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2015-01-06 8:26 PM
in reply to: Mountaindan

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
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Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--OPEN!

Originally posted by Mountaindan

Mountaindan comes from my Love of the mountains, before I moved to Maine I spent all of my spare time hiking and climbing, I have made winter attempts on Mt Rainier, Multiple Mt Shasta and Mt Whitney as well as all around Lake Tahoe, I like the winter where there are less people and more of a challenge.


Have you done any climbing in Yosemite?  Back in college I did both a Half-Dome and El Capitan assent plus climbed just about every minor climb in the park at one time or another.  Then I lost all sense of sanity and became a triathlete!

2015-01-06 8:28 PM
in reply to: slornow

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Indianapolis, Indiana
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Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--OPEN!

Originally posted by slornow

One thing that might be helpful since we have a big group would be for people to write their name at the end of each post. It would help us associate a pic/screen name with a "real" name.


Thanks Randy, you beat me to it.

2015-01-06 8:32 PM
in reply to: 0

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Extreme Veteran
Silicon Valley
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--OPEN!
Between a new job and a wrist injury I have not worked out in a wile. So this morning I hit the gym. I did about 20 minutes on the bike as a warm up spinning around 16 mph. Then I jumped on a treadmill for a slow 5k. I ran the first mile and then walked the first minute of each half mile to the finish.

It actually felt pretty good considering I do so little running. I did find that by putting the treadmill in a small incline I was getting the mid-strike stride a lot easier. Tomorrow I am going to try and hit the pool.

I'm still trying to find a local race to do early in the season. We generally have a good selection of races right here in town but with the draught the reservoir will not have enough water in it to do the swim. Last year some were just cancelled and some were moved just far enough away that it made the logistics challenging. But I will figure it out.

Ooops, saw the request for names. Not that it's different from my screen name.


Edited by Stuartap 2015-01-06 8:33 PM
2015-01-06 8:36 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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Kennebunkport, Qatar
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--OPEN!
Originally posted by k9car363

Originally posted by Mountaindan

Mountaindan comes from my Love of the mountains, before I moved to Maine I spent all of my spare time hiking and climbing, I have made winter attempts on Mt Rainier, Multiple Mt Shasta and Mt Whitney as well as all around Lake Tahoe, I like the winter where there are less people and more of a challenge.


Have you done any climbing in Yosemite?  Back in college I did both a Half-Dome and El Capitan assent plus climbed just about every minor climb in the park at one time or another.  Then I lost all sense of sanity and became a triathlete!

Scott, no I stayed out of Yosemite, too many people. I like to get away from the masses, that is why I like the winter. I wish I would have now that I am so far away, now all I have are the white Mtns and Baxter State Park, nice, but nothing like the Sierras!
2015-01-06 8:44 PM
in reply to: 0

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
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Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--OPEN!

Originally posted by KWDreamun

So where do I get my protein. Black beans, red beans, quinoa, tofu, soy milk, all nuts, seeds, hemp hearts seeds, broccoli, nut butters and yes I supplement with organic plant protein powder. I also take vitamin b-12 and d . . .

 . . . When I start experimenting with different vegies, the variations are limitless.

last night I sliced the firm tofu real thin, put olive oil in a pan, spices and beer and pan fried it, it was AMAZING! 



My hat's off to you my friend.  It was a MAJOR challenge to get my wife to agree to no processed foods, etc.  She is a meat and potatoes girl so giving up her spuds was a BIG deal.  There isn't anyway in this lifetime that she is giving up her occasional Prime Rib.  If I were to try and bring your diet in to the house, I suspect in fairly short order I would be getting a phone call from an attorney representing my wife.  What's that old saying?  Choose your battles?

That said, I have considered going with a diet similar to yours, just not sure I am ready to cook multiple meals every night . . . or be single again.

Edited by k9car363 2015-01-06 8:56 PM
2015-01-06 8:46 PM
in reply to: Mountaindan

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
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Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--OPEN!

Originally posted by Mountaindan
Originally posted by k9car363

Originally posted by Mountaindan

Mountaindan comes from my Love of the mountains, before I moved to Maine I spent all of my spare time hiking and climbing, I have made winter attempts on Mt Rainier, Multiple Mt Shasta and Mt Whitney as well as all around Lake Tahoe, I like the winter where there are less people and more of a challenge.


Have you done any climbing in Yosemite?  Back in college I did both a Half-Dome and El Capitan assent plus climbed just about every minor climb in the park at one time or another.  Then I lost all sense of sanity and became a triathlete!

Scott, no I stayed out of Yosemite, too many people. I like to get away from the masses, that is why I like the winter. I wish I would have now that I am so far away, now all I have are the white Mtns and Baxter State Park, nice, but nothing like the Sierras!

Yeah, I don't care for large crowds either, and fortunately there wasn't to many people on the Muir Wall of El Cap!

2015-01-06 10:13 PM
in reply to: k9car363

Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--OPEN!
Thanks much Scott! I will for sure check it out. I have been swimming for a month. I can only do 50 yards without getting tired, but I am working on it 3 -4 days a week. I am really trying to start off with good technique, so as not to form any bad habits. At my age (56) I need all the help I can get! Thanks again for the site location!
2015-01-06 11:13 PM
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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--OPEN!

Yikes!  Things move really fast here, eh.  I'll try hard to keep up.

Jo - I did wonder about nutrition and stress in particular being in part responsible for your adrenal trouble.  Nutrition is so important and so personally specific so it is really important to control.  Sometime I'd like to hear how you've changed your nutrition and/or how you get your nutrition during a long training event or race.  Also, how do you like to get your electrolytes?  

My wife makes some vegan "energy balls" which are really tasty and would be easy to snack on while riding.  If I ask her nice I'll try and get her recipe to post for everyone to try.

Stu - I'm going to put my Weight Loss Challenge info into my training log later tonight (if I get this post finished in time).

Luvschips - Apparently some butters are better than others so ask people who know which ones are better.  I live in a small town so I got the only kind available and apparently it has to be reapplied every 90 minutes which is a nuisance on a long ride.

Karl - I showed my wife your sample menu in your post.  Some of it sounds really good but she might get mad at me for wasting a beer for cooking.  I'm not good with veggies but I do eat some of her foods and I am getting better.  I'm still a carnivore though.

Edwin - where in Canada are you?

Scott - I visited your website "Freestyle - From the Beginning" and I really loved the video.  I bookmarked the site to return to often and to refer it to some beginner swimmers I know.

Our local pool is quite cool to jump in at 81F but if it is 81.5F it is quite warm.  We move out to a local lake in mid-May when it warms up to 17C/63F (wearing wetsuits) and swimming at 22C/72F it is quite nice in wetsuits.  By August we might get up to 24C/75F which is too warm for a wetsuit.

Rod - Good luck with your knee rehab.  

Edited by wenceslasz 2015-01-06 11:23 PM
2015-01-07 5:54 AM
in reply to: wenceslasz

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--OPEN!
KARL thanks for the info I will try to incorporate this into my eatting, nutrition is my biggest down fall and I know I have to get this figured out.

SCOTT I that's awesome!

SCOTT thanks for the swim information my swim could use some work too, but I believe it is mostly from not enough time in the pool. And don't let Brenda fool you she did GREAT on her swim at IMWI

ROD hope the knee is feeling better soon!!! And for the record our wind chill is -19 this morning, I am not looking forward to heading out to work

GEORGE as I said above I am trying to make changes in my diet and I know how important it is but I just can't seem to get it right hence the 20# I have to loose, I see a holistic Dr so she has me on quite a few supplements to kick start everything but I know I cant rely on these plus they are expensive, long story short my son and his finance and her daughter moved in with us in July and a lot has been put on me as " mother" of the household so I feel sometimes like I can't get organized to get it done I know I know excuses excuses .........we are hoping just one more month as they are going to buy our house and hubby and I are moving YEAH!!!!!
2015-01-07 7:05 AM
in reply to: Burchib

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Indianapolis, Indiana
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Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--OPEN!

Originally posted by Burchib

Thanks much Scott! I will for sure check it out. I have been swimming for a month. I can only do 50 yards without getting tired, but I am working on it 3 -4 days a week. I am really trying to start off with good technique, so as not to form any bad habits. At my age (56) I need all the help I can get! Thanks again for the site location!



Sorry, I should have remembered that you said you were only swimming 50 yards in your intro.  With that being the case, I would suggest you visit both the "Freestyle-From the Beginning" article, and then look at the Novice Training Plan.  The Novice Plan is for someone like you that is early in their swimming career and is interested in "doing it right."  It mentions what I am about to say in the article but I will mention it here for others that may be interested, I suggest you go to  On the home page of you will see an animation showing "Mr. Smooth."  While Mr. Smooth's perfect freestyle differs a bit from my perfect freestyle, the two forms are close enough that if you learn one you can easily do the other one.  Mr. Smooth is handy because you can visually see what good technique looks like from an "underwater" perspective.  You can slow it down so you can really focus on various aspects of the stroke.  I encourage you to watch Mr. Smooth until you dream about him . . . OK, maybe not that much, but at least until you can close your eyes and visualize perfect technique.  The real trick is taking that mental image to the water.  That is where video comes in to play.  The first 5-weeks of the Novice plan are dedicated to improving technique.  Once you get to the end of week two, if you have someone take some video of you in the water, I will be happy to take a look and offer some advice.  Just let me know and I will send you a link to upload the video to.

2015-01-07 7:37 AM
in reply to: lutzman

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New user
Houston, Texas
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--CLOSED
Good Morning Everyone!

Scott, thank you for the swim information. I will watch the videos today.
My training has been going well. I'm following a plan from BT. Swam yesterday, will run and bike today.

I sympathize will all of you going through diet issues with family. I'm not much into meat, but my husband LOVES it, and our 8 year-old is a rather picky eater. So its a challenge trying to find something that makes everyone happy.

Have a great day!


2015-01-07 10:31 AM
in reply to: k9car363


Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--OPEN!
Thanks Scott, I appreciate the reply. I hate to say it but this is one of the few times that I have used a blog. La Quinta is my next target for my budding Tri career. It will be my second and I am already getting little butterflies. Seems stupid on one level but ........

I'm going to go to Portland this weekend and look at suits. Other than Seattle it appears to be one of the only stores in my area. Im not sure if I will be able to get by the tight neck chocking feeling. But, practice will help.

thanks for the advice.

2015-01-07 12:56 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--OPEN!

Originally posted by k9car363

Hi Brenda,

So where are you at with your swimming?  Will be happy to offer any advice I can.


Thanks for asking, SCOTT K    I'm at 2:25/100 yd average pace.

That's where I'm at with my swimming and have been for years even after multiple lessons and instructors.   I can knock down about 10 seconds per 100 by using a pull buoy. Yes, I'm faster with a pull buoy which means my legs sink otherwise. Don't know what to do about it and there's obviously other problems too after swimming for 9 years and still being slow. I got on your website and it's a bummer you're in SoCal instead of the frigid Midwest. I'd like to sign up for lessons. Can I talk you into coming back to your roots and setting up shop? BTW we're having white-out conditions here today and with the wind chill it's supposed to feel negative 26 by tomorrow morn.   Yikes!   Seriously, though, please don't spend any time on me and my swimming yet. I'm heading to surgery on Friday and won't be able to put anything into practice for another couple months. I'll hit you up when I get back to the pool.   I have a friend who just got a GoPro and she said she'd tape my stroke so I think that would be helpful. In the meantime I'll follow your advice to others and take it in.   Thanks for the time you're putting into us, though!


2015-01-07 1:55 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--OPEN!
Brenda, negative 26, really, OK I won't complain about us getting down to 25 tonight.

I just got back from the orthopedic. I have to wear the orthotic boot for the rest of the week. Then I can start wearing regular shoes but NO RUNNING for 3 more weeks until I see him again. I had to wait 3 hours to see him... He did say that my legs were so tight that he speculates that is what caused the the stress fracture and is what is causing the pf issues. He put me on an intense stretching routine. I don't know how he could tell I am tight, I thought i seemed normal. I didn't think about asking that while I was there but I'll ask when I go back.

So now I am afficially out of the marathon I have signed up for Feb 8.

ya'll stay warm or cool if you are from Aussie


Edited by KWDreamun 2015-01-07 1:56 PM
2015-01-07 2:20 PM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Farmington, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--OPEN!
Originally posted by KWDreamun

  • .. He did say that my legs were so tight that he speculates that is what caused the the stress fracture and is what is causing the pf issues. He put me on an intense stretching routine. I don't know how he could tell I am tight, I thought i seemed normal. I didn't think about asking that while I was there but I'll ask when I go back.

  • Karl,

    That sounds very familiar. I'd guess that you'll get relief from the stretching routine.

    I can tell you that after several rounds of PT over the last two years, I'm now performing a daily stretching routine, supplemented by twice weekly Yoga practice and regular massage therapy. I think that consistent stretching and flexibility work is mandatory for me if I'm going to avoid re-injury.

    Here's to your speedy recovery.

    Dave (in balmy Connecticut)
    2015-01-07 6:19 PM
    in reply to: k9car363

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    Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--OPEN!
    Scott - Great info on your swim website! I feel awkward with my arms when I pull through the water. I really don't know what it should "feel" like. Should I be really pulling hard? I know I need to take lessons....

    BTW - my son bought me underwater ipod and I got to use it today for the first time. It was pretty awesome!!!


    2015-01-07 6:37 PM
    in reply to: k9car363

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    Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--OPEN!

    Originally posted by k9car363


    The whole point of the novice program is to develop stroke technique and then begin to build a swim fitness base.  You have been swimming for several years so the novice plan may be going to far back to the beginning unless you need serious work on technique which you said a coach said you do not.  I wouldn't see a problem with doing the first couple of weeks of the novice plan but then switching over to the sprint base plan.

    If you can get some video at your club meeting that would be wonderful.  I can give you a link and you can upload it, then I can make a couple observations.  If you want to see my opinion of good freestyle, the "Freestyle-From the Beginning" article on my website has video that shows a powerful freestyle stroke that any triathlete would do well to emulate.


    I finally got back in the pool yesterday afternoon.  Felt good to be back in the water again.  I was doing the first workout from the Novice plan (16x25 on 60" rest) and I think you're right - it might be going a little too far back for me.  The RI's just seemed too long - I felt like I was just standing around waiting for the 60" to go by.  I ended up shortening most of the rest intervals to about 40-45" - so more like week 2 of the plan.  I think I might go ahead and try week 4 (I like doing ladders anyway) and see how things go.  If that still seems too easy I'll adjust from there. 

    My screen name comes from being a "soccermom" for almost 10 years.  My DD played from age 5-15 (she switched to cross country/track as a HS sophomore) and her uniform number for most of those years was "15".


    2015-01-07 6:42 PM
    in reply to: k9car363

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    Official BT Coach
    Indianapolis, Indiana
    Gold member
    Subject: RE: Weight Loss Challenge!

    Hey Everyone -

    Here is the more detailed breakdown I promised for the Weight Loss/Workout Challenge.

    How you earn points -

    • +5 points for no weight gain
    • +/- 1 point per pound lost/gained, or fraction thereof
    • +1 point for every 30 workout minutes

    A couple of examples for clarification:

    You had a good week, lost 2.3 pounds, 421 minutes working out -

    • +5 points for no weight gain
    • +2.3 points for weight loss
    • +14 points for workout minutes (421/30 = 14.03, rounded to nearest tenth)
    • Total points for week = 21.3 points

    You had an OK weak, no weight change, 129 minutes working out -

    • +5 points for no weight gain
    • +0 points for weight change
    • +4.3 points for workout minutes (129/30 = 4.3)
    • Total points for week = 9.3 points

    You had a bad week, gained 1.6 pounds, 47 minutes working out -

    • +0 points for no weight gain
    • -1.6 points for weight gain
    • +1.6 points for workout minutes (47/30 = 1.5666, rounded to nearest tenth)
    • Total points for week = 0 points

    The challenge week will go Monday - Sunday with the weigh-in at the end of the week, so we will do our first official "weigh-in" this coming Sunday.  I suggest you weigh-in at the same time on the same scale every week.  Next Sunday afternoon/evening or Monday morning (1/18-19) we all post our weight change and our workout minutes and then every week until the end.  For the purposes of the challenge, we do not need your actual weight.  You are welcome to post your weight if it will help you stay accountable to yourself or will help motivate you.  Once everyone posts their numbers, I will plug everything into my magic spreadsheet and will hopefully post the results sometime Tuesday.

    We'll end the challenge on March 31st.  The "winner" will be the person with the most points and will receive a coffee mug from San Diego, CA, commemorating the birthplace of the modern triathlon as we all know it today.

    Good luck everyone!

    2015-01-07 6:49 PM
    in reply to: bswcpa

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    Indianapolis, Indiana
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    Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--OPEN!

    Originally posted by bswcpa

    Can I talk you into coming back to your roots and setting up shop?

    Hmmm, let me think about this for a minute . . .

    Originally posted by bswcpa

    BTW we're having white-out conditions here today and with the wind chill it's supposed to feel negative 26 by tomorrow morn.

    Yeah, that pretty well answers THAT question! 

    Hope all goes well with your surgery.  Your friend's GoPro will come in handy when the time comes.

    2015-01-07 7:02 PM
    in reply to: Groan

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    Official BT Coach
    Indianapolis, Indiana
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    Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--OPEN!

    Originally posted by Groan

    Thanks Scott, I appreciate the reply. I hate to say it but this is one of the few times that I have used a blog. La Quinta is my next target for my budding Tri career. It will be my second and I am already getting little butterflies. Seems stupid on one level but ........

    I'm going to go to Portland this weekend and look at suits. Other than Seattle it appears to be one of the only stores in my area. Im not sure if I will be able to get by the tight neck chocking feeling.

    But, practice will help.

    thanks for the advice.


    Hey Greg,

    First, my apologies, I incorrectly made the assumption you lived down here in California not all the way up there in the cold northwest.  My bad!

    I still say you might check in to  They send wetsuits all over the country and you can get it early so you can use it a few times before the race.  If you are comfortable in the wetsuit you can turn it into a purchase.  They are experts at fitting you so you will know that you have the correct size.  It would be worth a phone call.

    Time swimming in a wetsuit will help you get comfortable with the tight neck and feeling of chocking.  I really think some of the problem before may have been an incorrectly fitting wetsuit although, when they fit properly, they will be TIGHT.

    As to the butterflies, it just means you care.  I have been competing in races of one kind or another since I was 11, so over 45 years, and I still get butterflies, the bigger the race, the larger the butterflies.


    2015-01-07 7:50 PM
    in reply to: luvschips

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    Indianapolis, Indiana
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    Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--OPEN!

    Originally posted by luvschips

    Scott - Great info on your swim website! I feel awkward with my arms when I pull through the water. I really don't know what it should "feel" like. Should I be really pulling hard? I know I need to take lessons....



    Thank you for the kind words about my website.  My site really grew out of BT.  Pretty much all of the information on the site I have shared at one time or another in nearly every mentor group I have been in over the past few years.  I finally figured if I just put it all in a website, maybe I wouldn't have to re-write it every group and perhaps it could help some people outside of the mentor groups.  Thanks again for taking notice.

    Feeling awkward when you are pulling is likely one of two things, either not enough training yards/meters, or there is a stroke technique deficiency.  Without having seen you swim it is difficult to know but I suspect it is likely a combination of both not enough training yardage and a stroke technique issue.  What generally's happening when an athlete is having some difficulty with the swim is they are putting in a good deal of work and they don't really develop much forward momentum.  Typically the inefficiency of the stroke is interpreted as an awkward feeling.  If you ask the question over in the main forum, you will likely hear, "kick more," or "you need to swim more yards."  The simple truth is that attempting to beat the water into submission for more laps isn't the answer.  If there is a technique flaw you can swim hundreds of thousands of yards and likely all you will do is increase your frustration.

    Do you have someone that can shoot some video of you in the water?  Doesn't have to be anything of professional quality.  Cell phone video will suffice to get an idea of where your stroke is at.  If you can make that happen, I will be happy to give you a link to upload to and then take a look and offer some pointers.  In the meantime, if you go to my site, click on 'Resources' then select 'Stroke Technique' you will be taken to all of the articles currently on the site regarding stroke technique.  At the bottom of the page there are four categories - novice, beginner, intermediate, and advanced.  I suggest you read all of those articles in order, novice to advanced.  Yes, that is going ALL the way back to the beginning, however many adult swimmers either never learned or have forgotten the fundamental so going all the way back isn't necessarily a bad thing.  Then go to  On the home page you will find an animation of Mr' Smooth swimming freestyle.  If you watch that long enough you will get an idea of what proper stroke technique looks like and that may help you when you get in the water.

    Right now we are in winter, so this is the time to work on technique issues.  If it were me, I wouldn't be worried about pace at all for the next few weeks while I was training.  I would focus on improving my technique and then beginning to build an aerobic swim base.  I am happy to help if you like.

    2015-01-07 8:01 PM
    in reply to: soccermom15

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    Official BT Coach
    Indianapolis, Indiana
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    Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--OPEN!

    Originally posted by soccermom15


    I finally got back in the pool yesterday afternoon.  Felt good to be back in the water again.  I was doing the first workout from the Novice plan (16x25 on 60" rest) and I think you're right - it might be going a little too far back for me.  The RI's just seemed too long - I felt like I was just standing around waiting for the 60" to go by.  I ended up shortening most of the rest intervals to about 40-45" - so more like week 2 of the plan.  I think I might go ahead and try week 4 (I like doing ladders anyway) and see how things go.  If that still seems too easy I'll adjust from there. 


    Glad to hear you're back in the water.

    Yeah, I expected as much.  The novice plan, and specifically the first 4-5 weeks, was written with the assumption that the individual has poor stroke technique so is anaerobic from the outset, and has poor or no swim fitness.  In that case, at the end of a 25 the person would be gasping for breath and would need 60 seconds to get their heart rate and breathing back under control.  Also, the idea is that they have the time to consciously focus and think about stroke technique during the rest intervals.

    I really think you will be better served by jumping over to the Sprint Base plan, assuming you can swim a 400 non-stop.  The first workout of the Sprint Base plan is an STP test to establish a baseline.  If you can't comfortably go 400 today, then I suggest starting at week 5 of the novice plan and continue on until you can swim the 400, then move over to the Sprint Base plan.

    2015-01-07 8:39 PM
    in reply to: k9car363

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    Extreme Veteran
    Silicon Valley
    Subject: RE: Weight Loss Challenge!
    Scott love the idea of a weight loss challenge since I put on a few pounds over the holidays. I always like something to shoot for so I am in.

    BTW - it sounds like you are proficient with excel. If you ever need any assistance on making the cells auto calculate just let me know. I am a power user of excel and have taught advance excel classes at the university level. Always happy to play with a new spreadsheet. Yes, I know it's a bit weird.

    2015-01-07 9:25 PM
    in reply to: Groan

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    East Wenatchee, Washington
    Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--OPEN!
    Originally posted by Groan

    Thanks Scott, I appreciate the reply. I hate to say it but this is one of the few times that I have used a blog. La Quinta is my next target for my budding Tri career. It will be my second and I am already getting little butterflies. Seems stupid on one level but ........

    I'm going to go to Portland this weekend and look at suits. Other than Seattle it appears to be one of the only stores in my area. Im not sure if I will be able to get by the tight neck chocking feeling. But, practice will help.

    thanks for the advice.


    Greg--I can remember that exact feeling when I got my wetsuit. But the feedback I got was the neck has to be tight to prevent flow through of water. The other thing I was told was I wouldn't notice it once I started swimming...which was true.

    Getting a good fit is important, but my guess is you'll still feel the tightness around your neck...until you hit the open water.

    BTW--I was having similar tightness issues with my neoprene cap at Boise last year. The water was very cold so I decided to use the heavy duty cap with chin strap. When I put it on prior to the race the chin strap felt so tight it felt like I wouldn't be able to open my jaw to breathe during swim. The gun went off and I never felt that chin strap again.

    2015-01-08 8:40 AM
    in reply to: k9car363

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    Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--OPEN!
    Scott - Oh my gosh! Thank you again for all this help! I swim at 4 am but will figure something out to get the video. When I started swimming 2 years ago, I watched "Total Immersion" video series every single night. I usually swim 1500 yards one day and 1 mile in the lake on another when I am training. Over these 2 years I have not become faster at all so obviously I am doing something wrong. I will admit that I don't understand all those drills you guys talk about: 4x25, ladders, etc. I usually just swim and try to feel the stroke.

    Hope everybody is having a great day and week!

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    comments : 1
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