BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2013-04-03 11:11 AM
in reply to: #4685065

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
JJ- - 2013-04-03 10:53 PM

I don't remember who i first interacted with but my first mentor group wasn't great. The mentor stopped checking in after the first month and we tried to stay alive as long as we could. I had no idea anything about this group when I joined but from Yanti's post it looked like some place that people posted more than once per day which is what I was looking for. Little did I know



RACE WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so excited I can't quite smiling. My first HIM coming up in just a few days. Yea!!!

WOOHOOOO Jonathan Just keep a lid on the turbo-boosters until then ... I'm just so happy that, after all that, you are still able to go and to make it.

It's not that I don't like Friel, and some of the stuff he writes about cycling is good and bang-on. However, he's not the most knowledgeable guy about sports science and a fair bit of what he writes about triathlon (e.g., the Training Bible) is pretty much just re-hashed, slightly upgraded and modified from the cycling version.

He was a consultant and writer for SPIN Fitness when I worked there and having to write, re-write, and edit his stuff ... I know he tries to be up on the most current / best aggregate of studies and evidence, but ... ultimately, his coaching is not evidence-based. That doesn't mean it's bad or doesn't produce good results--in fact, very much to the contrary. It's just that his justifications and explanations for why often don't jibe with the best available information out there.

He's not a primary exercise physiology researcher, nor does he coach methodologically.

For personal cycling coaching, depending on one's goals / fit with individual (boy do you know about that!) he's probably awesome. That doesn't mean he's the top guy to consult on tri vs. road bike and why.

There's good evidence both from research on triathletes as well as what makes sense in terms of kinesiology that transitioning off a tri bike (e.g., the first few minutes or distance running) is going to feel as well as genuinely be easier than from a road bike. However, the rest of the run--that is nearly all of it--depends on your run training.

2013-04-03 11:12 AM
in reply to: #4651276

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Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
Jen, glad to hear your visit is going well and that you got out running!  Hopefully that means the weather is improving for you (I think you were one of the people getting snow just recently?)
2013-04-03 11:20 AM
in reply to: #4651276

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Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
Coach arrives at Masters swim this morning and yells "60x50".  Holy shyte, for real?  I was scared Surprised.  But turned out it was a really great workout.  Aaaaand I got through 5x50 with fins before my Achilles acted up.  Usually only get 1 or 2.  Progress!
2013-04-03 11:21 AM
in reply to: #4685124

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED

bcraht - 2013-04-03 12:20 PM Coach arrives at Masters swim this morning and yells "60x50".  Holy shyte, for real?  I was scared Surprised.  But turned out it was a really great workout.  Aaaaand I got through 5x50 with fins before my Achilles acted up.  Usually only get 1 or 2.  Progress!

Yeah! Keep it going, that is awesome to see.

2013-04-03 11:24 AM
in reply to: #4651276

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Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED

I joined BT about 3 years ago and almost immediately joined a mentor group. It was for people preparing for long course tris and marathons and I was training for a marathon and my first tri, so I thought it would be good. It was not bad, but I think I was too new to tri to know what to ask. I do remember that Suzie (SSMinnow) was in that group and she sent me my first inspire. I didn't know what they were or how to respond so that the sender could see the reply, so she never saw my thanks. My next mentor group was lousy, no one ever participTed, but then I found McFuzz and he was great and the group was active. Rather i thought the group was active until I joined the Manatees

I have waved at and asked "am I winning?" to Chris while "competing" in REV3 Florida. He will back me up when I say I am hounding him to race this year's race . Other than that, to my knowledge, I haven't met any BTers.

reading the other forums it seems that there are a lot of people who are confident in their incorrectness (new word) and a lot of people who obviously hide behind the Internet so they can feel it's ok to be nasty to others. I have no use for them and find myself spending less and less time outside of our thread.

that said, I do " listen" to what others have to say as well as getting information from other sources. In the end, I do what I want to do. Sometimes that works out better than others

2013-04-03 11:28 AM
in reply to: #4685124

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Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
bcraht - 2013-04-03 11:20 AMCoach arrives at Masters swim this morning and yells "60x50".  Holy shyte, for real?  I was scared Surprised.  But turned out it was a really great workout.  Aaaaand I got through 5x50 with fins before my Achilles acted up.  Usually only get 1 or 2.  Progress!
Congrats! 60 x 50 would be a great workout, unless you had to keep track of the sets yourself, then I would lose track by set 10 .

2013-04-03 11:30 AM
in reply to: #4682619

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED

jobaxas - 2013-04-01 9:11 PM DO EEEEEET!  I'm in.


2013-04-03 11:38 AM
in reply to: #4685106

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Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
TriAya - 2013-04-03 11:11 AM
JJ- - 2013-04-03 10:53 PM

However, he's not the most knowledgeable guy about sports science and a fair bit of what he writes about triathlon (e.g., the Training Bible) is pretty much just re-hashed, slightly upgraded and modified from the cycling version.


He's not a primary exercise physiology researcher, nor does he coach methodologically.


That makes it pretty difficult for anyone to give advice, I guess. Not that I am arguing that. 

2013-04-03 11:39 AM
in reply to: #4685135

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Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
amd723 - 2013-04-03 9:24 AM

I joined BT about 3 years ago and almost immediately joined a mentor group. It was for people preparing for long course tris and marathons and I was training for a marathon and my first tri, so I thought it would be good. It was not bad, but I think I was too new to tri to know what to ask. I do remember that Suzie (SSMinnow) was in that group and she sent me my first inspire. I didn't know what they were or how to respond so that the sender could see the reply, so she never saw my thanks. My next mentor group was lousy, no one ever participTed, but then I found McFuzz and he was great and the group was active. Rather i thought the group was active until I joined the Manatees

I have waved at and asked "am I winning?" to Chris while "competing" in REV3 Florida. He will back me up when I say I am hounding him to race this year's race . Other than that, to my knowledge, I haven't met any BTers.

reading the other forums it seems that there are a lot of people who are confident in their incorrectness (new word) and a lot of people who obviously hide behind the Internet so they can feel it's ok to be nasty to others. I have no use for them and find myself spending less and less time outside of our thread.

that said, I do " listen" to what others have to say as well as getting information from other sources. In the end, I do what I want to do. Sometimes that works out better than others

I don't think I got an inspire until I got here to the Manatees.  Sure of it actually.

I did forget to say that I have met Salty in person.  And will do so again on May 18th for a bike ride.  I'm just hopin' she don't ride like she run...

2013-04-03 11:46 AM
in reply to: #4683629

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
melbo55 - 2013-04-02 1:46 PM
bcraht - 2013-04-01 6:45 PM

Just got boring old white 'n orange adidas...But they make my feet happy, so I go with 'em.

The weather is so beautiful today, I decided to ride my bike to work.  First day of outside riding this year...always, always, always trepidation about flats.  Almost backed out because of it, but told myself to HTFU.  So I get to work--oh, we were just trying to call you to tell you it's slow and don't come in!  I'm kinda glad I didn't get the call, because I likely would've jammed on the ride, and just gotten on the trainer... In the end, I rode the long way home.  Three bridges later, drop my bike off at the LBS to finally get narrower handlebars installed.  And maybe some new red bar tape....

Wooooo, first outdoor ride of the year!   Of course you (and your bike) deserve new handlebars and bar tape!

On a grumpy note, our nice, springy Saturday we enjoyed last weekend is quickly a thing of the past.  It was flurrying on my way to work today, grr.  Winter just isn't willing to give up its grasp just yet.

This about-face is infecting Massachusetts too! Boooooo!

2013-04-03 11:53 AM
in reply to: #4684512

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Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
jbwills - 2013-04-03 1:45 AMHey all, sorry I have not been around a lot. Things have been crazy here. I finish my first Masters class on Friday and should have an A, I am in my 3rd week of my second class, not doing super stellar with the research for the paper. Work has been 50-ish hours so not a lot of training but at least I have gotten some Army PT in during the past couple weeks.

Pikatti the pup is doing good. He is getting big, turned 11 wks this past Monday. He is almost house broke, but occasionally I do not hear him whimper to go out to go potty so we have accidents. Overall, he is doing good.

I worked a couple things out at work so I wi get more training in. I should be able to get at least 4 days a week in during the week. The pool on post opened back up so I am looking forward to swimming at lunch again. I have been skipping Masters Swim due to work and Pikatti.

I am sure I missed a lot, but I am also sure there will be more to come from this group. I am hoping to be able to check in more over the next couple of weeks, 7 wks before I leave Alaska.
Congratulations on the class, it is more important than the pod ( marginally at least). You can make up for your absence by posting a picture of your puppy .

2013-04-03 12:05 PM
in reply to: #4685163

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
Asalzwed - 2013-04-03 11:38 PM
TriAya - 2013-04-03 11:11 AM
JJ- - 2013-04-03 10:53 PM

However, he's not the most knowledgeable guy about sports science and a fair bit of what he writes about triathlon (e.g., the Training Bible) is pretty much just re-hashed, slightly upgraded and modified from the cycling version.


He's not a primary exercise physiology researcher, nor does he coach methodologically.


That makes it pretty difficult for anyone to give advice, I guess. Not that I am arguing that. 

The advice may be awesome, albeit with incorrect or in fact no justification ... but it works. Think Brett Sutton. Hard to come up with a tri coach who's turned out that many top long-course athletes.

If I were a pro triathlete to be coached, I'd be very favorably inclined to someone like Brett Sutton. If I wanted to know HOW and WHY his methods work, however, Sutton would be very low on the list of people to go to.

It's just a matter of going to the most suitable person or place to get what you're looking for.

Top coaches may or may not be top athletes, top fitters may or may not be top cyclists, the world's best triathlete may not know enough science to explain in detail, nor with relationship to overarching principles or body of evidence, why his/her performances are so good.

Tom Demerly would be a HORRID triathlon coach (look at any of his posts in Tri Talk that are not cycling-specific, and I don't mean with reference to underwear). But he could be a decent cycling coach, and he's absolutely one of the most knowledgeable fitters / bike mech engineering folks around.

2013-04-03 12:15 PM
in reply to: #4685210

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Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
TriAya - 2013-04-03 12:05 PM
Asalzwed - 2013-04-03 11:38 PM
TriAya - 2013-04-03 11:11 AM
JJ- - 2013-04-03 10:53 PM

However, he's not the most knowledgeable guy about sports science and a fair bit of what he writes about triathlon (e.g., the Training Bible) is pretty much just re-hashed, slightly upgraded and modified from the cycling version.


He's not a primary exercise physiology researcher, nor does he coach methodologically.


That makes it pretty difficult for anyone to give advice, I guess. Not that I am arguing that. 

The advice may be awesome, albeit with incorrect or in fact no justification ... but it works. Think Brett Sutton. Hard to come up with a tri coach who's turned out that many top long-course athletes.

If I were a pro triathlete to be coached, I'd be very favorably inclined to someone like Brett Sutton. If I wanted to know HOW and WHY his methods work, however, Sutton would be very low on the list of people to go to.

It's just a matter of going to the most suitable person or place to get what you're looking for.

Top coaches may or may not be top athletes, top fitters may or may not be top cyclists, the world's best triathlete may not know enough science to explain in detail, nor with relationship to overarching principles or body of evidence, why his/her performances are so good.

Tom Demerly would be a HORRID triathlon coach (look at any of his posts in Tri Talk that are not cycling-specific, and I don't mean with reference to underwear). But he could be a decent cycling coach, and he's absolutely one of the most knowledgeable fitters / bike mech engineering folks around.

Completely outside the intent of your post, but I wouldn't go to Brett if you paid me. Maybe my bias from putting people like him in prison for the actions I understand he was convicted of committing, but I couldn't use him.
2013-04-03 12:18 PM
in reply to: #4685065

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
JJ- - 2013-04-03 9:53 AM

I don't remember who i first interacted with but my first mentor group wasn't great. The mentor stopped checking in after the first month and we tried to stay alive as long as we could. I had no idea anything about this group when I joined but from Yanti's post it looked like some place that people posted more than once per day which is what I was looking for. Little did I know



RACE WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so excited I can't quite smiling. My first HIM coming up in just a few days. Yea!!!

Having just been through my first I am soooooo excited for you. I hope your day is as exciting and filled with memories as mine was. My head is STILL playing that day overandoverandover!

2013-04-03 12:20 PM
in reply to: #4651276

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
I am fortunate in that my first mentor group was the Manatees! Before that I lurked for quite a while, then got brave enough to comment and post the normal newbie questions in TT. I sometimes glance over what is happening in TT and CoJ but rarely post there anymore. Other than some great info from ChrisM in the Oceanside thread, I get most of my info here Laughing
2013-04-03 12:23 PM
in reply to: #4684601

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Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
cdban66 - 2013-04-03 5:05 AM

OK, so Yanti's comment about BT changing from what it was to what it will become got me thinking. Some of ya'll have been here a while, others of us, not so much. But, we all got here and for some reason stuck around. I stick around because of people and the information they share. So, here come the questions:

Who was the first person you interacted with? I lurked for quite some time, and I finally posted in the "Introduce Yourself" forum and heard back from Yanti almost immediately. I was quite taken with her kindness, and really, the kindness of many posters here. After a bit of wading through the "BS" I started to figure out who was worth learning from.

Have you met any other BTer's IRL? I have met cwpeters at a number of races, since we are in the same area. Also, I had the opportunity to watch fellow Manatee Ann-Marie race in Rev3 Venice this year. That was a neat experience, but I had to leave before she finished, so I still haven't actually met her. Unfinished business for me, but it may happen this year at that race.

What is the best piece of information you've gotten here? I have to admit, mine is actually 2 things. Scout7 wrote often that you should "Run lots, mostly easy, sometimes hard" and it is something that I came to firmly believe has worked for me. The other was from bryancd after St. George last year. There was a long thread where people were asking about his experience, since it was such a tough race, and he replied to nearly every post in there. I distinctly remember the windy bike conditions and his statement that he needed to stay in aero.  One of my regular training routes is from home to work, into the wind for much of it.  I keep his words in my head as much as possible.

Have a great day everyone!

I am one of the "not so much" people. I didn't even know what I needed when I set up my account. There is so much here for a new person that I needed some kind of guidance. Except groups were all closed when I started, and I felt so new that I figured I would just be a lurker in my own group. After my sprint and needing help, I checked out mentor groups ...enter Manatees

I'm sure she doesn't remember, but TJ was one of a handful of people who welcomed me when I finally came out of my 3-month stalker mode and posted an "introduce yourself".  She said something like "Welcome to the craziness/insanity" (little did I know!) Then there was some CoJ and TAN posting and TT reading and posting.

I haven't met anyone IRL...recognized and cheered for a few people at IMAZ as they sped by to T2.

So far the best info I've found has been about my knee (which I get nervous about when I try new things) and the swimming advice from Yanti and Chris. Evidence of these being "the best" is that I'm still tri training and my swim is improving

2013-04-03 12:29 PM
in reply to: #4651276

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Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED

Oh yeah.

So when I first came to BT like 2 years ago I asked something along the lines of, "WTF is a race belt?" and thebear promptly sent me one in the mail! 

It wasn't until I randomly picked the manatees mentor group that I actually was more involved. 

I've since met spudone (Mark) our own Kirsten and Chad, Lisa (lkct01234) Eric (ericwjacobson) Steve (popsracer) AND I get to meet Brie next week! I dunno if I missed anyone..


Oh yeah, and I get to meet Colin (colinphillips) in May!!! I am really excited about this because he has (whether he knows it or not) been a bit of a running mentor for me. As everyone has said, so has scout (he checked in on me quite a bit and gave me a ton of simple and powerful information to get started in running but it's been a while as he's been busy.)

Also, yeah as Kirsten said, we will be doing a bike/beer event in May as well. W00t W00!!!

Edited by Asalzwed 2013-04-03 12:33 PM
2013-04-03 12:44 PM
in reply to: #4685229

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East Texas
Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
rrrunner - 2013-04-03 12:18 PM
JJ- - 2013-04-03 9:53 AM

I don't remember who i first interacted with but my first mentor group wasn't great. The mentor stopped checking in after the first month and we tried to stay alive as long as we could. I had no idea anything about this group when I joined but from Yanti's post it looked like some place that people posted more than once per day which is what I was looking for. Little did I know



RACE WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so excited I can't quite smiling. My first HIM coming up in just a few days. Yea!!!

Having just been through my first I am soooooo excited for you. I hope your day is as exciting and filled with memories as mine was. My head is STILL playing that day overandoverandover!

Just read your race report which is what got me even more excited.


@Yanti, that makes sense. Good explanation. There is so many writers, coaches, and people that think they know everything it's often hard who to follow. This is why I usually take a very scientific approach to my workouts. Although science doesn't always get you to the end.

2013-04-03 12:47 PM
in reply to: #4685065

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Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
JJ- - 2013-04-03 8:53 AM

I don't remember who i first interacted with but my first mentor group wasn't great. The mentor stopped checking in after the first month and we tried to stay alive as long as we could. I had no idea anything about this group when I joined but from Yanti's post it looked like some place that people posted more than once per day which is what I was looking for. Little did I know



RACE WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so excited I can't quite smiling. My first HIM coming up in just a few days. Yea!!!

Well, yay! Sounds like you're feeling much better and ready to go
2013-04-03 12:50 PM
in reply to: #4685267

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
JJ- - 2013-04-03 11:44 AM
rrrunner - 2013-04-03 12:18 PM
JJ- - 2013-04-03 9:53 AM

I don't remember who i first interacted with but my first mentor group wasn't great. The mentor stopped checking in after the first month and we tried to stay alive as long as we could. I had no idea anything about this group when I joined but from Yanti's post it looked like some place that people posted more than once per day which is what I was looking for. Little did I know



RACE WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so excited I can't quite smiling. My first HIM coming up in just a few days. Yea!!!

Having just been through my first I am soooooo excited for you. I hope your day is as exciting and filled with memories as mine was. My head is STILL playing that day overandoverandover!

Just read your race report which is what got me even more excited.


@Yanti, that makes sense. Good explanation. There is so many writers, coaches, and people that think they know everything it's often hard who to follow. This is why I usually take a very scientific approach to my workouts. Although science doesn't always get you to the end.

Did you decide to get a my athlete tracker for us your family to track you?

Edited by rrrunner 2013-04-03 12:51 PM
2013-04-03 12:50 PM
in reply to: #4685106

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East Texas
Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
TriAya - 2013-04-03 11:11 AM
JJ- - 2013-04-03 10:53 PM

I don't remember who i first interacted with but my first mentor group wasn't great. The mentor stopped checking in after the first month and we tried to stay alive as long as we could. I had no idea anything about this group when I joined but from Yanti's post it looked like some place that people posted more than once per day which is what I was looking for. Little did I know



RACE WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so excited I can't quite smiling. My first HIM coming up in just a few days. Yea!!!

WOOHOOOO Jonathan Just keep a lid on the turbo-boosters until then ... I'm just so happy that, after all that, you are still able to go and to make it.


Ok Yanti and fellow triathlon experts

I'm really struggling with this and Yanti's comment made me start thinking again. How do I approach the run?? Prior to my IT Band injury my plan was to run off the bike at a 9:30 pace. Since my IT Band issues I haven't even run below a 10:30 pace trying to take it easy. Last week I did a 30 mile bike with a 4 mile brick run and ran at a 11:20 pace and felt perfectly fine. My HR avg was 134 which is clearly not even breaking a sweat for me. My 5k and 10k HR averages are 170s.

The smart think would be to just stick to my game plan of 11:20 off the bike and finish the race. The competitive drive in me wants to start at a 10:15 and work my way up faster knowing I've been pain free for 6 weeks. I know its a difference of 13 minutes basically and I'm not trying to podium so who cares but I guess I do. When I crossed the finish line at my sprint tri a few weeks ago several people made comments that I wasn't even out of breath which I wasn't. I want to finish Galveston but I don't want to finish Gavleston feeling like I could run a marathon. I want to finish Galveston giving it all I have. But then again I want to finish and the smart thing to do is just easy jog for 13 miles. Arggggghhhh!!!

2013-04-03 12:55 PM
in reply to: #4685272

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East Texas
Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
4agoodlife - 2013-04-03 12:47 PM
JJ- - 2013-04-03 8:53 AM

I don't remember who i first interacted with but my first mentor group wasn't great. The mentor stopped checking in after the first month and we tried to stay alive as long as we could. I had no idea anything about this group when I joined but from Yanti's post it looked like some place that people posted more than once per day which is what I was looking for. Little did I know



RACE WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so excited I can't quite smiling. My first HIM coming up in just a few days. Yea!!!

Well, yay! Sounds like you're feeling much better and ready to go

Still a little congested but my head is not nearly as stuffy. I slept until 7:30am this morning which was great, I needed the rest. I usually get up at 4

2013-04-03 1:02 PM
in reply to: #4685000

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Caerphilly, Wales, uk.
Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
KansasMom - 2013-04-03 3:25 PM
jmkizer - 2013-04-03 7:54 AM

4agoodlife - 2013-04-03 1:12 AM Oh, wow...almost to 100 again? And I haven't even seen a few people in here for 2-3 weeks.


Maybe they are just drafting??

Who are I calling slackers :P
2013-04-03 1:35 PM
in reply to: #4651276

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Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
First interaction I can't recall... I've met Yanti NigelW Bond girl and swayerm (Jess) and I feel like we've met! I interact with a few others take advice from marvarnett (dan) Best advice I got was from him (dan) about pulling out of ironman he truly helped me thru that process.I love the manatees and our social interactions and I'd like to travel the states and meet you all. Person I miss most ukweeble
2013-04-03 1:40 PM
in reply to: #4685392

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Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED

jobaxas - 2013-04-03 1:35 PM First interaction I can't recall... I've met Yanti NigelW Bond girl and swayerm (Jess) and I feel like we've met! I interact with a few others take advice from marvarnett (dan) Best advice I got was from him (dan) about pulling out of ironman he truly helped me thru that process.I love the manatees and our social interactions and I'd like to travel the states and meet you all. Person I miss most ukweeble

I don't miss that mean SOB Wink

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