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2011-12-27 1:44 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Did a 3 sport workout today due to missing my swim yesterday, so a spin class, short run (really short), and a 1500 yard swim.  Just surpassed last year's bike total (way short of my goal for the year), need one more swim workout for 100K for the year, and won't quite hit 1000 miles for the run this year either (Bah!).  At the end of the year, I also like to calculate my overall pace for the workouts vs. the previous year to see if my intensity / speed is improving - fun with numbers!  OCD!

Randy, I'm afraid I don't get cable which limits my options considerably.  I enjoy alot of the PBS mystery series - especially some of the international ones.  I was starting into the new Dr. Who on Netflix (streaming available), but got sidetracked.  Plan to get back to that in the new year - a fun diversion.


2011-12-27 1:51 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

It's a recovery week for me. There's only one way to start a recovery week and that is with a 4 hour trainer ride.  I was planning to do the entire Spinervals 26 Hardcore 100, 5 1/2 hours, but midnight struck and my left knee started getting a little sore at the top.  Decided with Friday's long ride I probably should back off and stop.  I can say I have the act of hopping off the bike, removing shoes, filling 2 water bottles, getting a restroom break and putting shoes back on in just 3 minutes down to an art. 

Ran a little over 2 miles at lunch.  Will probably ride a 1 hour recovery program tonight. 

I watch NFL Football and Big Bang Theory when I have time. 

2011-12-27 1:57 PM
in reply to: #3954209

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

CKslowpoke - 2011-12-26 4:07
Stu- I don't know your BIL's family and hillsborough is big - but risking sounding like a stalker - I looked them up in the phone book and it turns out that I walk/jog & bike past their house all the time. Actually heading out that way in a few min! What a small world!

Ceril, stalker issues aside (I won't mention that to my SIL), you must go down the bike paths near their place.  I've run those a few times when we visit, but haven't ventured out much other than going around the big block including the school (don't ask me the names of the streets).  Looked like there might be some good places to bike/run along the canal / river.  Always too much going on to explore much, but maybe I'll see you on the path one day!  Cool!


2011-12-27 2:06 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Looks live everyone is keeping busy.

The plan was to let myself indulge in food all the way till new years eve...but I've gone a little overboard.  So I'm starting my "normal" diet up today...with new years eve as my last cheat day.

Hoping to run about 5 miles at lunch, then on the trainer after work. 

2011-12-27 2:22 PM
in reply to: #3955821

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
dhwebb - 2011-12-27 2:51 PM

I can say I have the act of hopping off the bike, removing shoes, filling 2 water bottles, getting a restroom break and putting shoes back on in just 3 minutes down to an art. 

You could get it down to 2 with a flying dismount and mount.

2011-12-27 2:35 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Randy: I don't watch tv anymore, so don't know what's good now, but I did love Twin Peaks and X-Files. Oh! I ended up watching all the seasons of Friends AFTER it was popular on TV and loved it.

So, cleaning was my workout yesterday, and today will be a guaranteed 2 hours of indoor soccer. It's the annual thing where my BFF teaches and we both coach soccer. We get our butts kicked and our limbs bruised and battered by the college kids home for the holidays.

Have a great evening!

2011-12-27 3:39 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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Maui, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Hi Everybody!

Happy post-Christmas...sounds like everyone is right on track.  I'm going to try to absorb some of this tri-related goodness!

Did not have much computer time over the was mostly family/home time for me.  I had a great training week last week and was optimistic about my 18-mile run on Monday.  Well...

I strategically placed it mid-day between family activities.  Knew it was going to be on the treadmill and I was ok with that.  I was actually looking forward to the challenge - I trotted out to the garage with my two water bottles, 3 gels and my iPod with new music and said a quiet "thank you" to my DH who had set it up and turned it on for me.  I hopped on, got about 1/2 mile in and the Blue Screen of Death showed up on the dashboard.  After a couple of brain farts it is DOA.  It's been threatening to quit for several weeks but we kept it going with gum and duct tape (not really, but sort of).  We messed around with it for about an hour to no avail - did not get to run (sort of had a major pity party instead).  Went inside and scanned craisglist for a replacement - there is an option, but it's under negotiation.  Don't have a lot of $$$ right now - already have my MTB for sale (trading in for a road bike).  Got some figuring to do.

I train at 5am - it's dark right now and not safe to run in the streets - we don't have sidewalks up here (mainly rural two-lane roads with minimal-zero shoulder).  Wed/Thur are supposed to be 5/10 miles resp, with a 20-miler on Saturday (my last long run prior to Mary on 1/22).  Would I still be ok to move up the 18 to Sat with the 20 on the following weekend (two weeks prior to race)?  Or stick to training plan and miss the 18.  I'm freaking out a little bit and worried about being under trained at this point.  I can't run long (>2 hours) on the weekdays with work right now.

I don't want to, but maybe I should bag the mary and go with the 1/2 at this point - save it for later in the year?

Sorry for the long post - just considering all the options right now.

2011-12-27 4:15 PM
in reply to: #3956163

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
DiOnMaui - 2011-12-27 4:39 PM

I train at 5am - it's dark right now and not safe to run in the streets - we don't have sidewalks up here (mainly rural two-lane roads with minimal-zero shoulder).  Wed/Thur are supposed to be 5/10 miles resp, with a 20-miler on Saturday (my last long run prior to Mary on 1/22).  Would I still be ok to move up the 18 to Sat with the 20 on the following weekend (two weeks prior to race)?  Or stick to training plan and miss the 18.  I'm freaking out a little bit and worried about being under trained at this point.  I can't run long (>2 hours) on the weekdays with work right now.

I don't want to, but maybe I should bag the mary and go with the 1/2 at this point - save it for later in the year?

Sorry for the long post - just considering all the options right now.

Hi Di,

So sorry to hear about your mechanical problems.  I had a very similar challenge this Fall with my Marathon plans (first also).  In my case, I lost 3 weeks of training completely while my daughter was in the hospital and really had no idea what the best plan was.  I never did get in any runs over 16 or 17 miles.  My 20 was scheduled for 2 weeks after we returned home, and I decided to ease back into the training and only went back up to long run of 16 miles instead (maybe not even that - might have planned a 16 mile one and didn't make it - can't quite remember).  I was very preoccupied with the need to do a 20 mile run, but when I asked for advice about trying 20 two weeks before the race, I got a resounding chorus of NOOOO.  Looking back, I think that was very good advice.  It would have worn me out too much before the race.  Doing the 20 might have been good mentally for pre-race, but it probably wouldn't have been good physically for during the race.

Anyway, I wobbled back and forth about the 1/2 Mary also and finally decided that even if I wasn't as prepared as I planned (or hoped), I still wanted to do the marathon.   But obviously, that's a personal decision. 

I'm sure Michael and Randy will have some more specific advice based on your training logs and all (as I recall, I think Michael was in the chorus).  My main reason to write was more to say, stay calm, and focused on making the best choices you can given the remaining time before the race.  Not getting a week's training exactly "right" isn't going to be that big a deal in the greater scheme of things.

Good luck with whatever decision you choose!


Edited by juneapple 2011-12-27 4:47 PM
2011-12-27 7:26 PM
in reply to: #3955931

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
Experior - 2011-12-27 2:22 PM
dhwebb - 2011-12-27 2:51 PM

I can say I have the act of hopping off the bike, removing shoes, filling 2 water bottles, getting a restroom break and putting shoes back on in just 3 minutes down to an art. 

You could get it down to 2 with a flying dismount and mount.

Camelback on the trainer would also help.  I got to laughing last night when I wondered if anybody has every been dumb enough to pee on the bike while riding the trainer.  I'm sure it has happened before.  

2011-12-27 8:20 PM
in reply to: #3956517

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Di-sorry to hear of the problems.  Wish I could give you some advice on whether to do the marathon or the half. But, I've never done a marathon.  Stu made some good points and with his recent experience I would defer to him and others who have tackled the distance.  Don't underestimate yourself but don't put yourself in a position to end up injured.  Wish I could be more help.


2011-12-27 10:43 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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West Texas
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
Stu - For a while I really got into Big Love, but then we moved and our new apartment complex provided (basic) cable so I never finished up (I should look back into that series). Right now I've kind of started to pick up on Burn Notice (I'm catching some of the re-runs and it seems interesting. We really like all the crime dramas around here; Law and Order, Criminal Minds, etc, but our favorite is one that is about to end, The Closer with Kyra Sedgwick.

I just had my 30th birthday today and got a new pair of shoes, New Balance 880s. I was going to go with my current pair of Asics Gel Nimbus 12 but Lubbock has a new New Balance store and thought I would give them a try. After the fit and trying out the new pair I decided I would take a leap. I can't wait to start logging miles in then. I'm also really geeked about my new bike light (I installed it and then made my wife watch me go down the street just to see how visible I am, yeah I can't believe I just admitted that).

2011-12-27 11:33 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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Hillsborough, NJ
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
Matthew - Happy Birthday!!!<br><br>Stu- yep - bike trails near your fam. We live on the same road as the school - with streets and bike trails I have a 5k route that I've been walking. The latest hurricane (Irene) that passed through brought down lots of branches and trees so biking the trail is not really possible. Helped daughter make cookies for a "doctor who" marathon party tomorrow with her friends. Yep, we're a geeky household. <br><br>TV shows - just got hooked on White Collar and Warehouse 13. Also found out that Netflix has years of Twilight Zones. I liked Heroes season 1 and 2, and Firefly/Serenity. When I was holed up in my room wrapping Christmas presents I watched "Ride the Divide" and one about guys running across the Sahara. <br><br>On a similar vein - I've been searching through podcasts to listen to during work. Today I was listening to Triswimcoach about the Paleo diet - sounds fascinating. And I also listened to Ben Greenfeld - just some Q&A shows. Do any of you have a few favorite podcasts?
2011-12-28 8:16 AM
in reply to: #3942424

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
Happy Birthday Matthew!
2011-12-28 11:26 AM
in reply to: #3942424

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Happy birthday Matthew!

Ceril, I've looked at the paleo diet too....and it has some good ideas.  Right now just trying to replace the salty crunchies I was slipping back into after dinner w/ a piece of fruit and a few almonds or cashews. 

Di, hope you can find an alternate to the fritzy treadmill. Frustrating.

Michael, sorry about the 2,500 miles.  Hey, at least we're approacing a new year and can obsess over some new numbers .

Hey, I have joined another mentor group that my husband can also participate in.  I am so excited that we are going to be able to share in training together!  LOL, I even found him a bike to possibly look at on Craigslist today.  He's 6 ft 5, so I get excited anytime I see one that might come close to being big enough.  Anyway, since I'll be participating in the other mentor group, I don't want to take up a slot here that someone else could have. 

Happy training, resting and recovering!

2011-12-28 12:54 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

It's now been 17 days since my marathon, and I'm finally feeling like I'm starting to get closer to 100%.  Perfect timing too.  I'll be using up my last two days of vacation Thursday and I wanted to get some decent training in.

I also decided to start my cleaner (or more normal...not eat anything and everything in sight) diet a few days early.  I stepped on the scale yesterday and saw 165.8.  I haven't been that heavy since starting tris.  I'm already back down to 164.4 this morning just by controlling what I ate yesterday and getting in a good run/bike.  I'm pretty confident I'll be back in the mid 150's by the end of February for my first running race of 2012.


2011-12-28 1:09 PM
in reply to: #3956807

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

matthew_lt - 2011-12-27 8:43 PM Stu - For a while I really got into Big Love, but then we moved and our new apartment complex provided (basic) cable so I never finished up (I should look back into that series). Right now I've kind of started to pick up on Burn Notice (I'm catching some of the re-runs and it seems interesting. We really like all the crime dramas around here; Law and Order, Criminal Minds, etc, but our favorite is one that is about to end, The Closer with Kyra Sedgwick. I just had my 30th birthday today and got a new pair of shoes, New Balance 880s. I was going to go with my current pair of Asics Gel Nimbus 12 but Lubbock has a new New Balance store and thought I would give them a try. After the fit and trying out the new pair I decided I would take a leap. I can't wait to start logging miles in then. I'm also really geeked about my new bike light (I installed it and then made my wife watch me go down the street just to see how visible I am, yeah I can't believe I just admitted that).


Happy B-Day Matthew;  I wish I was 30 again.  : )  You never can have enough running shoes.  This time of year it is better to go lit up than without.  I was running last night at our local High School Track with another person from our Tri Club, pitch-dark, rain, wind and across the track, a softball field and a baseball feild we see some blinking lights going up a hill, as we looked closer it was a bike; all lit up and very visible.  I saw a gal riding her bike the other evening; was an obvious commuter and she had these cool green lights attached to her spokes and as she rode it had this wonderful continuous stream of bright green light glowing.  It was pretty cool and very easy to see.

Ride safely.  Would recommend a Ride ID as well or another ID notification.  I am moving in that direction and getting some kind of GPS device so my wife can locate where I am at while riding or running.



2011-12-28 1:16 PM
in reply to: #3957970

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
tri808 - 2011-12-28 10:54 AM

It's now been 17 days since my marathon, and I'm finally feeling like I'm starting to get closer to 100%.  Perfect timing too.  I'll be using up my last two days of vacation Thursday and I wanted to get some decent training in.

I also decided to start my cleaner (or more normal...not eat anything and everything in sight) diet a few days early.  I stepped on the scale yesterday and saw 165.8.  I haven't been that heavy since starting tris.  I'm already back down to 164.4 this morning just by controlling what I ate yesterday and getting in a good run/bike.  I'm pretty confident I'll be back in the mid 150's by the end of February for my first running race of 2012.


I wish I were going in that direction.  Just maintaining currently.  Have about 23 lbs. to lose by end of April for my first Marathon.  Clearly doable.  Yesterday I baked some chocolate chip cookies for my son and wife; I had a few plus some of the dough. : (  My wife comes home and asks if I used the pre-made roll of cookie dough in the frig; my son asks what kind of cookies were they, OTIS SPUNKMIERS?.  They have so much faith in me...I baked them from scratch.

2011-12-28 1:23 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Matthew-Happy Birthday....a little late!

Carol....  Hate to lose you from the group.  You are welcome here anytime and I hope you will check in periodically.  Good luck with the bike search for your husband.

Brian-my daughter does slice and bake cookies all the time.  I AM SO WEAK.....can't just eat 1 or 2.  Shamefully I am usually approaching double figures before I stop.

Was able to get in a nice easy run at lunch.  Weather is great....60 and sunny.  Looks like the next few days should be more of the same.  May try to get a short swim in later.


2011-12-28 2:43 PM
in reply to: #3958014

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West Texas
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
TriGuyBri - 2011-12-28 1:09 PM

I am moving in that direction and getting some kind of GPS device so my wife can locate where I am at while riding or running.

Brian - Have you tried iMapMyRide for iPhone or Android? I noticed the other day that it has a "live tracking." I'm going to play around with it because my wife would also like to track me because I'm a bit bad about changing my routes. Also, the RunKeeper app has a RunKeeper Elite that has live tracking, but it is about $10 a month I believe.
2011-12-28 3:27 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Happy birthday, Matt!! Just a youngin' still.

Carol, how cool to train with the husband! Enjoy your time together.

I finally got out and sweat yesterday with 2 hours of indoor soccer, then today it'll be a full field game. I've been swimming more than anything else lately so it took me a while to find my legs!

I'm getting into the swing of a 30 Day Paleo Diet challenge. Getting a head start on my weight loss resolution. It's hard because we're still meeting with friends for meals and such. Doing well so far. lost 2.8 pounds in 3 days. I'm sure it'll slow down, but nice to see after watch the pounds creep back up a little.

I'm going to sign up again for "swim team" in January, lord help us all. I can DO this, dangit!

Edited by Blanda 2011-12-28 3:29 PM
2011-12-28 5:39 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Happy Birthday, Matthew!  I have vague recollections of being 30... most of them through one of those filters that makes everything kinda blurry around the edges... hope you had a great day!

Carol - nice meeting you - please stop by and let us know how your training is going.  Hope we don't lose the "I'm joining this group to give Squirt a hard time" folks ;-)

Good luck with swim team Blanda and all those other sports too... woah...

I'm off to eat more food and stay up too late at the in-laws.  Good thing Christmas and New Year's only comes 1x / year.  Still under 200, but just barely!


2011-12-28 5:58 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Hey everyone, and good evening!  I was off the computer all day, until now.  I decided to take one more day off from work and played games with my kids all day.  Fun times.  Tomorrow I have to get serious about working again.

Di -- stick to the plan and miss the 18.  20 two weeks before is not a great idea.  The recovery cost is a bit high.  If you had already been doing a lot of 18-22 mile runs, then maybe it would be a different story, but even then probably not a great idea.  (Pfitzinger's 75+ miles per week plan has runners doing several 18-22 mile runs, and still the last 20 miler is 3 weeks out.)  Do the 20 3 weeks out and really focus on making it a quality run.  That'll do more for you.  People tend to overestimate the importance of the long run, and underestimate the importance of total weekly mileage.  Focus on the latter between now and the race and let the missed long run go.  (Hard, I know.)

Matthew -- Happy Birthday!!!  I'll probably have occasion over the next few months to admit lots of, um, 'interesting' things that I've done on my street in the name of tri training.  No shame at all -- just do it!

Ceril -- I like Tritalk with David Warden.  I think I've listened to most of them by now.  Sometimes I listen during a hard trainer ride, but somewhere in the middle I zone out, and then have to listen again....

2011-12-28 7:57 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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Maui, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Matthew - Happy 30th!

Thanks for the insight on the mileage.  I'm going to get in as much running as possible during daylight - probably two-a-days - to get in my weekly mileage, then get my long runs outside on the weekends.  I think I'll be OK.  Smile I felt a little like a whiner, especially after reading Stu's post about his daughter being in the hospital (hope everything worked out ok!) I am very thankful it's a pretty easy fix in the grand scheme.  Thanks for the reality check!

I did get in 30 minutes on the bike trainer today, which was great and felt a little odd.

So, I hear a little Paleo interest - I've been about 95% Paleo since March of this year. I say 95% because of the rare occasion I eat outside the plan, and for the gels/supplements (Hammer) that I use in training and racing.  This past week I really deviated and am paying for it, so I am back to 100% for awhile till my system rights itself.

That said, following Paleo nutrition has allowed me to lean up and lose 20lbs of fat (in the first two months) that stuck to me for 2 years despite training and a "healthy" athlete's diet (lots of lowfat dairy, grains, etc.).  I feel great, have less DOMS and sleep soundly.  It is not as restrictive as some say - I feel like I've eaten a wider variety of meats, fruits and veg in the last 9 months than ever before.  Leftovers make taking lunch to work easier.  I can still have wine and coffee.  AND BACON!

I highly recommend Paleo Diet for Athletes for the technical training stuff, and The Paleo Solution for the easier-to-read "book for everyone" format.  The best cookbooks right now are The Paleo Diet Cookbook, Paleo Comfort Foods, and Make it Paleo.  There is a new book out called Well Fed but I can't speak for that one because I haven't received it yet.  I've read the others and tested many recipes from each.

Great website references are Nell Stephenson (Ironman athlete), Robb Wolf, and The Whole9.

If you have specific questions about Paleo and you want my perspective, ask and I'll answer.  I could go on for days because I find it very exciting and it has done wonders for me.

2011-12-28 8:16 PM
in reply to: #3958611

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
Experior - 2011-12-28 12:58 PM

People tend to overestimate the importance of the long run, and underestimate the importance of total weekly mileage.  Focus on the latter between now and the race and let the missed long run go.  (Hard, I know.)


2011-12-28 8:54 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
Had a great workout last night.  Speed workout at the track... 4 - 1200's averaging 2:06-2:12 400's. with 400 recovery between each.  Nice 6 mile workout with 1 mile WU and CD.  Man it was rainy and somewhat windy.  Not as windy as this evening.  I cancelled my run this evening due to the wind and rain; way to nasty.  Tomorrow will be a 3-3.5 mile tempo run (9-9:15 per mile pace) with 1.5 WU and 1.5 CD.  Have a great evening everyone and training day tomorrow.
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