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2013-01-31 5:03 PM
in reply to: #4603291

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Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles
sanhador - 2013-01-31 1:16 PM

One month in! It's so exciting seeing everyone jumping on board with the fun. Please remember if you have not updated the google doc either do so or shoot me a pm with your total. That way we can all see where we are at. If, like me, you are behind the pace bunny just remember we have a long way to go and still plenty of time to make up ground - as long as we don't get further behind. That's what I love about this challenge. Just doing it is the key. Even for someone like me who is still making her way through the C25K program and can barely run a 10 minute mile. I know that by the end of the year we'll be so much stronger and faster. 

At any rate it's about time for me to go chase down the pace bunny some more. Stay tuned for new adventures and excitement on the treadmill. I can't wait to be able to run outside again. Until then I'm become incredibly familiar with the pattern on the wall in front of the treadmill. Hopefully by the middle of March I'll be outside again. 

fwiw, I just checked my monthly totals.  In January I ran 75.37 miles.  My longest run was only 3.99 miles, and my average pace for the month was a blazing 11:31 minutes/mile.  You don't have to run far or fast, just often! Smile

I'm 10 miles behind the bunny, but not for long...

2013-01-31 8:06 PM
in reply to: #4603395

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Coldfoot, Alaska
Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles
norcal_SAHD - 2013-01-31 2:03 PM

fwiw, I just checked my monthly totals.  In January I ran 75.37 miles.  My longest run was only 3.99 miles, and my average pace for the month was a blazing 11:31 minutes/mile.  You don't have to run far or fast, just often! Smile

I'm 10 miles behind the bunny, but not for long...

You'll note I never said how long I can run 10 min miles (10 minutes if I'm lucky!) We are probably about the same pace right now. I'm alternating running at 6 mph with walking at 4 mph. But I imagine by the time this challenge is over I'll be able to go a little bit farther and faster than I can now.
2013-01-31 10:32 PM
in reply to: #4556786

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Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles

Got home at 7 tonight... got my 4 miles in. Woo Hoo. A little behind, but that won't last long. Every day counts. Glad I have something to keep me going.

Since it seems I am not signed up for anything, and I do not think another HIM is in my plans this year, and I have committed to running... I think I am going to try and get into the Pike's Peak Ascent. I have thought about it, but been training for tris... I might do it this year. I have my qualifier.

My avitar is the view from the top. Hiked it a couple times.

Edited by powerman 2013-01-31 10:33 PM
2013-02-01 7:12 AM
in reply to: #4603672

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2013-02-01 8:23 AM
in reply to: #4556786

Central Kansas
Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles

I'm still around. We had the flu in our house a few weeks ago, and I still have a lingering nasty cough. I've been cutting my runs short or going out less often. I'm five miles behind the pace bunny. That's a little frustrating since on or around Jan 15, I had logged 50+ miles. Oh, well. February is a new month!

Great job everyone. And I just got into look at the spreadsheet and thanks to whomever put that together. It is great -- I love the pace bunnies. Smile

2013-02-01 9:26 AM
in reply to: #4556786

Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles

New month everyone!  Lets have a great February.  Lately I have been over thinking many things at work and this may just be a carry over.  Just look at the thoughts going through my mind on the ride home last night:

I am not sure Pace Bunny is appropriate, that little guy just keeps at it, 2.723 miles every day like clock work, just keeps going.  He is more like the Pace Tortoise Tongue out.

I, on the other had seem more like the Hare, Sprint ahead of that Pace guy with a long run, then chill for a day or so.  Do some more over pace miles, then miss a work out and fall behind.  ALL over the PLACE !!!  Definitely more the hare in this story.Surprised

2013-02-01 9:42 AM
in reply to: #4604121

Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles
peto_primo - 2013-02-01 8:26 AM

New month everyone!  Lets have a great February.  Lately I have been over thinking many things at work and this may just be a carry over.  Just look at the thoughts going through my mind on the ride home last night:

I am not sure Pace Bunny is appropriate, that little guy just keeps at it, 2.723 miles every day like clock work, just keeps going.  He is more like the Pace Tortoise Tongue out.

I, on the other had seem more like the Hare, Sprint ahead of that Pace guy with a long run, then chill for a day or so.  Do some more over pace miles, then miss a work out and fall behind.  ALL over the PLACE !!!  Definitely more the hare in this story.Surprised

Even your avitar is fast.

2013-02-01 9:48 AM
in reply to: #4603876

Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles
wgraves7582 - 2013-02-01 6:12 AM
powerman - 2013-01-31 11:32 PM

Got home at 7 tonight... got my 4 miles in. Woo Hoo. A little behind, but that won't last long. Every day counts. Glad I have something to keep me going.

Since it seems I am not signed up for anything, and I do not think another HIM is in my plans this year, and I have committed to running... I think I am going to try and get into the Pike's Peak Ascent. I have thought about it, but been training for tris... I might do it this year. I have my qualifier.

My avitar is the view from the top. Hiked it a couple times.

I did the Manitou Incline last week with my sister and wanted to die - can't imagine going another 6K feet higher!!  But if I could get in I would do it in a heartbeat!  Keep us posted!

Ya, the incline is a really cool asset around here. It was "illegal" to use it but everyone did. The local governments just went thorough a bunch of stuff and made it legal. Now it cost (to park) but it will be maintained. H

How did you like the false summit? Smile

2013-02-01 10:43 AM
in reply to: #4604189

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2013-02-01 12:51 PM
in reply to: #4604189

Coldfoot, Alaska
Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles
powerman - 2013-02-01 6:48 AM
wgraves7582 - 2013-02-01 6:12 AM 

Ya, the incline is a really cool asset around here. It was "illegal" to use it but everyone did. The local governments just went thorough a bunch of stuff and made it legal. Now it cost (to park) but it will be maintained. H

When did that happen? I know they were working on it, but when I was home in October, still no joy. Where do they charge to park? Just the top parking lot on Barr trail? Or can you use the railway parking lot now? Can you still park on Ruxton and walk up?

Sorry for all the questions - I'm so far from home any mention of it makes me a little giddy.

2013-02-01 1:14 PM
in reply to: #4604606

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2013-02-01 5:05 PM
in reply to: #4556786

Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles

I did not see the ESPN spot.

Parking at Barr Trail lot costs $5 or $10 all day. Reasonable. There is an ATM like machine... no cash. Just insert card. You can still walk up from the street.... but even when you park at the trail head... you have to walk down to the very beginning. They blocked off people walking up to join the incline from the upper parking lot.


Dude... I had done the incline 10 times maybe and I still got suckered by the false summit. It is pretty cruel because it get so steep there and then... psyche!

2013-02-01 10:53 PM
in reply to: #4556786

Extreme Veteran
Shawboro, NC
Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles

That which has been keeping me from running just finished today. 

I'm hoping that the work load I know is coming will at least allow me to get in enough runs to at least catch the Pace Rabbit and stay with him.

2013-02-02 10:19 AM
in reply to: #4556786

St. Louis
Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles
Here is my Mr. Rabbit story...

About 5 years ago I was messing around in the garage and a neighbor kid was pushing one of those tractors you can pedal/ride up the street. He was talking to himself and all I heard was "c'mon Mr. Rabbit, it's just me and you, and you push". I got a chuckle out of it and a little more. At the time I was training for my first half marathon and that last mile was always a struggle. As my mind wandered around during that last mile of every long run, trying to find the mental toughness not to walk, I found myself saying "c'mon Mr. Rabbit, it's just me and you, and you push" more than once :-).

BTW, that kid went on to run cross country 5k's in ~18 minutes in high school. Not too shabby.
2013-02-02 12:20 PM
in reply to: #4556786

Raeford, North Carolina
Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles
Finished my first ever 20-miler today and it felt awesome! And after nearly two weeks off, I'm back in front of the pace bunny!

Edited by yeszir1 2013-02-02 12:24 PM
2013-02-02 1:00 PM
in reply to: #4605631

Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles

yeszir1 - 2013-02-02 11:20 AM Finished my first ever 20-miler today and it felt awesome! And after nearly two weeks off, I'm back in front of the pace bunny!

Nice job on both counts!!!  

2013-02-02 4:33 PM
in reply to: #4605631

Coldfoot, Alaska
Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles

yeszir1 - 2013-02-02 9:20 AM Finished my first ever 20-miler today and it felt awesome! And after nearly two weeks off, I'm back in front of the pace bunny!


I too set a PR today. 2 miles, 20 minutes, no walking. And not to toot my own horn - but if you want to check out a reason not to post to BT before eating check out my logs for today. It's something special that's for sure!

See y'all out there. 

2013-02-02 8:04 PM
in reply to: #4556786

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2013-02-03 12:44 PM
in reply to: #4556786

St. Louis
Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles
With that 8 mile trail run, I'm within a mile of the rabbit. Too bad tomorrow is a rest day.
2013-02-03 2:21 PM
in reply to: #4556786

Extreme Veteran
Shawboro, NC
Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles
Thanks to work, I had 6 days off. Today, I laid down 5.38 miles. 2.64 miles closer to that blasted rabbit!
2013-02-03 8:33 PM
in reply to: #4556786

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2013-02-03 9:33 PM
in reply to: #4556786

Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles

Lots of activity going on - both posting and running.

First of all, congrats to Yeszir on the 20 miler!!!!  Great Job.

Bill, cool on the xc skiing!

Scott, I agree with you on the name of our pacer.  Pace Turtle is a better name, isn't it?  When everyone was cussing it, I thought about renaming it to Hitler.  But pace turtle is more apt.

Yea, Erin on the 2 miles in 20 mins!  Honey, it's gonna start coming on faster than you can ever imagine now.  When I first started training for my first HM, I thought that if I ever got 3 miles in 39 min - well I thought I was badazz.  6 weeks later, I couldn't believe the difference.

SpeedKnight, glad things have calmed down at work.

Mike, love the story.  I want Mr Rabbit to push me.  I'm so glad that other people say/think/do weird things during races.  My first HM was the 26.2 for Donna and there were Finish It tattoos to signify Finish Breast Cancer.  I put the temp tattoo my face and only got Finis I on.  So my last mile I was chanting Finis I, Finis I.

Had my last planned mary today.  Barely PR'ed but barely works for me.  So now I've got to focus on swimming and biking.  I'm gonna lose my lead on Hitler the pace rabbit or pace turtle soon.  It's all good.

Dang, the Super Bowl just got really interesting!

Edited by Pink Socks 2013-02-03 9:39 PM
2013-02-03 10:37 PM
in reply to: #4606986

St. Louis
Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles
Pink Socks - 2013-02-03 9:33 PM

Lots of activity going on - both posting and running.

First of all, congrats to Yeszir on the 20 miler!!!!  Great Job.

Bill, cool on the xc skiing!

Scott, I agree with you on the name of our pacer.  Pace Turtle is a better name, isn't it?  When everyone was cussing it, I thought about renaming it to Hitler.  But pace turtle is more apt.

Yea, Erin on the 2 miles in 20 mins!  Honey, it's gonna start coming on faster than you can ever imagine now.  When I first started training for my first HM, I thought that if I ever got 3 miles in 39 min - well I thought I was badazz.  6 weeks later, I couldn't believe the difference.

SpeedKnight, glad things have calmed down at work.

Mike, love the story.  I want Mr Rabbit to push me.  I'm so glad that other people say/think/do weird things during races.  My first HM was the 26.2 for Donna and there were Finish It tattoos to signify Finish Breast Cancer.  I put the temp tattoo my face and only got Finis I on.  So my last mile I was chanting Finis I, Finis I.

Had my last planned mary today.  Barely PR'ed but barely works for me.  So now I've got to focus on swimming and biking.  I'm gonna lose my lead on Hitler the pace rabbit or pace turtle soon.  It's all good.

Dang, the Super Bowl just got really interesting!

Woohoo! Congrats on PRing your marathon!
2013-02-03 10:48 PM
in reply to: #4606942

Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles

wgraves7582 - 2013-02-03 7:33 PM Cross Country skiing instead of running - sure I should count it but I will hold off and if I end up 12-15 miles short I will return to January and swap some things out  Hope you all had a great weekend!

Just come out to CO again in November, will do a Waterton Canyon Brick (Ride up to Lenny's Rest, then Roxborough loop, then run up to the dam and back)

2013-02-03 10:54 PM
in reply to: #4606986

Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: 1 year, 1000 miles
Pink Socks - 2013-02-03 8:33 PM


Had my last planned mary today.  Barely PR'ed but barely works for me.  So now I've got to focus on swimming and biking.  I'm gonna lose my lead on Hitler the pace rabbit or pace turtle soon.  It's all good.

Dang, the Super Bowl just got really interesting!

So what does "last planned mary" mean - you "retiring' from long distance and just going shorter/TRI - or just you don't have the next one planned yet, or with your base will the  next one just be unplanned or a atypical training run             

All is good what ever.  Congrats on the PR and go ride a bikeTongue out

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