a bust training-wise but i also gave myself the okay on that since i knew training would be starting in March.  I really had a difficult time and spent a lazy week in the Dominican Republic in the sun just to enjoy a low-key vacation since it's gonna get crazy with training and other life stuff.

Anyone have plans to go up and bike the course already booked?  The pictures from Birkie were great!

2012-03-02 10:15 AM
in reply to: #4076959

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread
juniperjen - 2012-03-02 11:05 AM

I start my training plan on Monday!!! February was a bit of a bust training-wise but i also gave myself the okay on that since i knew training would be starting in March.  I really had a difficult time and spent a lazy week in the Dominican Republic in the sun just to enjoy a low-key vacation since it's gonna get crazy with training and other life stuff.

Anyone have plans to go up and bike the course already booked?  The pictures from Birkie were great!

Haha it sounds like you started off training the perfect way; a treat before the turmoil.

We were talking about going up sometime, but out summer schedule is already filling fast.  Maybe we can all post in here when we have plans of going up, when the time comes.

I agree, the pictures were an incredible help.

2012-03-02 10:53 AM
in reply to: #4076959

PEI, Canada
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread
juniperjen - 2012-03-02 12:05 PM

I start my training plan on Monday!!! February was a bit of a bust training-wise but i also gave myself the okay on that since i knew training would be starting in March.  I really had a difficult time and spent a lazy week in the Dominican Republic in the sun just to enjoy a low-key vacation since it's gonna get crazy with training and other life stuff.

Anyone have plans to go up and bike the course already booked?  The pictures from Birkie were great!

I'd love to go up and see it but I don't see it happening unless it's a spur of the moment thing.

2012-03-02 11:38 AM
in reply to: #3550461

Subject: RE: Ironman Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread

Glad to see everyone had a good February!  I'm on week six of Finks plan and it's going great.  I haven't missed a workout and more importantly, my wife and kids have been very happy with how training hasn't gotten in the way at all!  But that's because I workout at 5:30 in the morning and many times i'm finished getting in the shower while they are just getting up..

question for you IM veterans out there:  Do you look forward to and are excited to do the workouts?  Lately, I have been very energized and motivated about my workouts.The only ones I'm not to into are the biking on the trainer rides..I can't wait for the weather to be right so I can bike outside...

wstchstrTriathlete- I live near poughkeepsie and Ihave also been  running in shorts all winter long!  Loving that!  I heard high 50's saturday..hmmm...just hoping the rain will hold out..

Enjoy your March and let's hope for some warm weather and unsalted/unsanded roads! 

Be Safe all

Edited by zaugfear 2012-03-02 11:39 AM
2012-03-02 11:58 AM
in reply to: #4077205

White Plains NY
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread
zaugfear - 2012-03-02 12:38 PM

Glad to see everyone had a good February!  I'm on week six of Finks plan and it's going great.  I haven't missed a workout and more importantly, my wife and kids have been very happy with how training hasn't gotten in the way at all!  But that's because I workout at 5:30 in the morning and many times i'm finished getting in the shower while they are just getting up..

question for you IM veterans out there:  Do you look forward to and are excited to do the workouts?  Lately, I have been very energized and motivated about my workouts.The only ones I'm not to into are the biking on the trainer rides..I can't wait for the weather to be right so I can bike outside...

wstchstrTriathlete- I live near poughkeepsie and Ihave also been  running in shorts all winter long!  Loving that!  I heard high 50's saturday..hmmm...just hoping the rain will hold out..

Enjoy your March and let's hope for some warm weather and unsalted/unsanded roads! 

Be Safe all

where will you be getting your long rides in? I am getting burned out on my riding choices in Westchester/Putnam. Looking for HILLS and uninterupted roads (limited stop signs, zero traffic lights)

2012-03-02 12:10 PM
in reply to: #4076959


Subject: RE: Ironman Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread
juniperjen - 2012-03-02 11:05 AM

I start my training plan on Monday!!! ... 

Same here! I'll be using Fitzgerald's Essential Week-by-Week guide. His generic plan worked well for me in tackling the Muskoka 70.3, so I figured if it ain't broke...

On a side note, could someone please point me to these legendary photos by Birkie? My searches have turned up nada.


2012-03-02 12:17 PM
in reply to: #4077300

White Plains NY
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont-Tremblant : Official Thread
snail_male - 2012-03-02 1:10 PM
juniperjen - 2012-03-02 11:05 AM

I start my training plan on Monday!!! ... 

Same here! I'll be using Fitzgerald's Essential Week-by-Week guide. His generic plan worked well for me in tackling the Muskoka 70.3, so I figured if it ain't broke...

On a side note, could someone please point me to these legendary photos by Birkie? My searches have turned up nada.

and scroll down a bit

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