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2019-01-28 8:14 AM
in reply to: firebert

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Scheduled rest day today! I'm in need. Last week of workouts plus a pretty awful night's sleep (or lack thereof) means I'm happy to have nothing on the books for today.

Goals for today are 1.) meal plan for the week and 2.) grocery shop for good food, not the pizza I ate for dinner last night.

2019-01-28 8:49 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Congrats on the weight loss, Riles!

I had a solid masters practice on Saturday, hit about 3k yards. Main set was:

10x50 fly/back on 1:05
10x50 back/breast on 1:05
10x50 breast/free on 1:00

Then we did some sculling practice, followed by 4 100 sprints from the blocks with 100 active recovery between each. Ouchie
2019-01-28 1:24 PM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Had a good weekend, began my new running regimen. My plan for now is to do 5 miles every other day. Right now I'm walking about a mile and a half of it, and my PT recommends increasing it by a quarter mile a week. She's going to evaluate my perpetually tight hamstring (which is likely yet another steroid induced issue) next week and I'm sure I'm adding more exercises after that! LOL!

The days are FINALLY getting longer and I'm hoping my shoulder is in decent enough condition that I can bike in a few weeks. Took the dogs out on the sled this weekend and it definitely told me it's still early on in recovery.

2019-01-28 2:36 PM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Originally posted by nicole14e

Congrats on the weight loss, Riles!

I had a solid masters practice on Saturday, hit about 3k yards. Main set was:

10x50 fly/back on 1:05
10x50 back/breast on 1:05
10x50 breast/free on 1:00

Then we did some sculling practice, followed by 4 100 sprints from the blocks with 100 active recovery between each. Ouchie

Thanks. I'm fairly new to swimming and very new to structured swims. How do you translate the workout above?
2019-01-28 2:55 PM
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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Originally posted by riles32807

Originally posted by nicole14e

Congrats on the weight loss, Riles!

I had a solid masters practice on Saturday, hit about 3k yards. Main set was:

10x50 fly/back on 1:05
10x50 back/breast on 1:05
10x50 breast/free on 1:00

Then we did some sculling practice, followed by 4 100 sprints from the blocks with 100 active recovery between each. Ouchie

Thanks. I'm fairly new to swimming and very new to structured swims. How do you translate the workout above?

So 10x50 means we swam 50 yards 10 times, leaving every 1:05 (so the 50 would take about 50 seconds, then we'd have 15 seconds of rest). We were alternating strokes, so the first 10 50s were 25 fly, 25 back. The next 10 were 25 back, 25 breast, and the last 10 were 25 breast, 25 free. Then the 100s were basically 100 sprint, 100 easy, 4 times. The sculling stuff was just drill work.

Since you're just getting into swimming, you will probably want to focus on freestyle, and will want to increase the interval times (I'm an IM swimmer so I'm actually faster at non-freestyle strokes haha).

What distance tris will you be doing? I can't remember. I could send you over some workout ideas if you want. Right now I'm training more for swim meets, and I'm a sprinter so my workouts probably won't be good tri-prep workouts.

Edited by nicole14e 2019-01-28 2:58 PM
2019-01-28 3:05 PM
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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open

Originally posted by riles32807
Originally posted by nicole14e Congrats on the weight loss, Riles! I had a solid masters practice on Saturday, hit about 3k yards. Main set was: 10x50 fly/back on 1:05 10x50 back/breast on 1:05 10x50 breast/free on 1:00 Then we did some sculling practice, followed by 4 100 sprints from the blocks with 100 active recovery between each. Ouchie
Thanks. I'm fairly new to swimming and very new to structured swims. How do you translate the workout above?

As a poor swimmer, I'll translate.  Short version - Nicole is a pro, don't try this at home! 

Longer version - not entirely sure on the combo strokes like 'back/breast' but guessing you either have a choice to do one or you alternate, potentially each 50 being 25 of one then the 25 back the other.

10x50 is 10 times 50 yards, for most of us with 25 yard pools (your average YMCA) - a 50 is a single lap, or out and back so you return to where you started.  This would have to be adjusted for meter pools or for shorter or longer pools. 

The 'on 1:05' means you have a minute 5 seconds to do the 50 and rest.  If you are fast, great you get a longer rest.  If you are slow, you may get no rest.  Since you're doing 10 at a time this gets more challenging as you go.

Sculling - not 100% sure but it's a stroke training technique of some kind. (edited because I was wrong on which drill sculling is actually)

Sprints from the blocks - you probably figured this out, but instead of starting in the water on the wall, they're starting on the 'starting blocks' - the platforms on the edge of pools used for racing.  This technique is great for competitive swimmers to practice since they need it for meets.  In tri, the only time you would use it is if the swim start were off of a dock or a boat.  Nicole can confirm but I'm guessing it's faster as well.

4 100 sprints with 100 active recovery - translated this is an 800, where 100 is as fast as you can go then the next 100 is slower for recovery, but no stopping, and repeat 4 times fast - slow.  

You know, for as bad as I am at the swim and as much as my swim workouts have always scared me - I miss them.  Tri is just so much more bada$$ (since the message board won't let me spell out b a d a s s) than duathlon.  

Edited by firebert 2019-01-28 3:18 PM

2019-01-28 3:15 PM
in reply to: firebert

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open

Ack Nicole beat me to it :D

For workouts, I use this, and its been great:

It's a little pricey but it's spiralbound and waterproof so you can leave it poolside.  It has descriptions for how to do all the drills, as well as all of the translations.  And it's broken down not only by Tri distance, but with levels as well for beginner/intermediate.

Or you can always get free workouts, print them on paper, and put them in one of those clear sleeves.  Usually the paper gets wet anyway but it lasts long enough that you can read it during the workout.

2019-01-28 5:01 PM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Thanks John that just got added to my Tri wish list. =)

Originally posted by nicole14e

So 10x50 means we swam 50 yards 10 times, leaving every 1:05 (so the 50 would take about 50 seconds, then we'd have 15 seconds of rest). We were alternating strokes, so the first 10 50s were 25 fly, 25 back. The next 10 were 25 back, 25 breast, and the last 10 were 25 breast, 25 free. Then the 100s were basically 100 sprint, 100 easy, 4 times. The sculling stuff was just drill work.

Since you're just getting into swimming, you will probably want to focus on freestyle, and will want to increase the interval times (I'm an IM swimmer so I'm actually faster at non-freestyle strokes haha).

What distance tris will you be doing? I can't remember. I could send you over some workout ideas if you want. Right now I'm training more for swim meets, and I'm a sprinter so my workouts probably won't be good tri-prep workouts.

That's about what I was thinking, the 1:05 threw me. Guess that gives you extra motivation to go fast. =)

I'll be doing sprints most of the season with my first Oly at the end. I plan to try to train Oly distance all season. I've been OWS in the local lake for the past two years, and just joined a gym with a pool a couple of weeks ago. Theres a local swim/tri coach that leaves pre printed, laminated workouts for anyone to use. Sunday I grabbed a 3k workout & halved everything except the warmup & cooldown, for a 2k swim, but I wasn't sure I was reading it right. Pool is 50m (100m down & back)

It was something like
600m easy warmup
300m kick
100m easy
3x(200 @ 75%, 100 @ 80%) 20, & 10 sec rest
100 easy
3x(100 @ 80%, 50 @ 90%) 20, & 10 sec rest
200m easy

2019-01-28 7:47 PM
in reply to: riles32807

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Welcome back Sandi. and good luck with your continued recovery
2019-01-28 7:55 PM
in reply to: bulfrog

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
I'm pretty happy with my week last week,

4 runs, for about 2 1/2 hours running, 2 runs short of what was planned, but about the same as last week.
4 bikes (2 return commutes) on my new toy, for about 1 hour 15. As I said before, I haven't ridden in over 18 months, so great fun to get back out there, if a bit of a struggle on the climb home.
No swims, busy time at work so no lunch time opportunities unfortunately.
But, the first time since the little man was born I've been a multi sport athlete, and done more than 1 of the 3 sports in a week.

But the big win is week 1 of the diet focus complete, 11lbs down on Monday last week. (although to be fair Monday was 2.5lbs up on the previous week thanks to a pre diet binge Haha) Now, I know that that much weight is a lot of 'water weight' etc. not 11lbs of fat. But still happy with myself, and very encouraging going into week 2 of diet.
2019-01-29 9:37 AM
in reply to: bulfrog

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Andrew--congrats on the weight loss. 11 pounds is a lot for the first week. It should be a good motivator for the coming week!!

2300yds in the pool this morning, to be followed shortly with a lunch time run...if the temp hits double digits. I refuse to run outside when the temperature is below 10F. That is just too cold for me. I end up not being able to breath well and develop a cough that just won't go away.

2019-01-29 10:05 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open

Andrew - congrats on the weight loss and big cheers to being a multisport athlete again!!

Gretchen - good luck with the weather.  I know this polar vortex business is wreaking havoc in the midwest with the wind chills.  And yes, running in less than 10F is not ok. Especially not if it results in a cough!

Got in my longest 'long' run of 2019 yesterday, to make up for not running this weekend.  5.25 miles :D  Far cry from my HM in November but since I took two months off, baby steps to get back.  Really I only stopped at 5 mi because I ran out of sunlight, and really at that - very happy I can stop work and start a run around 5pm in January and get 5 miles in before dark!  Managed to keep it mostly in Z3 which, for me, might as well be Z2 for how often I see that during a run!

2019-01-29 10:23 AM
in reply to: bulfrog

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brummie land
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open

But the big win is week 1 of the diet focus complete, 11lbs down on Monday last week. (although to be fair Monday was 2.5lbs up on the previous week thanks to a pre diet binge Haha) Now, I know that that much weight is a lot of 'water weight' etc. not 11lbs of fat. But still happy with myself, and very encouraging going into week 2 of diet.


I am back to being careful after two weeks off. I get quite bad anxiety issues and tend to comfort eat/drink when I am mega-stressed. Now I am more settled I can focus in on eating better again. 

Does anybody else struggle with this? Any tips?


2019-01-29 11:14 AM
in reply to: sappho96

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open

Originally posted by sappho96 

I am back to being careful after two weeks off. I get quite bad anxiety issues and tend to comfort eat/drink when I am mega-stressed. Now I am more settled I can focus in on eating better again. 

Does anybody else struggle with this? Any tips?

I have in the past.  For me the best thing was managing the stress itself causing the anxiety/depression.  Being left to my own devices while stressed always goes poorly, and the food/drink/whatever (in my case sometimes self destructive behaviors) never help.  

I manage stress in the short term by working out.  I know this doesn't work for everyone and even for me, sometimes a workout can seem like it's adding stress rather than subtracting, and so it makes it hard to get started.  The thing is, I've never regretted doing a workout.  I always feel better afterwards.  During my workout I forget about whatever is causing me issues (even if the issues are purely in my own mind), and just focus on the workout.  

The long term is tougher, I've had to reduce or eliminate the sources of the stress.  This sometimes involves some sort of major life change.  Last time through this a few years back (panic attacks resulting in chest pains - had dr appts for cardiac workover) - I ended up making a significant career change and getting myself a new car at the same time.  The career change was actually a decent step back in terms of 'climbing the ladder', and also resulted in a decrease in pay of around 10%.  I haven't regretted this at all.  The car, the old one was at that point where it's paid off but every month it needs major repairs costing around a car payment.  Combined with a really bad/stressful work situation, my capacity for handling stress was way past it's limit.  Any significant decrease in source of stress is more than worth it.

I should also add that through all of it, I was seeing a therapist either weekly or every-other.  Really a lot of times just talking through issues with someone adept at listening and identifying, I'm able to see my own way through whatever the issue is.  Not always of course, but we can never really eliminate all stress - only reduce to the point where it is manageable.

I do wish you all the best in whatever you are going through and always - we're here to help, whatever it is.

2019-01-29 11:31 AM
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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Originally posted by sappho96

I am back to being careful after two weeks off. I get quite bad anxiety issues and tend to comfort eat/drink when I am mega-stressed. Now I am more settled I can focus in on eating better again. 

Does anybody else struggle with this? Any tips?


Same here, tired/stressed kills my nutrition. I try to pre-plan/pre-cook as much as I can. It might be too boring for some people, but for me, I keep breakfast & lunch the same. That makes it easy to grab & go as I'm running out the door in the morning. I might change it up every couple of weeks. Dinner is whatever the family is having, I just try to watch portions.
I found I was still snacking in the afternoon, so I started bringing 4oz of brown rice for the afternoon. That seems to do a good job of killing my snack cravings.
Mostly making sure I have healthier choices around. Don't let this fool you, I'm far from perfect. I still gobble down plenty of cookies & chips, just not as many as I would. =)

Oh, and trying to realize in the moment that you want to, or are stress eating. I did that this morning, I pulled into a gas station to grab a doughnut or something and realized I really wasn't hungry.

Edited by riles32807 2019-01-29 11:37 AM
2019-01-29 11:40 AM
in reply to: riles32807

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Originally posted by riles32807

Originally posted by sappho96

I am back to being careful after two weeks off. I get quite bad anxiety issues and tend to comfort eat/drink when I am mega-stressed. Now I am more settled I can focus in on eating better again. 

Does anybody else struggle with this? Any tips?


Same here, tired/stressed kills my nutrition. I try to pre-plan/pre-cook as much as I can. It might be too boring for some people, but for me, I keep breakfast & lunch the same. That makes it easy to grab & go as I'm running out the door in the morning. I might change it up every couple of weeks. Dinner is whatever the family is having, I just try to watch portions.
I found I was still snacking in the afternoon, so I started bringing 4oz of brown rice for the afternoon. That seems to do a good job of killing my snack cravings.
Mostly making sure I have healthier choices around. Don't let this fool you, I'm far from perfect. I still gobble down plenty of cookies & chips, just not as many as I would. =)

Knowing my snack was 4oz of brown rice would kill my desire to snack too!! :P

No, in all seriousness, snacking is a major weakness for me too. I am a stress/boredom eater, which pretty much means if I'm not doing something, I'm trying to eat something. So, I try to stay busy with things I enjoy. Like John said too, eliminate the actual stressors for you. For me, that has meant going to a work from home situation. I'm a university professor and my department is full of venomous snake-like human beings who lack integrity. I hate having to interact with several individuals because it is so unpleasant, even minor interactions cause me stress. So...I just walked away. Now I happily work from home every morning and early afternoon until I have to teach at 3pm. I go to my classroom, which is not in the same building as the department, and teach, then leave. I have removed my colleagues from my life and I'll tell you, 100% improvement in mood, attitude, productivity, and happiness over the last few weeks. Look carefully at what is causing your anxiety and stress--solving that will help with the food stuff.

Oh...and in case anyone was wondering. 30' run in 17F (4F windchill)--sucked.

2019-01-29 3:40 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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brummie land
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open

You guys are all so lovely! I am fortunate that most of the time my mental health is ok, but it is when I get overwhelmed is when the food goes out the window. I like the idea of immediately exercising and I have also tried meditating (headspace app is my flavour!). Plus also taking the step back and asking if I am really hungry or wanting to comfort eat?

Thanks for your support! 

Tomorrow for me is my normal commute but as it is my half day I get to ride home along the canal and then on a disused railway line (made into a walkway) so it is lovely


Oh and tonight I started prep for Sunday by buying:


 - rubbish pi$$ I know but it's Superbowl Sunday!



2019-01-29 5:37 PM
in reply to: sappho96

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
I'm more a boredom/habit snacker than a depression eater.

That said, I have had my issues with depression in the past, and I have to agree with John about exercising to help manage depression. It's not why I started working out, but it is definitely a big part of why I continued. I've never once regretted, or felt worse after going for a run/bike etc.

For managing my what I eat, when I am eating well, I have pretty much the same thing every day for breakfast/lunch and snacks. We mix dinner up, but knowing what I'm going to have, and usually having it already prepared and available reduces the opportunities to go off to the bakery and make a bad decision.
2019-01-30 7:25 AM
in reply to: sappho96

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open

Originally posted by sappho96

You guys are all so lovely! I am fortunate that most of the time my mental health is ok, but it is when I get overwhelmed is when the food goes out the window. I like the idea of immediately exercising and I have also tried meditating (headspace app is my flavour!). Plus also taking the step back and asking if I am really hungry or wanting to comfort eat?

Thanks for your support! 

Tomorrow for me is my normal commute but as it is my half day I get to ride home along the canal and then on a disused railway line (made into a walkway) so it is lovely


Oh and tonight I started prep for Sunday by buying:


 - rubbish pi$$ I know but it's Superbowl Sunday!



I just got a headache looking at the picture of that beer.

2019-01-30 7:28 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Hour on the trainer this morning doing what coach calls "sweet spot" intervals (i.e., 90-93% of FTP). Supposed to have a brick run afterwards, but it is -17F outside right now. I'll be doing that run at the gym later today.
2019-01-30 7:29 AM
in reply to: firebert

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open

Originally posted by firebert

Ack Nicole beat me to it :D

For workouts, I use this, and its been great:

It's a little pricey but it's spiralbound and waterproof so you can leave it poolside.  It has descriptions for how to do all the drills, as well as all of the translations.  And it's broken down not only by Tri distance, but with levels as well for beginner/intermediate.

Or you can always get free workouts, print them on paper, and put them in one of those clear sleeves.  Usually the paper gets wet anyway but it lasts long enough that you can read it during the workout.

Here's another source for workouts:

They start at like 2000-2500 yards per workout which is pretty tough for a beginner (and me, right now LOL), but you could easily cut out a few intervals to pare it down.  I copy the workout onto MS Word, put it in big font (so my old eyes can read it) and print it on one page, then wet it and slap it onto a kickboard.  She also has a glossary for all the terminology on there somewhere.

2019-01-30 7:56 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open

Been surely but slowly getting back into the swing of workouts while still beating down the remnants of this plague (still a little sniffly and a dry cough - so that's a month now).  Got it four straight days of various things so taking a day off today.

We're getting the cold tomorrow but nothing like the midwest, low of 2 degrees here.  I love having a garage (that is partially insulated, too) in the winter.

2019-01-30 8:14 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open

Welcome back to the living, Mike!

My garage (not insulated) is where I have my trainer set up.  We have plenty of room for it in the living room, but the wife doesn't want it there...  The good news is the cold front here means it's in the 40s (F).  Should crest 50 by afternoon.  And it'll be back in the 70s this weekend.  Planned interval workout on the trainer today, after work.

Anyone besides Gretchen using Zwift?  I'm strongly considering it.  Just curious as to people's experience with it.

2019-01-30 8:47 AM
in reply to: firebert

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Andrew, congrats on the weight loss!

Gretchen, that is amazing you can work from home to avoid toxic coworkers. I am allowed to work from home twice a month but never do because I like my coworkers and get more done at the office. In my last position though, I could work from home once a week and hated my boss so made sure to use that as much as possible. Getting away from toxic people is definitely a huge help.

For me, exercising is definitely a huge stress relief. I also clean to de-stress. When my work space or house are cluttered, I have a hard time focusing, so I take time to clean and then feel like I can conquer the world haha.

As for food, as others have said, meal prepping and not having junk lying around is how I stay on track. But if I'm not excited about what I have, I will still go grab lunch or a snack, so I have been trying to build a repertoire of meals I really enjoy and am motivated to eat.

2019-01-30 8:50 AM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Got in about 2100 yds at swim squad yesterday. We did some 300s (I did 250s...I am a sprinter so struggle when we do distance) on 4:45. Hoping to do more of a sprint workout tomorrow.

Skipped boot camp this morning b/c I had to clean my house for my Airbnb guests coming in this evening, but got in a trampoline workout at home and did some stretching/foam rolling. I really need to do more of that.

Might try a run on the treadmill Friday. I usually avoid the treadmill b/c it hurts my shins, but need to get back into running, and this polar vortex is not motivating me to get outside.
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