BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED! Rss Feed  
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2010-07-18 7:08 PM
in reply to: #2769226

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2010-07-18 7:17 PM
in reply to: #2769226

Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
Congratulations Margot!!!!   Way to go!!!Smile
2010-07-18 9:13 PM
in reply to: #2769226

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
Margot got it done and set a PR. Wooo Hoooo.
2010-07-18 9:16 PM
in reply to: #2769226

Sun Prairie, WI
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
Quick update before I hit the bed. 

Weather was hot as predicted, low 90's with around 80% humidity.  This definetly affected how I approached the race.

- Swim was not great, didn't get into a good rythmn until about 80% of the way through.  Time is a little deceptive, about a 1/4 mile run up to the transition mat, no joke, which all counted toward swim time.  I actually was a minute or two quicker than my last HIM so all in all not to bad.

-  Biggest issue of the day, running out of T1 with my bike, front wheel catches something and the bike goes flying.  I jump over the bike, in biking shoes of course, and proceed to kick/break off my left arm rest thing completely off my bike.  I have the flip up type, well I have it on the right side now.  Anyway this of course affected my ability to get in the aero position.  I was able to rest my fore arms on my base bar for about 1/2 mile at a time before they started to really hurt.  By doing this I was also about 2 inches lower than normal as well.  Back was really feeling it toward the end of the ride.  On the positive side I guess I was a little more aero  I would then ride on the normal drops for awhile.  I have standard road bars on a road bike with clip on type aero bars.  Fore arms are now really bruised/sore.

   This really cool move also jacked up my chain so I had to fix that too.  Must have looked pretty sweet for the spectators Overall the arm rest thing and the chain probably cost me a few minutes on the bike leg, but I'm not complaining.

   Drank a lot of fluids on the bike, took about 4-5 endurolytes as well as gels and the Powerbar Perform drink. 

-  Run was hot and the day was taking it's toll.  Slower than I wanted but I only walked about 2 minutes the entire race.  As you can imagine there was a lot of carnage taking place on the run.  Heat affected me most on the run, that and two blisters the size of Canada.  A big storm cloud rolled through and dropped about 1/2 of rain in about 5 minutes and then moved on.  Rain felt great but when the sun started to cook the rain off the road the humidity went through the roof. 

I had a great overall day and this is a PR for me by 27 minutes from my last HIM.

I will write a race report in the next couple of days, thanks for all the positive thoughts.
2010-07-18 9:43 PM
in reply to: #2988479

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
Kath2163 - 2010-07-18 8:17 PM Congratulations Margot!!!!   Way to go!!!Smile


You are an IRONMAN 70.3 FINISHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2010-07-18 9:47 PM
in reply to: #2988710

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
GRB1 - 2010-07-18 10:16 PM Quick update before I hit the bed. 

Weather was hot as predicted, low 90's with around 80% humidity.  This definetly affected how I approached the race.

- Swim was not great, didn't get into a good rythmn until about 80% of the way through.  Time is a little deceptive, about a 1/4 mile run up to the transition mat, no joke, which all counted toward swim time.  I actually was a minute or two quicker than my last HIM so all in all not to bad.

-  Biggest issue of the day, running out of T1 with my bike, front wheel catches something and the bike goes flying.  I jump over the bike, in biking shoes of course, and proceed to kick/break off my left arm rest thing completely off my bike.  I have the flip up type, well I have it on the right side now.  Anyway this of course affected my ability to get in the aero position.  I was able to rest my fore arms on my base bar for about 1/2 mile at a time before they started to really hurt.  By doing this I was also about 2 inches lower than normal as well.  Back was really feeling it toward the end of the ride.  On the positive side I guess I was a little more aero  I would then ride on the normal drops for awhile.  I have standard road bars on a road bike with clip on type aero bars.  Fore arms are now really bruised/sore.

   This really cool move also jacked up my chain so I had to fix that too.  Must have looked pretty sweet for the spectators Overall the arm rest thing and the chain probably cost me a few minutes on the bike leg, but I'm not complaining.

   Drank a lot of fluids on the bike, took about 4-5 endurolytes as well as gels and the Powerbar Perform drink. 

-  Run was hot and the day was taking it's toll.  Slower than I wanted but I only walked about 2 minutes the entire race.  As you can imagine there was a lot of carnage taking place on the run.  Heat affected me most on the run, that and two blisters the size of Canada.  A big storm cloud rolled through and dropped about 1/2 of rain in about 5 minutes and then moved on.  Rain felt great but when the sun started to cook the rain off the road the humidity went through the roof. 

I had a great overall day and this is a PR for me by 27 minutes from my last HIM.

I will write a race report in the next couple of days, thanks for all the positive thoughts.

Glad to hear you are ok after the sweet move you pulled in T1 maybe i should try that bc ur bike split was fantastic!!
Overall it sounds like you had a great race...adapted to the conditions...and kicked some a$$! great job!!

2010-07-18 11:23 PM
in reply to: #2769226

Extreme Veteran
San Francisco CA
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
Hi everyone! Wow, thanks for tracking me that was so nice to come back to! I'll get caught up and give you all a longer update tomorrow but just wanted to pop in tonight before I hit the hay and say hello.

I ended up having the race of my life today, it by FAR exceeded my expectations. My goal was to finish in less than 8 hours and I ended up finishing in 7:37:11. Swim felt great and was on my expected pace. Bike (my weakness) flew by and I ended up averaging almost a whole mph more than I did on all of my training rides. I had a huge grin the entire time. It was so ridiculously fun. For the run I planned to walk the uphills and aid stations and run the rest. Felt really strong until mile 7 when the sun and the heat got to me. Slowed down a bit from there and was in a lot of pain the last 3 miles, but finished up strong. It was an awesome experience, and much, much more fun than the sprint and olympic distance races I've done. I guess I'm one of those people who likes to suffer for longer. Smile 

Hoping to have a full race report tomorrow!
2010-07-18 11:28 PM
in reply to: #2769226

Thornton, CO
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
Great job out there Margot.  Those last 3 miles can be pretty ruff.  Glad to hear you did so much better than your goal time  Now that you know you like the distance... when's the next one? ;-)
2010-07-18 11:30 PM
in reply to: #2988710

Thornton, CO
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
GRB1 - 2010-07-18 8:16 PM Quick update before I hit the bed. 

Weather was hot as predicted, low 90's with around 80% humidity.  This definetly affected how I approached the race.

- Swim was not great, didn't get into a good rythmn until about 80% of the way through.  Time is a little deceptive, about a 1/4 mile run up to the transition mat, no joke, which all counted toward swim time.  I actually was a minute or two quicker than my last HIM so all in all not to bad.

-  Biggest issue of the day, running out of T1 with my bike, front wheel catches something and the bike goes flying.  I jump over the bike, in biking shoes of course, and proceed to kick/break off my left arm rest thing completely off my bike.  I have the flip up type, well I have it on the right side now.  Anyway this of course affected my ability to get in the aero position.  I was able to rest my fore arms on my base bar for about 1/2 mile at a time before they started to really hurt.  By doing this I was also about 2 inches lower than normal as well.  Back was really feeling it toward the end of the ride.  On the positive side I guess I was a little more aero  I would then ride on the normal drops for awhile.  I have standard road bars on a road bike with clip on type aero bars.  Fore arms are now really bruised/sore.

   This really cool move also jacked up my chain so I had to fix that too.  Must have looked pretty sweet for the spectators Overall the arm rest thing and the chain probably cost me a few minutes on the bike leg, but I'm not complaining.

   Drank a lot of fluids on the bike, took about 4-5 endurolytes as well as gels and the Powerbar Perform drink. 

-  Run was hot and the day was taking it's toll.  Slower than I wanted but I only walked about 2 minutes the entire race.  As you can imagine there was a lot of carnage taking place on the run.  Heat affected me most on the run, that and two blisters the size of Canada.  A big storm cloud rolled through and dropped about 1/2 of rain in about 5 minutes and then moved on.  Rain felt great but when the sun started to cook the rain off the road the humidity went through the roof. 

I had a great overall day and this is a PR for me by 27 minutes from my last HIM.

I will write a race report in the next couple of days, thanks for all the positive thoughts.

New PR by 27minutes and you managed to hurdle your bike in the process?  Awesome! 
2010-07-18 11:37 PM
in reply to: #2769226

Thornton, CO
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
20 days until until Kathleen and I attack the Boulder 70.3!!!!

Although I was planning on this being a warmup for the HIM I really care about (Harvest Moon Long Course in September) if I don't get a job soon I won't be able to afford to register for the Harvest Moon race and the Boulder 70.3 will have to replace it as an A priority race... even though I won't be peaking for it. 
2010-07-19 8:24 AM
in reply to: #2988864

Subject: ...
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2010-07-19 8:26 AM
in reply to: #2769226

Subject: ...
This user's post has been ignored.
2010-07-19 8:33 AM
in reply to: #2769226

Sun Prairie, WI
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
Forgot to mention, that when we returned to the hotel, I go upstairs to get cleaned up and shower.  In the mean time my wife is downstairs at the pool with our kids and friends, hanging out and talking with Craig Alexander.  I show up and he had of course left already.  Reports are that he and his friends are really nice.  He was probably in a good mood after having won the pro division.  On the bright side, I was nice and clean.
2010-07-19 1:49 PM
in reply to: #2989229

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
GRB1 -  On the bright side, I was nice and clean.

haha. that stinks about you missing seeing him! i have met a couple of pro's and one thing I have found is that they are all really respectful, "normal people"..not full of themselves...and just love the sport.

2010-07-19 1:50 PM
in reply to: #2989206

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
PennState -

Josh, Sara, Dylan and myself will all be on the ironman course in 6 days

so scary yet SO GREAT!
2010-07-19 3:48 PM
in reply to: #2769226

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
We'll be following all of you at LP online. Just think while you're riding or running that there are people not even in LP that are cheering you on and keeping track of your progress. This is such a huge accomplishment for everyone regardless if you have ever completed an IM before or not. All of your hard work for these many months will be shown this weekend.

2010-07-19 5:39 PM
in reply to: #2769226

Sun Prairie, WI
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
Thanks for all the well wishes.

Good luck to all you IMLP racers, I'm excited to follow your progress on race day.  No doubt your all going to do well.

On a side note did anyone hear from Idealmuse?  She is part of our group but has been pretty quite lately, she was scheduled to race a HIM this past weekend as well.  Hope she did well.

2010-07-19 10:54 PM
in reply to: #2769226

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
Great races this weekend everyone!! WOOHOO! It's been fun "tracking" people I "know"! Looking forward to meeting the guys in real life. Woohoo!  Fred-I PMed you about the swim, Josh and Dylan-I think I PMed you my celly number.  My husband is volunteering in the med tent this weekend (he's an ortho p.a.) and wants to get his own LP spot for next year.

At this point, I'm pretty done freaking out.  Now I'm looking online for answers to stupid questions and I can't find them (sorry boys, not sure if you can answer whether or not a sports bra counts as a 'race top'... I saw in the athletes guide that we need to wear a shirt/race top at all times and I was hoping that my Athena frame could sport a shirtless ensemble for the run-I can't find any dry fit shirts that I honestly think I'll be comfy in for the run).

Best news? My boss okayed me to use TWO days of sick time for the Monday and Tuesday after our race!!! (I'm new to the job-started in January-and I don't have vacation time until January 2011, boo).

Happy training y'all!! Tomorrow is a rest day for me!

But before I head to bed... can someone advise on sleeveless vs full sleeved wetsuits for the IM distance swim?  A friend is letting me borrow her sleeveless suit. I LOVED it!  I loved the full range of motion I had, I felt like I was able to reach and pull SO much better. OWS tonight there were people who were swimming at a much closer pace to me than usual.  How much should I worry about my free speed with the full sleeves vs slower pace with the sleeveless?  I've been told that comfort is key on race day...which makes me want to stick with the sleeveless, but I also want to put up the best swim time I can... I've swam 2.4 miles in the full sleeves in 78* water several times, so I know I can do it, it's just that I get really hot in the process.  Would I just focus on hydrating better on the bike in this case? 
2010-07-19 11:32 PM
in reply to: #2990998

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
GRB1 - 2010-07-19 5:39 PM

Thanks for all the well wishes.

On a side note did anyone hear from Idealmuse?  She is part of our group but has been pretty quite lately, she was scheduled to race a HIM this past weekend as well.  Hope she did well.


Yeah believe it or not I'm still here, and I still read... I just got quiet for awhile and then felt a bit embarrassed about chiming back in because of it... but thanks for asking!

My HIM went very well over all still working on the race report. Fairly nice weather except for an hour of rain on the bike. Door County Half Ironman is so incredibly run and I'm really happy I picked that one over some of the others I considered.

Overall time was 7:24 - Swim as expected, Bike slightly better then expected, and run took longer because I decided to go into a 5run/1walk after mile 2 for a few reasons... but still ran the whole thing other then those 1min walks and just one 5 minute walk break to chew on some ice.

Even if you double my time and add an hour for IM plus an extra hour for the hills... I should be able to make IMOO happen.

Congrats on everyone who raced this past weekend and good luck with next weekend!!! I'm off to go look for your race reports.
2010-07-20 12:16 AM
in reply to: #2991564

Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
IdealMuse - 2010-07-19 10:32 PM
GRB1 - 2010-07-19 5:39 PM Thanks for all the well wishes.

On a side note did anyone hear from Idealmuse?  She is part of our group but has been pretty quite lately, she was scheduled to race a HIM this past weekend as well.  Hope she did well.

Yeah believe it or not I'm still here, and I still read... I just got quiet for awhile and then felt a bit embarrassed about chiming back in because of it... but thanks for asking! My HIM went very well over all still working on the race report. Fairly nice weather except for an hour of rain on the bike. Door County Half Ironman is so incredibly run and I'm really happy I picked that one over some of the others I considered. Overall time was 7:24 - Swim as expected, Bike slightly better then expected, and run took longer because I decided to go into a 5run/1walk after mile 2 for a few reasons... but still ran the whole thing other then those 1min walks and just one 5 minute walk break to chew on some ice. Even if you double my time and add an hour for IM plus an extra hour for the hills... I should be able to make IMOO happen. Congrats on everyone who raced this past weekend and good luck with next weekend!!! I'm off to go look for your race reports.

Great to hear from you!  I actually looked you up on the Door County Half Ironman website to see how you did.  It was great following you, Margot and Greg this past weekend.  Though I haven't met anyone "in person" I really have come to enjoy this group and want so much for everyone to have great experiences at their races. Following the Lake Placid group is going to be fun.
Congrats on a great race.
2010-07-20 1:40 AM
in reply to: #2991541

Thornton, CO
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
WittyCityGirl - 2010-07-19 9:54 PM Great races this weekend everyone!! WOOHOO! It's been fun "tracking" people I "know"! Looking forward to meeting the guys in real life. Woohoo!  Fred-I PMed you about the swim, Josh and Dylan-I think I PMed you my celly number.  My husband is volunteering in the med tent this weekend (he's an ortho p.a.) and wants to get his own LP spot for next year.

At this point, I'm pretty done freaking out.  Now I'm looking online for answers to stupid questions and I can't find them (sorry boys, not sure if you can answer whether or not a sports bra counts as a 'race top'... I saw in the athletes guide that we need to wear a shirt/race top at all times and I was hoping that my Athena frame could sport a shirtless ensemble for the run-I can't find any dry fit shirts that I honestly think I'll be comfy in for the run).

Best news? My boss okayed me to use TWO days of sick time for the Monday and Tuesday after our race!!! (I'm new to the job-started in January-and I don't have vacation time until January 2011, boo).

Happy training y'all!! Tomorrow is a rest day for me!

But before I head to bed... can someone advise on sleeveless vs full sleeved wetsuits for the IM distance swim?  A friend is letting me borrow her sleeveless suit. I LOVED it!  I loved the full range of motion I had, I felt like I was able to reach and pull SO much better. OWS tonight there were people who were swimming at a much closer pace to me than usual.  How much should I worry about my free speed with the full sleeves vs slower pace with the sleeveless?  I've been told that comfort is key on race day...which makes me want to stick with the sleeveless, but I also want to put up the best swim time I can... I've swam 2.4 miles in the full sleeves in 78* water several times, so I know I can do it, it's just that I get really hot in the process.  Would I just focus on hydrating better on the bike in this case? 

 I can't speak for IM distance since I haven't been there myself, but I know from my HIM last year I really wished I had a full one, but that's simply because of how cold it was (water and air temp were both cold).  But now I have both types.  I personally will take comfort over any additional (if any) speed one suit over the other might give me.  I prefer the additional mobility the sleeveless gives me.  The full makes me feel like I have to work harder during the swim. But on a cold day, I'll take that feeling over being that much more frozen coming out of the water.  For an IM distance (again, no experience here) I'd suspect that if a full is going to make you overheat in the water you should go for the sleeveless.  Personally I don't want to come out of the water in any more of a nutritional and hydration deficit than I will naturally be in, there's no reason for me to make it worse.  Besides... how much difference are we talking about with sleeves vs no sleeves?  2 seconds per 100m? (random guess)... even in an IM that only adds up to around a minute and 15 seconds.  I'd rather hold onto my hydration in that case and be able to average 3seconds per mile faster during the marathon to make up for it.  That minute (or even 5) isn't going to be the difference of me KQing or something, but the hydration issue could be the difference of being able to run the entire marathon or being forced to walk portions.

Again, just my two cents there.  Comfort trumps everything in my wet suit choice, I never consider whether one or the other would be faster on any given day, races included.

2010-07-20 6:33 AM
in reply to: #2769226

Millersville, MD
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
a sports bra does count as a top.  And I'm not just saying that for selfish reasons... it really does.
2010-07-20 7:23 AM
in reply to: #2991564

Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

IdealMuse - 2010-07-20 12:32 AM
GRB1 - 2010-07-19 5:39 PM Thanks for all the well wishes.

On a side note did anyone hear from Idealmuse?  She is part of our group but has been pretty quite lately, she was scheduled to race a HIM this past weekend as well.  Hope she did well.

Yeah believe it or not I'm still here, and I still read... I just got quiet for awhile and then felt a bit embarrassed about chiming back in because of it... but thanks for asking! My HIM went very well over all still working on the race report. Fairly nice weather except for an hour of rain on the bike. Door County Half Ironman is so incredibly run and I'm really happy I picked that one over some of the others I considered. Overall time was 7:24 - Swim as expected, Bike slightly better then expected, and run took longer because I decided to go into a 5run/1walk after mile 2 for a few reasons... but still ran the whole thing other then those 1min walks and just one 5 minute walk break to chew on some ice. Even if you double my time and add an hour for IM plus an extra hour for the hills... I should be able to make IMOO happen. Congrats on everyone who raced this past weekend and good luck with next weekend!!! I'm off to go look for your race reports.

Great job at your HIM!! You will do great at IMOO!!

Good to hear from you, don't be shy!!

2010-07-20 11:11 AM
in reply to: #2991706

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

JoshKaptur - 2010-07-20 7:33 AM a sports bra does count as a top.  And I'm not just saying that for selfish reasons... it really does.

haha ohh josh. ANy good reason why you know this??

2010-07-20 11:37 AM
in reply to: #2992315

Sun Prairie, WI
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
dharris13 - 2010-07-20 11:11 AM

JoshKaptur - 2010-07-20 7:33 AM a sports bra does count as a top.  And I'm not just saying that for selfish reasons... it really does.

haha ohh josh. ANy good reason why you know this??

Now you got me thinking about the Seinfield episode, Manzear(sp) or Bro?
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