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2011-12-06 9:20 AM
in reply to: #3927566

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group - CLOSED
sirgab - 2011-12-05 10:05 PM

Ernesto and Carol, sorry to hear about the tough race conditions, but kuddos to both for being good troopers and finishing them!  Plus there will be many better races ahead!

I did a long bike ride early Saturday morning in what I felt was a cold day at 50F, but I have nothing to complain after seeing what some of you (especially Chris, Scott and Jen, Mitch and Barry) have to put up with, even talking about dealing with frostbite...

However, what I'm having a hard time dealing with is the Holiday party season.  I started with parties last Tuesday all the way through Saturday and the next few weeks are not looking any better.  So needless to say, I have been juggling social events and trying to behave as much as possible, along with my training sessions and lack of sleep.  I feel like I'm training more for the party at the end of the IM than the actual IM, so I will be looking forward to the end of the Holidays soon so that I can get into training without any distractions.

Hope everyone is doing well!



Don't bite more than you can chew on, missing training sessions at this point is not a problem at all, trust this twice Ironman on that. You REALLY need to put on the training hat after January 1st, which will be exactly twenty weeks away from IMTX. Just relax, drink, enjoy, get a few workouts in when you can but if you don't train I wouldn't take it as the end of the world.

And by the love of God, sleep!!!!!! The body needs it for IM training, don't forget that tissue regeneration happens 90% while sleeping. The day has only 24 hours, establish your priorities. Training hard right now shouldn't be one of them.



Edited by ernestov 2011-12-06 9:22 AM

2011-12-06 9:26 AM
in reply to: #3927909

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group - CLOSED

scottputnam - 2011-12-06 9:03 AM I did a little over an hour on the indoor trainer in the basement this morning.  It felt alright but I find it more challenging first thing in the morning to stay focused on keeping my cadence up.  But it's better than riding outside at the moment.  As for the cold, I could run in colder conditions if I could keep my fingers warm.  At some point it just isn't safe though as I've heard stories about people's lungs freezing and getting pneumonia.  Fortunately here in Colorado it doesn't stay really cold for long stretches like the midwest.  Yesterday was freezing and its supposed to be 46 deg by tomorrow.

Get the "Fight Club" video for training indoors from and you will get some fun, high effort, lots of pain workouts. Trying to ride outside in this weather would be suicidal, right? Running is different though, I ran in pretty miserable conditions (low teens one time) and it's bearable with the right gear.

2011-12-06 9:56 AM
in reply to: #3927966

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Maple Grove, MN
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group - CLOSED
This,7120,s6-238-267-589-7442-0,00... is a funny and informative article on whether cold weather running is bad for you.

It is 12 F here now, and I am planning on running this afternoon.

Equipment: VFF Bikilas with Injinji smart wool toe socks. CW-X insulator running tights. Craft wind block underwear (very important for preventing what is humorously described in article above). long sleeve tech shirt, fleece running jacket and (maybe) cross country ski windbreaker over that. Running gloves, running hat.

The article says when it is very cold (like -40 F which is also -40 C) then you have to make sure to breath through something so that the cold air gets humidified on the way into your throat. (You are recycling the humidity in your breath.)
2011-12-06 11:21 AM
in reply to: #3436601

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group - CLOSED

Some (hot weather) running gear that you may want to check:

2011-12-06 11:25 AM
in reply to: #3928221

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Maple Grove, MN
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group - CLOSED
ernestov - 2011-12-06 11:21 AM

Some (hot weather) running gear that you may want to check:

That was funny and showed it is actually possible for a runners to look more silly than they already do (which I hadn't thought was possible).
2011-12-06 3:14 PM
in reply to: #3436601

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Colorado Springs
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group - CLOSED
Running below 30 is not possible for me until I get the right gear.  As I am a true beginner I actually have to wear Scott's under armor pants to run below 40 since I don't have any.  I have a few shirts but at this point haven't been able to get anything else other than a hat.  As Scott mentioned before the gloves we have don't keep our fingers warm enough and we can't double up because it cuts off the circulation to my hands.  Been under the weather do to weather (and chocolate that I can't digest).  Going to still try to get a bike session in but Scott feels that I may be to dehydrated and to wait until tomorrow.  

2011-12-06 9:56 PM
in reply to: #3436601

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Maple Grove, MN
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group - CLOSED
Ran 4.5 miles today with 16 F temp. Plenty warm with equipment outlined above, even though there was some wind, and could have run much longer if I had had the time. It's just all a matter of having the right equipment.

As for fingers getting cold, I have some head brand running gloves I bought at Costco. At one point my pointer finger got a little cold. I just pulled it out of the finger and curled it up against my palm until it rewarmed. No biggie.

And I really would recommend running outside if you can. It was really beautiful. I ran along my usual route along the Mississippi river, which is just starting to freeze just as it was getting dark. So all the lights of the city, Christmas lights, snow. Sure beats looking at myself in the mirror.

On another note, I forgot to bring my Garmin to work (where I ran from today). So I used Runkeeper on my iPhone. No heart data, but runkeeper automatically uploads to their website. I was then able to export a gpx file from to my computer and then upload that to So I still have data for the run at the garmin site. Pretty cool.

Edited by chris2533 2011-12-06 10:00 PM
2011-12-07 3:45 PM
in reply to: #3436601

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group - CLOSED
Today was first run since Nov. 30th.  I was horribly cranky last night and I think it was due to no runs in last few days.  I cycled on the Drainer yesterday and carved out some time midday to run outside.  It was a mostly sunny day with temps in mid 30's.  4 miles at a tempo sort of pace - felt GREAT!
2011-12-07 3:53 PM
in reply to: #3436601

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group - CLOSED

Sorry to hear you are all battling some miserable weather up there. When I was living in Chicago it was always inspiring to check my BT friend´s blog in winter, who lives, trains and races in Regina, Canada. They have probably the harshest weather conditions in the civilised world. His BT name is windnsnow and he even managed to do IM Canada 3 times.

Here in Bogota we´re getting one storm after another every single day. Only early mornings are sort of dry. My park is turning into a mudpool, but somehow the running track is usable. If only I could adjust my messed up sleeping pattern to get up early...

2011-12-07 4:16 PM
in reply to: #3436601

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group - CLOSED

I am terribly busy at work, again... Things are a bit outta hand right now but the good news is that I'll be in Fort Myers for three days (friday, saturday and sunday) so I may be able to get a couple of runs on the beach. Smile

The thread is quiet once again, maybe we should come up with another challenge. Tongue out Ideas?

2011-12-07 4:19 PM
in reply to: #3436601

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group - CLOSED
I was excited to see the sun today - no way I was running in doors.  My rule is that I will run outside if it isn't icy and isn't raining (during the winter months).  I also struggle to run in the extreme cold if its dark outside - always fearful that I'll hit ice.  I had a nasty fall (on ice) a couple years ago where my feet went forward and I came down square on my back.  It took months before my back felt right.  I was lucky I didn't hit my head.  I was running with my dog that day and as I recovered, on my back, on the ground, he just sat there...staring at me with his tongue wagging - I'm assuming he was thinking what is this crazy human doing running through the ice and snow....

2011-12-07 4:46 PM
in reply to: #3930195

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group - CLOSED
ernestov - 2011-12-07 3:16 PM

I am terribly busy at work, again... Things are a bit outta hand right now but the good news is that I'll be in Fort Myers for three days (friday, saturday and sunday) so I may be able to get a couple of runs on the beach. Smile

The thread is quiet once again, maybe we should come up with another challenge. Tongue out Ideas?

E, thanks for your advice on moderating my IM training during the holidays and then going strong from Jan. 1 on-wards, it makes sense and if it worked for you it has to work for me!

Regarding a challenge, we could do a holiday party challenge and log in our party days, although it might not be fair because I', probably way ahead than most Cool  (maybe Mark is up there as well now that he is enjoying life in Colombia!)   

2011-12-07 5:20 PM
in reply to: #3436601

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Colorado Springs
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group - CLOSED
No training here, but managed to decorate the rest of the house for Christmas, wrap gifts and go grocery shopping.  Tomorrow I will get back on my schedule and hit the pool.  Can't wait to be training again.  Nail bed on my toes is still an issue but I'll just tough it out.  
2011-12-07 5:24 PM
in reply to: #3436601

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Maple Grove, MN
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group - CLOSED
I'm moving to Guatemala. It sounds more fun there.
2011-12-07 8:28 PM
in reply to: #3436601

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group - CLOSED

One thing I do miss a lot about Argentina is the fun in the Holidays, over there it is summer so you get to spend Christmas on your flip flops and drunk. And the festive environment... I guess the cold weather tones people down in this part of the world.

I bet Gabe would beat us all again at Holiday parties, I'll pass on that challenge!

On a different note, I'm finally getting my Computrainer on Tuesday, it seems like they shipped it from Mars or something. But it is coming with some interesting videos, and I won't depend on the weather (or time) to get my bike workouts in so very happy here. That is my self gift for Christmas.

2011-12-08 10:43 AM
in reply to: #3436601

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group - CLOSED

If anybody is looking to buy some gear, you can sign up for Schwaggle deals from (which is like a Groupon for triathletes) and get discounts. Today they are offering $125 worth of anything you want to buy from for $75.

Mitch, this could help you save some for the 910XT you're thinking about buying. They have the version without the HR monitor for $399 and with the HR for $449, and with the discount it would be an extra $50 less.

2011-12-08 2:24 PM
in reply to: #3436601

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Colorado Springs
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group - CLOSED

If anybody is looking to buy some gear, you can sign up for Schwaggle deals from (which is like a Groupon for triathletes) and get discounts. Today they are offering $125 worth of anything you want to buy from for $75.

I LOVE Schwaggle.  That's how I have been getting some of my gear they put up some great deals!!

Went for a swim this morning.  It was slow as always and I could feel the weakness in my arms.  I am back on my old schedule for training.  It is still a huge problem when it takes so many strokes to get to the end of the pool.  More time in the water I guess. 

2011-12-08 7:55 PM
in reply to: #3436601

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Colorado Springs
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group - CLOSED
Did a Spinervals Recovery and Technique session with Scott on the trainer.  Managed to push out 9.6 miles.  Not bad considering I've been out for a bit and all the one leg drills we had to do.  Could really feel it in my legs.  Heart rate was a bit higher than I would have liked but I had taken an Excederin about 10 minutes prior to the start of the workout.
2011-12-08 8:35 PM
in reply to: #3436601

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Colorado Springs
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group - CLOSED
10.28 miles in 45 minutes on the indoor bike trainer tonight.  Lots of super spins and one-legged drills that I know are good for me but arent that fun. 
2011-12-09 7:36 AM
in reply to: #3931081

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group - CLOSED
ernestov - 2011-12-08 10:43 AM

If anybody is looking to buy some gear, you can sign up for Schwaggle deals from (which is like a Groupon for triathletes) and get discounts. Today they are offering $125 worth of anything you want to buy from for $75.

Mitch, this could help you save some for the 910XT you're thinking about buying. They have the version without the HR monitor for $399 and with the HR for $449, and with the discount it would be an extra $50 less.

Thanks for the head's up!  Decided to buy from REI last night.  With my REI membership I get back 10% and get their lifetime satisfaction guarantee.  3 years from now if it starts to malfunction they'll take it back/exchange it.

2011-12-09 12:49 PM
in reply to: #3436601

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group - CLOSED

Gabe, I will have to pass this Christmas challenge too...I noticed I couldn't drink here (much). This altitude makes me lightheaded all the time. One beer and I feel it... sorry. I will just stick with occasional running.

Christmas spirit in full swing here. We also have fireworks at night, although illegal in this city. It's all happening.

Edited by markz 2011-12-09 1:11 PM

2011-12-11 12:13 PM
in reply to: #3436601

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group - CLOSED
Hey gang! Today our friend Gabriel celebrates his birthday. Happy barf day Gabe!
2011-12-11 1:09 PM
in reply to: #3436601

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group - CLOSED
Happy Birthday Gabriel! I will drink one cerveza today for you. Have a great day!
2011-12-11 1:32 PM
in reply to: #3436601

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group - CLOSED

Happy Birthday Gabe!

Got outside this morning for a 9 mile run at 6:30am.  So I was thinking as I know its cold when...

...You can't feel your lips after 1 mile

...You "accidentally" create a new flavor of Icee for 7-eleven: Lemon/Lime Electrolyte

...You've always wanted to try Gu Chomps but realize you no longer have to after you eat your Gu Gel that is well on its way to freezing

...You get that great feeling of frozen snot in your nose

...When you get done and are back inside the warmth you spend 30 minutes with horrible itching in your extremities as the blood finally returns to the skin

I'm sure others can add to the list!

2011-12-11 5:58 PM
in reply to: #3436601

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Colorado Springs
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group - CLOSED

Happy Birthday Gabe!

I'm glad I didn't have to run in the cold today.  It warmed up to over 40 here today so it was a nice shorts and tshirt running day.  It was a bit slow due to a fast run yesterday and all the snow on the trail I run on.  9.2 miles in 1 hr 32 mins.

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