BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2012-03-20 2:38 PM
in reply to: #4105208

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Payson, AZ
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED
ChrisM - 2012-03-20 12:22 PM

Morning from the west coast.   OK, afternoon....  I've had three really great weeks and suddenly I've got a motivation problem.  Probably all part of taper.  Backing things off to about 70%, and a bit tired, so maybe that plays into it was well.  I am certainly not feeling spritely.

Did get my 4 miles in this morning, somewhat hilly.  Hips (tightness) seem to be hanging in, they get a bit tight sitting at work but seem to resolve (knock wood) over 12-24 hours.

Swim tonight.

Currently obsessively watching the Oceanside weather.  I know that weather forecasts today mean nothing 10-12 days from now, but I still do it anyway, just to drive myself crazy I guess.  I would have to make a decision whether I would race if it was raining due to medication issues.  Probably would, just wouldn't be a no brainer

Don't forget you wanted the science to staying sharp during taper.  keep that in mind, this is the reason your still working out these two weeks, not for fitness but so that you are race ready.

I also have a lot of tightness in my hip so I went to ART today and I feel immediate relief.  Going back next Tue as well.  Oh, and maybe I will do that stretching thing.

I am not watching the weather in Galveston though, but I also don't have to.  All my Texas friends are keeping me up to date.  I have them to obsess for me.  lol

2012-03-20 2:43 PM
in reply to: #4105205

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED
golfpro - 2012-03-20 3:21 PM

Just got out of the Dr's office- the low down is I have a torn meniscus. I have a scheduled appointment to see the Orthopedic Surgeon on 4/9. 

In the meantime there will be some swimming and maybe some bike sessions depending on how the knee feels. It could be worse. My guess the May race is a no go and Eagleman a possible No-Go. It all depends what the ortho says. I might have to look at some swim races

Sorry to hear that.  Was this a nagging injury that eventually got worse or was there an event that triggered it?  I know you ran alot on your vacation...was it overuse from that?

Either way...hope its a quick recovery.

2012-03-20 2:43 PM
in reply to: #4105205

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2012-03-20 2:50 PM
in reply to: #4105205

Norwalk, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED
golfpro - 2012-03-20 3:21 PM

Just got out of the Dr's office- the low down is I have a torn meniscus. I have a scheduled appointment to see the Orthopedic Surgeon on 4/9. 

In the meantime there will be some swimming and maybe some bike sessions depending on how the knee feels. It could be worse. My guess the May race is a no go and Eagleman a possible No-Go. It all depends what the ortho says. I might have to look at some swim races


dood that sucks, that rules out golf also huh??

A little off topic, but have you ever played speed golf??  it is a serious question, i know sometimes i am a little outa left field, if not, have you heard of speed golf??

2012-03-20 2:51 PM
in reply to: #4105205

Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED
golfpro - 2012-03-20 12:21 PM

Just got out of the Dr's office- the low down is I have a torn meniscus. I have a scheduled appointment to see the Orthopedic Surgeon on 4/9. 

In the meantime there will be some swimming and maybe some bike sessions depending on how the knee feels. It could be worse. My guess the May race is a no go and Eagleman a possible No-Go. It all depends what the ortho says. I might have to look at some swim races

Sorry to hear about the races.... and the torn meniscus.  But at least now you know what it is and can deal with it?  Small comfort, I know

2012-03-20 2:51 PM
in reply to: #4105237

Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED
TSimone - 2012-03-20 12:38 PM
ChrisM - 2012-03-20 3:22 PM

Morning from the west coast.   OK, afternoon....  I've had three really great weeks and suddenly I've got a motivation problem.  Probably all part of taper.  Backing things off to about 70%, and a bit tired, so maybe that plays into it was well.  I am certainly not feeling spritely.

Did get my 4 miles in this morning, somewhat hilly.  Hips (tightness) seem to be hanging in, they get a bit tight sitting at work but seem to resolve (knock wood) over 12-24 hours.

Swim tonight.

Currently obsessively watching the Oceanside weather.  I know that weather forecasts today mean nothing 10-12 days from now, but I still do it anyway, just to drive myself crazy I guess.  I would have to make a decision whether I would race if it was raining due to medication issues.  Probably would, just wouldn't be a no brainer

Chris-not sure if it will help but I "borrowed" this link from Fred's training log.  Since I started doing these my hip issues have nearly vanished.  Along with my piriformis issues.

By the way, thanks Fred.  Been meaning to mention that.


I think my issues stem from knots in the glutes so this might help... thanks, I'll start giving these a try

2012-03-20 2:53 PM
in reply to: #4105239

Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED
bzgl40 - 2012-03-20 12:38 PM
ChrisM - 2012-03-20 12:22 PM

Morning from the west coast.   OK, afternoon....  I've had three really great weeks and suddenly I've got a motivation problem.  Probably all part of taper.  Backing things off to about 70%, and a bit tired, so maybe that plays into it was well.  I am certainly not feeling spritely.

Did get my 4 miles in this morning, somewhat hilly.  Hips (tightness) seem to be hanging in, they get a bit tight sitting at work but seem to resolve (knock wood) over 12-24 hours.

Swim tonight.

Currently obsessively watching the Oceanside weather.  I know that weather forecasts today mean nothing 10-12 days from now, but I still do it anyway, just to drive myself crazy I guess.  I would have to make a decision whether I would race if it was raining due to medication issues.  Probably would, just wouldn't be a no brainer

Don't forget you wanted the science to staying sharp during taper.  keep that in mind, this is the reason your still working out these two weeks, not for fitness but so that you are race ready.

I also have a lot of tightness in my hip so I went to ART today and I feel immediate relief.  Going back next Tue as well.  Oh, and maybe I will do that stretching thing.

I am not watching the weather in Galveston though, but I also don't have to.  All my Texas friends are keeping me up to date.  I have them to obsess for me.  lol

Yeah, getting my bi weekly massage tomorrow, that has helped.  Should probably do it weekly.

Knock wood again, this is only one of two big races I've ever gone into not *having* to go see my ART guy.  When I am running I am afraid the other shoe - in the form of a pulled calf - is going to drop.  I try not to give that any mental energy though.

2012-03-20 2:57 PM
in reply to: #3946905

Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED

Question for the group.  Not sure I'll do it for California, but at what point would you or did you start using an aero helmet? 

I am not particularly fast on the bike, and have always dismissed aero gadgets (except the wheels I guess) since I never felt fast enough to justify them.  But now I've lost a bit of weight and may be a bit faster.....  And I figure why handicap myself?  Plus it's always fun to buy new toys 

I just don't want to be that Fred riding 10 mph in an aero helmet  :^  (LOL, not our Fred  )

Edited by ChrisM 2012-03-20 3:09 PM
2012-03-20 3:05 PM
in reply to: #4105278

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2012-03-20 4:30 PM
in reply to: #4105205

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2012-03-20 4:32 PM
in reply to: #4105237

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2012-03-20 4:33 PM
in reply to: #4105278

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2012-03-20 4:35 PM
in reply to: #3946905

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2012-03-20 4:43 PM
in reply to: #4105441

Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED

Fred D - 2012-03-20 2:35 PM I ran on the treadmill at lunch. I used heel lifts (from a previous calf injury several years ago) and it helped a lot. Least painful run in several months. There's hope....

Great news my friend

2012-03-20 5:15 PM
in reply to: #4105247

Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED
rymac - 2012-03-20 3:43 PM
golfpro - 2012-03-20 3:21 PM

Just got out of the Dr's office- the low down is I have a torn meniscus. I have a scheduled appointment to see the Orthopedic Surgeon on 4/9. 

In the meantime there will be some swimming and maybe some bike sessions depending on how the knee feels. It could be worse. My guess the May race is a no go and Eagleman a possible No-Go. It all depends what the ortho says. I might have to look at some swim races

Sorry to hear that.  Was this a nagging injury that eventually got worse or was there an event that triggered it?  I know you ran alot on your vacation...was it overuse from that?

Either way...hope its a quick recovery.

I think it was too many miles too fast. I did not have a lingering issue that I was aware of by I've felt pain in the past on the knees. I am hoping is a quick recovery as well.

2012-03-20 5:21 PM
in reply to: #4105256

Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED
Rudedog55 - 2012-03-20 3:50 PM
golfpro - 2012-03-20 3:21 PM

Just got out of the Dr's office- the low down is I have a torn meniscus. I have a scheduled appointment to see the Orthopedic Surgeon on 4/9. 

In the meantime there will be some swimming and maybe some bike sessions depending on how the knee feels. It could be worse. My guess the May race is a no go and Eagleman a possible No-Go. It all depends what the ortho says. I might have to look at some swim races


dood that sucks, that rules out golf also huh??

A little off topic, but have you ever played speed golf??  it is a serious question, i know sometimes i am a little outa left field, if not, have you heard of speed golf??

Yeah, torquing on my left side hurts as I finish the golf swing. It is going to be tough as I teach , so showing students what to do does present some issues. I guess is one of those where you take advil/aleve , grit your teeth, feel the pain, and forgettaboutit.

I've done speed golf to raise money or marathon golf trying to get as many holes as possible in a day in an event to raise money for a good cause. It is fun but I have not come across those players who do it on a routinely basis and go out there and run for 1. something hours and get a workout as well. 


2012-03-20 6:14 PM
in reply to: #4105496

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2012-03-20 7:35 PM
in reply to: #4105545

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2012-03-21 2:42 AM
in reply to: #3946905

Extreme Veteran
Northampton, UK
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED
Had an interesting swim last night. Managed to set a new best time for 400m (though only by 2 secs). The odd thing was that it was during an 800m warm up! Guess it can't be long now before I finally get a sub 8 400m.
2012-03-21 4:49 AM
in reply to: #4105651

Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED
TSimone - 2012-03-20 8:35 PM

Had a really good swim today and a not so good run.  I used a pull bouy for the first time.  That was interesting in that I felt like I was wobbling all over the place.  My main set was 12x100.  All were between 1:40-1:45.  A first for me.  The run was rough.  Just couldn't hold a decent pace tonight.

Anything special I need to know about the pull bouy from you fish types out there? 

Try to position the pull buoy so that you maintain your regular body position while swimming.  Hopefully it is correct.  When starting use in moderation.  I also use pull buoy to work on my rotation and hip drive.  If you still want to flutter kick you can band your ankles together.
I also use paddles with a pull buoy.  Caution if you have any shoulder issues lay low on the paddles.  If you have good form and technique crush them.
btw: Swim paraphernalia is/are just tools to help improve various things in swimming.  Never to be replaced by just swimming. 


Edited by tasr 2012-03-21 5:31 AM
2012-03-21 5:15 AM
in reply to: #3946905

Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED

Hey Gang,
I am calling it; after yesterdays swim my swim fitness is back.  Actual at looking at last years logs I think I am even a bit faster.  The best news is I think I can still improve.  I know swimming with Lindsay brought it around quicker. 
I have an AM run and a PM bike today.  What is on for everyone else?  Have a great day training.


2012-03-21 5:17 AM
in reply to: #4105441

Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED

Fred D - 2012-03-20 5:35 PM I ran on the treadmill at lunch. I used heel lifts (from a previous calf injury several years ago) and it helped a lot. Least painful run in several months. There's hope....

This is really GREAT news!  Laughing

2012-03-21 5:21 AM
in reply to: #4105205

Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED
golfpro - 2012-03-20 3:21 PM

Just got out of the Dr's office- the low down is I have a torn meniscus. I have a scheduled appointment to see the Orthopedic Surgeon on 4/9. 

In the meantime there will be some swimming and maybe some bike sessions depending on how the knee feels. It could be worse. My guess the May race is a no go and Eagleman a possible No-Go. It all depends what the ortho says. I might have to look at some swim races

Hang in there Thomas.  You will heal and this time will pass. 


2012-03-21 5:44 AM
in reply to: #4105957

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2012-03-21 5:44 AM
in reply to: #4105932

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