BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2012-03-12 3:39 PM
in reply to: #4092658

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2012-03-12 3:49 PM
in reply to: #4091524

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2012-03-12 4:25 PM
in reply to: #3946905

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2012-03-12 4:25 PM
in reply to: #4092754

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2012-03-12 4:49 PM
in reply to: #3946905

Payson, AZ
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED
So my aero bars (clip on) lost their plugs in the cold.  Just fell out before I noticed it.  I am having trouble tracking some down.  Anyone have any suggestions on how to make myself legal if I can't find some before the race?
2012-03-12 5:05 PM
in reply to: #4092831

Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED
Fred D - 2012-03-12 5:25 PM
TSimone - 2012-03-12 4:39 PM
ratherbeswimming - 2012-03-12 4:03 PM

So, I'm officially moving to Tucson! I accepted an offer last week! Two more weeks of work at my current company, then I'm off on a road trip adventure with the dog! I haven't been as active here as I'd like to be recently - so now you all know why!

I'm in a current bike dilemma. 

I ride a 2002 Fuji Aloha. It's a little big for me, but I've fit it the best I can.

My team is sponsored by Argon18 and Blue. Argon18 is out of my price range even with the discount. According to a fitter at a Trek store, the Blue's top tube is long for me. It's something that can be worked with (i.e. new stem and aero bars). I'm hesitant to spend the money, but the Trek guy said I could just sell it at the end of the sponsorship and probably even make money on the deal. However, he can't decide if I'm an XS or S. I need to ride one, and of course there are no shops in the area - with the exception of one in Miami that never answers their phone. There are two shops in Phoenix, so maybe I'll make that trip once I get to Tucson? Hm.

Re: Weight loss challenge:

I'm in. I float in the 130-135 range all the time. I feel squishy. I'm gonna say sub-130 for my goal, but I need a time frame... by the end of April, perhaps? Give my self a little time to settle in in Tucson?

Congrats on your job!  Glad things worked out!

X2 congrats Elaine.

X3 Congrats Elaine. Those Argon bikes are sweet looking / course the Blue ones are sweet too!

2012-03-12 5:10 PM
in reply to: #3946905

Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED

I have not heard anything from this Dr. Yell don't really like their operation. I'll be calling them tomorrow. Today was the first day I have been able to walk without a limp and really have not given it much of a thought. I guess if I don't strain and stay off the running and biking for another couple them maybe things will get better.

re: to weightloss. Last year for Louisville I was at 164. I am at 174 now. Yes I am in in the W.Challenge. I would love to be 155 for race day in November. I'll settle for 164 by the end of April. 



2012-03-13 5:11 AM
in reply to: #3946905

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2012-03-13 5:13 AM
in reply to: #3946905

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Edited by Fred D 2012-03-13 5:13 AM
2012-03-13 5:14 AM
in reply to: #3946905

Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED
Hey gang,
AM run andnoona swim for me today. 
The open road has been calling me, but hard for me to deliver.  Tomorrow will be another hilly ride.
2012-03-13 6:21 AM
in reply to: #3946905

Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED
Sorry I have not been checking in lately. Work has been crazy and just trying to keep training going as best as can right now while keeping head above water at work. I'm able to get all running in right now but swimming has been non existant and biking is sporadic. I am in for the weight challenge for sure. This has always been my Achilles heal. Have raced all of my IM's between 226-229 pounds and really want to see what I can do at AZ under 200. I have been able to get as low as 214 before but always seem to sabotage weight loss somehow. A real rough end of 2011 put me up to 231 in January and I have been battling to get it down again. Was at 221 this weekend. I have a short term goal of 210 for my May 22nd marathon and 195 goal for AZ in November. Look forward to the weekly check-ins to keep me honest.

2012-03-13 7:52 AM
in reply to: #4092710

Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED
bzgl40 - 2012-03-12 4:20 PM

Welcome to Tucson!!!!  Congrats.  I know you were not so thrilled with your current job regardless so hopefully this will be a much better job for you.  So if your bored though and want to teach someone how to swim I have access to a great 25yrd pool just 4 doors down from me that is empty almost always.  Just saying...  lol

Tough choice on the bike.  You don't want to go too small cause if you do it will be poor handling.  Will you need furniture when you get here?  Cause you could use that as an excuse to go to Phoenix, get an IKEA trip and a bike shopping trip out of one day.  It's a boring drive but not too bad.  Or spend the night and go to a sporting event.

I'd be happy to help with swimming! I'm taking a course this weekend through USAT where I'll learn to analyze strokes and provide feedback. Hopefully this will bridge the gap between my knowledge and my ability actually express coherent thoughts about swimming

IKEA and bike shopping - sounds like that would be a good idea! I'm definitely going to need furniture... I gave most of mine away, and the rest is going out to the curb tonight. Nothing worth keeping.

2012-03-13 7:54 AM
in reply to: #4092893

Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED

bzgl40 - 2012-03-12 5:49 PM So my aero bars (clip on) lost their plugs in the cold.  Just fell out before I noticed it.  I am having trouble tracking some down.  Anyone have any suggestions on how to make myself legal if I can't find some before the race?

The bf lost one of his, and got called out by an official before the race. The LBS that was present had a bunch and just handed him one... Maybe borrow from a friend or another bike for the day?

2012-03-13 7:55 AM
in reply to: #4091524

Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED

Current weight is 215. Would like to be 200 by June 30. Will accomplish this by: 1) Eating a good breakfast everyday. 2) Conquering my Mtn Dew habit. 3) More consistently SBR.

Also  3 mi run and Masters swim class yesteday afternoon. 5 mi run on tap this afternoon. Gooday all

2012-03-13 8:05 AM
in reply to: #4093435

Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED
That strategy puts me on my goal with a week or two for "weak moments" Surprised
2012-03-13 8:09 AM
in reply to: #3946905

Payson, AZ
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED

A word of thought on those tackling the weight loss goal.  I suggest making one goal at a time.  Say, eat a good breakfast, or for me, not snack on cookies in the morning, and hold that goal for two weeks.  Then at the end of the goal set another goal.  Rinse and repeat.  The goal should be something you feel you have a fairly good chance of succeeding at.  It should still be a reach but you want to set yourself up for success as well.  Focusing on a single goal that you feel you have a really good chance at succeeding at really increases your chance of success.

And of course what Fred said, 1 pound per week max, especially at the volume we workout at.  You need energy to get through your workouts.  I wouldn't even be upset with .5 pounds.  Takes longer to get to the end result but you do so without compromising your workouts.

2012-03-13 9:20 AM
in reply to: #4092829

Bronze member
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED

Fred D - 2012-03-12 5:25 PM I say we make the 'weigh-in' day MONDAY of each week. This might encourage better weekend eating habits, but who knows?

Monday works for me! 

Elaine! That's is fantastic news!! So, did you say when the move date is? I don't have much to say on the bike front but the Phoenix option sounds good for at least getting to sit on a new bike and see if it would be an improvement

As for me - went to lane swim at the community pool last night - and i have to say that patience is required for swimming there. I spent a lot of time waiting for a good gap and then following behind some interesting characters.  It took all of my might not to tell the guy doing elementary back stroke in the medium lane not to get out and go to the slow lane.  It's not my pool. And we've noticed that the pool clears out after the first half hour. 

Slept in this morning and will do my trainer ride with drills and intervals (and a transition run) after work.

On the weight management front - i am super happy that so many coffee places now have oatmeal. I went down with my co-workers and i was looking at all of the scones and such and then i noticed the oatmeal.  Maple pecan oatmeal.  11g fiber and less sugar than i would use at home. 

2012-03-13 9:21 AM
in reply to: #4093636

Bronze member
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED
bzgl40 - 2012-03-13 9:09 AM

A word of thought on those tackling the weight loss goal.  I suggest making one goal at a time.  Say, eat a good breakfast, or for me, not snack on cookies in the morning, and hold that goal for two weeks.  Then at the end of the goal set another goal.  Rinse and repeat.  The goal should be something you feel you have a fairly good chance of succeeding at.  It should still be a reach but you want to set yourself up for success as well.  Focusing on a single goal that you feel you have a really good chance at succeeding at really increases your chance of success.

And of course what Fred said, 1 pound per week max, especially at the volume we workout at.  You need energy to get through your workouts.  I wouldn't even be upset with .5 pounds.  Takes longer to get to the end result but you do so without compromising your workouts.

So, this week i'll work on getting the weekend cleaned up. I'll do a Friday pick up some fruits/veggies to have on hand and keep my water bottle stocked.

2012-03-13 9:23 AM
in reply to: #3946905

Bronze member
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED
BTW, i do find us the funniest weight loss group.  My sister has been in weight watchers where people have significant weight to lose and although our goals are real, most would kill to 'only' be 5 or 10lbs from their goal or ideal weight!  Just a little perspective
2012-03-13 9:41 AM
in reply to: #3946905

Norwalk, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED

ok, so my Monday weigh-in was 213, man i have been really slacking with diet and such.  Back on track this week, Monday's are a great day for a weigh-in.  Goal is 200lbs by June 1.


5-6 mile run and swim on tap for tonight.

2012-03-13 10:33 AM
in reply to: #3946905

Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED
I am in for the weight loss goal. I want to get to 170lbs before my first tri on May 12th. I did not weigh in Monday but I am at around 176lbs and 6' tall.

2012-03-13 11:59 AM
in reply to: #4092921

Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED
golfpro - 2012-03-12 3:10 PM

I have not heard anything from this Dr. Yell don't really like their operation. I'll be calling them tomorrow. Today was the first day I have been able to walk without a limp and really have not given it much of a thought. I guess if I don't strain and stay off the running and biking for another couple them maybe things will get better.

re: to weightloss. Last year for Louisville I was at 164. I am at 174 now. Yes I am in in the W.Challenge. I would love to be 155 for race day in November. I'll settle for 164 by the end of April. 




Thomas - Sorry to hear about the non-resopnsive doctor.  No more limping sounds like the start of something good.

2012-03-13 12:03 PM
in reply to: #4093811

Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED

juniperjen - 2012-03-13 7:23 AM BTW, i do find us the funniest weight loss group.  My sister has been in weight watchers where people have significant weight to lose and although our goals are real, most would kill to 'only' be 5 or 10lbs from their goal or ideal weight!  Just a little perspective

Been there, done that, my first online weight loss challenge was on a scuba diving board, in 2004 I think, and I started at 274 (I actually found the thread on line).

Mondays suck for weigh in, but I guess that's why they should be the weigh in.  I am fairly structured midweek, but weekends get loose, especially because Saturday is my "free" day.  I try not to go crazy, but sometimes it creeps into Sundays......

And yes, those "moments" where even though I've still lost weight, my "brain" tells me I've gaiend it all back and what the hell, go ahead and eat the donut.  Weight loss for me is about 90% mental and 10% physical.  I am down almost 30# since September, and sometimes I still feel the same way about my body as I did when I was carrying that weight. 

I would like to get under 200, but I would be happy staying at or below 205 for the time being.  I am bouncing around 205 at the moment.  So for me the challenge is more about maintaining consistency and not falling off the wagon

2012-03-13 12:20 PM
in reply to: #4094259

Norwalk, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED
ChrisM - 2012-03-13 1:03 PM

juniperjen - 2012-03-13 7:23 AM BTW, i do find us the funniest weight loss group.  My sister has been in weight watchers where people have significant weight to lose and although our goals are real, most would kill to 'only' be 5 or 10lbs from their goal or ideal weight!  Just a little perspective

Been there, done that, my first online weight loss challenge was on a scuba diving board, in 2004 I think, and I started at 274 (I actually found the thread on line).

Mondays suck for weigh in, but I guess that's why they should be the weigh in.  I am fairly structured midweek, but weekends get loose, especially because Saturday is my "free" day.  I try not to go crazy, but sometimes it creeps into Sundays......

And yes, those "moments" where even though I've still lost weight, my "brain" tells me I've gaiend it all back and what the hell, go ahead and eat the donut.  Weight loss for me is about 90% mental and 10% physical.  I am down almost 30# since September, and sometimes I still feel the same way about my body as I did when I was carrying that weight. 

I would like to get under 200, but I would be happy staying at or below 205 for the time being.  I am bouncing around 205 at the moment.  So for me the challenge is more about maintaining consistency and not falling off the wagon


I am right there with you Chris, the scale says i am 55lbs lighter than the day i got married, when i look into the mirror i still do not like what i see, so that donut can't hurt right??

i wish i had someone with a ruler to crack my knuckles every time i reach for some garbage.


2012-03-13 12:45 PM
in reply to: #4094302

Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED
Rudedog55 - 2012-03-13 10:20 AM
ChrisM - 2012-03-13 1:03 PM

juniperjen - 2012-03-13 7:23 AM BTW, i do find us the funniest weight loss group.  My sister has been in weight watchers where people have significant weight to lose and although our goals are real, most would kill to 'only' be 5 or 10lbs from their goal or ideal weight!  Just a little perspective

Been there, done that, my first online weight loss challenge was on a scuba diving board, in 2004 I think, and I started at 274 (I actually found the thread on line).

Mondays suck for weigh in, but I guess that's why they should be the weigh in.  I am fairly structured midweek, but weekends get loose, especially because Saturday is my "free" day.  I try not to go crazy, but sometimes it creeps into Sundays......

And yes, those "moments" where even though I've still lost weight, my "brain" tells me I've gaiend it all back and what the hell, go ahead and eat the donut.  Weight loss for me is about 90% mental and 10% physical.  I am down almost 30# since September, and sometimes I still feel the same way about my body as I did when I was carrying that weight. 

I would like to get under 200, but I would be happy staying at or below 205 for the time being.  I am bouncing around 205 at the moment.  So for me the challenge is more about maintaining consistency and not falling off the wagon


I am right there with you Chris, the scale says i am 55lbs lighter than the day i got married, when i look into the mirror i still do not like what i see, so that donut can't hurt right??

i wish i had someone with a ruler to crack my knuckles every time i reach for some garbage.


Well, that's you 

My current weight loss is based around a single mental premise, which is to make good choices based on my goal as much as I can every day.  About 30 feet from my office is a HUGE jar - like those Christmas candy jars - that someone keeps filled to the brim with mini candy bars.  I have to walk by it 6-7 times a day.  I used to graze on by, picking up 2, 3, 6, 7, etc....   by the end of the day, it was at least 1 or 2 full bars worth.  That was just that temptation, there were plenty others

Certainly not perfect.  And I know if I have something in the house, it will get eaten.  So if I buy something bad (dark chocolate almonds are my achilles heel), I buy in very small quanitites, like 10 almonds from the bins at the market.   

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