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2006-04-19 9:24 AM
in reply to: #316690

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Bellingham, Washington
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
Very helpful on the ride discriptions.

2006-04-19 9:36 AM
in reply to: #399696

Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
I too may have a car a willing to drive. For me, I don't think I will be one of those athletes biking part of the course a few days before or running. I will do some activity to get the nerves down a bit but don't plan and doing a whole lot. Everyone is different but it surprises me when people swim the course, ride 1/2 of the bike or something crazy like that! I want to wait and enjoy the full day, one time. I do have to swim in the lake before hand tho, eek still don't have nor have tried a wetsuit, a lake swim. Poor me, open water swimming in the warm ocean, always. In fact I gotta go now, have that nice mid week swim....

Strong good training everyone. Anyone else starting to need more sleep? Whew I do. Vgirl
2006-04-19 11:09 AM
in reply to: #316690

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Coeur d'Alene, ID
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
Sleep?  Used to survive on 5-6 hours, could now use 8.  Getting 7 is not enough.  Not watching too much TV any more though, so there is a bonus!!
2006-04-19 12:24 PM
in reply to: #399688

Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?

I'll have a SUV rental that could fit a few others.  Depending on how this gets set up, I'd actually like to ride the one "technical" spot I keep hearing about  (I'm assuming this is the W. Riverview part you describe?) to avoid any surprises on Sun.

boglecda - 2006-04-19 12:23 AM

How about at 2pm on Friday before we all meet in the Athletes Village and we can drive the course.  I can seat 5 (including me) and Flyboy said he could drive a couple.  I can find more drivers. 

I will get you all a specific meeting spot later.

Hope this helps!


2006-04-19 9:37 PM
in reply to: #400282

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Newbury Park, CA
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
Stake - 2006-04-19 9:24 AM

I'll have a SUV rental that could fit a few others.  Depending on how this gets set up, I'd actually like to ride the one "technical" spot I keep hearing about  (I'm assuming this is the W. Riverview part you describe?) to avoid any surprises on Sun.

boglecda - 2006-04-19 12:23 AM

How about at 2pm on Friday before we all meet in the Athletes Village and we can drive the course.  I can seat 5 (including me) and Flyboy said he could drive a couple.  I can find more drivers. 

I will get you all a specific meeting spot later.

Hope this helps!


You need to drag some of us around on that sweet bike of yours.  Do they make a nice carbon fiber kid carrier?

2006-04-20 12:04 AM
in reply to: #316690

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Bellingham, Washington
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?

Moving this over here to keep track of whose who.   I haven't touch base with any of the IMCDA people from my area.  Work schedule precludes it sorta.

T in Liberty Lake
Ms Rob

2006-04-20 9:40 AM
in reply to: #316690

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Extreme Veteran
Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
65 days, 23 hours...
2006-04-20 8:10 PM
in reply to: #401381

Livingston, MT
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
jamesreeves - 2006-04-20 6:40 AM

65 days, 23 hours...

When you say it like that, I almost think my funeral is creeping up. Ya gotta say it with energy, enthusiasm, and a little heart. Let me restate it for you.

65 day, 23 hours you krazy sons of ______!

See what I mean? I know I feel better

2006-04-20 9:40 PM
in reply to: #316690

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Newbury Park, CA
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
65 days, 23 hours. - Heck I'm shooting for under 13 hours
2006-04-20 10:19 PM
in reply to: #316690

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Coeur d'Alene, ID
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?


Thanks for the list.  Too lazy to create it myself.  63 days to go....


2006-04-22 12:26 AM
in reply to: #316690

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Bellingham, Washington
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?

I just cut and pasted it from the commitment link.   And than tried to look at the people that had signed up.....So  somebody else did the leg work. 

One thing that I will say.  This morning I read Jeepfleebs IMAZ report and got a little panicky.  Because it was so discriptive and and informative.......Salt stains and stuff with food not tasting (cliff bars) good any more.............But than I realized I'm not going to go at his pace  (he's in his mid 20s)

I sometimes read everyone elses training logs and get irked that I'm not doing enough....But wait, I'm 48 freaking years old.... I'm the old man of the group, you all should be calling me Sir. <img align='middle' src=''>   Everyone has their own strenghts and weaknessess (sic).  So follow what your body says you can do and do it.  Don't get freaked out what others do.  Follow what you planned and excel at that.

During my training swims or rides, I daydream or let my mind wander, who I'll meet.  And what the status is.  Maybe I'll be passing or they will be passing me......If it is not your pace then let them go.... and don't fuss about it.

Edited by BellinghamSpence 2006-04-22 12:29 AM

2006-04-22 6:55 AM
in reply to: #400951

Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
PGoldberger - 2006-04-19 10:37 PM

You need to drag some of us around on that sweet bike of yours.  Do they make a nice carbon fiber kid carrier?

I'm not sure.  I tried to get my ex to wear carbon fiber, and, well... now she's my ex

Edited by Stake 2006-04-22 6:56 AM
2006-04-22 8:10 AM
in reply to: #403445

Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready? (Spence!)
First of all 48 is not old, but I still will call you sir if you must....

I believe we all have fears. I try as often as possible not to live my life in fear of much, try to turn it around into excitement of the unknown, anticipation. But yes I too like you have my moments of "wow, look at THEIR training blogs!" I remember someone stating this to me recently "You still haven't rode a century, and you have 8 weeks left?" I tried to reply with humor and a laid back attitude but as the day went by, oh boy, that comment dug right into me and I began to worry..... Wasted energy. Don't need to do that. Had to have a good talk with myself and keep on track.

We are all individuals in this quest. People have their own goals and plans to get them there. Spence, the way I try and see it at least for myself is I followed a plan set up for me. Although I tweaked it here and there, for the long days, I would just do it. And so mentally I look at June 25th and another long day. Longer than others but I will do it, just like any other workout. But one thing is, and I try and try to extablish this thought is. Have fun. Look around you. Smile. I know you live closer than I do, but for me the amount of $$ it has cost to do this thing, and the miles I am travleing, I want to savour this day.

I have done a few marathons and know I have forgotten to relax and smile more. And when it was over, I have thought "thats it?" I mingle, feel happy, go get cleaned up and eat a huge meal and wish I would have noticed my surroundings more. Thanked more volunteers. Taken that piece of fruit a kid offered. High fived more people, well you get the picture.

And so, we cannot compare ourselves to others, Your day will be your race. Your personal own experience. I know you and all of us are training hard, keep the faith, stay strong, focused and I look forward to meeting others and sharing some good stories.

Have a good workout weekend everyone. My weekends are all about that. Workout, eat and sleep. And I wonder why my home looks as if gremlins attack it nightly. Oh yes when I am rich I will have someone take care of all that!

2006-04-22 9:22 AM
in reply to: #316690

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Newbury Park, CA
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?

Incredibly well put vgirl.

Now lets get out there and train!!!!!

2006-04-22 9:31 AM
in reply to: #316690

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Coeur D'alene, ID
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?

Hope everyone has a great training weekend...don't forget to have fun doing it too!  Just think about the good times we're going to have the 2-3 days before the race, not to mention the race itself!  Getting close enough now that you can almost feel it! 

2006-04-22 9:09 PM
in reply to: #316690

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Coeur d'Alene, ID
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?

Well put....SIR!

I think everyone has their own vibe....the important thing is to listen to it!  V-Girl said it well "enjoy it, take in the surrondings".  CDA is a beautiful place and I am fortunate to live here, and take it for granted sometime.  I did one loop of the course this morning and looked around while riding, saw some cool things I have missed.  We are all on the same bus, just in different seats.  Nice thing is though, we are all getting off at the same stoP!!

2006-04-23 4:54 AM
in reply to: #403871

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Coeur D'alene, ID
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?

boglecda - 2006-04-22 6:09 PM We are all on the same bus, just in different seats.  Nice thing is though, we are all getting off at the same stoP!!

Excellent analogy Bryan.  I'm trying to enjoy this whole journey as much as I will the destination on race day.  It's easy to get sidetracked by looking at what other people are doing in training or racing...I think we're all competitive to varying degrees or we wouldn't be doing this in the first place.  But I try to remember to tell myself to just do my own thing and don't worry about the Joneses!  After all, I'm almost as old as Spence (45)!  So I'll just keep chugging along and do my best to meet my personal goals and hopefully have enough breath left to congratulate everyone else on their accomplishment! 

I hope everyone is having a great weekend of training, R&R, family time, or whatever else it is that you may be enjoying!!  We're going to be getting off at that bus stop SOON!! 

Edited by Flyboy 2006-04-23 4:55 AM
2006-04-23 5:39 AM
in reply to: #403958

Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
i just gotta say, "I best be getting off at the same stop as everone!" The finish line stop that is!!

Hey can't remember who said this but wondering if anyone can give me truths on it.

Is everyone going for a long sleeve wetsuit? I had yet to try one....ever...any kind of wetsuit. A company has sent me both to try. And then hopefully one feels ok and I will rent it for the event. I think I recall someone stating out of thousands they noticed maybe only a handful if that wearing a sleeveless, it will just be too cold. I know we can't tell the water temp now, but pretty much I am sure the lake is normally too cold for sleeveless? I hate to imagine myself wearing a full wetsuit as I really, REALLY hate to be constricted by having my shoulders covered, and something zipped up to my neck, freaks me out.

Ok gotta go run......

thank goodness for the miracle drug. Coffee.
zoom, zoom,
2006-04-23 7:43 AM
in reply to: #403960

Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
I've worn my full in a 1/2 IM with water temp of 83.  Yup, I'm a wuss when it comes to water temp.  But apparently so were most others.  I don't find it restricting at all.  It is when you're standing around on dry land, but as soon as you're in the water it loosens up.
2006-04-23 8:00 AM
in reply to: #316690

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Coeur D'alene, ID
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?

Definitely a long sleeved suit would be in order.  Especially for someone who's used to swimming in WARM water all the time!    I can't imagine being comfortable for 1+ hours in the water in Lake CDA in June without a full suit.

2006-04-23 8:05 AM
in reply to: #316690

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Hurst, Texas
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?

Regardless of the water temp, I'll be in a sleeveless because that is what I just bought.  My coach told me to buy sleeveless instead of full because most of my training and racing is here in Texas, and he said I'd get more use out of the sleeveless.  I know that most people will be wearing a full, but I won't be one of them unless I buy another top for my DeSoto suit, so hopefully it isn't too cold!!  I think T in Liberty Lake has done IMCDA a couple times with a sleeveless, so he can probably chime in as to how cold it is.

EDIT - I just read Stan's post and now I'm scared....maybe I need to ditch the whole sleeveless idea. 


Edited by OldAg92 2006-04-23 8:07 AM

2006-04-23 8:09 AM
in reply to: #403960

new orleans
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
I'm in the same boat. All I have is a sleeveless wetsuit. I keep putting off thinking about this because I don't want to spend more $$!

I just got back from our annual spring break vacation. All I was able to do was run. A whole week! I know tomorrow I'll feel fine after my long bike ride, but now-I'm freaking out!
2006-04-23 8:49 AM
in reply to: #404004

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Coeur D'alene, ID
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?

Hey guys, didn't mean to freak anyone out with my post about the wetsuits!    I just went back through the pics on the Ironman CDA site from the last 3 year's races and I saw a few, maybe 4 or 5, pics of people with sleeveless suits.  Not saying it can't be done, just that I've swam in the lake a lot and for myself, I wouldn't want to try it without a full suit.  Another bit of info...we've had a pretty cold spring so far and the lake won't be warming very fast at all.  So even if we have normal temps between now and race day, it still may be a degree or two cooler than last year.  Not trying to worry anyone, just don't want anyone to have a bad race either because of being cold.

2006-04-23 10:14 AM
in reply to: #316690

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Bellingham, Washington
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?

I use the Full Sleeve De Soto T1.   I need all the rubber around me for floatation purposes.

Ok, it's 8:14, sun is up and I 'm going riding.

2006-04-23 10:53 AM
in reply to: #316690

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Spokane, Washington
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
I think I saw one guy last year in NO wetsuit!!! Boyohboy did he look cold! But he finished the swim.
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