BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2012-01-23 5:48 AM
in reply to: #4005051

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Tempe, AZ
Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED
johnnyfulltime - 2012-01-22 8:40 PM


Of course, I have heard stories of some European cycling coaches that would make their athletes ride their trainers facing a wall with no movies or music for 4 hours at a time just to build mental toughness, and this is my recommended plan if you don't care for Sufferfest of TrainerRoad.


That.. sounds...horrible..

2012-01-23 9:05 AM
in reply to: #3942885

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

"Of course, I have heard stories of some European cycling coaches that would make their athletes ride their trainers facing a wall with no movies or music for 4 hours at a time just to build mental toughness,"


WOW...4 hours of "I HATE MY COACH" repeats....nice

2012-01-23 7:02 PM
in reply to: #3942885

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

Awesome workout day yesterday - 45mins really hard Spin Class, then straight in the pool for a 3km squad session.

800m warm up with Fins (various strokes, back/breast/free)

4x300m freestyle

8x100m freestyle alternating 100 sprint, 100 recovery

100m kick

100m cooldown


2012-01-24 7:13 PM
in reply to: #3942885

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Extreme Veteran
Carrollton, Virginia
Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED
Great stuff going on in here. I'm headed to Linsey Corbin's tri camp in Tucson next Tuesday for 6 days. Should be crazy awesome.
2012-01-25 12:57 AM
in reply to: #3942885

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

Had a good swim tonight.  Short and sweet, not a huge distance, but was able to do 100 repeats at 2:05.  Moderate pace, didn't feel totally gassed at the end of any of them.  Still lots of work to do, but hadn't done anything faster than 2:15 before tonight, at least when I was timing. 

Unfortunately waited too long to sign up for one of my intended races (sold out in 2 weeks!), so had to go looking for another one.  Worked out ok, though, because there is one in Washington state in the same town, on the same weekend, as a dog agility trial that my SO is going to.  Two trips in one!

Have a great camp, Shane, and a great week everyone!

2012-01-25 2:00 PM
in reply to: #3942885

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

60mins on the trainer yesterday - small ring as suggested by my HIM training plan.  Had some good tunes and flogged it.

Then the dreaded OWS - coach took us further over - we swam across 1.2km which is great but I think he underestimated the surf factor, it was like Waikiki over there which of course freaked me out.  I ended up walking back along the track but I am very happy i made the 1.2km.  That was quite a challenge.

Today is the Australia Day Swim 1400m - I will post this afternoon on how that turns out.  Looking out the window the wind has dropped, praying for flatter conditions!

2012-01-25 11:42 PM
in reply to: #3942885

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

Great Australia Day Swim 1.4km

Provisional report - will post official results when they are up.

Well guys - I was soooo nervous having had a couple of dodgy OWS the last two weeks.  However conditions were perfect, a bit of a breeze nothing major, no swell to speak of.

I decided to rent a sleeveless wetsuit along with my girlfirend - thought we'd try them out because we both feel very restricted in the full wetsuit attire.

We watched the 5km swim first - the boy who won it was 13 and did it in 44 minutes or some other insane time, he then went on and won the 1.4km in 17 mins!  Jeez!

Anyway - our age group (F40-49) were first off.  A deep water start at the end of the pier quite a lot of us.  The siren goes and we are off.  OMG how good is this wetsuit, I am powering through the water even passed a few people - I managed to draft a good 500m of the first part which really helped.  The course was well marked heaps of buoys all tied together so you almost had a line underwater to follow.  All too soon we were headed for shore - I crept past a few more.  The current was always behind us and I felt like i was wearing fins I felt so good. 

Freestyle all the way - no breaststroke - the swim followed the walls of the marina so no sighting problems.

Exited the water in 32mins.  I was 28th in my AG but I don't know how many yet.  My Ironman friend Nicki did it in 35mins and was 32nd.  We are both so excited and now feel we have joined the 'real swimmer's not just the triathletes!

Awesome day - I got sunburnt too always a sign of a good swim.  Big thanks to my coach for putting me through those terrible sessions - boosted the confidence.  Loved it - same time next year!  Who knows maybe that 5km will be within reach.

2012-01-26 1:44 AM
in reply to: #3942885

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED
Fantastic Jo, congratulations!  All that hard work (physical and mental) is paying off.  Keep it up.
2012-01-26 1:44 AM
in reply to: #3942885

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

okay official results for my swim

32.09mins - I'm so pleased and I could have gone harder which pleases me more.

I was 28th out of 34 in my AG.  I was 138th out of 181 females.  I was 395th out of the 447 that finished.

What a great day!

(michael klim.jpg)

michael klim.jpg (9KB - 5 downloads)
2012-01-26 9:35 AM
in reply to: #3942885

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED
Congrats Jo, sounds like a great day and now you can put all of your previous doubts and concerns about the swim behind you....way to go
2012-01-26 7:14 PM
in reply to: #3942885

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED
Congrats on the swim Jo, and good job keeping this group thread still moving. I'll apologize for not posting in a few days. I started the year off really well with my training, but as January has moved on I have added a lot to my plate. In addition to training for a HIM (which is a massive undertaking in its own right) I am a stay at home dad for little girl who has just entered the terrible twos with the force of a category 5 typhoon. I then picked up a full load of college courses two weeks ago, and even though training/family/school is rough, I can juggle those three things fairly well. Unfortunately, on top of all that we have been trying to sell our house for months, and staging a house while living in it with a two year old is a nightmare. I say all of this to let you guys know that I have been struggling pretty badly the last week, and my training somehow becomes the least important thing in the grand scheme of things. I wanted to say a special thanks to Fred for giving me an inspire at a really critical point; I can't tell you how much that really meant to me. I am pleased to say that we got an offer on our house tonight, so the end is pretty much in sight (I hope!). I'm looking forward to getting back into the full swing of training here soon. Shane, I hope your camp goes well, and I can't tell you how jealous I am of you that this is a season you can dedicate to training and not worry about school. Belated congrats on your MBA.

2012-01-26 7:30 PM
in reply to: #3942885

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

wow that's a lot to deal with.  i have a six year old daughter and I remember those days well.  Be firm - find a discipline that works for you - for us we had a naughty spot, used to put her there for 2mins - ever watch Supernanny?  That's what we did and we now have the best behaved 6 year old I know!

I am very appreciative that you took time out to write on here, it can be hard to find time to go to the bathroom some days!

On a lighter note I just did 10km run in 1.09 - not fast but i stick to the Jeff Galloway formula which has me running 2mins walking 1min and on a 30 degree day (86F) that all I can manage.  I have such a good tan!

Try and hit the bike later (probably indoor trainer, do me a Sufferfest 45mins Revolver I think.

Doing an OWS training 6.45am Saturday with some friends going to be awesome conditions I heardl.  There is a swim meet later I want to watch - its called the Bloody Big Swim and it's 11km.  Lots of my squad in that.

Sunday I got me a Sprint Tri!


ps - I love keeping a journal and writing on here is kind of like that crossed with fAcebook!


2012-01-27 8:18 AM
in reply to: #3942885

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

Johnnyfulltime, you should change your name to can be busy I know that feeling too with a 10 yr old that plays hockey and soccer and rides horses and likes to do everything else she can squeeze in (including tri's....;-)...) I always look at it and try and put missing a workout in perspective.  If it's to do something with/for my daughter, well she'll win everytime.  I can stand being a minute slower, hurting a little more and generally suffering in a race for her.  If missing a workout is because of something else, then I a) try and fit it in somewhere or b) decide which is a bigger priority for me.

Obviously school is going to be a big priority and selling your house is, well, just a pain in the butt...Hopefully you can find time to fit it all in...Hey just get up earlier, after all, we're triathletes we're not supposed to sleep....


Personally, we got some freezing rain here last night, so my run this morning is going to be on the dreadmill and then we are off to a hockey tournament for the weekend so I'm taking my stuff to run there as well.  Having some issues with my bike and the back tire "bouncing" has to be either the hub or the skewer so I have to focus mainly on running right now, until I can get that fixed..

2012-01-27 8:31 AM
in reply to: #3942885

Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

WOW! Sounds like you are very busy. Congrats though on selling your house. This brings a whole new set of its own problems though. Finding a place to live, moving, packing and unpacking....the list goes on. Be careful not to hurt yourself during the move.

The last two weeks have offered several breakthroughs for me. I ran my first 10 mi. non stop, swam my first 40 min. without stopping, and increased my bike FTP 40 watts. That give me motivation to push on towards my first OLY and HIM scheduled for later this year.

If only I lived in a warmer climate. We have been getting a day or two with 40 deg. F weather followed by freezing rain and snow the next 2-3 days. We even had thunderstorms the other night. Very weird for this time of year. It has made it hard to even think about going outside to workout.

I agree with the last post, family comes before training. This is something I find hard to keep in perspective sometimes.

This group has helped me keep motivated also, because I know that I am not the only one experiencing the same things day in and day out.

Keep up the hard work everyone!! It will pay off huge dividends this season.

2012-01-27 8:31 AM
in reply to: #3942885

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Bartlett, IL
Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

Happy Friday everyone!  I actually had a good pool session this morning.  I struggle with the swim and haven't found anyone yet who wants to provide lessons at 5:30 in the morning, but I've been introduced to the Total Immersion method and gave some of the drills a try for the first time this morning.  I'm sure it wasn't perfect or pretty, but I felt more comfortable, so I am encouraged.  I'm kicking off my 20-week extended HIM training plan on Monday - I'm excited!  It's kind of a mishmash of BT's beginner plan, a trifuel plan, and a Hal Higdon running plan with repeated weeks due to a vacation and some other races.  I'm excited to start the journey!

Hope everyone has a great weekend and is able to get in some training.  I think we all agree that family comes first and the workouts come second (or third or wherever).  When I miss a workout I try not to dwell on it and just look forward to the next one.  Good luck to all with the juggling act.

2012-01-27 8:22 PM
in reply to: #3942885

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

SUFFERFEST REVOLVER - ROCKED!  I loved it.  Was up at 5am this morning, headed down to the beach and me and 4 girlfriends went for an OWS.  Loved that, I am the fastest - makes such a change as in my ace squad I'm by far the slowest.  We did about 1km I think maybe a little less.

We took off for the first buoy and I went about 70% effort thinking they would be on my toes, I got there they were a good 50m behind!  I felt awesome!  The new sleeveless wetsuit has changed everything!  The full sleeve will be saved for colder weather.

Conditions were perfect today - no wind at all, the sea was flat and warm - weather outside in the high 80's.  I watched the start of the 11km swim - I might aim for that next year - but only if the conditions are as they were today!  Any more swell I can't deal with.

sprint triathlon tomorrow, looking forward to the swim and I will just get through the rest.

Will post results/timing tomorrow!

2012-01-28 7:46 PM
in reply to: #3942885

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

3rd Sprint Triathlon of the season - done!

400m, 16km, 4km - weather hot and sunny high 80's.

Sea - calm and flat like glass and warm - gorgeous!  Age group was bigger F40-49 usually is 44-49 so a few younger people there!  So very happy with my swim, in fact I think I was nearer 13th out of the water but got overtaken in the run up the beach to transition - felt really strong in the water and was passing heaps of the wave before mine.  Friends on the beach missed me I was so quick out!

Swim 09.42    15th out of 32 in AG/79th out of 170 overall

Bike 34.39     25th out of 32 in AG/134th out of 170 overall

Run 29.28      29th out of 32 in AG/155th out of 170 overall

TOTAL 1.16.09    25th out of 32 in AG/ 143rd out of 170 overall

Clearly I can do better on the ride (and transition but that's practice that is sorely lacking)

Run - I couldn't have gone faster it was just too hot.  I am happy not to come last and for the swim to finish in the top half!  YAY!

2012-01-28 8:02 PM
in reply to: #3942885

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

Great job, Jo.  Wish we could have some of that weather--I haven't seen the sun for a couple weeks...

I had a good and bad swim last night.  Good in that I went 2100m with just a few 30s breaks.  Bad because I felt like my technique was off/different the entire swim.  I was in a pool I had never been in before, and that always throws me a bit, but I felt like I was sinking (my legs) more than usual.  Going to swim again tomorrow, so will see how it goes.  On a good note, today I did an hour trainer ride, easy, and this evening did my longest run in awhile, just over 10km.  One hip flexor was tight for the run, but overall felt really good. 

To top off my weekend, I have tickets to the final of the Women's Olympic Qualifying Soccer game tomorrow between Canada and the U.S.  They have both earned berths already, so it is more of a bragging rights game, but should be fun!  Hope everyone else is having a great weekend as well.

2012-01-29 1:29 PM
in reply to: #3942885

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

Happy MOnday from Melbourne - plans for the week?  Shane enjoy your training thingo.

I have a tyical 3 run/3bike and as many swims as I can kind of week.  I think I'm going to aim for 3 OWS and two pool sessions.

Getting the pedals fixed to my bike - Tuesday I think, I will prepare my crash report!  LBS want to give me a good fit on the bike too - couple of hours he said!  Wow!

Still in two minds, do the OLY distance Sunday or stick with my training plan....oh well I shall just wait and see.

Today is Spin class and Swim squad in the pool.  Love it.


2012-01-29 4:57 PM
in reply to: #3942885

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED
Better swim today--realized my issue on Friday was lifting my head while taking a breath.  Exhausted at the end of the swim, but a good tired.  Now off to the soccer game!
2012-01-29 8:29 PM
in reply to: #3942885

Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

Great weekend! 

Friday was suppose to be my day off, but after waking up 3a.m. And not able to go back to sleep I decided to go to the pool at 5:30 when they opened. I decided to clear my mind and not worry about my stroke or distance and just swim for 40 minutes straight. Wow, this felt great. I have no idea how far I went, but it was so relaxing.

Saturday I had a 6 mile run on the treadmill and was actually able to keep my HR below 150 BPM. This was huge for me.

Today I started with a 40 minute trainer ride and then started to get bored so I started up the Sufferfest "Downward Spiral" video. What was I thinking? Anyway, after an hour of that I was ready to heave ho. I don't recommend a long ride before you do one of these videos. 

I hope everyone else had a great weekend and are ready to hit it hard this week.

have a good one!

2012-01-30 4:24 PM
in reply to: #3942885

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

Clearly the race on Sunday took more out of me than I thought.  PRobably shouldn't have picked Monday to go carb free either! 

I went to spin class after work, 6.30pm - after 30 mins had to bail.  I was feeling so terrible - like i was going to faint.  I was drinking a sports drink - but it was soooo hot in there.  We had a hot humid day - 80 degrees and the air con in the spin room doesn't work.

Anyway - I decided I would still go to swim squad - the pool is always nice and cool.  It's a different kind of intensity swim training - I did 2.8km and felt great.

We did 1km with fins - different strokes and some arm drills.

Then 2km alternating 200m fast, 200m recovery.  I missed 1x50m in the warm up and 150m in the 2km set.

Loved it.

Feeling not so bright this morning - need to eat better I think and get back on the multivitamins.  I think as well the racing aspect on Thursday and Sunday take it out of me emotionally - I get pretty nervous which is exhausting!

Oh well - today is a run day at lunchtime.  40mins planned, 10mins warm up then 20secs strides every 5mins.  Weather has cooled to a respectable 68 degrees, that I can cope with.



2012-01-31 8:21 PM
in reply to: #3942885

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

Well it's Wednesday here.  Tuesday ended up being a rest day - I was just exhausted.  I postponed the run til the evening but got stuck on the train on the way home for 20mins, then had to make my daughter some dinner as she hadn't eaten coz of a play date, then make our dinner - by the time it was all done it's 8pm - run or a glass of red, guess which I opted for!

It's a beautiful day here, not too hot a nice 75 degrees with a cool breeze.  so I ran at lunchtime today - I'm doing the Beginner Half Ironman Training program so today was 40min run.  10 mins warm up then 20secs strides every 5 mins.  i loved it.  I like having different drills to do in a workout, keeps your mind busy.

OWS training tonight so of course it's windy!  I'll get through it and update you all's everyone else doing so far this week?



2012-01-31 9:47 PM
in reply to: #3942885

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

Hi all,

I have had a couple of good training days.  Yesterday was short run of strides in the AM and then a PM 75min intervals ride.  I feel like my weak leg (technique-wise on the bike) has improved--have been trying to focus on that, so seeing some progress.  Today, I had a great swim.  After the crummy swim I had last week, today I felt like my technique was good.  Really good rotation--to the point that I dropped a couple SPL.  It was a really good workout, with drills where I did a set with bi-lateral breathing, then a set with breathing every 4 strokes, then a set with every 5 strokes.  Really shows where I need to work on my stroke.  Will be doing that one again--Jo, I too like some variety, I get bored otherwise Wink.

Sure glad my training is going well this week because a)it is an increased volume week and b)my work week started out awful yesterday!  Hope everyone else is having a good week too.

2012-02-01 7:20 AM
in reply to: #3942885

Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

Hello everyone. I hope everyone is busy training and are off to a good start for the new year.

I am curious if any of you use a power meter. I have been training all winter to increase my FTP number with our local race team, but not sure if it is worth buying a power meter to use during the season. Anyone have experience or suggestions on this?

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

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